Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1922, Page Page 2, Image 2

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W. - &
Correspondence From AU Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local HaPPening3 During j
The Past Week Your Subscripton WiU Receive Prompt Attention. . j
,-p, -i . I
1 ardlt- 1 eaClierS TO I
-m m- r T 11 1
Meet Ull January l
t, t '
ESTACADA, Jan. 4 The Parent- j
Teacher Association will have a meet ,
inor Wednesday January 11. in the
high school auditorium at 7:30 P. M.
Mrs. Bertha Haater Hill, president of
the Oregon P. T. A., is expected to be
present and give an address. The pro
gram wil be as follows: Song, Chil
dren of the primary grades; address,
Mrs. Bertha H. Hill; song, Boys' Glee
Club; discussion, "Grade School Prob
lems," Mrs. Edith Coleman, Miss Lelia
Howe and Mrs. Carrie Sarver; "Pur
pose of Domestic Science in Educa
tion," Mrs. Inerson; pantomine, "The
Lamp Went Out," heroine, Irene Sal
ing; hero, Arnold Lovelace; mother,
Neva Woodle; villain. Bob Cahill.
After the program refreshments will
be served.
Mrs. Lilly clSG f Vancouver,
Wash., passed the weekend at the home
of her brother, W. A. Wilcox.
Dr. and . Mrs. C. K. Carey arrived
lallt week from Chicago, and are guests
of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McCall . Dr.
Carey may locate here.
Friends of Mrs. T. R. Jubb in this
locality are pleased to hear that she
is improving in California. She went
there a few weeks ago to recuperate
her heaHh.
J. P. Woodle has been appointed to
fill the position of city recorder, S. E.
Wooster having resigned.
A. E. Sparks, owner of the Family
Theatre, has leased the theatre to F.
C. Cleworth, manuel training teacher
in the Estacada schools. The new pro
prietor takes possession f Saturday
Miss Bertha Burns came home from
Portland Npw Years day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Twining of Port
land, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Sparks last Friday night. Mr. Twin
ing is the motorman who is taking
Irvine Snr'th's place on the first car
into Portland while Mr. Smith is visit- j
incr in California.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. met at
the home of Mrs. Hassel last Thurs
day and renort a most enjoyable time.
After a sumptuous dinner the ladies
devoted their time to visiting and
piecing a ouilt.
Miss Lydia Mattson spent the week
end in Estncada vrith home folks, re
turning to Portland Monday night.
Hotel Estacada changed manage
ment last Monday, V. W. Hausr retir
ing and W. F. Cary taking charge. Mr.
Cary expects to open the dining roo:ri
shortly On the account of sickness
in the family, he will not move to the
hotel for a few days yet.
W. E. Linn and V. W. Hauser have
bought out the Red Front pool hall
and are in possesssion. Mr. Hauser
will move his family soon to the rooms
over the pool hall.
There was a dance at Hotel Estaca
da last Saturday night to watch the
old year out and the new year in. A
good t'me is reported by all present.
Mr. and M's; James Closner have
leased the Snyder residence on Ter
race Addition and are now comfort
able located there.
Dr. Naff snent the New Years vaca
tion with Portland friends.
Mrs. O. E. Smith is still confined to
her bed with an attack of rheumatism.
Mrs. .Take Looney of Currinsvi!le,
has become the proud owner of the
Sunbonnet. Baby ouilt, which the M. E.
Lad'es' A;d had on sale.
The o7d year passed out and the
new year arrived with only slight dem
onstrations in Estacada.
Mrs. W. A. Heylman went to Port
land Saturday to visit friends and Mr.
Hevlman io'ned her Sunday.
Smith Brothers, of the Estacada
Hardware Co.. have as their guests
their father and mother from Bell in g-
ham.Wa.sh. They are enroufe to ca'
ifomia bv automobile.
Miss Lucy Haley, librarian at O. A.
