CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS AUTO TURNS TURTLE IN SMASH; NONE ARE HURT CANBY, Feb.7. On Saturday morning- a car driven by Mrs. T. J. Butler, of Albany, Oregon, and one driven by Otto Berthold, of Macksburg, collided on the highway as the highway and the Macksburg roads meet , at the Grant White garage. Both machines were badly damaged but none of the occupants suffered from injury. Mrs. Butler was on her way home from Portland, and was accompanied by her little daughter and her moth er, the women being able to resume their journey at 9 o'clock that eve nings Mrs. Butler had unusual 'cour age when the accident occurred. She was driving a Chevrolet and Berthold a Dodge. On Monday evening a .similar aeci den occurred at the same corner when Mrs. Phillip Hammond, of Oregon City, driving a Ford coupe along the Macksburg road, collided with a coupe driven by Mr. Krueger, of Hub bard. Mr. Krueger was accompanied by his brother, and Mrs. Hammond in company with her mother, Mrs. H. B. Evans, wife of H. B. Evans, cashier of tie Canby First National Bank. Krueger was on his way from Oregon City and was traveling south, while Mrs. Hammond was on her way to Canby. The Krueger car was thrown from the highway and turned com pletely over in a ditch ,both occu pants crawling out from under the car uninjured. Mrs. Hammond and her mother were not injured. Both cars are reported to have been traveling at a moderate rate of speed. Three accidents at this comer have occurred during a week's time. and Canby played, this also resulting in a victory for Molalla, the score be ing 15 to 13. During the first half of the gram mar school game, Harless accidental ly fell, striking his head against a platform, rendering him unconscious for about five minutes. He saved the day for Molalla when recovering from the efects of the fall, when he made four points just as Canby boys were making great headway in the game. The score stood 9 to 1 In the first half in favor of Molalla. Canby boys gave Molalla boys a merry "chase." The lineup of the Canby high school team was as follows: Kendall, f, four points; Oathes, f; Barth, c; Lorenz, g, six points; Boardman, g; West, s. Molalla high school team Heiple, f, four points; Vaughan, f, two points; Engle, f, two points; Palfrey, g, nine points; Harless, g; Bauer, s; Hibbard, s. Canby grammar school Hagen, f. 13 points; Samuelson, f; Sauers, c; Mainwood, g; Boardman, g. Molalla grammar school Glutsch, c, 11 points; Harless, f, four points; Park, f ; Bauer, g; Worth, g; Welch, s. Molalla high school basketball team has won all games it has played dur ing the season, and the next game to be played will be at Molalla on Tues day evening when the team will meet the Milwaukie high school team. The Molalla team is endeavoring to go to the state tournament to be held in Salem March 16, 17 and 18, and it will probably be up to the team to meet Salem high school team previous to the tournament, if the team wins from Milwaukie. Walter Taylor, of Molalla, is coach for the Molalla high school team, and Roy Heiple, manager. B nVC UCADMIIQ P UIO Ul IfiUulU CITY OF CANBY ELECTS JOHN EID AS TREASURER CANBY, Feb. 7. At the regular meeting of the city council held at the city hall on Monday evening, a new city treasurer was appointed to ; fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of Lee Eckerson, who has serve in that capacity for several years. John Eid, president of the council, and Arthur Graham, cashier of the Canby State Bank, were candi dates for the office. On the first bal lot the vote stood four for Eid and three for Graham. Mayor W. S. Maple voted that Eid be elected to the office. Mr. Eid resigned as pres ident of the council, and a new coun cilman will be elected at the next reg ular meeting, which will be the first Monday night in March. M. Francis Nelson, of this city, a painter, asked permission to erect sign boards along the highway with in Canby. It was left to the judgment of the committee on streets and pub lic; property with power to act. AH bills were allowed, - except that of Ajigust Rothenburg, night police man, who asked that the city, allow $152.00 as attorney's fee, paid out by Rothenburg, when G. L. Hoffman filed suit against the police for assult and battery. This case was brought up n the circuit court of Clackamas county, when Hoffman was awarded $1 suit money. Several months ago, while Hoffman was employed at a garage in this city, appeared on the streets at an unusual late hour, says Rothenburg, and when ordered to stop by him, refused to do as commanded, and a hand-to-hand encounter follow ed wfcen Hoffman got the worst of the ecrap. He later filed suit. Roth enburg's suit . money