Page 2 OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921. NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Entertainment Is Given at Estacada ESTACADA, Dec. 28. The high school auditorium was crowded to its capacity Monday night at the Christ mas entertainment. There was a large Christmas tree beautifully decor decorated and lighted, on one side in the front of the room and the stage presented a most .pleasing appearance with its decorations of green and , large fireplace in the center where several stockings were hanging. The i program was commenced with songs j by the children of the 4 th to 8th grade, pupils inclusive. Rev. Upton H Gibbs - gave a pw ua wi J"""- gave a violin selection with Mrs. R. G. McCall acorn panist. After this delight ful number, there was a recitation by "Wilbur Primm and more singing by the primary department of the Sunday school. Arnold Anderson gave a reci tation and this was followed by a song by the carter children. Rev. A. F. Lacey of the M. E. church gave an ad dress and then there were more songs. Mrs. Cordelia Carter gave a reading and Mrs. Milton "Weatherby contribut ed a vocal selection. The Boys' Glee Club also sang a few selections after which Old Santa made his apeparance and then every child in the house was served to a liberal sack of candy, pop corn and nuts. Apples were generous ly contributed and the exercises closed with a general social time. Those who had charge of this Community Christ mas tree and entertainment, are to be congratulated upon the success of the affair. The Artisans dance Christmas Eve, was a great success, all reporting a splendid time. A most enjoyable occasion was that of last Thursday night when the A. F. & A. M. and the O. E. S. held a joint installation of officers and closed the ceremony with an adjournment to Hotel Estacada where a banquet was served. The Masons installed first, the following elective officers: Wor shipful Master, Charles Norris; senior warden, Theodore Ahlberg; junior warden, H. C- Stephens; treasurer, C. S. Allen; secretary, William Dale; trustee, George Lawrence. The Stars followed with the installation of their officers, who were as follows: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Mae Reed; worthy pa tron, C. S. Womer; associate matron, Maude Sturgeon; conductress, Mary Smith; associate conductress, Mrs. Dora Herring; secretary. Miss Anna Dillon; treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Al len. The Star points are Mrs. Baley, Jennie Kreiger, Cordelia Carter, Mrs. Frazier1 and Ruth Keith. Mrs. -Stephens warden, Ray Keith sentinel and Mrs. Elizabeth womer chaplain. Mrs. Womer was the installing officer and Mrs. Elva Ahlberg the pianist. Fol lowing the ceremonies,- the large num ber of Masons and Stars and a fey vis itors, all repaired to Hotel Estacada where the banquet supper was served. The spacious dining room was prettily decorated with Japanese lanterns, Ore gon Grape and other greenage. A most delicious three-course supper was en joyed by all. Impromptu speeches and music furnished the entertainment, with F. G. Robley as toastmaster. The F. J. Harkenrider home was the scene of a merry time Christmas when they had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Hans Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paulsen of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Will Monnegar of Multnomah, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen of Bissel, nr. and Mrs. Harold O'Neil of Centralia, Wash., and Hugh O'Neil of Portland. Doc Crowe's son, I. F. Crowe, of Seat tle, drove down- in his car to visit his father this week for a few days. N. G- Oakley of Newberg, Ore., who has been here visiting at the home cf his sister, Mrs. Mae Reed, accompan ied his neice Mrs. Deming and the chil dren to Seattle last Monday. After a few days visit here with his family, A G. Ames left on Tuesday for his station at Oakridge. A. Demoy spent the Christmas vaca tion with his family here. He is work ing for the Crown Wi'amette mills in Oregon City. Dr. C. M- .Naff, went to Bellingham. Wash., to spend Christmas with his family, returning Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Burns had as their guest Christmas, their daughter Bertha who has a position in a drug store in Portland. She returned to Portland Monday evening. Mrs. R. C. Deming- and children left on Monday for a visit with relatives in Seattle. Major Harry Heylman, son-of Post master and Mrs. Heylman, spent Christmas with his parents returning to hlg home in Spokane the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Page " went to Gladstone and Bull Run to spend Christmas with their children. Harold Stamp, the young son of Mr. and Mr. P. S. Stamp, returned last Friday evening from Seattle