C. was in Estacada Saturday the
jrrest nf Mrs. TJoton H. Gibhs. Miss
Haley n-ns formerly from La Grande,
- and is an old friend of Mrs. Gibbs.
J. TT. Sharp has moved to Gresham.
Miss Lyla McKenny, who spent the
Christmas vacation with her mother
Mrs. Grce McKenny, has returned to
her school in the Foster district near
Lebanon, Oregon.
SomeDue who seemed to be in need
of Ford tires, broke into W. R. Jones'
garage recently and removed the two
tires from h's machine and appropri
ated them for their use. Mr. Jones
will hereafter see that his garage is
bursrular proof.
Matt Lonsberry returned Sunday
from a v'sit vrith relatives at Vancou
ver. wash.
Clvrte Ecker returned from Indepen
dence last Thursday and will visit rel
atives here for a time.
Mrs. Tom Morton has bought the
log cabin of W. J. Moore. At present
both famiMeg will occupy the house
and later Mr. Moore will build a resi
dence on Mrs. Moore's lots on Terrace
School opened again Tuesday after
the holiday vacation of one week.
The Bell Ringing Quartet held forth
at the high school auditorium Mon
day ight. This was the third number
In the Lyceum course and the enter
tainment was pronounced to be very
Mrs. Gordon Lawrence was taken
suddenly i1! while visiting at the home
of her parents at Gresham one day last
week, and is still confined there.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Watson
I Holman&Pace
1 Homelike Efficient Courteous
I z
I Telephone 88 f
Z ' z
I 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City
" " ' a u m mm rT, 1 1, mm ii ii
Lanon sunaay noon to visn "
friends, returning on the evening train.
Miss Mabel Wilcox assisted at the
Peoples' Store' during the holiday
Miss Ruth Saling spent the New
.,.? at
tMg returning t0 Portiand Sua-
day evening.
Miss Helen Wooster has returned to
O. A. C.
Russell Reed and carl Kimmel left
on Sunday for Corvallis to resume
their school duties at O. A. C.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Ameri
can legion will meet next Monday
night January 9, at 8:30 in the I. O. O.
F. hall. x
Lloyd Saling left Monday for O. A.
C. He attended this college last year
for a short time.
Work on the streets of Estacada is
still going on and a number of car
loads of gravel has been used.
Redland News Items
REDLAND, Jan. 3. Mrs. H. G. Ne
vill and daughter Clara Pearl returned
Wednesday from" Portland and were
accompanied home by Mrsi C. W.
Hulse of Lents.
Mrs. John Murray has been quite ill
the past week.
Mrs. H. A. Allen's mother, Mrs.
Tenny, had the misfortune to fall and
break her hip last Tuesday. We are
glad to say that she is getting along
as well as can be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson and
daughter Betty of Tillamook and Mrs
W; N. Hulse Sr. and granddaughter
Gladys Hulse of Portland spent Thurs
day at the Murray and Nevill homes.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Allen entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen and daughter
Gertrude of Mulino and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Allen of Portland New Years day.
Elnora, Margaret and Carl Staats re
turned to their home Tuesday after
spending a few days in Oregon City.
Mrs. Lalone and daughter Ethel
were Oregon City visitors Wednesday
Miss Annie Hindle spent the week
end at the P.onney home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and Mr
and Mrs. H. G. Nevill and daughte
spent New-Years at the W. N. Huls"
home in Portland.
Lee and June Kirchem and Alva an-1
Jessie Bonney attended the Liberty in
Oregon City Monday night.
Mountain Road Items.
MOUNTAIN ROAD, Jan. 2. A tele
phone meeting was held at the Moun
tain Rtiad school last Thursday eve
to elect new officers for the year 1922.
A large crowd met at the Bernert
farm last Tuesday evening and chari
varjed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernert.
Thei evening was spent in playing
games and a lunch was served to each
and every one.
Lyman Koellermeier spent his
Christmas vacation with his aunt and
uncle in Willamette.
