Page 8 OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921. UNHHUHIWII IHIHIIUIIIIIUIIUI HiiHHiiuiinHimHuiiuiiHiNnimiiniiuiniHiHiiiiiuiiiitiHHiii GLADSTONE NEWS txnHiiiiiniHmiiiiMinHiiiMitiiiHiHiHiiiiuii Gladstone Council To Fill Vacancies Girls of Gladstone Fete O. C. Guests Ti e city council of Gladstone will be called upon lo elect a new council man very shortly to take the place of ' C. A. Chambers, and peHi&.ps later in the year another to fill the vacancy of H W. Strebig who is planning an extended trip with- his wife abroad. Councilman C- A. Chambers has served several terms as member ol this council and has been connected with the main office of the Pacif in .Cooper ative Poultry Producers in Portland and has accepted the position of man ager of the Idaho office at Caldwell. Mr. Chambers expects to leave for Caldwell. the latter part of the week Mrs Chambers and children will re main in Gladstone until the close of school, when they will dispose ol their attractive home on East Arling ton street and join Mr.. Chambers m Idaho. Councilaiau H. W. Strebig and wife are planning an extended trip which will include a tour of practical ly all Europe. They plan to start early in June and will be away for about a year.' Mr. Strebig cwns and operates ' a meat market in Oregon City which he expects to lease for one year to Karl Kollermeier and George Millke who have had charge of the selling and cutting departments. Mr Strebig has been a very efficient merabfr of the city council f.--r nearly a year. Councilman Chambers de serves much credit for the improve ment of Gladstone during his terms of office, especially for the improve ment made in the Gladstone River park, where two immense garbage, burners have been installed and a comfort station located. The Gladstone W. V. G. girls en tertained the Oregon City W V. G. meubers Friday evening. Mrs. H. H. Hulburt, Mrs. Hardie Com: or and Mrs. I. W Rowan, served refreshments and assisted in entertairing. Miss. Laura Erenner and Miss Genevieve Evor. were guests of honor. Miss V.1 .ers of the Portland Chinese Missions gave a very interesting talk. Miss Vaughn gave an instructive resume of the principles of the campfire girls. The Whitney Boys Chorus are pro gressing nicely under the leadership of Piof. J. V Leonhardt. The charuy meets promptly at 7 o'clock each Mon day evening at the school house. Mrs. Thomas E. Gault, Mrs. Frank Mirandu, and Mrs. Frank Oswald are assisting with the chorus home was prettily decorated with fall flowers and fern, the large centerpiece was of pink carnations delicious re freshments were served by the hostess who was assisted by -Mrs. Vernon Swift. During the afternr.on musical selections by Elizabeth Ann Hoss and Dorclhy Dickey, were er.joyed. Ernes tine Dickey say very sweetly "I Spy You" with her sister Dorothy at the piar-.o. Gladstone Locals Meetings Held By Gladstone Church The Gladstone Baptist church is holding a sotie of ev;:nge"istic meet ings, beginning Nov. 20 with Re. Geo. M. Lehigh, D. D, pastor of the First. Baptist church of Olyrppia, Wash., do ing lhe preaching. Dr. Lehigh recent ly resigned the First Baptist church of rhoenix, Ariz., with a membership of nearly 1000, and has accepted the pastorate of lhe First Baptist church of Olympia. Rev Lebigh is a fine speaker and we feel that all who hear him will be pleased wirh his message. Mrs. M. E. Turner Is Euterpian Hostess Mrs. M- F. Turner entertained th members of the Euterpian club at her home on West Clackamas boulevard ' a ternoon in a rr-Oa'. :ng. manner. lne turner nome wa prettily decorated with fall llowers and ferns. The hostess, was assisted in serving a most delicious luncheon, at one o'clock, by her '. ister, Mrs. Du bois of Vancouver. Wash. The arma ment question from each nation's : tanupoint. was dis-cussfd by the la dies The Opera studied was "Leo llugt nuia Mrs. Victor bad charge of the Art study and for the afternoon took up "Yalasoue " Mis. Eugene Noon Good sang "The Pages Song, ' with Mrs. Frank Miranda at "ur pianc. Mr?. J. W. Leonhardt san "To You Mj- Lord the Creeting