Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 18, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Albert Hardesty Is
Laid to Final Rest
NEEDY, Nov. 14. Mrs. George As
king Sr is 'going into the chicken busi
ness and is having a large hen house
Mr. and Mrs L. B. Fry and - Miss
Hellin, formerly of Needy but now ct
Barlow visited with Mrs. Noblitt Sat
urday. Mr. Yongreen. spent; Sunday with
Geo. Fredrickson.
The remains of Albert Hardesty
were laid to rest November 11 by the
sale of his wife, Mary Sampson Har
desty, who was laid to rest July 24 cf
ihis year. There was a large crowd of
old time frier.ds and relatives present
to pay their last respects to the good
old couple who had lived among them
many years years. The flowers were
beautiful, both graves being complet e
ly covered.
Charley &nd Mary Spagle are over in
Hubbard with their brother, Albert,
who is critically ill "at this writing.
Mrs. Carothers came homo Sunday
from the home of Mrs Alby who is
very sick.
The Community Club of .Needy mei
with Mrs. L. Spagle Wednesday. There
was 16 ladies present and a very pleas
ant afternoon was spent. Owing to
Thanksgiving the next meetiiig will be
November 30 at the home of Mrs. So
lon Kinzer.
Mr. Hoffman and wife of Hubbard
were visiting his brother Charles Hcft
man and family Friday of Needy.
Mrs. John Gahler Jr called on her
sister Mrs. Hotfman Friday.
Among those attending t,he Stock
Show from Needy were Jim Willson,
John and Forest Ritter.
Mr. and Mrs. L- Spagle visited thfc
sick brother in Hubbard Sunday.
Mrs. Gbrdas Watts visited l er moth
er, Mrs. Eabb one day last week.
I H. Gripp was in Canby Saturday
having his truck over hauled.
John Schwabair and. George Broc
hert are in California taking In the
sights, leaving last Moi-day lor sever
al weeks stay.
J. H. Gripp and family accompanied
by Miria Hoffman attended church In
Canby Sunday.
Mrs. Noblitt and son Albert visited
with Mrs. Gorcher of Mulino Sunday.
Mrs. Dave Yoder visited Mrs Noblitt
Monday evening.
The family of Gus Stinie have all
been quite sick the past week.
John Gahler was taking good care of
a very bad cold the past week.
Farewell Surprise
Is Given at Carus
CARUS, Nov. 15. The neighbors of
Eldorado and the young folks of Carus
gave Mr. and Mrs. Debure and family
a farewell party Thursday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Delbure will leave for Dufur
this evening.
Several of the farmers attended the
stock show in Portland last week.
Charner Jones was an jOregon Ci
visitor last Saturday.
Miss Anna Josi motored to Oregon
City one day last week
Miss 15eth Brown is working in the
telephone office in Oregon City.
Several of th? neighbors helped Mr.
Hargreaves with his farming last
Pearl Smidt had his tonsils and ad
:ioids removed one day last week.
Mrs. Henry Vonderie spent a day
with Mrs. Albert Schoenbcrn last
Mrs. Ed Brown rpent Sunoay after
noon with Mrs. A. Beach.
Mrs. Thurey and daughter Rena
moved to Portland last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Stewart made
a trip to Oregon City last Saturday.
Mi'ss Minnie Edwsrds finished work.
:ng for Mrs. Hargreaves and returned
home last week.
Mrs. Albert Schoenborn and children
motored to Oregon City one day last
Women of Lad Hill
Surprise Neighbor
LADD HILL, Nov. IS Mrs. Jacli
Smith, Mrs. Nellie MCCully, Mrs. Roy
Hacker, Mrs. George Smith and Mrs
Will Smith spent last Wednesday af
- ternnon with' Mrs. Al McCulley, whom
is in very poor health again.
Leo St. Clair returned home from.
New York last week.
A regular old fashioned surprise par
ty was given Mrs. Cleve Heater last
Wednesday, when 17 of her neighbor
ladies came in with lunch and spent
the day. But the most surprised were
the 17 ladies, when at high noon 17
men came in for their dinner, sayins
they had planned a little surprise also,
There was plenty of lunch for all, and
everyone had a jolly good time.
