OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 192!. Page 7 SANDY DEPARTMENT v MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Initial Meeting of Sandy's Commercial Club -Enthusiastic SANDY, Nov. 2.'. The new SaJy commercial cuib is starting out with "pep as was evidenced at the first regular meir-;; when Geo. vjuayle. secretary of the state chamber act- dressed a fuie, crowd at the Odd Fel- Jr.w'-- hall rv-i ntly. The na.i? of rh-J club will be chosen at the next meet 'ne The word ' o mme:ciu" is espec. jally dedicated to cities and towns, b-it Sancy desires to include all the sur roun ling country in the great project of community development. The cla'j will belong to the state federation. Qu.-iyle male a strong ila for the farmers i nd townspeople to work :o geth r, f. r only by pooling interests terest must be manifest in the com munity a 'fairs as in persi-n-i i-ui-ness if any vicinity is to thrive This pleasii:? speaker said that Sandy and Hood River were espcially favcreri in locaticw .and that throngs of people wful'l fleck here when we bod con veniences lo attract them. Sandy if thi i:iy town between Giesham ana Mt. Hot)'!, and by 1023 tiie loop can be ioo--?d," wnich will take tourists around the mountain and Hood Rivrr and Sundy will practiclly he h only outside towns on the great highway. Our first great need was an aut imo- Lile nark with good conveniences was the oi inion of Mr. iQuayi" A commit tee wiF appointed to takr tp the mat ter ht the previous meeting. Als-j a com nittee cn securing i site U.r a high school building one to 1 ofc after rr.arke" road questions, o-. to t:y to eo-soliJate the local t veloprr.ent leatuo with lhe club, and r o to Jook up Hi-! publicity needs ot 'l 's section and decide whether to trv to prblis i ;i newspaper here or to omige f. r a whi le Pndy page in t .e F.iterprise. Sbiidy was also urg'-'d tj Kit ready for the 19L'5 fair i ie club president, C ). luke. pre side at this meeting and announced t'e .'.its of the next mating for t.h; third 1 1 urscay in Dea :". C'.cr si-ak-r from For: an.l 11 c. c;e frc rn r.'-e- to time. Miss Isabel Gray Weds James Wolfe SA'ODY, Nov. 22--A. rroMy wedding iccurred at St Michael s Catholic church here November 16 at 9 A. M. when Miss -sabel Gra. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. P.. i.ray aril Jpn-i-s Henry 'Vr!f-? wcr :;it-.'d tn rnfirriaui by the Rev. Father Brunvgel of Gre h am. Mrs. Frank Schmllz played Mendelssohn's wedding marcl- as :" bif!al party went un to the altar. Two dainty little flower girls, Phyllis Wolfs and Margaret Bell scattered cnrvsanthemmn- in the path of the bride who was leaning on the arm of b- father Miss. Aiar Jvnker vas the charming bridesmaid, and Ted Gray, best man. Mrs. Schmitz sang "I Loya You Truly" during a portior of the in. pressive ceremony. The bride carrier a beautiful shower bouquet, and tiff tridc-rr h'.J pink carnations. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party were driven to the home of the bride's parents where a wel ding breakf.ist was served before Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe left for The Dalles Friends showered the happy .couple 1?itb rice as the "d byes .e sai-i Mrs. Wolfe was the popular Sandv central for a number of years. Mr. Wolfe is a son of the former Sandy hotel man, Geo. Wolfe of The Dalles, jind is a brother of Mrs. Frank Chris tiansen of Sandy. Farewell Surprise Is Given Mrs. Lilly SANDY, .No. 22. A farwell surprise party was given Mrs. J. C. Lilly lt.st night by a number of friends and ru pils of the gr.ide school The children presented her with a hi.ndsome piece of cut glass and other remembrances were brought by individual children. Mrs. Lilly hasfavored the Sandy school many times in substituting whenever it was necessary and the children in both rooms all like her, and people of the district are gratefin for her efficient work as a teacher, al';o for her he'p n vanojs interests of the town. Among those present wfre Mr. av.! Mrs W. Bos'jolm Mr a"d .?r Walter Krebs and sons, Mrs. Sture, Mrs. Dit tert and Heinie. Mrs. Henry Perratt, Mr. and Mrs. Shelley and children, Mrs. Annie Glockner and childien. Miss Elsie I.ippold Mrs. Anton Malar. Mrs. Harry Dodson and Luciie. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Scales. Tommy and Ken neth. Gladys Willis, Catherine .Viutna ler. Mabel Lilly and Mr. and Mrs. Lilly. Sandy Women Will Banquet Husbands S ANDY, Nov. 22. Th ' last meeting of tie Sandv Women's club wa? hell nt the home of Mrs. R. E. Essou, who entertained :he ladies in a delightful way, although there was s small at tendance as some wer i'l qnd st r i? out of town. The i.lub decided to en tertain their husbsnds at a banquet at the Sandy hotel on the evening of December 2, the affair having been postponed because of a funeral t" eeks ago. Mrs. Esson wa- elected permanent secretary and Mrs. Due treasurr. Mrv Sbelley uteitained tbe ladies by reading iten.s collected in connection with b ok weDk- Phone Day 1901 Night 99X J. E. METZGER Funeral Director and Embalmer Paul R. Meinig Sandy Agent Gresham, Oregon Lady Asst. Mrs. Sarah Cross Laid to Final Rest SANDY, Nov 10. The funeral or Mrs. Sarah Cross who passed away sud denly on the night of November 5 was held at the Methodist church here yes terday. Rev. S. F. Pitts of Cottrell con ducted the service. The music was j furnished by Mrs. Miller. Mrs Esson, Dr. Sture and Mrs. George Perret. The Interment -was at Gresham cemetery and the Boring Rehekah ol-lge assisted by inembers of the Sandy lodge had charge cf the burial service. Mrs. Cross was laid to rest by the side of her husband who passed away March 2S. 1M1. The pall bearers were JohD Bosholm, F. H. Lake, Casper Junker. R. C. Shipley, H. S. Edc'y and Jchn Myer of Boring. Mrs. Cross was born in Trenton. Mo., in 15-52 and crossed the plains to Cali fornia with her parents in 1S63. She was married June 15, 187S to John L. Crops'. Most of her life "was spent in Oregon and Washington and she lived at Boring seven or eight years. Mrs Cross was a prominent member of the Sandy Rebekah lodge and the Wom en's club, and was a member of-the Methodist church. Most of the past four vears were spent with her daugh ter Mrs. R. S. Smith of handy, ruid she was loved by everyone here for her sweet and kindly manner. Another daughter. Mrs Essie Little of Fruitland Wash., and two sons, Wm H. Cross of Spoks-ne and Claude F. Cross of San Francisco, survive. Also tivo sisters, Mr3. Susan Yo.mg of Spo. l ane and Mrs. Mary Wheeler of Can by, and two brothers, Thomas Ken nedy of Colfax, Wash.,, and Geo. H, Kennedy of Fossil, Oregon All of these relatives attended the funeral except Mrs little, Mrs. Young and George Kennedy. Irvin Wheeler, a nephew and his wife and daughters Opal and Lill'an cf Canby and Mrs. M'-imie Mas ters ,a niece of Portland were pres ent at the last rites. Lovely flowers were in abundance, one elegant1 piece being sent by the bus iness associates of Wm.H. Cross of Spokane. Kelso Womens Club Meets at Jonsruds KELSO, Nov. 21. The Woman's Club of Kelso met at the home cf Mrs. Robert Jonsrud on Thursday after noon. The following members were present, Mrs. E. Her. Mrs I. H I'hipps Mrs. F. Rathke, Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. Haworth, Mrs. H. Revenue, Mrs J. Ri venue, V'S Baumback, Miss Vaeretti and Mrs. E. V. Erickton, al so the following visitors, Mrs. F W. Cani'int. Mrs. Ed. LittUpage ,Mrsi C. J. Vindai aod Mrs. T. G. .Tonsr i : Four new members were added. A so cial hour wes enjoyed and r. ments were served. Miss Morris, health nurse for Clack, anias County, visited our school on Mond'iy of last week Miss AT orris ar rived in Oregon City from South Da kota a tttle over a month J,P t0 taK up this work under the direction of lied Cross. Anions these attending the National Grange Convention in Portland ' last week were Mr and Mrs. Max Kligel and Mrs. Joel Jirl. Mm Jarl leturned to Medford, Oregon to spend 'he win ter. Edcar Greis-t, son of Mrs. Jess H'te. underwent ah operation for appendici tis, at the Oregon City hospital, and is' reported doing well. H. Wavbill Funeral j Delayed by Water ?ANDY. Nov. 21. The funrral 3f Harvey Waybill viieli waa to have teen held at the Pleasant Home Meth odist church today bad to be p.'St I oned on acjount of t'.e f-ilvcr thaw and genera storm. The it'terement was to have ben a I the Dougias ceme. tery .which .s located one' mile south cf Troutdale, but the care taker said the :ce was such that ho could no, tet the grave ready. Phones were down and word could not be sent iiround of the postponement so many drove to Pleasant Home before they knew of the postponement Mr Waybill was an old settler a". Piearnn? Home and was pat eighty vears of aee. He levo a widow, one son and thrae daughters. Merry Surprise Is Given at Bolsholms S ANDY, Nov. 22. There v af a merry surprise party given on Mr. and Mrs. W. Bosholm at their ranch home Saturday night regardless of the tcr rential rain. The s-urpriso was given bv their daughter Miss ATih'.