Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1921, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Page 7
(Continued from Page 6.)
Tk hig school student body
eiaie oyer their new volley ball.
Mrs. Baumback of the Kelso school
had only nine pupils in her room on
The pump froze at school the first
of the week and everybody had to eat
snow for "drink."
"Vf. F. Krebs visited both the high
school and the grades last week, and
more patrons of the school should do
like wise.
Thelma Hagan of Bull Run has be
gun music lessons with Mrs. Katie
Schmitz and comes over on Saturdays
for instruction.
Miss Lippold was a welcome visitor
at the Miller home last Friday for the
Miss Miller went to Portland for the
week end to hear Sousa and his great
band and incidentally she kept on the
trail of Santa Claus.
Mrs. Connors regrets very much
that she could not be here to enjoy
the big tree at the Odd Fellow's hall,
but she had to be at Oregon City on
school business.
SANDY, Dec. 20. Miss Emma
O'dell was calling at the Allen home
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larson and chil
dren were callers at the Joe Wall
home a few days ago.
Mrs. Art Johnsrud was a Portland
shopper and visitor last week.
The Brightwood teacher, Miss Anna
Jackson, gave a nice Xmas entertain
ment for her school on last "Wednes
day. ,
Miss Alice Wall, Miss Larsen and
Vernata Ware were callers at Miss
Anna Jackson's home recently.
William Alt was a caller at the Buc
chholtz home one day last week.
C. b. Bailey was a Sandy visitor one
day this week.
George King of Portland made a bus
iness trip to Brightwood last week re
turning to the big city the same day.
Miss Merl Waters has returned to
Portland after a few days visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Don Bodley.
Nicholas Hilsenkopf was a caller at
the Larson home a few days ago.
Mrs. W. M. Stockley was a visitor
at the R. A. Ten Eyck home one day
last week.
Mrs. Joe Wall came down to Sandy
one day during the week' on a little
business and shopping trip and left
her subscription for the Enterprise.
Miss Alice Wall, Miss Minnie Wall
and Miss Katherine Sladky were all
callers at the Allen home one evening
Mrs. Joe Wall was a visitor at the
home of the Ten Eyck's last week for
a day.
The Sigma Pi Phi Society of girls
had their first social affair last Fridav
afternoon of this year, December 16.
Mr. Gary gave the girls the last period
of the day for the affair and on until
four thirty o'clock. The auditorium
was perttily decorated with green
ferns and the society's colors, Nil s
green and pink. The first thing on the
program was the "eats." All the mem
circle at the head of each circle there
hers were seated down in one large
was one large chair decorated with
the society's colors and in these places
sat Mr. Gary and our advisor Miss
Vesta Lamb.
There were sixty members present
and the rest of the facutly.
The afltqrnoon warf aTten up in
games and music. Also many pieces
were spoken while everyone was en
joying the refreshments. Those on the
"ats" committee were: Helen Wallace,
chairman; "Vivian Rauch, Dorirs Smith
and Laura Kenney. The refreshments
consisted of the folowing: sandwiches,
salad, pickles, pie, apples, oranges,
cookies, and bananas.
The afternoon was enjoyed by all.
The students of the West Linn
TTnion high school were very much sur
prised last FrSday when they reached
school. They found that they were
to have two pictures that morning.
The pictures wer first "The Temp
est" and a comedy by Hrold Lloyd. Al
so during the show music was render
ed the students by Miss eLthers, vio
linist; Miss Dorris Ellis, pianist;
Dempsey Powell, "traps" and Woodson
Smiih, saxophone. The pictures are
directed by Elmer Garrison a student
of the high school. These same pic
tures were shown up at Willamette
Friday evening also the same musi
cians rendered music during the show.
The freshmen are planning to have
a plain clothes party for the sopho
mores in the near future, the exact
time is to be decided by the class at
a later date. At their meeting, De-
cemb?r thirteenth, the class decided
as their class colors "Orange and
Black." Joyce Mercier, vice president
appointed . the following committees:
Games, Doris Smith, Ester Graw and
Vivian Rauch; Eats, Agnes Braatz,
Louise Hagen and Matilda Hayward.
