Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 20, 1922, Page Page 2, Image 2

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r A From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During i
Correspondence Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. j
Odd Fellows Hall
A Ivtr "FirP
Uamagea JJy LJJ-ci
- ' ing " last Saturday and re-elected the
ESTACADA, Jan. 17. At a little f0n0wing officers: H. C. Stephens,
before five o'clock Sunday night, fire president; Thomas Yocum, vice-pres-was
discovered in the Odd Fellow's ident; Ruth Dillon, cashier. The di
hall The volunteer fire company was i rectors are, Leroy D. Walker, Thomas
soon at the scene of the conflagration j Yocum A. E. Sparks, Miss Ruth Dillon
and playing several streams of water j and H c Stephens,
onto the building. The fire originated I Migg Ruth DUlon was aDgent from
in the kitchen of the apartment occup-j tfae bank & few dayg ma week on ac
ied by Win. Bass and wife, rooms on count o sicknes8.
the north side of the building down , gam Barr hag boUght two lots of W.
stairs. It is not known what started the F Cary in Terrace addition and will
fire, as Mr. and Mrs. Bass left the g(on commence the erection of a dwell
house a short time before, and every- Jng
thing seemed to be all right .Also there Mr and Mrg Tom Morton moved
were ladies in the hall above only down' to tte property which he recent
about twenty minutes before the fire ly purchased of W. J. Moore, last Sat
was dicovered, and there was no indi- urday
cation of fire then. It looked for a Th w c T jj. dinner at the M. E.
time as though the whole building
would be burned, but through the her
oic efforts of the fire fighters, the
blaze was extinguished and under con
trol by seven o'clock. Besides being
used for lodge purposes J. K. Ely oc
cupied the lower room with a general
stock of drygoods. The goods were
taken out, also the household goods
belonging to Dr. Stiner, who lived in
the house adjoining on' the north. The
Odd Fellow building was badly damag
ed, especially on the north side. Mr.
Bass lost most of his household goods
and the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs lost
most of their paraphernalia as their
lockers were right over the fire. Every
thing in the lodge room was taken out.
Masons, Eastern Stars, Artisans and
the Loyal Legion societies used the
hall also. Mr. Ely's loss will be great,
not only by fire but by water and the
general mixup of the goods which
were taken across the street to the
city hall. Adjusters for the insurance
companies were here Monday but as
yet nothing, has been settled. The Odd
Fellows carried $4,000 insurance on
building and Ely $4,500.
This section had a taste of real cold
weather Wednesday morning, when the
thermometer was down to 20 above
zero. A thin blanket of snow covers
the ground.
J. K. Ely, who suffered a loss in the
fire Sunday night, to his stock of gen
eral merchandise, which was located
in the Odd Fellows building, bought the
building occupied as a pool hall of R.
G. Marchbank, and commenced to
move in on Wednesday morning. This
is a better location as it is on Broad
way about the middle of the paved
The Freshmen of the Estacada high
school entertained the other classes
last Friday night at the Hotel Estaca
da. Refreshments were served and
dancing and games furnished amuse
ment. Quite an interesting meeting of the
Parent-Teacher Association was held
last Wednesday night at the high
school auditorium. The Oregon state
president of the P. T. A., Mrs. Hill,
was present and gave an address.
There was music and a discussion of
grade school problems, by Mrs. Cole
man and Miss Leila Howe. Mrs. Iner
son talked on the "Purpose of Domes
tic Science in Education" and there
was more music. The pantomine entitl
ed, "The Lamp Went Out," was very
cood. Following the program was a
short business session, at which time
Mrs. J. W. Reed was elected to fill the
vacancy on the executive board, Mrs.
W. C. Bacon elected as vice-president,
Mrs. A. G. Ames resigned. Mrs. Loyd j
Yocum also tendered her resignation;
as president of the association, but the
election of a new president was left
jitil the next meeting. Refreshments
were served.
R. M. Standish and family and Mrs.
M. H. Evans came out from Portland
Sunday to visit at the P. S. Standish
home in the Garfield district.
Died Ruth Anders, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. II. Antlers ,of Garfield,
Jan. 9. Funeral was. held at Zion
church the following Thursday, Rev.
