Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 13, 1922, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Page 5
Special This Week at
Tlic fS-ClCL Store
Box Stationery 25c
Odds and ends of boxed
writing paper 24 sheets with
24 envelopes selling regular
ly 35c to 40c. Only 84 boxes
in the lot. While they last 25c
Umbrellas 20 off
This includes our whole
stock from $1.50 cottons to
fancy silks at $12. This week
only 20 of the marked price.
WoocTburys Facial... 19
Pears Scented. 17
Pears Unscented 14
Lux 10
Baby Doll, 6 for 25
Lava, 3 for 25
S-W Hand Paste 06
$1.00 Books for 50c
These are selected from
our regular $1.00 copy rights
not our whole stock. Some
are shopworn, some are over
stocks, not a large number,
but some mighty good read
ing for adults and also a list
for boys and girls.
Extra Special Soap
Full half pound bar
Glycerine, Violet, Rose,
Almond or Buttermilk.
3 bars for 25c
Hinds Cream 30
Oriental Cream 1.35
Theatrical Cold Cream
-pound .40, pound .75
Tooth Paste
Pepsodent 39
Pebeco .39
Kolynos 21
Col gates 19
Klenzo 16
We have Susto the new
Huntley -Draper Drug Co.
Among the interesting parties given
in Oregon City during the holiday sea-
I son was at the apartments of Mr. and
1 Mrs. Walter L. Little on Seventh and
i Center streets New Year's Eve, when
I a number of friends were invited to
delightful event, and one long to be
remembered by those In attendance.
The affair continued until Sunday
Dancing and cards were features.
Refreshments were served.
The apartments were artistically
decorated. These were in keeping With
I the holiday season.
Enjoying the affair were Mrs. Tull,
j Miss Howe, Miss Sanders, Miss Free
. man, of Oregon City; Miss Staats, Nel
I vin Johnson, Ralph Johnson and Mr.
i Nicholas, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs
Little, host and hostess.
Among the enjoyable features were the
piano selections given by Miss Lena
Posson, of Estacada.
The rooms of the Yonce home were
prettily decorated for the holiday sea
son. Enjoying the affair were Mrs. L- C.
Posson, Mrs. James Shannon, Mrs. J.
K. Morris, Mrs. J. L. Waldron, Mrs.
Izetta Albright, Mrs. Robert Simmons,
Mrs. Gus Bergren, Mrs. John Surfus,
Miss Lena Posson and Mrs. Yonce.
Will Make Home At Canby
Professor and Mrs. Stauffer, of Port
land, the former connected with the
Lincoln high school, were in Oregon
City on Sunday, where they visited
friends, among these being Mr. and
Mrs. A. c- Warner, of Mt. Pleasant,
where they made their home fora
brief time. Professor Stauffer has
recently purchased a home at Canby,
where he and his wife spend the week
end, and made many improvements
by planting fruit trees, selecting some
of the best varieties. This place was
owned by Mr. Cline, and is considered
among the valuable tracts of land of
that section. Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer
are to make their home for the sum
mer at their Canby farm.
Mrs. Mary Hawker In City
Mrs. Mary E. Hawker, of Milwau
kie, was among those to come to Ore
gon City on Thursday. While here
she looked after property interests in
Clackamas comity.
Milwaukie Resident I,n City
Among those to come to Oregon
City on business Thursday was Mrs.
Haley, whose home is Oregon City
Route 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Stromgre-ri In City
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgren, of
Colton, .motored to Oregon City on
Thursday. While here they transact
ed business.
Smith Family to Occupy Farm
A family by the name of Smith, of
this city, have rented the A. iJ. King
farm at Mount Pleasant for the com
ing year. Mr. and Mrs. King and! In Oregon City On Thursday
Mrs. Taber In Oregon City
Mrs. G. E. Taber, of Glen Echo, was
among the Oregon City visitors on
Jennings Lodge Resident In City
Mrs. Evelyn S. Hole, whose home is
at Jennigs Lodge, visited Oregon City
on Thursday.
