Page 5 , Mr. and Mrs. Eby Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Eby went to Mo lalla Thursday morning, where they attended the funeral services of the late Levi Robbins, which was held at 1 o'clock Thursday ' afternoon. Mr. Robbins was an uncle of Mr. Eby, and one of the most prominent residents and pioneers of Molalla. COUPLE CELEBRATES GOLDEN WEDDING DEPOSIT ALL YOUR INCOME, BOTH CHECKS AND CASH WITH THIS BANK DURING 1922 AND DRAW CHECKS FOR ALL YOUR EXPENSES. " I III A"' l 'i Spend Week-end af Albany Mrs. M. I- Phillips and daughter, Miss Alene, left on Saturday afternoon for a week-end visit with Mi", and Mrs. Harry Schlosser, of Albany, spending Christmas at the Schlosser home. Mr. Schlosser is a brother of Mrs. Phillips. OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921 n iililliulliiill The Battle Hymn of the Republic sung by Reinald Werrenrath Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean sung by Lambert Murphy and Orpheus Quartet We promise you a great big old-fashioned thrill (the kind that makes you feel like a youngster again) if you will stop in our store today and hear Reinald Werrenrath sing the fervent verses of the wonderful old " Battle Hymn," and hear Lambert Murphy's stirring performance of "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." Victor Doubla-feced Rocord No. 45121. Tcu-iath. St -00 This record is only one of the New Victor Patriotic Records Each of them is a patriotic inspiration and a musical joy. Huntley-DraperDrugCo. jpf J Jj SCU f&stca&L SAa jj LOCALS AND PERSONALS Snow Drifts 5 Feet Deep at Clarkes Mr. and Mrs. John Leichtweis and their little grandson, John, who makes his home with his grandparents, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall, o f Clarkes, were in Oregon City on bus iness Thursday. This is the first op portunity the family has had to make the trip to this city, during the week, owing to heavy drifts of snow, caused by the severe wind early in the week. In places the snow has drifted to four and five feet deep. Mrs. Leicht weis was formerly Miss Mmie Myers, of this city, and sister of Mrs. Eva Williams, of Oregon City. Return to Homes In California Mrs. Anna Myers, of Los Angeles, Calif., who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Walter Wentworth, and family, of Canemah, left for her home on Monday morning. Mrs. Myers ac companied her aunt, Mrs. Alice Mar shall, of Pullerton, Calif., to The Dal les, arriving here on December ISth, when they brought the body of Mrs. Marshall's husband, the late E. T. Marshall, who died in Fullerton, to The Dalles, Oregon, for burial in the family lot. Mrs. Marsnall also visited her niece and her family at Canemah, accompanying Mrs. Myers back to California. Naterlin Member of Football Squad Andrew Natrrlin, student of the University of Idaho at Moscow, has arrived in Oregon City to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Naterlin, of Fourteenth and Madison streets. Naterlin, who is taking a course in law at the inst tution, is favorably impressed with Idaho and the university he is attend ing. He is a member of the Universi ty football squad, paving been selected shortly aftei arriving in Idaho. Nater lin will remain until after New Year's. Miss Porter Returns to City Miss Fannie Porter, who has been in the St. Vincent's hospital in Port land for several weeks, where she has been receiving medical treatment, and also performing her duties as prin cipal of the Failing school, has im proved so that she has been able to return to her home in Oregon City Saturday to spend Christmas with her sister, Miss Kate Porter, also a teach er of the Portland schools. Miss White Arrives Home Miss Florence White, of Salem, ar rived in Oregon City Saturday evening and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White. Miss White is an instructor of basketry and pottery for the State board of vocational train ing. Miss White was an artist for the Hicks-Chatten Engraving company before taking up her duties in Salem, and is an accomplished artist. miiiiMUMunniiHNWMimiiHniiMiiMMiimiiiiiMilii Pacific Phone: Office 52 Residence 304-M CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Lawyer Oregon City, Ore. Si Tr'TiT " ' " " '"T Family Reunion to be Held Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin. Grossen bacher and children, Carl Richard, and Loyal Keith, of Gladstone, will go to Milwaukie today, where they are to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ham ilton, parents of Mrs. Grossenbacher. They