rage SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Birtliday Dinner Is ; Surprise Is Given Given Sandy Pioneer i Mrs. Klinefelter SANDY, Nov. 29. The following was sent from Portland: "A complete surprise birthday dinner was given for J. H. L. Maybee (a former Sandy pio neer) at the Maybee home in Lents on Nov. 25. in honor of Mr. Maybee's 70th SANDY. Nov. 29. Last night 36 lov ing friends surpriseed Mr. C. L. Kline felter (Mary Junker) with a "shower," which was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Junker, and it was a most enjoyable birthday. There were two sons, one i affair. So many beautiful and useful daughter, and six grandchildren and gifts almost overwhelmed Mary, who two great-grandchildren present. Also made a little speech in which she said four generations on Mr. Maybee's side of the family, the eldest being 70 years and the youngest a year and a half. Five generations were present on Mrs. Maybee's side of the family, the eldest ben? almost 93, and the youngest nine and a half years. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Alph Maybee and sons Willie, Wesley and Albert, Mrs. Edna Gustwell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Spybrock arid son, Alma D. Maronay and Richard, Carl Power, Mrs. Lou Hagan, Harry Hagan, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bacon, Mrs. Sarah Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Homer All son and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Austn, Mr. and Mrs. Jess "White, Miss .Arlean Kaiser, Glenn Anc',rei Wm. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Cline, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jackson, Minnie Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. L. Maybee and Lloyd Maybee. These guests were practically all relatives and the list includes a num ber from Sandy, Gresham and Port land. .words were unable to tell what she felt. Mr. Clinefelter wasi called for and obliged the crowd by singing! some lively songs. The guests were all lined up and marched over to Junker's confectionery where refreshments were served to all the ladies and sev eral friend husbands who were killing time while the ladies enjoyed them selves. The crowd of men that hap pened to be in the restaurant were al so included in the refreshments. Those present at the "shower" were Miss Pearl Proctor, Hazel Beers, Net tie -Schmitz, Helen Nelson, "Beattie" JIarris, Hattie and Helen Dahrens, Mrs. E.' Beers Mrs. P. A. Proctor. Mrs. Scales, Mj-sl P. B. Gray, Miss Bertha Hoffman, Miss Mary Scharnke, Mrs. Duke, Ruth Reed, Mrs. Annie Glock ner and Winnifred, Mrs. Henry Perret, Mrs. Scharnke, Mrs. Dittert Mrs. Kate Schmitz, Mrs. Sture, Mrs. Walter Krebs, Mrs. Kubitza, Mrs. Katie Koch, Mrs. Carrow, Mrs. Loundree, Mrs. Cyril Gray Mrs. Junker, Mrs. J. M- C Miller and Mrs. Klinefelter. Sandy Couple Are Wed In Portland SANDY, Nov. 29. Sandy wedding bells were jingling for the third time in a month Saturday when Miss Mary Magdalene Junker, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Casper Junker and Carl Lester Klinefelter, two of our popular young folk were unted in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bre haut of Portland Heights. The wedding ceremony was con ducted by Rey. J. J. Staub of Sunny side Congregational church, at four o'clock in the afternqon, and the Bre haut residence was attractively decor ated for the affair, which was informal and "homey." Mrs .Fred Cobb, (fieleii Anderson) of Portland played Lohen grin's wedding march, and Miss Mabel P TrnTTM OTnrit Shipley of Gresham was bridesmaid, emidll lHinigraill Fred Junker, brother of the bride was best man. Mrs. Brehaut served refreshments immediately atfer the ceremony was concuded, and later in the evening the entire bridal party dined at the Mult noftiah hotel. The happy newlyweds returned to Sandy last evening and will reside here as Mr. Klinefelter as a position with the engineering force on the Highway work. Mrs. L. W- McDonnell (Gladys Bach elder) formerly of Sandy, superintend ed all the arrangements for the wedding. Wild Cat Spends Night in Henhouse SANDY, Nov.. 29. Mrs. L. B. Greene of Cherryville had a real Thanksgiving feeling when she opened the chicken house and found that she had shut up a wild cat with a "chicken-hen" the night before! The other chickens' had taken a notion to roost els3where (probably saw Mr. Wild Cat had mov ed in) and Mrs. Green's" "hunch" to just close the door and not "bother" till morning proved all right, for when she opened the door next morning the hens remains were scattered about, and the bobcat glared at her for tress passing! The