Mrs. Wicker Comes to City
Mrs. Wicker, of Canby, was among
the Oregon City visitors on Thursday.
daughter, Herminia, are on their way
to Isle of Man, where Mr. King is heir
to a fortune left by a sister, Mrs. Pal
mateer, and upon their return in six
months, they expect to make their
home at Locust farm, the former home
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warn
er, early Oregon pioneers, and resi
dents of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs.
Ward B- Lawton, the latter a sister of
Mrs. King, are also making their home
at this large farm residence.
Buy Home In Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franklin, who
have been making their home at Mt.
Pleasant for the past two months,
where they have been occupying the
Charles Stroup place, have purchased
a beautiful home on East 90th and
Glisan street. Portland, and have tak
en possession. The land consists of
one-half acre, and the home is mo
uern throughout. Mr. Franklin was
engaged in livestock business a t
Montevista county, Colorado, before
coming to Oregon, having disposed of
his interests in that state.
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Thursday was Mrs. Newton Criteser.
Her home is at Canby.
Redland Resident Comes to City
Frank Sallfeld, of Redland, was an
Oregon City visitor Thursday.
Transacts Business In City
Mrs. Cora Hammond, whose home
is at Redland, was among those to
transact business in Oregon City on
Comes from Jenings Lodge
Mrs. J. C- Maple, whose home is at
Jennings Lodge, was among the Ore
gon City visitors on Monday after
' noon.
Daughter Arrives
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Olson, of Canby,
are rejoicing over the arrival of a
daughter, born at their home Saturday
January 7th.
A large .number of social affairs
were held in Oregon City during the
holidays, but one of the prettiest was
a luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
i George A. Harding, at Tenth and Main
streets, when their youngest daugh
ter, Miss Evelyn Hardflrg, popular
of this city, announced her engage
ment to William Wallace Laxton, of
The decorations of the Harding
home were most attractive and artis
tically arranged. In the parlors spring
blossoms were used, among these be
ing red carnations, bright colored jon.
quils, pussy willows and potted ferns
i and palms.
The color scheme of the dining room
was pink and white, when Loraine
begonias, white narcissus and delicate-
ly shaded pink bouardias were used,
j The table decorations were' effectively
i arranged, when the center was formed
with pink Loraine begonias, from
which extended pink satin ribbons to
each place, which was marked with a
dainty place card, bearing the for
tune of each guest. Not until the last
course was brought in when the an
nouncement of the engagement was
made, and this being cleverly done,
when little bluebirds, bearing an en
gagement card in their bills told the
story. This came as a complete sur
prise to the guests, who were mem
bers of the U-Go-I-Go Club, of which
Miss Harding was a member. Each
guest was presented with a corsage
bouquet to correspond with the
flowers used in the dining room.
Enjoying the affair were Miss Flor
ence White, Miss Erna Petzold, Miss
Marion Pickens, Mrs. Alfred Cook, of
this city; Mrs. Thomas Knick, of Ful-
lerton, Calif.; Mrs. Hugh Burdon, of
Ocean Falls, B. C, and the hostess.
The bride-elect, who has always re
sided in Oregon City, is one of the
well and favorably known young wom
en of this city, and a graduate of the
Oregon City high school. She also at
tended the University of Oregon ut
Eugene, and is a member of the Chi
Omega Sorority. Miss Harding is an
active member of the Auxiliary to the
American Legion, recently re-elected
to the office of vice-president.
Mr. Laxton, an over-sees' man, was
with the 23rd U. S. Engineers, station
ed in France during the world war,
and upon his return from the service
again took up his profession as a civil
engineer. He is popular among his
many friends, and has made his home
in Portland for a number of years.
The marriage of Misg Harding and
Mr. Laxton will be an event of early
Coming as a surprise to their friends
was the marriage in Salem New Year's
day of Miss Alta Burke, elder daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. c- Burke, of
Thirteenth and John Adams streets,
and Robert Beatie, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Beatie, of Beaver Creek.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. W. T. Millikin, former pastor of
the Baptist church of this city, now
pastor of the Baptist church in Salem.