will enjoy a family reunion at a dinner and Christmas tree. Others to attend are Mr. Bray, father of Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson, of Milwaukie. Party Go to Logan O. E. Freytag, his brother-in-law. Thomas Meeds, of Gladstone, accom panied by L. A. Henderson, of this city, formed a party to go to Logan on Thursday morning, where they spent the day at the Edward Barrett farm at Logan, witnessing the demon stration of the stump puller, and also '"taking in" other events planned for the day by the Farm Bureau. Attend Demonstration A. C. Gage, editor and publisher of the Goat Journal, of Portland, accom panied by J. W. Salisbury, of Port land, were in Oregon City on Thurs day. They were on their way to Lo gan, where they attended the stump pulling demonstration under the aus pices of the Farm Bureau at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barrett. Mrs. McCormick and Daughter Return Mrs. Lillian McCormick and daugh ter, Avis, of this city, who have been enjoying the chrrstmas holidays at Molalla, where they were guests of Mrs. McCormick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conrad, returned to Oregon City Monday evening. Mrs. McCorm ick resumed her duties in the county assessor's office on Tuesday. Finnegans Have Guests for X Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnegan, o f Portland, were in Canemah on Christ mas, where tney were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Finnegan. Mr. Finnegan was an en gineer in the navy during the world war, being rapidly promoted from an apprentice to engineer. Mrs. Hutchi'fison Brot to Hospital Mrs. R. Soper, of Canby, who has charge of the telephone office, was in Oregon City Monday, having come to the bedside of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Earl Hutchinson, who has bee-i taken to the Oregon City hospital. Mr. Hutchinson accompanied his wife from Newberg to this city. Their home is at that place. Mrs. Huntley Able to Leave Hospital Mrs. W. A. Huntley, who has been in the Oregon City hospital for about three weeks, where she underwent a surgical opration, will spend Christ mas at her home in Portland. She was able to leave the institution on Friday, and is rapidly regaining her health. Yonce Family Have Guests Mrs. L. C. Posson and daughter, Miss Leta, of Estacada, are in Oregon City, where they are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Yonce. Mr. and Mrs. Yonce and son, Virgil, were former residents of Estacada, and the Posson familv nr -I old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Long Guests of Howell Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Long, of Seaside, i Oregon, are in this city, where they ! are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. How ; ell, having come to spe:i Christmas at me Howell residence. They were reside-ts of Canmah before taking up the'r home at Seaside. Alfred Geisl-r Moves to Willamette A'frrd Geisler, who has been making his ho-r fn Woodburn, has taken up his residence in Willamette. Spends Holidays With Parents Miss Roma Stafford, teacher in the Portland schools, is spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stafford, of ML Pleasant. Enjoy Christmas In Milwaukie Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Warnock and son, Lyman, of Mt, Pleasant, spent Christmas in Milwaukie as guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Reddaway. Mrs. Reddaway is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warnock. Harry W., Junior, Arrives Born, December 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunmire, of Clackamas Station, a son, whose name is Harry W. Dunmire, Jr. Enjoys Christmas at Homestead Miss Alice Stone, first aid nurse at the Crown-Willamette Paper company left Saturday to enjoy the Christmas holidays at her homestead near Molal la. Eastern Star to Have Special Meet The Order of Eastern Star will hold a special meeting on Wednesday eve ning, December 28th Sellwood Chap ter will confer the degree. Earl Lankins In Oregon City Earl Lankins, formerly of this city, now of Viola, was among the Oregon City visitors on Saturday, and while here transacted business, also visit ing friends for a brief time. Mrs. Ada Burch Enjoys Holiday Mrs. Ada Burch, a teacher of the Bull Run school, was in Oregon City om Saturday. Mrs. Burch is spendirg the holidays in Portland. Colemajt Mark and Daughter H Coleman Mark and daughter, Miss Mark, of Mark's Prairie, were in Ore gon City on business Thursday. While here