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson had as
their guests for New Years dinner Mr.
and Mcs. M- A. Schuster of Btortland,
Miss Marion Wheeler, of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Hodge and children
Deward, Sylvia Bernice and Donald.
Mrs. Wm. Helbers and son Herman
left for Nebraska last week to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Hellberg's brother.
Miss Mary Rypzynski spent New
Years with her parents in this district.
Quite a number of the residents
from this vicinity attended the budget
meeting in Oregon City last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser spent the
last night in the old year with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hellberg.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Christiensen, Sr,
spent New Years with their son near
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Scoffern and
daughter Lois Beth 0f Portland visited
relatives in this district last Thursday.
Eagle Creek News
Orke has
CREEK, Jan. 2 A.
rented his farm to a
Mr. Bestol.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Douglass on New Year's day.
Mr. and Mrs. will Bluhm and Mr.
and Mrs. Dawson Fairchild and little
daughter, Patty Jean, of Oregon City,
New Year's guests at the home of Roy
Mr. and Mrs. C- H. Paddison and
children are now living on their form
er place, which was vacated last week
by Will Hayden, who, with his fam
ily, has moved over near Estacada.
Gifofrd Hoffmeister killed a big wild
cat last week and was so excited over
it i that he could scarcely eat nis din
Ware and Mr. Everett visited Sunday
school last Sunday and Mr. Ware
preached afterwards.
Glenn Larkins left for Portland
Monday where he is going to attend
the Adcox auto school ,
Mr .and Mrs. Jones and little son
went to Portland Sunday for a few
' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hofstet
ter of Salem, December 27, a baby
girl. Mr. Hofstetter was a former
resident of this place.
Mr .and Mrs. Herbert Fife and
daughter Evelyn will leave Thursday
morning for Kansas, where they will
visit Mr. and Mrs. Fife's parents and
then expect to go to Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins and
daughter Alrrp. visited relatives at
Clarkes Monday.
ALBANY, Ore., Jan. 4. A pair of
ovejaills with parts of a human body
in them found today is believed to
solve the mystery of the disappear
ance of Clarence Anderson, 14, last
May. He was believed to have been
drowned in the Santiam on the occa
sion of baptism ceremonies.
Beaver Creek Boys
Win From Oil Co.
Beaver Creek school basket ball team
played a fast game at the Beacon
.Heights ha with the Standard Oil
company team of Parkplace, Decern Der
28. The local boys' were cosiderably
out-weighed by their opponents, but '
they made it up in speed. The score
was 19-13 in favor of Beaver Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas entertained
several friends on New Year's eve.
They played cards and watched the
old year out. All had a most enjoyable
time. The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Linds
ley, Mr. and Mrs. George Havill, Mr.
and Mrs. S. P. Londergan and Mrs. H.
Grandma Edwards gave a .New
Year's dinner for her children and
grandchildren. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Daniels and daughter Adeline,
Mr. and MrsWR. E. Eel wards, Mr. and
Mrs. John Watts, Kate, Walter and
Evelyn Bohlander, Wm. Roberts and
Mrs. Edwards.
A number of Beaver Creek people:
attended services at the German
churcn on New Year's eve.
A dance was held at Beacon Heights
hal Saturday night and a very pleasant
time is reported.
Mrs. Wm. Daniels and daughter Ade
line returned Saturday from a week's
visit with relatives at Springfield.
Rev. Everett preached a sermon at
the central hall Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bloomer, who
spent the holidays with the Schram
family here .returned to Kerry today.
Mrs. G. V. Woodarct" and small son
are visiting for a few days with rela
tives near Mount Pleasant.
L. C Schram is expecting to leave
the latfer part of this week for Lake
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fog!esong spent
New Years clay with Mrs. Fcgleson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wetmore, ot
Clarkes. In the evening all motored to
Oregon City to a theatre.