The young couple returned to Ore
gon City. Mrs, Beatie resuming her
position as a clerk in. the county re
corder's office. Mr. Beatie has return
ed to the farm of his father, where he
is assisting with the farm work.
' The bride is an active worker of the
Baptist church of this city, a graduate
of the Oregon City high school, and
has many friends here.
Mr. Beatie is also favorably known
in Oregon City and at Beaver Creek,
where he has a host of friends. He al
so graduated from the. Oregon City
high school, while the family resided
ated, when imitation spiders and
webs held favors for the guests. Mrs. ;
Nash, a talented musician, favored
the guests with several selections. The ',
remainder of the evening was spent I
in games and various '"stunts." j
Refreshments were served at twelve I
o'clock by the hostess, who was assist- i
ed by her mother, Mrs. S. R. Bennett, j
Enjoying the evening were Mr. and j
Mrs. Albert Roake, Mr. and Mrs. Vir-!
gil Drake, of Oregon City; Mrs. Cora j
Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Arling Bennett, !
of Long Beach, Cal.; Dr. an dMrs. J. G
Nash and Mrs. S. R. Bennett.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Lovett was the scene of a family re
union, an annual event held at the
Lovett residence on New Year's day.
Enjoying the affair were Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Walker, Mrs. Sophie Char
man, Mrs. Matilda charman, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Walker, Mrs. Thomas
Knick, of Fullerton, Calif., Miss Marie
Walker, Miss Helen Lovett, Pierce
Walker, Nan Lovett, Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Lovett.
On Christmas the annual reunion
for that day was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker, when
those attending the Lovett dinner
were in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Frame Moore's home
was the scene of one of the enjoyable
affairs of the holiday season, this
being held on Monday, January 2nd,
and in the form of a New Year's party.
Decorations were in keeping with
the holiday season, and were artistical
ly arranged.
Enjoying the event were Mr. and
Mrs.- J. Edgar Wells end son, John
Edgar, Jr., Mrs. Alma Good, of The
Dalles; Miss Alma Good, of Portland;
Frank Wadsworth, of Portland, broth
er of Mrs. Moore; William Thelan,
James Moore, of Portland; Misses
Alma and Florence Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rivers enter
tained on New Year's day at a delicious
dinner at their home in West Glad
stone. The Rivers homo was decorated in
keeping with the holiday season. i
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. I
Mack- Rivers, of Edgewood;. Mr. and !
Mrs. James Keeley, of Portland; Mr. j
and Mrs. William Rivers, of Glad- j
stone; Misses Wava and Maxine Kee-j
ley, Alden and Errol Rivers of Glad- j
stone. I
Mrs. Paul Naumann "slipped one
over" on her husband on New Year's
Eve, when a number of their friends
were extended an invitation to their
home at 311 Washington street, to
watch the departure of the old year
and to welcome the new year. The
surprise was complete, and proved a
most enjoyable event.
About 8 o'clock the guests arrived
and soon had possession of the Nau
mann home. Furniture was removed
from two rooms, after which dancing
was enjoyed, some of the old time
favorite square dances being features
of the evening. Games and contests
were' also played during the evening.
Mrs. Bob Simmon g and Bert Baxter
were awarded prizes in the contests.
Mrs. Naumann served dainty re
freshments during the evening.
Enjoying the affair were Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.
"Bud" Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Riley, of Gladstone;
Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward and
son, Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Farr, Mrs. Mattie Robecker, of Port
land; and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Naumann.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Solomon entertain
ed with a watch party New Year's eve
at their home in West Gladstone in
honor of their son, Troy.
The evening was devoted to various
kinds of contests, games and music
was also enjoyed.
Refreshments were served.
Present were Miss Glenna Miranda
and Miss Mildred Klyer, Troy Solo
mon, Prentice and Dennis Wallace,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Solomon.