they visited at the home of Judge and Mrs. Grant B. Dimick. Mrs. Dim ick is a sister-in-law of Mr. Mark. Miss Hess In Oergon City Miss Elda V. Hess, of Canby, was among those to come to this city on business Thursday afternoon. Whiskey Hill Resident In City Among the Oregon City visitors Dn Thursday was Roy Troyer. His home is at Whiskey Hill, Clackamas county. Mrs. Frazer Transacts Business Mrs. W. E. Frazer, of Garfield, was an Oregon City visitor on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Frazer transacted business in this city. Aurora Resident In City K. E. Seward, of Aurora, was an Oregon c?ty visitor Thursday. Mrs. George Brown In City- Mrs. George H. Brown, of New Era, was among the Oregon City visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Hinkle Visits Oregon City Mrs. Joel Hinkle, whose home is at Redland, was among the Oregon City visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Clara Fields Entertains Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fields and Mrs. Maggie Elliott, of Portland, spent Christmas at Canemah as guests of Mrs. Clara Fields, mother of Clarence Fields. Mrs. Hurst In Oregoji City Mrs. Bertha Hurst, of Canby, was in Oregon City on business Tuesday, on her way home from Portland, where she had been on business. Will Make Home In Albany Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Frost who hav-s been making their home in Canemah, left Tuesday for Albany to make their home. Seattle Woman Dies While Visiting Here Mrs. Sarah E. McCulloch, of Seattle, Wash., who arrived in Oregon City about a week ago to spend the holi days with her daughter, Mrs. Ckarles Ladd, and family at Thirteenth and Water streets, died suddenly Tuesday morning from heart trouble. Mrs. Mc Culloch had been ill but two hours, having been stricken with heart dis ease at 2 o'clock, dying two hours later. When retiring Monday evening Mrs. McCulloch was in the best of health. Deceased was 70 years of age, na tive of New York, and was the widow of the late Arthur B. McCulloch, of Seattle. She is survived by her daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Ladd, of this city, another daughter, Mrs. F. W. Holman, of Seattle, and six grandchildren, among these being Birdsell Ladd, of Oregon City. Remains were shipped by Holman and Pace, undertakers, this evening to Seattle, leaving Portland at 11:30 o'clock, and funeral services will be held in that city, with interment in the family lot. Mrs. Ladd accom panied the remains of her mother to Seattle. Store Destroyed by Christmas Day Fire Fire destroyed the store and resi dence of V. G. Migglesworth at Staf ford Christmas. AH the household ef fects were lost, but some goods from the store were saved. .No estimate of the loss has yet been made. THIEVES GET MILLIONS CHICAGO, Dec. 26. Chicago paid a tribute of $3,974,326 to robbers during 1921, police figures showed today. The 50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Doremus was observed at their home on Third and Monroe streets recently. During the afternoon the members of the Meade Post, No. 2, G. A. R., call ed to extend their best wishes to the couple. During the afternoon of the wed ding anniversary nr. Doremus was presented with a handsome gold stick pin from Meade Post. The presenta tion speech was made by J. W. Gorbett and was responded to by Miss Mildred McKilliean, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doremus, in a charming manner. Mr. Gorbett spoke highly of the past life of Mr. Doremus as a comrade and member of the post, one who was always ready for duty. Mrs. Doremus was presented with a handsome gold brooch as a gift from Mrs. A. J. Hobble and Mrs. Carrie Paitz. She has been active in all 1 J.a w cv A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nuttall, from West Linn, met at their new home in Canemah last Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Nuttall's birthday. Music and games were enjoyed after which lunch was served. A most delightful time was had, and at a late hour the guests departed in their automobiles for their homes iu West Linn. Those present were Mr." and Mrs. Carl Kollemeir, Mrs. Bertha Ziebel and son Ernest, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bar ber and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mur ray, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kollermier and son, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Day and son, Mrs. Phillip. Barr and daugh ter, Misses Bertha and Evelyn Ziebel, Marguerite Barber and Freida Barr, Harry Ziebel and Mr. and Mrs. Nut tall and sons. One of the prettiest weddings of the season took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rowan on East Ar lington street in Gladstone Sunday, December 18, when their only daugh - ter. Mis Edna Bertha Rowan, and Elyin A. Catto were united in marri age. The parlor and living room were prettily decorated in holly and white chrysanthemums. An improvised altar was formed in green and white. In the breakfast room the yellow and green color scheme, was carried out very effectively. Eldon Alldredge san "O Promise Me." Rev. Hardie Connor, pastor of the ring service in the presence of 60 guests. The bride was beconiingly attired in cream colored charmeuse. Her lont I fillip tg. -arati lipid in nlripp Vv a enrav ' of orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of Bride's roses and j fresia blossoms. Miss Vivian Etters and Miss Marie j Harold, .prettily gowned in yellow j messaline, carrying shower bouquets of i V5 z- pink carnations, were Driae s maias. , jenly at the familv home Monday eve Little Glen Etters, in white, was ring-; ning at 7 0-ciock from heart disease, bearer. Katherine Jane Hassler and : and the bod bronght to Oregon City Jqan Evans, daintily dressed in pink and -rn to the Holman and Pace organdie, were flower girls. ; undertakirg orjiors. where funeral ar- The bridal party entered the par- lors as Mrs. W. M. Evans rendered Mendelssohn's Wedding March and , met at the altar by the bridegroom, and his brother, Everette A. Catto, best ; man. The bride was given in marriage j by her father, W. I. Rowan. Fo'Iowing the cerenlony, Mrs Lena Alldredge . sweetly sang "I Love You Truly," with j Mrs. Evang as acompanist. I Mrs. Rowan was assisted in serving , the wedidrg breakfast by Miss Ollie Amen and Miss Thelma Barnetto txfter which the young couple left for a brier noneymoou io oe spent wim friends in Salem, and will be at home to their friends at their home on East ; Arlington street, Gladstone, after De- cember 20. i The bride is a popular young lady of Gladstone. She is a member of the ; Baptist church and secretary of the ; local W. W. G. i Mr. Catto is tbe elder son of Mr. and Mrs. David Catto, of Gladstone, and jun- ior member of the firm of Freytag & Catto. He is favorably known as hav ing attend the Gladstone local school and also attended the Oregon City high school. Mrs. J. W. Leonhardt entertained the members o' the Euterpian club at her home on East Arlington street, - " ' St-?? .. t. 1 , patriotic affairs of the Post and Corps and like her husband, ready to lend the helping hand to all. Refreshments were served during the afternoon when a huge wedding cake was a feature. In the evening relatives and neigh bors were delightfully entertained at the Doremus home, when cards and music were enjoyed. - Many gifts were received by the host and hostess, and the best wishes extended them. Mr. and Mrs. Doremus have been residents of Oregon city for 32 years, and have had the pleasure of seeing Oregon City advance from a small town to the present city. Mr. Doremus is a past commander, having been a member of Meade Post for 30 years. His wife is past-president of the Woman's Relief Corps and has been a member for this order the same number of years. ' iGladstone Thursday afternoon in a most delightful manner. The Leonhardt home was prettily decorated cedar and Christmas bells, the color scheme being red and green. A delicious one o'clock luncheon was served by the hostess who was as sisted in serving by Mrs. F. P. Nelson. Apropriate place cards marked the places for each guest, and a tiny decor ated Christmas tree was used as a cen ter piece, with favors for each guest. The members studied the opera "Phais." Mrs. Eugene Noon Good, sang a selection and Mrs. Leonhardt, two froir the opera. Mrs. M. E. Turner told the story of the opera in a very interesting manner. The art study was in charge of Mrs. Victor Gault, taking as a review of the three artists Micheal Angelo, Leonardo Ea Vinvi and Raephal. Tak ing up the life and most important works of each artist. The "Armament Conference" was discussed as a current event topic, tak ing up the question from each nation's point of view. Those enjoying the afternoon were Mrs. William Hammand, Mrs. W. E. Hempstead, Mrs. M. R. McGetchie, Mrs. M. E. Turner, Mrs. Eugene Noon Good, Mrs. Frank Nelson, Mrs. Vic tor Gault, Mrs. Thomas E. Gault and Mrs. J. W. Leonhardt. ' ; 1 All . TIT r)pa i -rUJJCi. L J-tXUV UYKyo After Operation Albert Mow, aged 74 years, died at a hospital in Salem on Christmas day, undergoing a surgical operation, from which he failed to rally. Mr. Mow was a native of Michigan, and wa.3 born in,lS47. He came to Oregon about 18 years ago, whore he has since resided, and for about tvo , years been in Salem. Mr. I-.'ow was unmaried. Among the relsi'ives ho leaves are his niece, Mrs O A. Pace, and his nephtnv, H. A. Heat r, botV of Oregon City. ' Redltllld jlan DieS Of Heart Disease William Smith of Redland, died sud- Fakements are being mada. Mr; Sluith v..ho wag 70 years of age, arrlved Iu Oregon city about four months ago, to engage in farming at Redland . Deceased is survived by hi3 wife and several grown children. He was a naUve Gf New York. NEWSPAPERMAN DIES JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 22 Colonel Henry Watterson, known to the American people as one of the last surviving members of the old school, of journaiism and to hl3 friends as ..Marse Henry", died early today at a h0tei here. ' PRESS BACKS STAND TOKIO, Dec. 22. The press today urged that Japan stand firm in her present attitude in the co-troversy with China over a settlement of the Shantung issue. Q 11 tit tt MMf f til (till 111 tttllM 1 111 fI It, tltl ItMlttMMtllK 6 Per Cent State School I Money to Loan on Farms I SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE Bank of Oregon City Bldg. . Oregon City, Ore. . I And you will Have a complete record of both your income and expenses. Start 1 922 with an account with this bank. Any amount from a dollar up will open one. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY "FEDERAL RESERVE """"SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR GLADSTONE NEWS hill lirailMIIIIMIIIIMIHUM Gladstone Pastor Suffers Accident Rev. Hardie Connor, pastor of the Gladstone Baptist church, is confined to his bed at the Good Samaritan hos pital in Portland, as a result of a fall while boarding a street car at Arling ton street, a week ago. Rev. Connof was taken to his home and given med ical attention by Dr. Ross Eaton, two x-raj? pictures were taken, revealing a fractured hip and torn ligaments. Rev. Connor was removed to the hos pital the latter part of the week and put in a cast, which, according to Dr. Akin will probably be left on for six months. The nature of the fracture is very serious but Dr. Akin hopes to be able to avoid Rev. Connor being a cripple after the ligaments have heal ed. Mrs. Connor is in Portland with her husband. Rev. and Mrs. Connor came to Gladstone from Arizona last year and have' made a host of friends in both church circles here and out siders as well. Reunion Held by McGetchie Family Among the many family reunions held in Gladstone Christmas are ihe McGetchie family who were entertain ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Freytag. The home was very pret tily decorated with holly and poinset tas, a decorated Christmas tree, es pecially for little Mildred Legler, who is staying at the Freytag home while her mother Mrs. Chas. Legler is in the hospital, added munn to tae pleasure of the elders. The hostess, was as sisted in serving a delicious dinner by her daughter Miss Alice Freytag. Covers were laid fov Mr. and Mrs. John McGetchie, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Freytag, Mrs. Hilda Parker, Miss Alice Freytag, Ernest Freytag, Mil dred Legler, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie of Portland. Girls Glee Club Proving Popular The Girls Glee Club gave several well received songs, including the "Comb Chorus," which has become quite popular in the - school, having accepted invitations to sin gfor the other grades. The personnal of the Glee Club are, Dorothy Dickey, Doro thy Caldwell, Dorothy Stroupe, Grace Beard and Maragret Hulburt. The boys of the room proved themselves very entertaining with witty jokes. The musical program was especially good. Music Teacher of Gladstone Leaves Miss Louise C. Bruce, who has been with the Gladstone school for three terms, leaves this week to take up special work in the Oregon State Normal at Monmouth. Miss Bruce's resignation leaves the school without a special music teacher, this work having been done by her dur ing the past several terms. As a token of regard the faculty pre sented Miss Bruce with a beautiful gold pencil. Miss James, who takes the third grade now, was a -visitor Wednesday afternoon. Gladstone Hoopers Defeat Parkplace Last Thursday the basketball team played Parkplace at the Parkplace school. The Gladstone players were: Grasier and Davis,, forwards; Ellis, center; Carlson and Peterson, guards. After a hard game the score stood, Parkplace 10, Gladstone 14. The next practice game with Parkplace will be played on the Union High school floor, West Linn. Newlyweds Serve Dinner to Friends Mr. and Mrs. E'vin Catto entertain ed at dinner Monday in their new RENT $2.50 PER YEAR AND UPj IHHIIINIIIIIIIININI IIINWIINNIIMIMIIINIU iMuniumuammunt home on Arlington St. Mr. and Mrs. Catto recently returned from a brief honeymoon with friends in Salem The living room was decorated with holly and white chrysanthemums and the dining room in yellow and green. A delicious dinner was served by the hostess. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Catto, Al ferd Rowan, William Davis and Ever ett Catto. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin catto returned to their home after a brief honey moon with friends in Salem. - Mr. Cat to has resumed his position with the firm of Freytag and Catto. Mrs. Mary R. caufield of Oregon City, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Grace M. Eby and her sister Mrs. Laura Carter. Mrs. Charles Legler, who under went a surgical operation at the Ore gon City hospital Wednesday is get ting along nicely. F. P. Nelson is quite ill with pneu monia, this is the third attack of pneumonia Mr. Nelson has suffered. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunmire are rejoicing over the arrival of a son. Mrs. Dunmire was formerly Miss Dor othy' Green of this place, and was bookkeeper for the Oregon City Laun dry for some time. Miss Fayne Burdon of Corvallis, O. A. C, -is spending, the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bur don of West Gladstone. Miss Marjory Read of the University of Oregon is spending a two weeks vacation with her parents Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Read and brother Artie Read, who is taking a post graduate course at West Linn this year. Prof, and Mrs. J. W- Leonhardt and little son, John Jr., are spending the Christmas holidays in Woodburn, as the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Morrison. The new home which is being built for Prof, and Mrs. Leonhardt near th Baptist church, is not progressing very rapidly due to illness of the cozt tractor, F. P. Nelson. Miss Mildred Sladen is spending the holidays at the home of her mother Mrs. Nellie Sladen of Glen Echo. Miss Sladen is attending the state normal school at Monmouth, previously she taught in the Molalla schools. The sixth grade, under the supervi sion of their teacher, Miss Evon gave ; a very interesting program Friday af ! ternoon. ' The Williams Plumbing company ; sent favors for each child in the ' school. Christmas trees which had ; been decorated by the children . o f each room, held favors from their ! teachers. School will open again on j Tuesday, January 3. Vacation week does not mean tnat the teachers have nothing to do dur ing that time. Gladstone's teachers will be busy at the annual meeting of the Oregon State Teachers' asso ciation meeting, which is to be held in Portland, December 27 to 30. W. W. Leete, janitor of the school deserves, much credit for keeping the furnace going day and night to pro tect the pipes and keep the school warm enough to be inhabited. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch and daughters, Misses Veatrice and Viv ian spent Christmas day with the ofrmers sister and Jjrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Parrot of Sellwood, who entertained members of the Rauch family with a family reunion dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Rauch Sr., now of Sell wood, formerly resided in Gladstone and are very favorably known here, they recently visited with their son, W. E. Rauch and family, also their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Holland who reside on East Clackamas boule vard. Edward W. Eby spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Eby, who held open house for their children and friends at their home in Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Julia Williams and son Ken ford, left Vancouver, B. C. Saturday, where they will spend the holidays with friends, returning in time for Kenford to continue his studies here the first of the year. - Mr. and Mrs. Percy cross and child ren, Harvey and Marion, of Sellwood, attended the family reunion held at the home of Judge and Mrs. H. E. Cross on Christmas day. Dr. W- E. Hempstead returned Sat urday evening from a brief business trip to Olympic, Wash.