-od Bosh olm. Games were played, there was sir.irine and dancirg and cards. At midnight delicious refreshments wer served. Those present were Mr ond M" Walter Kreb? and family, Mr. and Mr. Charley Updegrave, Mr. and Mrs. Av"ill T'jidesrrave, Mr .and Mrs-. Keili her. Mr. and Mrs. Antoi Malar Mr Vartingly and Dorothy Ms'Mry, "arl Powers. John and Albert Motfel, l'-d. Grunert. i!uscll Bradley and Ir"'i' 'Jpdeprave. Beers and $cales Take Over Hotel SANDY, Nov. 22. George Beers ao1 J. Scales of Sandy have taken charge of the Sandy hotel and will improve the property at once. L. N. Tier of Marmot will be the chef Tice hs cooked at almost every big hotel or, the coast and on most of the river loats .for year-, and will be glad to get away from the ranch, and back to bis profession again. The hotel management will also run the stage line to Gresham. NEW TEACHER ARRIVES SANDY, Nov. 21. Mrn Kied Con nors of Portland arrived in tpite -A the Sunday evening storm to take charge of the primary department ct the SaCndy school. Mrs. Tillman hand ed in her resignatioi. recently on a.' count of her health an- Mrs. J.-e Lilly taught as a substitute Just week. There was no school the week before. The work of the primary grides has been badly brt.keu inttt all fall be cause of illness. DRIVE TO SANDY HARD SANDY, Nov. 22. Engineer Paxtr. who drove out from Portland Sunday evening said it was the harden drivf: lie ever experienced, and Le b-nLdnv en a great deal in France. Fringes of silver that were hanging to everything, poles were aw ,t ro dsw e so icy und the wind shields had to be taken off, till Cottrdl was reached, then came the heavy rains. MAIL DELAYED SANDY, Nov. 22. Joe Loundree, mail carrier to Poring reached the station by the way of Pleasant Home this morning and no trains were run ning because of the P. R. L. and P. company track being washed out on Johnson creek, and after waiting sev eral hours' Loundree returned without any Sandy mail from Portland. ATTEND GRANGE SANDY, N-v 22. A number of peo. pie from this section attended the national grange in Portland last v:sek and all came back very enthusiastic over the big affair About '21 ;aembers if tre Sandy grange tO'k the svei.th degree, which is the highest of the order. OAKS TO BUILD SANDY, Nov. 22. John Oaks who recently purchased a four acreage tract on the Bluff road from R. E Jarl is having lumber hauled to construct buildings on the place BEERS BRIDGE DAMAGED SANDY, Nov. 22. Twenty feet of the east approach to ihe h.wer Sandy bridge went out last night and was carried away by the swift current caused bv the heavy rainfall. SANDY SCHOOL NOTES SANDY, Nov. 22. The Thanksgiv ing program at the high school was is follows- "The First Thanksgiving." by rtuth Krebs: Thanksgiving among t'.te Greeks, nd J?vs. Alta PeShazer; reading Miss Miller: recitation, "Whistling It: Heaven." by VJorothy Mattinglv; Ess:y "Early Thanksiv ing Dinners' by Edith Hein. Instni rr.ntal solo, Miss Lippold; patiilic rongs. . . Af! r the pr-gram was over a sur priss party was given on Lyie Lilly who will move away this week w.th ihe r.illy family to Linremrn, Tiuch to the regret of everyone n s-c-r.'ool m l in the town. The seats were movod book and c:iin-. v err phijd t.nd re freshments were served. ' It took L ewis MurraJ about two fours to walk down from Cherjyvilla Sunday afternoon and he was wet to the "cuticle" when he reached fin bachelor quarters. Ruby Dodd was in Portland for the week end to help her sis'er, and re ports how "icy" she was down in tiia city i storm. Mr and Mrs. F. E. Burdick who have recently moved on the Walton place at Firwocd expect to snd two children to the high school next semester. Mi8 Miller had dinner with Miss Lippold the other evening Miss L"ip pold has been a little lorely "batching " since the other teacher went away. The girl's basketball team is wakiug f'ne progress, and are practicing regu larly .now. Mrs. Malarw;l" give a half hour or more each week to teaching music in her room. M.'ss Mc Kenzie, the new te;icher at Sandridse is making good according to reports Miss McKerzie is staying t the Fred Suckow home Mi-s Lippold hurried off to Salem Wednesday 3v.