Page 2 umtimmmiwiiiiM""""""" .- I JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Former Lodge Man j To Be Buried Here! ' TB-v-Nnvrc: t.ttv-f Feb 22. JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. d n d i,ki fl'riniiiipil to re- The class of 1921 of St. Mary's Acad Mrs. Belle Robbins had pl ato emy its quarterly social meeting turn to San Franco . oa Saturda y in y rf members response to a tele "f a j Ruth. Agnes Cook, on Sunday. Games her husband was ser ouSiy , at a featured tfae afternoon en. KiuS SI ?LSS; W testament was followed by so south. On Tuesday a message came a chicken Pnhhina hart nassea away i l"aL J,i -rn.fci-'""-. I and the remains are to be snipped to nrp?nn CHtv for interment. The arrangements are not quite complete but services may be held on Sunday. Mr. Robbins resided at Jennings Lodge at one time and went to Call- j fornia for his health two years ago j He Is survived by his wife and one son Howard who is here with, his j mother. A. J. Robbins was a brother j of the deceased. ! Mrs. Robbins is still confined to her bed. I Community Club of Lodge Has Session JENNINGS IjULIIjU., hbo. jjsiMNiiNoro , . , very few social affairs have heen tak- ing place. In some instances entire families are confined to their homes, yet the regular social meeting of the Jennings Lodge Community Club was a very successful affair and was a "500" party, which was held on Wed nesday evening last. Ten tables were arranged for cards, and an admission fee of 10 cents help ed to defray the expenses. Wafers and nnffee were served. Those holding coiiee were seivcu. ii.oo " n . hih scores were Mrs. O. Randall and j .Twnma Madden. receiving pretty ft prizes, consolation favors falling to Mr. Moritz and R. G- Thompson. The meeting is a business one and there will be a Community sing in connection with it, led by Mr. Hender son. Mrs. Moritz Hostess To Luncheon Clubbers JiL'.VJNlINliS LrtJIJUJli, feu. if. : The pretty little home of Mrs. Wm. ; Moritz was open to the members of the Luncheon Club on Wednesday. ! The decorations were suggestive ot i the Valentine time. A delightful part of the afternoon was a number of aesthetic dances given by Miss Evelyn Moritz Covers were laid for fourteen guests the members all being present and ir eluded the Mesdames Jerome Madden; Edward Pearson, U. J. woie, W. I. Blinestone. A. J. Robbins, Fred Ri-Atchpr. Tom Grady. Will Booth, Norman unapmau, iu oiamci, H. Hendry, George Gardner. R. G. Nrnrfnan ChaDman. Carl Starker, R Thompson and the hostess. Clock Handed Down Seven Generations JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. H. H. Emmons has an old fashioned "grandfather's clock" which stands on the floor in their reception hall. It has been handed down for seven gener ations from father to son and is trac ed back to 780 when it belonged to Silas Emmons. This antique time piece keeps accurate time and its en tire mechanism is of wood and the motive power is now furnished by a number of makeshift weights the or iginal leaden weights were discarded when the Emmons family came to Oregon. It has been in the repair shop of Burmeister & Andresen but once and was displayed in their window a few years ago where it attracted a great deal of attention. Lodge People Are Luncheon Guests JENNINGS LODGE, Feb- 22. JENNINGS LODGE. Feb. 22. Mrs. Hugh Fleming and her mother Mr. and Mrs. will Cook a"nd Miss Mrs. Mabel Pierce .was the motif for RUtn cook, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson a very pretty Valentine luncheon given and Miss Florence Wilson attended the bv Mrs. Dennells, at her Portland j valentine party given by the Oregon home last wees, ine oecuiauuiw very beautiful and cleverly carried out in every detail in hearts in the menu as well as the decorations of the rooms. It was a very enjoyable affair. Mrs. Fleming is devoting much of her time to her music both on the piano and voice culture and favored with a number of selections during the afternoon. GRANDSON ARRIVES JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry received rr.T-i last wMV of the arrival of a new erandson, which was born to Mr. j and Mrs. Harischel of Bremerton tnis month. Mrs. Harischel was formerly Miss Myrtle Berry. Phonei: SeUwood 697, Automatic East Side Hill & Manufacturers an dDealers In Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Fcox of Spokane Avenue mmmmm Ef J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Td.pho M. Montgomery and Fifth : 777 77 . .),;, I 9 . ,, ......... .-. .m.,m...,........m.m........m......-........kj ,,, .MMiMMtiM.1M1..Miiii"""Kj hurst nave been recent guests oi tneir I : r MM " N Classmates Enjoy Quarterly Social - -. " . . fio fbo miora which were inter mingled with pussy willows and daf fodils. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook assitsed their daughter in this enjoyable af fair. yclia ' 1 emple Jrlan J - LiUnclieOll oatUTClay , JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22 Mrs. K. L. Newcomb will attend the the Multnomah i hotel on Saturday, February 25, which is given by the Nydia Temple, uaugn ters of The Nile. The ceremonial will take place in the afternoon with a musical program and readings and " . . , ji ivBn f0r the members, the ceremonial JJ' Timiinn Temnle. On Saturday after noon Mr. Newcomb will attend the Shrines ceremonial which will be held at the Auditorium. Dancing Party Is Enjoyed At Lodge TFJVNTNGS LODGE. Feb. 22. -- . - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grady entertained nartv which was enjoyed by the fol lowing guests. Messers and Mesdames R. G. Thompson, Clinton Heath, Nor man Chapman, Carl c- Hole, R. H. Hendry, Edw. Pearson and Mesdames Dion and Truscott and Miss Ruth I Truscott, Howard Truscott and Mr. 1 Rinearson. Coffee and cake were served during the even!!f Henry Woodham to - -. V lSlt In daiiaaa , JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22 Henry Woodham is soon to leave for an extended visit with his brother in Canada. Mr. Woodham will take a much needed rest and his many friends are hoping his vacatiou will be beneficial to him. BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD JRWINOS LODGE. Feb. 22. . . .. , , . versarv of R. Holloway of Portland but owing to illness in the family, the affair was celebrated on Sunday, Feb. i 19 at his Irvington home with a birth day dinner. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holloway and chil dren of this place. PREPARE FOR FISHING JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. Messrs. Wegner and Armstrong are busy during their spare times get ting their boat ready for the spring fishing. They were former residents of Spokane and are lookfng forward to salmon fishing with much pleasure. SNIDER TO ATTEND MEETING OF PASTORS JENTNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. Rev. A. B. Snider will attend the an nual fellowship meeting of the Con gregational pastors which will be held on Thursday and Friday of this week in Portland. Rev. Snider is to take part in the symposium on "Public Worship" which takes place on Friday morning. ATTEND MILL'S PARTY Pitv Woolen mills on Saturday even ing of last week and report a splendid time. TO ATTEND D. A. R. JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. tt-o TOamoti Swart will attend the State Conference of The Daughters Of the American Revolution which will be held on Friday at the Multnomah hotel. This organization is much In terested in the Americanization work. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 22. Mrs. Lizie Statmans of New York has returned home after a two months visit with her sister Mrs. R. J. Wilson, on the river. Mr. and Mrs. C. Butler of Laurel 2136 J John P. Miller, Mgr. Lumber Company PORTLAND, OREGON J 3m cousin, Mrs. E. Eades. Rob. Meyers is excavating for his basement oa the tract recently pur chased from P. B. Madison on Hull Aye. These tracts are rapidly build ing up and is a very desirable location. Mrs. H. Bice of the Roselawn poultry place, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion on Sunday last. Mrs. Janie Lacey Dugger and little son of Portland were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. J. C. Maple oa Thursday. Mrs. A.' L. Roberts and Jerald being additional guests. Ben and Mrs. Losey were dinner guests of Mr. Losey's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Soden at their Portland home on Sunday. W. Tfhitt has gone to ranch at Oak land, Oregon and expects to be gone a month. Chas. Holden has fitted up a room f at his home where he renovated I mattresses and his work being very ' satisfactory is kept busy most of the time and is able to curry wood for same. Mr. Whitney will be at Jennings on Tuesday evening of next week to meet with the Whitney's boys unit here. Mrs. Kuhnshausen has enjoyed a visit from her daughter Mrs. C. V. Rankin of Seattle and" her twin chil dren Ned and Enid who returned to the St und City this week. Mrs. Holden of SeUwood and her brother Harold Wilcox of Redlands have teen visitors at the Lodge caring for the S. L. Wilcox family during their illness. The five members be ing confined to their home at one time. Mrs. Pooler who substituted last week in the canemah school ia now confined to her home with illness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Card entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. Hale and two children of Portland on Sunday. H. M. Hayles and wife motored down from Airlie and were week ena visitors at the Hugh Roberts home re turning on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Buchard and two children are spending February with the latter's parents Mr. .and Mrs. Geo. Berry. Mrs. Berry has been quite ill and her daughter is caring for her. Mrs. Harry