OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922. JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent. i Community Singing Enjoyed at Oswego JENNINGS LODGE, Jan. 11. At the annual meeting of the Jennings j. Lodge Community church held Tues day evening the congregation voted to extend a call to Rev. A. B. Snyder who has served as pastor for the past year to accept the call indefinitely. Mr. Snyder has closed a successful year's work during which time the new build ing has been nearly completed. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Olin Ford, clerk; N. R. Humphry, deacon; Arthur 3. Smith, treasurer; Mrs. Bertha Hart, trustee; Dan Jones superintendent of Sunday school; Mrs. Arthur B. Smith, educational secretary; W. I. Blinestone leader of the choir; Mrs. Hugh Rob eirts, corresponding secretary. The treasurer's report showed the current expenses of the church had been paid with a balance of $18.60 remaining in the treasury. The clerk report showed an enroll ment of 38 resident members and ac tive work being done in every depart ment. The work of completing the church will be carried forward aa rap idly as finances will permit. The church now being able to conduct serv ices and hold Sunday school in the new building, which when the finishing work has been done will be one of the most complete church buildings in this section. The report of Dan Jones supeririten-, dent of the Sunday school showed an j average attendance for the past year of 67, with total collection amounting to $186.58. Proceeding the business meeting a supper was served by the men of the congregation. A feature of the supper was the apple pies baked by the men. The men were drafted as pie makers and obliged to contribute pastry of their own making under a penalty of forfeiting $5.00 to the church treasury, if they failed to comply. Acting as chefs, assistant cooks and waiters were the ollowing H, P. Deter, ' R. L. Newcombe, Jerry Madden, W. B. S. Booth, William Jacobs, W I. Bline stone, H. F. Hendry, Wm. Moritz, B- O. Lofey, Carl A. Starker, Henry Wood ham and Warren Swart. The following five were chosen as councilmen to serve as an advisory committee on the board of manage ment Warren Swart, W. B. S Booth, H. W. Stevens, H. F. Hendry, and Carl A. Starker. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, Jan. 11. The Junior Endeavor Society of Grace church are planning a party to be given in the near future. Mrs. Snyder Is In charge of the arrangements. Cards have been received by a num ber of their friends in Jennings Lodge announcing the marriage January 1st in Los Angeles of LeClaire Ostrom, pressive. A firing squad from the 03 second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wego post fired a salute. Taps were George A. Ostrom, former residents i sounded and the coffin, draped in Old and Howard W. Planalp, of that city. R. E. Maple of Seattle spent Sunday with his brother J. C. Maple. Mrs. S. O. Griffith entertained a number of friends New Years evening. The affair was in honor of her mother, who has returned to her home in Okla homa. A severe attack of quinsy has caused O. R. Holloway to be confined to his home several days the past week. Wednesday afternoon the members ; of Grace Guild were entertained by Mrs. Dan Jones and Mrs. A. B- Smith,; in the guild room of the new church. , This was their first meeting in their i quarters in the new church. The Community club will hold a so- ciai meeting nexi weanesaay evening. : Mrs. Gedeon Nunn who was taken to ' PHONE US FOR Your GROCERIES We're as close to you as your telephone and we give you the same personal courteous service that you would get if you came to our store yourself. We have put one price to all. Ring us np the next time you're in a hurry for groceries of any kind and well deliver promptly. Blue Front Grocery Jennings Lodge, Or. R. H. HENDRY Successor to W. I. Blinstone Phone Oak Grove 158-J Oregon City 8F2 We deliver. Give us a trial. Phones: Sellwood 597. Automatic 21363 John P. Miller. Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Moulding Mill Fcoi of Spokane Avenue J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 V. IBMIMMMMMMMK the Oregon City hospital last week is rapidly improving and will be able to return to her home in a few days. C. H. Dietz recently purchased a farm of 120 acres near Rainier and is making preparations to remove with his family to their new home. Petitions are in circulation asking that a special election be called for the purpose of establishing a water dis trict 'which will include the territory from Glen Echo to Evergreen station. Contributions Made By Ladies of Guild JENNINGS LODGE, Jan. 11. The annual meeting of Grace Guild held recently, the reports showed the . and entertaining program Prof. C. L. society had contributed during the j Morgan acting as toast master. It be year $500 to the building fund and $200 gan with a delightful program of ten to the churcj, budget. Both pledges j minutes by the Whitney Boys Chorus, had been paid in full before the close of ; This wag followed by a community the fiscal year. Following the busi ness meeting each one present receiv ed a present from a wel laden tree. A program of readings, songs and stunts was enjoyed by those present. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, Jan. 11. Mrs. TJlbrand represented the Jennings Lodge residents who were present at the county budget meeting last Friday week. Mrs. Dan'Jones has been on the sick list several days with the grip which is quite prevalent here John T. Jennings who has been on the sick list for some time is recover- ine- and is able to be out aeain. Mrs. Hampton of Hull avenue visit ed her son at Pendleton during the holidays, Mr. and Mi's. Sam Roake spent sev-i eral days last week with their daugh-1 ter, Mrs. George R. Gardner, of Mel-: drum station. While here they attend- OSWEGO ITEMS Mrs. Cora Last Rites Held For Fallen Hero OSWEGO, Jan. 10. The last ritea wer paid to Loren G-' Harrington, form er Oswegoian who died in the over seas service, Wednesday afternoon, when the body was laid to rest in Os wego cemetery. A large representa tion of uniformed men were present from the Harrington-Elston post, American Legion of Oswego, this post being named after Oswego's two fallen heroes. The services were military and im- Glory, was lowered into the grave. Mr. Harrington was 37 years old and is survived by his mother, two sisters and two brothers. Community Church RepOrtS rrOreSS j ' i OSWEGO. Jan. 12. The Community i Singing Club of Oswego gave a most . enjoyable program of Xmas music at the Coneregational church Thursday, evening. It showed great development of talent in Oswego and the club is fill- lng a need for better music in Oswego it is organired for the purpose of he'p- jng those who care to keep up in tneir music, and teach those to sing who wish to learn. The club will have a social musical evening every month for its members and invited guests. A banquet was given Thursday evening, Jan. 5 and the club invited Mrs. Bre- , tina Frown and Mr. and Mrs. Hender son of the Community Service Bureau of ToHland as their guests on the oc casion. I Watch Party Held Oil NeW "YearS Eve . , OSWEGO, Jan. 12. A New Tear s eve watch party as held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Griffy. Keno and "500" were played, following which delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Davis won the first prize at "500" Carl Horn won the consotion. Marie Johnson won the prize at Keno. Those present were Mr. find Mrs. Otto Johnson, Marie JohiRon, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas. Mrs. Gray, Carl Horn, Mrs. Wessling, Mr. Youngman and Mable Robertson. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED OSWEGO, Jan. 12. George Thomas celebrated New Years and a birthday PORTLAND. OREGON liMfMflllfJ"l"l'iW"1""1""i"a"5 Monteomerv and Fifth fortlanH ed the Roake family Christmas dinner at the Masonic Temple in Oregon City. Miss Elva Eads has returned to For. est Grove to resume her studies at the Pacific University after spending her Christmas vacation with her moth er Mrs. Ellen Eads of Meldrum station. W. A. Rush, who spent the Christ mas holidays at his home at Hull sta tion, has returned to his duties as teacher at Freewater, Oregon. Henry Woodbeck and family, of Van couver spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck, of Hull avenue. COMMUNITY CLUBBERS BANQUET IS SUCCESS