-n:nr to sp-;rd her Thanksgiving at Salem and Miss Mil ler went to Portland where she a;id she and her home folks treated j-t little boys from the social settlement to a Thanksgiving dinner Frieda Dobberful was sufficient recovered from her severe attack of tors'liti t:i e Her hisli s -hool agf'in .Monday. l'liere is always so-ne corr.ip'. Di llonsince the girl's chorus did ' ot sin Sunday ni?ht we can look lVr ward to their warbling at the net "sing." which wiil be December 1. Ruth Esson was ill with an usually hard cold and has been out of school for s .veral days. Dorothy Mattsn2!y coula not .vside to school las-t Monday so her fathtr carried her through the creek that was spilling over! In the evening when s'nj was ready to start home ?b "fnther" coukl carry her across the rasing streamlet again. Catherine Mutchler brought a hand some bouquet of chrysanthemums tb-; other night at the "surprise" and Jonne Shelley gave her a picture ot" herself, and little Miss Willis pre sented her with a pretty dish. Mrs. Lilly was truly surprised and admit ted that "she lest her gift of speech" and could hardly 'spress herself as th.i darkey said. SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Nov. 22. The Powell Val ley girl's string band was to be wit'i us last Sunday night at the community f.nd. tempestuous rein storm hero ard the fringes of silver thaw beyond Oottrell made it inadvisable for them to venture out. The annual election of officers will be a part of the next Sandy grange j.ro5rram. The date will be ,Dee. 10. Rev. Earl Cotton will hold . service at the Methodist church next Sunday night. Mrs. Cathey of Gresham could net keep her appointment at Cottrell Sun day morning because of the r ilver taar down that war, but will jrobably tpeak there later, on the local Japan- I ese iiuestion. Mrs. Cathey has made a Hudj of the Japanese-a-ourt that sec tion, aid believes we are making a mistake in not Interesting ourselves in their lives and doing missi mary work bt home instead of -sending money t Japan to do much of the work that could be done bv community effort There was no Sundav School Sun day because there was so much wa.tr. n the church basement that a fij could not be stared-. The. same Jif ficulty was presented n the evening when an attempt was made to start a fire lor the community fong program Every basement in towu had a bcth and while a few "stragglers" were out on the streets now and then, tor most part the town was hibernating. Dr. and Mrs. Stvre did not et b ck from Powell Valley until " Monday noon. They drove down Saturday even irtg to attend the church bazaar There was a church contest and they were on the losing side whicl had to furnish a banquet for the winners, It has been tried out .and found to be true, that the way to build up i-ection of country i :or the smill town to realize that in order to thrive itsel'. ,it must see that the country thrives; and the country in order l'j develop, must see to It that the tova builds up! In other words they mus "make one hand wash the other.1 Mrs. Nick Schmitz was able to attend the Gray-Wc'.fe church weidir.g and is still "getting the best" of her attack last spring. , Everybody is sorry that the LiUv family are moving away this week, but it Is comforting to know that the Lillys' are soiry to go. The place thoy own at LJnnemani needs rtlention however, and business call sthem. When Mrs. Shelley linishcu her little presentation speech to Mrs. Lill at the farewell surprise party one lit tle girl hurriedly remarked "you wouldn't have ?ot th&t ii ycu :iad been n bed when we -came " Mere weddiny bells are bout to eMio in our midst. Peter Pan must be wan dering about in Sandy as there is no muci joy being scattered atrong our youth. The Duke family drove to Pleasant Hofc on Monday to at'end the funer al of Haryej Waybill, whom M'ey had known for a long time, the phones be ing out down that way they did not Imow the funeral had to be postpone' t.n account of the sleet till they reach ed the Waybill home. Mrs. L. Lehnfield has been working to help the new hote'. management get things in shape this wee-k nltbougn she has hardly recovered frorii her re cent sickness. - v - Joe Jarl brought some of his turkeys to n.ar'uet on M jnday, selling tnem ti Hoffman's market He pronounced tr.o rain-storm about the wcrst ever! Pete Swan was in town Monday. Pete and his wife are arranging to nov- out from the city to take chai': of the Herman Fischer ranch. James Kesterson will work for D.x- on with the highway crew. He was among the fifteen local men who quii working at the cruf.her tbout ten day ago The Scotts were- over -rom Deep CrpfK Monday and didu't seem to mirjl the torrents as they aevs. ended Glenn Loundree is going to board in Portland with his aunt "Mar'e" while attending the Y. M C- A. automobile school. The rain made the water rampnge around" at the Kubitza place, and it almost got into the Kubitza barn. The men working at the gravel works have been paid off and the work will probably start up again as soon as the weather permits. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, old friends of the Dodd family were visiting here or almost a week. The Phillipses re turned to Eastern Oregon the first f the week. Mrs. E. Dodd was in Portland Satur day and Sunday, and taire out through the ttorin. Mrs. F A. Proctor's father, Mr. Lei; man of Pleasant Hiinir ws tor a visit last we.-?k. The new hotel management will give a big turkey dinner on the even ing of their opening, which is Satur day, night. Mrs. Miller and Miss Miller had a 'ine pot-luck dinner at the Duke ho a few days igo. George Wolfe just naturaly cannot stay away from' Sandy long at a time. He kept the road warm by returning here from The Dal:es agnin last week, but ihere were business "doiijgs" that brought him this time. Mr. and Mrs. Graves who have been ; managing the Sanoy hoiel for almost a year have moved out and it is re ported they will live in Gresham. Milton Nelson "'blew" over in the big rain storm Saturday aid fubscrU' ed for the Enterprise among the oth'?r important business transacted. Ted Gray came home frcm Heppner last week and brought the A. W. Bell car home. Uncle "Billy" Alcorn of Brihtwood was sporting around in Portland last week where he went to attend '"e wedding of his niece. Last Sunday finished the pastorate of Rev.. Father Brunagle of Greshsin who has had charge of St. Michael's (hurch here since Rev. Father Hogan resigned. Another priest will probably take charge of ths c'lurch coon. Miss Mary Junker wnt ti Hie cit--on a, shopjicg tour a few days ago, and brought out the flowers for t ie' Gray-Wolfe wedding. Miss Marie Koenicke cime out oa the stage Friday of last week ,for a short visit with the home folks. Miss Koer. icke is attending the Commercial high in Portland. Mr and Mrs. Harry Reed went to Portland last week and were flyim; around about as fast es the "grang ers" from Sandy who were ttendi-ie the big session. Snow flakes were fitting about 'at Firwood the middle of last week, and Mrs. Glockner s-iiii at five o clock one morning there was snow on the Sandy sidewalks, but it was gone by daylight. P. T. Shelley was home again last week for a short visit with his family. Mrs. A. E. Collier ha been Very ill at Hood River for a number of week.--. The Dae Douglasses '.vere down counts. Mick Thomas is the fellow that g . the goose Mack got four of the wild birds at one time l'ist week. Dr. Thompson, of Gresham was Sandy visitor one day last week anl the doctor made a number of friendly calls F. H. Lake has gone to San Francis- co with his son who secured a positicn there at a large wage Mr. Lake ex pects to spend the winter there. Mrs. Lake is also in California fcr the win ter. R. E. Esson was in the big city last week looking after business affairs. The Dave Douglasses were down a visiting last week at the Reed ho mi und last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reed, baby Frances and Henry QuyaJe went to the Douglass home where they had a big "spread." Mrs Ridderbnsh, Sr., was xisiti-ig with Mrs Theodcre Fischer for some time then stayed a few days with Mrs. Katie Kooh. G.'cnn Mclntyre and C L. Henson, the forest ranger, came down from Brightwood .o attend the jwason'c lodge meeting. Mr. King, druggist at Silverton was also a visitor at thf lodge session. Wm. Morand ,of Boring, Tias been seriously sick with blood poisoning and was i- b-d -ast wck. The trouble started from a small pimple on the ankle which became infected. There was surely "all the makins." of a first-class fire at the Esson drus sforj. but contrary to hadly inflated reports, tte store .and all that was in it. was not burned "plum down." Ftiot is the damage was almost nil, the th-s excitement stirred up the circulation of the town pulse a little above no -iral. Jimmy Akin drove into t"wn nn his way to Portland Monday coming act ing as. though the weather was fine, and the Cherryville roads super-fine. Poise seems to have been in his p-s session, which is a factor to cultivate when out in a srorm thst nlrnost breaks the "'annals." ' v Carl Loundree is driving the stage to Gresham Jor the Beers-Sca.es com bination since Graves has gone- awav P B. Gray had to lay off, severe! days at the Bruns mill as the rlaner, which Gray operates was three feet jndi r water. However, it gave him a ittl'i more time to atterc to schoc 1 business. Glenn Loundree and Leroy Quiek bad a great time hanging 