OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRiiM;iJCMbaOrTZTr Page 2 NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence Fronj All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During ; The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. , -i -pv t Noble Grand, C- P. M. Boown; Vice- OeVentll Jjregxee IS Grand, WUHam GUligan; Secretary, m i 1 ... i Fred Bartholomew; Treasurer, Ben F. Taken by Grangers Buiiock.. " s Miss Mude Sturgeon was in Port- . land most of last week assisting in ttavtjtj PREEK. Nov. 29. The , . ,t . , j i---' to wiuiig care oi ner iamer, wuo is ustu- Farmers Union mei Dam-uj evening with a good attendance. j The Booster liuu mci x-i iuaj ing and discussed roads and other su-b jects. Imprompu Program ' Given at Redland Thanksgiving services were held gerously ill. She returned to his bed side again Tuesday. Mr .and Mrs. Norman Smedley and daughters, of Portland, were here last Thursday to eat Thanksgiving dinner witw their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Shib- at the Welsh church here and at noon. eyf an(j family. a basket lunch wa senjoyea. j Miss Helen Wooster came home Mrs. Mary Grisenwaite has been-j from the O. A. C. at Corvallis to eat seriously ill for several weeks and does j Thanksgiving dinner with her parents, not seem to improve. ; Mr. -and Mrs. S. E. Wooster, returning Miss Eft-ma Bluhm, who is attending j Sunday. Normal school 'at Monmouth, was at Albert Lichthorn was here from home over the Thanksgiving week Corvallis to visit his parents last Sat- end, Among the members of ' the local grange who attended sessions of the recent National Grange meeting were State Master C. E. Spence, Mrs. (Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Casto, Thomas Davies and Mrs. Hannah Hehn. The latter four were instruct ed in the 7th degree. They report that the work was wonderful and those who did not attend missed a great deal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foglesong spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Foglesong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wetmore of Clarkes. A large crowd attended the Thanks giving dance held at Beacon Heights hall Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Watts entertain ed at Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Watt's sisters and brothers and grandmother, Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Marguerite -Bell and Miss Dor othy Moore of Oregon City spent Mon day visiting at the homes of A. Thom as and J. Schram. Logan Community Social Is Success t LOGAN, Nov. 30. Thanksgiving was very quietly observed here, and in most cases chicken was a substitute for the time honored turkey. Wednesday evening a community so cial and dance was given at the Grange hall . There was a large crowd in at tendance, big, little, old and young who enjoyed themselves as only those can who go or that purpose. Coffee, cake and sandwiches were served. A. Funk, who was demonstrating a large phonograph with an ampliphier attach ment furnished the music. Lower Logan school observed Thanksgiving by appropriate exercises Wednesday afternoon at which time the P. T. A. met yi the atfernoon. A new family has moved into our neighborhood, having rented the Otto Smith place. We have not learned their name but here's welcome. The Clackamas "river that was re cently a wild raging torrent, is once more a peaceful law ahiding stream. Very little real damage however was done. Mrs. A. T. Sloper is entertaining rel atives from: Wisconsin, who arrived here just before the storm, having made the trip the entire distance by auto. They said the best roads they had were in Oregon. They came ex pecting to locate. , Estacada News ESTACADA, Nov. 30. Lorin Ellis spent the Thanksgiving vacation as a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis of Estacada. The Estacada schools closed last Wednesday on account of Thanksgiv ing, resuming work again Monday. Russell Reed was home from O. A. C. to spend Thanksgiving with his mother and sisters. J. "V. Barr's home was the scene of a merry "home coming" last Thurs day, when all the children were there except one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary and chil dren and Mrs. N. B. Ecker drove to Portland last Thursday to eat dinner with the Boyle family. The reunion was complete with the exception" of the son at Independence who was un able to be there. George Hislop spent Thanksgiving with his wife in Portland. The city of Estacada has been put ting in new walks from the grade school house north to the city limits-. The walks are made -of gravel. Miss Francis and Edna Murphy, who are attending school in Portland, spent their Thanksgiving vacation with Estacada relatives Mrs. Earl Shibley and the children will go to Portland to remain at the home of Mrs. Shibley's parents until spring. Mr. Shibley has employment with the company of men