Percy Kiser and Miss F.etta Bristow
were married at McMiXiIle Tues
day, Nov. 15 Both these young peo
ple were raised in t:iis ci-mniunity
and are very favorably known, and
everyone wishe them a long, happy
and prosperous married life.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Hacker and tw-J
babies went to Portland Friday to
take in the Stock Show, returning on
Mrs. C. C. Loucks and Alexander
Steward spent the wek end in Port
land visiting with Mrs. Loucks sister,
and seing the Stock Show.
Construction has begun on the new
hall. There is a large crew of men
at work, and wcrk is progressing very
rapidly, much to the joy of everyone.
Archie McCulley attended the fu
neral of Mrs Batalgia of Wilsonville
last Wednesday.
I Farm Loans Preferred
I Beaver Bldfl. Oregon City I
Card Party Given
By Redland People
BEAVER CREEK. Nov. 15. Mrs.
Mary Griscenwaite is seriously ill at
her home here.
Mrs A Thomas returned home Sun
da from St. Vincent's hospital, whers
she underwent a critical operation a
month ago She stood the trip well
and is steadily improving
Mr and Mrs H. Lindsley gave a
card party Saturday evening. Th-J
guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Hav
ill, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Londergan, Mr
and Mrs. D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gu
Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. J Watts, Mr
and Mrs. A. Foglesong and A. Thomas.
Mrs. Margarite Fell, Miss Reynolds
and Miss More of Oregon City wen:
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Foglesong.
Among those attending the Stock
Show last week were . Mr. and Mrs,
Dan Jones and Mrs. Victor Bagman
Mr. nd Mrs. George Havill and Lloyd
Mountain Road Items
MOUNTAIN ROAD, Nov. 14. Qtt!le
a number of the Farmers in this dis
irict have been digging potatoes the
past week.
School was closed here on Armistice
Day. Miss Catlin, the teacher spe
the week end at her home in Portland.
Mrs. K. E. Scoffern in visiting rela
tives here this week.
The Datier family is leaving us and
moving back to Portland.
A few of the boys from this district
went to the shooting match at Willam
ette Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Doolittle of Oregon
City motored out to this part of the
country Friday and visited Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heinz of Peach
Cove visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson
last Thursday.
Mrs. Ernest Bechman spent Friday
afternoon with Mrs. L. Koellermeiei.
Miss Maggie Kaiser who is working
in Oregon City spent Sunday at hei
home in this; district.
John Anderson Jr., motored out in
his red bug Sunday to visit; his rela
tives. Deward Hodge dug potatoes for
Frank Kerenofer Friday and Saturd-iy
of last week.
Albert Bernert was home last week.
Wm. Hellberg has purchased a new
Ford. Stafford News Items
STAFFORD, Nov. 14. Lylf Tiediv
man and wife were both stricken with
typhoid fever, and taken to the Orego i
City hospital last week.
Fred Moser broke his right ana
while trying t,c crank his auto last
Many Grangers will attend the Na
tional Grange which began on Wednes
day the 16lh at Portland.
Mrs. Oldhams mother has been visit
ing her, but rcmrred to her home in
Vancouver on Sunday last. 1
The first shooting match of the sea
son occurred near Willamette Sunday.
Mrs. chapsl, white hv.sl.and died in
East Portland on November 5, is
spending a few days with relatives in
Molalla News Items
MOLALLA, Nov. 14. A large crowd
attended the football game here Friday
Canby winning the game from Molall.i
by a score of 20-19.
All reported a fine time .
brother, John Cole, last Sunday.
-.John Vaughn and wife were Port
land visitors Friday.
Mrs. Mary Wolfinger of Oregon City
rpent the week end with Mrs. Hub
Allen Reeves of Portland spent Sun
day at the home of -V- T. Echerd. .
W. A. Shaver and son Leo made a
business trip to Corvallis Thursday.
returning home Friday.
