Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1922, Page Page 5, Image 5

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In these days of falling values, there is one
class of investments that are still worth one
hundred cents on the dollar, are convertible in
to cash instantly, and are still paying their usual
dividends. They are Savings accounts in this
institution. Adversity is a splendid teacher of
thrift. The wise will not fail to learn the les
sons it teaches. Its text book is a Savings pass
4 Paid on Savings. '
The Bank of Oregon City
f tHMINII t 1 1
Miss Jones Brought Home
Miss Ethel Jones, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs." A. E. Jones, of Canemah,
who has been in the St. Vincent's hos
pital Portland, for the past eight
weeks, where she underwent two sur
gical operations, has improved so that
she was able to be brought to her
home Saturday evening. Miss Jone3
will be confined to her room for sev
eral weeks.
Guernsey Breeder In Oregon City
W. A. Carlson, of Estacada, Route
3, one of the prominent Guernsey
breeders of Clackamas county, was
in Oregon City on business Thursday,
Mr. Carlson has eleven head of regis
tered Guernseys at his home, and are
among the best in the state.
Short Horn Breeder In City
W. W. Irvin, prominent resident of
Aurora, was among those to come to
Oregon City on business Thursday.
Mr. Irvin is engaged in the Short Horn
cattle and goat industry, owning some
of the best stock in the state.
John Noblett Here
John Noblett, an old pioneer of
Clackamas county who now resides
in Molalla, was in Oregon City Thurs
day, accompanied by his wife.
Mrs. Broetje In Oregon City
Mrs. J. H. Broetje, of Courtney, was
among the Oregon City visitors on
Thursday, having come here on bus
iness. Comes Here from Eagle Creek
Among the Oregon City visitors 9n
Thursday was Mrs. J. W. Cahill. Her
home is at Eagle creek.
City Attorney Eby In Molalla
City Attorney O. D. Eby went to
Molalla on legal business Thursday
Rejoice Over Arrival of Son
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosberg, of Moun
tain View Addition, are receiving con
gratulations over the arrival of a son,
.born December 24. His name is El
mer Lloyd.
Mrs. Loney In Oregon City
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Saturday was Mrs. M. Loney. Her
home is at Barton,
Canby Woman and Daughter Here
Mrs. Warrington and daughter, Miss
Mary Warrington, of Canby, was
among those to come to this city on
Miss Sara Gibson In City
Miss Sara Gibson, of Redland, was
among those to transact business in
Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. John Braker In City
Mrs. John Braker, whose home is
at New Era, was an Oregon City
visitor on Saturday.
John Baker In City
Among the Oregon city visitors on
Saturday was John Baker. His home
is at Clairmont.
Mulino Man In City
Among those to visit in Oregon City
on Sunday and Monday was Allen
Larkins. His home is at Mulino.
New'Arrival at Welch Home .
i Born, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Lou'.s Welch,
of Hoff, a daughter on January 2.
,'Woodburn Man In City
W. L. Payment, of Woodburn, was
in Oregon City Sunday and Monday.
Pacific Phone:
"Office 52
Residence 304-M i
Oregon City, Ore. f
Mis Mndsfey Undergoes Operation
Miss Lubelle Lindsley, after spend
ing the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Lindsley, at Beaver
Creek, has returned to Oregon City
to resume her studies at the high
school. While at the home of her
parents. Miss Lindsley underwent an
operaton on her throat, having suf
fered from an abscess before leaving
Oregon Cit7.
Retuif.is to O. A. C.
Arthur Lindsley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hal Lindsley, of Beaver Creek,
was in Oregon City on Tuesday on his
way to Corvallis, where he will re
sume his studies at the Oregon Agri
cultural College. He is in his second
year, and taking a course in electrical
engineering. He has been spending
his holidays at the Lindsley farm.
Party Motors to Oregon City
Mrs. W. A. Carlson and sons, Wil
fiam and Herbert, alsj by Mrs. J. T.