MILWAUKIE, Jan. 12. The ban quet of the Community Club lat week was a big success. The four tables ex tending the full length of the Grange hall were filled to capacity. Over two hundred were in attendance. There was a great deal of enthusiasm and community spirit manifested. After the banquet was an interesting sing directed by Prof. L.. Carrol Day, president of the Modern Conservatory of Music of Portland. An instrumental solo by Anona Fisch and a vocal solo by Mrs. John Sirois. There were short talks by several of the incorporators and a few other local citizens. Toast master Morgan then introduced the speaker of the evening,- E. E. Fa ville. Much credit is due the ladies of the community for their faithful and untiring efforts in putting the ban quet over. The Misses Boss of the Carver Dra matic Club were in from Carver Wed nesday and confered with Gladys Brawley and Alick Lehman of the lo cal dramatic committee, in connection with their own club. They have put . on several dramas at Carver and ex- pect to put another one on soon. Dr. O. P. Lowe, who suffered a stroke of paralysis two weeks ago is improving rapidly and is able to De about again. His many friends will be glad to know that he can soon be in his office again. Bullock party at his home, with music, games and a general good time. Those pres ent were Mrs. Josephine Hill, Sadie and Anna Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dix Earl and Florence Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker, of Milwaukie. OSWEGO LOCALS OSWEGO, Jan. 12. Mrs. Jane Guthridge, niece of Mrs. Brownlee, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brownlee south of the city . Mrs. Guthridge makes her home in Seattle and Port Blakley, Wash. Mrs. O'Brien, who hag been very ill at her home is reported better at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson were hosts to several of their Portland friends New Years Eve. , Mr. and Mrs. John Davis were host and hoste3s Thursday evening enter taining a number of friends from Port land. Jessie Bunch has recently returned from Cornstalk. Ore. and was the guest during the week of his sister, TVfrs T-fwis Rmith. Mrs. William Dyer Jr., who has been f f hp returned . ,,,,,. , mtl1 with her a wnile Mr an(J Mrs Harry Baxter and son Mejvjile of Oregon City visited Mrs. Baxter. brother on Saturday evening, Th alsQ had with them Mrg Bax. t ., Portland Miss Francis cochrun returned to Eugene Wednesday to i resume her studies at the state university. A crew from the state highway de- nartment ia husv constructing fences aIong. the h,-ghway on Glenmorrie hill. M a Rudolnh Erickson are the proud parents of a baby boy which arrived at their home this week. Miss Blanche Hawke and John Con way were united in marriage recently at Vancouver, Wash. A party was he'd in honor of the young people Saturday ovu-inir nt th homo of the bride's Parents. They have taken up their residence in their new home and nae the best wishes of their many friends. Mts J c Ha'nes, Jr.,-has been quite pas(. week Mrg Gardner of Portiand was the . n. n(T T rr. Worthing rr " " - ton over Sunday. The work on First Avenue is now be gun as they are hauling rock and spreading it. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Em rich Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Weidman have a their guest Mrs. Weidman'S sister frotn the East. Walter Emmott of Redlatid was in Oswego one day last week to visit his brother. .1 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson entertain ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lune Weidman and family. OFFICTRS OUSTED NEW YORK, Jan. 11. Asserting that they had been wrongly advised to go on strike and were eager to return to their old jobs, about 1800 milk wagon drivers of local union No. 584, who have been" on strike since November 1, unanimously voted the union officials out of office at an in dignation meeting. Basis for tha ac tion, it was said, was provided in the union's constitution. ENGINEER HELD VANWERT, Ohio, Jan 11. With four children dead, two more expected to die and six others seriously in jured, the result of the wrecking of a school bus by a Pennsylvania freight train here yesterday, J. D. Trimble, s Fort