T. B. Young officiating.
Miss Bertha Burns was here from
Portland Sunday to visit home folks
Miss Dorothy Phillips of
Creek, was a delegate to the Christian1
Endeavor convention at Gladstone last i
Sunday j
Mrs. Ella Chillis of Portland, was a .
guest last week at the J. E. Gates
The M. E. people have started a j
their members and all who care to join
The first meeting will he held
Monday evening, Jan. 23, with the
Ladies Aid as hostesses'. There will
be n program, games and a general
social time.
William Buss and wife, who were
burned out in the fire Sunday night,
will commence housekeeping in - the
rooms at the roar of the Odd Fellows
building, down stairs.
Mesdames I. N. Talmer and Grace
Wyant, of Portland were guests at the
George La.wrence home last Friday.
Work is progressing on the fish
hat'hery at the Country Club, in the
Garfield district. The manager, Mr.
Moieland, is in charge.
H. H. Huxley and family have mov
ed into the Linn house on Zobrist
street, recently vacated by Gordon
Mr .and Mrs. R. C. Marchbank are
receiving the congratulations of their
numerous friends, over the safe arrival
of a nine pound girl at their home
Monday, Jan. 16. The family are much
Holman & Pace
Homelike Efficient Courteous
Telephone 86
7th and Water Sts., Oregon City
I delighted as the other three childreD
are boys. i
The stock holders of the Estacada
state Bank held their annual meet-
church Tuesday night was well patron
ized. Tuesday night was the regular time
for the O .E. S. meeting and the re
ception hall at the Odd Fellows build
ing was used for this purpose, the
regular lodge room being- so badly
damaged by the fire of Sunday night
that it could not be made comfortable.
Mrs. Gladys Holmes and little daugh
ter of Portland, were week end guests
at the W. C. Bacon home. And on Sun
day Jay Hayes, also of Portland paid
the Bacon family a visit.
Dr. McCall has made arrangements
to leave Estacada in the near future,
but is undecided as yet, just where
he will locate.
Dr. McCall spent a few days in
Portland this week.
Next Friday night, Jan. 27, is the reg
ular meeting of the Community club,
at the Estacada hotel. Matters of in
terest to the community will be
brought up and there will be a pro
gram as usual.
Roy Meyers .connected with the P.
R. L. & P. Co., was a business visitor
in Estacada Wednesday.
Mrs. G. H. Lichtorn was brought
home from St. Vincent's hospital, Port
land, Sunday. She is still very weak
and is confined to her bed.
Messrs. Phil Hammond of Oregon
City and Leroy D. Walker of Portland,
accompanied by their wives, were Esta
cada visitors last Saturday.
Upton H. Gibbs and wife attended
the Editorial Association at Eugene
last Friday and Saturday. They were
entertained while there by the State
W. F. Cary is building a house on
icreage across the river.
Estacada Lodge, No. 175 ,1. O. O. F.
and the Rebekahs held, a joint installa
tion Saturday evening in their lodge
room. After the installation, a ban
quet supper was served in the spacious
dining room and the evening's enter
tainment was rounded out with danc
ing and games . The Odd Fellows in
stalled were, Past Noble Grand, Harry
McKenney; noble grand, C. F. Brown;
vice-grand, Wm. Gilgan; secretary,
Fred Bartholomew; treasurer Ben Bul
lard; Warder, Fred Marshall; conduc
tor, Milton Weatherby; chaplain, Wil
bur Wade. The Rebekahs installed
were past noble grand, Val E. Cary;
noble Grand, Elva Ahlberg; vice-grand,
Myrtle McWillis; secretary, Mary
Eschleman; treasurer, Cordelia Carter;
Warder, Nellie Hayman; conductor,
Rose Wilcox; chaplain Birdie Gilgan.
Stafford News Items
STAFFORD, Jan. 17. Friends and
neighbors are rejoicing with Mrs. Otto
Peters over the advent of a baby girl.
Clarence Weddle again held the
lucky number last Friday evening and
became the happy possessor of an
other shaving outfit. He had won one
a number of weeks ago at the unique
"give away show" at the Liberty in
Oreeon City.
Mr. Voget, the minister who ecu
pies the pulpit at the Baptist church
was absent in Salem 'ast Sunday even
ing and C. El'esen preached in his
The high school pupils had qui' a an
I '"''1crfence ratting t ) their clasps at
est Linn .Monday morning, seme or
th-m rot a-riving i.n-n after 10. but
t'fle Prir-cipal excused tVm, as tho de-
'av was unavoidable,
Homer Nussbaum drove the s- hool
bus3 a number of days last we'-k as
Mr. Lehman was drawn on the g-and
Henrici Notes
HENRI Cl. Jan. 17. A Boys and
Girls Club has been organized at the
school under te directon of our teach
er. Mis Hargraves. The girls are tak
ing up sewing and the boys sheep rais
ing. Mrs. Vohlpoul was chosen club
leader. 0
Mrs. Fred Henrici passed through
our city last Sunday.