animal was shot. 36 Entertained at J. D. Deshazer Home SANDY, Nov. 29. Mr. and Mrs. J G. DeShazer gave a party at their home Saturday night which was at tend by 36 guests and all say they never had a better time. Sandwiches pickles, coffee and cake were served. The following were present besides the DeShazer family: The Will Upde grave family, Mr. and Mrs. Birch Ro berts, Otto and Alfred Motjel, Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and son Kenneth, Charley Updegrave, wife and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebsi and family, Mr. Sulzer, Mr. and Mrs. Kelliher, Ir, vin Updegrave, Miss Mabel Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bodley and Robert, and Gay Morrison. The musician for the evening were Birch Roberts, Victor Bodley and Mr. Sulzer. ORIENT. LOSES GAME SANDY, Nov. 29. The Orient bas ket ball team, played their first game with Arleta Friday night and the lat ter won the game, the score being 31 to 23. Arleta is considered one of the best teams in Portland and Orient was brave to "attack"' them, and proved worthy sports. Held Up by Exams SANDY, Nov. 29. A nepew of John Bucchholtz arrived here from Germany the first of the week and went to the Buccholtz home at Brightwood. He had considerable trouble to pass the examination required of immigrants at New York on account of some defici ency in his -eye-sight. John Bucchholtz went to Portland and signed up cer tain papers which made it possible for his nephew to remain in Uncle Sam's dominion. GOES TO HOSPITAL SANDY, .Nov. 29 W. G. Duncan went to Portland Tuesday to the Good Samaritan hospital to have his leg op erated on. A portion of the bone will be taken out and a silver plate put in. The bone was broken over once by the doctor and the leg put back in plaster cast but the bone would not heal. REBUILDING TRESTLE SANDY, Nov. 29. The Dwyer Rail Road company is busy rebuilding the Deep Creek trestle on the new Dwyer rail road which was washed out dur ing the heayy rainstorm of ls.t week. SANDY LOCALS Mrs Dittert Given Party on Birthday SANDY, Nov. 29 on Mrs. R. Dittert is reported as one of the pleasant social affairs of the week. The occasion was Mrs. Dit tert's birthday. Those present beside the Dittert family were Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Krebs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kubitza, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Krebs, W. C. Carow, Mr and Mrs. Carl Aschoff and Dorothy, Mrs. Scharnke, Miss Mary Scharnke, Carl and Bar bara Scharnke. Refreshments were served and cards were a portion of the evening's amusement. Sandy Man Caught Heavy Snowiall By SANDY, Nov. 28. Ernest Harris of Sandy is one of the -25 men snowed in at Parkdale. Mrs, Harris has not heard from her husband for two weeks but heard from him through a party that made his way out on foot. They have plenty of provisions and will stay until they can come out comfortably. They had six inches of now when the heavy storm came on. Several ma chines are now in there. Harris has charge of gang of men who have been slashing on the Highway. I " Phone Day 1901 Night 99X J.E.METZGER Funeral Director and Embalmer Paul R. Meinig Sandy Agent Gresham, Oregon . Lady Asst. I Plans were started recently to have a big; community Xmasi tree and a free program at the Odd Felow's hall on Thursday night before Xmas, if the hall can be secured. The plan is for the schools, all churches and or ganizations, and people without' any ties, to unite in one glad celebration for the happiest day of the year. The plan is to have a Sift for every per son, present, though no gift s to cost above 15 cents. From a stick of chew ing gum or candy to a15 cent present is the "limit." Everybody get busy to planning a wee package for somebody. The plan will be further outlined next week. (P. S. Of course there will be a great big Santa Claus.) Fill the church next Sunday even ing at the big community song pro- A surprise party gram! Mrs. Conners, the "new" pri mary teacher, will direct the congre gational singing, which will be a fea ture of the program. The program as outlined before the rain storm two weeks ago will be carried out as near ly as possible. . . The Methodist Ladies Aid will hold their bazaar at the Pleasant Home church on December 16. : Rev. Cotton held, a Thanksgiving! service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Averill of Cherryville. It was an in formal gathering but was much en joyed. Rev. Cotton spent the night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Botkin. He left his car at the Malar home and it took two hours to walk the remain ing