where he has he-;n visiting his sister for several pOth E. L. Crain of Newport, Oregon, who ' was foreman in the Eastern Clackamas News off'ce for over a year, was here this week visiting old friends. George Harkenrider came home from Eastern Oregon to spend Christmas, j W. F. Gary and Earl Day were busi ness visitors in Portland Tuesday. James Abbott went to Salem to spend the holidays with relatives. Mrs. A. Dnl was here from Portland last Thursday night to attend the A. - ? I Holman & Pace I FUNERAL . I j DIRECTORS I Homelike Efficient Courteous . Telephone 86 - 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City r F. & A. M. and O. E S. banquet and joint installation. Fred Burns came home from Eastern Oregon to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Burns. Mac Dale, who is attending the dental college in Portland spent the Christmas holidays in Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen of Marmot ! spent Chistmas with his mother and ! other relatives here, j Mr. and Mrs. M- H. Boyle and son fmm Portland last Christmas dinner at J Mrg They returned home Mon- . a ; Lichthorn and daughter Johan- Portland Christmas day gee Mrg Llchthon at st VmceDfS ; hospital. They expect her to return home the last of the week. The Hotel Estacda will change managers the first of the year, Mr. Hauser retiring and W. F. Cary taking charge. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Portland Monday morning to have a Christmas dinner with Mr. Spark's neice, Mrs. George Morrow and fam ily. Gladys Linn, the ten-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Linn, was home from the deaf and dumb school at Salem this week. Mrs. Inez Greenleaf and two daugh ters of Portland, were guests at the Syron home Christmas. Born In a Portland hospital Dec. 23, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lichthorn. Also at the same place and on the same day a son was born to Mr. and Mrs .A. Heidland. R. C. Deming was notified by a tel egam that his brother who resides in California, was seriously ill, and left with his sister, Mrs. Phil Standish last Monday for California. Lorin Ellis was a guest at the home of his parents here for Christmas. Mrs. A. Baumgardner has returned from Salem to again make Estacada her home. Dr. and Mrs. R. Mors were guests of Portland relatives for Christmas. . . Rev. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs went to Milwaukie last Sunday where Mr. Gibbs held services in the morning and that evening were guests of friends at Sellwood for a Christmas dinner. C. C. Saling returned last week from Eastern Oregon. Waren Jiarr came home from Port land Monday to enjoy his Christmas dinner with home folks. Clyde Ecker, son of Mrs. N. B. Ecker and brother of Mrs. W. F. Cary, was here Christmas to join the family in a Christmas dinner. He has disposed cf his newspaper at Independence and went back there Tuesday to finish up business matters. He has not yet de- cided where he will locate. All business houses were closed Mon day and Christmas festivities contin ued until Tuesday morning. Miss Lydia Mattson spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mattson. Mrs. T. Ahlberg and 'Ted" Jr., went to Portland Christmas morning to join her mother and other relatives with a Chistmas dinner. The boys and girls put in good time coasting on the hill east of town, while the snow lasted. Ira Seely Home Is Destroyed by Fire WILSONVILLE, Dec. 28. Allison Baker has been quite ill with pneu monia for a few days, and his many friends hope for him a speedy recov ery. Mr. and Mrs. wm. Turner and Mrs. Mae Baker Snyder spent Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Baker. The Wilsonville Sunday school dis tributed gifts and candy to the scholars on Sunday morning. The home of Ira Seely was reduced to ashes, by a fire that broke out on Tuesday, December 20, jabout 1:30 o'clock and burned everything but the brick chimney to the ground in halt an hour. The family are occupying the house recently vacated by Ray mond Seely, and have the warm sym pathy of their host of friends in this community. The local school had a very etijoy able program and Christmas tree, with aU the trimmings, on Friday afternoon December 23 at the close of the school term, under the direction, of the prin cipal Mrs. Inza Wood, assisted by Miss Batalgia the primary teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker are spend ing1 a few days at the farm home near here, and helping to care for Mr. Bak er's father, who is ill. Miss Claire Say was operated on for acute appendicitis two weeks ago, at the Sellwood hospital, and is now at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Say, where she is convalescing. Miss Haliday, the teacher of Corral Creek school, gave a Christmas tree for her pupils on Friday afternoon, December 23, which was much enjoyed by all persent. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Aden and family enjoyed Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seely. James Say and Leah Wagner stu dents of the University of Oregon, spent Christmas vaction at their homes near Wilsonville. Josephine Graham, Audrey Wood and other high school students are en joying a vactaion at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston, of Newberg, spent a day with the Angus family last week. The Hood View Sunday school gave a splendid program and Christmas tree to the school on Friday evening December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones entertain-1 ed the members of the senior Sunday school class of Hoed View, on Thurs day evening of last week, in a very en joyable manner. MORE SUBS OPPOSED WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. If France "revent-? an agreement on submarine tonnage, Gre"t Britain will reserve th r!"h t hn'id up a tremendous an 21 Attend Family Reunion on Xmas LAD HILL, Dec: 28. R. H. Walls made a busines trip to Oregon City Wednesday. - The new hall is nearly completed and will be ready for the big opening dance New Year's eve, December 31. Twenty-one relatives sat down to the Christmas dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, children, grandchildren, one great grandchild, a brother, sis ter and one nephew. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parish, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Parrish, Mr, and Mrs. Steward Walker, Ben Craw ford, Mrs. Nellie McCully, John, Wat son, Earl Parrish, Donald Ward, Alice Smith, Howard Smith and Ed. McKern and Raymond Walker. Mr. and Mrs. John Sovey and Walter Sovey of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCully, Mrs. Allen, Bruno Stuve and Clair Sovey took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Al McCulley. Miss Joyce Iler of Astoria is visit ing her aunt Mrs. C. H. Ives. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sutton and daughter Theodoria spent Christmas in Portland with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. c- Louckg went to. Portland Sunday afternoon to spend a few days with her sister Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Florin Woods of Port land spent Christmas with Mrs. Woods parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shain. Ben Crawford formerly of. Ellens burg, Wash., is visiting with his cousiD Gecrge Smith, this week.' Mr. Craw ford has just returned from South America, where he spent about six months. .Mr. and Mrs. Steward Walker and baby Raymond of Salem spent Monday at the home of Geoge Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. R.- H. Walls, George and Ed Walls took Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allen,. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Kiser of Dilley, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Briston and three children, Lura, Delmar and A! vin of Parrott Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kiser of Lad Hill and Homer Kiser of Portland spent Christmas at the home of C- M- Kiser. Mr. and Mrs .Elis Parrott and daugh ter Beryl spent Christmas with Mr. Parrott's parents Mr.- and Ms. James Parrott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiser and Grand ma Kiser took Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Case. Mr. and Mrs. Watler Anderson came out from Oregon city Saturday to spend Christmas with their daughter and family, Mrs. Isaac Tautfest. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parrott attended a dance in Butteville Monday evening. Willamette News Mrs. Ewalt Leisman Is ill at her home with tonsilitis. The Epworth League gave a bazaar at the Church last Saturday afternoon, j Many beautiful pieces of fancy work were on display, all of which sold rapidlly. Waldron Hyatt, who has been at tending O. A. C. is home for the holi days. LeRoy Allen, son of Mrs. Alice Al len, who took the civil service examin ation in November, left Sunday for his first appointment which was on the train between Portland and . Baker City. He returned Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ernest Kruse of Frogpond spent "Sunday and Monday in Willam ette as the guest of relatives. Mrs. B- F- Baker was given a sur prise party Thursday evening when several of her friends called to help celebrate her birthday. A social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served to Mrs. John Ream, Jr., Mrs. H. Leisman, Mrs. Belle Casey, Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Frank Shipley, Mrs. Herman Peters, Mrs. Neal Whitney, Mrs. Robert Young, Gladys Baker and Mrs. B. F. Baker. Mrs. Fred Baker was given a sur