Mr. Blackburn, our road supervisor,
was out improving our highway last
Mrs. D. F. Moehnke has been called
to the bedside of her grandmother who
is very ill at Albany.
Mr. Berry went to Beaver Creek one
day last week. .
Mrs. Bashford has returned from
Mt. Angel where she has been visit
ng her daughter Mrs. Fred Force.
George Force was threatened ' with
pneumonia but is improving. Mr. ana
Mrs. Force were former residents of
this place.
Miss Christena Bluhm, who is em
ployed at the First National bank at
Oregon City, spent Sunday with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Bluhm.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jennings vist-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Berry Sunday i
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larson of Port
land spent Sunday with the latter'
brother Walter Hornshuh.
The Misses Christina Bluhm and
Mina Bluhm called on their cousin
Mrs. J. P. Halliday of Clafrmont last
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lindsley visited
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erickson of Glad
stone on Sunday.
T,iteraTV SocietV
Has First Program
HAZELIA, Jan. 16. The Literary
Society of Hazelia gave their initial
program at the school house last Sat
urday evening. Music and recitations
were enjoyed and Community singing
was conducted, by Mrs. Duncan Chris
tiansen, and which will be a strong
feature to the future programs. After
election f officers lunch was served.
The Hazelia school will have charge
of the February program and proceeds
made from the sale of pie will be used
to pay for the new phonograph.
The quilt made by the ladies of the
Community Club was raffled and won
by Ed Pollard, the proceeds, $10 were
given for the Community kitchen fund.
A fine mammoth bronze gobbzler,
was stolen from the Christiansen tur
key roost Friday evening.
The Hazelia farmers are busy with
cabbage and are encouraged as prices
are good and cabbage plentiful.
The children of Hazelia will miss
planning their club projects this year
which has formerly afforded them in
teresting and profitable cooperation,
with their former and much loved
leader, Mrs. Purcell, in their commun
ity life and county fair exhibits. The
county has taken a step backward in
giving the children their proper
chance to do that which they are
most interested in on our farms and
to show that interest, to the profit of
all, at our county and state exhibi
tions. It would be time well spent to visit
the fine green house completed by our
ambitious gardener and florist Paul
Rigleman, located south of- Tualatin
River bridge. Mr. Kigleman ana
brother put this large construction up
without any help and it is modern in
every way.
Tualatin S. S. Plan
On Entertainment
TUALATIN. Jan. 17. The losing
team of the Tualatin Sunday school
will entertain the winners on Saturday
evening at 7:30 p. m. in the church
A very delightful program of games,
etc., will be given and young and old
are invited to come and have a good
time. Mrs. Minnie Bates, the pastor's
wife' will be present and will assist in
the program.
The Wilsonville Sunday school elec
tion of officers was held on Sunday
evening last as follows: superinten
dent, Miss Inez Seely ; assistant su
perintendent, Mrs. Frank Brobst; sec
retary, Dorothy Say; treasurer, Frank
Brobst; organist, Vida Seely; librar
ian," Bessie Stout; Faithful Followers
Class, Mrs. F. A. White; Young Peo
ples Class, Sherman Seely; Intermed
iate Girls Class, Mrs. Frank Brobst;
Intermediate Boys Class, Dwight See
ly. Cams Items
CARUS, Jan. 16. Mr. and Mrs.
George Bliss were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes at Beaver
Creek last Tuesday.
Quite a few people of Carus attend
ed the Pomona Grange at Molalla last
The people on line 18 finished put
ting up new poles last Thursday.
Mrs. Fred Spangler called on Mrs.
W. X. Davis Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Jack Griffith spent a few days
visiting friends in Portland last week.
The Ladies Aid met at the home of
Mrs. A. Beach last Wednesday after
noon with a good attendance.
Fred Spangler was on the grand jury
last week.
Mrs. Albert Sfchoenborn attended
the missionary meeting at Mrs. Rob
ert Schoenborn of Elodrado Wednes
day afternoon.
Miss Emma Josi called on Mrs.