amounted to $152.00. Among the other business matters brought up for discussion was the special city election to be held on I Tuesday, February 21, 1922, when the people of Canby will vote upon the $10,006 bond issue for the purpose of establishing and operating a munici pal electric light system. The judges will be U H. Wang and F- A. Wey gandt, and the clerks, T. B." Hamilton and O. W. Krueger. The polls will open at S a. m. and remain open until 8 p. m. OVER NEW WIRELESS SET CANBY, Feb. S. Hilton Mack and Wayne Gurley, of this city, who estab lished wireless stations at their homes some time ago, are meeting with suc cess in their operation. On several oc casions 'recently they have enjoyed concerts over the wireless. Both young men, assisted by Mack's brother, Ashel, erected their aerial towers and arranged their wireless headquarters, and every night finds the operators at their study. Mack, who took up the study of wireless messages when off duty while in the navy during the world war, expects to follow the occu pation as a wireless operator at some future time. He served in the navy for two and one-half years during the world war. He was stationed at Shanghai, China, for some time, and when receiving his honorable dis charge from the service was first class fireman on the U. S. Vollos. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mack, of this city. Wayne Gurley, son of Mrs. Ola Gur ley Ogle, of this city, was also in the service during the world war, serving in the navy. He is now physical direct or of the Canby high school. CANBY HERALD SOLD TO IDAHO NEWSPAPER MAN in Molalla High Five Scores Victory In All Season's Games CANBY, Feb. 4. (Special.) One of the most enthusiastic and exciting basketball games played in Clackamas county was that of Friday evening, when Molalla high school team came over to meet the Canby high school team, the game being played in the Canby high school gymnasium. As there has been considerable rivalry between the two teams, when playing baseball during the baseball season, both teams had their share of rooters on this occasion. Molalla was repre sented by 150 people, when they made the trip by automobiles. There was a double header, for af ter the high school teams played, with a score of 18 to 10 in favor of Molalla, the grammar school teams of Molalla CANBY, Feb. 8. T,he Canby Herald, recently taken over by M. J. Lee, of this city, has been sold by Mr. Lee to A. W. Bond, of Portland, who has resided in that city for about fifteen years. Before taking up his residence in Portland Mr. Bond engaged in the newspaper business at Weiser, Idaho, where he was owner and editor of the Weiser Signal. He was also connect ed with other publications of Idaho and was an instructor of Latin and English in a high school. Mr. Bond took the management of the Herald Monday morning, and for present is making daily trips to Port land, expecting to make his residence in this city at a later date. Eastern Star Meet Is Well Attended CANBY, Feb. 8. The Order of Eastern Star meeting held a few even ings ago at the Masonic temple in this city, was largely attended, when visit ors from Portland, Woodburn and Oregon City were in attendance. Mrs. Minnie Latson, worthy matron, paid a fraternal visit, and addressed the assembly. A program' was given during the evening, under the direction of Mrs. W. H. Lucke, of this city, who is worthy matron of the local order, and a banquet followed. CANBY OREGON CITY Stage Time Table STAGE LEAVES 5 MINUTES BE- FORjj SCHEDULED TIME WEEK-DAY S Wafltiag room ' at Huntley-Draper Dreg Company, Oregon City, where bus leaves oi schedule .time. I jr. eanby Lv. Ore. City 7:25 a. m. 8:00 a. m 9r95 a. m 11:00 a. hi. 12:55 p. m. 2:00 p. m. p. mi. 5:00 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS SATURDAY 2X5 p. u. :3C p. mx. Lv. Oeafcy 7:8 . k. &TS a. m. 12195 p. m. 4W p. m. JH6 i. m. TrfX p ni. Far 23c - SUNDAY 3:35 p. m. 7:00 p- m. Lv. Ore. Gity 8:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. T:00 p. v 10:45 p. m. Round Trip 50o Canby Girl Breaks Ankle By Falling CANBY, Feb. S.-ladys Sather, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sather, of this city, is suffering from a broken ankle. The girl had gone into the poultry yard to feed the chickens, when one of the roosters, showing fight, took after her. In at tempting to "shoo" the bird, her feet slipped from under her, and In falling the ankle was broken. The girl is a student of the Canby schools. P. L. McKINNEY ILL. CANBY, Feb. 8. P. L. McKinney, residing in the northern part of the city, is seriously ill at the family home. G. WHIPPLE ILL CANBY, Feb. 8. G. Whipple, an old time resident of Canby, is seriously in at his home. On Wednesday be was reported to be somewhat Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Whipple, of Portland, have been at the bedside of the former's father. CANBY LOCALS CANBY. Feb. 8.