Wayne, Ind., the engineer was charged with manslaughter. An affi- davit charging Trimble with responsi-, bility for the tragedy, was filed by Ray L. Imbler, father of two of the dead children. Trimble was released on bond of $5000. OAK GROVE ITEMS Man Is Found Dead At Sunken Gardens OAK GROVE, Jan. 11. Emil Braum stein was found dead at his home on River road Sunday morning by neigh bors who became alarmed at not see ing him for two days previous. The two neighbors whom he was in the habit of spending his evenings alter nately had not seem him on either Friday or Saturday evening and on Sunday morning they went to his i home and finding the door unlocked, entered and found the dead body on the floor. It is not known how long he had been dead but it is thought it may have been since Friday. He is survived by two sons who reside in St. Johns. Mr. Emil owned the place known as the Sunken Gardens. The funeral was held Tuesday at Ken worthy's Parlors, Sellwood. Baby Home Aided By Helpers Club OAK GROVE, Jan. 11. The Help ers Club presented at Xmas time a beautiful picture to the Albertina Kerr SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Community Sins; to Be Held on Sunday SANDY, Jan. 10. Everybody come to the Community sing Sunday night. There will be a fine "crisp" program, and the following numbers will be a part of the program: Bass solo, "Ave ' Marie," by Gounod, F. D. Eason; So- Iprano solo, "The World is Trailing the , Sunrise," wil be sung by Mrs. C. L- Clinefelter; The Sandy puartet will sing "Last Night," the Sandy Women's club will sing, "Oregon, My Oregon." Duet, "Evening Brings Rest," Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Clinefelter; Trio, "Mansions of Light," Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Esson.and Dr. Sture. , There may be other attractive num bers "imported" if plans carry, and live congregational singing will be a feature. Patronize these free musicals. Everyone is welcome. Charles Johansen Of Orient Passes SANDY, Jan. 10. Charles Johansen of Orient who passed away at the Good Samaritan - hospital at three o'clock, January 7, was 54 years of age and came to this section 33 years ago. He was a brother of Mrs. Hannah Nelson, and an uncle of Ned, Milton and B. Nelson, of Kelso and Sandy vicinities. The doctors were unable to determine the exact cause of Mr. Johansen's sickness and death. He was a well known citizen, and was a leader in the dairying business and was a promin ent member of the Jersey cattle club, and will be greatly missed in the af fairs of his community as well as by a host or friends ana relatives, xne funeral was held at the Baptist church at Pleasant Home last Tuesday at 2 P. M. J. E Metzger of Gresham was the undertaker. Mrs. Hannah Nelson, sister of Mr. Johansen is still confined in the Good Samaritnn i.osnital with a broken knee, but has considerable rheumatic pain in the other limb. Installation of Officers Is Held SANDY, Jan. 10. The following are : the new officers of the Sandy I. O. O. P. lodge: Lewis Hall, N. G.: R. C. 1 Prace, V. G., John Mitchell, Warden ; ' Will Bosholm, Conductor; C. O, Duke, Chaplain; Joe Albel, I. G.; John Mar fnay. O. G.; R. E. Esson. R. S. N. G.; Melvin Smith, L. S. N. G.; Joe Loun dree, R. S. V. G.; Herman Bruns, L. S. V. G. The Rebekah officers are: Mrs. Alma Maronay, N. O.; Susan Kelliher, V. G.; Mrs. Anna Duke, Warden; Ruth Reed, Conductor; Mrs. A. C.Baumback : Chap 'ain; W. Bosholm, I. G.; Geo. C- Mar onay, O. G-: A. C. Baumback, A. S. N. G.; Myra Hoernicke, L- S. N. G.; Sadie Bosholm, R. S. V. G.; Mable Beers, L. S. V. G. A joint installation was held which . mi was "put on" m nne snape. mere was a good attendance and several guests were present A fine supper was served after which a social hour was enjoyed Cottrell P. T. Asn. Has Fine Program SANDY, Jan. 10. The Cottrell P. T. Assn. had it's usual big enthusiastic crowd at the monthlv meeting Friday bers are requested to come. The busi nieht. Mrs. Joe Donaldson had charge nes can be disposed of in a few mo ot th proeram. Among the numbers ments. were selections by the Cottrell string The next meeting of the Sandy Corn band, with Mrs. Van Fleet at the munity cluh will be he!d Thursday piano; readings by