John R. Lewis one day last week.
Miss Minnie and William Edwards
spent Sunday afternoon at the Calver
ly home.
Fred Josi motored to Canby on busi
ness last Saturday.
Griffith Jones made a trip to Oregon
City last Saturday.
Lnnce Shocklev worked on his
place at Mount Pleasant last week.
Teonard Sinclair, Sr., of Portland,
a former resident of Cams, was a call
er on Mr. Beach Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geope Ingram made a
business call at Fred Kamrath one day
last weelt.
Mrs. John R. Lewis. Mrs. Jack Grif
fith, Mrs. Fred Spangler and Mrs.
Charles Stewart and son Wave spent
Wednesday at Butteville with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Yerere and family.
Miss Paula Fisher is working for
Mrs. W. X. Davis. Mrs. Davis has
been ill for several weeks.
Mrs. John Kline spent Wednesday
afternoon with her friend Mrs. Smith,
of Mulino.
E. C. Brown was a business visitor
in Portland Friday.
A committee appointed by the
Ladies Aid met in Oregon city Friday
to see about purchasing a new stove
for the church.
Mrs. Lunce Shocklev and daughter,
Lucille, and Miss Minnie Edwards,
called on Mrs. Even Lewis last Wed
nesday afternoon.
Fred Josi made a trip to Oregon
City one day last week.
Charlie Calverly who is attending
school in Portland spent the week
end with his mother and sisters.
A number of people gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown of
Carus Friday evenne in honor of her
birthday and everybody reported a
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis spent Sun
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Spangler and family.
jangier anu
Mr. and Mrs. Bd Weisser and fam-
U 111 J 14 1
. . i j. ci I
ilv werp Oreeron City visitors lasi oat-
urdly I
Mr " Ivy of Portland preached at the j
Carus church last Sunday. '
Well Known Woman
Dies in Portland
MULINO, Jan. 17. Died, January
10, in Portland Mrs. Louise Burns,
wife of Amos 'Burns and the mother
of Tom Burns. The funeral services
were held on Thursday, January 12 at
. . . t-, .i j -.t!m
iu a. in. at me rui uauu 1 . . ....
Mr and Mrs. Burns had a homestead
,here thev lived
.i j onH Summer Tbevithpir home with Mr. and Mrs. FieJ '
UU11M& ciio Dtiu& -
..iixr tho winters at their
uoucwij .
home in Portland. During ner stay
here Mrs. Burns made many friends
in and around Mulino. She was an
active member of the Ladies Aid. AU
extend sympathy to the bereaved
husband and son.
Mrs. Leu Anderson spent last Fri
day visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson who reside near Molalla.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mallott and
children who have been visiting rela
tives and friends here for several
days returned to their home in Mai
pin last Monday.
Mr. Parkhurst who is representing
a tea company was here Friday and
Mrs. L. F. Holiday and two chil
dren were here visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson last
John Bolin and Mrs. Myrtle Schenk
of Oregon City were here Thursday
and Friday visiting friends.
Miss Margaret Tweedie and Miss
Vav Harmon and Messrs Louie and
Luther Lorenz attended the play at
Canby -last Thursday evening. The
plays "The Courtship of Miles Stand
ish" and "Spreading the News" was
given by the Canby high school.
The girls basket ball team is busily
practicing every evening getting ready
to chal'enge some other teams in the
near future.
Miss Alta Mallot and Allard James
were Molalla visitors last Sunday
Miss Vay Tarmon went to Gresham
last Friday and remained until Sunday
where she wa the guest of her sister
Miss Gladys Harmon.
Miss Margaret Tweedie went to
Portland Saturday to do some shop
ping. J. J. Mallot, Mr. and Mrs. George
MaHot and Joe Daniels were Canby
visitor slast Friday.
A basket ball game was played at
Mulinn between the home team and
Standard Oil Co.. the score was 3S
to 3 in favor of Mulino. A return game
wa played at Parkplace last Saturday
night and the seorp was 27 to 21 :n
favor of Standard Oil.
J. Cash was a Portland visitor this
Miss Minnie Orth and Miss Hazel
Klinger and Miss Ellen Reed of Port
land were Mulino visitors last Satur
day. Miss Gladys Schuebel a trained
nurse is home visitine her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuebel.
Mrs. Catherine Goucher went to
Needy last Tuesday to spend several
weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Noblitt.