'rouud for a chance to get down to Portland Mon day. They got as far as I,;rnemau, 'Jut no train was in evidence there. Toe county bridge builders hav finished the Beck bridge and ae, be ginning to work on the FIzzola-Boitain bridge. There are five men in th-? gang and they will get part of their meals at the Pizzola and ' Boitano home. There has not been sich a Iari;e acreage of f ill grain plarted in this section for many days as has ben put in this fall, ane eraiii crop was a iittle below normal this year, due to so much spring sowing This ial; was ideal for the farmer and his given him a chance to ge caught up with his work. Charey Krebs says the potato crop cf Sandyridge was fair .some acreage better, some worse than expected The Brims Lnmh-'r Co. had tf close down the mill the last of the v eek b cause of the boiler getting und-sr wa ter. The rain stopped everj thing praJ. tically, but the necessary travel to keep the mails and supplies ?oing. The Duke family entertained the ;tate commercial c'ub secretary all ni-;ht art r the big meetirg tha promises to add greatly to the er.thsi- ism of our'town. Ken Sandy business men ay that iin times out of ten when a family is looking for a new locatim the first wo que;stion3 are- "What sd ools and churches have you?" There is considerable iliscusoion go- r.g cn as to the feasibility of uniting the high, and grade school funds and putting up a joint building whe-n it can be arranged. It seems :he plan is be ing used up the valley in nearly all the towns, and reports from various sec tions seem to prove it is a saving to the taxpayers, and the united funds give a much more desirable ouildin, tne that can fill the needs of a co .i inunity far better than two small build ings It is asked that everyone thinx ever the subject. Mis. J. C- Duke, Cecil Duke t.nd Miss Elsie Lippold were all day Sundt-y guests at the J. M. C- Miller home. Miss, Margaret Miller was also pres ent, and in the afternoon callers drop ped in. The quartet practiced, Mrs. Connors arrived from Portland, and altogether there was a happy tinifor everybody. Mr. and Mrs. George Perret and chil- ren drove to Portland Sun-Jay re gardless of the stormy day. They dine.l ith Mrs. Ferret's mother, but c-it their v:pU s-aort so as to rea-h home before the dark "swallowed" them Mr. Quayle. the speaker at the com- i:;ur'ity club meeting last week mae'e a fine impression with the Sandy folks and they would like' to see him om here again. The following questions are so often asked by people who pass through town or come here visiting: "Why don't the Sandy people clean up the paper and juric on the streets, doctor up their- old fences and fix up the sid-v walks. Tbe paper thrown do-vn care lessly all over town calls' forth mucl. unfavorable comment. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thjmas were among the grange "bunch' that weij to the "national" last week and they ('rove home after riding the big ' goat" and got to bed .:t 1 40 A. M.. tlept ti'l six o'clock and then starU.d back to Portland again, -.'aving the'r Portlan ! "cor. pany" to look after the "chores." Beside the Thon.ases. were Mr. and Mrs. Hagan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Per ret, Mr. and Mrs. M:x Kligel, Mr. and Mrs. Kelliher, A. J. Morrison, James Bell,. Mack -and Buzz" Thomas Mrs A. W. Bell, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Hannc-bers:, Mrs. Joel Jarl from this section that toojj ,the seventh degree. It was a great time' everyone agrees, and tan.:'- pride was expressed the way the grangers "'showed up" throughout tie nine days session. Mrs. Joe Jarl left for Medford after attending" the grange sessiou tc join her daughters for the winter. Charley . Krebs who recenc'v pur chased the Leo Martelmay timDer which is located near lawyers camp, has moved his engine to the timber and will start up a small saw mill at once Logs that are not fit fcr lumber will be made into wood ant1 shipped to Portland on the Dwyer 11. R. Three and a half inches of water fell last Sundav from 7 A M. till 7 P. M. at Sandy. The rain stcrm has been un usually heavy, and the water is still running everywhere, but we have had normal temperature all the time, while PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C Latourktth, President F. J. Meysr. Cashie. Tc First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A: M. to 3 P. M only a few miles away the snow and ice looked like the arctic regions. P. T. Shelley started to Hood River Sunday and sot as far as Crown Point pnd had to turn back. It was exciting, as poles were falling every few mc ments with a crash and Shelley decid ed to get back to Sandy as oon as pos sible whore old Jupe was pursuit's the even lenor of hii way! EDITOR IS DELAYED E E Brodie. of Oregon City, en route here from Washington, D. C-, arrived in Spokane Wednesday night cn the Ncrlh Coat-l Limited. No trains have been leaving that city for southern points since last Friday, but by going through Seattle he xp.ys to arrive in Portland on the 4:40 train Thursday afterno.