Mrs. Richards Goes South
Mrs. R. C. Richards and little daugh
ter, Lawanda Rose, who have been
visiting at the home of Mrs. Richards'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Taber, of
Glen Echo, since last March, have
gone to Abaline, Texas, where they
are to make their home.
Mrs. Filsby Returns
Mrs. J. F. Filsby, who has been in
Portland, where she has been a guest
of her sister, has returned to her
home at Mt. Pleasant.
Canby Woma)i and Children Visit
Mrs. M. E. Wilson and children,
Golsie and Phyljis, of Canby, were
Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
Among the enjoyable family re
unions held during the holidays was at
the home of Mr .and Mrs. E. H. Coop
er, when attending were Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Baron and children, Elizabeth
and Adelle, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Roll and children, Elma,
Elizabeth and "Buddy," of St. Johns,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cooper and Mr. eud
IX-s. E. H. Cooper.
The rooms of the Cooper home were
I prettily decorated for this occasion,
when holly and Oregon grape were
Mrs. Ernest P. Rands was a charm
ing hostess to members of the Thurs
day Afternoon Bridge Club and a few
other friends at her home on Tenth
and Jefferson streets Thursday after
noon, when there were seven tables
The club prizes were awarded to
Mrsi A. A. Price and Mrs.-J. R. Hum
phrys, and the guest prize going to
Mrs. H. E. Straight.
Folowing several hours of cards,
dainty refreshments were served by
the hostess. .
Mrs. Nieta Barolw Lawrence will be
hostess to the club at the next meet
ing, which will be held in two weeks.
Mrs. Rands guests were Mrs. Livy
Stipp, Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mrs. Charles
D. Latourette, Mrs. Nieta Barlow Law
rence, Mrs. H E. Hendry, Mrs. Eber A.
Chapman, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. T
W. Sullivan, Mrs. A. A. Price, Mrs. J
R. Humphrys, Mrs. J. J. Tobin, Mrs
William Tipton, Mrs. H. G. Thompson,
Mrs. L. A. Henderson, Mrs. B. T. Mc
Bain, of Portland; Mrs. E. T. Avison,
Mrs. L. L. Pickens, Mrs. J. H. Walker,
Mrs. c'yde Mount, Mrs. A. H- Huycke,
Mrs. Thomas Keith, Mrs. Frank T
Young, Mrs. J. P. Lovett, Miss Helen
Lovett, Mrs. A. Bankus, Mrs. C. Crus
ius, Mrs. H. E. Straight.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete entertain
ed at dinner New Year's day at their
home in East Gladstone in a most
charming manner. They were assisted
in entertaining by their daughter, Miss
The home was prettily decorated
with holly and yellow chrysanthe
mums arranged in baskets.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Leete, Misses Norma and Has
per Leete, Ralph Leete and Jack
Shaw, of Portland.
An enjoyable evening was spent in
music and games.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuebel. of this
city, announce the .engagement of their
daughter. Miss Roberta, to J. Burrows
Caldwell, of Portland.
Miss Schuebel is a graduate of the
University of -Oregon, ad member of
the Alpha Phi Sorority. "
Mr. Caldwell is connected with a
Portland Advertising Agency.
The date of the mariage has not
been set, but will probably be an early
You Worked
For What You Have
Didn't You?
Then why not keep it in a safe place. You have
Liberty Bonds and other securities, as well as
papers that money could not replace. Put them
in a Safety Deposit Box in our vault. Thieves,
Mobs, Storms will all pass it by.
The cost is only $2.50 a year and upt and this
means pivacy. You alone "will have access to
the box. Come in and inspect the best equipped
safety Deposit Vault in Clackamas County.
The Bank of Oregon City
"FEDERAL reserve
sig, Mrs. L. L. Pickens, Mrs. L. L.
Porter, Mrs. Theodore Osmond, Mrs.
John F. Risley, Mrs. M. D. Latourette,
Mrs. George A. Harding, -Mrs. Matilda
Charman, Mrs. J. E. Hedges, Miss
Muriel Stevens, Mrs. J. F. Clark, Mrs.