Charles Hall was an Oregon City
visitor Monday and Tuesday.
John Shepherd and family spent Sn
day with Roy Sullivan of Cedar Dale
Fred Powell oX Portland was a week
end visitor in our city.
M;ss Doitie Bowman spent a few
days last week in Oregon City visiting
Allie cutting left Saturday for Du
fur, Oregon, expecting to be gone a
Hugh Cutting was a Portland visitor
A large crowd attended the dance
at the band auditorium Friday night.
All reported a fine time. The tableau
Redland Items
REDLAND, Nov. 10. Mr. and Mrs.
S. Stone and daughter Edith spent
Thursday in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips were Ore
gon City visitors Friday.
On Saturday evening Miss Alice
Funk entertained the young people of
the community. A very enjoyable time
was had by all.
Mrs. H. G. Nevill and daughter Clarn
FearJ spent the past week visiting rel
atives and friends, in Portland. Mrs.
W. N. Hulse accompanied them home
on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Murray left Wednesday
norning to visit friends and relatives
in Vancouver and Portland.
WILSONVILLE, Nov. 14. Saturday
the Wilsonville Ladies. Aid will have
their bazaar to commence at 3 p. m.
Supper will be served from 6:3q to
S p. m. Following the supper a stereop-
ion lecture will be given on "China
by Rev. L. v. Lewis who was born in
Amoy, China The program will In
clude illustrated songs and will furnish
a aeiigiiiLui evening s euu-ruiiuiucui. j
There will be no charge for admission.
Honor Party Given
On 70th Birthday
ESTACADA, Nov. 15 Mr. and Mrs
Hutchings and Mrs. Emilv Carpenter.
with their families, motored to Esta
cada last Sunday from Pleasant Home,
to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B,
J. Smith.
Mr. Jim Smith and little ton went
to Newberg last Thursday to spend a
few days at the home of ner parents
Mr .and Mrs. Townsen-i
Mesdames H. G. Ames and Lena Un
derwood visited the first of the week
in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen of Marmot
were Estacada visitors the first of the
Mrs. F. E. Burns went to Portland
last Saturday to visit her daughter,
Kertha, who has a position in the
Portland Hotel pharmacy.
Sprinwater Garange No. 263. at
regular meeting last Saturday, voted
(igamst the repeal of the Clackama
county Donas ana nnc.ge bonds re
pealing law.
Gnndina Sagilin has been very
ill the past week
Mr. and Mrs. Geore Armstrong, as
sisted by the latter's mother, Mrs. P.
M. Wagner gave a delightful surprise
at the home of the Armstrongs lant
Thursday evening, Nov. 10, in honor
of P. M. Wagner's 70th birthday.
Five Hundred was played at three
tables, a most happy diversion, until
the midnight hour, when a delicious
unch consisting of chicken sand
wiches, fruit salad, birthday cake and
voffee was served. Congratulations
and good wishes to Mr. Wagner fci
lowed and all departed declaring that
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs.
Wagner were delightful entertainers.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Soarks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jacques, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M Duns, Mr. and Mrs. J
C Duus and Mr and Mrs. P. M.
Wagner. 1
Tribute to American soliders who
fought in the Wor?d War was paid in
Estacada last Friday at noon under
the flagstaff on Broadway, with Old
Glory flying at half msst, when "Am
rica" and other national songs were
sung and Rev. A. F. Lacey of the M.
E. church offered prayer. All busi
ness houses and offices were closed
all day.
After an absence of several weeks
Mrs. Lena Underwood returned from
Hood River Saturday evening.
M.13S Florence Kendall visited in
Gresham last Saturday.
Miss Maude Sturgeon, Estacada's
pharmacist, was "in Portland two
three days last week.
Earl Kilgore has rented the Snyder
residence on Terrace Adniticn and
will move from the hotel soon.
George Hislop went to Portland on
Saturday evening to visit his daughter
who is recovering from an operation
t a hospital in that city.