Miss Rose Mulvaney of Meadow
brook was a Mulino visitor last Tues
day. -,
Mr. Phillips who runs a meat wagon
from Oregon City out to Mulino and
other points returned last Tuesday to
continue his bi-weekly trips. He has
been off duty for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and chil
dren, Lee, Donald and Blanche were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bounds, last Sunday evening.
Mrs. Larios and sons, Don and Paul
of Oregon City were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lew Hilton last Sunday.
Barlow News Items
BARLOW, Jan. 16. The Barlow
Parent Teacher Association is gong
to give a pie social Saturday evening,
Ja. 28. Everybody come and have a
good time.
Harry Gardner went to Seattle Tues
day on business.
Mrs. Boord and Mrs. Widdows were
Canby shoppers Friday.
There will be services in the Barlow-Lutheran
church Sunday morning,
January 22.
Miss Anna Pennell is visiting her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Pennell
of Rarlcv.
Mrs. Sheppard, resident of Barlow,
passed away at her home in Portland
Friday afternoon from pneumonia.
George and Albert Berg, Roy Zim
merman and Frank Zeluisky returned
home Wednesday after a trip through
Redland News Notes
REDLAND, Jan. 17. Will Phillips
was an Estacada visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Alien went to
Portland Wednesday to attend the fun
eral of their late friend. Mr. Stewart.
Mrs. Albert Gerber of Lo?an has
been spending a few days with her
mother Mrs. Frank Sprague.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Store and daugh
ter Miss Edith transacted business ii
Oresron City Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Edgar of Ore
gon City were Redland callers Satur
day, i
Will Phillips and Don Bruce were
Oregon City visitors Saturday.
Lou and Dick Henderson transacted
business in Oregon City Saturday.
M.0. Rose of Oregon City was a
Red'and visitor Sunday.
Allison Allen substituted for Mrs.
Waumbau on R. F. D. 2 Monday.
Bissell News Items
BISSELL, Jan. 15. William Held
and wife went to Bathney last Thurs
day to attend the funeral of the late
Mr. Wismer.
Mr. Peterson was transacting busi
ness at Estacada last Saturday.
The people of George .have been
hauling potatoes to , Estacada this
week for which they received ninety-
five cents a hundred
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders and Cart
Lins attended the show at Estacada
last Thursday night.
Carl Rath ha3 been under the care
. .. tr,
of a doctor for the past week witn in-
. , .
flrkTVMitinri in Viio curoa
Henry Smith and wife and son Rich.
ard and Miss Duncan visited Ted
Harders and wife last Sunday.
JANUARY 20, 1922.
Popular Couple of
Beaver Greek Wed
BEAVER CREEK, Jan. 17 An in
teresting event of January 8 was the
marriage, in Portland, of two of Beav
er Creek's" popular young people, Al
bert V Widener and Miss DeEcta
i shaw Bev Srhutze officiating. The
. . - ,
' newlyweds spent a week in Vancouver
! and Portland before returning to make
Steiner. Last night they were wei-
. . ,- -oi
cornea nome w nil a iuusius ui.,...
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong enter
tained at cards Saturday evening. En
joying their hospitality were Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Davies, Mr. and Mrs.' John
Watts, and Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wood
ard. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henrici and son
and Mrs. Sprague and daughter of
Portland visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. Steiner Suuday. They
also called on. Mrs. Gri;enwaite.
A new telephone division, of Carus
is connecting with the switchboard
here this week. It will be No. 33.
Mr. Makinster has been ill for the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mosier of Portland
spent the week end at their place here.
Representatives of the Farm Bureau
are arranging to hold a big public
meeting in the Grange hall at Beaver
Creek on Monday, Jan. 30, 10:30 A.
M. There will be speaking and moving
pictures of an educational character.
Everyone is invited to com and
bring a basket lunch.
Advance News Items
Furnished by School
ADVANCE, Jan. IT. A surprise
party was given Mrs. J. de Neui at her
home Saturday evening. Everyone en
joyed games and delicious refresh
ments, which were served at a late
Those who attended literary, at Frog
Pond Friday were: Olive Dragoo, Lil
lie Moser, Elsie Turner, Thomas Turn
er, Clarence Koellermeier and Harry
Gosser. Thomas Turner took part in
the program.
News furnished by the Eighth grad
ers of Advance school.
Sam Moser of Stafford has Set our
a new orchard consisting of severa'
different varieties of apples, walnuts
and a couple of filbert trees.