Is," playing her own aceompaiiimenr. Those enjoying Mrs Turner's hospi tality were Mrs. William Hammon I, Mrs Eugene Noon iGood, Mrs Frank Oswald. Mrs. J. W. LeonharrJt, Mrs. Thomas E Gault, Mrs. Victor Gault. Mrs. W. E Hempstead. Mrs. J. Nash, Mrs. L. A. Read, Mrs. R. M. Mc Getchie. Mrs. A F. Parker, Mrs. F. 1". Nelson, Mrs. Frank Miranda, and Mrs Ernest DuHois of Vancouver. Wash The "Red Cross" class of the Chris tian church will hold a cooked food sa'e at Patterson Brothers store, Sat urday afternoon, Mrs. F. D Ellis, teacher of the class will have charge of the affair. Christian Church Meetings Success The Gladstone Christian church has closed a most successful series of re vival metin?s which began October "0, and closed November 20. These meetings were conducted y Rev. George Williams.. Mrs. as sisted at the piano and the 'pecial music was in charge of Garland Holl owell. Rev. and Mrs. Williams will g.j from here to hold meetings at the Ol i Central church which is located six miles east of Albany. Rev. and Mrs Williams have won a host of friends here by their wonderful personality and sincerity. W ashington Teacher Gladstone Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duninire and children were guests of the latter's sister, Mi s. '"'h-irles Hatten at. Carver during the week. Ray Dallas was a business visitor in Gladstone Saturday. Mr. Dallas recently finished digging a large crop of fine potatoes.. Professor and Mrs. J. H Gary and daughter Lucile arrived in Gladstone Thursday makirg the trip from their home at Huson, Wash., by automobile While here they are the house guests of Tudge and Mrs. H. E. Cress. Prof, and Mrs. Gary are very well 'snov-n and Gladstone for many years. lTof Gray was first principal of the Park place high school which was one of the best in the state at that time. At present they are taking charge cf their fruit farm at Husum, Wash., and hava just finished marketing their jruii. Mrs. Charles Dickey Entertains W. C. T. U. Mrs. Charles llickey enteitaiced Mouday afternoon with a silver tea for the benefit of the W C. T. U. drive for funds for the purpose 'f buildisii a ci,ildrer's farm horr.. e for the care of orphans who cannot be placed in permanent homes. The quota cf Clackamas county has been placed at $3200. The home is endorsed by the Child Welfare board, lhe Dickey The ladies of the Baptist church art planning a bazaar to be given at th-; church December Sth. A roast chick en supper will he t-erved. Mrs. Mack Rivers is chairman of this committee. Mrs. L. H. Strickland has returned to her home in Gladstone after a most delightful two months' viit with her son. Horace Strickland, and family, in Fossil, Or. Mrs Strickland was much" pleased with her visit and says they had a lovely fall there; no rain dur ing her visit Mrs. Strickland wa.s eericusly hurt in a street car some time ago, but is much improved in health at present. Mrs. Chester Prater is quite ill the Good Samaritan hospital in Port land Chester Prater is very well known here and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prater of East Arlington. Rev. and Mrs. P.. F. Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Gault and Rev. and Mrs. George Williams were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Sanders of Portland recently. The Gladstone library will be open Friday afternoon irom 2 until 5 o'clock with Mrs. Frank Miranda, librarian in charge. The new home being built by Harry Peckover at the nortjh. end of Glad-:,tone-Parkplaee bridge, in Parkplace. is being rushed through while the weather is fine This is to be one of the most modern homes onthe river. Mrs. J. Blake Bcwland is confined to her home with a severe cold. Rev. George Williams and Rev. B. F. clay spent Saturday in a social and business way- in Mulino, and on Mon day motored Ur Cornelius, Oregon, where they s; ent the day wirh the U tter's son, S. F. Clay, who was fo-m- erly light editor ."f the Morning En terprise. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freytag' and little daughter, Reva of Portland sp3nt lhe week-end in Gladstone and Ore gon City.. Mr. Freytag was formerly in business here. The heavy rains cf Saturday and Sunday have so swollen the Clacka mas river as to wash out the false work put in preparatory to wrecking the old Gladstone-Parkplace bridge. Contractor-Foreman Foster says the liver raised fully six feet Saturday night. Although it rained continuous ly for more than SO hours no Ice was ;n evidence. Portland experienced a silver thaw doing much damage to the evergreen trees and cottonwoods. Mrs. John Kent attended the Na tion:;! (frange which was held in Port land last week. Mrs. Kent has been overseer of the Abernethy Grange for lhe past ten years. Mr. and Mrs. Fldon Aildredge ar- iellies and home-made cookies were made for the benefit of the Old peo ples borne at Walla Walla. This is an example of what this class is do ing. The name of the clas3 is "I n Helping Hand" and then class nmtto is "The clasp of the friendly hand " Mrs Clay is a most enthusiastic work- r a.-id takes an active part in all their vvirk. Mr. and Mrs Edward Rauch are planning to entertain the members of the Peckiver family at u femily re union dinner, Thanksgiving day. This I will be the first dinner party given iu lhe lecently coniplot3d heme Mr. and Mrs. Claud Binder a n i little son. Oordc n, have returned fn-.-i a two week visit with t:ie lormais parents in Tortland. Contractor F. P. Nelson h-w tart?i the basement f or tl e new home to be built for Prof. J. W. Leonhardt on East Exter street adjoining the Hcllings worth home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag, Miss Alice Freytag and Ernest Freytag were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. O. A Pace Sunday. The County Court (Too Late for Last Week) ' GENERAL ROADS Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., 5.58; :J. I. Case Threshine- Machine O.n $9.50; Howard-Cooper Corporation, ?14'22 $17.95; C. T. Blackburn, $.56; Alfred Hauglum, $5.00; Milwaukie Fuel & planning to attendthe reunion of the Aildredge family m Oregon City cn Tharksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legier ' and daughter Mildred spent Sunday ir. Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leg ler. Mrs. Clay's Sunday school class held a cooked food sale at Patterson's con fectionary store Saturday afterno in. A neat sum was realized which was used to buy material to be made up into suitable articles for sale at th-: bazaar which will be later at the church. The ladies of the Abernethy Grange are giving a bazaar at the Granga hall Saturday, November ?6. A caft teria supper will be served by the adies of the Work Club. The members of Mrs B. F. Clay' Sunday school class held a most en joyable meeting at the home of Mrs. F. D. Ellis. Large donations of fruit. im. jf-. AM 1 1 i'l!!!l'!l Stilll!!! H ll il i ilSi! Kl I H I.I You' Prinem Albert is mold in toppy red hagm, tidy rmd tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass hum id or with sponge top. : s-. Ti'it4i- if.wJVlv.""?Y-4v 3 get someiviiere with a pipe and P. A.! Start fresh all over again at the beginning! Get a pipe! and forget every smoke experience you eyer Had that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of smokejoy you ever registered! It's a revelation! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe ! We tell you that you can and just have the time of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince Albert for packing! What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! Gee but you'll have a lot of fun rolling 'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, N.C. LlQ)l& the national Joy smoke Feed Co., $2.25; Standard Oil Com pany, $1744.96; Beaver Creek Cash Exchange, $2.00; Inland Auto Co., $4 70; V.. C. Jackson, $.75; Milwakuie Garage, $107.04; Frank Busch, $63.65 Cascade Garage, $14.00; Wilsonville Garage, $24.68; Gladstone Water Works, $3.75; William Mackrell, $2. 25; Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., $7 6o; Frank Hopp, $10.50; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $539.75; Oregon City Foundry, $49.10; H. E. Cowgill $9.18; T. A. Dundas, $16250; Oregon State Highway Commission, $66.92; Nancy J. Engle, $1033.45; Oregon City Cabinet Works, $4.50; The Beebe-Ull-fers Co., $7.16; Edlefsen Fuel Com pany of California, $19.18; Russel Grader Mfg. Co., $43.00; W. Waldorf, $2.25; The Good Roads Machinery Co., $59.38 ; Howard-Cooper Corporation $163.51; The Pacific Telephone & Tel egraph Company, $9.80; East Side Mill & Lumber Company, $62.57; M. D. Say, $100.00; Carlton & Rosen- krans Co., $27.20; Wilsonville Garage, $3.00; Pope & Co., $2.45; S. F. Scrip ture, $22.75; Abe Gilbert, $226.58; F. Thomas, $6.60; C. M. Rolljns, $10.00; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $134- 75; A. M. Vineyard, $93.00; F. H Cross, $.80; Mrs. G. H Cattley, $00. 00; G Friedrich, $34.10; C. A. Frost, $92.69; C W. Richardson, $94.04; W. S. Gorbett, $12.75; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., 7.25; H. E. Cross,' $10.00; F. Madden & Co., $24.48; Jos F. Nel son, $66.00; Edward Rose Kilgallon, $50.00; O. P Hoff, $10.00; A. C. Erick son, $10.15; C. G. Norris, $13.10; Miller-Porker Co., $3.25; The Hult Manu facturing Company, $74.31; E. James, $24.43; O. Frost, $34.40; T. C. Thom as, $83.61; A. C Scheer, $68.47; El don Swick, $78.29; L. W. Davies, $40. 96; .Albert Scheer, $53.34; J. A. Wor sham, $5.23; John Mymore, $1.74; J. H. Margesen, $107.90; C. M. Griffith, $43.40; C Miller, $36.65; C. Henrici, $20.19; C. E. Battin, $11.96; H. A. Battin, $11.96; Wm. Young, $8.97; W. H. Counsell, $17.96; Dan Mazzie, $14. 98; Otto Striker, $19.95; W. S. Gor bett, $19.95; Hanning Klang, $15.95; Chilcote W. N., $21.70; Dick Wells, $4.85; W. Myers, $52.89; B. O. Crack erberger, $3.79; C. A. Wallacefi $141. 01; Ed Anderson, $67.06; Earl Starks, $102.28; Ed Rundle, $95.02; O. C. Klinger, $72.35; W. B. Caffee, $66.56; R L. Adkins, $11.18; H. Green, $24.31; O. F. Klinger, $24.67; V. Stuman, $13.-i 97; Lee Woods, $5.99; Wm. Chilcothe, $13.47; Walter Henrici, $87.78; Albert Sheer, $11.95; T. G. Munson, $95.86; Chas. Melike, $5.98; Julius Bogdon, $8.97; Louis Bogdon, $8.97; Mat Yog man, $4.99; A. Eiman, $2.99; Stanford Cox, $17.97; A. W. Bogdon, $17.97; E. Beers, $75.48; Dick Striker, $75.48; Carl Laundree, $52.79; Wm. Braatz, $36.19; Vance Sterman, $81.33; Dick Reynolds, $74.84; C. Calahan, $44.50; A Dickenson, $51.61; Alfred Wright, $47.48; Jo Nordling, $102.50; Sam Hol- steen, $95.87; Lee Wood, $103.36; Ona Klinger, $74.90; J. L. Babcock, $7.49; Henry H. Dahl, $74.89; W. W. Chil cote, $112.34; Dalbert Fisher, $53.09; Clarence Jubb, $103.36; John Hard ing, $67.41; John Sterman, $31.03; U, Kimmel, $22.47; Beaver Creek Cash Exchange, $20.00; C. L. Shaw, $8.55; Oswego Transfer, $2.50; Beaver Creek Garage, $45.61; Frank Busch, $53.45; H. J. Hamlet, $7.17; C. V. Carmichael, $15.40; Jones Lumber Co, $164.40; Pa cific Highway Garage, $20.55; Hawley Pulp and Paper Co., $21.30; Portland Bolt & Mfg. Co., $31.19; Ridge Lum ber Co., $7.09; Oregon Portland Ce ment Co., $5.75; Fred Schaffer, $11.- 45; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co, $9.19; S. F. Scripture, $27.75; George's Cash Store, $4.67; Inland Auto Co., $3.30; J. S. Fisher, $525.55; F. Miller & Sons, $8.90; Hogg Bros., $18.35; Ora Slyter, $16.38; Bluhm,& Moehnke, $130.87; D. L. Trullinger, $473.86; Parker & Banfield, $12739.63; Shade Long, $23.96; Edw. Feyrer, $17. 96; Edd Kyllo, $11.96; Clyde Pendle ton, $4.48; Earl Hunter, $8.97; Milt! Hockenberry, $11.96 ; Jack Feyrer, $2.- 99; D. E Pendleton, $3.73; J. W. Standinger, $5.98; O. W. Hattan, $5. 98; Clark Mumpower, $5.98; W. E. Mumpower, $8.98; J. W. Baer, $41.93; Ralph Baty, $39.68; Rex Stubbs, $38.- 93; D. H. Ramsby, $1196; S. J. Vaugh- an, $20.93; Hugh Cutting, $14.95: W. H. Engle, $20.93; Herbert Shepherd, $8.97; Hub Bowman, $5.98; John Kery, $5.99; M. F. Day, $1.49; Wm. Gigher, $1.49; Bud Jackson, $1.49; C. F. Jackson, $2.24; M. Krause, $2.99; George Krause, $2.24; Rudolf Klaus, $4.49; L. E. Jacobs, $17.97; E. K. White, $51.87; W. E. Dimick, $32.89; S. Cramn, $23.92; W. Barnes, $32.14; W Burkert, $5.99; C. W. Owings, $10. 08; J. Brickey, $10.08; Bud Kent, $10. 08; D. Swanson, $4.48;" L Rail, $22. 45; S Cramn, $14.97; Benj. Prather, $14.00; L. Graham, $15.00; J. C. Brew er, $13.45; Forest E .Mills, $22.45; W. Dibble, $14.95; Fred Backert, $5.98; F. Furgeson, $3.49; J. R. Livesay, $3. 49; Chas. Livesay, $3.49: John Heft, $97.86; Alvion Heft, $45.37; Earl Strong, $13.96; Jim Hanson, $34.90; C. Dickerson, $14.95; E. Strong, $24. 43; E. Nash, $24.43; Jack Fryer, $35. 97; O. M. Olds, $146.79; A. Leaf, $44. 91; G -Harvey, $37.42; B. Wanless, $65.10; M. Danker; $75.03; S. H. Wan ker, $61.07; A. Wanker, $69.80; W. Wanker, $66.31; E. James, .$9.97; O. Frost, $7.98; L. W. Davies, $6.73: T. C Thomas, $2.24; Otto Striker, $58.02; W. S. Gorbett, $58.02; Hanning Klang, $36.42; P. E. Bonnev. $4.99. MARKET ROADS No. 1 Canby Hardware & Imple ment Co., $14.80; Standard Oil Com pany, $6.S5; The Good Roads Machin ery Co., $8.50; Howard-Cooper Corpor ation, $76.10; Oregon City Foundry, 5?.25; Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., ipS.OO; D. T. Meldrum, $11.70; Ora Johnson Slyter, $32.25; Anton Paveletz, $50.62; D. R. Dimick, $83.73; George Koeh ler, $74.85; Milt Trullinger, $93.75; John Heino, $28.40; Isaac Hellbacka, $43.35; Arno Hellbacka, $40.36; Wm. Miettunen, $11.96; Larce Miettunen, $45.58; John Miettunen, $15.69; P. F. Putz, $46.93; Alford Danielson, $83. 89; Arthur Dunrud, $88.34; John Cal lahan, $88.34; Jake Tianhaara, $82. 35; Tom Johanson, $85.35; T. F. Fel lows, $56.90; J. W. Garrett, $74.90; Charley Ogelsby, $5.99; Frank Vau ghn, $16.47; Herb Shepard, $6.72; John Shephard, $11.22 ; John Comer, ;" W. S. Gorbet, $.49; Dave Will iams, $.86; A. wetmore, $72.14; G. E. LaSalle, $69.96; J. Heinrich, $70.82; S Ramsby, $88.47; Geo. Pennell, $32. 65; J. W. Miles, $14.97. NO. 2 The People's Store, $14.45; The Estacada Telephone & Telegraph Company, $2.20; Frank Busch, $153. 70; Oregon City Foundry, $33.05; Paul R. Meinig, $131.95; Yocum Lumber Co., $76.19; A. Mather, $385.26; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $522.87;. D. T. Meldrum, $38.00; W. C. Cowgill, $26.- 50; P R L & P Co. $2.19; Rendleman & Klinker, $56.27; Willie Lins, $11.63; J. W. Miller, $4.25; Raker & Son, $7.- 00; Smith & Hardware Co., $5.49; Wm. Rhoades, $.95; J. O. Tunnell, $39.00! Roy Miller, $3.00; Road Build ers" Equipment Co. $27.83; Lewis Welch, $50.00; H. H. Udell, H. R. Dev lin, $31.39; Guy Wilcox, $13.45; Jay Morrison, $31.39; Irvin Updegrave, $25.41; A. W. Anderson, $29.90; Her bert Udell, $31.39; John Affolter, $2. 99; Raymond DeShazer, $14.95; H. L. Shaw,, $20.93; Charley Updegrave, $17.94; Ralph Chaney, $88.77; C. W. Rendleman, $84.78; J. K Peterson. $62.78; O P. Califf, $71.75; Ted Hard ers, $70.79; - Frank Marshall, $55.31; John Marshall, $64.28; Clarence Gu ber, $2.99; Gus. Zweirman, $59.80; Mi lo M. Meader, $59.04; Louis Weisefn fluh, $55.31; Chris Klinker, $50.08; Al bert Lins, $65.03; Berge Torkleson, $116.74; A. H. Miller, $129.74; Frank Ochs, $31.39; Mark Doryland, $50.83; Louis Ritzen, $32.89; Frank Rhoades, $44.85; Elmer Marshall, $1.99; Wm. Rhoades, $59.80; Calvin Beebe, $47. 84; Howard Califf, $13.93; Ernest Marshall, $49.33; Frank Goelet, $58.- 30; Gilbert Califf, $3.98; Albert Adlon, $50.83; Roy Maxwell, $55.31; Frank Howard, $37.37; Norman Tracey, $65. 89; Jack Jones. $113.81; Hess Tracey, $35.94; L. J. Rucker, $59.90; Leo Rath, $71.88; George DeShields, $29.95; A. Dodson, $151.24; Henry Schmidt, $59.- 90; J. W. Lee, $68.88; Pefcer Ruhl, $65.89; Ed. Guber, $5.99; Chas. Kauf man, $47.92; J. R. Reed, $110.90; Ot to Paulsen, $17.97; Wm. Held, $17.97; i Fred Lins, $29.84; Wm. Lins, $20.96;; Henry Klinker, $7.48; H. H. Johnson, I $46.14; J. C. Sullivan, $24.95; Chas. Simmons, $19.20; W. C. Cowgill, Jr $71.83; J. W. Miles, $14.97; John Heft, $83.88; Alvion Heft, $41.88; J. Han son, $41.88; E. Strong, $41.88; E. Nash, $41.88: B. Perry, $41.88; A. Perry, $41.88. NO. 3 P. R. L. & P. Co., $226.80 D. T. Meldrum, $13.90; Schuld Bros., $365.00; Edd Douglass, $555.24; Fred Hoffmeister, $2.99; W. H. Douglass, $28.92; T. Cluster, $2.99; W. R. Hay den, $2.99; Roy Douglass, $7.48; J. W. Cahill, $77.74. NO. 4 A. Mather, $86.22; H. H. Johnson, $2.40; Pacific Highway Gar age, $1.90; D. T. Meldrum, $9.30; E. B. Sappington Co., $877.80; Frank Busch, $3.40; Willamette Truck Service, $10. 50; Geo. N. Gill, $6.42; Ernest Wilke, $8.97; Louis Schaber, $1.49; John Rai- cy, $56.12; J. A. Bushbaum, $1.49; Au gust Ek, $2.99; C. C. Schroeder, $53. 90; A. H. Borland, $83.78; Lee Bor land, $35.88; Henry Koch, $65.89; Lyle Tiedeman, $65.89; William Old- enstadt, $32.89; A. W. Borland, $29. 90; eGoreg Saum, $7.47; George Ra- bic, $20.96; Lloyd Wanker, $17.97; H. M. Borland, $5.99; H. H. Johnson, $7. 69; J. C. Sullivan, $4.99; Chas. Sim mons, $3.84. NO. 5 W. C. Cowgill, Jr. $7.20; D. T. Meldrum, $20.10; Lane & Pasaneu, $1306.82; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $13.06; J. W. Miles, $4.99; Chas. Simmons. $7.- 68. NO. 6 W. F. Haberlach, $175.25; D. T. Meldrum, $14.70; W. C. Cowgill, Jr. $63.57; S. L. Parrott, $15.69; J. A. j Parrott, $16.44; Louis Parrott, $20.- 93; NO. 7 A. M. & E. A. Mowory, $40.- 50; C. J. Hewitt, $2.50; A. Mather, $42.01; George's Cash Store, $1.75; D T. Meldrum, $15.60; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $44.66; Joe Lilly, $96.53; C. J. Lang, $74.30; J. L. Heddin, $55.- 67; Ivin Brown, $78.29; Herman Bron- ner, $52.68; H. J. Jones, $33.25; Joe Cramer, $30.26; W. C. Smith, $33.25; H. J. Andrews, $41.10; Glen Andrews, $56.05; C. C. Hull. $30.26; F. L. Frye, $30.26; Emit Chrictensen, $1.49; G. B. Davidson, $56.05; Roy Quick, $27.27; Arnold Krebs, $21.29; F. Hatton, $20. 17; Geo Forman, $119.86; Alvion John son, $35.21; W. H. Stone, $40.36; L. L. Lake, $44.09; Columbia Brick Works, $23.46; S. McCracken, $13.82; C. H. Boiler, $16.06; Lee Anderson, $3.00; Ekstrom, $585.09; S. L. Mullan, $270.71; P. Schuld, $140.96; Ed Olds, $137.45; C. B. Johnson, $9.98; Axel Fridson, $7.98; Erick Hanson, $7.98; C. C. Hull, $5.98; Frank Frye, $25. 78; O. J. McQuaw. $10.83; A. Johnson, $2.99; L. Lake, $5.98; C. Bailer, $5. 98: L. Odell, $11.96; W. E. Marlow, !$8.97; H. Ackerson, $8.97; F. Carlson, ' $5.98; E. Borling, $2.99; C. B. John !son, $89.80; Axel Fridsen, $71.80; Er jick Hanson, $71.80; J. M. Todd, $32. 89; C. C. Hull. $20.91; S. Miller, $10.-j 46: C. V. Smith, $17.96; C. Henrici,1 $67.35; W. C. Cowgill, $6.83; J. W. Miles, $J4.95; J. C. Sullivan. $4.99,-: Chas. Simmons, ?3.84; Geo. Pennsll, $78.36; D. T. Meldrum, $10.00; H. H. $128.28; J. -C. Sullivan, $59.- 88; Chas Simmons, $42.24; J. W. Mi- Taylor, les, $29.94- BOND ROADS 2-B A. Bauman, $50.00; Oswego Transfer, $34.42; Frank Busch, $10.21; A. Mather, $181.93; V. C. Jackson, $3. 50; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $75. 17; Standard Oil Company, $1512.25; J. Bickner & Sons, $2.40; C. B. John son, Theodore Streem, Charles Free- holm. Oscar Pearson. S. Ridan and I. sent) Johnson. $1458.32; The Good Roads i $12.00 ice McKinnon, $39.78: I 'D $44.00; W. J. Wilson. Wort ' PROHIBITION Henry Hushes, $15.00; H. H. Hughes, $33.50; North western Law & Order League. $11S.25. POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; BoVs & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; Dock Mo sier, $17.50; Anna Wetterlin, $10.00; Mrs. Sarah Soloman, $15.00; Mrs Eli zabeth Saunders, $5.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner) $1000; Lillian M. Johnson, $15.00; Geo. H. Newsomei $15.00; Ada LaBaw, fS.CO; Katie Plu ard, $10.00; Wallace R. Telford (Mi chael Boyles), $12.00; Cheney & Doo little (Wm. Dickelmpn) $15.00- inhn & Wm. Beers, $20.00; Mary Lock, $10. 00; Dennis Donovrn (Dick Myers) $30.00; J. G. Wake, $15.00; W. J. Wood, $12.00; . W. Hitchman (Ole Josendall, John Morris and August Johnson), $75.00; Mrs. S. Beckman (Ben Munson), $25.00; Ben Landis, $20.00; Fred Wyder, $12.00; -W. W. Keebaugh (James Seehorn), $6.67; Elmer Earls, (James Seehorn), $18. 33; P. J. Winkel (Albert Veisen) $10. 00; Hilda Granquist. $15.00; Martha Castile, $25.00; Maud Williams, $20. 00; Walter Howland, $30.00; Andrew Lund, $15.00; Lila Himler" (Mathe- $30.00; Thos. I. Fredenburg, Frank Busch (Thomas), $22.- Machinery Company, $833.45; T. Sell wood, $621.18; A. Henrich, $602.58: L. Indezzi, $32.89; E. J. Erickson.- $32. 89; C. M. Roberts, $102.27; R. Kruse, $6.99; A. Worthington, $224.25; B. L. Casb; $38.39; R. E. Robbins. R. Irving, $38.44; H. Cromer, $112.27; S. Stone, $62.91; Amos Eligenson, $107.74; O. Worthington, $107.74; E. M. Locker ,$80.25; R. E. Robbins, $6. 98. 9-A &Fairbanks, Morse & Co., $2. 19; Philip Hult, $2.15; Sam Johnson, $6.00; Sam Johnson, $58.00; H. Klang, J7.00; G. Kriedrich, $7.87; Erickson & 19; A. B. Buckles (G. R. Smith), $5. 00; Laura Burns (Lewis R. Burns), $50.00; Jones Drug Co., $30.20; H. E. Cross (Mrs. Amanda Holm), $20.00; Mrs. D. W. Griffin, (Beers Bros.), $6.- $32.89; i""' uregon city wospitai (snerer, uent, Hemming, seenorn, McUoule), $84.00; J. Bickner & Sons (McKean), $10.00; E. H. Hitchman (John Meline) $10.33; Ole Oleson (H. Sturdivant.) $30.00; A. G. Homes (Holm), $10.00 International Sales & Produce Co., (Mrs. "Roberts), $10.00; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $2.24; John Schock (W. Dickleman), $9.50; W. A. Holmes (Me- Co., $1.10; Pacific Phone: Office 52 . Residence 304-M CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Lawyer Oregon City, Ore. Co., $2.30; C. V. Carmichael. $9.00 Oregon State Highway Commission, $7.16; Pacific Highway Garage, $8.57; John McHolick, $677.20; R. F. Watts, $74.08; C. Pelter, $69.59; Eli Swales, $51.37; C. Biggins, $32.89; H. R. Haw ley, $25.41; John McKinzy. $7.47; Drexal White, $32.27; J. C. Hugill; $58.36; Andrew Nelson, $23.96: Geo. Kitzmiller, $82.34; John McHolick, $1542.80. GENERAL FUND ELECTION Oregon City Enter prise, $5.50. SHERIFF Western Uinon Tele rgaph Company, $.68; H. H. Hughes, $84.50; Wm. J. Wilson, $16.50; L. A. Rail, $4.00: Oregon City Enterprise, $.80. CLERK Jones Dru County Clerk, $12.00. RECORDER Elliott-Fisher Com pany, $5.50; Oregon City Enterprise, $15.00; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $.35; County Recorder, $6.00. ASSESSOR Clackamas Countv News, $3.00. COUNTY COURT Miller-Parker Co. $1.00; Banner-Courier, $80.55; W. F. Harris, $85.00; W. A. Proctor, $75. 00; H. E. Cross. $30.00. COURT HOUSE Board of Water Commissioners, $20.10; Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Company, $69.50. CIRCUIT COURT Ernest Stanifer, $2.20; Leo Litz, $2.20; A. N. Lilly. $2. 20; Ed Dungey, $2.20; Lee Skillman, $2.20; Chas. Sievers, $15.00; H. A. Thatcher, $4.40; W. E. Drennen, $4. 40; Lee Caldwell, $4.40; J. A. Sorrell, $4.40; J. D. Gosney, $4.40; Walter Bennett, $2.20; M. C. Strickland, $2 20; Mrs. J. L. Biggs, $4.40; Martha Addington, $5.50; Carl J. Long, $3. 60; W. W. Pollock, $2.20; E. E. Add ington, $5.00; Alice Smith, $3.20; Ber nard J. Berg, $5.00; Andrew Graham, $5.80; Robt. L. Blanchard, $3.40; John Ellsworth, $7.80; A. J. Morrison, $9. 00; J. C. Bradley, $3.20. JUSTICE OF PEACE H. H. - Hu ghes, $5.00; Ralph J. Eddy, $1.20; T. C. Howell, $1.60; Roy B. Cox, $1.20; F. W. Humphrys, $1.20; James Roake, $1.20; A. L. Beattie, $1.20; Lee Bat tin, $2.90; Maurice Battin, $2.90; Geo. A. Otty, $2.90; Jack Battin, $2.90; Louis Viar, $2.90; Allen Webster. $2. 90; C. A. Frost, $2.10; Jack Veness, $2.10; Harlan Weddle, $2.10; E. L. Johnson, $1.20; Dave Lund, $1.20; R. Petzold, $1.20; W. S. Eddy, $1.20; P. S. Finucane, $1.20; Dave Lund, $1. 20; R. Petzold, $1.20; W. S. Eddy, $1.20; P. S. Finucane, $1.20; C. Guy nes, $1.20; J. W. Julian, $11.00; Ore gon City Enterprise, $8.70; F. E. Lowe, $12.00; E. J. Noble, $105.45; Ed Fortune, $58.70. CORONER O. A. Pace, $10.00; Holman & Peace, $4L00; Dr. M. C Strickland, $5.00; Dr. C. H. Meissner, $5.00. SURVEYOR Frank Busch, $3.50; D. T. Meldrum, $19.15; A. L. Beatie, $7.68; H. H. Johnson, $71.14; W. C Cowgill, Jr., $24.59;, J. C. Sullivan, $29.94; Chas. Simmons, $23.04; G. H Cattley. $44.64; Geo. Penrfell, $58.77; J. W. Miles, $29.94. INSANE Dr. Walter E. Hemp stead, $5.00; Dr. Walter E. Hempstead $5.00; H. H. Hughes, $4.00;' Dr. Frank R. Mount. .$5.00; Dr. Edward H. Mc Lean, $5.00; Dr. Ross. Eaton, $5.00. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS ParkShepherd Motor Co., $587.11; Pacific Highway Garage, $1.08; Banner-Courier, $27.00; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $12.70; Brenton veaaer, $23.25; H. E. Cross, $3.75; Agnest M. Buckley, $28.60. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. Orel A. !!; TT- D. Aden. $.50: W. B. Per ry. $7.50; Dr. R. G. McCall, $4.00; Geo. J. Case, $4.75; Dr. H. A. Dedman, $5.-00- Dr. Alfred O. Williams, $4.25; Oregon City Enterprise, $25.00. STOCK INSPECTOR if. lanzer, $12.50; Ivan O. Matson, $69.81; Geo. Busch, $12.35; 1. lx. Muuenuoii, 00- Jonas Petterson, $37.50; Flagell & Schmidt, $7.22; Ellen Lund, $9.81; J. W. Dickover, ?j.z.oi. INDIGENT SOLDIERS Mead Post No. 2, $40.00. JAIL W. J. Wilson, $73.41. JUVENILE COURT Dr. Walter E. Hempstead, $5.00; Minda E. Church, $64.59. PRINTING & ADVERTISING Banner-Courier, $2.40; Oregon City En terprise, $65.90; . Banner-Courier, $19. 75. SEALER J- F. Jones, $28.38. TAX DEPARTMENT Veda' And rus, $110.50; Urcll Warren, $71.82; Eloise Aildredge, $5.25; Jessie Pad dock, $26.35; Alta Burke, $23.25; Al- . line & Matheson), $11.50; Mrs. S. Beckman (Mrs. Roberts) $10.00; A. C. Nichols (John Beers), $5.50; Gertrude M. Criswell (Wells), $10.00; Max Wu nisch (Toney Miller), $41.70; Bannon & Co., $14.70. Mail Tie-up Broken After 2 Day Delay The first eastern hiail since the tie up of the railroads due to the silver ihaw, arrived in Oregon City Tues day. A pouch of first class mail, whicij should have come through Sunday rived Tuesday noon, and several oth r pouches came in at 2:Z o'clock, at cording to Postmaster John Cook. Local mail . carriers on the rura1 routes have experienced almost as much difficulty as mails In making her trip to deliver mail on a 30-mile route. Mrs. Edith N. Wambaugh, was compelled to take, the mail to Gladstone on the electric car ;ind go through Clackamas station, and crossing the ClackamaF river rtt i Carver, distributes the mail along tlv: liver as far as tha slides, then return ing to Carver she makes a detour to a little settlement and proceeding baK through Logaw and Kedland, where the mud in places :s a foot deep she is compelled to cross the Abernethy and road between the Jone's mill section and Clackamas Heights is under water. This gives the mailcarrier eipht. extra miles to travel in order to perform her duties. Matrimony Fails; Four Get Divorce Four divorces were granted Tuesday iy Circuit Judqe J. l Campbell i'l (he following cases: Percy versus Winnifred Smith. George L. versus Mary J. liichey. Daisy A. versus Ralph Wilson. Misud v-rsns Solomon Micbels. In the la'ter case the plaintiff was granted the custody of two minor children and $25 a month alimony PARKPLACE NEWS Mrs. L. Bleane has been very sick with tonsilitis, but is now able to leave her room. Mr. Praig and family of Aurora hav',; moved to Parkplace. The Parkplace school is arranging for an illustrated lecture on Holland, to be given at the schocl house on Nov. IS at 7:30 p. m.. followed by a basket soical. Mrs. Sheldon resides at Parkplace. Mrs. Ida Kent and Mrs. Pearl Ber- nier are attending the Rational grange that is being held in Portland. Walter P.urghardt having sold his in terest in the garage, has bought an in terest with Charley Danchy in the blacksmith shop and is opening a ga lage in connection witjh the black smith business. The dance given Saturday evening by the Dancing club at Grange hall was enjoyed by a large crowd of youn peopie. Ladies Work club met at hall and are making arrangements ior me Grange bazaar that is to be given at . the hall on Nov. 26. I GEORGE HOEYE ! CHIROPRACTOR I Caufield Bldg. Phone 636-W Oregon City, Ore. tlHinilllllllHIMIIIIIIIIiHIHHHMKHntHIHIIHHmHIIIIIH mmiiMHiiiiiiiimiiitiiiiini'NiiiiiiiMiliiHiiiHiiiiuiimiii 5 Phones: Off. 80 Res. 251-W EMORY J. NOBLE j LAWYER . Justice of Peace 1 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City, f 6,HMIIMIlllllttMIUI"llll"IMIMIMIIIIMfllilMllWtfl?tllim iiiniiiiHunumuiniMiinnniiaiiiuiiiMuiHmiHiiiiHitui 6 Per Cent State School Money to Loan on Farms i SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE i I Bank of Oregon City Bldg. I Oregon City, Ore. tttiHtHitimMMwuiinmHiMnraaraiumniMMMHMU"""?