IS OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1 7, 1922. Page 2 L JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent i Interest Is Keen In Lodge Grace Guild JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Much interest is being manifest in the Grace Guild. On Wednesday Mesdames Hooker and Waterhouse were joint hostesses ,the affair being held in the church banquet room, Mrs. Babler, pre siding, at the devotional service Mrs. Hugh Roberts leading taking as her subject, "The courage, faith and ser vice rendered by great men and organ izations whose birth came in Febru ary. At the business hour it was deemed best to hold three missionary meet ings a year and a fed is to be furnish ed for the Childrens Farm Home at Corvallis, Mrs. A. Smith to look after this work of the society. Twenty-seven enjoyed the elaborate luncheon served by the hostesses. Among the visitors were Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Tagley, Mrs. Neweli, Mrs. Boet ger and the additional guests' were Mesdames Frank covert, Ella Mao Hargue; W. I. Blineston, S. Griffith; Geo. Williams, Hugh Roberts, J. W. Smith, R. G- Thompson, Edith Trus cott, Orlan Randall, wm. Moritz, Olin Ford, Henry Babler, Dan Jones, Arthur B. Smith, W. W. Woodbeck, A. B. Snider, Jerry Madden,' Geo. Pooler, A. Nelson and Rev A B. Snider. Plans are being made to meet with Mrs. Frank Tucker at her Portland home soon. Lodge P-T Meeting Is Held At School JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. The February meeting of the Parent Teachers was held pn Friday, Febru ary 10 at the school house. Mrs .Alt mans room was very prettily decorat ed with flags. The pupils grouped around the room sang a'number of of songs in keeping with Arbor day and some of the pupils responded with readings on the planting of trees, and i shrubs, all making a very interesting program.. The hostesses who were Mesdames T. Grady, Olin Ford, Henry , Babler, W. Moritz and J- Boetger serv-: ed coffee and sandwiches. The busi- j ness meeting followed and the hot ; lunches are to be continued during the month. The Guild and Parent-Teachers are . to give a playlette jointly and Mrs. Florence Moore will coach the affair. Mis3 Truscott's room was awarded , the cash prize for having the most ; mothers attending who had pupils in her room. Mrs. Blinestone favored with one of her readings which was much enjoyed by the thirty-five mothers at tending. The warm lunches at the noon hour for the pupils are proving very popu la; anl on Wednesday oHast week 86 ht A Nelson and Mrs. O. Randall serving. Church Fund Drive ; Plans Are Outlined JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. The trustees of the Community church met on Wednesday evening and out lined the plans for the coming drive for the funds for this years church budget. February 12 was the date chosen and the following committees were named to act on the drive Messrs Blinestone and Humphreys, Dan Jones and Henry woodham: Ed. Pearson, and Warren Swart; Mesdames Hugh Roberts and Jerry Madden, Bertha Hart and Arthur Smith, S. L. Wilcox and R. F. Deter, W. H. Tillman and Henry Babler. On Monday evening those taking part reported their suc cess. With the substantial pledge from the Grace Guild almost $1000 was raised and one part of the neigh borhood still remains to be canvanss ed. Owing to the illness of some of the members of the teams the house to house visits were not completed. The church budget calls $1200. Endeavor Social Given At Church JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. One of the first socials given by the Christian Endeavor society of this place, was a very pretty and well at tended affair given in the church ban quet room on Tuesday evening. The well rendered program was composed of music from the Thereaux orchestra, readings by Mesdames W. I. Bline stone and Fred Wilson and a vocal solo by Miss Kennedy and a violin solo by Mr. Thereaux. Rev. Snider spoke briefly and Mr. Guy told of the work that has been ac complished by the Endeavors and their plans for the future. Pretty boxes and i baskets were auctioned off and about ! $46 being realized which will go for the church organ fund. At a prettily decorated candy booth where cupids and hearts were effectively used, can dy was sold, also doughnuts and coffee Phone : Sellwood 697, Automatic 21368 tast aiae Piiii & Lumber company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J, P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 and the proceeds from this booth will be used to defray the delegates ex penses to the coming Christian En deavor convention in Salem. The af fair being held on St. Valentines day the church decorations were in keep ing with the occasion. C. E. Delegates of Lodge Are Chosen JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. It is estimated that a thousand dele gates will be present at the annual state Christian Endeavor convention, which will be held in Salem this week, beginning on Thursday evening and closing qn Sunday night. The dele gates chosen from the society are Mr. and Mrs. Guy, Miss Naomi wilcox, Miss Lila Dietz and Mr. Mc Intyre, who will be priviledge to hear sucn speakers as Dr. L. A. McAfee, of Berkely, Rev. H. L. Bowman, of Port land; and Paul Brown of Los Angeles. Mrs. W.. E. Wright of Portland will lead the singing. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider will also attend from Jennings Lodge. Enjoyahle Party Given by Pupils JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mrs. Mac Donald's pupils enjoyed a very pretty valentine party in her room from 3 until 5 on Tuesday. The room was prettily decorated with hearts and streamers of red and white were effectively used to complete the decorations. Six of the pupils were a social committee, who planned the games and a committee of the same number provided refershments which were a pleasant part of the occasion. Miss Janet Booth was postmistress and all the children received missives adorned with hearts, cupids, and ten der and romantic messages in keeping with St. Valentines day. It was a very happy affair for the children. Thirty taking part in the festivities. . . . All 111 VerSaiieS Are Fittingly Observed JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rinearson celebrat ed their birthday anniversaries on February 12 both occurring on the same day. Their children coming and waning "'""f w.m mcxu , ing them with a beautiful rocker. The residents and they have many friends who wish them many happy returns of the day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Heath and daughters Edna, Viola and Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hankins, Mr. and Mrs Will Rail ana son .verene aim -cie Rinearson. Sixteen Register In Short Period JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. The registration books were only open such a short time that only 16 regis tered. On March 15 the books will again be re-opened and those wishing to vote at the spring election should register with Mrs. Julia Ullabrand, who has charge of the registration. MRS. EMMONS WINS JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mrs. H -H. Emomns attended the Arts and Crafts club at the home of Mrs. A. B. Miller in Sellwood on Friday last. In the guessing contest Mrs. Emmons was awarded a beautiful basket of sweet peas for her efforts in guessing the most correctly. The Millerome was very beautiful with spring blos soms and delicious refreshments were served. MILLERS ATTEND DINNER JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson B. Miller and children attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mrs. Millers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gage, in Portland on February 1th. Mr. and Mrs. Gage sharing honors in the delightful arffair as both their birthday anniversaries fall on Feb. 11. . PORTL ANDERS VISIT LODGE JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. H. L. Nordstrom and wife of Monta villa spent Sunday at the home of the fnrmor',. Virnth or and hAlned to Cele brate the 20th birthday anniversary ot j Harry Nordstrom of this place, whose anniversary was on Feb. 14. The unusually large and attractive birth day cake being baked by Mrs. H. L. Nordstrom of Portland. ATTEND REUNION JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Will Booth and children John P. Miller, Mgr. Montgomery and Fifth Portland attended a reunion of the former resi dents of Josephine county, which was held at the ' Multnomah hotel on Sat urday evening. This is an annual af fair and a very happy reunion of old friends and school mates who now re side in and near Portland. MRS. MISNER TO VISIT JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mrs. Geo. Misner who has been so journing in Southern California for the past six months will arrive this week and will be a house guest for a month at Stone Gables, the attractive home of the H. H. Emmons. LEAVE FOR SOUTH JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meldrum and lit tle daughter departed on Saturday for California, for an extended visit, Mrs. Meldrum Sr. is enjoying visits from Portland relatives while her son and family are south. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 15. Mrs. A. B. Snider goes to Cherry Grove on Monday to spend a few days with her mother Mrs. Patton. On re turning will spend a few days in Sa lem attending the christian Endeavor society. Mr. carter leaves soon for Wheeler County where he goes to look after land interests. Chas. Redmand and wife motored out from Portland and were the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopkins on Sunday. Mrs. R. F. Deter celebrated her ' birthday anniversary on Sunday. Among the pretty gifts she received a beautiful handkerchief from the Phil ippine Islands. W. B- Jennings is remodeling "Lys- win," their summer home on the Wil lamette. They are soon to take posses sion again, which has been occupied by the Wilson family: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson moves March 1st to what is known as the Curtin place. Fred Waldorf is making his home with W- B- Jennings. During the war Mr. Waldorf served on the U. S. Del aware and his experiences are very interesting and his old time- friends are glad to have him here again. Mr. Peterson of Duluth, Minn., who has spent the winter months with his son Al Peterson departed- for Cali fornia, taking the southern route home. Mrs. Nettie Francis Hughes who has spent nine months with her son R. F. Deter departed on Sunday for her home at Montague, Calif. Mrs. Minnie B. Altman was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Bechtel on Thursday. Mrs. Altman remains at the Lodge every Thursday until after the orchestra rehearsal. Mrs. J. W. Jones is having a num Der of DUiit-m conveniences added to her home on Hull Ave. A group of the younger married set attended the dancing party at the Oak Grove hall on Saturday night and j report a very good time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maple spent Sun day with Mrs. Bess Bruechert at her Portland home. Mrs. Matthew of the Boring district paid a visit to her aunt Mrs. Julia Ullabrand on Friday. Mrs. Addie cowan Whitcomb of Hosum, Washington, was calling on old time friends this week. Wilford and Mrs. Ross : and Miss Lola and Geo. Ross, spent Sunday with Mr. Ross's sister, Mrs. T. At Root at Boring. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Miller took din ner on Sunday with their son Clarence in Portland. The Millers were promin ent farmers of the Aurora district but have spent the fall and winter here, occupying the little cottage of Ulla brands. F. Goralamon who has occupied one of the Emmons cottage for the winter season has gone to Portland and plans to soon leave for Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald are nicely located in the Zimmerman place which we understand they have purchased. Mrs. Ella Mac Hargue left on Tues day for Vancouver, wash., where she is to be the guest of Mrs. Cushing for several days. Three members of the S. L. WilctSx family and three of the Dan Jones family are ill with the la grippe which seems quite prevailent just now in this vicinity. H. D. Smith is also un der the care of the family physician. Mrs. R. F. Deter and "Mrs. Rush are among those confined to their home with illness. Meade Kennedy has been able to leave the Oregon City hospital and is very much improved. Mrs. Frank Tucker went to Em manuel hospital on Wednesday where she is to undergo a serious operation. Mrs. Erickson who has been an in valid for six years is confined to her bed constantly, yet she is able to see her friends an a call to help pass the hours away is greatly appreciated. The Frank Lambert family are to return again to Jennings Lodge and Mr. and Mrs. Covert who have oc- cupie.d their home during the Lam berts year of absence, have decided to locate in Gladstone. We will miss the Covert family very much as they have taken an active part in - our church work. Mrs. Wm. Moritz entertained the luncheon club at 1 o'clock on Wednes day at her pretty home on the river road. Mrs. Arthur Roberts spent Wednes day at the bedside of her aunt Mrs. Chenowits in Portland, who is serious ly ill with cancer. Mrs. Chenowits is a resident of Idaho but is under the care' of Portland specialists. Mrs. A. J. Robbins makes daily trips to be with an uncle who has just re turned from California and is confined to the hospital, J. W- Dain is making a number of extensive improvements at Shady Nook. Electric lights are installed and, stoves are to be placed in the camp grove. A small fee will be charged campers to cover the expense of lights and fuel, but the grounds are to be free to picnic parties. Mr. Deitz and family have removed to their new home at Rainier. E. L. Kellogg spent Sunday at his old home at Milwaukie. MAPLE LANE NOTES MAPLE LANE, Feb. 15. Mrs. A. B. Taylor visijted hen daughter in Portland on Friday of last week. John Eggink and George Frank went I to Beaver Creek on business MonJay. !Mr. and Mrs.. D. F. Skeen were en tertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Skagg i of the Wastena Dairy on Sunday. r OSWEGO ITEMS ! Mrs. NEW LODGE IS FORMED BY MASONS AT OSWEGO OSWEGO. Feb. 9. Masons of Os wego received a dispensation to form a new lodge under the name of Wal uga lodge, A. F. and A. M. The fol lowing officers were installed: F. H. Reese, W. M.; R. B. Stotzel, S. W.; A. C. Good, J. W.,vJohn Stone, S. D.; H. P. Lee, J. D.; Henry Bickner, treasurer; C--JB., Hall, secretary; C. H. Horn, S. S.; Leon Stone, J. S.; HT E. Carpenter, chaplain; L. Stan ton, marshal; G. L. Raven, tyler. Chief Chemist of Cement Plant Dies OSWEGO, Feb. 15. L. L. woodard, chief chemist of the Oregon Portland Cement Company, who- died suddenly at his home in Oswego Thursday, was buried Saturday afternoon. The ser vices were held at Holmans Chapel, in Portland and interment in the Oswego cemetery, where a largo number of friends were present. Mr. Woodard will be greatly missed by