Mrs. Hannah Hehn, who was em
ploved bv Mrs. A. Thomas for several
months has gone to Oregon City. Mrs., j
Thomas has improved so mucn Hi
health that she believe she can
mst of her work alone now.
Cams News Notes
CARL'S, Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs. G- R
Gwilliam and family spent Monday
with. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mills and fam
ily at Butteville.
Miss Wilma and John Bliss spent
a few days with relatives at Molallo.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fatirie and fam-
Calvery has returned aomeii;"'"
from his work at Tillamook.
Mrs. A. Beach called on Mrs. Mon- j
roe Irish Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss and fam
ily were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrso
Tullivers and family of Molalla last
John Kline and Rev. Clark, of Sa
lem, painted and papered the Cams
church last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee PerisU and son
Norman of Mount pleasant and
nephew .Albert .Cunningham of Wash
ington were guests at Mr -and Mrs.
Lunce Shockley and family last Thurs
day. Bud Weiser made a trip to Mulino
mill last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lunce Shockley and
family were dijyier guests at Mr. and
Mrs. Stevenson and family last Sun
day. Richard McCarthy spent a few days
with his sister Mrs. Charles Willbanks.
He is talking about going into the
dairy business on the old home place.
Earl Davis, son of Richard Davis, is
having a serious time with an abscess
in his .ear.
Tom Lewis is suffering with a lame
back the result of a fall.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewis called
on Mrs. W- X. Davis Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Davis has been ill the last
few weeks.
Albert Fisher ia working in the
Dorenbecker mill at New Era.
Arch Beach left last week for Che
halis, Wash., on business.
The Farmersn Union met at the
school house last Wednesday evening.
Miss Erma caseday spent last Tues
day with Miss Maude O'Leary.
The Ladies Aid met at Mrs. Herman
Fisher last Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss made a
trip to Oregon City last Tuesday.
Donald Schoenborn spent a few days
at Mount Pleasant with nis grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCarthy.
Griffith Jones, who has been making
his home with Gwilliams, moved to his
own place last week.
J. Shockley and Mr. Stevenson call
ed on Roland EdwarAs of Beaver
Creek one day last week.
Glen Clark, of Salem, spent last
week with Mr. and Mrs. John Kline
Mrs. App Jones and children spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Irish
Mr. and Mrs. John Kline and Glen
Clarks were dinner guests at George
Bliss' home Sunday.
Mulino News. Items
MULINO, Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Manning and Mrs. Long and
daughter Elizabeth were Oregon City
visitors last Wednesday.
Mrs. Eva Ayres who has been spend
ing the holidays with her mother Mrs.
J. J. Mallot has returned to her home
in King's Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin and daughter
Eloise and Miss Cora Cash and Mis3
T,oio chioiri.. pnt j Portland last
Wednesday. 1
Mrs. Albert Woodside, who has been I
visiting relatives in King's Valley for i
several weeks, returned ' home la3t
Ted Gaines, a traveling salesman of
Portland, was here last Tuesday and
Fred Jagger of Cams made a busi- J
ness trip to Mulino last Thursday. He ;
purchased some beef cattle of Daniels
and Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning and
children went to Eldorado last. Sunday j
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, j
Al and Durl Jones of Eldorado were j
Mulinotvisitors Sunday.
A. C. Erickson is painting the inside
of his store.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erickson and
children of Oregon City were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. August
Oscar Erickson was a Portland visi
tor last Sunday.
Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Woodside ana
children of King's Valley are visiting
relatives and friends here. Mrs.
Woodside who is in poor health
intends f o remain here for a couple
of months to take treatment in Port
land, i
Joe Daniels and son Lee were Ore
gon City visitors last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin gave a party
last Thursday evening to several
young people.
Herman Taylor was a caller at the
Daniels home last Sunday.
Miss Margaret Tweedie who has
been visiting her parents who live
near Woodburn came back to Mulino
Saturday and resumed her position as
primary teacher in the Mulino school.
School began Tuesday after sever
al days vacation.