M'S. H. H. Watkins evening Jan. 19 at the Odd Fellow's and Ivy Wilkinson, recitations by sev- hal. It is posible that Brenton Vedder, eral children, song and dance by two Sup't of Clackamas County schools wi'I tiny tots, song by Miss Gosset and be present and make a address. A big Mrs. Gossett Jr.; recitation by Alvin attendance is desired at this Cub Andrews, dialogue by Willie Fowler meeting next Thursday night. Inl and Misq Van Lacken, reading. Mrs. nortant things will be talked over. Auit monologue; Miss Plock. W. L. Crissev arraneed an original "stunt" At me last meeting or me canuy that caused much merriment by taking Volunteer Fire department it was de thirteen bottles of all sizes and calling cided to give a dance on the evening of upon six from the audience to come forward and sness the contents. Mrs. j00 Caldo won the nrlro for the keen- est pengg Df smell. Some were unable to detect plain soap-uds! Joe Donald- son pave an Indian song In costume. Pete Haughlum. Clarence Brown- ing and Alvin Andrews were the re- freshment committee, and served Baby home and a dozen pairs of stock ings for the babies. The girls have al so done some philanthropic work here. They held their regular meeting Tues day. The new officers are Thelma Bloom, president; Jean Lennard, vice president; Vivian Denner, secretary; Edith Noberg, treasurer. OAK GROVE LOCALS OAK GROVE, Jan. 11. A fine time time was enjoyed one evening last week when the Good Fellowship Club of t'le church entertained their friends. The Oak Grove-Milwaukie Social I Service club held its first meeting s-ince Xmas Thursday with Mrs. R R. Davenport. The Oak Grove Improvement Clab has taken over the new sheet known as "Eveready News" and the February issue will appear under the name of "Oak Grove Tattler.", The second examination for the posi tion of postmaster at Oak Grove was cancelled by the department. When the position will be filled is not known. Mrs. Beulah W.orthington ia recov ering nicely from a recent operation. Mrs. V. G- eBnvie, Mrs. S. P. Allen, Mrs. E. Wethered and H. G. Stark weather attended the Pomona at Mo lalla Wednesday with several others from Milwaukie. doughnuts and coffee, which were paid for by the sale of 23 pies and 25 cents a pie, and money was left over for the treasury. Biddy Is Victim of Trusty Fourty-Four SANDY, Jan. 11. Recently Mrs. Lehnfield was awakened at midnight by a loud noise among her chickens so hurriedly grabbed a 60 year old 44 Winchester rifle, went out on the porch and in the blackness of the night "banged away" in what she felt was the direction of the chicken house, thinking the noise would scare away a coyote, if such it be that caused the disturbance. To her amazement next morning she found she had shot and killed one of her big hens, and the dis tance was 300 feet . Sandy Womens Club Has Enjoyable Meet SA.NDY, Jan. 8. Mrs. Ruth Reed and her mother, Mrs. Hoernicke enter tained the Women's Club at it's last meeting, which was a delghtful occa sion. The roll call was responded to with a New Year's wish for the club by all the members and guests pres ent. Several' songs were practised from the new club song book ar-d the program included the study of Oregon history. Mrs. R. S. Smith read a poem by Joaquin Miller, Mrs. Reed read a paper on the origin of the name Ore-, gon. Mrs. Anna Duke read a chanter from Horner's history of Oregon. Mrs Shelley gave a talk on the ideals ai extraordinary accomplishments of the '" iv j..a t i c.- ence. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. J. C. Duke. Those present were: Mrs. Blanche Shelley, Mrs. Edna Esson, Mrs. Anna Duke, Mrs. Carrie Sture, Mrs. Ruth Reed, Mrs. Myra Hoernicke, Mrs. Alice Scales, Mrs. R. C- Shipley, Mrs. R. S- Smith, Miss Margaret Miller, Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, Mrs. Florence Connors. Miss Elise Lippold. Mr. Hoernicke was present at refreshment time and helped serve. The program being held at the Reed home and the bountiful refreshments were served at the Hoernicke home. OFFICERS APPOINTED s.vmY Tan s Ar... Tln Worthy Matron of Mountain View chapter O. E. S. appointed the follow ing officers at a recent session: Star points are: Mrs. Rose Quicksall, Mrs. Augusta Bruns. Mrs. Myrt'e