Rev. A. F. Lacey preached both
morning and evening at the M. E.
hurch last Sunday, his subject in the
morning being "Arms Conference Am
erica's Opportunity.' Mrs. D. B. Bass
sang a solo.
Mrs. W- J. Syms made a brief visit
with her sister, Mrs Iney' Greenleaf.
in Portland last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. q Stephens drove
io Portland last Thursday evening to
lake in the Stock Show, returning on
Saturday. '
Rev. T. M. White of Portland filled
the pulpit at the Christian church at
his place last Sunday both morning
and evening
Mrs Viola Douglass returned the
first of the week from a visit to the
home of her son and other relatives
at Cook and Carscn, Wash.
Mrs. A E Sparks went to Gresham
Tuesday evening to attend the Gres
ham chapter of Eastern Star. While
there she was a guest of Mrs. H. V.
Adix. a former Estacada friend.
Subscriptions to the Red Cross may
be handed in at the public library, the
librarian giving the necessary recepit.
buttcn and window card.
Dr. McCall was able to be at h.'s
office again Monday after a. siege -f
illnet-s. -
The Estacada high foo'ball eleven
went to Silverton last Friday to tjlay
and the result was a large score for
rhe Silverton boys.
B. O. "Sarver sojourned tc the roe
tropolis last Saturday
Rev. Upton H. Gibbs went to Mi!
waukie last Sunday to hold services
in the Episcopal church. Mrs. Gibbs
accompanied him.
Mr and Mrs. Irving Smith returned
home last Friday from an extended
visit at Chicago and New York. Mr
Smirh is now back in his old position
as motorman on the first car to Port
land every morning
Mrs H. Hickman of Gervais spent
the week end here as the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. S. R. McWilis
Frank Harkenrider and wife had a.
guests Armistice Day, their daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Honneger.
of Portland.
Mr and Mrs Lesile Pershing and
two ohiJdren came out frjm Portland
Armistice Day and visited the Julius
Paulsen family at George
Among the Portland visitors Sun
day from this place were Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Heylman
Among the building improvements
in Estacada is a nice garage to housf.
C. S. Allen's car.
A company composed cf Mrs, Mae
Reed and two daughters, Mary Alice
and Florence June, Mrs. J. T- Reagan
and R. c- laming drove to Fortalnrt
Friday to see the parade and to take
in the Stock Show. "
Mrs. C -A. laoney returned honi
Dr. Harry W. Paine j
. Osteopathic Physician I
Beaver Bldg. Oregon City:
ast week from Newcastle, a., where
she was called some two months ago
on account of the serious illness of
her mother.
The Community Club will resume
its meetings Friday evening of next
week George Quayle, secrttary of the
Oregon State Chamber of Commerce,
will give an addrss.
The Epwortt League of the M- E.
church gives a social Tuesday evert
ing, Nov. 29, in the church basement
There will be a road meeting in the
city hall on Nov. 30. at S P. M. for
voting cf $900 in taxes for road im
provement work from the Clackamas
bridge through the city of Estacada,
north of the city limits.
Mr and Mrs C- E. Kilgore went
to Portland Friday to take in the
Armistice parade and the-stock show.
Mr and Mrs. U. S. Gorgan took
occasion last Friday, while the store
was closed, to attend the stock show.
Mrs. T. c- Juhb, whose health is
not very good, has gone to Portland
to stay with tir daughter ' and ts
planning to go to California to visit
another daughter and other relatives.
F. W- White and wife, of Willows,
Ore., spent a few days last week at
the home of the latter's mother. Mm.
Wilsonville Items
members of the I. O O. F. held a very
enjoyable smoker at the close of their
odge meeting on Saturday evening.
Mrb. F. Haberstick of Madras ha'
returned to her home, afte". being here
several weeks with htr sister. Mrs.
Batalgia, who died recently.
George Kaey, who visited the Atf-
gus family in September, has reached
his home in Scotland, after spending
tome time in the United States, ano
he lauds'oregoa and its fsymirg lands.
miss tieien Angus Js speeding a cou
ple of weeks in Portland.
Mr. Zell of Prineville Mrs Eichen-
berger and family of Portland, Miss
Edna Paulson of Madras and Mrs.
Haberstick and son Fritz attended the
funeral of Mrs Bataglia tn Wednes
day afternoon.
Masters Samuel and Hiram Woods
Jr. visited their uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mrs. Aubrey Wood; during the
week end.
School was closed on Armistice day
at Wilsonville and Corral Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton and Mr.
and Mrs. Hartzell snent Sundav .-it
he home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wood,
the cceasion being Mr Wood's birth
day. Mrs. Anton Bataglia, who has been
II so many months, died at her homo
on Sunday afterroon, Nov. 6, at 12:3 )
o'clock and the funeral services were
held on Wednesday Nov. 9 at the M.
E. church at. I o'clock in the, after
noon after which interment was made
in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rev.
Rates officiated at the church and a
choir composed of Mrs ,J. J. Thorn
ton, Elsie Sefly, H. D. Aden and Sher
man Seely sang - Mrs J J. Thornton
rendered' very sweetly the vocal solo.
Facj to Face," by special request of
Ihe bereaved family. The Rebekah
lodge, of which dceassd was a char
ter member, took charge of the burial
vervices at the grave, Mrs. Moulton
Mrs Ed Mlilloy and Mrs. McSay lead
ing in the ritualistic- work Mrs. Frank
Brobst and Sherman Seely sang an
appropriate duet at the grave.
The pall bearers were Mes-srs Hol
lirook. Chas. Eiier, J. L Seely, F
Wiedemann, Jack Angus anti Garret
Peters. The floral offerings were very
numerous and handsome, paing a
silent tribute to the loving regards of
many friends. The corral Creek
Mothers" club sent a beautiful floral
piec. the deceased having been a
member of Corral CTeek district until
Mrs Bataglia is survived by her
husband, Anton Bataglia. six daugh
ters. Bettie, Meriga and Margaret Ba
taglia. Mrs. Mary Ridder, Mrs Chris
tina Bauer. Mrs - Anna I'err and on!
son, George.
The deceased was 62 vears of ago.
and resided in the vicinity of Wilson
ville for 11 years, coming htre from
Eastern Oregon and settling on a farm
in C'orrall Creek district, later mov
:ng to this place.
Dodge News Items
DODGE, Nov 14. On Thursday af
ternoon a number of the parents called
at the Dodge s-hool to hear the pro
gram given by the pupils in honor f
Armistice day.
Mr. and Mrs Ben Chindgren and
Herman Chindgren from Meadowbrock
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner and
dauchter Kathleen were Sunday visi
tors at the Fred Horner home.
The stork passed through Dodgo
again last Wednesday night Novem
ber :. and left a baby boy at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Funster.
Mrs. Wismer "rom Vancouver, B. C.
spent nearly a week visiting at the
home of her father. Mr. S. W. Benja
M Pedersen spent most of the week
in Portland on business.
Hazelia News Items
HAZELIA, Nov. 15. Sevra Hazelia
people who are admirers of Rev. Wil
liam McEIveen of the First Congrega
tional church, Portland, enjoyed his
splendid sermon Sunday on "Fathers
and Sons."
Our farmers are busy trying to make
the most of the good weather digging
potatoes. George Wilson's potatoes
are running very large cany weigh
ing over two pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Christiansen, who
have been attending the Song Leaders"
association classes at the Y. M. C. A.,
find it a great benefit to then in their
work as community song leaders. Tht v
are making the rural and suburban
districts their spacial field of work.
but will go anywhere song leading is
needed, transportation only, asked for
We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbors for the help and many
sets of kindness shown us during the
illness and death of our beloved wife
and mother; also for beautiful floral
Elks Prairie Items
ELK PRAIRIE, Nov. 12. John Gros
sen, who is clerk for school district No.
313, has just completed his census le-
port The task is quit extended as
the district covers thirty sections of
land and there is much extra clerical
in a district which is new, while the
pay for it is very meagre.
Mr. Grossen is a native of Switzer
land and explained how the- school
master used to teach eighty pupiir
with ease. The room was large, the
seats, were benches, two for each class
and arranged according to the size of
the pupils, girls who had first grade
lessons, then boys in the same class
bad the second row. Next were the
girls who had been promoted, then tb.2
boys, alternating until the boys who
were in the highest branches of learn
ing were at the back of the room. The
teacher's platform was raised so that
he might have a good view of the
whole room. Each class was assigned
its lesson and the master was strict
that it should be properly studied.
Miss Roberson, who teaches the Elk
Prairie school, and Miss Henderson,
who teaches in the Coal Creek por
tion of this district, are teaching their
respective schools again. Both young
women attended the institute last
D. B. Grey and family went to Wood-
burn recently to visit a relative who
is ill.
Laurence Joplin, who began his
school year in Portland has returned
to attend school, feeling that there is
a better chance in the small school.
Last year a pupil returned to Elk
Prairie school for the same reason. .
Basil Leitzel is a Portland lad who
has been drawn here because he wish
ed to benefit by th,. small school. Itsil
had to return to Portland however to
visit a dentist.
Wm. Kruger is visiting Roy Thomas,
the latter having bought the Kruger
homestead, it is reported.
Richard Joplin, who is one of the
cirectors of this school district, haul
ed a load of lumber recently, which is
to be used to build a much needed
wood shed for the school.
Chas Tidd visited his family on the
homestead recently. Mr. Tidd works
m the Oregon City paper mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Snider have re
turned to their homestead from Fort
land. Chas .Greshong was a recent visiter
in this neighborhood as was also Law
rence Sloate. The young men had un
derstood there was f to be a party at
the home of 'D. B- Gray, which proved
tc be a mistake
D. W- Badger was a business visitor
in Scortts Mills, recently.
The Elk Prairie Community club
held its regular meeting recently in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gault
The early part of the evening was
spent in dancing, a number of the
r-iembers having worn masks and cos
tumes which deceived tjieir friends for
so.mp time -A very interesting busi
ness meeting was held and the neces
sity of building a community hall next
year was discussed.
Allan Battles, who left Elk Prairie
for the Middle) West, has returned,
vowing that he wiil never go east of
the mountains again.
is g-reatly relieved by constitutional treat
Is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eusta
chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling- sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it is entirely closed.
Deafness Is the result. Unless the In-
mav be destroyed forever. HALL'S J
may be destroyed forever. HALL'S J
CATARRH MEIICirK acts turoun tne
blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thus reducing the inflammation and
assisting- Nature in restoring normal con
ditions. Circulars free. AH Druggists.
W. f. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.
fcvetV .. Sale
Captured Again
Koy Gardner, 'sensational Ma'l Bandit
who was recaptured Wednesday at
Pheonix, Arizona.
Farm Bureau Meet
Has Big Attendance
COLTON, Ore., Nov. 15. (Special
by Mail). The entertainment of the
local branch of the Farm Bureau, with
headquarters here, had an unusually
large attendance last Friday in the
Colton High school bu.lding.
Professor Hyslop, crop expert cf
the Oregon Agricultural College, was
the drawing card of the evening with
his extremely clear-cut and interest-
ing talk on the proper selection cf
seed and. the growing of potatoes.
Community center interests were
taken care of by the c.imvnunity clu
organization which provided a pro-
gran: satisfactory to man's mental and
physical needs through the. presenta
tion of vocal music, a luncheon of
sandwiches, coofties, rake and cof
fee, and a free motion picture in six
reels dep-'cting the manner in which
our war needs were handled.
OfScers for the Community club
were elected, pro tern, by acclamation
as follows: Herman Chindgren, presi
dent; Bert Palmer, of Fernwood, vice-
president; Professor Means, c Col
ton High school, secretary; Judge W.
A. neck, of Orchard Falls, treasurer;
and Leslie Moore, of Colton, lecturer
The membership of the club wt.s
gready increased at this meeting oy
the s-ubcribing of the navies of peo
ple prominent in Colton affairs, to
Ihe articles and by-laws of ihe con
stitution, this membership being open
to . ail members, or non-members of
the Farm B-ireau.
Leslie Moore, project leader on the
purchase and distribution of stum
ing powder, and W. A. Holt, county
agent, held a conference in the school
library with those interested in pow
der, and f-asible plans for future pur
chases of this explosive were thor
ougfcly canvassed
The Woman's lecturer was to give
a talk ou home science but ?as un
able to be present. The next meeting
of the Farm Pureau will be held at
lie Coiton High school the second
Friday in December.
G'rl Arrives at Klezok Horn
Mr. and Mr.s Edwa;-d Klezok, re
siding cn the South End Road, are
rejoicing over the arrival of a daugh
ter, born at their home Tuesday, No
vember 13
Come and look over the remarkable values we
are offering during our ten-day Fall Clean-up
of GOOD used cars. We have a fine variety of
cars of standard makes and they are in
unusually good shape, most of them having
been overhauled in our own shops. Many:
repainted and refinished. All of them ;
Dnced for auick sale. In addition to rork.
bottom prices, we
lent terms. A reasonable payment down
and the balance while you ride. We
will take your light car as first nav-
ment. Come early and choose while the
selection is complete.
Evenings Dixrin- "
Husky. Mail Clerk Puts Bandit
Down and Sits on Him
Till Police Come
PHOENIXj' Ariz., Nov. 16. Roy
Gardner, fugitive mail bandit from
McNeil Island penitentiary, Washing
ton, was captured" here last night fol
lowing his unsuccessful attempt to
hold up the mail car on a train ct
the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe in
the iocal staVicn.
Herman Interiied of Phoenix, clerk
.n charge of the car, overpowered
Gardner, who was later identified at
the police station by means of finger
False Name Given
Gardner first gave the name of li.
P. Nelson, but later admitted hia
Police this morning said that white
there was nothing of unusual value
in the mail ?n board the car attacked
ast night, a local bank planned '.o
ship $ 15,000 from here today, and
they believe the would be robber had
been "tipped off; to the shipment, but
got the wrong train.
The mail car attacked last night
was on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
train No. 170. The robber boarded the
car ten minutes before the train was
to leave for Los Angeles.
Hold-Up is Surprise
Herman Inderlied of Phoenix, clerk
5n charge, of the car, said he was
not looking when the would-be rob-
ber got into the car and that he first
be knew of the other's presence was
when he felt a gun pressed against
his body and turned around to find
a -masked man holding a revolver
against him.
Inderlied, who is 6 feet ? inches tall
and weighs about 215 pounds, strvck
his assailant, who was 6 feet and 185
pounds, took his gun away from him,
and then sat on him while he waited
for officers to respond tc- his calls.
Then the bandit was taken to the
county jail, where he said he was "R.
1'. Nelson of Chicago "
"Guilty" is Verdict
Against Paul Stahl
Paul Staiil, of Oswego, was found
guilty by the circuit court jury Wed
nesday of assult and battery, for an
offense committed at Oswego June 15
He was fined $150 and costs by Judge
J. U. Campbell.
Stahl on the night of June 15 got
into an argument with a neighbor.
L. Steue-rnagel, and becoming enraged
hit the aged man over the head with
an iron bar. . He was arrested and
subsequently indicted for assult with
intent to kill. Steuernagel was takon
to the hospital in a precarious condi
tion but recovered.
In instructing the Jury, tihey were
given their t choice of four charges
cn which a verdict could be returned.
J K. Hedges, and Henry Labbi, French
and Belgian counsel at Portland, were:
attorneys for the defendant. The
ury which was out five hours, con
sisted of R. G. Chubb, Henry Klinker,.
Thos. E. Anderson, A. J. Marrs, C. W.
Swallow, C. H. Sloop, Henry T Kis
ter, J. F. Adams, Robt. Jonsrud, Aaron
McConnell. Henry Perrett, A. L. Bea
tie. offer our usual conven-
at Everett