Messrs. Don and Ernest Larios were
Mulino visitors last Saturday night.
Miss McCord Weds
Delbur Husbands
MOLALLA, Jan. 2. George Adams
and farAily took dinner New Year's
eve at the W. T. Echerd home.
George Shuller and wife of Portland
sncnt Ne"' Years day with Mrs. Shul
lers sister, Mrs. Hub Bowman.
Delbur W. . Husbands and Camilla
Beatrice McCord were married au-.eUy
Tuesday afternoon in Oregon City at
tlie Baptist parsonage. Rev. W. K
Pctnbone officiating. They returned
to the home of the bride's parents, .Mr.
ad Mrs. A. McCord, on Wednes Uy
evt-ning where they were given a re
ception. All extend congra .iHttn.s u
the happ; couple.
A N'ew rars eve par'y was givon at
fly. Ii;: Ct John VaU2s! v!.i. 1'5
'e.sts v re present. .T1-.3 over.iufe
; and a bountiful lunch was served at
j midnight.
! Mi s. Mary Wolf inger and daughter
! Violet of Oregon City who have been
visiting Mrs. Hub Bowman returned
home Tuesday.
it. .t A T ct nfnl-'TnTinsnn of Ofe-
B"" " '
George Shuller and wife of Portland
visited a few days this week with Mrs.
i Soulier's father Chas. Hall.
! Mrs. Hazel Van Sice of Grangeville,
... "i;tirn- fripmria and rel-
Reginald Hall of Oregon city visited
a few days this week with his sister .
Mrs. Hub Bowman. j
' Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bowman motored j
to Oregon City Tuesday. j
Claud lall and family of Portland :
are spending the holidays with Mrs. j
Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i rant
Chris Eri Is Laid
To Rest On Sunday
KELSO, Jan. 3. The funeral ser
vices for Chris Eri were held Sunday,
Jan. 1, at the Pleasant Home church,
Rev. Pitts officiating and the Metho
dist church choir furnishing the musio. i
Chris Eri died after a lingering illness,
at the Milwaukie Sanitarium where he
was cared for during the last five
months of his life. He was born in
Albert Lea, Minnesota on April 20.
1872, being at the time of his death 49
years and 8 months of age. He leaves
two brothers, Gilbert Eri and Henry
Eri of this place, and one sister, Mrs.
Carrie Schau, of Portland.
Mrs. Hannah Nelson had the mis
fortune recently of falling on the base-;
ment steps of her son's, Ned weison s.
home, brusing her knee severely. She ,
was taken to the Good Samaritan nos
nital where she is improving. Her
I brother Charles Johanson is critically i
ill In the same hospital.
Fred Alt and wife of Portland were
New Year's guests at the home of .Nea ,
" After spending the holidays at hom3
Eunice Jonsrud returned Monday to
resume her studies at Reed College,
and Dorothy Jonsrud at Jefferson High
school in Portland.
The Misses Elizabeth, Margaret and
Angela Canning returned Monday to
their work in the Lynch and Portland
Gertrude KTigel, a student at St.
Mary's Academy in Portland, spent
the holidays at home.
John Jonsrud has resumed work on
the lath mill being erected on Ned Nel- j
son's place and to be operated by Ned
Nelson and Max Kligel. Gus Ludwig I
son is employed in making wood and j
getting out material for lath.
Mr. and Mrs. Sdhau and Mrs. Mollie j
Frank of Portland attended the fun- j
eral of Chri3 Eri Sunday. , I
Adoption Valid, Is
Decision of Court
Guardianship of Robert Edward
Quinby , Dillman was permanently
granted to . Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dill
man through a hearing in the c'rcu't
court. The lad, now three years f
age, was adopted by the Dillmans
December 24, 1920. The lad's motherl
had died shortly after his birth.