Towusend, Mrs. Delia Eddy and'Mrs. Mary Mauld ng. Emil Werdland was appointed Warden, George Maronay, Sentinel, Ennis Townsend, Chaplain. Refreshments were served after- the busiifrss session and a deliehtful even-i-g enioyed by the members. SANDY SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Jan. 11. Tomorrow is frnancrA ilav n r? ttiA nftpT-nonn will hfi , - taken up with a talk by H. H. Stallard of Oregon City on the power of the press also on such subjects such as , " Why vote taxes you curse aDout aner- wards." The tax system of Oregon will ! be discussed and figures will be given. Questions will be cheerfully answered The annual meeting of the Develop ment League is also called for to morrow at the city hall at 1 P. M. The question of dissolving the organiza tion will be voted upon and all mem Everybody be there! February 11. at the Odd n enows nan for the benefit of the organization. The annual meeting of the Sandy creamery stockholders will be held at , the city hall on Monday, Jan. lb at l f. M. 'harp. The Parent-Teacher Assn. of Cottre i will put on their play, "The Rebellion of Mrs Barclay," on Friday night, Jan. 27. There are nine people In the play, and it takes one and three fourth's hours to give it. Much time has been spent in preparation, and the play is expected to be a big sucess. The Cottrell P. T. Aesn.. appointed a committee at it's last meeting to find out the cost of finishing the upstairs of the school building. It is thought a good auditorium can be made that would be of great service for public meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wilkinson were ! guests of the II. H. Watkins family last Sunday. Mrs. George Perret writes that she is going to try very hard to be with us Sunday night at the Community sing, and she will be more than wel come! A fine new baby daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eberle on the morning of Jan. 5. The little one was named Laura Esther, and she tipped the beam at seven and three ouarter pounds and has a quantity of fluffy black hair. The proud parents are receiving Congratulations. The Eberles' live at Beaver Bend on the Troutdale road. Mrs. Shelley and Mrs. Miller had a delightful evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Eason a few nights ago. Waffles baked at the table on a new electric waffle iron were the delicious refreshments, served with coffee. Mrs. Mary Caron and son Lloyd have moved to town to stay until spring time, when the attractions of Rainbow Rest at Wild Cat will claim them again. The Bruns mill has started up the plainer again after several weeks lay off on account of the high water and freezing weather. There's a lot of oflks planning cos tumes for the big masque-ball that is scheduled by the Odd Fellows about two week's hence. Mrs. A. Glockners sister is still very sick at her home in Portland. Mrs. Glockner returned to take up her regu lar work here last week. Miss Lulu Eddy displayed her usual interest in the welfare of Sandy last Sunday night by coming up from Pleasant Home to attend church serv ices Sunday night. Seems fine to have normal Oregon weather again! Sunday the sun shone and the small boys hiked for the woods. P. T. Shelley has sold off some of his interests at Hood River and will probaly remain here for an Indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wheeler recent ly came up from Melrose to spend the day with the Duke family. Mayor Junker has been feeling un der the weather with, an obstinate cold the past week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Firwood had a severe attack of croup and was also threatened with pneumonia recently. Dr. Williams spent the night at the Fisher home. C. O. Duke went to Portland Sunday to spend the day at the home of his chum. Thomas Hagan and son Harry and daughter Thelma spent the day in ICresham recently. Hagan seldom gets down that way. Mrs. Julius Eisner is reported as be ing quite ill with cancer. The Eisners live on a spur of the Bull Run electric line. Wm. Mueller was reported as quite sick the first of the week. Max Wuinsche has about decided to sro to Southern California in the hooe that the climate may help his rheumat ic trouble which has heen much worse