Hugh Burdon, Of Ocean Falls, B. C;
Mrs. R. C- Ganong, Mrs. H. G. Thomp
son, Mrs. William Stone, Mrs. Livy
The Imperial Dancing club of this
city, giving dancing parties each Sat
urday evening at the Moose hall, is ar
ranging for a unique party to be given
at this hall next Saturday evening, and
will be termed "straw dancing party."
Straw will be scattered on the floor,
and the Dixon orchestra will be seat
ed on a straw stack. The affair Is in
charge of the committee of the party
given last Saturday evening, and is
composed of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Gross,
Miss Edith Freese, Miss Ethel Mulli
gan, Virgil Yonce, K. W. Swanson and
Burr Johnson.
who will take over her duties, that
evening. Among other officers to be
installed -will be J. F. Clark, worthy
patron; Mrs. Olivia Clark, associate
matron; secretary, Mrs. Ellen Eads;
treasurer, Mrs, Harris; conductress,
Mrs. Evangeline Dye Hutchinson; as
sociate conductress, Mrs. Edith Roake.
Logan Resident lit City
Among the Oregon city visitors cn
Tuesday afternoon was Mrs. Frank
Miss Roberts Returns to Marquam
Miss Ruth Roberts, after spending
the holidays in Oregon City as gue3t
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J Wilson. Her home is at Logan.
Roberts, of Eight ana Madison streets, j
has returned to Marquam to resume : Max Boehmer In Oregon City
her duties as teacher. She also visit-1 Max Boehmer, who is connected
ed her sister, Mrs. C. M. Chinn, of ! with the Canby Hearald, was in Ore-
Central Point, before leaving for , gon city on business on Tuesday.
A. D. Gribble Here
Mrs. Helen Wilcox In Oregon City j 'A. D. Gribble, of Macksburg, was in
Mrs. Helen Wilcox, of Oak Grove, Oregon City on business Tuesday.
and former resident of Oregon City, j
-was in this city on business Thurs- j Edna Olson III
day. She also visited among friends. Edna Olson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilcox has recently purchased Mrs. N. Olson, of Canby, is seriously
two and one-half acres of land at ill, suffering with pneumonia.
Oak Grove. '
Jennings Lodge Woman In City
Among those to come to- Oregon
City on business Thursday was Mrs.
Alfred Barker, whose home is at Jen
nings Lodge.
T j
1 Pacific Phone: I
I Office 52 Residence 304-M
Canby Man Sick
James Davenport, old time resident
of Canby is critically ill at his home
in this city.
At a family reunion held ft the
home of Mr. and Mrs. .W. W. Linten
on Christmas, when a tree and din
ner were features.
The home was prettily decorated
for the holiday season.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Nichols and son, Morris, of Port
land: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Powell and
children, Pauline, Wayne and Juanita,
of Valseltz, Oregon; Miss Elva Linten,
Mr. and Mrs. Linten.
On New Year's day a similar re
union was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nichols in Portland, when mem
bers of the families at the Linten
home attended. Both proved most de
lightful affairs.
On New Year's day Mr. and Mrs. A.
D. Paddock entertained at a dinner
party Mrs. Elizabeth Hulburt, Mis.
Adah Sievers and children, Elizabeth
and Louise, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Ded
man, of Canby; J. -C. Paddock,. Misses
Lura and Jessie Paddock, of Glad
stone; Prof. F- G. Buchanan, of North
Powder, Oregon.
During the afternoon and evening
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKenzie, of Port
land, and Miss Mildred Dedman, stu
dent of Eugene, were guests.
Heavy Sentence Is
Given Moonshiner
In Milwaukie Court
MILWAUKIE, Ore., Jan. 9 Paul
I CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Luscher was arrested here tonight by
deputies Long and Hughes and Con
Oregon City, Ore.
stable Lowe on charges 'of moonshm-
ing. .A large complete still, with 75
galolns of corn, sugar and malt mash
was found together with three gallons
of the finished product. Taken be
fore Judge Parry, he was fined $500
and sentenced t0 serve 6n days in jail.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bernier was the scene of a brilliant
N$w Year's watch party in honor of
their son, Harold.