The sophomore class voted in favor
of a new constitution for the class at
a meeting held last Wednesday morn
ing. Mary LouiseMerrick, cchairman;
Annette Adcock, Veatrice Rauch, Earl
Cox and Lawrence Duncan composed
the by-'aws committee, which drew up
the new constitution.
All girls who went out for basket
ball, had their heart action examined
Wednesday morning by Dr. Hemp
stead. Seven girls failed tp pass the
Miss Margaret DuBois, English in
structor was unable to be at school i
Tuesday because of illness. ' j
Helen Cork, a freshmen girl, has
moved with her parents to Los An
geles. Gordon Tuor has been elected by
the 'reshman class to fill the place of
Walter Bingham the class editor for
the annual. Bingham has moved to
Sou'h Dakota with his folks and does
not kno-v when he will come back to
this coast.
. BeuTah Snidow was among the lucky
one "-ho were able to attend the
Shskesprian plays at the Heilig last
week. She attended Saturday after
noon. Fr'ends ot Eearl Mootry, a member
of Vi 19'1 class, will be pleased to
hear thft he is rapidly recovering, hav
ing recently undergone an operation.
Elsie Junken and Eroa Fisher are
the two girls of the second year cook
ing who are to give a large Christmas
dinner. They are p'anning a party in
the evening after school on December
t twenty-second, 1921, and a jolly good
time for all the members of the cook
ing class. There will be a Christmas
tree and an elaborately decorated
Oh, let us be happy,
And full of good cheer
For Christmas comes
But once a year.
But spare us, St. Nick,
From the well meanirg friend
Who slips us a gift
When we've no more to spend.
Early closing of The Mouth Would
Also Help Some.
This, marks the grave of Ezra Mains
Who said, he had no use lor chains,
An icy road, a fearful skid,
And earth of one more chump was rid.
When a chiropodist makes a note
for thirty days, would you call it a
foot note?
Of course there may be other view
points, but as a general thing it costs
less to break an engagement than to
get a divorce.
The movement to have the boys
write home oftener would make a big
ger hit with dad; if they could be
persuaded to write occassionally with
out asking for money.
A reader wants the Office to try to
get Tex Richard to stage a bout be
tween Jack Dempsey and Mrs. Jiggs.
We feel sure this bird bet on both
Willard and Carpentier and is anxious
to see Dempsey put to sleep for keeps.
Called Here by Death of Mother
J. J. Mulvey, of Eugene, arrived in
Oregon City on Wednesday, having
been summoned here by the sudden
death of his mother, Mrs. Margaret
Mulvey, whose death occurred on
Tuesday evening from heart trouble.
Attorney W- L. Mulvey, another son,
whose home is in this city, was in
Seattle, Wash., on legal business when
his mother died, and he arrived home
Wednesday morning, leaving Seattle
Tuesday. Other members of the
family are on their way to Oregon
City to attend the funeal, which will
be held here on Friday morning at 9
Inspects Marshfield Country
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Simons, of
Boyd, Oregon, passed through Oregon
City Tuesday on their way to New
Era, where they are to spend the "hol
idays at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Vlahos. They have been at Marsh
field. Mr. Simons is interested in
mining and minerals, and while at
Marshfield looked over that country,
finding conditions there that he be
lieves if developed, would be dis
covered, as every indication points
that way.
Will Enjoy Christmas at Home
After being confined in the Oregon
City hospital for the past six weeks,
where she underwent a serious oper
ation for appendicitis, Mrs. Edward
Kendig will be able to leave the insti
tution this afternoon for her home at
1210 Van Buren street, and will en
joy Christmas with her family. Mr.
Kendig nas been employed at the Ore
gon City hospital for some' time. .
Miss Schuebel Has Guest
Miss Helen Akerson, whose home
is at La Jolla, Calif., has arrived from
the University of Oregon in company
with Miss Ruth Schuebel, and will
spend the holidays at the home of Mr
and Mrs. C. Schuenei. Miss Schuebel
and Miss Akerson are members of
the same Sorority, the Alpha Phi
Charles Reed Dies at Corvallis
Charles Reed, aged 64, father of
Mrs. Fannie Petit, of this city, died
at his home in Corvallis Tuesday, and
will be buried Thursday from the
Bovee undertaking establishment. Be
sides his daughter residing here, Mr.
Reed is survived by Mrs. Reed, one
son and two other daughters.