working a, iSouth Fork. Mrs. Bessie Ross was here last week visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes. She return ed to Portland Sturday to remain a few days. Mr. Ross is working with the P. R. L. & P. at South Fork., " Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence have vacated by the Shibley family, and will move from their farm at SpYing water. S. E. Wooster has sold his real es tate business to J. P. Woodlye. We un derstand that Wooster is planning on moving from Estacada. Dr. Naff spent Thanksgiving in Portland. Mac Dale, who is attending the North Pacific Dental college m Port land, was here to visit his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale, last Sunday. F M. Gill and wife, of Dufur, Ore gon, spent Thanksgiving with the par ents of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. mv anA nrra F. G. Harkenrider had an their guesfcs Thanksgiving day, Wal ter Paulon, Mr. ad Mr. W. M. Hone ger, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. O'Neal and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paulson. Estaeada Lodge, No. 175, L O. O. F. elected the following officers last Sat urday night at their regular meeting: ' urday. George Lawrence has about recover ed from being injured by a kick from a horse two weeks ago, and manages to get around with the use of a' cane. Misses Vivian and Alma Flexnor and Miss Caroline Rich, and Robert Smith, all of Portland, were guests at the 'W. A. Heylman home Wednesday night and Thursday of last week. . Miss Elner Bews of Portland, visit ed at the W. A, Heylman home last Saturday. ' Miss Mary Malza of River Mill, was married to Mr. A. DeLoreto November 21, at St. Francis church in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H- W. Morgan of Sell wood. Portland, were guests on Thanksgiving day, of Mr. and Mrs. T7p ton H. Gibbs. Dr. and Mrs. Morse were guests of Portland relatives on Thanksgiving day. Married At the home of the bride's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Tannler, of Vic la, November 27, Miss Ida Tannler and Thomas W. Jubb. Rev. Upton H. Gibba was the officiating clergyman, using the prayer book service of the Episco pal church. After the ceremony and congratulations, light refreshments were served. The bride was. becom ing gowned in -white crepe de chine and carried a .bouqut of white carna tions. The bridesmaid was Miss Alma Mattoon and the best man was a brother of the bride, Bennie Tannler. The local order of Rebekahs have elected the following new officers: Noble grand, Mrs. Elva Ahlberg; vice grand, Mrs. .Myrtle McWillis; secre tary, Mrs. Mary Eschleman; treasurer, Mrs. Cordelia Carter. Ted Ahlberg went to Portland Thanksgiving day to attend a musical porgram. Mrs. Ahlberg sold tickets at the depot. There was a good attendance at the Community club last Friday night. As the speaker G. Quails of Portland fail ed to fill his date, Rev. Lacey of the M. E. church was called upon as a sub stitute and very creditably filled the bilL There was a committed appoint ed to confer with the churches in re gard to having a Community Christ mas tree at the park pavilion. The program of the evening was interspers ed with music and was concluded with a lunch of sandwiches and coffee. C. H. Cox, of Colorado, has bought out the Red Front confectionery and pool hall of Charlie Willard and has possession. The family arrived this week and they are keeping house in the rooms over the pool hall. A family gathering at the J. C. Duus home Thanksgiving day, was compos ed of the following: Mr. and Mrs. .N. L. Kirshem and family of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and family of Eagle Creek and John Duus ot Portland. - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore gave a Thanksgiving dinner party Thursday, and the following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff and daughter, Marjorie, Robert Morton, of Portland, Miss Florence Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton of this place. Mrs. Myrtle Belfills and son Albert spent Thanksgiving in Portland. There is to be a meeting of the Farm Bureau of this section, next Mon day at the Family Theatre in Estaca da. Good speakers will be provided and there will be moving pictures ap propriate to the occasion. F. c- Manley, of Seattle, arrived here Saturday to visit his uncle G. W. Craig and has decided to remain and work with the boys at South Fork The marriage of Missi Mable Strunck and Mr. James M.