OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1, 1921. Page 7 SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Incidents Recalled By Historic Column SANDY. Nov. 8. Paragraphs about incidents and people of forty and fifty years ago recalled by Paul Dunn of Sandy: "My brother Patrick and I built a hewed Jog: house three miles west of Sandy in 1872, which was the first; house on the old road between Sandy and Pleasant Home "Tlie year before, Henry Garling hired me to work in his poultry and butcher shop at Second and Morrisou street in Portland. The mother cf Joe and Janies Petty who kept a board in? bouse at that time on Front, near Pine will be remembered cy many en old timer. In 1S71 Louis Phillips hail a saloon on. Second, near Morrison and Anthony Lelashmutt kept bar for him In '73 grading was begun on Fifth street and Chinamen filled the cart3 while the white men and boys did the driving. At that time "Gassy Charley" was poundmaster and he and George Reed used to meet on the street at 4 o'clock in the morning and, drew t'ic first blood for the drinks! "In '73 Johnson and Gosney ran a milk ranch on the E. Martin place a little east of the Oaks which place is now the city of Sellwood. "In '73 Ross and Jones bad a brick yard about the corner of East 8th and Hall streets. That locality was all stumps and brush at that lime. "I used to drive my ox ream to the Stark street ferry and sit and talk over the rews of the day with Father Ke ley with his white horse and biii'j coat while waiting for the ferry, which made it's first trip at 6 A. M. "Patsy Foy, who was husky map in Portland fifty years ago, will also be remembered by many a pioneer. Also Jim Dougherty and ' mother" Metcaff who ran a boarding house at Firat ttreet, near Pine and Jim would al ways say to us: "What will you have, liver or meat, fish or salmon! "In '72 I was f-eman in the pit and Joe Burk was foreman on the dump when L A. Dansrherty had rhe contract for straightening out the curve on the old Oregon-California track south of the R. M. Wade iir.plemnt house." P. -T. Officers Named At Cottrell Meeting SANDY, Nov. 4 fot-ro:! had a record attendance of about 200 at their last Parent-Teacher meeting and the meeting was unusually enthusiastic The officers of lajyear were re-elect ed v itli the exception ot the vice-president The officers are as follows: Mrs. A. J. Ault president; Mrs Wm. H Mancke, vice-president: Mrs. Joe C 1 do. secretary; Mrs. H. H. Watkins, treasurer. - After the business meeting was con eluded a Hau we en program was givn by chilJren after which pump kin pie, apple-!, cider r.nd coftt-e were served by the ladies. W. L. Cri-iy made a donation to the society of imported bulbs which woie sold during th evening and suf ficiencent money was raised to finish paying for the pWro. Among the work laid o'ut by the es-. Club Women Feast . Hubby Goes Hungry Poetry Wins Promise SANDY, No. 5. The following "piti ful" plaint sent to the Sandy Women's Club by the husband of one of tho prominent members struck a sympa :hetic chord, and a motion was made at once to give a banquet for the "hub bies" of club members: "Third of N--vember, 1921. Club Oh! glorious day which father" prays has come to stay: On this glad day of imaculate splendor wheti clusters dine on viands succulent and tender father" stays at home and dines on hay, and while he licks the very good health at the present time. I. T. Hoffman is having a new porch built on his Main street house and George Krebs and Herman Miller are the carpenters. ' ' , The Radford road is being gravelled at the lower end. The gravel is hauled from Mayberry station. The city of Sandy budget meeting was held November 1 at the city hell and a good attendance was present. A new garage is being put on the Main street for the shelter of trucks working of the roads. Work is proceeding on Market Road No. 1 between Dover and Firwood, along the Kvans place being the in mediate place of action last week. Jerry Duke went to his own home farm Monday to help his brother-in-law, Curtis. Wheeler, get his potato crop out of tihe soil. Wheeler is not :c s-ion is the production if a yl.ny callod the "Rebellion of Mrs Barclay,' rehearsals will begin soon and Fine Program Given By Sandy Singers SANDY, Nov. 8. The joint commun ity and Armistice Day program held at the Methodist church here Sunday evening was said to be the most en joyable program given by the "sing" committee. A tine audience was pres ent and the presence of so many