the Oswego people and all who knew him. He was very prominent in the welfare of the young people ot Oswego, having organized both the Boy Scouts and the Girls' Club. He left Oswego to go into the service in the late war, and joined the Y. M. C. A. war organization and was station ed as a secretary at Camp Lewis. Since his marriage he has made his home at Oswego. He was a man of great talent in com munity work and Oswego always con sidered itself fortunate in having the benefits of his leadership, in the many lines of work in which the city was in terested. Besides his wife and little daughter Margaret, Mr. Woodard left two broth ers and .a sister wh.o live in Canada. House Warming Is Given At Oswego OSWEGO, Feb. 15. On Friday even ing the 10th a house warming was given Mr. and Vernon Centers who are now located in their neat little bungalow faciflg the river. Those to attend the jolly occasion were Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, the parents of Mrs. Centers, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fulton, Mr! and Mrs. I. A. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Savage, Lesle Savage, Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emrich, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borghorst, V. Nelson, David Nelson, Nelile Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Centers. "500" was the feature of the evening. Cake and coffee and sandwiches were served. Mrs. Lord and Vernon Nelson won first prizes and MrSTBullock and R. D. Fulton won jiecpnd prizes. Mrs. George Emrich Hostess to Clubbers OSWEGO, Feb. 15. On Thursday evening the "500" club met at the home of Mrs. George Bullock with Mrs. George Enrich as hostess. First prizes were won by Mrs. Lord and I. A. Lord, while the tafty prizes fell to Mrs. Henry Borghost and George Bullock. Mrs. Emrich had the table prettily decorated with valentine greetings and place cards for each guest. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borghost, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord, Mr." and Mrs. Carl Bethkey, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Centers, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emrich and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock. Washington Day To Be Observed OSWEGO, Feb. 15. Plans for an elaborate George Washington day cele bration are being laid by tbe Oswego Grammar school. In addition to fancy dancing, songs and other music, the stellar event will be a flag raising with the local Boy Scouts officiating. The program will be held about 10 o'clock a. m. in order to let the children have a half holiday. Parents and friends are all invited. -CHICKEN DINNER SUCCESS OSWEGO, Feb. 15. The chicken dinner given Thursday evening at the Congregational church, had the largest attendance of any event of its kind in Oswego for sometime. It was given by the community sing club and the sing club membership deserves great credit for the hard and effective work they did. L. M. DAVIDSON PASSES OSWEGO, Feb. 15. L. M. Davidson passed away at his home near Oswego Sunday after several months illness. He leaves Mrs. Johnnie Cox and three sons, F. E. Davidson, Arthur Davidson, and Orin Davidson, all of Oswego. RUDOLPH ROSENTRETER OSWEGO, Feb. 15. Rudolph Rosen treter who has been in the St. Vin- 'cent hospital for two weeks or more passed away Sunday morning roiiow ing a serious operation. He leaves a wife and two children besides a father, one sitser, Mrs. Arthur David son, and three brothers. OSWEGO LOCAL.0 OSWEGO, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. M. C- Weidman are the proud parents of a baby boy which arrived at their home Friday. Mother and son are do ing nicely. - Rollie Worthington has been on the sick list for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph powers of Seat tle, Wash., are visiting relatives in Oswego for a few days before going to Texas where Mr. Bowers work will be for the next few months. On Friday last Mrs. Guy Raven was Cora Bullock Hmmmmmm luncheon hostess to Mrs. W. H. Scott, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. W. G. Weight man, Miss Bertha Scott, and Miss Delia Davis. Willis Koehler of Falls City, was In Oswego during the week . Miss Ellen Worthington is staying with her aunts and uncle Miss Maggie and Miss Obrien and Jerry Obrien for a couple of weeks. Miss Worthington is from Oak Grove and a daughter ot T. R. Worthington. Mrs. Mary Mosely and her firend visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates over Sunday. Mrs. George Thomas entertained the New Town "500" club Wednesday afternoon. - Thes chool board met and transact ed regualr business Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Monroe are re joicing over a 10 pound baby boy com ing to their home last week. Miss Pettinger is very grateful to the boys of the manual training classes for the table they made for use in her room. The Fox children have returned to school after an absence of several months. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schnlder of Portland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmott Sunday. Mrs. Schnider is a sister of Mr. Emmott. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ranger were din ner guests of the Donald James' at their new home in East Portland Sun day. The Roy Foster home is quarantined for diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton 'were hosts to a party of Portland friends Friday evening. Mrs. Archie Worthington has been on the s""k list for the last week. Mrs. Childs. her mother, is staying with her. Russie Delashment is ill at his home in South Oswego. Mrs Pete Emmott an"d Mrs. Joseph Bowers were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthington on Monday. Oak Grove News OAK GROVE, Feb. 15. A' number of pupils were out of school because of grip first of the week, 15 from one room. Many of them are back again. Mrs. L. H. Little has recovered from a severe attack of grip which confined her to her bed several days. , All who attended were pleased with the appearance and lecture of Miss Evangeline Booth, commander of the Salvation army who lectured to an over-flowing house in Portland Audi torium Sunday evening, February 12. The Social Service Club held their annual reception Thursday, February 16, at the home of the president, Mrs. Mattie ierce on River road, to late for report in this issue. . On account of inclement weather the moving of the church is somewhat delayed. T. C. Elliott has sold his fine resi dence to Robert Flemming who has taken possession. The Gillespie property has been dis posed of to C. L. Morgan. The Ladies Aid's food sale Saturday was a fine success. Mrs. Grace Bryant has had an at tack of rheumatism which effected her ankles badly. Mrs. Minnie Youngs is recovering from an injury to her spine caused by a fall several weeks ago. Mrs. Helen E. Wilcox was placed in charge of the post office temporari ly to release Mrs. V. G. Benvie who has served the public as postmistress nearly four years in a very satisfac tory manner and who regret her resig nation very much. Mrs. Benvie will go into Ameircanization work. G. S. Davenport, wife and two sons were all sick last week with grip. Mrs. L. Simmonds was cut about the head and face when the auto in which she was riding with Mr. Sim monds at the wheel hit a truck in trying to pass a street car. Kitchenette Fitted Up in School House HAZELIA, Feb. 13. Many are suf fering severe colds in our neighbor hoods, Mrs. Wm. Schots, Kenneth Baker and Mrs. Geo. Wilson have been quite ill. Mrs. Wm. Wanker is gaining slowly She haing been confined to her home for several weeks. The whole neighborhood enjoyed the gathering at the school Saturday evening the event being a pie social and program by the school. The sale of pies amounted to over $57 which was given for the school Victrola a sound test was also made by the Vic ver yinteresting. Hot coffee and choco late was served free with the p"ies. The Community Club met with Mrs. Duncan Christiansen Thursday Febru ary 16 to sew on the quilt, started at last meeting. Every lady in Hazelia is wanted to make this club a real community-get-to-gether for an after noon of social time as well as work. A kitchenette has been fitted up by the community-kitchen committee at the school house and the ladies are now able to prepare "feeds' but which will be enjoyed by all who are in the habit of getting together at the regu lar monthly meetings which occur the first Saturday in the month. These meetings will meet the needs of the community in a social and literary way good community singing and the de-. velopment of community spirit. March 4 will be a program entirely of music. , Miss Frances Willis, our school teacher is at present with the Cook's being very convenient to the school. Mrs. Duncan Christiansen of Hazelia and Miss Jane lindsey of West Linn are arranging a joint musical and en- i tertainment to be given at Park Rose I March 3 for the Congregational build ing fund, which church is soon to be built at that place. Mrs. ArchieWorthington is able to be about again much to the delight of her many friends. Duncan Christiansen has been busy at the Pilkington nursery for the past week helping in the work preparatory to spring trade. Greenland was discovered and nam ed about the end of the 10th century by a Norseman, who established a colony there. Civil War Veteran Passes at Garfiel ESTACADA, Feb. 15. William W. Davis, an old settler in the Garfield district, died February 11, 1922, at the family home aged 80 years. He was born in Clark County, Indiana, and was one of a family of eleven children, six of whom are still living. He volun teered in Sept. 1861, in Co. A 4th Iowa cavalry. Reinlisted Dec. 12, 1863 and was promoted to corporal. Was captur ed in action Oct. 11, 1863 at Jones Lane, Ark. and was paroled and return ed Nov. 8, and restored to duty. He was mustered out of service in 1865 at the clbie of the Civil war. He was married to Sarah Martha Green