distance to Cherryville through the storm and mud. The Firwood school district, No. 52, had it's budget meeting last Saturday. Remember the date of the next Community Club meeting will be on Thursday night, Dec. 15, at the city hall. Sandy is getting the get-together spirit, which will build up any com munity. Everybody come. There has been a rush of legal business in town the past week and the end seems not yet. The question of a community Xmas entertainment will come up at the community council meeting ;of Che executive committee meeting at the Pleasant Home M. E. church tomor row nighL The Cottrell community church ba zaar win be held the night of Dec. 9. The Sandy quartet has been invited to sing. The Ladies Aid bazaar of. the Pleas ant Home Baptist church will be held Friday, Dec. 2. . Lucile and Walter Dodson and Mrs. Lehnfield gave Miss Martha Snedden a big surprise one evening recently by dropping in at the Snedden ranch. Martha has been ill with an ulcerated tooth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell drove their horse and buggy to Estacada during a' recent rain storm and say they never saw so much water in the roads. The Bells had a fine visit with Mrs. Douglass, though a short one as the storm hurried them home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suckow enter tained on Thanksgiving day with a "trimmings" too. Those enjoying the goose dinner and they had all the Suckow fireside and dinner table that day were Mr: and Mrs. Will -r-2ell, Louis and Henry Gherke, Will Wid mer, Henry flidmer and Janies Bell, besides the family. ' . Ninety-six numbers were sold at the dance Saturday night, and Junker's served about 100 at a regulation Thanksgiving dinner. The Scales-Beers hotel also served fine refreshments to about 70 people which was a good crowd for such short notice as the management was delay ed in getting the hotel ready for their opening. Miss Mary Collier was a visitor at the Duke home during Thanksgiving vacation and returned to her school work in the city Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Kerr and son Stuart and daughter Frances at tended . Sunday school last Sunday while out here for Thanksgiving va cation. Joe BIue;of Welches has) been) the sick . list "for . a couple of weeks but has been improving this week. Ray Gouge, a brother-in-law of Billy Odell of Bull Run, has been on 'the sick list, according to the doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed invited Henry Quam and Marshall Davis to partake of their thanksgiving dinner, which was duly appreciated, batchel ors as they are. Mr. and Mrs. G. Graves, recently the Sandy hotel folks, were out from the city to attend the big dance on Saturday night and were given a warm welcome. The surprise party given on Mrs. R, Dittert was a happy affair, there being only one disappointment. C. Schaarnke,-whose birthday was on the same date, could not be "fooled" into coming over ifrom JSantJyridge where he was working. The home folks told him the cow had swallowed an apple and he must hurry or she would choke to death, but all their wits failed to induce him to come, tho a double surprise had been planned. There was a big dance at the old time live-wire Morgan hall at Boring a few nights- ago under the manage ment of Mr. Wallace. There was also a dance at Damascus the same nightt so Boring did well to sell 65 tickets. Jack Greenwood passed through town today on his way to Portland from the "mountains. Greenwood says there" is snow at the Twin Bridges and that the recent storm took out the Brightwood bridge and washed out a number of cabins at Welches and made considerable wreckage up that way. C. Meinsinger called at Junkers as he passed through town recently on his way to his country place at Mar mot. Meinsinger was taking a man out to do some work. Caroline Chown has completed a quilt she has been . making to raffle off and brought it to town to put it on exhibition this week. Mayor Junker was in Portland a few days ago to look after various business interests. Frank Schmitz says he has been building a fancy addition to his chick en house for his fancy chickens. Ed Flatau was among the Sandy ridge callers who appeared on our streets -a few days ago.