of the "boys" made the meeting seem especially good. Part of the program which included several patriotic songs rousingly sung by the audience, was: Baritone horn selections by Dr. Harry Ott of Gresham; solo by Miss Mar garet Miller, and readings as follows: 'My Flag," Miss Bertha Hoffman; "At the Peace Table (Guest)," Mrs. Blanche Shelley; "The House by the Side of the Road," Miss Miller; Roll call of the boys in the service from this vicinity when the armistice was sign ed. Address, R. E. Esson, Sandy veter an. Remarks, Mayor Junker. "The Long, Long Trail," and "Keep the Home Fires Burning," were sung by a rhoir and the audience This was ' a splendid get-together-meeting, and Mr Junker advocated that we always cele brate armistice day in some fitting manner. Mrs. Sarah Cross Passes Suddenly SANDY. Nov. 8. The town of San jy vas shocked Sunday morning to hear of the sudden passing of Mrs. Sarah cross, mother o Mrs. R S. Smith, who had felt stronger than usual all day Saturday and had visited with her daughter, played with th: chilJren and showed no illness till near midnight when she had a Fiege of coughing. Mrs. Smith rushed to her mother's room and saw at once she was ill and called Dr. William3. but in two or threr; minutes after the doctor arrived she enterd another sphere. The immediate cause is given as heart trouble The deceased was not ill over ten or fifteen minutes. The funeral will be held Wednesday at the Methodist church. chaff from the platter in imagination he can hear the animated chatter and the culinary clatter as tho clubstera feast on chicken, rolls and jolly while father gnaws a bone and .-ubs his empty . . .(tummy) (Signed.) Sin cerely, R. E. Esson " The date of the coming feast is set for November 17 at the hme of Mrs. isson, so "he" can eat all he wants and not feel abashed. Marmot Pie Social Is Well Attended SANDY Nov. 8. Th.j pie social held at ihe Marmot school house last Sat urday evening, November 5, was well attended, the proceeds from the sale of 'lies amounting to $12.00. Beside the program oy th? school Mrs. George Odell gave a solo and Mrs. Carmony a residing. A literary society was then organized with Mrs. Lillian B. Ten Tyck bing cVosen a-j president, Mis Carmony vice-president, and Miss Christine Ogden secratury-treas-urer, J he next meeting will bs held Sa iiiccy night, ?-ov. 10 .it iht schoo house and the question to be discuss- i d wili be, "Resolved, ti;at the "! exposition will be of benefit to Ore gen." Beside he debi--' a shori i rc r.rc will ' g.ven. E " w invited. COYOTE HUNTING GOOD Pros Plan posed School Is Defeated SANDY, Nov. 8. Superintendent Vedder and Supervisor Buckley both attended the tax-payer's school meet ing at Sandyridge last Saturday, and also conferred with the school board in matters pertaining to the school. The ballot stood 19 to 17 against the buying of a new site and erecting a school bouse in the center of the dis trict This is the second attempt of the district to vote for a new school building and for the standardizing of the school. The resignation of Miss Lydia Ca- pell, the Sandyridge teacher was ac cepted by the board and Miss L. Mc Kenzie of Portland was elected to take charge of the school on last Monday morning. SANDY, Nov. S. Coycte hunters are having good success in Sandy canyon since the animals have beer, feeding on a dead horse and two U;ad cows. Heacock and Lovelace of Damascus broucht ud their hounds, and with neighbors to stand at the run-ways it has been practically easy tc get the coyotes which bring a bountjy of $3.00 a pelt. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY SANDY, Nov. 8. A surprise was giv en Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stefanson of Ori ent recently which was their thirty- fifth wedding anniversary . All of their children were home and a wed ding cake, decorated with thirty-five candles, was served with other refresh ments. Several pieces of. cut glas were presented to the "bride groom." aui TRAPS BIG BEAR Shower Given For Prospective Bride SANDY, Nov. s. A surprise shower was given for Miss Isabel Gray at tb.b home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gray last night which was attended by 27 friends of the prospective bride. A beautiful array of gifts wer contrib. uted. Coffee and cake were served by Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Cyrii Gray and Mrs. Frank Christianson. The following ladies were present Mrs.' F. A- Proctor, Mrs. Geo. Beers, Mrs. E. L. Power, Mrs. J. Scales, Mrs