The home was beautifully decorated,
and a number of innovations added to
the pleasure of the evening, followed
by a dainty lunch prepared by Mrs.
Guests included Miss Grace Meindle,
Miss Blanche Johnson, Miss Hazel
Felth, Miss Mable Bamett, Miss Viola
Fontania, of Portland; Miss Thelma
Nachand, Misses Eleanor and Gene
vieve Himler, Arthur Fe'th, Burnett
Pope, Stanley Blaue, Robert Barne't,
Lawrence Weaver, Harold Bernier,
Mrs. L. Himler, Mrs. K. C. Felth, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bernier.
Sirs. W. M. Yonce entertained in
honor of Mrs. L. C. Posson, of Estaca
da, last Saturday afternoon, when the
time was devoted to music, needle
work and a social time. Refreshments i of Long Beach, Cal.
were served during the afternoon. The Nash home was uniquely decor-
One of the delightful events of the
past week was the regular meeting of
the Euterpean Club at the home of
Mrs. Victor Gault in West Linn.
The affair was in the form of a
luncheon served at 1 o'clock. The table
decorations were of unique design,
when a miniature artist and easel
formed the center piece. The place
cards bearing the likeness of some
artist, marked the place of each guest.
Mrs. prank Miranda played two se
lections by Ethelbert Nevins and
Mrs. Slew played melodies by M. F.
Rubenstein. These were especially en
joyed as Mrs. Slew is a former pupil
of Rubenstein.
The art study was in charge of Jrs.
"Victor Gault and for the afternoon the
members took up a review of the liver
and famous paintings of Micheal
Angelo, Ralpteal and Leonardo De
A review of the last tw0 months
study on current events was given.
At the next meeting of the club the
play "Romeo and Juliet" by Gounod
will be studied. At this meeting the
members are plannig to have as their
guest of honor Mrs. Thomas Burke,
nee Juliet Cross, of Chicago, who or
anized the Euterpean Club about seven
years ago.
Mrs. Slew was a guest of honor at
this meeting.
Enjoying Mrs. Oault's hospitality
were Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mrs. Frank
Miranda, Mrs. R. M- McSetchie, Mrs.
M. E. Turner and Mrs. William Ham
mond. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Nash entertained
at their home in East Gladstone Mon
day evening in honor of Mrs. Nash's
aunt, Mrs. cora Bennett,' and also her
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Arling Bennett.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Glad
stone Christian church was entertain
ed at the home of Mrs. M. E. Turner
on West Clackamas Boulevard, Glad
stone WArlnesiJav afternoon The
Turner home was decorated with ! ried ofr honors
flowers and ferns and festoons of
crepe paper used the color scheme of
red and green efefctively carried out.
The election of officers was post
poned until the next regular meeting,
and the afternoon devoted to a soc:al
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, who was assisted by Mrs. R.
M. McGetchie and Mrs. Fred Hayward.
Enjoying the afternoon were Mrs.
Fred Hayward, Mrs. R. M. McGetchoe,
Mrs. M. E. Turner, Mrs. F. A. Burdon,
Mrs. J. II. Prater, Mrs. A. O. Alex
ander, Mrs. John Palmer, Mrs. Al
Blour', Mr- Ben Beard and Mrs. Bren-
ton Y adder.
The Mardi Gras given by the young
people of St. John's Catholic church
last Monday evening at McLoughlin
hall was one of the jolliest affairs of
the holiday season, and attended by
about 70 young people.
There were many intersting features
introduced during the evening. Among
these were prize dances, when Miss
Kathryn Long and Thorn- s Long were
awarded prizes for the one-step; Peter
Rotter and N Miss Kathryn Gerber
awarded prizes in the waltz; August
Reisberger and Miss Sophia Kashepich
in the fox trot. Prizes were awarded
to Miss Evenal Hall and Tony Herbst
for the best costumes, and for the most
comical character Walter Nathe car-
Mrs. Sophia Schooley entertained
at dinner on New Year's day at her
home in West Gladstone in a charm
ing manner.