Howlett and her son, Woodrow, all
of Estacada, Route 3, were in Oregon
City on business Tuesday. They made
the trip by automobile, and found the
roads in places in poor condition for
Mrs. Dwight Seeley Operated O
Mrs. Dwight Seeley, of Wilsonville-,
! vice-president of the bank of that
place, and wife of the president of
the institution, who underwent a sur
gical operation at the Oregon City
hospital Tuesday morning is doing
nicely, according to word fr6m the
attending physicians.
Girl Arrives at Rennie Residence
Mr. and Mrs. Thomai Rennie, of
Milwaukie, Route 1, are rejoicing
over the arrival of a daughter born
January 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lindsley In City
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lindsley, of Beav
er Creek, were in Oregon City on bus
iness Tuesday. They accompanied
their son, Arthur, as far as this city,
while on his way to Corvallis.
Beaver Creek Five
Beats 'Red Crowns'
I The "Red Crowns" of Parkplace lost
their initial game of the season to
) the crack Beaver cree' quintet Wed
nesday evening, the score ending 19
to 13. The Standard oilers led the
fray 12 to 11 until ten minutes of the
second half, and with a little more
I practice will have one of the strong
est teams in the valley.
The Beaver Creek club have a well
balanced five and these players dis-
! play excellent teamwork. The game
was replete with fine guarding on both
sides, and was cleanly played and was
one of the fastest games ever wit
nessed on the Beaver Creek court.
Walt Holt ex-star of the Washington
State University refereed to entire
Score: Red Crowns: E. Edwards,
F., 4, B. Rivers, F., 5, J. Lacey, C, 4,
W. Abel G., A. Tabor G; Beaver Creek
19: Benard Berg, F., 2, Herbert Kam
mrath, F., 2, W. Bolander. r... 10. W.
; Roberts, G-, 1, Roy Seiner, G., 4.
Sherman Burford
Dies In Victoria
i Sherman Burford, who died in Viv
I toria, B. C, was well known in Ore
gon City, where he resided for a num
ber of years, when employed in the
; paper mills. For the past 18 years he
ha; held the responsible position of
United States immigration officer at
The funeral services, which were
conducted by the .Elk's Lodge, of
was a member for
of years, were held at his former home I
city, Salem, where Ifl lZZ I
Tj.. -. . AU,0,I
u"".u,u' ana a brother resided. The
serves were largely attended by
members of he Elk's Lodge and his
many friends, Oregon City being well
Besides hie mothgr and brother, Mr.
Burford survived by a sister, Mrs.
Gardner, of California.
Mr Burford-s death was due to sev
eral days' illness of pneumonia.
Judge J. U. Campbell has dismissed
the action for divorce broug'it by
Arva Lavina Hirsch against L. T.
The historical old home of the "Warn
er family,, known as Locust farm,
and located at Mt. Pleasant, was the
scene of a most delightful family re
union on Christmas Day, when mem
bers of the family gathered to enjoy
the day.
The rooms of the home were beauti
ful with their artistic decorations of
Oregon grape, ferns, holly and Christ
mas bells. The parlor, living and din
ing rooms were correspondingly decor
ated. In the parlors, a beautifully
decorated tree was added to the beau
ty of this room, and was laden with
gifts, which were distributed after the
dinner hour. Dinner was served at 1
o'clock, when holly sprays and scarlet
berries, scatered about the table, while
the poinsettias centered the table,
forming a most effective decorative
Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. King, of Mt. Pleasant; Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur King and son, Robert, of Hills
boro; Mr. and Mrs. Forbes ' Barclay
Pratt and daughter, Elizabeth (Betty),
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Williams, of As
toria; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joehnke and
children, - Kathryn and Frederick, of
Canby; Miss Ernestine King, Miss
Hermina King, Douglass King, of Mt.
Pleasant; Carl Rudeen, of Portland;
Ernest Riggs, of Canby; Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Lawton, of Mt. Pleasant.