Yonce Family Have Guest
Fred Bannister, of Estacada, who
has been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Yonce, has returned
to his home. Mr. Bannister is an
over-seas' man, and is connected with
the Portland Railway, Light and Pow
er company at Estacada.
Gladstone Girl Home from U- of O.
Miss Marjorie Reed, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Reed, of Gladstone,
is home for the holidays. She s a
student of the Univesity of Oregon.
Returns from University
Marvin Eby, student of the "Univer
sity of Oregon, has arrived in Oregon
City to spend the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and "Mrs. O. D. Eby.
Home for the Holidays, .
Gerald Park, has returned to Ore
gon City from college to spend his
holidays with his mother, Mrs. A. L.
Park, of Sixth and Jefferson streets.
This is the second of a series of
articles apearing every week, upon
the auto page of the Enterprise,
dealing" with the special road taxes
passed in the different districts
throughout the county upon No
vember 30, 1921.
The improvement program which
will be inaugurated during the coming
year throughout the county will de
pend, for the maintenance and upkeep
as well as for partial, improvement of
subsidary roads, upon the special taxes
voted by the individual districts. It is
noticeable that in the majority of cases
provision is made in the budget for the
further improvement of existing roads,
and it is only -in one or two cases that
a special fund is budget for the open
ing or initial improvement of any high
way. The majority of the special taxes
voted, were authorized by the farmers
of the county, and while a large por
tion of the total of "highway expendi
tures will come from stat and general
tax funds, the- handling of the smaller
arteries of the county stilLlies in the
hands of the residents of the suburban
A five mill tax which will raise a
total of $2400 was levied by the Lad
Hill district number 13. According to
their budget, this fund will be distrib-
! uted as follows: Eiler's Hill road,
j $1200; Voss road, $200; Heater road,
j $100; Western and Cole road, $200;
South of Wood Hill, $100; Edmiston
road, $100; Butterville and Snerwooa
road, $150; Tooze road, $50; Baker tti
Jones Corner, $100; Ed Baker-Mul-lory
road, $100.
District 17, Harmony. After consider
able discussion, adopted a six mill levy
which will raise approximately $13,
700. It is provided that a quarter of
i this amount -shall be spent in the lay
ing of a concrete pavement 16 feet
wide with an eight foot macadam
shoulder from the Southern Pacific
tracks, to connect with the 82nd street
road in Clackamas. Any surplus from
this fund, it is provided, is to be spent
in the repair of the 82nd street road.
Twenty-five percent of the total raised
by the special tax is to be placed upon
the Lake road. Twenty-five percent is
to be put upon the Milwaukie and
Ryan road . The last three improve
ments are to be made with what is
known as a Warszwick pavement, or
38 County Teachers
Take Examinations
Thirty-eight teachers are taking the
examinations for the renewal of cer
tificates and permits and obtaining of
exemptions which began yesterday to
continue until Saturday.
Tests have already been held in TJ.
S. history," writing (penmanship),
music, drawing, physiology, reading,
manual training, composition, do
mestic science, methods of readirg,
course of study for drawing and meth
ods in arithmetic.
The schedule of examinations for
today will be: (forenoon), arithmetic,
history of education, psychology,
methods in geography, mechanical
drawing, domestic art, and course of
study for domestic artT (afternoon),
grammar, geography, stenography,
American literature, physics, type
writing, methods in language and
thesi3 for primary certificate.
The subjects for Friday will be:
(forenoon), theory and practice, orth
ography, physical geography, English
literature and chemistry; (afternoon),
school law, geology, algebra and civil
government. On Saturday, the final
day, (forenoon), geometry and bot
any; (afternoon), general history and
The examinations are being held on
the third floor of the Masonic" build
ing. First Services Are
Held In New Church
The new chapel of the Trinity Luth
eran church at Twelfth and J. Q.
Adams streets, construction of which
was begun November 15 of this year,
is now completed, and is to be dedicat
ed with a special service some time
in the coming spring.
The first services were conducted
in the new church last Sunday, and
special observances for Christmas are
planned for Saturday night, according
to R. G. Messerll, pastor.