The decorations were appropriate
for the holidays, when holly and red
carnations were used.'
Mrs. Schooley was assited in serv
ing her dinner by Mrs. C- E. Niles. The
table decorationg were unusually at
tractive when the center piece was
formed with red carnations.
Covers were laid for Mr. 'and Mrs.
C. E. Niles, Mrs. Sophia Schooley, Miss
Una Stuchel, of Portland, Ernest Niles,
Ernest Schooley, Eldon Schooley,
Frank Yount, of Portland; Burland,
Franklyn and Newell Niles, of Glad
stone. '
Confetti added to the enjoyment of
the evening.
Refreshments were served.
The committee was composed of
Miss Kathryn Long, Miss Ardis
Ward. Joseph Burch, Tony Herbst,
Cyril Justin and Joseph .Nizlc.
On Wednesday afternoon Harless
Ely, violinist, of this city, and Frank
lin Launer, a pianist, of Salem, but
having a studio in Oregon City, are ar
ranging a musical program to be given
before the high school students, of Can
by. Mr. Ely, who has been a pupil of Pro
fessor Eichenlaub, violinst of Portland,
for two years, has arranged with Mr.
Launer to have use of the latter's
studio in this city for one day a week
to give instruction on the violin.
Mr. Laurner is a pupil of Lillian Jef
frys Petri, of Portland, and recently
heard in recital in this city, when pre
sented by his instructor.
The Derthick Club enjoyed the meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Charles H.
Caufield on Friday afternoon, when
Mrs. Caufield and her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Wallace B. Caufield, were host
esses of the afternoon.
Carnations, ferns and Oregon grape
were used in the decorative scheme of
the rooms.
The French composers taken for
study for the afternoon were Godard
and Tierne.
Mrs. A. H. Huycke, a prominent vo
calist of the city, sang in her charming
manner, two selections by Godard and
two selections by Massinet, also a
French composer. Her accompanists
were Mrs. William Krassig, pianist,
and Mrs. William Stone, violinst.
Arrangements were made for the
next meeting, this to be held at tha
home of Mrs. Theodore Osmond in
Portland Friday afternoon, January
20, to be in the form of a luncheon
to be served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. J. F.
Risley will be the assistant hostess.
Attending the meeting at the Cau
field home were Mrs. A. H. Huycke,
Mrs. A. C- Howland. Mrs. L. Adams.
Mrs. H. E. Straight. Mrs. Raymond
Cauf ield, Mrs. S. O. Dillman, Mrs. Eber
A. Chapman, Mrs. A. H. Cleland, Mrs.
L. A." Henderson, Mrs. William Kras-
Members of Gladstone Rebekah
lodge held installation of officers Mon
day evening. Mrs. Jennie Paddock was
installing officer. The following were
installed: Noble Grand, Mrs. Olive
Rivers; vice-noble grand, Mrs. Flor
ence Brendle; recording secretary,
William Rivers; financial secretary,
L. C. Baxter; treasurer, chambers
Howell; right supporter to noble
grand, Miss Mary Howell; left sup
porter to noble grand, Mrs. Helen
Stephen; R. S. to V. N. G., Mrs.' Jennie
Paddock; L. S. to V. N. G., Miss Chris
tina Rivers; Chaplain, Hattie Clester;
warden, Sophia Schooley; conductor,
Julia Dauchey; inside guardian, Grace
Lord; outside guardian, Edward W.
Eby. Folowing installation ceremonies a
social time was enjoyed. Refreshments
were served by MrsOHve Rivers and
Mrs. Grace M. Eby. A birthday cake
was served in honor of Mi's. Jennie
Funeral services of the late Mrs.
Lucy Peters Clark, who died at the
Good Samaritan hospital in Portland,
Saturday morning, were held from St.
Paul's Episcopal church in Oregon
City this morning at 10:30 o'clock,
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St.