--i The party who took the two kegs from my house is known. Returr. at once and avoid further trouble. John Tucker, Rt 2, Box 4, City. List your farm with J. E. Spencer & Co., for results 517-19 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Sarah B. Cross, deceased, by the County Court cf Clackamas County, Oregon; any ar4 all persons having claims against the said estate must present them to th'i undersigned, duly verified as by law required at the office of Wm. Ham mond, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. R. S. SMITH, Administrator of the estatie of Sarah B. Cross, Deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for Administrator. First publication .November ISth, 1921. Last publication December 16th. 1921. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the Statp- of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. ' , John L. Karnopp, Plaintiff, vs. H. F. iinv, Exei uter of Wi'I aDd Estate of Thomas Prince, dece-ised; H. F. Ong and Carrie M. Ong, his wife; Worcester Bank & Trust Company, Trustee, a corporation; Harold T. Prince and Marjoria Prince. his wife; William Rees, Guardian of Harold T Prince, Incompetent; J. S. Simmons-md Essie G. Simmons, his wife: Olive M Dows: Lin y P. White and Chauncey B. White, her hus band; Ralph A. Simmcfns and Eva V. Simmons, his wife; William L. Ames, Lucius T. Hayward and Ania. bel E. Hayward. his wife; Ruby Emery Buckle and Harry Buckle, her husband; John Doe, Richnrd Roe and Allen Poe, Trustees or the Masonic Home of .Charlton, Massa chusetts; James Doe, Henry Roe and Edwin Poe, Trustees of the Odd Fel lows Home, Worcester, Massachu setts; David Smith, Frank Jones and George White, Trustees of the Home for Aged Men, Worcester, Massachu setts; Mary Smith, Jane Doe and Anna White, Trustees of the Home of Aged Women, Worcester, Massa chuetts; Town of Kingston Massa chusetts a municipal corporation; Ki.igston cemet ry Association, a corporation; Gteorge H. Ward Por.t No. 10 of Grand Army of the Repur lic, a corporation; and the unknown heirs of Thomas Prince, deceased, and also all other persons or partins unknown claiming any risht, title, estate, lien or interest in the real es tate described in the Complaint herein Defendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in u-q aboventitJedlcausei, tomedirected and dated the 16th -iay of November, 1921. upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 7th day of Novem ber, 1921, in favor of John L. Karnopp, plaintiff, and against the defendants herein, for the sum of $7,500.00 with in terest at the rate of X per cent p-r an num from the loth day of July 1920, pnd the further sum of $500 with inter, est at the rate of 6. per cent per an num from the 7th day of November. 1921, and for the further sumi of ?111.40 costs and disbursements, ard the costs of and upon this writ com manding me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, to wit: That certain portion of Sections numbered Seven (7) and Eighteen (IS) in Township Two (2) South of Range Two (2) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, described as fol lows: Bounded by a line beginning at a stone set in the center of the. county road leading from Oregon City to Portland, where aid road intersects the Northerly 'boundary line of the James- McNary Dona tion Land Claim, wh eh point is South 45 West 20S.39 feet from the quarter section corner between said Section 7 and IS. thence Ncith 45 Fast, tracing said Mc Nary claim line 27.65 chains to a stone, thence 46 4C West 18.70 chains, thence South 45 Vest 26.19 chains to center of . said county road where an iron pipe is driven for a corner, thence South easterly along center cf county read to the place of beginning, con taining fifty (50) acres, more or less, excepting five and five hun dreths (5.05) acres heretofore con veyed to Peter N.ief by deed re corded in Book 60 of Deeds at page 166 thereof, which said first described tract is now platted un der the name of Hillsdale. Now, therefore, by virtue of said et ecution, judgment order, decree and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 24th day of December 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at Front Door of the County Court House in C. D. & D. C. LATO U R ETT E Attorney -at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. I O. D. EBY Attorney-at-La Money loaned, abstracts furnish d, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bids., Oregon City, Ore. Oregon City, Clackamas County. Ore gon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within named defend, ants and each and all of them in the above entitled suit had cn the 15th day of April, 1916, the date of the mort gage herein foreclosed, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and de cree, inters, .costs and accruing costs. Date this 25th day of November, 1921 W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. First issue, November 25th, 1921. Last issue December 23rd, 1921. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. O. F. Cooke, Plaintiff, vs. W. M. Nelson and Lillie M. Nelson, husband and wife, and W. E. Bond and Elizabeth Eond, husband and wife, Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed again yon in the above entitled suit on or before the 9th day of December, 1921 ,and if you fail, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in his. complaint, the same being- substantially as follows, for a decree against you, and each of you forclosing that certain mortgage executed by you on May 29, 1915, and delivered to plaintiff as security for the payment of that certain promis sory note for the sum of $2000.00, dat ed April 22, 1915, with interest at th-3 rate of eight per cent per annum, and providing for reasonable attorney s fees in case suit or action be instituted to recover the same, the same being recorded on the 15th day of June. 19.15, in Book 103 on page 370. Record of Mortgages for Clackamas County, Ore gon, and covering all of Lot Two (2) in Block Two-2) Gregorys first Addi tion to Molalla. Oregon, being situate in Clackamas County and State of Ore gon; for the sale of said property to satisfy the payment of said note, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 22, 1915; for at torneys fees in the sum of $210.00, and for costs and disbursements incurred, and that you, and each of you be bar red of all right, title and interest there in, including dower, courtesy, and claim of dower and courtesy, and from each and every part thereof. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon City Enterprise pursuant to an order made and entered on October 26, 1921, by Hon. J. TT. Campbell, Judge of tho above entitled court, directing that . the same be published not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication thei-eof. D.ite of first publication October 2S, ' 1921. Date of last publication, December 9, 1921. HODGES & CAY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 525 Gasco Building, Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS No 182S8. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Department No. . Blanch L. Summerville, Plaintiff, vs. Neil C. Summerville. Defendant. To Neil C. Summerville, the defend ant above named In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, n or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of thi summons, and if you fail to so appear and tnswer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to . the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract existing between'you and plaintiff and award ing to plaintiff, the custo-'ly of Juanita B. Summerville. minor child of plain tiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff such other judgment or de cree as the court may have authority, to make and as may seem meet with equity.. - This summons is served upon you by the publication thereof, in the Ore gon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation printed and pub lished at Oregon City, Oregon, said publication being made for six con secutive weeks, the first publication therof, being on Friday, October 21st. 1921. and the last publication thereof, on Friday, December 2nd 1!'21, and you shall appear and answer said Complaint- in any event on or before said last named date, all in acordance with the order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, as entered of record in said cause on the 19th day of October, 1921. WM. G MARTIN, CAREY F. MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: 413 Masouic Temple, Salem, Oregon.