-Mrs. Harrv Coch ran, of this city, was in Oregon City on business Tuesday, returning Tuesday evening. Dale Altman, young' son of Mr. and Mrs. George Altman, of Portland, Is seriously ill at the Good Samaritan hospital. The little fellow is well known here, apd is a general favorite among many in this city. The child, in eompany with his parents and his little sister, Alene, arrived in Canby Saturday for a visit over Sunday with Mrs. R. Soper, mother of Mrs. Altman, and shortly after the child was taken ill. Upon returning to their home in Portland, the child's condition became serious, and he was immediately re moved to the hospital. Mr? Altman is employed at the hospital, and every attention is being given the child. Alene Altman Is at the home of her grandmother in this city. A large number of young people of this city attended the hard times party given at Macksburg Wednesday even ing, when . the Improved Jazz orches tra furnished music for the dancing. Mrs. M. Haines and grandson, Gil bert Haines, of Oswego, are in this city, visiting at the home of Mrs. Haines daughter, Mrs. Grant White. They will spend the remainder of the week here. Grant White and Fayne Wolfer mo tored to Portland Tuesday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock, of Os-' wego, were in canby on Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles. Mr. Bullock is a brother of Mrs. Ec cles. Miss Mahrie Pendleton, who is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Graham, vis ited in Portland the first of the week. While in that city she visited her sister. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wheeler, of Port land ,have been in Canby, as guests of Mrs. Ruth White, mother of Mrs. Wheeler. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant White, the former a broth er of Mrs. Wheeler. Earl Robbins, of Hubbard, was among the Canby visitors on Sunday. Ralph Coleman, athletic instructor of the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, and a former Canb,y young man, spent the week end in Canby as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thom as. Mrs. coieman is a nepnew oi mrs. Thomas. Edwards spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lunce Shockley. , - John Kline and George Bliss made a trip to Portland one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yergens and fam ily were here visiting relatives last Sunday. Mis8 Edna Brown, a former stu dent of Union hall, is now attending school at Carus. , George Bliss went to the potato deminstration given at George Brown's farm at New Era last Wednesday. Miss Emma Josi called on Mrs. Her man Deederit also on Miss Minnie Ed wards last Saturday afternoon. Harry Brown went to Mulino last Wednesday. SUMMONS linquent for taxes or the year 1916 together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears on record, situ ated in said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: North 25 acres of the N. of S. W.. of Sec. 28. Tp. 1, R. 5 E. W. M. You are further notified that said John Peterson has paid taxes on saia premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: 1917 year's tax paid Dec. 15, 1920; tax receipt number 19306, amount, $5.58; rate of interest 12; total, $6.30. In the Circuit Court of the State of j i918 4ar,a ' Live Wires Meet With Mrs. Fischer REDLAND, Feb. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stone and daughter Edith were Oregon City visitors Tuesday. Mr. Stone while clearing his land sprained his right wrist quite badly making it necessary to consult a doctor. The Live Wires met with Mrs. Otto Fischer Thursday. After a pleasant afternoon was spent in needlework and the business meeting held deli cious refreshments were served. Due to the bad weather and sickness there were only a few present. Misses Anderson and Meyers spent the week end in Portland. Lee Kirchem was a Portland visitor Friday. There was a large attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Tenney held at "Viola Saturday. Mrs. Tenny was the mother of Mrs. H. A. Allen and the heartfelt sympathy, of the entire neighborhood goes out to her. Miss Melvina Sprague spent Sunday with home folks. She returned to Ore gon City Monday morning. A dance was held at Kerrs hall Sat urday evening. A good time is the re port of all. Clyde Phillips spent Sunday at home. He is employed at a place east of Estacada where they are making a new railway and power station. Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips were Ore gon City visitors Monday. Oregon for the county of Clackamas Ruth Ives, Plaintiff, vs. George R. Ives, Defendant. To George R. Ives: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to-wit: The . 24th A,- rT March. A. D. 1922, and' if you fail to so appea r and an swer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint filed in this suit, namely: A decree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matri mony and the marriage contract now and heretofore existing bewteen the plaintiff ani the defendant. The summons is published once a week for six successive weeks by or der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entiled Court, dated the 8th day of February, Ai D. 1922 directing the publication thereof. ALLEN & ROBERTS, Attorneys for plaintiff. 714 Swetland Bids-, Portland, Ore. Date of first publication, February 10th, 1922. Date of last publication, March. 24th, 1922. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas John Peterson, Plaintiff, vs. M. Phillips, T. Ilias and L- T. Trepcov, Defendants. . To M. Phillips, T. Ilias, and L. T. Trep cov, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that John Peterson the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 2199 issued on the loth day of December 1920, by the Tax Collector of the County of Clack amas, State of Oregon, for the amount of Seven & 87-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and de- number, 19307; amount of interest 12; total, tax receipt $5.46; rate $6.17. 1919 year's tax paid Dec. 15, 1920; tax receipt number ,18528; amount, $7.90; rate of interest 12; total, $8.92. . 1920 year's tax paid, first , June 1, 1921; tax receipt number, 11963, amount $4.36; rate of interest 12; total $4.92. 1920 year's tax Second , Oct. 5, 1921; tax receipt number, 16425; amount, $4.28; rate of interest 12; total $4.84. Said M. Phililps, T. Ilias, and L. T. Trepcov, as the. owners of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears on record are hereby further notified that said John Peterson will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and Stae aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the pro perty above described and men tioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days after the first publica tion of this summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and de fend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued interest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by or der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and said order was made and dated this 8th day of February, 1922, and the date of the first publica tion of this summons is the 10th day of February 1922. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. WM. A. WILLIAMS, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address 822 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 1915 to 1918 tax collected during term Total 1915 to 1918 tax on hand and collected Paid to County Treasurer during term 3,583.99 Balance 1915 to 1918 tax on hand Jan. 1, 1922 1914 and prior tax on hand July 1, 1921 1914 and prior tax collected during term Total 1914 and prior tax on hand and collected Total cash balance on hand Jan. 1, 1922 Recapulation Total 1920 tax on band and collected during term . .? 3,692.38 . 3,160.78 .$ 5.55 346.63 $ 352.18 . $ 8.736.85 Total 1919 tax on hand and collected during term Total 1915 to 1918 on hand and collected during term. Total 1914 and prior on hand and collected during term.. .$617,006.11 . 4.449.92 3,692.38 352.18 Total taxes on hand and collected during term- Total taxes paid to County Treasurer during term. .$625,500.59 . 607,573.74 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1922 . Balance Fire Patrol Tax on hand... Collected during term 3.05 267.25 $ 8,736.85 270.30 W. By I. Paid to State Forestry , . $ J. WILSON, Tax Collector. D. TAYLOR, Deputy Tax Collector. COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI- ANNUAL REPORT Of receipts and disbursements of Clackamas County, Oregon, for six months, ending, December 31st, 1921. Compiled by ALBERTA L. DUNN, County Treasurer. General and Consolidated Summary, showing the condition of the several classes of funds, of money received and paid out, from whom received and what source from July .1st, 1921 to December 31st, 1921, inclusive. SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FUND Receipts: July 1st, 1921 Balance on hand $ 11,698.76 Sheriff. 1915-16-17-18-19 taxes $ 1,363.42 Sheriff, 1920 taxes collected 1921 119,835.51 . Interest collected by treasurer on bonded school districts 34-62-103-105-106-108-115 Credit, spec- ' ial schools 85.26 Interest collected by treasurer on school building ? fund, districts, 62-106 Credit; special schools 280.21 1919 tax transfers, credit; special schools '. 