Christmas was a happy day at the
home of Mrs. A. L. Park on Sixth and
Jeferson streets, when members of the
family were charmingly entertained
by Mrs. Park. A number of the chil
dren came from a distance to spend
Christmas with their mother. These
were Mrs. G. V. Bolton, formerly Miss
Ethel Park, now of Antelope, Oregon;
Mrs. Mortimer cockrell, formerly Miss
Edrm Park, of Molalla, and Gerald
Park, of Walla Walla.
Entertained by Mrs. Park during the
day were Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer J.
Cockrell and daughters, Geraldine,
Barbara and Mary, of Molalla; Mrs;
G. V. Bolton and children, George Ver
non, Jr., and Betty Jane, of Antelope,
Oregon; Gerald Park, of Walla Walla,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gil
bert and son and daughter, of Califor
nia; Mrs. Mae Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.
Rupert Park and children. Evelyn.
Jeanette, Frances, Rupert E. Jr., ot
this city; Miss Geneya Park, Miss Shir
ley Pa'rk, Morton Park, of this city.
A Christmas tree was enjoyed
Christmas Eve, when members of the
family gathered. This, together with
other artistically arranged decora
tions consisting of evergreens and
holly, formed a most artistic decora
tive scheme.
During the Christmas season a large
number of family reunions have been
held in this city, as well as in various
parts of Clackams county. With stu
dents home from colleges and univer
sities as well as high schools, they too
have added pleasure to these events,
all of whom have looked forward to
the holidays.
A number of church affairs have
been enjoyed during the past week,
the first of which were held by the
Methodist and Baptist churches and
the last by the Sunday school of St.
Paul's Episcopal church at the parish
house Wednesday evening, December
Among the most enjoyable events
of the past week was the ball given
in West Linn annex at West Linn by
students of the Oregon Agricultural
College, when they entertained other
students of universities and high
school. This was held on Thursday
Among the events to close the holi
day season festivities was the T. C. K.
Club dance at the Busch hall on Fri
day evening, December 30, when col
lege students were given a special in
vitation to attend the affair. Many of
the latest musical selections were en
joyed by the merry dancers.
Miss Hilda Schlitenhart and William
Bogynska were married Saturday at
Oregon City.
Inn G jVh 1? T Y moo tymT'lv o
Hubbard girl, who has many friends
at that place and also in Oregon City.
- Mr. Bogynska was formerly owner
of the Capital garage in this city and
is well known throughout the county.
The young coup'le will make their
home at Salem .where Mr. Bogynska
Intends to enter into business. They
were charmingly .entertained by the
bride's sister, Mrs. L. G. Clayton, be
fore their departure.
A very enjoyable Christmas was had
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
C. Barker and Frank Shpley in the
Mountain View district. The entire
Barker family were home for the first
time in more than ; thirteen years.
Thomas P. Barker, only son, came
from San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. Lee
Putman ,a daughter, and her family
came from Brownsville, Ore. ; another
daughter, Mrs. P. M. Adamson and
family, from Havre, Mont. There were
five children and nine grandchildren
Those seated around the bountiful
dinner table, which was prettily decor
ated, were: Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bark
er, Misses Mary and Stella .Barker,
Frank Shipley, Louis, Lloyd and Mar
ion Shipley ,all of Mountain IVew; Mr.
and Mrs. P. M- Adamson and children,
Ellen. Walter, Hazel and Louis, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee W. Putman and daugh
ters, Jo, Lena and Ila, of Brownsville;
Thomas P. Barker, of San Francisco:
Mr" aPd Mrs" I?ary Wickham' yn.alea
Elsie. Essie and Josie Putman. of Ca-
nemah; Robert Putman, of Browns
Tiomoh - T? nhart Putman n HrflU'Tl
vil'e. Ore.