David's church, of Portland, pf which
Mrs. Clark was a member, officiated.
Many friends of the family attended
the services. During the services
favorite hymns of Mrs. Clark were
sung. These were "When Our Heads
Are Bowed," "O Paradise, O Para
dise" and "Hark! Hark! My Soul
Angelic Strains are Swelling."
Shortly before her death Mrs. Clark'
selected her pallbearers, these being
D. C- Latourette, C. H. Dye, J. E. Hed
ges, John Loder, Paul Fischer and
Mr. Good.
Mrs. Clark's funeral was attended
by her son, Thomas Lovelace, of Port
land, and her daughter, Mrs. Walter
Bruce, of Gladstone.
Besides her children, Mrs. Clark is
survived by the following grandchild
ren: Bayard L., clarence E., Gail L.,
Marian J., John N., William F., Mar
garet E., Robert N. Lovelace, of Port
land; and Fred. Albert and Chester
Joy, Robert and Geraldine Bruce, of
Gladstone. William Joy, a grandson,
died several weeks ago in Portland.
Mrs. Guy Dwiggins entertained Tues
day in honor of her mother, Mrs.
Tufts, whose birthday anniversary oc
curred on that day.
The Dwiggins home was decorated
with cut flowers and ferns.
A birthday cake was among the at
tractive features of the table decora
Attending were Mrs. W. E. Niles,
Mrs. C- E. Niles, Mrs. aPul Wyman
and Mrs. Fike of Gladstone; Mrs. Ad
die Symms, of Fern Ridge; ' Mrs.
Charles Hanniford and Mrs. Dunn, of
Oregon City.
"" n.m." Mfc
I 6 Per Cent State School
I Morey to Loan on Farms I
I Bank of Oregon City Bldg.
i Oregon City, Ore. 1
ttllllMI.M.imtlllf .MMIM1IIMI. ' Ut tllMllttlllllllll lilt
The Susannah Lee Barlow Chapter.
Daughters of American Revolution,
met at the home of Mrs. H. G. Edgar
Wednesday evening, when a business
session was held. This was followed
by a social time, when Mrs. Edgar
served refreshments to her guests.
During the evening Miss Mary Eyre,
of Canby, teacher in the Canby high
school, gave an interesting reading,
her subject being "Thomas Jefferson.'
The guests were Mrs. H. B. Cart
lidge, Mrs. George A. Harding, Mrs. E.
L. Pope, Mrs. Sheldon, Miss Alma
Moore, Miss Gertrude Humphrys,
Miss Florence Moore, Miss Mary
Eyre, of Canby.
Emil Braunstein, a florist of Oak
Grove, who has made his home at that
place for the past three years, where
he engaged in the florist business,
specializing on - everlasting flowers,
was found dead at his little home Sun.
day morning at 11 o'clock. His death
was due to heart failure.
The last seen of Mr. Braunstein
was on Friday afternoon at 12 o'clock,
and since was not seen after that day
his friends and neighbors became sus
picious, and made an investigation,
finding the body lying on the floor.
Deceased was stricken while shaving.
Coroner O. A. Pace, of this city was
notified, and brought the body to this
city, but no inquest was necessary.
The installation of officers of the
Order of Eastern Star will be held on
Tuesday evening, January 10th, when
the installing officer will be Lena Men
denhall, past grand matron. Stella
Drake .grand oenductress will act as
marshal, and Phoebe Guerin, grand
Martha, will act as chaplain.
Alva B- Hempstead, 6f Gladstone.
4 i is the newly elected worthy matron,
William Wickham, a well known
resident of Oregon City, died at the
family home on' Eighth and John
Adams streets Friday evening at 5
o'clock, after an illness of several
months. His death was due to heart
Mr. Wickham, who was the son ot
the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wick
ham, early pioneers of Oregon City,
was a native of Iowa, and came with
his parents to Oregon City about 42
years ago. He was 55 years of age.
Deceased is survived by his wife and
daughter. Miss Pearl Wickham, of this
city, and a brother, Alonzo Wickham
also of this city.