3.29 1920 tax, credit; special schools 72.00 Receipts . Total Disbursements: receipts Special school tax paid, school clerks Express paid on school bonds and coupons from -New lork . : : 1920 tax transfers, charge; special schools Transfered to school bond, interest and sinking fund, to cover re-demptions 121,639.69 . $133,338.45 $ 96,295.79 2.47 27.38 5,677.50 Total disbursements Semi-Annual Report of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon Showing the amount of .claims allowed, on what account, the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid to the 1st day of January, 1922. General Fund 1 State Industrial Accd. Comm. $5,000.00 Registration and Elections Sheriff's Office : Clerk's Office Recorder's Office ,. j Treasurer's Office Surveyor's Office Assessor's Office Court House Circuit Court County Court Justice Court Coroner . Insane Carus Items CARUS, Feb. 7. Those who attend ed the farm bureau meeting at Beaver Creek last Monday were Ed. Brown, G. R: Gwilliam, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss, charner Jones and A. Beach. Mrs. John Calvery and daughter Mary, and Bernice and Miss Minnie HMIMMMIIIMIMMMUIMIIMHtmiMmiMMimtl Dr. Harry W. Paine 1 Osteopathic Physician Beaver Bldg. Oregon Cityf CATARACTS PREVENTED There is no excuse for BLINDNESS caused by cata racts except accidental injury to the Crystalline Lens of the eyel For the (pasf twenty years this fact has been known to Optical Science. The natural law governing this condition is as old as the hills but the knowledge of ap plying the law is only of rec ent years. Do not wait until you are partially blind before giving your eyes attention but come to me in the early stages of your trouble and I will show you the simple way of preserving your vision and maintaining your eyes in a comfortable easy condition. 19th year of practice. Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 505J4 Main 8t. Oregon City Opposite Postofflce LENSES GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT Sthool Superintendent '. Health Officer Fruit Inspector Cattle Indemnity Indigent Soldier Widow's Pension . . Care of Poor Juvenile Court Scalp Bounty Tax Rebate Printing and Advertising State and County Fairs Sealer Weights and Measures Tax Department . Canadian Thistles Prohibition - Agricultural Agent Damages . - County Club Leader Traffic Officer :. 3,557.40 2,806.14 4,203.95 2,631.55 1,752.24 2,767.02 4,152.14 2,529.26 3,478.40 2,314.43 2,464.67 439.30. 147.88 3,523.54 235.78 11.25 677.40 311.50 3,855.04 6,337.80 501.57 455.87 82.00 120.99 1,167.40 400.00 238.19 2,661.26 46.50 r 965.55 1,159.41 1,200.00 950.00 891.35 January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand Special City Fund Receipts: July 1st, 1921 Balance on hand Sheriff, 19K-16-17-18-19 taxes 102,003.14 $ 31,335.31 Sheriff, 1920 taxes collected 1921 1920 tax transfers, credit; cities Receipts 226.49 43,659.69 75.22 $ 3.643.53 Total receipts Disbursements: Special city tax paid cities . 43,961.40 $ 47,604.93 1920 tax transfers, charge; cities Total disbursements . ..$ 46,061.88 48.19 January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand General County Fund Receipts: July 1st, 1921 Balance on hand $ Sheriff, 1915-16-17-18-19 taxes Sheriff, 1920 taxes collected 1921 1920 tax transfers, credit; Gen. Co L. L. Savage, Justice of the Peace No. 2 Geo. T. Parry. Justice of the Peace No. 3 E. J. Noble, Justice of the Peace No. 4 C. A. Lewis, Justice of the Peace No. 5 W. A. Beck, Justice of the Peace No. 8 46,110.07 .$ 1,494.86 J. M. C. Miller, Justice of the Peace No. 13. S. E. Wooster, Justice of the Peace No. 14 J. G. Noe, County Recorder, fees W. J. Wilson, Sheriff, fees F. A. Miller, County Clerk, fees i Alberta L. Dunn, County Treasurer, interest col lected on bank deposits Telephone calls, refund to county W. A. Proctor, County Commissioner, on account sale of cattle of Tom Jones, deceased, credit; ' Gen. county fund Refund 2,681.05 167,547.55 .06 84.00 1,540.00 5.717.70 15.00 45.00 25.00 119.00 3,592.85 355.95 5,600.45 3,621.88 . 1.30 $ 83,024.20 160.00 19.19 Receipts 191,125.98 Total receipts . $274,150.18 Disbursements: Paid General County Fund warrants $ 63,927.48 Paid O. P. Hoff, State Treasurer, last half, State tax due from Clackamas County 126,735.41 1920 tax transfers, charge; Gen. Co .26 Paid Fish and Game Commission, account Jus tice of the Peace fines ! County Court Order, transfer from Gen. Fund to County Fair Fund County Transfered to Elementary School Fund, last half, 1921 : , 397.35 800.00 35,596.70 Total disbursements Roads and Highways $ 64,036.78 $530,671.50 Total Expenditures General County Fund Market Road Fund District Road Fund Special Road Fund General Road Fund Bond Road Fund $594,708.2S ..