Visitors Of Mr. and Mrs. H. Koeller
meier are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mohnke
and Elsie Mohnke of Estacada ad C
Mohnke of Eastern Oregon. Mrs. H
Koellermeier is a daughter of Fred
George Zinserling and family motor
ed over Sunday to see J. Iderhoff and
Johnnie Moser and bride were Sun
day visitors at the Moser home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schemer and
family were visiting their sister and
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. H. Iderhof
Thursday. -
Elton Dragoo is . going to take the
state examinations in geography Fri
day. Harry Gosser is busily engaged in
cutting wood. He simply makes the
gasoline saw hum till it's tired.
The school boys are cutting wood on
the school premises. The spirit of
industry acquired by the boys of Ad
vance is worthy of high praise..
The recent Oregon City visitors
were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koellermeier,
Mrs. S. Moser, J. Iderhoff, Wm. Dra
goo, Thomas Turner and Forest
The recent Portland visitors were
E. L. Toedtemeier and Clarence Koel
lermeier. Needy News Items
NEEDY, Jan. 18. Robert Ginther
is putting in good time getting ready
for the entertainment that his school
will give February 17.
Mrs. Noblitt and Miss Bertha Car
uthers visited the school Friday.
Clarence caruthers has a brother
visting him from Dayton, Wash.
Earl Batchlor of Portland is spend
ing a few days with his mother Mrs.
Smyth of Needy.
Mrs. Kate Gorcher of Mulino is
spending a few weeks with her daugh
ter Mrs. Noblitt of Needy.
Mrs. Dick Garrett of Canby visted
her daughter Mrs. Kinzer of Needy
one day last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. George Brohart visited
at Alvin Tompsons Sunday.
Several friends of Mr. and Mrs. N.
Learfield called on them at their home
at Needy Sunday. t
Miss Bertha Caruthers entertained ;
company from Portland Sunday.
Herman Thiel visited Albert Noblitt
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Snaerle. Chas. .gpasrlo and
Master John Spagle spent" Sunday
evening at Salam Kinzers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gripp visted Mr.
and Mrs. Babb Sunday.
Several from Needy attended the
funeral of Mr Hoffman of Hubbard
Sunday. Ho was a brother of Chas.
Hoffman and Mrs. Thiel of Needy.
Miss Elizabeth Lang visited friends
in Oregon City and Mulino several
davs last week.
Several around Needy are taking
care of colds these days.
Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are moving
to Canby. .
Mhrs. J. H. Gripp visited with Mrs
L. Spagle one day last week.
DODGE, Jan. 16. The basketball
game between Springwater and Dodge
on Saturday evening resulted in a
score of 23 to 16 in favor of Dodge.
After the game, dancing was the or
der until midnight when a basket sup
per was served.
Chas. Co'son'g father from Idaho ar
rived Monday and expects to spend
! the rest of the winter here.
Mrs. Wren of Estacada spent the
week end v.-ith Mr. and Mrs. Hedges.
Mrs. Mallott has gone to Portland
again after spending several woks at
The actual weight of the human I
brain or the size of the head is no
sign of special intelligence.
" ............................
Dear Comrades: We all are more or
less acquainted with our small town.
Some one has said "God made the
country, man made the city and the
devil made the small town." Whether
that be altogether true we feel there
is room for vast improvement in the
small town especially is the need
greater if such a town be near a big
city as its people are indifferent con
sidering home town improvement more
unnecessary as they have easy excess
to the city life and advantages, relying
only on their own town for a place to
live, as t is cheaper and pleasanter in
many ways to be outside of tne duj
whirl. Another element of the small
town is the "good enough" kind of
people who are perfectly satisfied with
things as they are. They scarcely
ever go outside of their own door
yards to find out what other folks are
doing. They are in a rut dead, and
do not" know it. Nothing could ever
get them out save a stick of dynamite.
This class of people never enter "into
Lad Hill Items
' LAD HILL, Jan. 18. Mr. and Mrs.
G. J. Case of Newberg are visiting
this week with their son and family,
Bruce Case and their daughter and
family Mrs. Ellis Parrott.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parrott and fam
ily spent Sunday wiKi Mr. and Mrs.
James Parrott Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. C- A. Allen and son
Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
and son Howard were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of R. H. Walls.
Mrs. C. H- Ives . stepped on a nail
last week and has been unable to walk
for several days.