May 24, 1867 and crossed the plains with ox teams, landing in Oregon Sept. 186S. Ten children were born to this union whVall survive him. They are F. H. Davis, E. T., R. E. and H. B. Davis of Estacada; W W. Davis, Jr. and Clara Johnson of Yancton, Wash., Anna Lowden of Portland, J. a. Davis of Ellensburg, Wash., H. W. Davis and Grace Jacobs of Aberdeen, Wash., and a number of grandchildren. Sarah M. Davis died March 15, 1912, and on Sept. 14, 1913, the deceased was mar ried to Mary M. Beebe, who survives him. Funeral services were held at Mt. Zion church Garfield, Monday afternoon, Rev. A. Demoy officiating, and interment was made in the ceme tery near the church. Mr. and Mrs. John Page went to Gladstone Tuesday to visit their daughters and families. Charles Dubois returned from Port land Monday where he has been re ceiving medical aid. Died Jason W. Moxley, who resid ed at Morrow Station a few miles from Estacada, passed away last Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock at his home, after a lingering illness of a few years. Besides his wife, four children survive who live in New York. The deceased moved to the home h and wife were occupying tef.r here, in 1910. He was born in Jefferson, N. Y., and was 72 years, 7 months and a few days old. Funeral services were held at the Mt Scott cemetery, Portland where he was buried, Tuesday morning. Funeral director Gates of this place being in charge. There is to be a special communica tion of Mountain Chapter, No. 108, Fri day evening, Feb. 24, when Worthy Grand Matron will make the chapter an official visit. Dinner is to be serv ed at 1 o'elock and the meeting will follow. Miss Mamie Marrs, who was making her home with Mrs. G. Lawrence, was taken to St. Vincent's hospital last Fri day, where she submitted to an opera tion for appendicitis. At last reports she was getting along satisfactorily. Fred Cadanau, a former Estacada resident, is here from Terribonne," Oregon, looking after business mat ters. Mr. and Mrs. H. C- Stephens are both sick and confined to their home with la grippe. Electricians came out from Portland the latter part of last week and con nected up the new Stephens residence I and installed an electric range. Estacada will look quite metropoli tan in a few days when the new arc lights are all in place. One was put up Tuesday at the end of the paved street on Broadway. Mrs. H. M. Duus and little daughter returned Tuesday from a visit with her parents at Vancouver. There was a large attendance at the Parent-Teacher meeting Tuesday night at the high school auditorium. Dr. Fixet of Portland, gave a talk on "Dental Hygiene for Children," and illustrated his remarks with stereopti can views. Miss Hilda Morris, county health nurse, was also present. There also was music on the program. A. G. Ames has returned for an in definite stay, and is busy working on his new residence addition. W. T. Gildner, electrical inspector for the state bureau of labor, was in Estacada Monday. The W. C. T. U. will have an all day meeting at the M. E. church, Feb. 17. Cleve Wagner and family, who live over on the Tillamook coast, spent the week end in Estacada visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner. Mrs. R. G. McCall came over from Portland Saturday to look after her music class here. Mrs. Roy Woodward of Oregon City, was here last week for a few days vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Womer, and other relatives. Miss Mabel Wilcox spent the week end in. Estacada with her parents, re turning to Portland Sunday evening. C. F. Howe went to the metropolis last Saturday, returning the same day. There has been considerable sick ness in this locality for the past few days. Bad colds and la grippe seem to be the prevailing trouble. Mrs. Tom H. Morton was a Portland visitor last Thursday buying new goods for their store. Milt Marshal was reported on the sick list this week with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Dr. Charles K. Carey has been ap pointed as register of vital statistics for district No. 69, which includes n.s tacada. Eagle r".reek. Springwater, Vio- la, George and Garfield. j Eugene and Lyle Richmond of Port-1 land were guests at the home oi ineir sister, Mrs. Bert Moore, two or three days last week. The high school debate whicli was announced last week, has been post poned. Raymond Lovelace was obliged to return home from the State University last week on account or sicKness. C. J. Pirn was reported among the sick this week. There was another community so cial at the M. E. Church one evening last week and those who attended re port it was "the best ever." ..."11--. nnttini i Tl,a Warren mcwuus i i"""'"5 "i spare time' reshingling his two little cottages on upper Broadway. It is rumored that Portland parties who own lots on upper Broadway, are contemplating building two new resi- dences to rent. Editor Gibbs visited the metropolis DR. H. W. BEAL Chiropractic Physician Wishes to announce to the people of Oregon City and vicinity