-Clossner took place at the home of the bride's uncle, Walter Strunck, at Springwater, on Thanksgiving day at one o'clock P. M. Rev. weir of Springwater, was the officiating clergyman. Miss Elva Shib ley was the bridesmaid and Joe Erick son was the best man. There were a large number of relatives and friends present. The M. E. Ladies Cooked Food sale takes place Saturday at the Re-Nu-Em parlors next aoor north of Ely's store. In connection, there will be all kinds of articles suitable for Christmas pres ents ,on -sale. REDLAND; Nov 29. Mrs., AJ. I. Hughes was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Stone and family were Oregon City visitors Wednesday. While there they had the misfortune to break the rear part of their Ford, making it necessary for them to leave their car and have some one bring ..them home. ' Misses June Kirchem and Mildred Koch who are attending high school at Oregon City spent the Thanksgiv ing holiday at home. On -Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Allen were host and hostess at thei home when they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allen, of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and children of Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Polehn and little daughter of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen and daughter of Mulino, Miss Grace Hinkle and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Allen and son, Allison. Miss Myers spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her' parents at Willamina. ' Wednesday night November 23, the Redland school 'gave a short program and a pie social. Owing to the lack of time not much of a program could be worked up, but the children are in hopes of having a better entertain ment at Christmas. Mis Mildred Koch, Mr. Hindle, Mr. and Mrs. Agger. Mrs. Brog and Mr. FaJIert were very kind in furnishing numbers on the program. After the program Mr. Fallen sold the pies. Hot coffee and cake were sold by the children. Thru this the school cleared practi cally $24 with which they intend pur chasing a basket ball and a few dhairs. Th people of Redland have been very good in supporting the school. The Redland school has a wonderful school spirit. They are striving to make the better, best. On the last day of ever month a halt holiday is given to any one having a perfect attendance or a record in spell ing.' Those who will enjoy the half holiday this Friday for perfect at tendance are Dorothy and Ethyl La lone, Margaret and Elnora Staats, Gladys, Orville and Wilfred Coop, Buelah and Bruce Phillips, Charles Saalfeld, James Brown. Clifford Haw lett and Clarement Fallert. . Those making a record in spelling are Pansy Coop, Lucien Koch, and Ethi Lalone. Mrs. W.N. Hulse and daughter Miss Stella of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hulse and children of Lents spent Thanksgiving at the Murray Nevill home. Miss Annie Hindle spent the week en dat the Bonney home. Miss Anderson spent her Thanksgiv ing holiday at Linntori, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Brock of Oregon City Sundayed at the A. L. Allen home. C J. Staats transacted business in Oregon City Monday. Frog Pond Grange Votes for Recall FROG POND. Nov. 30. The Tualatin Dinner- Givdn on 12th Anniversary r CARUS, Nov. 28. Bud Weiser and Lou Mueller made U trip to Portland last Wednesday.- Mr. and Mrs. G. R Gwillam and family and Miss Mary Davis ' spent their Thanksgiving at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mills and family" of Butteville. Mrs. A. Beach was -an Oregon, City visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn cel ebrated their 12th wedding anniver sary by giving a family dinner at their home last Thursday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCarthy ana Richad, of Mount Pleasant; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willbanks and son Charlie and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smidt and family. The Farmers Union gave a. supper at the Cams church last Wednesday evening. Fred Josi and daughter Anna mo tored to Oregon c'ty one day last week. Miss Minnie Edwards is doing house work for Mrs. Lou Miller. George Brenner motored to Oregon City last Saturday. Lou. Miller is the proud owner of two horses taking first premiums' at the International Stock Show.- His yearling colt weighing 1470 pounds took first premium in the yearling class, and also the grand champion prize over all. His mare that took first prize weighed 1890 pounds. - Mr. and Mrs. John. Calverly are spending a few days with his mother, sisters and borthers. Miss Minnie Emerson, William Ed wards and George Bliss motored to Oregon City last Saturday. A. Beach made a trip to Portland one day lat week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss and fam ily spent their Thanksgiving at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Faurie and family at Molalla, Fred Jagger was a business caller at Mulno last week. John Kline and Raleigh O'Leary were Oregon City visitors last Satur day. The ladies of Carus met at Mrs. G. R. Gwillam last Tuesday afternoon and spent the time making comforts. A number of Carus people attended the funeral of F. W. Boyd at Oregon City last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher's baby was christened at the New Era church last Sunday afternoon. Miss Jennie and Tjee