- Word from the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Wolfe says they are still snowbound at The Dalles. Pauline, Tillie and Marie Miller were out from Portland from Thanks giving until Sunday to celebrate with the home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Miller of Sandyridge. rwvt Tl ' ft g .J TT TTT i lit: vv . . LttJuw auu j it:m v wee- i wer families enjoyed a fine large I Monday. from cedar poisoning in his hand the past week and,was unable to work. Wm. Hammond was in town one evening recently" on '"legal business and drove back- to Oregon City late. ." The Lilly family had a downpour to move in last Friday. Jack Burnett took his truck to perform the moving act and they all had a "sappy" time getting to Linnemann. Mrs. R. E. Esson, Dorothy, Ruth and Ronnie remained until Sunday even ing in Portland, where Mr. Esson Ltook them and he helped eat his share of turkey. Esson went down for his family, who had a delightful visit at the home of Mrs. Esson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. GilletL J. E. Metzger, undertaker and furniture dealer of Gresham. was a caller in town last week. Mrs. James Dixon spent a day dur ing the week with her sister, Mrs. Carl Alt. Mr. and Mrs. Will BeU, the Zogg young folks, and Louis Gherke, were among those attending the Thanks giving dance Saturday night. The Canning young people were here from Kelso to enjoy the dancing party. Saturday night. , . The Odd Fellows have been ceiling their kitchen the past week and are ir,aking that portion of the hall much more , convenient and comfortable. They will soon have a regular ban-. quet hall. Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Wheeler of Boring were Sunday visitors at the Duke home. Mr. and Mrs. Geoge Perret had the pleasure of entertaining Mr. and Mrs: F. D. Eason, Stearns and Mary, at din ner last Sunday. In the afternoon mus ic was enjoyed. Mrs. W. A. Bell was delightfully surprised last Saturday evening when her husband came home from Hep pner for a week's visit with the fam ily. He reports a great deal of snow around Heppner. Tonight is the big banquet. The LSandy Women's club are going to honor their husbands and each and all of the men have been dieting for days so as to have a good appetite. Mrs. Bertha A. Purcell has been spending considerable time in. Port land recently visiting relatives and friends and attendinng musical af fairs. She was a guest of Judge and Mrs. Gilbert of Portland Heights last week, and also attended the opera given by Portland talent. Mr. and Mrs. John Bickford of To ledo, Wash., drove over to spend Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Thomas, and the Bick fords have also been visiting relat ives at Boring. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boring and sons, of Boring, feasted on Thanks giving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Perret. Mrs. Boring is Mr. Perret's sister. . i Kev. .can cotton was a supper guest at the Miller home and Mrs. C D. Purcell shared the hospitality of their home with him Sunday night. Mr. and' Mrs. Max Kligel believe in keeping young and come up to the Sandy 'dances occasionally. They were here again Saturday night. , Miss Lillian Thomas was out from Portland ' to spend Thanksgiving at home and attended - the dance Satur day night. - ... v . . - Mrs. L. F. Sanderson of San Fran cisco who has been visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Carl Alt and Mrs. J. W. Dixon and other relatives the past two months, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alt and the Dix on families spent a quiet Thanksgiv ing at home, as the roads up that way were almost impassable for cars. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. Dover were out Saturday night from Portland to at tend the dance and were surprise guests of Mrs. Ernest Harris "and Mr. and Mrs. "E. Beers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wendland visit ed Mrs. Katie Koch last Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Koch is feeling fairly well. W. A. Proctor went to 'Oregon City Monday to look after business affairs. Mrs. G. W. Dugger, sister-in-law of Jasper Dugger and mother of John Digger, was out from Portland for two weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Algire and returned home on back with the cable and had a nar row escape from being killed. The wagon bridge on the pipe line road has not been fixed the first of the week and the mail could not be carried only to Crisseys, and the neighbors had ' to walk there and be be their own carries. The telephone repairs between Sandy and Gresham have been rush ed as fast as possible and connec tions may be -finished this week. SANDY SCHOOL NEWS Miss Opal Selby sang in the opera the Masque Ball, that was put on by Portland talent last week. The Kelso school had only one day's vacation at Thanksgiving time," and the children went to school the next day. Mrs. Malar taught on Friday, which was the only room in the building that was buy the day after Thanksgiving. The