Harry Hacker was riding his horse
Sunday when it slipped and fell, throw-
ing him to the ground and injuring his
knee so that he has been unable to
attend school this week.
Don't forget the free dance Satur
day evening Jan. 21. Everyone wel
come. A. Buyers the Farm Bureau agent
was soliciting membership in this
district No. 62 Monday and Tuesday.
Fifteen farmers signed up. There were
only two in this- district that has not
signed but say they will later on.
George Smth assisted Mr. Byers in
canvassing this district.
e liS Hill Commercial C.uh met
Tuesday evening at the regular ses-
sion. The building committee said the
cost of the new hall complete not in
eluding labor was $1400. The labor is ,
to be paid off with notes due in five
years. A motion carried not to allow ;
smoking in the hall. j
George Walls started cn a trip, by
boat to San Pedro, California Satur- i
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiser were in
Sherwood shopping Tuesday. j
Mrs. Jack Smith spent Friday arfter-;
noon with Mrs. Al McCulley. :
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parrott, Miss i
Martha Struve, Miss Joyce Ber, Arthur 1
ives ami m u.io iu,c
dance in Butteville Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sutton enter
tained at their home with a dinner
party, Friday evening celebrating
their wedding anniversary. The fol
lowing were present: Mr. and Mrs. I.
J. Tautfest and family, Ruben Roy and
Clarence Kramien.
Willamette Notes
Mrs. Philip Mars of Astoria visited
uei s.i.-u.M4, m . -u
Louise Overton was ill on Wednes
day and compelled to stay home from
work. Miss Overton is employed at
the Woolworth store at Oregon City".
Mrs. Lee Porter, who has been at
tending high school is ill at her home.
She has not been attending school
since "the Christmas vacation.
Last Monday afternoon there came ,
an S. O. S. call from A. D. George of
Oregon City for children to help in
v. ; . iinActar Miir TTi tv rpsnonded '
one hundred and twenty strong. They Prairie community Club meeting was
left here at six-thirty and formed a I held recen0y at the home of F. joplin.
line at the West Linn depot and j After sgg. of interest to the peo
marched to the Methodist church on -t ple of tWs vicinity was discussed, the
the hill. The children were chaperon-, evenin& was spent in dancing and
ed by their teachers and many of the : games -
parents also attended. The program 1 '
was very much enjoyed by all pre- .
sent. ' I
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bartholomew ; J
have rented apartments in the Ellig- j
sen building on 5th avenue. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thornberry,
Mrs. Clem Dollar, and Gladys Baker j
n-ofo ir flrpcnn Pitv Wpilnesdav eve- i
ning and attended installation of of -
ficers of the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Wi'l Reams was shopping in
Portland Wednesday. While there
she also visited relatives.
Mrs. Harry Berdine of Bolton visit
ed relatives in Willamette on Thurs
day. Mrs. Belle Koellermeier of Moun
tain Road, was in Willamette Wed
nesday visiting relatives.
Mrs. Prahl and Mrs. Clem Dollar,
attended the all day meeting held at
the Baptist church in Oregon. City on Mount Pleasant, where he 'hifs since
Wednesday. made his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muke and Mrs.: On May 10, 1910, Mrs. Humphrys
Chas Baker and son Frank, of Glad- died, and three years later Mr. Hnni
stone spent Sunday in Willamette as phrys married Mrs. Elizabeth Con
the guests of relatives. yers in this city, who survives. A
A silver tea was held at the home daughter, Mrs. Elmer Hendrickson, of
of Mr and Mrs Garv on Wednesday this city, and three grandchildren,
afternoon by the members of the W. Ruth, Bessie ad Beulah Hendrickson,
C T U. During the afternoon many of this city, also survive him.
called and a social time was enjoyed. : Funeral services will be held from
Refreshments were served. j the Holman and Pace chapel Friday
Martha Gross, whose home is in afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. E. G.
Washington is visiting at the home of Edgar, pastor of the Presbyterian
Grandma Gross. She will visit here church, officiating. Interment will be
for a few weeks and then go to Cali- in the family lot in Mountain View
fornia for the benefit of her health cemetery.
At a meeting held at the school j
house list Monday the first steps WILSON OPPOSES PACT
were taken to form what is to be WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Definite
known as the Willamette Progressive information has come to Democratic
Cl b The object of tne club will be members of the senate that Woodrow
t "promote the growth and develop- Wilson, former president, has come
ment of Willamette and vicinity. The to a decision on the four-power treaty
motto of the club will be "Boost for and that he will oppose it.