Bly and "Grandma" Bly were Oregon city vis itors last Saturday. the Needy school a fine address Fri day. ; John Gahler and family spent Thurs day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim jWillson. - Mr. and Mrs. Solon Kinzer spent Thursday evening with Mr. and MrS. L. Spagle. Mr. and Mrs. George Brochart are expected home in a few days from California where they have been the past month. Miss Dade Ritter and Mrs. Fosmark of Portland returned home Sunday after two weeks spent " with their mother Mrs. J. D. Ritter who has been quite sick. . Mr. and Mrs. Solon Kinzer visited at L. Spagles one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Gahler visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Willson one evening last week. . . Chas. Noblitt visited friends in Mo lalla Saturday. - Mrs. Ezra Yoder has a niece visiting her at the present time. The newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder will be at home to their friendsi after November 30 at their Tiome at Needy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Harnack had a family reunion Thanksgiving at their home at Needy. Mrs. Solon Kinzer has returned home after several days spent in Can- by with relatives and friends. The Pudding River Bridge between Hubbard and Needy is out of com mission so the Needy high nave to go to the bridge and be met on the other side by their truck. Mr. Babb had the misfortune to lose one of his horses the other day by gefc ting hurt in the pasture. - Miss Minnie Askins and Miss Bertha Carothers called on Mrs. Maud Les- fault Saturdy. " Mrs. Agnes Watts visited her mother Mrsi. Babbs one day last week. Liss Leila Relter is absent from school on account of illness. Mr. Ginther spent the week end with his family at Oregon 'City. W. M. Tompson is worse again at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wills of Aurora were visiting relatives at Needy over the week end. Thanksgiving Dance " Is Well Attended WILSONVILLE, Nov. 39. The j Thanksgiving day dance given in the O. O. W. W. hall was well attended, and an enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Dorris Young entertained the George Calverly returned home last i members of the Degree of Honor on Saturday afternoon at her Home near week from Mount Hood to spend the winter. Mrs. Nettie Jaggar and son Reed made a trip to Oregon City last Satur day. George Bliss, and A. Beach were callers at Beaver Creek last Friday. Needy News Items NEEDY, Nov. 28. Chas. Noblitt was a Hubbard visitor one day last week. Chas. Spagle entertained a few gentlemen friends last Wednesday. Chas. Hoffman and family spent Thankgiving with their nephew Ernest Theil and family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Potter of Hood River are visiting relatives at .Needy! Mrs. Noblitt was shopping in Hub bard Wednesday. John Schwaber, Sr., has returned home from California. Mir. Ginther had dinffer with J- Spagles ' Thursday. TVTi- and Tl,Tta TlaKlv a i-i olonpii t in tr tl. oc I today with a fine dinner in honor ot i 1111 . i inciiiuci a picaeuu There were two subjects discussed and voted on by the grange. The first was the poll tax and the second the recall of the Clackamas county road bonds. The vote was unanimously in favor of poll tax and the members present all voted in favor of the recall movement. Clarkes News Items CLARKES, Nov. 29. Sam Elmer was replacing the planks the high water washed out on the low places between Berger and Colter last Friday and also between the Buol and Botte miller places. The planks were wash ed out and W. N. and Claud Bottemil ler and R. Caples replaced them on the road so it is passable now. R. Caples started to haul lumber for Moehnke Bros. Monday. He was laid off during the rain. Miss Hazel Lambert of Salem is staying with her sister Mf-s: Ray Jones. Carl Buche hauled lumber last week for the Cook saw milk Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones, Miss Hazel Lambert and Mr. Blackstone were in Oregon City last Saturday. the newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Rode Ritter are enter--taining relatives and friends today. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are visiting with the home folks for a few days. The surprise of our little city wa Wednesday when L. Spagle and wife drove out early for Oregon City with Miss Mary Spagle and John Yoder and now they are Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder. Miss Elizabeth Lang visited with Leila Ritter Tuesday. . The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Lear fault, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fas--mark of Yoderville. Alvin Tompson and Walter Watson were shopping in Needy Monday. Mrs. J. H. Gripp called on Mrs. Nob litt Monday. The Woodburn school is closed this week on account of the teachers' insti tute so the Needy Freshies are having a vacation. Mrs. Askins and daughter Minnie, Mrs. Carothers and daughter Bertha visited with Mrs." Noblitt Tuesday. John Yoder has returned from East ern Oregon 'where he has been the past several months. Wilsonville. The students attending high schools in different towns, who are residents of Wilsonville spent the Thanksgiving week end a, their homes here. Programs appropriate to Thanks giving day traditions were given in the local schools, also at Corral Creek school on Wednesday afternoon. Quite a number of men from Wil sonville were called as witnesses in the trial of San Director at Oregon City last Wednesday. Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Jane Gal breath spent Thanksgiving with rel atives in this vicinity. The river has been very high and the ferry has not been operating for several day a. ; J. J. Thornton has sold 40 acres of the farm he recently purchased, which is known as the Barnhart place. Miss Claire Say, who is teaching at Coltoft. was unable to get home for the Thanksgiving day feast, on ac count of being storm-bound. Mrs. M. C. young was in Corvallis last week in the interest of the De gree of Honor lodge. Aaron McConnell has been- serving as a juror in Oregon City. The social given by the Ladies Aid of the M. E. church was a very suc cessful affair. The program was a splendid one and over $100 was taken in during the afternoon and evening. Your Neighbor Calls His Wife The "General Manager of His Home." But that does not mean that she is the Boss or that he is Hen-pecked far from it. Jt is simply a part of an attract ive plan they have adopted. Every week he gives her a certain sum of money to be used for home expenses. 'She keeps this money in a check ing account and pays it out as she thinks best for the things needed in the home. That mother enjoys planning the home expenses and, she also enjoys the extra pleasures for herself and the whole family that are made possible by her good manage ment. - Do you have a general manager in your home? THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 1BMBER 'FEDERAL RESERVE .SYSTEM, Work Is Donated To Shingle Hall Program Given on Thanksgiving Day MACKSBURG, Nov. 30. The storm though abating none of its force on Thanksgiving day did not prevent its observance in the homes not appar ently in the hearts of our people. The following very pleasing pro gram was rendered by the pupils of the Ely school, under direction of the teacher, Miss Bjorgan, on Saturday evening: Welcome Song Irene Kister Recitation George Eby Eagle Creek News Meadowbrook Items MEADOWBROOK, Nov. 30. Ruben Chindgren who is attending school at O. A. C. spent Thanksgiving at his home. Alfred Burcham of Blodgett visited for two days last week at A. L. Lark ins. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kuula November 20. Miss Lizberg, one of the teachers, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Oregon City.- Mr. and Mrs. John Haino moved m their new house last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Tinhairri have a new baby girl born November 22. Myrtle, Glenn and Allen Larkins spent Thanksgiving at their home. Mrs. Dunrud was in Portland a few days last week visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beaver left Satur day for Portland and then are going to California to spend the winter. A large crowd was out to hear the Literary program given Tuesday night. EAGLE CREEK, Dec. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and family spent Thanksgiving with Salem relatives. Mr and Mrs Fred Hoffmeister and children and John Holey were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haley on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and daughters, Mildred and Florice, spen Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus. Mr and Mrs. Roy Douglass were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Geo. Preister Sunday. Mrs. Baumgartner, the. school teach er, spent the holidays in Portland. "DODGE ITEMS DODGE, Nov. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Colson and family took dinner Sunday at the E. Jochimsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hedges. Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent the Thanks giving holidays at her home at Mar mot. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner and aaugnter namieen took supper on Monday evening at the Fred Horner home, tlfe occasion being David Hom ers sixty-sixth birthday. I"""1""" "iMiimu.nm.mii.n ,, I MONEY TO LOAN I s Farm Loans Preferred I ! PAUL C. FISCHER ! Oregon City i Mrs. Fosmark and son of Portland are spending a few weeks with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ritter. Miss Dade Ritter is staying with her mother Mrs. Ritter who has been quite sick. Mrs." Jim Willson and son Jim, was in Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Belknap visdted rela tives in Sellwood Monday. The little son of Simon Hostler is critically ill at this writing. Mrs. Frank Allby who died Monday at her home at Meridan, was an aunt of Clarence Carothers of Needy. i J. H. Gripp. was in Portland Wed nesday. Miss, Maud Babb, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Babb of Needy was mar ried to Nels Lear fault of Needy. The I Thanksgiving . 