The Barker home was prettily decor
ated for the event, and one of the
pleasing features was the Christmas
tree when many gifts were presented
! to the guests, the children reciving j
their share.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Adamson
were host and hostess to those enter-1
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Barker, includ-1
itisr the Barkpr fanvly. . j
Thq Artamfwi home was a1o an-J
propriately derorated for the .'Christ
mas season, when evere-reens- and
bT-iRtmas beHs ticr used, most ef
fectively. The table decorations cor
responded, when holly was usei.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wentworth en
tertained in a charming manner at
their homeon Christmas day, when
the first event of the morning was a
Christmas tree, beautifully decorated
and bearing packages, in which were
concealed many pretty, and -useful
gifts that were distributed by "Santa
During the afternoon Mrs. "Went
worth, who is capable of serving deli
cious dinners, as usual served a feast
that will long be remembered by those
The decorative scheme of the Went
worth home was in keeping with the
Christmas season, when holly, carna
tions and Oregon grape were used.
Holly ' sprays were, scattered on the
table, adding to'its appearance.
Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. D.
F. Young and children, Forest, Marcie
and Donald Young of Portland ; Ralph
Marshall and son, Lorene of Portland;
Mrs. Anna Myers, of California; Mrs.
Alice Marshall of Los Angeles, Calif.,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wentworth and
son, Eugene, of Canemah.
Mrs. Annie Tufts, of ' Gladstone,
prominent resident of that place, was a
guest of honor at a family reunion held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dwig
gins, the later her daughter, at the
Dwiggins home at Gladstone Xmas
day, when a family reunion was held.
This is the first time that the family
has gathered for- a number of years,
and the reunion will long be remem
bered. Mr. "Dwiggins, who is a cartoonist of
note, added pleasure to the affair when
each place was marked with a place
card of his own design characteristic
to each guest, that caused much mer
riment. Each guest found hfs or her
place at the table from the cartoon
that marked the same, and these were
readily distinguished. A miniature
Christmas tree centered the table.
Each place was also marked with a
The table decorations were artistic
ally arranged, the color scheme being
pink and green, when pink carnations
and Oregon grape were used through
out the room.
The color scheme of the living room
wasvred and green, when red carna
tions and holly were used in a most ef
fective manner.
Attending were Mrs. Annie Tufts,
Mr .and Mrs. Charles Hannaford, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul wyman, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Dwiggins, Ivan, Gordon, Gladys,
Albert and Sidney Hannaford, Clinton
and Winnifred Warren and Bobby
The beautiful home of Mrs. S. A.
Chase on High street between Sixth
and Seventh streets, was the scene
of an enjoyable family reunion on
Christmas Eve, when a beautifully
decorated Christmas tree, laden with
gifts formed the evening's entertain
ment, and followed by refreshments.
On Christmas day there were two
dinners served in the home, one in the
apartment of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Dill
man, when Mr. and Mrs. Dillman had
as their guests Mrs. S. A. Chase,
mother of Mrs. Dillman, Mrs. Nancy
Jane Dillman, mother of Mr. Dillman.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hedges and
daughters, Judith and Barbara, of this
city; Mrs. Ida Gambel and daughters
Misses Lucy, Helen and Margaret, of
Portland. The rooms were appropri
ately decorated for the occasion, the
color scheme being red and green. The
table was correspondingly . decorated,
adding to the beauty of the apartment.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams, in their
artistically decorated apartment had
as their guests for dinner" Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur C. Howland and chidren, Eliza
beth and James HowlanH.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W. McCord, "of
Twilight, entertained in their usual
hospitable manner at a Christmas din
ner at their country home on Christ
mas day.
Oregon grape ad holly formed the
scheme for the decorations of the Mc
Cord home. The table was also pret
tily decorated for the occasion.
On Christmas Eve a Christmas tree
was enjoyed.
Enjoying the affair were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Mautz, Mr. and Mrs.
George Turner and son, Ray, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. W. McCord.