Williams has accepted the janitor work at the new church. Miss Grace Davis has been chosen captain of the girls basket ball team at the Oregon City high school. F. B- Madison has recently purchas ed the Weiss property on Addie street. Miss Mary Weinman is entertain ing the la grip at the home of her sis ter Mrs. Waterhouse. Mesdames A. B. Snider, George Pooler and Frank Covert went to Portland on Sunday evening to hear Miss Evangeline Booth and were pleased with the splendid address. Lyle Poe and wife of Portland, who is connected with the O. W. R. & N. office were callers at the Arthur Ro berts home on' Sunday. Mr. Roberts has been ill since Thursday and un able to attend to his duties with the same company. Jack Hampton Sr. enjoyed a visit from his father from Portland on Sun day. Ernest Naef and wife have returned from Monrovia California, whither they' had gone to spent the winter, but owing to the illness of Mr. Naer's father, returned sooner than they had planned to. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins and daughter visited their son at the Open Air Sanitarium on Sunday. Many of our people are enojying a holiday this -w-eek and busily engagea. about their yards. The pupils were dismissed at 10 o'clock and a holiday for them was declared for the rest of the day. Mrs. Zalbrich of Tillamook who has been in the Oregon City hospital where she underwent an operation is recuperating at the home of Olin Ford. S. J. Kiggins of Albany spent a week with his son E. O- Kiggins and family. Mrs. Meade has returned from a Portland hospital very much improv ed in health. Howard Truscott has sufficiently recovered from the flu to attend to his business duties in Portland after being home over a week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C- Briggs entertain ed Portland friends on Sunday. Charles Beuch, a former resident of this nlace and now of Coos Bay, spent Sunday visiting former neighbors on the east side. Mrs. Murphy, an Oregon pioneer, who crossed the plains in 1S38, came out from Portland on Tuesday and spent the day with Dan Jones. Mrs. Murphy is 88 years old and comes un accompanied to the Lodge on her visits. Mrs. Vyvyan Dent and two children will visit a month with her grand mother, Mrs. cridler in Portland while Mr. Dents business interests have call ed him out of town. Mrs. Pierce visited Mrs. O'Neill of Boring last week having been called there when Mrs. O'Neill suffered a stroke of paralyasis. Misses Helen Bellinger and Elsie Bfetz of Seasidt were Saturday visitors with Miss Ruth" Agnes Cook. Mrs. B. M. Hart and Miss Hart at tended the popular opera of Rigoletto at the Auditorium in Portland on Wed nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs of Rose City Park spent Sunday with the W I. Blinestone family. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and Mrs. Randall were business shoppers in Portland on Tuesday. The Grace Guild will be entertain ed at the church Mesdames Geo. and Harry Williams being joint hostesses. The affair will be in keeping with Washington's birthday, Phoebe and Wm. Finley who are at tending high school in Portland spent Wednesday with home folks. Little Lucile O'Brein has beea pre sented with a milch goat. Mr. Jorla mon being the donor of the gift. Warren Swart was a business visi tor at Ridgefield, Wash., on Tuesday. FOR SALE: Cow and 10 thoroughbred Buff Leghorn hens. Mrs. Olive Kes si, Jennings Lodge. j - PACT RESERVATION LOOMS WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Congress would have to give Its consent to any future agreement made under the four-power pacific treaty before it would become binding upon the Unit el States, according to a reservation to the pact tentatively agreed upod today by the senate foreign relations committee. OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OSWEGO ITEMS Mrs. Cora Entertainment Of Artisans Enjoyed OSWEGO, Feb. 22. The Artisans entertained their friends and fellow members Wednesday evening with a party at tbe Grange hall. The hosts were some of the brother Artisans of whom were Bud Fulton, Ernest Zeller, Otto -Johnson and Vernon Centers, who served their guests with baked beans, corn bread and bacon and cof- I fee. Everybody had a wonderful time. These affairs are lots of fun for those who are fortunate enough to attend, them. Washington Day Is Fittingly Observed OSWEGO, Feb. 21. An elaborate Ounriro Washington birthday celebra tion was held at the Oswego grammar school. In addition to fancy dancing, songs and other music, flag drills and a fine program was also furnished by Misa Pettingers class. There was also a flag raiing with the local Boy Scouts officiating. Housewarmiiiff Is Given At Oswego OSWEGO, Feb. 22. A number of friends and relatives gave a surprise house-warming for Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Centers last Friday evening at