that he has onened his offices in the Oregon City Bank building, upstairs. Hours 9:30. A. M. to 4:00 P. M. f last Fridav and rctnrnn.1 t -I - . . . VJ V 4ay. G. W. Willard and family last Friday from a visit with relatives at Salem. Mrs. W. A. Heylman was a besfeeae visitor in Portland the latter part of last week. Miss Gladys Kandle, Mrs. J. O. CSates and Mrs. D. E. Eschleman were aaaar the Portland visitors from 'iitoeiili last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary took im tee sights of Portland Tuesday aftere. Mrs. Stiner and Miss Johannab Uek thorn went to Portland Sunday ta visit the latter's mother, who is in al tbe home of her sister, Mrs. A. Heidlaad. Mrs. R. C. Deming was hostess to a company of ladies and children Twee day afternoon, when she entartaJaeal to celebrate her son Charles' focrfb birthday. There were a few fenrfted guests besides those who have babies. The afternoon was spent in a aveia way and 'light refreshments were i ed. The February meeting of tba munity club will be held next week on the 22, featuring an observaBee f Washington's birthday, at the high school auditorium. There wiH be a program by pupils or the scheel ana musical numbers. Mrs. Ada Witlni Unruh and other speakers will ba pres ent, j Funeral director Gates had ebwrjff of the funeral of little Margaret Akers, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Akers, who lives north of Estacada. The little girl's death was partiealarty gad, as she was as well as usaal the day before her death, and the sext morning was taken sudednly 111 aatt died before night, the cause being a clot on the brain. Her body was ship ped from this place to the former tiome of the parents, Catblaaret, Wash., last Monday. . ' Eagle Creek Girl Passes Suddenly EAGMJ CREEK, Feb. 13. Little Margaret Akers, the five year oM daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Akers passed away last Tuesday eveming. Shortly after arising that day she bad a stroke of paralysis. Dr. Morse was called and did what he could for lrer. but it was of no avail. Her deatb was a shock to her parents, brother and sister and friends of the .family, for the day preceding her death she was apparently in as good health as usual. The body was taken to CatklMnet. Wash., where relatives of the family live, for burial. Arbor Day wa.s observed in District No. 50 by the teacher and pupils set ting out plants, and planting trees on ' the school-ground and also cleaaing up the school-yard. Then after that was done the teacher, Mrs. Banmgart ner and the pupils made a trip te Wal ter Douglass' place and were weighed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister spent Sunday evening at the home ot Will Douglass. - , . Mrs. Katie Douglass called on Mrs. -Ed Douglass Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle were guests at the home of Ray "Weodle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Preister and children of Logan, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doslass Sunday. Will Douglass killed a coom last week selling the hide to Gifford Hoff meister, who, in turn, sold it to Mrs. Baumgartner, who will have it aaade into a collar. Redland News Items RED LAND, Feb. 15. Some much needed road work was done Tuesday but by Wednesday night the keavy trucks that- are hauling lumber had the ruts cut as deep as ever. Mrs. Frank Sprague and Mrs. Her man Fischer were Portland visitors Wednesday. Margaret Staats has been quite HI with the grippe being confined to her home for more than a week. Misses Anderson and Myers spent the week end in Portland. They were accompanied by Miss Jessie Bonney who visited with Miss Myers. June and Lee Kirchem attended the Grange meeting at Logan Saturday. John Murray, Mr. and Mrs. H. G Nevili and daughter Clara Pearl -visited relatives in Portland Sunday. Allison Allen and Lee Kirchem were Portland visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and chil dren of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Oregon City Snndayed with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Allen. Dodge News Items DODGE, Feb. 6. The Community Club held its regular meeting Satur day night with a good attendance. A short program was given, after which a basket supper was enjoyed by all- It was decided at this meeting to bave the meetings on the second Saturday, only, in each month. The W. T. Kaake family and Clar ence Jubb were Sunday guests at the G. W. Keller home. We are very sorry to report that Mrs John Keller is ouite ill with in- f,smmatnrv rheumatism. Mr. alld Mrs. Hedges and little daugnter spent Sunday eveninrai. the -pj.e Horner home. Mamie Marrs lias returueu w o cada after a week's visit with her par ents. . 1 . T."1 , -1 Holman & Pace 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS j Homelik Efficient Courteous Telephone 86 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City 5 MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Preferred PAULC. FISCHER I Beaver Bldg. Oregon City