children in Mrs. Malars room showed a Thanksgiving! kindness to Mrs. Glockner by filling up the wood boxes for her. Mrs. Florence Connersi and Miss Elsie Lippold gave the Miller house hold pleasure by lending themselves as guests at the dinner table last Mon day evening. Miss Ruby Dodd spent her Thanks giving at the Aschoffs at Marmot, re turning Sunday evening. Miss Frances Meinig, Gertrude and Alfred left Sunday for O. A. C- after spending a delightful vacation at home around "turkey eating time.;' The Mitchell boys and Raymond, Mur ray were also home for 'the "fixins" at the home table. Caroline Chown is taking piano lessons from Mrs. Kate Schmitz and enjoys her work very much. Miss, Miller, Miss Lippold and Mrs. Connors all report a good time at their homes daring Thanksgiving vacation. PROFESSIONAL PIRECTORY D. C Latourettb, President ' F. J. Meysr, Casbie The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business - Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M FOR SALE, Jersey-Holstein cow. Right fresh. Second calf. John Holub, Clackamas. One mile south station. ITEMS FROM MARMOT goose dinner at the Herman Miller home Thanksgiving. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith of Clay Center, Kansas, who have been here Mr. and Mrs. Charles Updegrave entertained on Thanksgiving with a big chicken dinner. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Will Up- a month visiting their sons, R. S. and deerave and children, Mrs. Lee and Melvin Smith and families, left Mon-, children of Knappa, Ors., Mr. and Kelliher and others of the The literary club of Marmot had it's second meeting last Saturday evening. The school house was crowded, which showed the splendid spirit with which the people are taking hold. The judges decided in the negative on the ques tion that the 1925 fair will be a benefit to . Oregon, though both sides were well argued. The next question to be debated is that -capital punshment should be abolished. Elijah Coalman and Mrs. Henry Aschoff will be the leaders. A short program was also given which consisted of music, readings and dialogues. The next meeting will be on December S at which time, a Christmas program will be given. The ladies are to bring sandwiches or cake. Miss Maxine Thomas who is attend ing high school at Gresham came home on Tuesdaybefore Thanksgiving to spend the rest of the week with her parents at Marmot. Mr. and Mrs. George Ten Eyck were callers in Sandy and Portland last Friday. Rose, Dora, Lilt. Glen and Miles Ten Eyck visited the home folks over Thanksgiving. Earl Lankins spent Thanksgiving with the Eyck family. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the Count of Clackamas, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Helma Gillespie, deceased. Notice is hereby given that from and after the 2nd day of January 1922, the undersigned administrator of the estate of Helma Gillespie, deceased, will proceed to sell, at private sale for cash or cash and credit, to the high est bidder, all of the following describ ed real property, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12 of Block 100 of the Second Subdi vision of a Portion of Oak Grove, Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. H.-E. Cross judge of the above entitled Court made on the 30th day of November 1921, which order provides the terms of the sale. Said sale to be on the premises. A. E. TROGEN, Administrator. J. DEAN BUTLER, Attorney for Administrator. First publication December 2, 1921. Last publication Decemberf 30, 1921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Sarah B. Cross, deceased, by the County Court cf Clackamas County, Oregon: any and all persons having claims against the said estate must present them to th; undersigned, duly verified as 'by law required at the office of Wm. Ham mond, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. R. S. SMITH, Administrator of the estatie of Sarah B. Cross, Deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for Administrator. First publication .November 18th, 3921. Last publication December 16th. 1921. C. O. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate out Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBY Attomey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. - Over Bank of Oregon City, w Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City. Or Oregon City; Clackamas county. Ore gon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash m hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within named defend ants and each and all of them in the above entitled suit had cn the 15th day or April,. 