12 Pupils "There's No Land Like Oregon" Song . School Recitation Etta Cook Playlet "Dr. Common Sense" Song, "Happy Miller" Little Folks Recitation ! Irene Kister Recitation Gertrude Liebig Exercise Four Boys , "The Three Maids" Lucille Baldwin, Dorothy Roberts Esther Helper Dialogue, Margaret Liebig Delia Dwor- schak. "A Bad Cold"...:.... Delbert Dworschak Playlet "Bridget's Investment" Recitation Edna Matson Song, "America" Audience The exercises were followed by a LAD HILL, Nov. 29. Paul Roberfs, of California, is visiting with -"his father, Joe Roberts, and family. Miss -Ollie Bollard spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Cladys St. Clair. Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCulley took Thanksgiving'dinner in Newberg with the latters mother Mrs. John Raider. Tuesday was shingling day on the new hall. Forty four men responded to the call, they shingled three fourths of the room and would have finished but 'it rained and they. quit work1 at 3:30 P. M. Twenty ladies prepared hot dinner for the men. Mrs. Loucks was kind enough to let them use her house to serve the dinner. The long tables fairly groaned with good things to eat and the men and boys sure enjoyed it. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Case and little son Flcyd spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Case's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiser. A fiirprise party was given Miss Pearl Roberts at her home Thursday evening- Eighteen neighbors and friends were present. Refreshments o cake, salad, pie, sweet cider, nuts and candy were served. The evening was spent in dancing aYid playing cards. Clair Sovey and Leo St. Clair had Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Fred St. Clair. Clair is very busy re pairing the house on his new home formerly known as the old Geer place. Frpnk Schmidt of Camas, Wash, spent the week end in Lad Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Sovey came out from Portland Tuesday to spend the week in Lad Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and family and. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parrish, Mr. and Mrs .Leslie Parrish and Earl Par rish of Fernwood spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. George Smith and family- ook Thanksgiving dinner at the home of H. N. Baker in Fernwood. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kiser spent Sun day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Case. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sutton and daughter Theodosia, went to Portland (Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Theodisa Littlefield return ing Sunday. The Misses Pearl Roberts, Martha Parrott and Gladys St, Clair visited the school Tuesday afternoon. A miscellaneous shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kiser Friday even ing at the home of C M. Kiser. Many useful and. beautiful persents were re ceived. Twenty-four neighbors were present. Refreshments of cake, coffee, fandwiches, candy and pop corn were served. Frank Kiser received word from Oregon City that his sister Mrs. Penn Graham is vry ill and in the hos pital. Mrsi Kiser left for Oregon City Saturday to be wit Mrs. Graham. Theo. Ehkerf of Fernwood spent Sat urday and Sunday with his sister Mrs. George Smith. DAIRY LEAGUE IS GIVEN APPROVAL ' t)F FARM1REAU COOPERATIVE SYSTEM IS ENDORSED Liquidation Referendum is Up to Vote of Members On December 6th The Clackamas County Farm Bur eau has gone on record as supporting the principles of the Co-operative Dairymen's League, which is at pres ent facing dissolution. On December 6 a vote of the members will deter mine whether or not the league will continue to function. In their memorandum, the farm bureau executive committee deplores the "efforts now being made by cer tain elements to dissolve the organ ization," and endorses the. principle of cooperative marketing upon which the league is founded. Causa is Cited Internal dissention and a desire to "rule Or ruin" on the part of outside influences is the reason assigned by K". C. Eldridge,' manager of the league, for the present conditions which have been brought about, he says by those who have no familiarity with the prac tical side of the business. The board of directors has recommended liquid- ation and put the matter up a refer endum of the members of the organ ization. "Hundreds of members" says Mr. Elldridge in his statement of condi tions to the local farm bureaCu, "are against liquidation and in favor of continuing the League, for they realize conditions- that will prevail, conse quent upon dissolution. It is the writers belief that if the League is freed from the old influences it is not only possible to rehabilitate it, but with loyal support of members in suring volume of products ,and with a practical person in charge, respon sible to the members only, I would not consider it a Herculean task to make it a success. Figures Are Submitted "Those who formerly, controlled the - League had their opportunity where all conditions were most favorable. They had the loyalty of 3000 members and all their products, and favorable markets. If they could not make it function properly and yield a proper -return to the producer, then- what could be expected of them now, under the present deplorable conditions. As a basis on which to form an estimate of future prospects, I submit the fol lowing figures: "There is an obligation of $416,000 in preferred stock outstanding. JS0,- OOo of this is held by the League it- sale of baskets in charge of William happy couDle have a hot of friends t Heinz. The proceeds of which. S4B.75. who wish them a long and happy life. are to be used in the purchase of Mr. ana Mrs. Learfault will make their home in Needy. Mrs. Robert Ginther and two chil dren of Oregon City visited the school at Needy Friday and also with her husband. F. W. Parker of Oregon City gave Beaver Bldg CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Is greatly relieved bv constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutions 7 rpm..ilv Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an infl-.med con dition of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness. is the result. Unless the in flammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thus reducing the inflammation and assisting Nature in restoring normal con ditions. Circulars free. All Drnggtata. V. I. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio. school supplies The pupils who have been absent on account of quarantine are to re turn to school at the beginning of the new year. A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Damon last week. The Mothers Club is to meet in the present week at the home of Mrs. Jno. Heinz.- " Mr. and Mrs. Limon Miller, who e expected to be at home in the present week, are evidently waiting for better weather. MISSIONARY SCHEDULE The schedule for the county mis sionary is as follows: Sunday, Dec. 4, Highland. 10:00 A. M.; Clarkes at 11:30 A. M.; Meadowbrook, .3 P. M.; Mulino, 7:30 P. M. LAD HILL ITEMS LAD HILL, NoV. 30.-Clair Sovey, who recently returned from Hood River, is now improving on his Tarm which he recently purchased in this section. This is know nas the Geer self. This represents the plants own- lce- 0 ed by the League. They are,- how- Mr. and Mrs. C. Sutton have arrived I ever, somewhat over capitalized. Ther home from a week-end in Portland. are probably $175,000 in unpaid pools. . Miss Mildred Koch, Mr. Hindle, Mr. ' As resources there are the various the dance given by the Butteville plants and about $45,000 in unsold Grange last Saturday night. Few of products and $65,000 in. accounts re the Lad Hill people attended the ceivable or debts due the League. It dance on account of the river being is my belief that by setting aside the too high. , , pools for two or three years that witd C. S. Kramien, formerly of the fire the resources available the League, bureau of Portland, is back on the with support of members and their farm for the winter. In the Spring he products, could easi!y function pro will again take up his work in Port- perly and pay future pools in full land. . j every sixty days. As the preferred Clair Sovey took dinner with C. H. stock is retired the $80,000 held by Ives last Sunday,, .. x the League would be replaced by Leo St. Clair came home for a short cash and the cash would be available visit Tuesday, returning to Portland to apply on back pools. . "If the League aissuiica, ua mem bers, the producers, will be more a the mercy of unscrupulous competi tors than they were before its organ ization and it is doubtful whether an other organization could be effected in many years to come. I would say vote against dissolution but vote to continue the present League." . Friday. - t , Elks Prairie Items - ELK PRAIRIE, Nov; 28. John Wygle of Crooked Finger, Marion county, was visiting in thia neighbor hood last week. " . Mr. Mazingo has nearly completed his house in the Maple Grove district and will soon move his family there. ROY B. COX HURT Roy B. Cox, owner of the Oregon Glen Gault and Ted Gray went to i City Ice Company, is confined to his town a few days ago. A number of the ! home witn a sprained ankle. Wedjies- neighbors gathered at -the home of Mrsi. txlen Gault . to surprise- her mother Mrs. D. B. Gray who lives near. The event was in honor of her birth day. . , . day, while crossing the Welch Lumber Yard he. stepped on a board, which turned under . his weight, wrenching his ankle. The Injury however is not serious. " ;