1 The family reunion held at the home
of Mrs. C. T. Hickman, always an en
joyable event of Christmas season,
took place on Sunday, when dinner and
a Christmas tree were pleasing events.
The decorations of the Hickman
residence were attractively arranged.
The living room was in holly, ever
greens and bright colored poinsettias,
while .the dining room was in holly
and evergreens.
The table was centered with a min
iature Christmas tree reflecting from
a mirror upon which it was arranged
forming an artistic decorative scheme.
Scattered on the table were sprigs of
holly with their bright colored berries.
An artistically decorated tree was re
lieved of its pretty gifts following the
dinner hour.
Enjoying this family reunion were
Mr. and Mrs. Everette E. Hickman, of
Portland; Dr. and Mrs. Harvey O.
Hickman, of Gervais; Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Lageson, of this city, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. warner, of Mt. Pleasant;
Mrs. C. T. Hickman.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hickman and
son, Marvin Hickman, of West Linn,
and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burdon, of
Ocean Falls, B. C- called and enjoyed
the evening.
The students of colleges, universi
ties, high schools spending their holi
days fit their homes, students of the
Oregon Am-icuUural College here for
the holidays, planned and carried out
one of the most enjoyable events of th
season. Th's was held at the West
Linn Annex at West Linn on Thurs
day evening, when music was furnish
ed by Chamnion's four-piece orches
tra. Many of the poular and latest
flance R?lect'o"s were enjoyed by the
merry dancers. '
The bal' room was artistically decor-
Ptd in corego nennants snd the color
scheme was orarge and black, colors
n the O. C Fet-nns of black and
orans" coTtin'' ! ti" arMsMe effect
and attracted unusual attention. Ar-
raneig the decorations, for which
n" r-''t - f1" "-P"-? ""pnlrl Park,
v xv forMA-ir, ad'-nr. Thomas
r r-ir&t ,i'ons tha Oron Agricul
tural polee. bo,wer ass'sted bv '
!i F-", sr ' TTn'verv"ty of
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rands, Mr. and
Mrs. L. EL Jones and Mrs. Bertha
Adams were patrons and patronesses
of the evening. .
There were about 80 people attend
ing the affair, various colleges being
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent entertainea
with a Christmas dinner at their home
in West Gladstone.
The Kent resident was- appropriate
ly decorated with holly and Christmas
bells. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs: Fred Steiner and sons, Harold
and LaVern. of Forest Grove, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Kent.
Mrs. Steiner and children arrived in
Gladstone Friday and were joined by
Mrs. Steiner on Saturday, when a
Christmas tree was enjoyed. The tree,
which was a family affair held favors
for each one, the little boys especially
enjoying the affair.
Mr. and Mrs. Steiner and, sons, Har
old and La Verne, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Kent, of Gladstone, were enter
tained at dinner Tuesday evening by
Mrs. Steiner's brother, Elmer Steiner,
of Oregon City.
The rooms were prettily decorated
with crepe paper streamers, the red
and green color scheme being carried
One of the merriest watch parties
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon M. Alldredge in West Gladstone
Saturday night.
The Alldredge home was decorated
in keeping with . the holiday season.
The hostess was assisted in serving
refreshments and in entertaining by
her sister, Miss Nellie Vanderwal.
The evening was devoted to games,
music, contests and dancjng.
Enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. Alldredge were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alldredge,
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. (Dube) Alldredge,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bollinger, Mr.
and Mrs. Delias Armstrong, of Oregon
City; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto, Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin A. Catto, Mr. end Mrs.
Eldon Alldredge, of Gladstone; Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Zorn, of Salem ; Misses
Eloise Alldredge, Grace Alldredge,
Edith Alldredge, Gladys Alldredge,
Jean Alldredge, of Oregon City; Miss
Nellie Vanderwal, C. M. Vanderwa,
Everette Catto, of Galdstone; Jack
Bollinger, Dan and Norman Alldredge
of Oregon City.
Mrs. H. S. Sladen entertained at
dinner Christmas day at her home at
Glen Echo. The event was in the form
of a family reunion with a Christmas
tree for the three small grandchildren.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Dallas and three children,
Miss. Mildred Sladen, of the Oregon
State Normal School, at Monmouth,
who is home for the holidays, Mrs.
Nellie Sladen, Charles Sladen and
Harry Sladen of Gen Echo.
One of the enjoyable family reunion
dinners was held Christmas day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dallas, of
A' decorated Christmas tree for the
children was thoroughly enjoyed.
The rooms were very prettily decor
ated with Oregon grape, holly and pot
ted plants. The hostess was assisted
in serving a ' delicious dinner hy her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Effie Dallas-Hatten.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
George Dallas, Miss Mary Dallas, of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dallas
and children, Billie and Mildred Dal
las, of Carver; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hatten and children, Chester, Dorris
and Alda Hatten, of Redlands; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Dunmire and children,
Arden, Dallas and Eva Maxine, of
Gladstone; Mr, and Mrs. carl Dallas
and daughter, Greta May, of Boring.
The members of Mrs. Sarah Rankin
Dallas family were also present. These
were Mrs. J. R. Dallas nee Anita Ran
kin, of Carver Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ran
kin, Of Gladstone, Miss Nora Wilson,
of the University of Oregon; Jack
Rankin, university of Oregon; Charles
Rankin, of O. A. C, who are spending
the holidays with their mother, Mrs.
G. C- Dallas, of Portland, and sister,
Mrs. J. R. Dallas, of Carver.
The Junior boys and girls of the
First Baptist Sunday School were en
tertained Wednesday afternoon by the
Junior Superintendent, Mrs. H. W.
Freeze, Mrs. William Andresen and
Mrs. Bailey, officers of the department,-
and Mrs. Beaghler, Mrs. Ella
Shandy, Mrs. W. L. warren, Mrs. Ira
Warren, Miss Margaret Thompson,
Mrs. William Cannon, Miss Eleanor
Schiewe, Miss May Pope, and Mrs. A.
B. Buckles, teachers.
A large number ot boys and girls
were present, ' and also several
The afternoon was spent in playing
games, and refreshments were served.
Wednesday evening the "G. R.
Girls," Sunday School class of the
First Baptist church was entertained.
In the auto race, now in progress, this
class which owns the "Ford," was the
first to reacn Reno and was rewarded
by the evening's entertainment. The
class numbers twenty-six, and the
members aVe very faithful in attend
ance. On the recenty stormy, snowy
Sunday, when all the classes had small
attendance, this class had twenty pres
ent and one new pupil. The members
of the class are Freda Rosenthal, Mar
jorie Rittenhouse, Vivian Downer,
Jeanette Freeze, Frances Taylor, Di
ana Mosher, Arlene Robins, Thelma
Montgomery, Mildred Cannon, Leola
Cannon, Esther Collins, Edith Short,
Lo!a Thorpe, Geraldine Hadley, Lucile
Terry, Bertha Pureiful, Nettie Cris
well, Barbara Hedges, Areta Clayton,
Esther Wymore, Irys Day, Dorothy
Strong, Byrl Kirk, Reva Kirk, Loretta
Graves. Millie Smith.
Mrs. Carl Sirfith is the teacher of
the class.
Helen Yoder was completely sur
prised at her home on Eighth, and
John Quincy Adams streets on ; Mon
day evening, when a number of
friends planed and carried out the af-
t HiniiiinHHliiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
6 Per Cent State School
Money to Loan on Farms I
i Bank of Oregon City Bldg.
Oregon City, Ore.
fair in honor of her 14th birthday an
niversary. The evening was devoted to games,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson enter
tained at their home at a watch party
New Year's eve in a most delightful
manner, when attending were Mr. and
Mrs. August Erickson and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Berdine and family,
of Mulino, John and Gilbert Erickson.
of this city.
- This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Erick
son will entertain these families at a
dinner at their home.
The Erickson home is appropriately
decorated for the Yuletide season,
with Oregon grape and holly.
and an enjoyable time had. A lunch,
thoroughly enjoyed, was served at
Holly was used In decorating the
Yoder home.
Present were Violet Hugh, Cecil
Hugh, Francis Shannon, Mary Shan
non, Irene Shannon, Francis Sher
wood, Alton Morris, John Hendry, Gil
bert Erickson, Nels Kyllo, Clarice
Van Wagner, Mildred Yoder, Helen
Yoder, and Mr. and Mrs. Yoder.
On December 27tn, at the Baptist
parsonage occurred the marriage of
Delbert William Husbands to Camilla
Beatrice McCord, of Molalla.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. "WJllis E. Fettibone.
Among the delightful family re
unions during the yuletide season was
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Erickson, of Mulino, when members
of the family from a distance were in
attendance to enjoy a two days' visit
at the hospitable home of the Erick
son family.
Holly, mistletoe and festoons of red
and green crepe paper, were used in
profusion, and artistically arranged in
the various rooms. The handsome
Christmas tree arranged in the large
living room, where many useful and
handsome gifts were hung during the
day by the members of the families
attending, was later enjoyed.
Mrs. Erickson, who has made a repu
tation of serving dinners for affairs
of this kind, as usual presided over
the dinner served on this day, at the
prettily decorated table, each place
being marked with a sprig of holly,
while holly was arranged for the cen
ter. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Daniels and children, Melvin, Myrtle,
Thelma and Irva, of The Dalles, Ore
gon ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erickson
and children, Virgil, Bernice, Blanche,
Dorothy, Vincent, of Mulino; Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Erickson and children, El
vin and Esther, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Holliday and children Emerson and
( Ivan, of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Berdme and daughter, i of
Mulino; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson
and children, John and Gilbert, of
Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. August
Erickson and children, Oscar and Wel
don," of Mulino.
Mrs. Arthur Paddock was taken by
surprise at the home of her father-in-law,
J. C- Paddock, of Gladstone,
Thursday evening, when the Misses
Lura and Jessie Paddock, sisters-in- j
law of Mrs. Paddock, planned and car-'
ried out a pretty dinner party in honor :
of the latter's birthday anniversary.
The affair was a complete surprise, I
as the guest of honor was seated at :
the dinner table she was presented j
with a number of gifts. Among these
was a handsome wrist watch from her j
The rooms of the Paddock home '
were beautifully decorated, and were
in keeping with the Christmas season.
Festoons of red and green crepe paper
were used most effectively in the liv
ing and dining rooms, and baskets of
holly bearing bright colored berries, j
Oregon grape and Christmas bolls '
made. a most attractive decorative
oclieiie. The r-ble, also beaiMfuIly:
(Xr oorated. was centered with a gilded
basket of holly, while sprays of the
same were arranged most artistically ;
on the table. Candelebra, in which
vere arranged red candles to corres- j
pond with the decorative scheme of
Is Every Animal
At Its Best?
Don't let your stock lose their
Summer's gain through November
neglect Your animals are now
going on dry feed hay and grain.
It's a big change from the succulent,
nutritious grasses of summer pastures
wtiich supply the needed laxatives and
Keep your ani
mals' bowels open
and regular drive
out the 'worms
keep their blood
rich and keep their
digestion good by
feeding regularly
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
A Conditioner and Worm Expeller
Don't allow your stock to "get off feed"
and in a run-down condition.
Condition your cows for calving by
feeding Dr. Hess Stock Tonic before
freshing. Then feed it regularly to in-,
crease the flow of milk. It lengthens
the milking period.
Buy Stock Tonic according to the size
' of your herd. Get from your dealer two
pounds for each average hog, five pounds
for each horse, cow or steer, to start with,
feed as directed and then watch results.
Why Pay the Peddler
Twice My Price?
Himtley-Draper Draj Go.
Tell ns how much stock you have.
We'll tell yon how much Tonic to buy.
Dr. Hess Instant Louse
Killer Kills Lice
the dining and living rooms, formed a
; most artistic decoration. 1
Places were laid for J. C. Paddock.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paddock, Miss
Lura Paddock and Miss Jessie. Pad
dock, Frank Buchanan.
One of the most delightful family r& ,
unions held during the holiday season
was at the beautiful home of Dr. and
Mrs. H. S. Mount on Ninth and Center
streets, when members of the families
from out of the city as well as of Ore
gon City enjoyed Christmas Day.
The decorations were attractive and
effectively arranged throughout the
rooms, when holly, red carnations and
Oregon grape were used.
At the prettily decorated table
places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Ganong, Mrs. Annie Howard, Dr.
and Mrs. Frank Mount and daughters,
Caroline and Jane, Dr. Guy Mount,
Beldon Ganong, Hugh Mount, Jr., Dr.
and Mrs. H. S. Mount, of this city;
Mrs. H. D. Mount, of Silverton, mother
of Dr. iMount; Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Ganong and daughter, Miss Lorna
Ganong, Miss Inez Fields, of Portland;
Wallace Mount, of Vancouver, "Wash.
A Christmas tre ewas an event also
enjoyed during the day.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Hickman, of West Linn on Christmas
morning a prettily .decorated Christ
mas tree was enjoyed, adding to the
pleasure of the day for the family.
The rooms were artistically jiecor
ated for the season, and the tree add
ed to the beauty of the rooms.
Enjoying the tree were Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Burdon, of Ocean Falls; Miss
Minta Hickman, sister of Mr. Hick
man, whose home is in Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Hickman and sons, Mar
vin and Ellery.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burdon, of Glad
stone, entertained at dinner at their
home on Christmas day in a charming
manner. Among those coming home ,
for the event was Hugh Burdon, their
son, whose home is at Ocean Falls, B.
C having sPent the holidays in Glad
stone and at West Linn. Miss Fayne
gurdon, their daughter, a student of
the O. A, C, at Corvallis, also home
for the holidays.
The rooms of the Burdon home were
appropriately decorated for this occa
sion, and to add to the pleasure of the
day a Christmas tree was arranged in
the living room, beautifully decorated.
Enjoying the affair were Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Hickman, Marvin and El
lery Hickman, of West Linn; Miss
Minta Hickman, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Burdon,. of Ocean Falls;
Miss Fayne Burdon, Mr. and Mrs.: F.
A. Burdon.
The home of J. C. Paddock at Glad
stone was the scene of a nretty Christ
mas party when a number of out-of-lookeo
forward to by the members of
the Paddock family enjoyed the day.
This was an annual affair always
looked ofrward to by the members of
the Padodck and Dedman fa-nilies.
The decorative scheme of the rooms
of the Paddock home were nove' and
arranged by Misses Laura and Jersie
Paddock, and were comn'e'e in every
detail to correspond with th Christ
mas season. With festoons of the red
and green crepe paper, while Oregoi
grape, hoyyel were arranged in baskts
the decorative scheme was cfnterad
with a miniature Christmas tree, gaily
decorated, and which had been ar
ranged on a mirror form5n a beauti
ful reflection, was surrounded by
sprays of holly.
Each place was marked with a place
cards appropriate for Christmas.
During the afternoon gifts were dis
tributed from a handsomely decorated
Enjoyirtg the affair were Dr. and
Mrs. H. A. Dedman, Miss MUd'-ed Ded
man, Craig Dedman, of Canby; Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Dedman and son, Har
old Dedman , of Clackamas: Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. McKenzie, of Port'and;
Frank Buchanan, of North Powder,
Or.; A. J. Paddock, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur D. Paddock, Miss Lura Pad
dock and Miss Jessie Paddock.