The chapel, wbich when furnished,
will represent a cost of more than
$3,000 and will have a seating capacity
of 125. The building measures 36 by
28. Construction was under the su
pervision of W. H. Krueger. The con
gregation plans the erection of a par
sonage adjacent to the church next
The local Trinity church is one of
the very few in the state the majority
of whose services are conducted in
English. German services are also
held, but Sunday school and bible
classes are in English only.
LIMA, Peru, Dec. 20. The seismo
graph of the Lima Geographic soci
ety at 1:30 a. m. Sunday registered a
violent earthquake in Cajamarca, a
northern department ot Peru. The
agitation lasted forty-five minutes.
Federal Power Commission
In compliance with the Federal Wa
( Pnw Act 4 Stat.. 1063' notice
is hereby given that the Portland Rati- i
way Light and Power Company, Port-!
land, Oregon, has filed applications j
covering proposed power develop- j
ments on Clackamas Klver and tribu
taries above a point approximately in
Section 21. T. 5 S., R. 6 E., W. M.; also
a proposed transmission line and road
from said point to cazaaero, Oregon. ,
Any objection to such' applications, ori
request for a hearing thereon, together I
with any briefs, reports, or other data
for which consideration is desired, j
should be submitted to the Executive
Secretary, Federal Power Commission,
Washington, D. C. Adv.
as an alternative, the same type of
road that is being laid by the Clacka
mas county paving plant. The district
recommended to the county court that
not less than $500 be spent from the
general road fund upon graveling the
roads in what is known as the Arden
wald district.
An eight mill levy, which will raise
a total of $1200 was voted by Dis-I
trict 18, known as Mt. Scott. Of this
fund, $750 is to be used for grading of
the W. A. Ulrick road, beginning at the
north end . The remainder of the
fund is to be used for the maintenance
of what is known as the county Mail
Route road in that district. The rock
crushing plant owned by the district
is to be disposed of to the county a a
price of $1,000 and the funds accruing
from this sale will be used as fol
lows: Joint road in north of district,
$250 J. G. Zimer road from Betz
farm east, $150, and the balance upon
the W. A. Ulrich road.
District 20, Damascus will expend
in special road work a total of $3570
during the coming, year. . This repre
sents the funds accruing from a ten
mill tax. This fund is to be expended
in the following proportions: Weather
ly Creek road, $500; Damascus Multno
mah County Line road, $1000; Road to
Oregon City, $500; Road to Hemrich,
$200; Rock Creek and Casper road,
$850; Sunnyside road, $520. At their
meeting the taxpayers passed a me
morial to the county court, drawing
their attention to the claim that some
$1500 voted by District Number 3 in
1920 for the improvement of the Da-mascus-Multnomah
line road, had been
used upon other highways in the coun
ty. They asked that this money be
traced, and if it was found that it had
not been spent where originally voted,
a similar fund be expended upon the
road out of the general county road
District Number 21; Union, voted a
ten mill tax the entire amount to be
spent upon improvements of roads in-
that vicinity, allowing nothing in the
special budget for upkeep. The tax
will raise $1700, distributed as follows:
Hoffmeister road, $300; H. Johnson
road, $300; H. Henningsen road, $650;
Sharkey road, $450; E. Exley road,
$100. The first three of these are to
be improved by graveling and the lat
ter by clearing and grading.
Industrial Education
Class Holds Session
The industrial education class or
ganized at the West Linn high school,
under the direction of A. R. Nichols,
supervisor of state trade and educa
tion work, met for the first time In
the high school auditorium Monday
night. Owing to the weather condi
tions, the attendance was small, but
arrangements were made to meet at
this school building Wednesday eve
ning, December 28th.
Mr. Nichols, whose home is at Cor
vallis, Oregon, and organizing the
class through the efforts of the car
penters' union of this city, presided
at the meeting.
If there are enough to form two
classes, both In this , city and West
Linn, one of the classes will be held
at the Oregon City high school build
ing, and the other at the West Lini
high school building.
These courses are . offered by the
department of trade and industry of
the Oregon State Board for vocational
education, and the subject to be
taught in West Linn and Oregon City
will be cacrpentering. The lessons
will probably be 25 cents for each
night the meetings are held.
It is also planned to oganize class
es for apprentices in the near future.
Both union and non-union men are
interested in the classes to be formed.
O. A. C. Students to
Hold New Years' Hop
Among the social events of the sea
son during the holidays will be the
ball at the West Linn Annex at West
Linn Tuesday evening, December 29,
when the old year will be given a fare
well, and the new year a greeting by
students of colleges who are home for
thfl holidays. This will be for all stu
dents, and promises to be one of the
big everts of the season.
Having charge of the affair are E.
W. Paddock, chairman, Thomas
Lovett, Miss Helen Mattley and Miss
Fayne Burdon, all students of the
Oregon Agricultural college.
Some folks are fat and some are
skinny, some are short and some are
tall; some have long waists and short
legs, some have short waists and long
legs; some have broad shoulders and
broad waists ; some have plenty of
sense, while the brains of others jel
lied shortly after birth, leaving them
incompetent to combat the problems of
life, but as we started out to say,
they will cast a praising glance at
their figure when passing a plate glass
Charming girlies decked in fur
Do brave the summer heat,
But does it matter after all.
So long as they look neat?
Silken hose in brave display,
Encloak their pretty shins,
But now they've added silk and wool
To cheat the winter winds!
LOST: Monday morning on West Side
Portland road, salesmans black
sample grip. $1.00 reward. Enter-
prise office.
WANTED: Hop stove. H. G. Crocker,
801 Madison. Phone 224W.
No. 2167
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of
John J. Honebon, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the tin-'
dersigned has filed his final account in
the estate of John J. Honebon, deceas
ed, and that Monday, the 30th day of
January, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon cf said day, and the
County Court Room in the Court
House of Clackamas County, Oregon,
has been set and fixed as the time
and place for the hearing of said Fiscal
Account, together with any objections
there may be to the same.
Executor of the Estate of John J.
Honebon, Deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clackams.
Mat Park and Lilly Naomi Park, Plain
George O. Clouse and Pearl Clouse,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and D.i execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above ' entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 20th day of December, 1921, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 17th day of December
1921, in .favor of Mat Park and Lilly
Naomi Park. Plaintiffs, and against
George O. Clouse and Pearl Clouse,
Defendants, for the sum of $1000.00,
with inters-t thereon at the rate ot six
per cent ptr annum from the 20th day
of August. 1920, and the further sum
of 17.62, and the further sum of $100.00,
as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of $17.62, and the further sum of $100.00,
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situate
in the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
The Southeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of section num
bered Twenty (20) in Township
numbered Four (4) South, Range
Four (4) East of the Willamette
Meridian and in Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ I will, on Saturday, the
21st day of January 1922; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House in the
City of Oregon City, In said County
and State, Bell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the hlsbest bid
der, for gold coin cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the with
in named defendants or either of them,
had on the date of the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the above de
scribed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, decree, interest, cost's and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon.
By E. C Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., December
23rd, 1921.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Christina Madsen, plaintiff,
Chris Madsen, Defendant.
To Chri3 Madsen, the above named de
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complain of the above
named plaintiff in the' above entitled
court now on file with the Clerk of
said Court on or before Friday, the 3rd
day of February 1922, being the last
date prescribed in the order of the
court for the publication of this sum
mons upon you, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint as hereby re
quired, plaintiff will take a judgment
and decree against you as prayed for in
her said complaint, to-wit: For a de
cree of the above named court dissolv
ing the marriage contract now existing
between the plaintiff and the defend
ant, and that the minor children of
plaintiff and defendant, to-wit:
E'eanor M. Madsen, aged 13 years, and
Floyd H. Madsen, aged 8 years, be
awarded to the care, custody and con
trol of the plaintiff, and for such
further order as to the court may seem
just and proper.
This Summons is served upon you
by publication in the Oregon City En
terprise, by virtue of an Order of the
Hon. J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled court, duly made and
entered of record in said Court on the
16th day of December, 1921.
Date of first publication, December
23rd, 1921.
Date of last publication, February
3rd, 1922. '
Post Office Address: 122 W. First
Street, Albany, Oregon. Oregon City,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. -
In the Matter of the Estate
of '
Arthur Cliff, Deceased.
To Edwin Cliffe, Thomas CHffe, Ellis
Blease, Frank Blease, Tom Blease
and Ernest Blease, and to all other
persons unknown:
In the name of the State ot Oregon:
You are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of - the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas in the county Court Room
of said ' County on Monday. January
16th, 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock
A. M-. then and there to show cause, it
any exist, why the Administrator
should not be allowed to sell the fol
lowing described property, belonging
to the estate Of Arthur Cliff, deceased
at private sale, to-wit:
Situate in Clackamas County,
All of tract 30 Outlook, accord
ding to the duly recorded plat
thereof, except Land described
in Vol. 145, page 376, deed records
of ctecknias County, Oregon.
Also the following described
tract of land lying and being with
in the boundaries thereof and
South of the County road, crossing
said described tract, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 18.25 chains
East of the quarter section corn- .
er between Sections 13 and
14, Township 2 South Range 2
East of the Willamette Meridian,
running thence East to the Clack-
D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Casbiev
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
amas River; thence down stream
following the meanders thereof to
a point due North of the place of
beginning; thence South to the
place of beginning.
And also beginning at a point 19
chains East of the Northwest
corner of the fractional Northeast
quarter of the Southwest
quarter of Section" 13, Town
ship 2 South, Range 2 East
of the Willamette Meridian, run
ning thence West 10 chains;
thence South to the intersection
with the West line of the Horace
Baker Donation Land Claim No.
68, 6aid Township and Range;
thence South 9 30' West tracing
westerly line of said Baker Claim,
to the northwest corner of that
certain tract of land described "
Vol. 152, page 40 Deed Records of '
Clackamas county, Oregon; thence
East along the North line of said
tract described VoL 152, page 40r
to a point due South of the place
of beginning; thence north to the
place of beginning.
WITNESS the Hon. H. E. Cross,
Judge of said Court, this 13th day of
December, A. D. 1921.
By G. H. PACE, Deputy.
(Seal of Court)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Sadie Bottinelli, plaintiff.
James Bottinelli, Defendant.
To James Bottinelli, Defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 27th day of January 1922, and f
you fail to appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff
will take default against you, and ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in her Complaint, to wit:
That the Marriage Contract here
tofore and now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant be dissolved
and held for naught, and that the
plaintiff herein have her former name
of Sadie Hill restored to her, and for
such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem meet and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication in the City Enterprise
for six successive weeks, pursuant to
an order made by the Honorable J. U.
Campbell of the above entitled Court
on the 13th day of December, 1921.
Date of first publication . December
16th, 1921.
Date of last publication January
27th, 1922.
9 Attorneys for Plaintiff,
511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore.1
In the County Court of the Count of
Clackamas, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of
Helma Gillespie, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that from and
after the 2nd day of January 1922, the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Helma Gillespie, deceased,
will proceed to sell, at private sale for
cash or cash and credit, to the high
est bidder, all of the following describ
ed real property, to-wit: Lots 11 and
12 of Block 100 of the Second Subdi
vision of a Portion of Oak Grove,
Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant
to an order of the Hon. H. E. Cross,
judge of the above entitled Court made
on the 30th ay t November 1921,
which order provides the terms of the
sale. Said sale to be on the premises.
Attorney for Administrator.
First publication December 2, 1921.
Last publication Decemberf 30, 1921.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
John L. Karnopp, Plaintiff,
II7F. Onu. Exe utor of wi'l and Ebtate
of Thomas Prince, deceased; H. F
Ong and Carrie M. Ong, his wife;
Worcester Bank & Trust Compppy,
Trustee, a corporation. Harold T.
Prince and Marjoria Prince, his
wife; William Rees, Guardian of
Harold T Prince, Incompetent; J. S
Simmons iiid Essie O. Simmons, hli
wifo: Olive M Dows: Liu y P Vhito
and Chauncey B White, her hus
band; Ralph A. Simmons and Eva
V. Simmons, his wife; William L.
Ames, Lucius T. Hayward and Anm.
bel E. Hayward. his wife; Ruby
' Emery Buckle and Harry Buckle
her husband; John Doe, Rich:-.rd Roe
and Allen Pee,. Trustees of ' bo
Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa
chusetts; James. Doe, Henry Roe and
Edwin Poe, Trustees of the Odd Fel
lows Home, Worcester, Massachu
setts; David Smith, Frank Joues and
George White, Trustees of the Howe
for Aged Men, Worcester, Massachu
setts; Mary Smith, Jane Doe and
Anna White, -Trustees of the Home
of Aged Women, Worcester, Massa
chuetts; Town of Kingston Massa
chusetts a, municipal corporation;
Ki i?ston Cemeti ry Association, ss.
corporation; George H. Ward Por.t
No. 10 of Grand Army of the Repur
lic, a corporation; and the unknown
heirs of Thomas Prince, deceased,
and also all other persons or pait!o3
unknown claiming any risht, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real es
tate described in the Complaint
herein Defendants.
By virtue -of an execution, judgment
order, decree and order of pale issued
out of the above entitled court in ti-a
aboveemtitledlcauset tomedirected and
dated the 16th day of .November. 1921.
upon a judgment rendered and entered
'n said court on the 7th day of Novem
ber, 1921, in favor of John L. Karnopp,
plaintiff, and against the defendants I
Commercial. Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Dldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Phone 405
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Or.
herein, for the sum of $7,500.00 with in
terest at the rate of 8 per cent pr an
num prom the 15th day of July 192$,
and the farther sum of $500 with inter,
est at the rate of 6 per cent per an
num from the 7th day of November,
1921, and for the further sum) Of
$111.40 costs and disbursements, si
(be costs of and upon this writ com
manding me to make sale of the follow
ing described real property, to wit:
That certain portion of Sections
numbered Seven (7) and Eighteen
(IS) in Township Two (2) South
of Range Two (2) East of the Wil
lamette Meridian, described as fol
lows.: Bounded by a line beginning at
a stone set in the center of the
county road leading from Oregon
City to Portland, where said road
intersects the Northerly boundary
line of the James- McNary Dona-
. tion Land Claim, vh ch point is
South 45 West 208.39 fee from
the quarter section corner between
said Section 7 and IS. thence
Ntrth 45 East tracing said Mc
Nary claim line 27.65 chains to a
stone, thence Nortt 46 46 West
18.70 chains thence South 45 West
26.19 chains to center of said
county road where an iron pipe is
driven, for a corner, thenoe South
easterly along center cf county
road to the place of beginning, con
taining fifty (50) acres, more or
less, excepting five and five hun
dreths (5.05) acres heretofore con
veyed to Peter Naef by deed re-
corded in Book 60 of Deeda ot
page 166 thereof, which said first
des-cribed tract is now platted un
der the name of Hillsdale.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said e"
eeution, judgment order, decree aurt
order of sale and in compliance' with
the commands of said writ. I will, on
Saturday, the 24th day of December.
3921, at 10 o'clock A. M-, at Front
Door of the County Couit House in
Oregon City, Clackamas County. Ore
gon, sell at public auction (subject to
redemption), to the highest bidder for
cash m hand, all the right, title nd in
terest which the within named defend
ants and each and all or them in the
above entitled suit had cn the 15th dJy
of April, 1916, the date of the mort
aaSi' ln-re'm foreclosed, or since that
date had in and to the above describt-d
property orany part thereof, to satisfy
said execution, judgment order and de
rree, inters, costs and accruing costs.
D.kte this 25th day of Novesiber,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
First issue, November 25th, 1921.
Last issue December 23rd. 1921.
Notice is hereby given that the un
designed, has been duly appoined
Executor of the Estate of Frank E.
Bingham, deceased, by the County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon;
any and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly veri
fied as by law required, at the office
of Wm. Hammond, Oregon City, Ore
gon City, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this Notice.
Execmtor of the Estate of Fraak E.
Bingham, Deceased.
Attorney for Executor.
First Publication December 16, 1921.
Last publication January 13, 1922.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. J. E. Wilson, Plaintiff,
Esther Wilson, Defendant.
To Esther Wilson, above named de
fendant; In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby requested to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
Hthe 27th day of January A. D. 1922, and
if you fail to so appear or answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief -demanded
in his complaint herein to-wit:
A decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony existing between
the plaintiff and the defendant and
granting to the plaintiff the care, cus
tody and control of Abbie Jane Wil
son, plaintiff and defendant's minor
child herein.
This summons Is published once a
week for six successive weeks by or
der of the Honorable J. TT. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court, said
order being dated the 13th day of De
cember A. D., 1921, directing the pub
lication thereof.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
714 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication, December
16th, 1921.
Date of last publication January
27th, 1922.