J. C. Loundree, Mrs. W. Bosholm, Mrs. It. E. Esson, Mrs Duke, Mrs Klige), Mrs. Geo Perret, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Scharnke, Mrs. Hoffman. Mrs. Gus Dahrens, Mrs. Maronay, "Mrs. Adc-'ph Dahrens, Mrs. A. W. Bell, Mrs Melvin Smith. Mrs. Ed. Wolfe. Mrs. Frai.k Christianson, Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, Mrs. Dittcrt, Mrs. P. B and Mrs Cyril Gray and Miss Isabel Gray, Mis3 Maty Scharnke and Miss Mildred BcEholm SANDY. Nov. 8. Henry Aschoff had fine luck trapping last week when he caught a big 200 pound bear in the bills back of his place. He skinned the fat fellow and sold the hide, ute some perfectly good bear steak, sold some, and gave part away. SANDY LOCALS STATE MAN TO SPEAK SANDY, Nov. 8. Arrangements have been made by Sandy's new com mercial club for George Quayle. gener al secretary for the Oregon state cham ber of commerce to speak in the Odd Fellow's hall on Thursday evening. No vember 17. Outlines! for a general activity of the Sandy club will no doubt be discussed and it is hoped there will be a large and enthusiastic crowd present on thi9 occasion. Ladies are invited, and everybody from everywhere are welcome. SANDY, Nov. 8. The Ladies Aid So cieties of the Methodist and Baptist churches of Pleasant Home are spon soring a character and costume pro gram at the Orient hall tonight. The affair will also nartake of the armistice day spirit. It has been given out that Graves, the Sandy hotel man is going to move away about the first of December; and that some one else will take over his tage route to Gresham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ten Eyck are getting settled in their fine new home. Their moving- was greatly delayed by the arrival of a little son several weeks ago. Taxpayers, please remeber to go to the city hall Saturday night, Novem ber 12 and vote on the school budget. Rev. Earl Cotton has announced his regular services will continue at the Methodist church on next Sunday night. The regular grange meeting will be tomorrow, November 12, and it Is re quested that all members having birth days in November will bring a penny lor each, year to put; in the "birthday" box. Next Wednesday the national grange will corvene in Portland an a number from this, vicinity are going to attiend. The Sandy community Sunday school is growing in enthusiasm and miDibers, and the same report comes from various sections where Sunday schools) have opened recently. Mrs. George Koesicker and children o 1 were in -pwn Monday on a" shopping trip. Mrs. Billy Allen passed through (own Monday on her way to Portland for a visit - Mr. and Mrs. C- I. Purcell spent a plea: ant day in Portland Sunday with relatives, returning late Sunday even ing. Mrs. Balnche Shelley entertained Mrs. R. S. Smith and children Monday, which hospitality made Mrs. Smith's burden a little lighter during the first days of her bereavement. Paul Dunn was in Oregon City Mon day to atttend the road budget meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Routledge and Mr. and Mrs, McDougal, came home with Mrs K. Dodd who has been at Newberg last week visiting her daughter, spending Sunday here: Three young men who are driving gravel trucks on the highway work are keeping batch in the little house ad joining the Purcell home. The Sanly feed store has a big fine new sign painted, and the sign artist was C. Scharnke, Sandy's well known painter-man. Tice, the Marmot man bought five head of cattle from J.Scales and a cow from Harry Dodson last week and tock his new additions to the barn yard home on Saturday. Phil Van Llacken moved his family from Firwood to Cottrell last Satur day where he wil be located on the E. Beers place. "Zeke" Beers and Carl Loun dree pulled in the old "73 cater pillar and went on the "Yuba" working from Rock Creek to Car ver until that job is finished then took "Yuba" to Gladstone. Both men came home Saturday "out of a job" for the present Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Proctor and lit tle daughter Arletha and c- L. Clir.e felter at dinner one evening recent !y at. their cosy bungalow. Little Betty Jean Schmitz was ailing last week which was the first cf her baby troubles. Mrs. Shelley received the announce metn last week of the marriage of Frank Folsom to a Montana young lady. The Folsoms will live in Men t.na. Mr. and Mrs. George Ten Eyck pass ed through town on the way tc Oregon City where Mrs. Ten Eyck attended :be institute last week. George