Willamette and Patronize Home In- The news caused a stir among the
dustry " limited number of senators who have
Mrs. Gary -fc-as given a surprise been appraised of Mr. Wilson's atti
party on Friday morning when sever- tude.
al of her friends came with baskets The former president is expeeted in
loaded with good things to eat, the oc- the near future to make some form
casion being her birthday anniversary, of a public announcement of his
Dinner was served at noon and a so- views.
anything in a public way because they
have no public spirit and consider it
to much work or they haven't time.
They are almost as usless to a small
town as the" snobs of the town that
prefer to stay at home rather than
mix with, ordinary people,
j They stay inside of the exclusive
I circle of the town and imagine- they
j have cast their lot among the elect
but to the writer's notion have been
deceived for a snob is the most ordin
ary of a towns folks and its elect are
those that have the Community life
spirit, that are redeeming our small
towns,- making them fit places to live
without being parasites as a town
! truly is that gives nothing of its self
and getting all its life from its neigh
boring big sister, tne cuy-
How shall we go about to recon
struct the small town that we may
be proud to call it our own?
(To be Continued)
cial time enjoyed in the afternoon.
Those present were Mrs. John Ream,
Jr., and son Kenneth, Mrs. E. A.
Leisman and sons, Richard and Mar
shal, Mrs. Fred Baker and son, Ken
neth, Mrs. Clem Dollar, Mrs. Harold
White, Mrs. Herman Peters, Mrs.
Frank Shipley, Mrs. H. Leisman, Mrs.
John Rauch ana son Lynn, Mrs. Rob
ert Young, Mrs. R. Denton, Mrs. John
Casey, Mrs. Neal Whitney, and Mrs.
Several of the women" from Willam
ette are attending the sewing classes
held each Thursday afternoon at the
Union High school.
Parkplace News
Mrs. W. W. Smith of Clackamas
Heights, who was taken to the Ore
gon City hospital is convalescing.
Miss Ethel Philips, daughter of
Mrs. R. Wenger, who has been con
fined to her bed for the last six
weeks with rheumatism has been tak
en to the Oregon City hospital for
Mrs. F. Bermier and Mrs. L. Him
ler attended the Pomona grange that
was held at Molalla.
The Parent-Teacher association
held their regular meeting at the
kpl.ce school auditorium Friday
! j
, u "r co-i
il lat the home Of his sister, Mrs. Ed.
Kent was moved to Portland Sunday
for medical treatment under a special
ist. Mrs. Ohler, Mrs." J. Keeley and Mrs.
M. Anderson of Portland attended the
Work club Thursday.
Meldrum Notes
Mrs. Alex Gill was a recent hostess
to the Wimodasi Society.
j Mr. and Mrs. P. c. Davidson enter-
( tained at & Sunday dinner Mr and
i Mrs. A. Pouts, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pouts,
j Arthur Kiel, Miss Edith and Frank
! Lindstrom, all of Portland,
j Miss Elizabeth Brenchert spent
i Saturday and Sunday at the Caldwell
E. E. Hammond, who recently sold
I his property on Meldrum avenue, has
j purchased 2 acres of the Hawes acre
' age on the River Drive and will soon
j erect a modern 5-room bungalow.
Little Winnifred Gardner is suffer-
. with the whooping cough
Mrs. Thomas Grady entertained
Portland friends to dinner Tuesday.
Those who enjoyed Mrs. Grady's hos
pitality were, Mrs. Harry Hurd, Mrs.
Frank Tyer, Mrs. Lewis Beavers, Mrs.
Floyd Leach, Mrs. Schneider, Mrs.
Miller and Mrs. Lathrop.
Miss Nettie Geyneer of Portland,
woe o ffiioct of Mise THrlifh Caldwell
and gaturd ,
m.XC TT?4TT?TR lan 17. Thfi Elk
1 Jack T. Humphrys, a well known
j resident of Clackamas county, died
at the family home at. Mount Pleasant
on Wednesday morning, after an ill
ness of about twelve weeks.
Mr. Humphrys was born at Corn
wall, England, February 13, 1S31, and
on June 23, 1874, married Miss Emily
Curnow, at the Parish of St. Paul,
England. In company with his family
Mr. Humphrys came to America, set
tling in Oregon City, and a number of
vear aeo took up his residence in