1916, the date of the n.ort-.i-'asv.- borein foreclosed, tor since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and de cree, inters., costs and accruing costs. Date this 25th day of November, 1.921 W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. First issue, November 25th, 1921. Last issue December 23rd, 1921. : NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ; In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of C'laek.i m.is. John L. Karnopp, riaintiff. , vs. I. F "nv. Exe. utcr -f Wi'land Ktate of Thomas Prince, deee-ied; H. F. Ong and Carrie M. Ong, his wife; Worcester Bank & Trust Compppy, Trustee, a corporation, Harold T. Prince and Marjoria Prince. his wife; William Rees, Guardian of Harold T Prince, Incompetent; J. S. also Ten BORING ITEMS SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. O. F. Cooke, Plaintiff, vs. W. M. Nelson and Lillie M. Nelson, husband and wife, and W. E. Bond and Elizabeth Eond, husband and wife, Defendants. . In the name of the State of Oreeon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed again yoi; in the above entitled suit on or before the 9th day of December, 1921 ,and if you fail, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the. lief demanded in his- complaint, the same being substantially as follows, for a decree against you, and each of you forclosing that certain 'mortgage executed by you on May 29, 1915, and delivered to plaintiff as security for th payment of that certain promis sory note for the sum 052000.00, dat- Siinmons Riid Essie O. Simmons hi-t wffo: Olive M Dnws: Lim v p Vhito ed April 2?' 1915' with Merest at th-j and Chauncey B White, her bus- rate c eint per cent per annum, and band; Ralph A. Simmons and Eva ' oviamg ior reasoname attorneys day for Seattle where they will visit ; Mrs. J. C their other children. Mrs. Bert Lee and two children of Knappa, Ore., are visiting their moth er, Mrs. Susan Kelliher. Mrs. Kellher's husband is out from Portland to spend two months on the ranch with his wife. Mrs. Strue remained with relatives in the Powell Valley feiion after the big family Thanksgiving dinner was over and Mr. Strue went down on Saturday evening to join his family and take them home Sunday night. Mrs. J. M. C. Miller had an all day visit with the Frank Kerr family at their country home on the Bluff road a few days ago. The Kerrs preferred spending their Thanksgiving vacation out here instead of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Duke, C. O. Duke Miss Mary Collier and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lehman were the guests fav ored with an "invite" to ttfe F. A. Proctor home on- Thanksgiving. Tony Pailo and two friends who are working at the gravel crusher were .diners at the Pizzola-Bonitano home Thanksgiving. Tony has a fine voice and entertained by singing grand op era from memory. Miss Pauline Wendland came out from Portland in the storm to spend Thanksgiving with relatives here and had such a nice time it was worth the effort. Mr. Zaster, a resident' of the Snag Camp country, drove down into these parts a few days ago. ' - F. E. Esson, resident engineer, has been reducing the force cf the high way engineering outf if. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chown were in town shopping a few days. ago. Chown has been suffering from muscular rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmitz, Heinle Junker and Fritz Junker were all jazzing around in the big city a few days ago. The Boring Rekebah lodge will hold their annual bazaar on December 3, and all those wishing to buy Xmas presents will find some very pretty gifts, and the prices will be in the reach of all. Mrs. Amy Morand had the misfor tune to cut her right and very severe ly. Mr. Morand is still on crutches but is much improved. A few more cases of small-pox have been reported among the school chil dren. W. E. child w-as one of the unfortun ate ones to be snowbound pn No. 12 at Bridal "Veil, which train left" Portland on Saturday night and was held, in the storm until Tuesday night. Mr. Child was on his way to Arlington and Rock Creek, but had to give up the trip on account of the snow and ice. No word has been received from the Bartlemays since the storm and it is feared they are snowed under at Rock Creek. The home folks are anxiously awaiting news of them. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Palmer were in Portland on a shopping trip on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs.' Lesie Fisher were out from the city to spend Thanksgiving with the home folks. The Tazaar held at the M. E. church recently was well attended, and about seventy dollars was taken in. Updegrave family On Sunday 4he same crowd was en tertained at another fine chicken din ner at the Kelliher home. Cards were played in the evening. , Mr. and Mrs, C. Scharnke and fam ily enjertained Sunday evening at a I home of Mr. and Mrs. J. dinner the following guests: Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. AA1 Mrs. Henry Perret and children, the R. Dittert family, Mr. and Mrs. Kub itza. After dinner cards entertained those present. Mrs. August Hoernicke is moving out -from the city and will be estab lished in the Otto Meinig building for the present. Mrs. Hoernick has not been very well and her daughter, Mrs. Reed, is anxious to have h'er nearer, Miss Mary Junker and her fiance. C. L. Klinefelter, were honor guests at the E. F. Zimmerman home in Portland on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Zim merman is a sister of Mr. Klinefelter. Besides those mentioned Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shipley and Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley of Gresham and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klinefelter of Oswego were present. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Spradlin of Bor ing were visitors at the Mrs. Dodd home the first of the week. Mr. Sprad lin came to see Dr. Williams to seek relief from very bad headaches. The mountain stage leaves at 9 A. M. instead of 7 A. M. according to a late report. Frank Schmitz carries the mail to Cherryville by" team and Geo. Thomas takes it the rest of the way in his machine. Mrs. EL Lohrmann attended the show ex. given on Mrs. C. L. Klinefelter, (Mary. Junker) Monday night. Mrs. Kubitza, also from out of town was present. The husbands amus ed themselves by playing cards while the women were engaged. Ed Allen,, caretaker at the Sandy dam, is recovering from an injury he received when the boom broke from its moorings while the river was rag- Charley Suckow has been suffering ing last week. He was struck in the DEEP CREEK ITEMS Mrs. F. Stfickrott and son Archie took dinner on Thanksgiving at the M. Anderson. Aldrich and fam ily will move to the farm, they have rented at Damascus this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman and chijdren of Barton enjoyed a big Thanksgiving dinner at the D. L. Erd- man home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoffmeister and daughter spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Hoffmeister's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richey. The J. M. Anderson family recently moved into their new home which they are greatly enjoying. Miss (Esther1, -Frank and; Vernon Andersons visited 'at the new Ander son home on Friday evening. Miss Wava Herring, the Deep Creek teacher, spent the week end with her home folks. Mr. and Mrs. D. Erdman and daugh ters Esther and Silva went to Estaca da Saturday night to attend a show, j Mrs. Chas. Bartelman and children , spent Thanksgving day at the W. E. Child home In Boring. , Miss Esther Erdman went to Port land last Sunday where she expects to secure work. . NOTICE School District No. 309 and 62, joint Clackamas and Yamhill county, Ore gon, has two warrants issued to Ada line E. Jones for $85.00 each, dated October 17th and November 14th, and numbered 226 and 230 respectively, of 1919, that are outstanding. The Dis trict has sufficient funds on hand to pay these warrants and interest for same. Interest ceases from this date, November 25, 1921. ELIZABETH H. PARROTT, , , District Clerk. V. Simmons, his wife; William L. Ames, Lucius T. Hayward and Ania. bel E. Hayward. his vife; Ruby Emery Buckle and Harry Buckle, her husband; John Doe, Rich; rd Roe and Allen Poe, Trustees of rii? Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa chusetts; James Doe, Henry Roe and Edwin Poe, Trustees of the Odd Fel lows Home, Wircester, Massachu setts; David Smith, Frank .Jones and George White, Trustees of the Hoiiie. for Aged Men, Worcester, Massachu setts; Mary Smith, Jane Doe and Anna White, Trustees of the Home of Aged Women, Worcester, Masea chuetts; Town of Kingston Massa chusetts a municipal corporation; Ki is-ston oemet ry Association, a corporation; George H. Ward Por.t J No. 10 of Grand Army of the Repub lic, a corporation: and the unknown heirs of Thomas Prince, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any riht, title, estate, lien or interest in the rea'. es tate described in the Complaint herein Defendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in U-e aboveentitledlcause to me directed and dated the 16th day of November, 1921, upon a judgment rendered and entered :n said