Last September, the lad's father, i
who had remarried, sued to regain
possession of the child, but the adop-j
tion was held leagal by Judge Camp- j
Funeral Held For
ilfUIUCUL 11U1;
NEEDY. Jan, 3. Albert Noblitt
started to school again Tuesday but
0 still carries his arm in a sling,
Oscar willson of Portland and Frank
jjpy cf Meridian spent the week end
witn tii& Caruthers family,
uss Bertha Carothers returned
nomo Sunday after a weeks stay in
J. H. Gripp went to Portland Taes-
day for goods for the store. j
Mrs. Al Tompson and daughter
Dollie spent Tuesday with Mrs. Nob-1
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yoder or canDy (
spent the week end with the formers j
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Yoder. j
The funeral of Oscar Hoffman who j
accidentally shot himseiron December j
29 was held at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chast Hoffman, Jan. ,
1. The sad accident caused many a ;
ing PXete. !
He leaves to mourn his loss besides
his Relatives many friends who extend
, . . , , , -i I
their sympathy to the family.
t Tra T. "R T7nr nrifi dansrhteT !
Helen formerly of Needy but now of
lianow were out cauiug uu mo i
litts Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Potter of Myrtle
Creek are visiting the home of Mrs.
Potter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ritter of Port
land have been out with the home
folks for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Port'and
spent the week end at the Ritter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walfur are both
on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Snagle visited Al
bert Spagle 6f Hubbard one day last
Ladies of Mulino
Hold Quilting Bee
B4T7T.OW. .Tan. 2. A Ouilting
Bee was held at the home of Mrs. ay
Smith Friday afternoon. A fine din
ner was served and all had a good
time. Those present were Mrs. E.
Andrews, Mrs. J. Hayes. Mrs. Chas.
Gardner, Mrs. Wm. Kloster, Mrs. E.
Bahbs. Mrs. J. Toogood. Mrs. S. Bang,
Mrs. B. Ashford. Mrs. H. Gardner and
Mrs. Ray Smith, hostess.
Mrs. Dregnie and sons Charles, Ed
ward and Paul Kloster motored to Ore
gon City Friday on business.
Tho bovs and srirls arc having a
freat time playinsr basketball in the ;
new Barla-v gymnaisum recently built, j
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian .Newstrom and ;
fnmilv left acrain for Scanpose recent- i
vir. tricolor, wont tr. willaTi-.-tr
i ecently to visit some friends. j
Smfh onrt familv returned to i
their home in Barlow after spend!nj a i
couple of W33k3 w!th his parems in j
Corvalls. ' !
; Ml
DEAR Comrades the holiday seasoa I
is over, we are commencing to get
back again to our regular every day af
fairs after the exhilerating satisfying
feeling that the holidays bring. We
hope sil have had a taste of is cherj,
and blessings that comes from some
ones tiought and service nnd gifts.
We hone especially all childrens
ilv.arts were glads on the birthda of
their King.
wouldn't it be a wonderful world if
thtf gpin-t of gelf saCrifice and love and
cheer that has abounded full ana free
th:g Xmas tfae would continue on
tnru tne coming year? Its a joyous
time for aii because all give of them-
. .... :
rtrru parents Mr-
KTES Stello Berg, an,.
B-BJ.- Mrs. Ban
I r,v Saturday aftenuori.
Fred Snyder and family spent Sat-
unlay WHU uia mumci, iuio.
U1U 3
3aSket Ball bailie
And Dance Enjoyed
DODGE, Jan. 3. School opened
again Monday after a week's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Giles and family
spent Sunday at the E. Jonchinsen
Mr." Andrews of Portland has been
spending a few days on his place at
Mrs. W. E. Myers has spent the past
week with her daughter, Mrs. Stanford j
Cox at Elwood.
Mrs. Floyd Davis and baby have
been -visiting at the home of Mrs.
Davis' parents, MC and Mrs. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller and family
spent Sunday with the Chas. Colson
Mr. ard Mrs. Benjamin were Sunday
guests at the Horner home.
Mrs. Iva Lacey's mother has been
visiting her for a few days.
A very exciting basketball game was
played Sautrday evening between the
Dodge team and a team from Estacada.
The'score was 26 to 15 in favor of Es
tacada. After the game every one en
joyed dancing until midnight when a
basket supper was served.
Gladstone Locals
Henry O'Malley, who has been
s'ated by Secretary of Commerce ;
Hoover for appointment as comnns-
I sioner of tne bureau or usnenes, was;
formerly an Oregon man. at one i
time in charge of the Clackamas j
hatchery near Gladstone. He has a j
sister teacnm
in the Oregon City
schools. Mr.
place of Dr.
O'Malley will take the
Hueh' H. Smith, who
The Business Mans
WHEREAS, Progressive business men
throughout the country have found high
class printed matter and carefully prepared
advertising copy the most effective means of
enlarging the scope of their business, and the
best medium for obtaining quick results,
now therefore
RESOLVED that from and after Janu
ary 1 . 1 922, I will use more printer's ink in
the promotion of my business.
That I will adopt a definite program for
advertising; a systematic campaign of circul
arizing the trade, and such other approved
methods as will produce results.
That I will consult with mn whose time
and energy is devoted to a study of printing
and advertising in all its branches, and are
therefore qualified to advise,
That the Printing Establishment that gets
,my business this year will be the one fully
equipped to do all branches of printing and
render the most complete service.
Printers Publishers Binders .
Enterprise Bldg.
flUMIMIMItimltllllttMJtf MM
selves. Such could be the year if that
spirit ot service prevailed. Lr the
Nsw "iear truly rir.g out the oil. any
thing that prevents over attaining the
highest good, rin in the v.-w love,
service high ideals good wlli to all
n-en. We may make resolutions and
idi; cj; ii our spirits are made beauti
ful with the thoughts of service born cf
love wc- will nevir fr.il. Every day -:if
922 wil be a "Birthday of th? King"
tor he will truly oe born in our hearts
made humble as a Bethelem manger.
We will become liko the Star, radient
and beautiful lighting the way. That
others may see where the Christ child
is now field representative of the
Pacific coast secton of the bureau of
Friends of Richard Freytag will be
pleased to learn of his improved condi-
tion as he is able to be at the store
again after a weeks illness.
Rev. Hardie Connor was brought
to his home in West Gladstone Thurs-
day from the Good Samaritan hospi
tal and is getting along as well as
can be expected. Miss Edith Arnold
is assisting Mrs. Connor with the pa
tient during the day and a nurse is iu
charge at night. During- the Rev.
Connor's illness the pulpit of the Bap
tist church v;ill be- supplied in the
mornings by Rev. A. M. Petty of Port
land spoke to a very appreciative au
dience Sunday morning.
Lloyd Nickerson of Vellejo, calif-.
spent the holidays wit his parents
Mr .and Mrs. G. F. .Nickerson in Spc-
kane, Wash., and stopped over Sunday
with friends in Gladstone. 'The Nick
ersons were former residents of this
place, and are very well and favorably
known here and in Oregon City.
Mrs. Nellie Sladen, Miss Mildred
Sladen, Charles and Harry Sladen of
Glen Echo were entertained at din
ner New Year's day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Lytle of Oregon
City, Miss Mildred Sladen left for
Monmouth Monday to resume her stu
dies after spending the holidays with
her mother, Mrs. Nellie Sladen.
Oregon City Couple
Get Kalama License
KALAMA, Wash., Jan. 4. A mar
riage license was issued to N. S. John
son and Loleta- Dennis, both of Ore
gon City, December 31.
A license was issued in Oreeon City
Wednesday to George Moser, 24, Ore
gon City, Route 4 and Iva Borland.
ofl nrpnn ritv Route 5.
Children, -who are among the great
estusers of public libraries, are bor
rowing books of biography natuau
history, and travel almost as often as
they choose fiction.
Oregon City, Ore.