again of late. He may leave in a few days Mrs. L. E. Hoffman has been at work in the market again this week and thinks herself lucky to recover : 0 soon from her severe attack of bron-ch'al-pneumonia tronble. Mrs. Margaret Kin? of Seattle, is here for a week or two visiting her daughter Mrs. Harry Dodson and fam ily. Adolph Aschoff returned Monday from a week's stav in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. D Eason and chil dren went to Portland on Monday o.ftemoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond came out from Oregon Mty last Saturday on an outing and business trip combined Otto Meinig savs h;s" mother is con siderably Improved this week and can awhile both morning and j "OW Sit UP afternoon. Acording to renort Mrs. Lillian Ten Eyck has resigned her school at Mar mot and a teaehe- fro-n Portland has taken charsre of the school. Mrs. Ten Fvck was taken ill last week. The C- Scharnke fami'y had Sundav evening supner at the home of Mr. and Ms. R. DHtert. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aschoff and little Dorothy came in dur ing the evening and all joined in playing flinch. Palmer, the gravel contractor for the highway here will probably not try to work any more for a couple of months on account of the weather. A cook house is being builded near the creek on the Otto Meinig place where the Austrians that have been boarding at the hotel will hold forth. Little can be done by these men in the gravel line while the weather is so un certain. Albert Ridderbush is preparing to move to the Linnton mill soon, accord ing to report. Ernest Harris will drive a truck on the government work that Is being done between Garfield and Log La Barre. "Beattie Is staying with her mother while Ernest is away. Mr. and Mrs. R. p, Wilkinson of Cot trell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donaldson and Ju'a and Owen Marvin lact nndav. Some folks around here are already predicting an earlv spring as the buds are swell in sr out of all proportion for tbet time of vear. y Dr. and Mrs. Thomnson moved dur ing the week from the Scales house in to th Hoffman hnns which has re cently been put in fine shane. Ed. Oesoh reee"t.iv mirchased two po-oq from th FMobnsh home stead p'ace and Mrs. Ridderbush has movid al1 hr fnrn'ture and personal heio"e1ns to the home of her son. Mrs. C- T). Pnrcell went to Portland 1nt . satnrdn-v a" rr"nined in the c?tv for a few da of visiting. Tani p?n?r wt D he city the f lrt of th woek on a business trio, w, rsrtr, Ter.ig wii rem a at 0me a few weevs to r,e"p her father get caught up with his books and other store work. Mrs. L. A. Green of Cherryville, was in Sandy last Monday and went to see her sister airs. Caron while here. W. G. Duncan is improving slowly. He managed to wal in the yard Sun day on his crutches for a breath of the beautiful sunshine and a loqk at Mt. Hood which was sparkling with beauty. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Milliron and chil dren arrived from San Francisco last Saturday and were met here by Ed Hart who dove them to his home. This fam ily will probably locate at Firwood. Mr. Milliron is an electrical man and also plays the saxaphone and has had considerable experience in band work. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gesch returned from a trip to Portland last Saturday. The Geschs have had an offer to go to Salem to work which they were inves tigating but decided not to accept, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Bean of Los Angeles have a new baby daughter that came to them on Christmas morning. The little one weighed ten and three fourths pounds. The Bean family are known here. Joe Zimmerman who played with the Sandy baseball team last sJmmer was out Sunday with a party -and stopped to see his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. c- L- Clinefelter. Mrs. Katie Koch had such a bad cold last week she had the doctor call ed to administer to her, and she was worse the first of the week as her heart is very weak, and she has little resistance. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown who lived at Sandy most of last year were out last Sunday, remaining until Mon day morning. The Browns had Sun day evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Gray and -were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loundree the remaining; time. Brown is repairing man for the State Auto Truck company at Portland. Mrs. Susan Kelliher and daughter Mrs. Lee attended the Rebekah lodge doings last week. Mrs. Lee is moving from Knappa, Or., to Portland, and will enjoy being nearer her mother. Ned Nelson arrived at the hospital just in time to be recognized by his uncle, Chas. Johansen, who was pass ing out and he called for Ned and his wife, and said he was "going," and that was the last he spoke. He was in the hospital nine days. Phyllis, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christiansen is getting along just fine in the California cli mate and has not yet been homesick. Mrs. Emily Matz daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hoffman has been steadily improving since she came to Sandy, and Dr. Thompson, who has charge of the case says the cilmate her is evidently fine for her. A broth-erin-law of Mrs. Matz is also here and expects to remain. The little son of Mrs. Alta Gentry of Pleasant Home has been ill for a week and Mrs. Gentry had to take an enforced vacation at the Outlook of fice. Mrs. Alma Maronay came out from Portland to fill her chair at the Re bekah joint installation, but went back to the city the next day on account of her father J. H. L. Maybee, who is still very sick. Mr. Maybee is confined to his bed and has fallen off greatly in weight. He requires considerable care and wants his daughter near him. Master Paul Duncan had his first birthday on Jan. 7. His proud parents think a "miracle" has been perform ed as baby Paul barely tipped the scales at four pounds one year ago at his birth, and now weighs 24 pounds and a livelier, more healthy child can not be found anywhere. Recently Mrs. Strucken had a severe scare when the wind was blowing and imagined her house was going to b'ow over so she went to her dauebterXs home, "and spent the night with the Duncan family. A pot-luck dinner at the Miller home was shared with D. A. -Williams last Sunday who was kind enougjj to say he enjoyed the meal. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Jadwin of Bull Run have about re covered from a severe attack of pneu monia. Mrs. Jadwin was almost down herself from are care and anxiety over the children. " Susan Kelliher says her husband had to report at the railroad . comnany again last Wednesday as be had been granted the limit two month's vaca tion, wmcn ne spent wun ner on me farm, and his time had expired Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Allen and children were at the Baumback home on Sun day and expected to drive up to Sandy to ca'l on friends but tire trouble took up so much time that they had to re turn to -Portland without gett'g here. Mrs. Ennis Townsend of Bull Run was a Sandy visitor on Rebekah night last week. Charley Suckow's leg is getting bet ter and he is able to wa'k som now. He st'li eoes to Portland about twice a week to a doctor. Mrs. Ennis Townsend of Tn" Run was over at Tacoma recntlv for a fortnight and had a delhtf"l visit with hr mothe- and with fr'ends. "TTncle" Morsran was a nonpar at tendant at te Odd Fellow and Re- freVah installation. Carl Aschoff and Carl Lond-ee were on a hnntine trip over at "a"n"t the other dav bn found no game to carry home with them. M About "fifteen hundred" have b'd on the Star mail route accordine to renort of Sanflv's 'joker.' so we are assur ed of having a mail carrier. Mrs. W A. Proctor was on the ailing list for a few davs of last week. Glenn T.onndree wa homo from the Y. M. C. A. automobile school for the week erl. Glenn expects to trraduate from this course in about three months. Mr. and M'S. Jack Scales and Ken neth snent the dav Sundav at the homo of Mr. and Mrs Flod 'Poed st Corbett. The Columbia, river Is still half froyen over, and tha tonne lines are stfll a tangled mass, though tho i-orVmen are busy a'l th. t'me. The destruction Of the silver thaw is still "terrible to see" according to Mrs. for-tinned on Page t3pn Phone Day 1901 Night 99X J. E. METZGER Funeral Director and Embalmer Paul R. Meinig Sandy Agent Gresham, Oregon . Lady Asst. J