$ 64,036.78 .. 82,013.44 - 73,882.56 161,038.49 . 145,737.35 .. 67,999.66 Total Warrants Issued Outstanding Warrants General County Fund General and District Roads, endorsed Estimated interest thereon, 10 months at 6. General and District Roads, not endorsed Special Roads Market Roads Bond Roads . $594,708.28 $ 5,619.56 ...1. 405,447.16 20,272.56 9,178.91 4,208.27 1,499.16 1,532.31 Total all warrants outstanding Available Funds For the payment of General County Fund Warrants... For the payment of Special Road Warrants For the payment of Market Road Warrants For the payment of General and District Road Warrants.. For the payment of Bond Road Warrants Total available funds . Overplus, General County Fund Overplus, Special Road Fund Overplus, Market Road Fund Overplus, Bond Road lund ...$447,757.93 ... $ 46,692.98 .... 30,225.17 ... 13,974.35 6,482.57 6,236.21 .$103,611.28 $ 41,073.42 . 26,016.27 . 12,475.19 4,703.31 January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand County School Fund Receipts: July 1st, 1921 Balance on hand . Sheriff, 1915-16-17-18-19 taxes 227,457.20 $ 46.692.98 Sheriff, 1920 taxes collected 1921 B. Vedder, County School Supt. account school books U. S. Forest Reserve Rentals from State 575.50 48,997.18 59.65 272.43 $ 13,226.69 Receipts , Total receipts Disbursements: Paid County School Warrants Paid State Librarian .school books 49,904.76 $ 63,131.45 $ 57,266.44 1,258.62 Total disbursements January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand 58,525.06 $ 4,606.39 General and District Road Fund Receipts: July 1st, 1921 Balance, on hand, (General, Dis trict and Special Roads) $ Sheriff, 1915-16-17-18-19 taxes Sheriff, 1920 taxes collected 1921. Sale of rock and gravel Road donations County Court Orders, transfers Sale, lumber, shingles, rent of roller, accrued in terest paid on county road warrants Refunds 5 U. S. Land Sales ... 1920 tax transfers, credit; road fund . Transferred from Motor Vehicle fund to General and District Road Fund U. S. Forest Reserve Rentals from State -m Receipts . receipts 2,104.12 163,490.46 4,381.39 4,570.14 10,739.04 , 284.15 350.62 129.27 22.16 4,172.13 817.31 $139,809.58 Indebtedness for General and District Road Warrants Outstanding. together with interest thereon for 10 months at 6 . 428,416.06 STATE OF OREGON, 1 . f ss. -Cniintv of Clackamas I - I. Fred A. Miller, County Clerk of the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, do hereby certify tnat tne above and foregoing is true and correct. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court at Oregon City, Oregon, this 1st day of February, A. D. 1922. ' FRED A. MILLER, (Seal) . County Clerk. Oregon City, Oregon, January 1, 1922. To Fred A. Miller, County Clerk, 1 Clackamas County, Oregon. I, W. J. Wilson, Sheriff and Tax Collector, submit herewith, report, as by law required, of taxes collected and paid to County Treasurer, during the Semi Annual term beginning July 1, 1921 and ending December 31, 1921. 1920 tat balance on hand July 1, 1921 $ 9,190.00 1920 tax collected daring term 607,816.11 Total on hand collected during term Paid to County Treasurer during term Balance 1920 tax on hand Jan. 1, 1922 1919 tax balance on hand July 1, 1921 1919 tax collected during term .$617,006.11 . 609,588.32 Total on hand and collected during term Paid to County Treasurer during term 901.66 3,548.26 4,449.92 4,014.64 $ 7,417.79 Balance 1919 tax on hand Jan. 1, 1922 1915 to 1918 tax on hand July 1, 1921 108.39 435.28 Total Disbursements: 191,060.79 .$330,870.37 Paid General and District Road warrants $148,319.34 Paid Interest on General and District Road wts. 8,880.77 Paid (1919) Special road warrants 772.52 Paid (1920) Special road warrants izt,57t.7l 544.36 : 72.42 72.42 County Court Orders, transfers 1920 tax transfers, charge; Road Fund 1919 tax transfers, charge; Road Fund- Transferred to special road fund, November 1st, 1921 special road balances fund to be known as special road fund Transferred to Road Imp. Fund Total disbursements 39,193.64 16.60 324,387.80 January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand County Fair Fund Receipts: July xst, isx jsaiance on nana $ 6,482.57 Premiums won by Clackamas County County Court Order, transfer from. General Coun ty Fund to County Fair Fund , 233.00 $ L937.41 800.00 Receipts Total receipts Disbursements: Paid County Fair warrants Total disbursements '. 1,033.00 .$ 2,970.41 2,907.55 January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand 2,907.55 62.86 State School Fund (Continued on Page Seven).