Wolfe has been back to our fair town for a visit again. Wolfe feels better at The Dalles, but it is nard to detach himself from Sandy long at a time. Fred Procter and . Casper Junker were in Oregon City Monday to attend ihe county road budget meeting. Miss Bess Barton writes of the "Everybody Sings" meetings over in Tacoma and says they all have a good time at those sings and Bhe hopes San dy will "sing" ihis winter. ' Word was received by Mrs. Hennes- rey on Monday that her son, George Hennessey is very sic and the doctor has given him up. Mrs. Hennessey s daughter-in-law wrote tihat George had in attack of la grip and Deiore ne re covered inflamation of the stomach set in. They live at Visalia, California, and George was playing in the orches tra there and also in Hanford. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. L. MayDee ana ton Lloyd were out for the week end to j iit thei- daughter. Mrs. jonn Mar onay and family. Sandy dances are evidently growing in popularity as 125 numbers are re- nnited as sold last Saturday nigui - ... , , ... j tpv. Runvon and Mr. ciariv sy. all nieht at Junkers' while on their way home to Chcrryville from Port land a few nights ago. to. Dzden. mailman, was over from Marmot doing some shopping the rthpr dav. J. L. Hite has been selling potatoes to Jack Scales- and has been hauiini ttioTvi here from Kelso. Mrs. E. Dodd, her daughter kus.v and and the smaller children were in rnrtland a few days last week. M-s. W. G. Duncan had quite a mis sick snell last week but is impro , ..i wit V nr.P'l- inff. one was inreaicuu The doctor tells Mr. Uuucan ne win tr havo. a niece of bone taken ou of his leg as it was splintered so badly it will not heal and It win not neai will h. necessary to put in a plate. However, this cannot be done for a few weeks yet. and the leg is m a piasie. cast again. L W. Tice was over ifoui jnu.im--' ' , j . v irmrts over QtllTflflV .41111 rdo -v that way do not invite much travel. Mrs A. Malar came nome institute Saturaay ami - i nut. from Damascus where sne had been staying with her aunt, Miss Heacock. , . P. R. Meinig drove to C""""'8 week to see his son Alirea fh roned with pneumonia, dul w- much improve-! when Mr. Meinig arriv ed that he came home witn nis. for a few days. - . Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Kerr of Po.t land drove out to their summer place on the Bluff rr.ad iast week for a day nd reirrrv-d this week fr a coupie days. T' cy enjoy the country uci greatly. Let everybody all around a'tena tu- Sandy Co-nmrrcial Club meeting ou the 17th. V'o should all help this now child." arl nothing will feed it up so well as enthusiasm, and numbers create that. Mario Boitano visited his sister, Mrs. Pastorino and family near Troutdale the first of the week and came home via the Portland route. Mrs. J. E. Pomeroy and little boy moved into- their property near the .Sandy creamery. Mr. Pomeroy, who is running a jitney in Totland,, wilt drive out occasionally. The Sandy city council met again last Monday evening at; the city hall Miss Hazel Beers will have a long list of pleasant memories to report to her friends when she returns from Cor vallis, whither she went on Wednesday to be the- guest of Frances and Gert rude Meinig for a few days at the Alpha Rho Sorority house. Mrs. Ed Littlepage and small son spent most of last week at Bull Run as guests of the A. C. Thomas family. Mrs. Littlepage and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas drove to Portland one day and Mrs. Littlepage had an all around pleasant time during her visit Mrs. Lehnfield has a very sore hand last week and was almost laid up. It was caused from a cut which develoi-e-d into blood poisoning. Mrs. Lehnfield reports their potato crop as very poor, harly paying for digging. Glenn Loundree and Leroy Quick arc keeping batch at the Lilly he me and take the train from Linn-?mun luiiction to the Y. M. C A. where these enter prising young men are taking up auto- mobila mechanics Mrs. H .S. Eddy and Miss Lulu Eddy were up for the first time since they moved to Pleasant Home last week and were hostesses at the . Eastern Star session. There was a nice crowd several guests, refreshments wen; served, after which a program was giv. en and everyone went home feeling the evening was worth while While tbip' gifts were being passed around for dsplay at. the Gny shower little Margaret Bell (seven! said, "I guess I'll have to get married." "Pa" Gray was almost overcome by so many females