court on the 7th day of Novem ber, 1921, in favor of John L. Karnopp, plaintiff, and against the defendants Herein, for the sum of 87,50'.00 with in terest at the rate of J per cent p'-r an num from the 15th day of July 192i), tmd the further sum of $500 with inter, est at the rate of 6 per cent per an num from the 7th day of November, 1921, and for the further suml of $111.40 costs .and disburse ments, ?ri the costs of and upon this writ com manding me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, to wit: That certain portion of Sections numbered Seven (7) and Eighteen (IS) in Township Two (2) South of Range Two (2) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, described as fol lows: Bounded by a line beginning at a stone set in the center of the county road leading from Oregon City to Portland, where said road intersects the Northerly boundary line of the James McNary Dona tion Land Claim, wlrch point is South. 45 West 208.39 feet from the quarter section corner between said Section 7 and IS. thence Ncrth 45 East tracing said Mc Nary claim line 27.65 chains to a stone, thence North 46 46 ' West 18.70 chains thence South 45 West 26.19 chains to center of said county road where an iron pipe i? driven for a corner, thence South easterly along center cf county read to the place of beginning, con taining fifty (50) acres, more or less, excepting five and five hun dreths (5.05) acres heretofore con veyed to Peter Nnef by deed re corded in Book 60 of Deeds at page 166 thereof, which said first described tract is now platted un der the name of Hillsdale. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order, decree and order of sale and in compliance with the commands 'of taid writ, I will, on Saturday, the 24th day of December 1921, at" 10 o'clock A. M.. at Front Door of the County Court House in fees in case suit or action be instituted to recover the same, the same being recorded on the 15th day of June. 19 1.", in Book 103 on page 37G. Record of Mortgages for Clackamas County, Ore gon, and covering all of Lot Two (2). in Block Two (2) Gregorys first Addi tion to Molalla. Oregon, being situate in C'ackamas County and State of Ore gon; for the sale'of said property to satisfy the payment of said note, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 22, 1915; for at torneys fees in the sum of $240.00, and for costs and disbursements incurred, and that you, and each of you be bar red of all right, title and interest there in, including dower, courtesy, and claim of dower and courtesy, and from each and every part thereof. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon City Enterprise pursuant to an order made and entered on October 6, 192.1, by Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of thu above entitled court, directing that the same be published not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication thereof. . DJte of first publication October 2X, 1921. Date of last publication, December 9, 1921-- HODGES.& GAY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 525 Gasco Building, Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS No 1S2SS, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas CounJtyr Department No. . . Blanch L. Summerville, Plaintiff, vs. Neil C. Summerville. Defendant. To Neil C. Summerville, the defend ant above named. In the name of the State of Oregou you are hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you in the sbove entitledCourt and cause, .m or before six veks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and tnswer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff and award ing to plaintiff, the custody of Juanita B. Summerville, minor child of plain tiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff such other judgment or de cree as the court may have authority to make and as may seem meet with equity. This summons is served upon you by the publication thereof, in the Ore gon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation -printed and pub lished at Oregon City. Oregon, said publication being- made for six eon secutive weeks, the first.- publication therof, being on Friday, October 21st. 1921. and the last publication thereof, on Friday, December 2nd 1I-21, and you shall appear and answer said Com- plaint 1n any event on or before said . last named date, all in acordance with the order of Hon. J. U.- Campbell. Judge of the above entitled Court, as . entered of record In said cause on the 19th day of October, 1!21. WM. G MARTIN. CAREY F. MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: 413 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon.