OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922. NEWS FROM Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. -p x i ueorge jviosier 13 a prosperous young Birtllday. X artV IS farmer and Iva Borland is a very pop- . - - -pv 1 ular young lady among her friends. (jylVeil IMrS. U3Y1& i we all wish them a happy future. ! One of our former friends, Wanda MULINO Jan. 10. Mrs. James j Rosenstock granddaughter of Mr. and Davis gave a party at her home recent- i Mrs. H. B. chesmore, was married to lv in honor of her granddaughter W. C. Millard, captain in the American Alta's sixteenth birthday. Cards and j army in the Philippines, sometime aames were played and at 11:30 a de- j ago. Both were residents of the Philip licious lunch was served. Those pres-! pine Island previous to their marriage. Pt were Mr and Mrs. James Davis, Mr. We were sorry to hear of the death and Mrs Archie Davis and children ! of Mr. Moehnke age 82, and Mrs. Irvfn and Lucile, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mothnke, 79. both of Portland, last Waldorf Mr .and Mrs. J. J. Mallott ; week. Mrs. H. Koellermeier was a and children, Mrs. Haines, Mr. and ' niece of theirs. Our heartfelt sym Mrs Jesse Daniels, Missl Margaret . pathies are extended to the bereaved. Tweedie, Miss Cora Cash, Miss Vay : Alfred de Neui returned to O A. Harmon Miss Dessie Shields, Miss , C. Monday after spending the holidays Alta Mallot Messrs. Stillman Daniels, ' with his parents, Mr. aind Mrs. John nutria Daniels. Oscar and Weldon de Neui. We wish him a successful Erickson, Fred Schuebel, George lans, Hermon Taylor. Miss Alta receivea number of nice gifts. Miss Vay Har mon won the prize and George Lang won the booby prize. After a very pleasant evening all departed wishing Miss Alta many more such happy birthdays. A delightful evening was spent at the Joe Daniels home last Wednesday evening in playing cards, five hundrea was the game played. Those present were Clarence Miller and John Jack son of Portland, Don Larios of Ore gon City, Miss Vay Harmon, Miss Margaret Tweedie and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels. Miss Vay Harmon was the guest of Miss Mabel Sawtelle last Friday night and while there attended the basket ball and dance given there. Mrs. Goldson's sister, Mrs. Melba, from Junction City came to visit her last week. Mrs. James casn entertained at her home last Friday evening. Cards and games were the amusements. A dain ty lunch was served at midnight by the hostess. Those enjoying the hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berdine and daughter Lorraine, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cash, Miss Elsie Orem, Miss Esther Orem, Miss Alta Mallot, Miss Margaret Tweedie, Miss Cora Cash, Miss Dessie Shields, Messrs Oscar and Weldon Erickson, Stillman and Clifford Daniels, Allard and Garnet James, Mr. Orem. Mr. and Mrs. George Mallot of Shan iko are visiting relatives here in Muli uo. Miss Eloise Griffin is on the sck list. Mrs. Henry Gregory was the guest of her daughter Mrs. Jesse Daniels last Wednesday. Jesse Daniels met with a painful ac cident Saturday by striking his hand against the teeth of a cross cut saw, and severing an artery. Bayne Howard took him to Molalla to a doctor where he received medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erickson and children and Lee Daniels were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wil liams at Colton last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wallace and chil dren were the guests of Mrs. Wallace's mother, Mrs. Stewart at Macksburg last Sunday. Miss Gladys Harmon from Gresham visited with her parents here in Mulino over the week end. Services Held For Pioneer of Barlow BARLOW, Jan. 9. Mrs. Young was a Portland visitor Wedneday. Mrs. Manuel King of Barlow was a visitor of Mrs. A. Nelson Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Widdow and baby spent Ney Years day with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Widdows. Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Brown were held in Canby Tuesday. Mrs. Brown died in Portland at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Jesse. She was 78 years of age" and had resided in the vicinity of Barlow and Canby since coming to Oregon m 1868. She is survived by two daugh ters Mrs. A. E. Witheral and Mrs. Jesse, two sons, Henry Brown, of Goldendale, Wash., and William Brown of Friend, Oregon ana 19 grandchil dren. Mrs. Frank Clum and Mrs. Clarence Nelson went to Oregon City to get some dental work done. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Widdows are on the sick list. Mrs. Roy Parmenter and Mrs. George Veteto and children spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Wm Klost er. Mrs. Edd Board was a Portland visitor Monday. Lars Brudwig, an old resident of Barlow, passed away at his home in Canby Friday mornVug, January 6. Funeral services were held in Canby Sunday afternoon .burial was in the Barlow Lutheran cemetery. Mrs. Kloster and sons Paul and Nel son motored to Willamette and Oswe go Sunday. Advance News Notes ADVANCE, Jan. 10. Iva Borland of Tualatin Meadows and George Moser of Stafford were united in marriage Wednesday, Jan. 4. The ceremony took place in Oregon City. Later, they re- turned to the brides nome lui umuc which the relatives of both enjoyed. They received nearly sufficient num ber of utensils to start housekeeping, at a shower which was given a few weeks ago. I Holman & ace ! - FUNERAL j DIRECTORS 1 Homelike Efficient Courteous I Telephone 86 1 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City ALL OVER THE COUNTY J Mis Margaret Toedtemeier has re signed her position and is to resume her studies after visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Chesmore had Christmas dinner with Mr. chesmore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B- Chesmore. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davids and fam ily visited Henry and Amelia Toedte meier, a few days ago. Mrs. C- Zinserling is going to reside with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Iderhoff. Everyone en joyed hearing the good news. One of Julius Iderhoff's dappled grays died Thursday. They were un able to tell what caused its death. Recent Oregon City visitors were S. Moser, H. B- Chesmore, E. L. Toed temeier, clarence Koellermeier, Charlie Zinserling and Mrs. L. Koeller meier. Two frequent visitors to Tualatin were Thomas Turner and Charlie Zin serling. what's the attraction boys? This year, the school children sold about seven dollars of Red Cross seals. The spirit of giving is not lacking in Advance, especially for such a cause. Enjoyable Party Held at Redland REDLAND, Jan. 6. One of the most enjoyable parties of the season was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bonney on Thursday evening Dec. 29. The evening was spent in music and games, many new games adding to the entertainment and enjoyment of all. The rooms were prettily decorated with the holiday colors and at mid night a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess, who was assited by Mrs. Hughes to the following: Misses Alice Funk, June Kirchem, Agnes Brattz, Celia Hughes, Lulu Jensen, Edith Sprague, Mary Braatz, Eugenia Reapol, Virginia Smith, Anie Hindle, Mildred and Catherine Koch Jessie and Edna Bonney, Messrs. A. Hender son, K. and E. McClure, L Kirchem, A. Bonney, A Alien, J. Hindle, F. Al len, E. Kach, B- Saalfeld, L. Hinkle, L. Jensen, J. Fullam, W. Funk, Eugene, Chester and Mr. Bonney. Cams News Items CARTJS, Jan. 9. Mrs. G. R. Gwil liam called on Mrs. George.lngram last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Roland Edwards called on her father, Noah Christsener, last Satur day. Mrs. Fred Josi and daughter Emma, and son Christ motored to Oregon City one flay last week. Mis Minnie and William Ewards vis ited relatives in St. Johns last week. Ed Hargreaves purchased a new team recently. George Bliss called at the Beaver Creek Co-operative store last Satur day. George Brenner has sold his place and moved to Canby. Quite a few of the people of Cams attended the Grange at Beaver Creek last Saturday evening, Ed Brown made a trip to Portland one day last week. Lunce Shockley motored to Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs. Clark, the minister's wife, ot Salem preached at the Carus ' church last Suday. Mr. Clark was uable to come. App Jones and Sidney Irish, made a trip to Beaver Creek last Saturday. HENRICI NEWS HENRICI, Jan. 12. Mrs. G. Bluhm, who has been in bed for the past fur weeks is able to be up again. Arthur Lindsley has returned to Corvallis, where he is attending school, after spending the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lindsley. Fred Bluhm helped Mr. Brown in stall his telephone recently. Mr. Schimp, who has occupied the Eggiman place, has moved his family to Oregon City. Mr. Rau's family, on the Hassler place, is moving to Portland. Mrs. Mary Halliday called on her aunt Mrs. Bluhm one day last week. T. Blackburn and Fred Bluhm are coal-pitting stumps; they attended the demonstration at Logan. Dr. and Mrs. Ferris and family of Portland, F. M. Bluhm and Mrs. L. M Davis and family of Oregon City, spent Sunday with, their sister, Mrs. W- W. Harris. Miss Christina Bluhm of Oregon City spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Bluhm. Mr. and Mrs. Rau spent Sunday with her son in Portland. . -Miss Mina Bluhm and Mrs. W. W. ( Harris and little daughter. Willotta, motored to Oregon City on Wednesday. Mrs. Harris will remain in the city for a few days a, the guest of her mother Mrs. christena Bluhm and sister Mrs. L. M. Davis. Mrs. Schude has been suffering with rheumatism the last few weeks but is improving slowly. Mr. and "Mrs. Hal Lindsley were in the city Wednesday. Beaver Creek Phone Co. Names Officers BEAVER CREEK, Jan. 10. The Beaver Creek Mutual Telephone As sociation held its annual meeting here yesterday. W. W. Harris and Henry Kleinsmith were re-elected president and secretary, respectively, and Mr. Hoffman was elected treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hughes were retained as switchboard operators for another year. Repersentatives of the Farmers Union made an offer to lease a part of the telephone association's property for, the purpose, of erecting a store building. The proposition was tabled temporarily to be taken up again at the next directors' meeting. Central Grange had a lively meet ing Saturday night with about 40 mem bers present. The newly elected of ficers were installed by M. C. Glover of Eagle Creek, Worthy Steward of the State Grange. Mr. Glover noted the fact that no substitutions had to be made, every officer being present. After installation came the reading of the local grange paper, which was much enjoyed. A Christmas grab box afforded a great deal of amusement. A comimttee was appointed to make arrangements for an entertainment. announcement of jwhich win be made later. It was decided to hold a special meeting Jan. 21 for the purpose of in structing nine candidates in the first and second degrees of the order. A complete surprise was accorded D. I. Jones Monday evening when a number of friends gathered on the occa sion of his birthday. Cards were play ed until a late hour, when a delicious lunch was served . Mr. and Mrs. Ab Thomas were winners of the first prizes, and Hal. Linsley was granted the consolation. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Havill, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Londergan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lins ley, Mr. and Mrs,. A. Thomas and daughter Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence, who have made their home in Portland for sever al months, moved back to their farm yesterday. Mrs, Guy AVoodard and little son re turned Friday from several days' visit with relatives near Mt. Pleasant. Telephone division No. 18 is install ing new poles. Officers Installed By Harding Grange LOGAN, Jan. 10. Saturday was the regular meeting of Harding Grange and also installation 'day, which was open to the public in the atfernoon. About a hundred partook of the feast at noon. J. D. Chitwood of Damascus install ed the officers in the afternoon. Wm. M. Kirchem is the new master for 1922, Mrs. Nellie Kohl, lecturer; Irene Kir- , chem, secretary; Ethel Sprague, Over seer; E. Kohl, steward; Helen Parret, L. A. S.; S. G. Kirchem, treasurer; Mrs. E. Thorpe, chaplain; Lena Kir chem, Ceres; Elva Kirchem, Pomona; Elizabeth Griffith, Flora; C. B. Sprague, assistant secretary and George Tracy G. K. A feature of the morning was a hog judging contest. A number of "blue bloods" were on ex hibition. The many friends of Mrs. H. S. An derson were very sorry to hear of her recent illness and hope her recovery will be soon. She fomerly lived here. Fritz Minder is again on the sick list we are sorry to say. He came near paying the supreme sacrifice in Siberia with smallpox and has had everything in the catalogue since then. The P. T. A. is going to give an en tertainment in the near future, if pres ent plans materialize. Superintendent Gary of West Linn was scheduled to talk to us here Sun day afternoon but " auto trouble it seems prevented it. Rev. Ware acted as a substitute. The music by the quartet was very much appreciated. Ladv Live Wires Meet at Redland REDLAND, Jan. 10. A candy pull was enjoyed by a number of young people at the Bonney home Wednes day night. W. H. Bonney was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. The Ladies Live Wires Club met with Mrs. A L. Allen Thursday. Due to the inclement weather there were only a few present. The next meeting to be held January 29 will be at the Stearns home. There is to be election of officers and a good attendance is urged. Mr. and Mrs. S. Shane and daugh ter Edith, transacted busines in Ore gon City Friday. C. O. Staats was ' an Oregon City caller Friday. Mrs. H. A. Allen is staying with her sister Mrs. Miller at Viola and helping care for her mother. W. N. Hulse Sr. of Portland spent the past week visiting his daughter Mrs. Nevill at the Murray and Nevill home. Wilsonville News WILSO.NVILLE, Jan. 11. A. A. Wood, J. Cralupsky and F. Wiedemann were at Oregon city last Wednesday. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church and the sewing society of the Rebekah lodge, held a joint quilting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon, and enjoyed the social time together. Mrs. Dwight Seely was operated on for appendicitis, by Drs. Mount, at Ore gon City hosiptal on Monday, January 2, and is recovering nicely, much. o I the delight of her many friends. j Mrs. Mary Seely is keeping house j for her son Dwight and caring for the 1 baby, while Mrs. Seely is In the hos pital, at Oregon City. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Batalgia on Thursday January 5, and has been named Emery. The mother and baby are getting along nicely. Miss Claire Say, who was operated on recenty, for appendicitis is getting better, and will 8oon be able to resume her duties, as teacher, at Colton. Mrs. H. D. Say, received a telegram on January 3 from Santa Paula, Cal., announcing the death of her father Peter McMillan. Mr. McMillan visited his daughter at her farm home here a year ago. Alison Baker, who has been ill with "pneumonia is recovering. Misses Helen and Jessie Angus, Mrs. Robert Graham and Mrs. M- C. Young visited the Multnomah Chapter f Eastern Star, on Monday evening, at which time the worthy Grand Matron of Oregon, was present to inspect the chapter. Eight Pupils To Receives Diplomas KELSO, Jan. 10. Miss Caroline Vaeretti is planning an interesting en tertainment in 'connection with the graduating exercises to be held Sat urday evening January 28. Seven pu pils will receive their eighth grade diplomas at that time. The lath mill owned by Ned Nelson and Max Kligel, erected on Ned Nel son's place, is now in operation, saw ing latn . John Jonsrud is sawing the lath. Gus Ludwigson is employed saw ing wood and getting material for lath. The Ladies Club will meet on Thurs day, January 26, at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Erl. Charles Johanson, a brother of Mrs. Hananh Nelson, and a prominent farmer and dairyman of Orient, died at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland on Saturday, Jan. 7. Mrs. Hannah Nelson who is at the Good Samaritan hospital with an injur ed knee, caused by a fall, is able to be up in a wheel chair. An X-ray was taken to determine the extent of the injury. Mr. and Mrs. A. Haworth and Wil liam Ha worth have gone to Olympia, Wash., for an extended visit with Mrs. Haworth'g two brothers at that place. Robert Jonsrud went to Oregon City Monday to resume jury duty. Mrs. Eliza Miller Of Molalla Passes MOLALLA, Jan. 10. The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Miller, who died Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Engle, was held at her residence here, Reverend Keister offi ciating. Music was furnished by the Methodist church choir. The floral tributes were "beautiful and a large number of friends and neighbors at tended her to her las nesting place. Interment was made in the Adams cemetery. Eliza Darthula Cook was born in ft , ' 1inUA(1 marrl-aE.fi Pierce E. Miller in 1876. They came to Oregon in June, 1884, locating in the vicinity of Molalla, residing here until her death at the age of 64 years. She has been a member of the South ern Methodist church since girlhood. She is survived by two sons, Arch and Thomas Milar, two daughters, Mable Fay and Hattie Engle. Also nine granchildren all residing in the vicin ity of Molalla. Hubbard Bowman is on the sick list and also had the misfortune to break his arm last week. Miss Margaret Reed of Portland, under the auspices of the Near East Relief work, gave a lecture Sunday at the Methodist church which was well attended. The Ladies Aid will give a food sale Saturday at 10 o'clock in the Bank 1 building. " WILL IT COME TO THIS? r I . " Opening Dance At Lad Hill Success LAD HILL, Jan. 11. The opening dance given by the Lad Hill Commer cial club in their new hall New Years eve was a success in every way. Eighty-one numbers were sold and supper was served to 170 persons. Little Floyd Case haa been on the .sick list but is improving. Mrs. Ella Parrott and daughter, Beryl visited with Mrs .George Smith Thursday and Friday. Miss Letha Briston of Parrott Moun tain visited last week with her cousin Mrs. Percy Kiser. C. A. Allen had the misfortune to lose his fine Poland china brood sow. Verden Johnson left for Arizona last week where he hopes to improve his health. Mrs. Nellie McCully and nephew Ben Crawford left for Salem Sunday for a week's visit with the formers son and family John McCully. juiss iiie Buua.u, - 3 . rnmtan cnont KVt ( 1 :i v oven-: ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kiser. Miss Gladys St. Clair went to Port land Monday where she will attend Behnke-Walker Business College. She will study short hand and typewriting. Herbert Sovey of Portland spent the week end with his brother Clair. A free dance will be given at the Lad Hill club house Saturday evening, January 21. Everyone is welcome. The ladies of the club have quilted a love ly quilt and chances will be sold on it at this dance. Saturday evening the Commercial club gave a card party in the hall. "500" was played and four prizes were given. Those receiving prizes were: ladies, Mrs. Reed Graham, first prize; Mrs. C. C- Loucks, second prize; gen tlemen's prizes were C. C. Loucks, first prize and C. A. Allen, second. About 40 people were served supper after the card party. Dodge Drops Game With Springwater DODGE, Jan, 10. A basketball game was played on Thursday evening be tween the Dodge team and a team from Springwater. The result was a score of 20 to 26 in favor of Spring water. Another gamewill be played between the 3ame teams on Saturday evening Jan. 14, at the Dodge hall. Little Howard Horner was quite ill for a faw days during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jochimsen and fam ily called on the Finster family, Sun day. The Community Club meeting held Saturday might was well attended. The main feature of the evening was a debate, the subject of which was: "Resolved that the tractor can take the place Of horses as a farm propo sition." Fred Horner and Mr. Peder son took the affirmative fcide and E. Jochinsen and Mr. Reichley the nega tive. The judges decision was in favor of the affirmative. After the debate Mr. Pedersen gave a very interesting talk on World Economics. Charivari Given At Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD. Jan. 10. iQuite a number of people from this district attended a charivari on Mr. and Mrs. George Moser of Advance District. A splendid time wa3 held by all who at tended. The evening was spent in music and playing games. A delicious lunch was served to each and everyone. Mr. and Mrs. G- F. Wright of Wood burn visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser motored to Portland one day last week. Wa ora nninir tn liflvo new netehboru ! on the Dufield place. Mr. Dufield hav- ing sold his farm recently. nn streets. Miss Vivian Catlin spent the week i S. E. Wooster and wife left Wed end in Portland. nesday for their new home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Koellermeier vis-; The Woosters are old residents of thi3 ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koellermeier section, having lived at Springwater one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson spent Sun - day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser. ; A Emma M. Lawrence Passes In Gresham ESTACADA, Jan. 12. Oiyde Ecker went to Portland and Salem Monday and Tuesday, returning Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. jPosson and daughter Leta spent New Years with the Yonce family in Oregon City. Mrs. Homer Gates of Portland was the guest of Mrs. Ross at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes a few days last week. B. J. Heylman was here over the week-end visiting at the home of his brother, W. A. Heylman. He left Mon day for Los Angeles to remain" a few months. Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Portland Monday and visited friends until Tues day evening. A party composed of Messrs Law rence Webber and John Moger and Mrs. Clara Boyer and Miss Mabel Wil cox went to Portland one day last week to "Penrod" at the Baker. L The W. C. T. U. will serve dinner in the basement of the M. E. church next Tuesday evening, Jan. 17, com mencing at 6 o'clock. A good big dinner for 40 cents. Everybody invited. Mrs. Powell of Portland, was here last Sunday to visit her little daughter, who is being cifred for by Mrs. H. L. McKenney. . Emma May Lawrence, wife of Gor don Lawrence, passed away last Wed nesday morning, Jan. 4. at a Gresham hospital, after giving birth to a little son, who also passed on. The deceased was born in Wisconsin, April 7, 1897, being 25 years of age. She came to Oregon with her parents when nine years old and the family resided at Springwater for a number of years. She wag a member of the Springwater Presbyterian church. The suviving relatives are her husband, Gordon Lawrence, a little son five years old, Georgie Jr., her father J. E. Schenck, of Gresham, three sisters, Mrs .Edwin Strey of Chehalis, Wash., and Florence and Adele of Gresham and two broth ers, John, who is at Los Angeles, Cal ifornia attending Oxfosd college, and Eddie who lives with his father in Gresham. The deceased was a member of Cen tenial Rebekah lodge and Mountain Chapter O. E. S. of Estacada. She was a young woman of pleasing and lovable disposition and was beloved by all who knew her. Funeral serv ices were held from the undertaking parlors on East Alder street, Portland, last Saturday afternoon and there was a large assembly of friends and rela tives present to pay their last respects to the departed. Before a beautiful casket covered with flowers. Rev. R. A. Weld, an old friend of the family, very touchingly spoke a few words of comfort and cheer to surviving mem- I bers of the family. "Rock of Ages" and Abide with Me," were the musical se lections. Funeral services were conclud ed at the grave in Mt. Scott cemetery, Portland, where the departed will rest beside the grave of her mother, who passed about two years ago. A large number of Rebekahs, Eastern Stars and other friends and relatives from Estacada were in attendance at the funeral. Rev. R. G. Sumerlin of Portland, field agent for the state anti:saloon league, was in Estacada last Sunday the the" guest of his old friend Rev. Lacy, of the M. E. church, and preach ed for him in the morning. Mrs. Gorman ot Seattle is here visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. M. Kerkes. Zelca P. Coop who has been visiting for the past two weeks with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Coop, left on Sunday for California to make his fu ture home. J. E. Schenk of Gresham, was an Es tacada visitor Monday. H. L. McKenney has bought the S. E. Wooster property, on 2nd and Cur ; and Garfield prior to coming nere, , where he engaged in the real estate 1 business. By MORRIS 1 W. J. Moore has purchased the Dr. R. G. McCalm bungalow on Terrace Addition. Another change in the business houses here was made this week "when TT. S. Morgan bought put his partner, Win. Kandle. The American Legion and ladies auxiliary held a meeting last Honday night. Mrs. George Armstrong was kostess to the Priscilla club last Thursday afternoon at her pretty country home in Garfield. Dinner was served at 1 o'clock consisting of a three-course menu. One long table provided ample room for the eighteen ladies seated and the delightil repast was very much enjoyed. After dinner the ladies repared to the parlor and spent the remaining hours of the afternoon by visiting and doing; fancy work. Besides the members presents, there'were five visitors. At five o'clock the company dispersed with an invitation from Mrs. Henry Githens to hold the next meet ing at her home in Currinsville. At this meeting- the annual election of of ficers will take place. Mrs. O. E. Smith is again able to be about the house ,after an attack of. rheumatism. A committee consisting of Messrs. L. F. Hale, G. C. Heiple, L. E. Bishop and W. M. Wade all of Currinsville. made a trip to Oregon City one day last week to file a petition to the coun ty court, for the reestablishment of the former road disrict No. 4. Miss Maude Sturgeon paid Portland a visit last Thursday, returning the next day. Mrs. R. G. Palmateer returned Sun day from a visit of a few days with relatives and friends at Poryand. Mrs. C. L. Allen visited her son E. D. and wife at Marmot last week, re turning Friday evening. Albert Wickland, who formerly re sided here but now of Portland, was an Estacada visitor last Saturday. R. c- Deming returned from Cali fornia Moncfay morning, where he was called by the death of his brother Robert. Ray Lovelace has returned to the IT. of O. where he is a freshman. C -C. Saling has returned to Eastern Oregon where he has employment. Loyd Saling left last Thursday night for Corvallis to attend the O..A. C. for a few months. Dr. Carey was a Portland visitor Monday. Gordon Lawrence has moved his household goods from the Linn house on Zobrist street. The P. R. L & P. Co. has announced a cut in freight rates between here and Portland. V. W. Hauser moved from the Esta cada hotel this week to rooms over the Red Front pool hall. W. F. Carey expects to get moved in to the hotel some day this week, where it will be more convenient for all con cerned. The local order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are to have a joint installat ion Saturday night in the lodge rooms. The friends of Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn are pleased to hear that she is improv ing, but it is not yet known when she will be able to return home from the St. Vincent's hospital. Editor TJ. H. Gibbs left Friday morning for Eugene to attend the State Editorial Association and a con ference of newspaper men. He is on the program for a paper, the subject ' being, 'The Small Weekly as I have Found it." Ivor coop has returned to San Diego, California, after a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Coop of Cur rinsville. For the past two months he has been stationed as marine guard at the Portland Postoffice. Willamette Notes Stella Leighton who is taking a course in nursing at the Good Samari tan hospital in Portland visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser of Moun tain Road visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman last Fri day. " ( Mr. and Mrs. Everett Downey and cihldren "Virginia and Joseph are spending the winter months as the. guests of relatives in California. Mrs. Will Snidow was taken to the Oregon City hospital last week for treatments. Mrs. Fred Baker had as her guests last week her mother, Mrs. I. H. Fream of Monmouth and her brother Clar ence Fream of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Larsen have mov ed into the house on 5th street recent ly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port er. Marshall Leisman, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Leisman was quite ill last week. A prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. B- F. Baker last Wed nesday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Prahl, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar and children Gladys, Clem Jr., and Law rence, Mr. and Mrs. Frederici, Gladys Frederici, Mrs. C- B. Willson, Mr. Hill. Mrs. Poolor, Mrs. B. F. Baker, Rev. and Mrs. Pettibone and Gladys Baker. Several people from Willamette are attending the meetings being held at the Methodist church in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. George, the singing evan gelists, who are assisting with the meetings, helped with a series of meet ings held in Willamette a few weeks ago. AIR MAIL SERVICE HIT WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. The house appropriations committee, in report ing the postoffice appropration bill today, struck out all appropriations for the air mail service. The bill carries a total of $579,650, 066. Postmaster General Hays had asked $2,200,000 for the air mail. STRIKEBREAKERS BEATEN OMAHA, 'Jan. 11. James Michell and Thomas Teel, strikebreakers at the stockyards, are believed to be dy ing in a hospital here today from beat ings received when they attempted to go to work last night. BANK HEAD SHOT CHICAGO, Jan. 5. James Stoeffel, president of the Maywood State bank, was murdered, today and two others wounded by five bank robbers, who es caped witn a $12,000 pay roll. ,.......m....m"""""'',,",,,,"""M""'"""'