their home. Cards and refreshments were enjoyed throughout the evening. Mrs. H. E. Campbell Suffering Relapse OSWEGO, Feb. ( 22. Mrs. H. E. Campbell who was' formerly of Oswe i" ct 7iTis.ortt iVsnitsil njrain Mrs. Campbell was in the hospital some time ago for several weeks and was thought to be getting along nice ly but some" how or other took a re lapse and was brought from Kerry, Oregon, to the hospital Sunday. Mr. Campbell is at present at his brother-in-laws at Oswego. Valentine Partv Is Held by Oswego Aid OSWEGO, Feb. 22. The Methodist Aid met at the home of Mrs. A. Wal dorf on Thursday with a good attend ance. The valentine party held at the church by the Aid was also well at- tended and a net sum of vA5 was made which will be used toward the church t repairs. ' Five Hundred Party . ! Tc TTrrw-il-klp Affair 1 XLinjOyJUlt .LiaiJ. OSWEGO, Feb. 22. A Five Hundred party was held-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borghorst Saturday even- Oak Grove News OAK GROVE, Feb. 23. Mr. Hann is convalescing slowly from a severe attack Of grip and Mrs. Hann is quite ill having collapsed last Saturday par- Iiaiiy due to me uervcuus suuu uc- cause of her husband's illness. A nurse is in attendance. Mrs. Cora Ostrom has an attack of la grippe. Helen E. Wilcox our temporary post- mistress received a telegraph Friday to run a wagon to Colton and other of last week that a son itt Rochester, places. Minn., wag quite ill. She thought at hiking party composed, of Misa first she would leave absence and Cora Cash, Miss Dessie Shields, the former postmistress, Valeria G. Misses Ether and Elsie Orem and Penvie was called to take charge of Messrs. Garnet and Allard James the office hut during the evening ar- walked to the camp of the Hult Lum- daughter who is a nurse at La Grande, ,er company. Ore., left at once to the bedside of her Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels visited brother and Mrs. Wilcox resumed Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Daniels last Sun duties of the office again. day. Mrs. V. G. Benvie was elected treas- j Mrs. Fred Wallace of Oregon City urer of the National Alliance Daugb- was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wal ters of Veterans at a meeting neia re- centlr in Portland. Mrs. Ada White and children have recovered from their recent illness. The reception of the Social Service Club which was to have heen held February 16 at the home of Mattie E. Pierce was postponed two weeks be cause of the sudden illness of Mrs. Pierce who is much improved at this time. The church will be in its new lo cation by Saturday if all goes well. A crew of men 'began Monday to raise it from its foundation and have been moving it since. A number of wires had to be cut and crossing the Port land Railway was done by night after cars stopped running. H. H. Princehouse has purchased the lot and the foundation where the church formerly stood and will build in near future. Mrs. Helen Rindle is an assistant at the postoffice. Mrs. F. N. Little is now collector for the Portland Railway Light & Power Co. She succeeds Mrs. V. G. Benvie who served the gas company as collector for nearly six years and the P. R. L. & P. Co. four years. Mrs. V. G. Benvie has been reap pointed Registrar in Clackamas coun ty for the third term of 2 years each. She has quarters, at Little's Confec tionery where all who desire may reg ister. All those who, did not vote at last election or who have changed res idence since should register before the date of election. Books close April 18. Books will be opened March 15. Appropriate exercises were given in I the different grades at our school in Monday. memory of Abraham Lincoln last Mrs. V. G. Benvie spoke on the life of Abraham Lincoln at the Milwaukie Grange last Saturday. H. G. Stark weather spoke on "The Agriculture Bloc in Congress." Miss K. Stein, manager of the Tele phone office, was absent from . her duty last week on account of illness. Mrs. J. F. Robinett Is suffering with bronchical trouble. "Word has been received from Mrs. J. B. Evans of Goble formerly of Oak FEBRUARY 24, 1922. Bullock iimMmMiMWMmMiMHiMiiMHiMiwMMmttMmitttHmamnMnmit ing. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. George Kmrich, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Carl .Bethke, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Centers, Mr .and Mrs. George Bullock. Mrs. I A. Lord won first prize, cora Bullock, booby prize, George Bullock, first gentleman's prize and Carl Bethkey second prize. Delicious refreshments were served. Services Held For Mrs. Andrew Hodges OSWEGO, Feb. 22. Mrs. Cora E. Hodges, wife of Andrew Hodges, who lived at Peets Mountain, near Staf ford, and was well known in Oswego, having at one time lived here, was buried in Oswego cemetery Thursday, after funeral services at her home. The husband and several children survive her. OSWEGO LOCALS OSWEGO, Feb. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wanker and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swartz were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson Tuesday even ing. The hostess served refreshments. Miss Lulu Wanker the chief oper ator of Oswego who has been ill the past week, is now able to attend her work again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton were hosts at a dinner Wednesday evening entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McGrew, Mrs. Grace Burke, Maurice Burke and Edgar McGrew of Portland. Mrs. D. E. Clancy, Mrs. Grace Burke and son Billy will move into the tent city by the lake this week. Mrs. Clancy is the mother of Mrs. Robert Fulton who now lives in the Grove. Mrs. John Bickner was called to Waldport by the serious illness of her father, Mr. Nida, who was formerly of Oswego. The Redmen held a good meeting Tuesday evening. Regular business was transacted with a social time afterward. The "Injuns" all report a good time. The Stevens family is removing from the cottage in the grove to one of the houses of the Leslie Savage ! group. ; Rollie Worthington is able to work I again after a siege of la grippe. I Mrs. Daniel Dalzell entertained a number of ladies Monday afternoon honoring Mrs. Summers. The after noon was spent sewing and later a delicious luncheon was served. Mesdames Boyd and John Bickner attended the meeting of the officers and executive committee of the dis trict No. 1 convention of Rebekah lodges Tuesday at Orient hall in Port- land. Monday Mrs. Donald James and Mrs. Allen Ranger visited Mrs. Mon- roe and her new son at St. Vincents are report- A cleaninS and pressing shop is to be opene(i in the Aemi building, the 'fixtures have already arrived. Herbert Ewing was absent from school Monday, for a slight operation on his ear. Grove that the family has had grip. the Logging Operations CV, -. -. . . Started at MulinO j MULINO, Feb. 14. Mrs. Philip Hult and children spent the week end vis iting relatives and friends in Colton. John Harding has started a butcher shop here in Mulino. He also plans ter Waldorf Jast Sunday. Don Larios of Oregon city was a guest at the Hylton home last Friday evening. Logging operations have. started up at the Hult Lumber company's camp, Mr. Elliott having the logging con tract. The saw mill has also started to run and they are rushed with or ders for lumber. Joe Daniels made a business trip to Oregon City last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Scott who reside up in the foot hills above Molalla came down and visited Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gregory over the week end. Mrs. Mary Crook has gone to Ore gon City to be the guest of her daugh ter Mrs. Fred Wallace. John Hardin,g- made a business trip to Oregon City last Saturday. Miss Tweedie was a visitor to Port land last Saturday. Albert Erickson made a business trip to Oregon City last Monday. Lee Adkins was an Oregon City visitor last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McMorris who have beea living here in Mulino for the last few months have moved to Molalla. Miss Gladys Harmon of Gresham was a week end visitor here in Mulino. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berdine were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Church ill last Sunday. Mrs. Ed Berdine entertained the Ladies Club last Thursday afternoon. Albert Helvey passed through Mu lino on his way to Silver Creek Falls last Sunday. FOR SALE: O. A. C. strain White Leghorn breeding Cockrells. From high egg record, trap nested stock. Prices reasonable. M. R. Weidman, South Oswego, Ore. CATARRH Catarrh is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional condition. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces PJ the system. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE assists Nature In restoring normal conditions. AU Druggists. Circulars tree. F- Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Early Settler Dies At Morrow Station ESTACADA, Feb. 22. Jason Wells Moxley, who died at his home at Mor row station Feb. 12, brief mention of which was made in thes& items last week, was born in Jefferson, N. Y., July 23, 1849. He came to Oregon by the Isthmus in the early seventies and spent some years at Cove and La Grande. He afterwards went to Mon tana, later to British Columbia, where he spent fourteen years trapping near the headwaters of Peace River. He came to this locality in 1910, working : two years on the construction at Rivermill, the same time making a home on the ranch at Morrow Station. He is survived by his widow Annie Moxley, and four children by a previ ous marriage. They are Lee Moxley of Victoria, B. C, Bruce Moxley, of Poison, Montana, Kent Moxley in the aviation service and Mrs. Hubert Den ny of Jefferson, N. Y. Deceased was a member of the Masonic order. He was buried in the Mt. Scott cemetery at Portland. Mrs. Dora Herring and daughter Wava, who have been ill for several days with the grippe, are now on the road to recovery.' R, C. Deming was in Portland last week attending a meeting of repre sentatives of canneries of the north west. Clyde Denny is home for a few days on account of hloodpoisoning in one oi his fingers. For several days W. A. Heylman has been confined to her home on ac count of a bad ocld. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Honegger and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paulsen and two daughters, Georgie and Elizabeth, all of Portland, spent the week-end at the Harkenrider home. Mrs. J. C. Duus had a birthday last Monday and was the recipient of some pretty presents, besides the birthday cake. Miss Lydia Mattson came home from Portland, where she is employed in Lipman Wolfe & Co. store, to atteno. the high school play in which her brother Walter took an active part. There will be a high school debate Friday night, between Estacada and Milwaukie teams, at the high school auditorium. ' After suffering a relapse, Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn is now improving at the home of her sister in Portland. Mrs. Edith Coleman went to Kelso, Wash., last Friday to spend the week end with her daughter. "Aunt Mollv." was represented Mon day night to a full house at the audi torium, by the graduating class of '22. Misses Ankron and Nova Smith fur nished piano music for the occasion. Mrs. Carrie Denny was in Portland last week visiting her daughter Grace, who is a nurse at the Good Samaritan hospital. Mrs. J. C. Hamilton and son Joha. spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Schock. Motorman Irving Smith had a lay-off Monday and was at home for a few hours. R. L. Douglass, of The Dalles, was in this vicinity last week visiting his mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass, and other TAlatlVPR. Rev. A. F. Lacey was called to SeaW tie last week because of the death ot his grandson. Mrs. Ted Ahlberg and "Ted" Jr., vis ited relatives in Portland the first.of the week. August F. Mahart and Iva Bowman both of Estacada, procured a license to wed, Tuesday. Mike Nedenthal, who lives near town, was arrested Tuesday morning charged with altering his truck li cense. He changed a "1" into a "2" cn his last years number and repaint ed the tag. The work was done so cleverly that only by close inspection is the alteration seen. It is believed that some one tipped off the author ities. Mike will have to appear before the grand jury. Washington's birthday was observ ed in Estacada by the closing of the school,' and the bank and a few other business places. The Community club had a program appropriate to the occasion at the high school auditorium that evening. A fair sized crowd witnessed the "Humoresque" picture at the local pic 'turo Tinnso last Saturday night. Mr. f pnd Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg furnished the m'isic. While the picture was consia pond still there was considerably diBannointment because the entilre number of reels which the -original picture contained, were not shown. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens took i-nitare of the holiday Wednesday when the bank was closed, to move to their new residence on Terrace Ad dition. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Standish and the baby motored to Portland Saturda and visited relatives and friends until the following day. Roy Myers of Portland, was in our city n few days last week selling stock in the Portland. Railway, Light and Power Co-., known as the "Home Own ership Plan." - Mrs E. J. Reed of Denair, Califor nia arrived last week to visit with her sister. Mrs. W. E. Hall of the Es- The all day meeting of the w. T U at the Methodist church last Friday, was not very well attended r. G Marchbank is again hack in the restaurant, after a short siege of "SE Gates has rented the main floo'r of the I- O- O. F. building, recent yoccupied by John Ely as merchandise store and will Put la pe; Htions and fix it up for their bazaar Store Hvins "ms ndertaklng narlors The room at the rear, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baas wm be used as a chapel They expect o-ot -spttled by March 1. . Aflne new piano was placed in the W. H. Grabeel apartments at Hotel Estacada last week. Mrs F C. Howe, accompanied by daughter Lelia and son "Ted" were Poland visitors last Saturday alMra7and Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Portland Saturday to be the house DR.H. W. BEAL Chiropractic Physician wishes to announce to the people of Oregon City and vicinity that he has -hiit offices in the Oregon City Bank building, upstairs. Hours 9:6V a. m. io :vu c. i. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert tiriag. for a few days. Miss Leta Posson spent tba weak end with friends at Oregon City. ,Neil Bronson was- a week-end vtei- tor with his brother Lee in PorUajKL. Mrs. W. F. Cary and tw6 children went t'o Portland Sunday "nooa and spent a f e-w hours visiting at the home ' of her sister, Mrs. M. H. Boyi ia the Mt. Scott district. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens were business visitors in Portland ' a few days last week. Union High Notes . The program at the union high school has been indefinitely post- ' poned owing to much sickness. This is the fifth and last number of the Lyceum course, wliictt nas beea well attended throughout the winter. - Mrs. Olof Larson returned to her home from St. Vincent's hospital, of Portland, Wednesday, where she has been for several weeks. Her condi tion is much improved. Prof. W. Davis, manual training instructor of Union High SchooL has been confined to his home with an attack of influenza. Mrs. Adamson, Mrs. Junkea and daughter Elsie spent Thursday shop ping in Portland. The banquet held for members and friends of .the M. E. church was well attended. The speakers of the even ing were Rev. Shafer, local pastor, and Dr. Powell, returned foreign mis sionary who is lecturing on tha cen tenary movement. Mr. Frenzel, proprietor of tha Wil lamette meat' market, and his wife are suffering from influenza. Mrs. Carl Kahle spent Sunday visit ing in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hurst of Port land spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Backus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker f New port visited relatives Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Euald Leisman ara re ceiving congratulations upon the ar rival of a baby daughter, which has been called Alice Lorraine. The little Miss has the honor of being tha first granddaughter in the Leisman fais ily. Mrs. J. Johnson celebrated her 70th birthday at the family home here with a dinner, last Tuesday, February 14th. She had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. B. Hill and daughter Maxine of Mulino, Mrs. Anna Miller, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Eatdorf and daughter Marion, Mrs. Sizer, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. JoUoaon. Lloyd Junken and August Kuatsoa Of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Junkea. A very . interesting talk was given, at the Methodist church Monday eve ning by F. W. Parker of Oregon City. The subject chosen was: "Tha Men With a Hope." Mr. Parker gave sev eral selections . from poets, all of which were very much enjoyed. Martha Gross, who has, beea visit ing her grandmother, Mrs. Gross left Sunday for winters, calif, to visit her aunt, Mrs. J. Teske, who wm a former resident here. Mrs. C- B. Olson and Gertie and Mrs. A. P. Tuor and son Gordon, mo tored to Portland on Monday after noon. Mrs. Carl Elliott entertained sever al friends at her home Wednesday of last week. Those present were Mrs. Bert Zerkel, Mrs. Harold Graves, Mrs. Harland Donovan, Mrs. Walter Larson and Mrs. Elmer Johnson. Earl Mootry returaea to Willamette University at Salem after spending the week-end with his parents. Mrs. George L. Snidow is slowly re covering from a badly sprained arm. the result of a fall received at ker home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Compton are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C O. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Compton have spent the winter traveling in Idaho and Washington and expect to leave soon for a tour in California. Mrs. B- F. Baker and daaghter Gladys, left Sunday for Independence, where they will visit with her daugh ter. Mrs. W. T. Hoffman for several weeks. Each grade of the grammar school enjoyed a "Valentine box" Y3dnes Oay afternoon in their rooms. Arthur Larson, son cf Sir. and Mrs. Leo Larson has returned to his school in Salem after spending several weeks with his parents. Mis3 Ruth Shipley spent several days this week with her father Harry Shipley. Mrs. Sarah Larson who kas been confined to her bed, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Carpenter is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berner and daughters, Edith, Marie and Miss LH lie Setje, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Setje of Stafford. Gustave Schnoor, who was injured while at work on the steamer N. R- Lang, is slowly recovering, Be is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Schnoor. , , ' P-rn to Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Knoop. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Arthur, February 28, a T& pound daughter. mmnmnMHiMit Holman&Pace FUNERAL . ! DIRECTORS Homelike Efficient Courtaow Telephone 86 7th and Water Sts, Oregon City- MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Preferred PAUL C. FISCHER Beaver Bldg. Oregon City f I'