prise party last Tuesday the occassion being her birthday anniversary when her friends arrived in the morning with baskets heavily laden with good things to eat. Dinner was served at noon to Mrs. Clem Dollar, Mrs.. Frank Shipley, Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. White, Mrs. John Rauch, Mrs. Gary, Mrs. John Ream, Jr., Frances Shipley, Mrs. Neal Whitney, Mrs. John Ream, Sr., and Mrs. Fred Baker. Among those from Willamette at tending the show given at the Port land Auditorium last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar, Mr. .and Mrs. Bert Barnes, Perry Barnes, Terry Banes, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot, Mrs. Porter and Joyce Mercier. . Audrey Tuor who is teaching at Dallas this winter is spending the hol idays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tuor. Helene Fromong after being snow bound near Wasco, Oregon, where she is teaching this winter arrived in Wil lamette last Wednesday eveningwhere she is spending the holidays. Miss Fromong reports that she is having a most enjoyable winter. She has only two pupils. . B1SSELL ITEMS BISSELL; Dec. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Chaney and son Ralph spent last Sat urday and Sunday visiting relatives at Sellwood. Carl Decker and wife are spending this week in Portland visiting friends and relatives. Ted Harders and wife spent Xmas day with the later's siter' .Mrs. Rob ert Snyder at Estacda. Mr. and Mrs. H Johnson visited rel atives in Portland over Xmas. Mrs. J. Paulson spent Xmas eve and Xmas day with her parents, Mr. ard Mrs. Harkenrider at Estacada, There will ba a community tree and dancs at the George club house on New Year's Eve. . Nauen sends out news of impotant as- ronomicai events,, such as the dis-1 covery of comets, hew stars, etc., for i the benefit of observatories within j Mulino S.S. Pupils Have Xmas Program MULINO, Dec. 27. Prof. Lund strom, principal, and Miss Margaret Tweedie, primary teacher, gave a Christmas tree to their pupils on Thursday afternoon. The. children .ex changed gifts and the teachers treated the pupils with nuts and candy. The Mulino basket ball team was de feated by the Molala team 80 to 4 in a recent game. The Christmas tree given by the Sunday school was a very successful affair. A very interesting program was given by the children and some of the grown ups. A prayer was offered by Mrs. Thomas Taylor and an address was given by the Rev. Jack Ware. Mr. Goldson acted as Santa Claus and a treat was given to the children. Mrs. Taylor's class of boys were treated to cake made by their Sunday school teacher. Mrs. Mabel Wallace was master of ceremonies, which she did in her usual eficient manner. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Daniels and chil dren of Dallas, Oregon, came to spend the holidays with relatives. They were former residents of this place. Earl Berdine cf Molalla was a Mu lino visitor on Saturday nd Sunday. Mr .and "Mrs. Griffin and children spent the holidays in Portland. Mr. aijd Mrs. Elmer Erickson and children of Oregon City were Mulino visitors over Christmas. " Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Holliday and two boys spent Xmas in Mulino. . Miss Horton and Miss Sterling were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hol stein last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Vay Harmon was the guest of Miss Margaret Tweedie last Friday night. Miss Elizabeth Long. who is teaching the Hazeldale school came home to spend the holidays with her parents. v Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Daniels : were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gregory. Mrs. Dozier visited relatives in Mulino last week. Prof. M. C. Lundstrom has gone to his home in Colton to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller and Mrs. Rudolph Miller and Mrs. Ruby Rudolph were Oregon City visitors last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bonney are on the sick list. . Mrs. Mary Crook, who has been crit ically ill at her home, is slowly improv ing. Her daughter Margaret is at her bedside takiHg care of her. Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson went to PortTand last Friday to do their Christmas shopping.. Miss Gladys Harmon of Gresham Is spending the holidays with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. L. Hilton. ' Mr. and' Mrs. J. Cash and daughter Cora and their neice Dessie Shields went to Oregon City to spend Christ mas with relatives. Xmas Program Is Given at Barlow BARLOW, Dec. 26. The Barlow grammar school gave a Christmas en tertainment Friday evening, December 23. They had recitations, plays and songs. There was a large crowd from "Woodburn, Aurora, Barlow and Canby to turn out. Mr. Ross is very busy hauling wood to canby from his wood yard in Bar low. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Newstrom and family from Scappoose are spending their vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Kloster. - Mr. and Mrs. Cox of CorvaJiis are spending their Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rock ier. Mr. and Mrs. Ashford and daughter Mabel spent Christmas day in Port land. Byran Hayes had the misfortune re cently of mashing his finger. Mr. and Mrs. Carter spent Christmas day with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bockler. Mr. Toogood had the misfortune of cutting his- thumb nearly off Tuesday when chopping wood. Mr. Melvin and Mr. Andrus are on the sick list again. Miss Bernice Nelson spent Sunday evening at Widdows playing "500." Albert apd George Berg, Roy Zim merman and Frank Zeluisky left last Thursday by the Ford route for a trip through California. They intend to be away about a month visiting all im portant towns and going over in Mexi- co. Its a splendid trip and a time of the year to make it. good STAFFORD ITEMS ST AFFORD, Dec. 26. Stafford awoke about 3:30 Christmas mrning to the incessant ringing of the tele phone and the dreadful . shout cf "Fire," Mr.' Wigglesworth's house afire. He had awakened to find his room and the kitchen beneath a mass of flames, and rushed across the hall to his little boys room awakened him telling him the house was afire and he must Tower him from the window and run across the street and waken neighbors. Mr. Wigglesworth ran to the barn and let out horses and cows, and ran his ma chine out of the back door. It was quite a jump off and he said he thought it wag going to turn over when it hit tne ground but it stood the plunge, and landed spfely. The house and Stafford store adjourning was nothing but a heap of coals and chared timbers in a short time and men could do nothi-nr but watch the barn, as the wind being in the right direcion, sparks and cind ers all afire f few as far as the Gage orchard, and hit on the house and j yard. The exreises at the school Friday night, at the Baptist church Saturday nieht and a. the,Chinel on Sir-day night were all well rendered an enjoy ed by the crowds who atendsd. Mrs. Perry and daughter visited at tho home of Mrs.'tjage on Tuesday. Sidney Sesdine ii visiting relatives in Fas'ern Washington: . Mr. a"d Mrs. Henry Gasre went to Hood River to vi't their daughter and spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Gage of St. He'ens with their son and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Everest from Clover- dale spent Monday night at the home Splendid Program Given at Redland REDLAND, Dec. 26. The wind of Monday night and of Tuesday done considerable damage thruout this neighborhood. Mrs. John Murray spent a few days recently with his sister Mrs. Chas. W. Hulse of Lents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bonney were Christmas shoppers in Portland Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stone and daughter Miss Edith transacted business in Oregon City Saturday. On Friday night Redland school dis trict 15 gave a splendid program. Two short plays were given entitled "Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus on a Busy Day," with their workers, fairies, elves and' brownies. Santa, Orval Coop and Mrs. Santa, Elnora Staats. Santa thinks he's overworked and Mrs. Santa with noth ing .to do. He urges Mrs. Santa to take a sleigh ride. She does as he bids and finds himself so busy that he hasn't a minute time to rest. Before the afternoon is over he decides that Mrs. Santa is the busy one and he 3ust delivers the goods. The second play was "The Whole World Loves a Lov er." Jessie Bonney was the prim school mistress of a young ladies select school. Lucien Koch as the lover; Elnora Staats, the loved one and Mar garet Staats as Angelina Cornstalk and Beulah Phillips as Patience, a goody goody girl. The other characters were Katherine Koch, Ethel Lalone and Gladys Coop. The teacher. Miss An der.son deserves special credit for her fine work. A fine essay was written and read by Ralph Lalone entitled "A Christmas Dream." There were a few pieces and songs. At the end of- the program Santa presented Miss Anderson with a glass basket, a gift from the school children. The board re-elected her for the rest of the year. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gilbert Cortright and daughter Phylis Esther of Union, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Polehn and daugh ter Clara Alma, of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Oregon City spent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Allen. Miss Myers is spending -her Christ mas vacation with her parents at Sheridan, Ore. Miss Anderson left for her home at Linnton, where she -will spend her week's vacation. -Misses Charlotte Polehn , June Kir chem and Mildred Koch are all home from Oregon City high. On Saturday evening the young peo ple of the neighborhood ' enjoyed a coasting party at a hill back of Jack Hindles. They roasted weines and several goodies were on hand. At a late hour they broke, up wishing each and everyone a Merry Christmas. Elnora, Margaret and carl Staats 1 went to Oregon City to spend Christ mas with their grandmother Mrs. George Dumbach. Clyde Philips spent Christmas with home folks. John Murray and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nevill and daughter Clara Pearl spent Christmas at the C- W. Hulse home at Lents. Mrs. Murray returned hom-i but Mrs. Nevill and adughter are to re main until after New Year's. Hugh Wynn and niece Miss Stella spent Xmas with relatives in Portland. While having a ride to school last Wednesday Alverda Jensen was thrown from the sled, when the team became frightened and ran away. She was quite badly cut about the face. Beaver Creek Items BEAVER CREEK, Dec. 27. A capa city crowd attended the Christmas pro gram given in the grange hall Friday night and all seemed to enjoy them selves. An entertainment was given at the German church on Christmas eve and was much enjoyed by a large audience. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas and daugh ter Margaret spent Christmas with rel atives at Beaverton. The many friends of Mrs. Mary Gris cenwaite are glad to know that she is steadily recovering from her recent L illness. The Misse Vera, Elsie and Hazel Coulter are at home from Jefferson high school for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Loundergreen en tertained a number of relatives at a big" Christmas dinner. Mrs. Hannah Hehn spent Christmas with her son-in-law ana aaugnter, Air. Mr. and Mrs. George Havill had as guests ever the week end Mrs. Havill's mother, sister, and niece, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Ho'-sley, and Misg Vera Hensley respectively. Mr. and Mrs. F- B. Bloomer arrived from Kerry, Ore. last week to spend the holidays at the home of Mrs. Bloomer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schram. Mrs. Oscar Orr and her nen- babv ! are expected home from Portland to- morrow. Hilton Woodard and family motored over and spent Sunday evening here with his borther, Guy Woodard and family. Mrs. Pen Fisher's eisters and broth er are visiting at her home here. L. C- Schram made a business trip to Crown Point on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong ate Christmas dinner with Mr. Foglesong's parents "at Molalla. Hazelia News Items HAZELIA, Dec. 27. Mrs. McMann and grandson Robert Eastman are speeding the Xmas holiday with a sis ter in Seattle. Mrs. Geo. Wilson and sister-in-law Mis MaryXVilson have left for Califor n??i o he gote r month. Weare all glad to welcome back our oM Tieihbors the cooks. Mr. and Mrs. D. Christansen gave a YTris hrus nartv to their relatives from Park Rose and some friends from Portland. M'ss Jean Wilson is home on her Xt""! va)tirn fora O. A. C Ghe is enjoving her studies there and Is tak"5 $to- t Ttivp.'ca1 C"lf'ire train'ng. Mst Forte and -Mr. and Mrs. Jtex MfMo-pn -rr- guests at Xmas dinner at -T. Fatmsns. ( Mr. and Mrs. Hurti Baker e-te-tam- ed he'r amilv and intimate friends it J dinner Xmas flay. Shoulder Is Broken In Fall From Porch NEEDY, Dec. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harnack had a family reunion at their home Xmas. Their son came home from Canada with his bride. Albert NoDlitt met with a very pain ful accident Wednesday morning when one of his school mates pushed him off the stone porch breaking one of the bones in his shoulder. Dr. Weaver was called, and he is getting along as well as can ba expected. Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder were in Canby shopping one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Babb are moving back on the farm this week. John Schwabair has gone to Califor nia' for a few weeks stay. s C. Carothers and family spent the Xmas holidays with relatives in Port land, Miss Bertha staying over for the week. Mrs. Clara Smyth and daughter Ethel spent the Xmas holiday in Port land. The Community Club met with Mrs. Carothers last week. Mrs. J. H- Gripp and daughters call ed on Mrs. Noblitt Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are spend ing a few days with the home folks. Frank Ritter is home for a few days having got his foot mashed by a ma'l truck. Mrs. Carothers and Mrs. Spagle and Mrs. John Gahler called on the Nob litts Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Garrett of Canby spent Xmas with their daughter Mrs. Solan Kinzer. Miss Leila Ritter is spending her vacation in Portland with relatives. Mrs. All Tompson of Woodburn is visiting relatives at Needy for a few days. Mr. Youngreen was a Portland vis itor several days last week. Meadowbrook Items MEADOWBROOK. Dec. 28. Ruben Chindgren of O. A. C. spent Christmas at his home returning to school on Monday. Mrs. Herbert Fife spent the week end in Portland where she went on business. Myrtle Larkins of Woodburn spent the Christmas vacation with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins. Ralph Holman and family of Molalla spent Chistmas at the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holman. A large crowd enjoyed the program given by the Meadowbrook Sunday school and school Thursday evening, after the program and tree Santa gave candy and nuts to all present. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Young and daugh ter Ruth Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and son Hugh Thomas spent Christ was in Portland visiting relatives and friends. Alma Lizberg the primary teacher is spending her Christmas vacation in Oregon City with her parents. The Chindgren family attended the early morning services at the Colton church Christmas morning afterwards spending the day at the M. D. Chind gren home of Colton. Myrtle and Christine Dunrud of Port land spent Christmas at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dun rud, returning to their work Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Jaatinev of Port land spent Christmas with the lat ters parents Mr. and Mrs. I. Hellbacka. A most enjoyable evening was spent by the Meadowbrook Rook Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Chindgren of Colton Tuesday. Mr. Rose of Portland, A. L. Larkins and family were entertained at the Peter Dunrud home Monday. The Meadowbrook Sunday school is quite well attended in spite of the bad weather. Clarkes News Items CLARKES, Dec. 27. Winter has come at last and we had about 6 inches of snow and northeast wind blowed the snow in drifts on Christinas in sqme places and froze quite hard dur inb over a new baby boy that arrived at so will soon be gone again. Clarkes school had a Christmas tree on Friday evening, December 23. A fine program was given by the school children and they gave each other presents. They also collected money and bought candy, nuts and oranges for the children. Everybody enjoyed it very much. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones are rejoic ing over a new bay boy that arrived at their home on December 15. Mrs. Ray Jones was formerly Miss Estella Lam bert of Salem. Miss Esther Elmer who is attending high school in Portland is visiting her parents, Sam Elmer , and family over the the holiday vacation. Miss C'ara Hofstetter is doing the work for Mrs. Ray Jones. Timber Grove school had a Christ- m1s tree ou riaay evening, uecemDer zs. ine teacner is Miss Elsie Raddis of Carus. Edward Buol and family were in Lo gan to spend their Christmas with Mrs. Buol's parents, Mr. Mossa and family. Miss Veneta Oldenburg,' who is work ing fcr Dr. and Mrs. Orel W:l'h ol Oregon City is pending her holidays with her parents, Frank Oldenburg and family. Oliver Marshall of California is visit- ! ing his parents Fred Marshall and fam- j ily for a short time. ! jvirs. tr. &ager who was very ill is im-! proving and her daughter Mrs. C. Barger of St. Helens, who was taking j care of her has retuned to her home. Clarence Lee and family moved to the Berger' place where he intends to cut cord wood. Miss Violet Martha Wettlaufer of Portland is spending Chritwas and New Year's with her parents, Wm. H. Wettlaufer and family. Claude Bottemiller, Carl Buche and Ra'oh caples were in Oregon City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Liman spent their Xmas with the Ralr?h Can'es family. Mr. and Mrs. John Moehnke and son Dcrman and daughers Irmalee and Twili from Beaver Creek visited Mr. ! and Mrs. Ralph Caples and son Robert on Christmas. Misses Mae and Alice Rogers are viitinr their parents Geo. Rogers and family. Mae and Alice Rogers are at- j tending the Oregon City high school. Clarkes English church had a Xmas tree on Saturday evening, December 24. A fine program was given by the Sunday school and money was collect ed to buy candy and nuts. They gave out 200 sacks to the children that are in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Alberft Schiewe spent the holiday with the latter's parents Mr. Cummings and family of Hillsboro. Mrs. Schiewe was formerly Ada Luella Cummings of Mulino. She is also a sister of Mrs. Paul Schiewe oif Mulino. Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and daughter Mary visited Mrs. Ralph Caples and family on Christmas evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Runyon and lit tle daughter of Portland are spending their holidays with her parents, Sam nel Elmer and family. Mrs. Runyon was formerly Miss Edna Elmer of Mulino. She is a sister of Mrs. Fred Josi Jr. of Carus also a sister of Mrs. Elsie Carlson of Portland. Miss Elsie Raddis, the teacher of Timber Grove school, is spending .her holiday vacation with her parents at Carus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moehnke and daughters Catherine and Marguerite of Oregon City started out for Clarkes to spend their Xmas with Ralph Caples and family and got as far as August Bluhm of Beaver Creek and snow was drifted about 6 foot deep on the road so they had to turn around and go back home again. Walter Lee who is working in the Crown Willamette mills, of Oregon City was out in Clarkes last Friday evening. C. Stromgreen was an Oregon City visitor last week. Clarkes school has a two weeks va cation for the holidays and they are going to paint the inside of the school house they they can not have any school until it is done. Mr. and Mrs. Rebmen of Eugene are visiting the latter's parents, Carl Stromgreen of Colton, over the holi days. Mrs. Rebmen was formerly Miss Florence Stromgreen of Colton. Moehnke Biros, are moving their sawmill to Highland where they bought some timber. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstone visit ed the latter's parents W. M. Lambert and family cf Salem for a short time recently. Miss Pearl Stromgreen of Co'ton spent a few days in Oregon Citf re cently with some of her friends. Geo. P. Clark took his sister-in-iaw Mrs. C. Barger to St. Helens last week. Mrs. Barger was formerly Miss Vivian Sager, a sister of Mrs. Geo. clarke Mrs. Clarence Lee and Theo. Sager of Colton. Carl Buche is driving a truck for D. F. Moehnke. Theo. Sager is working at the Isaac Cook sawmill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caples and son Robert and Claude Bottemiller attend ed the dance at Beacon Heights two weeks ago last Saturday night. Mrs. Mary Lee and son Walter of Ore gon City visited Grandma Lee last Monday. , Miss Bernice Gard is working in Oregon City. Alva Gard is visiting his parents John L. Gard and family for a short time, Miss Hazel Bullard of Oregon City j spent Christmas with her parents, , R. Bulalrd and family. Miss Dora Wallace visited Miss Mary Bottemiller last Monday evening. Mrs. George Clarke visited her mother Mrs. P. Sager last week. Dodge Xmas Program Enjoyable Affair DODGE, Dec. 27. Charles Colson was called to Idaho a week ago last Wednesday to see his sister who was dangerously ill and who died on Mon day following, leaving a small family to be cared for by their father." Charles returned home on Saturday evening. The school closed on Friday evening for the Christmas holidays to be open ed on Monday January 2nd. Saturday evening being Christmas eve the annual school entertainment took place and as usual was made a community affair, every family in the district receiving a "special invitation on Christmas cards. Said cards being the work of the schoalrs in the higher grades. There was a Christmas tree sparkling in all .its winter glory, well laden with good wishes and presents. Each scholar received a sack of candy and nuts, the gift of the teachers, and every other person received a liberal portion of candy and nuts which was paid for by a subscription taken prev iously. Almost every person in the room received one or more presents from friends and neighbors. A splen did program was gone through by th children from a Mother Goose song by a little tot of 3 years to more elab orate things, by the higher grades. At the end cf the pro3;r?m of course Santa Claus made his appearance and after giving a, amusing speech in which most of the residents were nam ed he dir-tributsd the presents arter which a very plcasent sociable time wo " s'.ient. Miss Ten Eyck went to Marmot on Sunday to spend the Christmas vaca tion with her home folks. Carus News Items CARCS, Dec. 27. Mrs. Ayjer, who has been spending several weeks at Chehalis. returned hme last week. Miss Paula Fisher made a trip to Oregon City one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Eiiss and fam ily spent chistn-,r.EN4vith Mr. and Mrs. Peter Faurie and family cf Molalla. Lunce Shockley motored to Oregon City one day last week. Ms. Roy Baker of Mount Pleasant spent Thursday with ?.!rs. Herman Fisher and family. A Christmas program was given by the Sunday school was h:!d at the Car us church last Saturday evening wi,h a gocd attendance. Allen Edwards, and .daughter Minnie attended the recital given by Mrs. Petri of Portland last Wednesday evening at the Baptist church at Ore- gon City. Mr. and Mrs .Charles Shockley and dauehters Elvey and Perney of Mount Pleasant were guests at Lunce Shock- ley and family last Sunday.