slipping in unawares the "tother" night, but managed to ral !y to the situation and newed the sur prise and pleasure cf . the occasion from ihe kitchen door. Gus Dahrens has been feeling consid erably better the past week. Dahrens has : ot worked at Dwyers for about three months He had workird so stead ily for years that the doctor prescrib ed rest. A fine program is already planned for the .next community sing which was announced fnr Sunray night, Nov 27. Congregational singing, short read jugs, a chorus bv the high school girls. -cngs that everyboJy loves and a var ied program that cannot foil to plca.a vi.i be gitf. Tci desire of. the com jii.tec is to hav cvprvono feel at ? .'16, to eel Saudjr their itrmmunity 'and to be of one mind and one spirit a; these ireetings which, have no con ;ire tion whatever vf"1i a" ' othe or ganization in towt Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hauglum took a four day automobile trip up the Willamette valley last week, and visit ed relatives at WooaDurn, AJDany ana Lebanon. It rained all the time they were gone and the weather was cold. Though they had a nice visit, home looked good on their return Mr. and Mrs. F. Lohrmann and Mr. and Mrs. W. Krebs wer after church guests of Mr. and Mrs Gus Dahrens last Sunday. A fine dinner was spread and a social visit enjoyed. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Ott were all day guests of Mr. and Mrs George Perret Sunday, remaining for the evening pro gram at the M. E. church. Dr. Ott says he hardly ever plays except at Sandy, and if we had we would keep him playing most of his time. O. P. Hoff, state treasurer and Dud ley Antrim of Portland were all day guests at the home of J. M. c- Miller and Mrs. Miller Sunday, both guests being friends of the Millers' since th days of auld lang syne. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shipley were in town Sunday, Mrs Shipley attending Sunday school. The Shipley's were sorry to miss the evening program brt could not risk coming over-the road at night. Fred Suckow got stuck iiear the ()Id Failing place and had to leave his car and walk into Sandy last Sunday. Fred rays he will not take his car out ago in soon. Ed. Suckow was out to his former home, Sandyridge., again Sunday, and also made his appearance in Sandy during the day looking fat and hearty. Mrs. Hennessey entertained two sis ters, Mrs. Morgan oi -ortiana ana Miss Fah and Mr. Moody of Washougal for the day last Sunday. Mrs. E. Beers and Mrs. Lrnest Har ris "spent several days in Portland and St. Johns visiting relatives and havin? a general good time. The R. S. Smith family were invited to the Scales nome sunaay aiier rue sudden passing of Mrs. Smith's Miss Mary Junker had been ill when her last letter was written, but was hep ing to be able to leave for San Fran- few days ago, as driving Is not; at tractive over the roads up that way. Roberts has just finished digging po tatoes and said he had -a fair crop of fair sized potatoes. John Roberts is back on his ranch, but his family have not arrived. Work on the highway stopped at McKenzie for the season and he may decide to stay on the ranch this winter R. A. Chown and daughter Caroline were in town a few daysa go. Car oline will not go to school any more this winter unless the roads get in bet ter shape. She returned from Auburn, Wash., recently. . Mrs. Caron and Lloyd were down for a few days while institute was in proJ gress. Lloyd is attending school at Greenwood. Mrs. George Perret entertained the Sandy Women's club at it's regular meeting last week in her attractive home, and served delicious French pastry, coffee and "pineapple delight." all of which proved a delight to the happy ladies, and would have made "Father" Esson forget he ever had been compelled to "eat hay and. gnaw bones" had he been there. Those pres ent at the meeting were Mrst Blanche Shelley, Mrs. Edna Esson. Mrs. Sadie Bosholm, Mrs. Alice Scales. Mrs. Annie Duke. Mrs. Maggie Bell, Mrs Sture, Mrs. Power, Mrs. Miller and the hostess, Mrs. Geo. Perret. Dr. and Mrs. Sture drove down to Orient to attend the Stephanson wed ding anniversary Thursday night. Mr and Mrs Harry Rued drove tc Portland Sunday for the afternoou. Cecil Duke could not be present at the armistice program, and these two prominent veterans were both missed. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meysr, Casbie. The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M OREGON CITY FARMER -ATTEMPTS SUICIDE IN AT C. O. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorney-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg Oregon City, Oregon. Otto Polehn, Tired of Living, Jumps Into Willamette from Bridge SANDY SCHOOL NEWS SANDY, Nov. 8. The Dusted school upened Monday morning for the first time since tho tragic death of it's form er teachers. Miss Fieldhouse and Miso Spencer. The new principal is Mrs. Anna Studley, the assistant is Mrs. Rosa Greisinger, both froir. Portland. Miss Inga Aangent not returning to Sandy as a substitute for Mrs. Tilimxi Monday morning the board decided V) dismiss school for a, week in the hope Mrs. Tillman will be able to return next Monday. The Sandy teachers V-Port the insti tute was a great sucfess, some "saying it was the best they ever attended. Miss Li. McKenzie of Portland who took charge of the Sandyridge school Monday morning has had nine year's experience as a teacher. Mrs. Fred Suckow is boarding Miss McKenzie. Mildred Barnett gathered the pretty autumn leaves f;r line decorations Sun day night and Bernice Duncan, helped arrange them.' Mayor Junker, J. G. DeShazer, and A. C. Baumback visited the high school one clay last week. Announcements of the marriage of Miss Burse, a teacher in the Sauiy erade two years ago, have been re ceived by friends here. Miss. Burse was married at Los Ar.geles and will live there. Mrs. Tillman is improving, but was not able to take up her work this week. Miss Opal Selby is studying music in Portland this winter and is to take part in tlhe opera to be put on soon. Miss Selby taught at Firwood iastt win ter. Pearl and Hazel Dixon returned Sun day in time for the community song program. They spent their. three days of vacation at home. Friends of Miss Bess Baiton will be glad to hear she is very happy this vear in her work of teaching cooking and sewing in her home school and s he s also taking music Incidentally Bess" mentioned an experience she and the violin teacher !-.td when they got locked up in the building ' the other night" and had the romantic ex. perience of climbing down the fire escape and then taking a ten foot jump to reach the side wolk. Mis3 Barton 6ay3 she feebs like she had a letter eveVy week from Sandy when the En terprise arrives Mrs. Malar expects to be able to take charge of her school work again next Monday morning. Everyone is saying how fortunate Sandy is in having Mrs, Lilly in the town as she isi always will ing to "help out" at the schools whei it is necessary, and Mrs. Lilly is also capable and well liked by the pupils. Friday being Armistice Day, and de dared a legal holiday, the bandy chcols closed Thursday evening until next Monday. Miss Miner went i Portland Thursday night. PORTLAND, Nov. 9. With ungrate ful contempt for the services of sev eral men who rescued him froni tiie Willamette river Tuesday and resusci tated him after 45 minute.? of strenu ous first aid. Otto L. Polehn, 35, son of Frank Polehn. Route 2, Oregn City, requested the men who saved his life to throw him back into the river and let him die. Polehn said he was tired of living and wished to "die. He said he had in rurance and jumped off the Hawthorne bridge. Several workmen from th- Alaska Junk company saw him flound. ering in the water below the brides. In a launch, with Fred Lamberscu of I.fimberson-Reid Boat company, they hurried to his assistance l.am berson dived into the water and pulled Polehn out just before he disappeared below the surface of the water. The man was unconscious and scarcely alive when they rushed him to the harbor patrol boathouse at the foot of Stark street. Joe Brady, city grappled, and the rescuers set to work and emptied his lungs of watjer. After a hard fight the men htaried circrlation and finally discovered a few tigns of life. Dr. George Fairish, city health officer, was called, and assisted in restoring consciousness. When Polehn was able to talk he was taken to the emergency hospital where he refused to give his name or say anything more than that he jump ed frcm the bridge and wished to die. His name was ascertained when tin? harbor patrol discovered the coat he had abandoned just before he leaped from the bridge Chief Engineer Carl Prehn of the harbor patrol found tht coat and tell-tale papers. " O. O. EBY Attcmey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estate a settled, general law business Over Bank of Oregon Cfty. Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW StevenB Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. Federal Power Commission In compliance with the Federal Wa ter Power Act (41 Stat., 1063) notice is hereby given that the Portland Rail way Light and Power Company, Port land, Oregon, has filed applications covering proposed power develop ments on Clackamas River and tribu taries above a point approximately in Section 21, T. 5 S., R. 6 E., Wf. M.; also a proposed transmission line and road fro.m said point to Cazadero, Oregon. Any objection to such applications, or request for a hearing thereon, together with any briefs, reports, or other data for which consideration is desired. should be submitted to the Executive Secretary, Federal Power Commission, wasnington, D. C. Adv. in Book 103 on page 37G. Record of Mortgages for Clackamas County, Ore gon, and covering all of Lot Two (2) in Block Two (2) Gregorys first Addi tion to MolaJla, Oregon, being situate in Clackamas County and State of Ore gon; for the sale of said property to satisfy the payment of said note, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 22, 1915; for at torneys fees In the sum of $240.00, and for costs and disbursements incurred, and that you, and each of you be bar red of all right, title and interest there in, including dower, courtesy, and claim of dower and courtesy, and from each and every part thereof. This summons' is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon City Enterprise pursuant to an order made and entered on October 6, 1921, by Hon. J. U, Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, directing that the same be published not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks front the date of the first publication thereof. Date of first publication October 2, 192 1. Date of last publication, December , 1921. HODGES & GAY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 525 Gasco Building, Portland, Oregon. BORING NEWS cisco-shortly where she expected to re main a shortj time before starting home. Attillio Ceregino is busy decorating the Max Woenche home. Alfred Woenche '"s having this work dene as a present for his brother and family O D. Purcell made a two day s trip to Oregon Ciy last week on legal busi ness. R. T. Esson ind C. O. Duke made a business trip' to Portland a few days ago, combining a iitue pleasure wmi duty Mrs. Strucken has been staying at the O'Neil home helping take care cf Grandma" o'Neil, whose condition is no better. W. P.- Roberts walked down from Dover to do some errands in town a SANDY. Oct. 9. Miss Edith Ander son, teacher of the third and fourth grades in the Boring school has been quarantined at her home here as her brother Clarence has the smallpox. The young Methodist minister is tak ing Miss Andersons place in tho school. Roy McClung who works at Yacolt, Wash., is home for a visit with his parents. Loris Child who went to Eastern Oregon with the Barteln ays writes that they are having their share of sport shooting wild geese which are very plentiful at this time of year. Work on the new dance hall here s being rushed so as to give a big Thanksgiving dance. The W. A. Morands are back from (heir trip to UDde Sam's capitol and report a splendid trip. Mr. Morand is proudly showing a picture of dele gates, taken on 'the White House grounds with President Harding in the center of the group. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the "mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine wasi prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of tho beet tanics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredi ents in Hall's catarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrh conditions. Sena for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation Adv. STRAYED: One sorrel colt, 3 years old, with star on forehead, weighing about lPO; one bay pony, S years old with star on forehead, about 901. Both have roached mane. Finder please let) me know. Reward. Henry Grossmiller, Hoff, Rt. 1. Phon; Beaver Creek 752. States Get SurpTus U.S. Motor Vehicles Virtually all the surplus motor ve hicles turned over by the war depart ment to the department of agriculture for distribution among the various states for road building purposes have been distributed through the Bureau of Public roads. lTp to July 1, last, a total of 22,577 motor vehicles had been distributed. These vehicles, consisting' for tb mofe.t part of trucks, are a part of the war materials originally intended for use' in France and distributed under th Wadsworth-Kahn bill among the various states, the sole condition at tached to the distribution being that hey phould be used only for road build ing purposes. Progress Ever-bearing Strawberrv plants for sale $1,25 per hundred; $5.00 per 500; $9.00 per 1000. Gold Dollars, $5.00 per 1000. Parcel Post paid. Arthur Dougan, Mulino, Ore gon, Rt 1, Box 87. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE O! REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned guardian of the person and estate of Lucien G. McElroy, an insane pertjion, under and-by virtue of an ordar of sale) duly made and entered of record order of sale duly made and entered in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, in the matter of the guardianship of Lu cien G. McElroy, an insane person, said order being made on the 10th day of October, 1921, will as guardian of the person and state of said insane person, sell at private sale, for cash in hand on the day of sale, all of the right, title and interest of said insane person in and to the following describ ed real property situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wi: Lots One (1) to Twenty-three (23) inclusive in Block Forty (40 in Min thorn; Lots Thirty-nine (39) to Forty ;ight (48) inclusive, in Block Forty (4n'i in Minthorn; Lot Two (2) in Blc-ck For'y-five (45), and Lots Three (3 to Twenty-four (24) inclusive in Block Forty-five (45) in Minthorn, as said lots are shown and designed on the plat cf said Minhtorn now on file and' of record in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Clackamas County. Oregon. The said interest being an undivided two-fifteenths (2-15) interest. That said sale will be made at the east door of the County Court House in Oregon City, in Clackamas County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 19th day of November, 1921, and sealed bids will be recived by the undersigned for - Eaid interest in said real property at the above named place up to ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thisl4th day of October. 1921. MARGARET J. McFADDE?:, GuardianJof the person and estate of x s y-, . . ui".iea j. jjaciiiroy, an insane person. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. O. F. Cooke, Plaintiff, vs. W. M- Nelson and Lillie M. Nelson - husband and wife, and W. E. Bond and Elizabeth Bond, husband and wife, Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed again you in the above entitled suit on or before the 9th day of December, 1921 ,and if you fail, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in his complaint, the same being substantially as follows, for a decree against you, and each of you forclosing that certain mortgage executed by you on May 29, 1915, and delivered to plaintiff as security for the payment of that certain promis sory note for the sum of $2000.00, dat ed April 22, 1915, with interest at th-j rate of eight per cent per annum, and providing for reasonable attorneys fees in case suit or action be instituted to recover the same, the same being recorded on the 15th day of . June. ' 1913, SUMMONS No 18288. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Counjtyf Department No. . Blanch Lv Sunimerville, Plaintiff, vs. Neil C. Summerville. Defendant. To Neil C. Summerville, the defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you pre hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, .n or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of thi summons, and if you fail to so apnear and tnswee said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff and award ing to plaintiff, the custody of Juanita B. Summerville. minor child of plain tiff and defendant and granting f plaintiff such other judgment or de cree as the court may have authority to make and as may seem meet with equity. This summons is served upon you by the publication thereof, in the Ore- son City Enterprise, a newspaper ot general circulation printed and pub lished at Oregon City. Oreeon sj.i.1 publication being made for six con secutive weeks, the firs', publication therof, being on Friday, October 21st. 1921. and the last publication th,-renf o"n Friday, December 2nd 1!21, and you shall appear and answer said Com plaint in any event on or before said last named date, all in.acordance with the order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, as entered of record in said cause on the 19th day of October, 1!21. WM. G MARTIN. CAREY F. MARTIN. Attorneys for Plaintiff Postoffice address: 413 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon.