Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 11, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspond ence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Estacada Train And
Auto Truck Collide
ESTACADA, Nov. 9. While driving
to Portland Saturday on his truck,
Gordon Lawrence and the Estacad i
train came into collision, with the re
sult that the street car wa3 consider
ably damaged, the truck siigh.ly dam
aged, but no one injured.
H. L. McKemiie has bought out his
partner, Warren McWillis in the 2 i lc
Grocery and will sell of all hardware
and other line of goods except gro
ceries. He will ri!n a exclu5ive gr-.i-cery
store. New improvements in the
ttore are already noticeable in he
Tne of arrangement, etc. Mr. McWillis
expects to remain in Estacadi. and is
looking for another business.
Gravelled walks are being made
Upper Broad way.
' J. V. Barr went to Portland Friday
to visit his daughter. Mrs. Fred Her
man and family, returning Saturday
Mrs. G. R. Ellis went to Portland
Tuesday to visit the Stock show an:l
to spend a few hours with her son
Lorin, who resides there.
Mrs Wash and daughter Eva.
formerly of Estacada but now resident s
of Portland, motored over last Sun
day and spent, a few hours isitign old
Miss Margaret Wycoff, of Portland,
was a week end guest at the W J.
Moore home.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks spent the day in
Portland last, Monday.
The American Legion held their
regular meeting last Monday night.
Among those to attend the Stock
Show in Portland last Saturday, was
J. c- Ihms and Frank Harkenrider.
Earl Kilgore was in Poitland Mon
day attending ihe Stock Show.
A new board sidewalk has been put
down in front of the M. E. church
to the Reed corner.
Mis. J. E. Shibley and children re
turned from Portland Saturday even
ing after a week's stay caring for her
mother who was sick with the grippe.
Mis. Syron returned Sunday night
from Portland where ,she was called
on account of the serious illness of her
Bister, Mrs. Inez Greenleaf. She re
ports that Mrs. Greenleaf was oper
ated upon and is getting along as well
as can be expected.
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs
Lester Townsend and Mrs. Georgo
Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keath,
Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. A. E. Sparks
drove to Sandy Thursday night to r.t
tend.an Eastern Star meeting. They
report a most enjoyable time.
Raymond Lovelace, who came home
from the State University on account
of getting his eye injured in a foot
ball game, is still at the home of his
parents at this place. He is being at
tended by a specialist of Portland,
and it is thought that he may yet re
cover the sight.
Mrs. W. C. Posson and Miss LetH
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Yonce in Oregon City, a few days last
. week.
Robert Morton was a guest at the
home of his mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore,
Saturday night and Sunday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Harper,' who has
been visiting at the home of her son
over in Washington since last August,
returned home Monday.
Mr: and Mrs. W. E. Linn are now
comfortably settled in their home on
Teraree Addition.
The H. C. Stephens re&idence is
Hearing completion.
Mrs. S. R. McWillis is assiting in the
McKennie grocery store.
Warren McWillis and family have
moved back to their residence on Up
per Broadway.
An ambulance came out from Port
land Tuesday and took Lyle Wagner
to the government hospital in Port
land for treatment. He was a soldier
in the Philippine Islands and lost his
health. About a year ago he came
to the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Wagner, and now the
government will look after him.
"Fluffer," Mrs. Heylman s Maltese
Terrior, died last Saturday night from
- old age it is though. She was consid
ered a thorough-bred and has taken
- Jiiany prizes at the dog shows. As Mrs
Heylman has had her for fifteen years
Fhe naturally became much attached
to her.
S. E. Wooster paid Oregon City anf
Portland a visit Monday.
The Rebekahs held their regular
meeting Wednesday night.
A. Woodle and wife of Alberta. Can
I'.da, were guests at the J. P. Woodle
home this last weekend. They were ?n
" route to Long Beach, California, and
stopped off here to visit the former's
uncle, J. P. Woodle.
P. A. Adams and wife have been
here from Portland this weak, visiting
at the home of Mr. Adams sister, Mrs
Thee Ahlberg. Phil," as he was mor
generally known here, graduated from
the- Estacada high school and with his
mother resided here for a number of
vears. He learned to "stick type" an
der Mrs. N.'B. Ecker's guidance when
she published the paper here, and
afterwards worked for R. M.-Standish
in the- News office for three years
J. W- Shafford was here from Port
land Kaliirdav. Me represents tne
Federal Box and Lumber Co. of Port
land and San Francisco. He came here
to interview the local mill men and
says that the lumber situation has im
proved wonderfully.
Mrs. D. B. Bass and children spent
last week with her mother in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs.. Inersen of the high
school faculty, visited friends at Gres
ham last Sunday.
The Estacada schools opened again
Monday with almost- its normal at
tendance. All of the teachers, except
Principal Burns, attended the Teach-
ers' Institute at Oregon City last week.
Mr. Burns was excused on account of
his health.
Rev. Upton H. Gibbs, publisher of
the Eastern Clackamas News, has ac
cepted a call to the Episcopal c":-.irch
at Milwaukie and will preach ttere
every Sunday."
Quite an amount of work is being
done here on the streets, and yet ther,;
is room for more improvement.
After being closed one week, the
Public Library is again open. Mrs. N
B. Ecker. the librarian, srent p. few
days in Portland, visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. M. H. Boyle and ismily.
Neat Sum Realized
. At Basket Social
The Dalles Highway
Scenery Is Enjoyed
i LOGAN, Nov. 8. On account of ,th
Teachers Institute being held at Ore
gon City, school here was disniisse
for three days last week.
After a week's vacation tpent
Wasco county, visiting relatives an
"seeing things" generally, will say it
was a very pleasant and enjoyaM
trip. Paving near Rowena i still go-
'ng on as fast as possible. The Mosier
tunnel and Rowena heights with i's
long serpentino grade down the bluffs
will be, when fudy completed the most
scenic point of the Columbia highway
Rowena Heights is just one more
Crown Point only much higher up
above th river, and the long figure
eight is many times a figure eieht
One side trip was to Falls Bridge as
the water was low, the falls showed
to good advantage
The canal which cost millions to
make, is practically useless as it is
mostly filled in with sand. The oniy
remaining building of the old Dalles
Fort was also visited. Thi3 is on
high point above the city and is a kind
of museum, fUled with relics and
curios and is kept up by the Historical
Society. This aged house, which was
the oficers quarters is well preserved,
and is very interesting indoed Tyc
rooms on the "first floor are filled up
with all kinds of interesting relics
One interesting relic is the big log
cannon once used by Lewis and
At the regular monthly meeting of
Harding Grange Saturday about oO
enjoyed a busy da.y. The vote to recall
the road "bonds was almost unanimous
their being only one dissenting vote
The Parent Teachers Asociation met
with the school and had a Hallowe'en
social and program which was very
much enjoyed by those attending.
Mr and Mrs. F. Gerber are spending
a few days jn Gladstone where Mr
Gerber will take treatments.
E. Straubo has returned from h:'3
stock ranch in Wheeler county to
spend the winter with his family at
the Carver store.
R. C. Garber arrived home from Bend
iSaturday evening for a few days,
while the road contractors move their
plant or camp to another place neat
Bend He has a contract for hauling
the gravel.
Fords are becoming quite plentiful
here about A. A. Grosse, Mr. Ham
mond and F. Riebhoff being the latest
John cassady has been sutiering
with one of his eyes. He went to u
specialist who gave him a pair of
glasses to wear but he received no re
lief. Then he went to a physician wno
removed something that had gottjn
into the eye and became imbedded in j
the ball of the eye and he is improving
Mr. and Mrs. F. Riebhoff visited rel-
jatives at Wheatland recently.
I KE.LSO, Nov. 1. There whs a larg
ticenaance, at the basket s-ucia! given
by the Woman's Club Saturday even
ing The proceds were ?.-.2.10, which
will be the beginning of a fund fof a
piano ior tne scnool and for ccmm.ua-
lty affairs. The Sandy Quartette gave
several Elections and Miss Miller.
principal of the Sandy high school
KRve a reading and a vocal seic which
were grea ly appreciated.
mrs. i. tt. rmpps entcruuneJ the
Woman's Club at her home last Thurs
day The following were present
jvies James Peterson, Lyons, Rathke.
Dawson, Oby, Short, Kligel, Herz, John
uunn, J. H. Revenue, Paumback. and
R. Jonsrud also Ruth and Marie Baum-
back. At this meeting the Club was
reorganized and a constiution adopicJ.
Airs E. Herz is president and Mrs. R
Jonsrud secretary and treasurer. D
licious refreshments were served. The
next meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Robert Jonsrud on the third Thuis.
day of November Instead of the usual
date which is Thanksgiving day.
While on his recent trip to Medford,
Joel Jarl's car was pushed off the
load by a large machine that was
speeding and went right on. Mr. JarlV
car rolled down a 35 feet embankment,
and Mr. Jari jumped in time to save
him? elf. When the car was towed back
to the road the engine was started
without any trouble. Mr. Jarl was un
able to get the offender's number on
account of the darkness.
Joel Jarl brought his wife home from
Medford to stay until afBer the stock
show. Mrs. Jarl will then return to
Mediord where she has purchased a
nine-roem house, part of which she
rents out., Mildred Jarl is attending
the Medford high school and Helen the
grammar school.
Rev. Hargrsss of Tacoma held serv
ices in the English language at tl'o
Norwegian Lutheran church Sunday
Mrs. Androsen who is seriously ill is
unde.r medical attention in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hergstedt (nee
Mabel Haughum) wore week end visi
ors at the Gilbert Eri home.
Community Sunday
School Organized
Everett of Portland was out Sunday
and preached at the school house and
then organized a Community Sunday
school, which will be held each Sun
day at 2:30. Mrs. H. Fife was electe-i
superintendent. Miss Ruth Cindgren,
assistant superintendent; Mrs. Young,
primary teacher; Miss Chindgren, jun
ior teacher; Clara. Hofstetter, secre
tary and treasurer; Alma Larkins, li
brarian and Miss Li.berg, pianist.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. chindgren and
family were Sunday dinner guests at
Albert Peterson's, then in the after
noon visited at George Hofstetners.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beaver returned
borne Monday, after being away about
three months. They were at Condon,
Oregon, part of the t)inie, where Mr.
Beaver was hauline wheat. On their
way. home they stopped at Hood River
and helped in the apple harvest.
Mrs. Chas. Jones and son Thomas
are visiting in Portland a few days.
Herman Chindgren and Ralph Hol-
man of Molalla went to Portland Sat
urday to attend the football game.
Lillie Matson spent Sunday and
Monday in Portland.
Will Glick of Cloverdale, Oregon.
visited his niece Mrs George Hofstet-
er and family a few days last week.
He came over in a truck to get a load
of apples. Walter Hofstetter went
back with him to drive the truck and
visit a few days.
Glonn Larkins came home Sunday
of Portland spent Sunday with Mrs
Nd"blitt and family.
Mrs. Car others is spending a few
days with her aunt, Mrs. Alby of Mer
idian, who is quite sick.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Spagle and Johnny
were in Woodburn Thursday to sef
Dr. Armstrong in regard to Johnny's
Club Is Organized
By Hazelia women
HAZELIA, Nov. 7. The Ladies ot
Hazelia organized the Hazelia com
munity Club at the home of Mrs. D. E.
Christiansen Saturday afternoon.
Every woman in Hazelia and vicinity
is invited to meet at th home of Mrs.
William Wanker on Thursday after
noon, November 17, promptly at two
Work on the Hazelia road west of
main highway is progressing under the
supervision of Italian contractors and
Mrs. Evangeline Christianse spent
parti of her vactaion this week, through
Hazelia and Stafford boosting the Ly
ceum course offered at West Li an
school but met with little success in
selling ticket3.
It is for the benefit of the annual the
school puts out each year,' something
which is of vital interest 40 the coun
ry children who are students, and it
should be supported by the parents
who are gettine such satisfactcry serv
ice from this school.
Mrs. Archie Worthington is ill, hav
ing taken a severe cold
miss KUDy Hogun or Bolton was a
Dear Comrades: I like to think of
every life being a color of some beau
tiful pattern. I believe God planned
out every life to fit into his great pur
pose and when it don't his plan is
thwarted, the patjtern is spoiled as well
as the life. Every child is possessed
with his own individuality something
that is continually trying- to. assert it
self, and if we will carefully watch his
activities and his desires we will see
the thing which we call the natural
bend of his life. We will find it if we
will just let it alone without trying o
Mirpress or alter tfhat which he is
bringing forth naturally and which w ill
be in after, life the thing which will
make his success.
' The surest solution of the problem
of helping your child develop that na
tural bend in his activities is t put in
his way that which will encourage and
develop it. as soon as we discover it.
retiming to Silverton-Monday where guest of Evangeline Christiansen dur-
Enjoyable Party Is
Held at C. Colsons
Kelso News Items
I Farm Loans Preferred -
Befver Bldg. Oregon City f
KELSO, Nov 8. Mr. and Mr. Jol
Jarl are attending the Live Stock show
this week. Mrs. Jarl who came back
from Medford to attend the show will
return there in a few weeks to spend
the winter.
Mrs. Baumback and Miss vaeretti
attended the Teachers' Institute at
Oregon City last week.
Mr and Mrs. Anton Jerger and in
fant son have returned from Eastern
Oregon and will probably stay at Kelso
this winter.
Henry Eri and family have returned
from a trip to Tangent, Oregon, tc
visit the Kyser family who formerly
resided here.
Robert Jonsrud and Henry Perret
are s-erving on the jury in Oregon City
for the November term.
Vernie Jarl is helping Fred Atwas-
ser around the garage ir. his spare
time. ,
It. E. Jarl who fell twenty-five feet
at his saw-mill on Gordon Creek, strik
ing his chest on a log!, is up and around
again. - Mr. Jarl was formerly associ
ated with Henry Eri in the merehan
dise business here.
Hall and sons have built a new porch
and reshingled the roof on Eri & Jons
rud's store.
Miss Lillie Jonsrud who is training
as a nurse at Emanuel hospital, Port
land, visited her home folks, the Gil
bert Jonsrud's recently
Mrs. Geo. Harvison, .Nellie Harvison
and Myrl Piatt of Gladstone were Kel
so visitors at the Ladies Club enter
DODGE, Oct. 31. A very enjoyable
event occurred at the home of Chas.
Colson on Saturday evening, when
quite a number of Charles' friends
helped him celebrate tlhe double eveat
of housewarmiiio. and hallowe'en. The
earlier part of the evening was enjoy
ed (and especially by the children!
by a romp around the bonfire, then
later, dancing and cards were enjoyed,
fter which a sumptous refast wa-i
The stork visited Dodge on Sunday
morning October 30, and left Mr. anc.
Mrs. Hedges a fine baby girl. Both
mother and baby are doing nicely.
Mrs. Buckley, school supervisor and
Mrs. M- E. Church, truant officer, vis-
ted the Dodge school on Tuesday.
They made a number of complimen
tary remarks on the fine school build
ing at Dodge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kaake and Mabel
Keller were Portland visitors on Sat
urday. I
Mrs. Floyd Davis is visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Myers.
The J. A. Shibley family from Spring
water were visitors at. the J. W. Marr's
home on Monday.
Mrs. John Keller and son Vernou
f pent a few days of last week in Port
land. Rex Gordon from Colton has been
pending a few days picking s?pples at
ihe home of his mother, Mrs. S. W.
he is working In the mill.
Herman Chindgren, Mr. and Mr.
Ben Chindgren, Mies Lizberg and Miss
Ruth chindgren attended a masquer
ade at Oliver Johnscns Saturday
A surprise party was" held at. Roy
Sullivan's Thursday evening. A larg
crowd was there and all reported a
pleasant evening.
Mr and Mrs. R. L. Orem of Union
Mills visited at) A. L. Larkins Sunday.
A school meeting was held Wednes
day evening to elect a new director
to fill the vacancy caused by Milton
Chindgren resigning. John Comer was
The teachers Miss Alma Lizberg and
Miss Ruth Chindgren will attend the
teachers' institute last week.
Program Is Given by
Eagle Creek School Bertha. J- Befk- of Albany, w
O v-- 1 fome interesting and encour:
EAGLE CREEK, Nov. 1. Mrs. Roy
Douglass' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Moehnke, who have been" her guests
for several days, returned home, last
A Halloween program was given
Monday afternoon by Mrs. Baumlgar-
ten's pupils, which was quite interest
ing and very well rendered by tho
pupils. . One feature of tho program
which delighted the children was the
witch, Mi's. Gibson acting the part.
The witch took along her fortune
wheel, telling the children's fortunes,
and tying candy to her broomstick, let
ling the children try tc catch t in thoir
teeth ,and when succeeding the candy
was theirs. They also ducked for ap
ples in a pail of watler and had a gen
eral cood time. There was quite a
number of visitors, who enjoyed the
Mrs. Baumgarten, Mrs. Iva Parks
Millard Parks and Mrs. Gibson were
ing this week's vacation.
Several Hazelia students went over
to West Linn for the footbaJl game Fri
day between our boys and Oregon
City They were much excited at hav
ing, cur boys win.
Central Grange Is
Against Bonds 31-1
BEAVER CREEK, Nov. 8. Central
Grange met last Saturday evening with
33 members and 2 visitors present. Tho
subordinate granges, of Clackamas
county have been requested to report
to Tomona Grange where they stand
on the road bond recall Issue. Tr.is
grange voted 31 to 1 in favor of recall,
ing the bonds.
An agTeeable surprise was a visit
from the State Grange secretary, Miss
ho made
encouraging re
After a short but interesting pro
gram an oyster supper was prepared
;nd t-erved by the brother members.
Albert Widener and Bert Klebe
are arranging tc hold a shooting match
here on November 19.
A Thomas, J. Schrani, and T.
Hughes attended the budget meeting
of the county court Monday.
Mrs. Robert Vorpahl's brother, Boyd
Fisher and family of Milwaukie, spent
several days last week at th Vorpahl
John Schram and son Lloyd returned
last week from a two weeks trip to
Lake county. They encountered good j
roads and good weather and were well I
pleased with parts of the country.
Mr", and Mrs. A. W. Fogelsong spent
Sunday with Mr. Fogelsong's parents
at Molalla.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodard had as
Sunday guests Mr. Woodard's youngest
brother and family.
"(till lMtlli,IIII,IM,tt1,,I(MMM1Hfit(MiM(
Is he artistic, musical, dreamy, poeti
cal? Or is he practical, of an analyzing
mind forever picking tiling to pieco,??
Is he always trading? Does he partjicu
lary love nature? Is he scientific in his
thinking? Does your daughter love do
mestic things, or art or music or the
practical business side of life? All
these thing's mean something- vital to
your, childs fit in life.
We should be almost sure of their
particular desires and activities by
high school age to be able to help
them, select the studies that are partic
ular to their needs, their , four years-
development will mean a firm founda
tion to finish their college course up
on. Here he will realize the fulfill
ment of his ambitions and be ready to
give the world a finished product, this
brings us to the thought of our schools.
(To be Continued)
Wedding Bells Ring
At Mountain Road
ding bells rang in this district last
week when Frank Kaiser and Francis
Kelenofer were quietly married. A
crowd gathered at the Kai&er home
Saturday evening and charivaried the
Misses Marion and Maxine WTieeler
and Sylvia Hodge spent the week en'3
with the latt,ers parents.
School was closed three days last
week, the teacher having to attenJ
the institute.
Mr and Mrs. John1 Kaiser spent
Tuesday evening of last week with Mr.
and Mrs. John Hellberg.
Mis Mary Rypzynski wTho is attead-
:ng the West Linn high acacol came
out to visit her parents Saturday.
Mrs. Amy Bersie and children of Wil
lamette visited Mrs. Louis Koeller-
meier Friday.
John Robinscn has a crew of men
digging his potatoes.
birthday dinner Sunday, compliment-,
sry to her son, A W. Meyers. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mey
ers t'.nd son Augustus; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert M. Meyers; Mr. and Mrs. V.
It. Davis; Miss Lucy Williams; Rob
ert Williams of Fortjand. Table was
decorated in Hallowe'en decorations
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Morgan of St.
Johns are stepping with James Turn
bull sine Mrs, Turnbull passed away.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins and
Miss Pearl Hopkins spent Sunday as
guests of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Snoofe in
Willamette Items
Wilsonville Boy Is
Mrs. 'Chas. Heinz of Mountain Road
spent several days in Willamette last
week visiting her sister Mrs. Frank
Shipley and other friends.
Mrs. Carl Bierner and infant daugh
ter spent the weeif end visiting Mrs.
Bierner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Setje
of Frogpond.
Mr and Mrs. George Batdorf an
building a new double garage on their
property on Main 3treett
The boys of the Willamette branch
-rxrr t i VL tiie vviinney ononis accumpaniect
WTlier Oil WarijOanS by Mrs. H w. Greaves,
Baker, Mrs,. Amy Bersie
UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, E.,. I RartHolemew went to Oregon City Sun-
V,A v aiiciuuuu w 11CIC L v L I t euir-
gene, Nov. 3. A paper on the history
of the, national loans of the five chief
belligerents cf the world war. written
by James Say of Sherwood,'" has by:i
put :n printed form by the school of
business administration of the Univer
sity of Oregon for use in the classes
in investments ant1, for reference pur
poses. The paper treats with ways in
which wars involve nations in debt an.l
traces the effect cf military successes
or reverses of the lengt'h of time for
which loans are to run Mr. Say is a
s-enior in the school of business admin
istration and the esay, which is about
10,000 words long, was prepared dur
ing the summer months.
James Say is the sen of Mr. and Mrs
Norman Say of Wilsonville, and was
a pupil of Corral Creek school. District
No. 28, while ;n the grades, of this
pleasantly entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Will Douglass Monday evening. ijYTnnv Tlirll ATnlcf
Will Douglass made a business trip
to Portland on Friday, having butcher
ed some sheep and sold to a Portland
Mrs. Iva Parks was a guest of iier
mother, Mrs. H. Udell, during the week
Perfect Attendance
Services Are Held
For Mrs. Batalgia
Needy News Items
Clarkes Items
CLARKES. Nov. 7. Walter Lee
working, in town and is staying witli
bis sister Mrs. Swut.
Mr. Ruche is working nn the read
straightening up planks on the Buck-
ner hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Caples went tp town
last Saturday with Will Moehnke.
Mr. Jones has sowed 4 acres cf
grain and intends) to sow more.
Mr. Soger has been sick for the past.
Henry Kleinsmith was in tewn Sat
Claude and Kenneth Bottem'iler and
Mary Eotteiniller and Mrs. Ralph
were in town Sunday evening.
Ed Buol -took the Clarkes preacher
to Beaver Creek on Monday.
NEEDY, Nov. 1. Plowing and sow
ing is the ordei cf th day and some
of the fall grain is up and looks fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Settelmeir and
daughter Edris and son Jess, Jr., of
Portland were out Sunday and spent
the day at the Noblett ranch.
Elizabeth Long returned home Sat
urday after a week's stay at Mulino.
There is a new cream route start
ing out in this vicinity from Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brochart pass
ed through. Needy Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Johnny Friend and tw;i
daughters of Hubbard spent Sunday
with the Nobletts of Needy.
Mr and Mrs. Hagan and Clarence
and Robley of Broad Acres spent Sun
day with carothers of .Needy.
Harry Yoder of Canby js spending a
few days helping dad out on the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Miller are leaving
the farm for rest and recreation and
are to spend the winter at Jennings
Phil Miller and family and Dewie
Miller and family have moved out on
the farm and are to settle down to be
real good old farmers.
Mrs. Babb's niece from IillinoiF.
while enroute- for California, stopped
off for a few days visit with her rela-tive-,
at Needy.
I Mr. and Mrs. I.. Spagle and son were
Sunday visitors at the Bence heme it
J. H. Gripp and Bill Wesner wsr-3
Portland visitors Monday.
Mir. and Mrs Solon Kinzer welre visit"
ing :n Canby Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Carothers were Oregon
City visitors Saturday.
Miss Bertha Carothers gave a Hallow
e'en party Monday which was a decid
ed success. The decorations were
beautiful and there were some spooky
people dodging around. Games, cards
and music made the evening slip away
fast. When 12 o'clock arrived Mra.
Carothers served plenty of good eat3
and drinks and every body went home
Don't forget tho Community Club
which meets with Mrs L. SpagJe No
vemter 9, also the school debate at thn
Needy school November 11.
cral services for Mrs Antone Batalgia,
of Wilsonville, who passed away at her
home on Sunday 12:30 p. ni. were held
Wednesday afteruoon and burial wax
in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Services
were conducted at the Methodist
Episcopal church and at the graveside
by Rev. Alfred Bata. The floral
pieces were very beautiful and the
church was well filled with relatives
and friends of the deceased and thv
Wilsonville choir sang appropriate
The unanimous verdict of the Wilscn-
ville people regarding the program ren
dered at the church on Friday evening
was that without any question it' ut
the best ever given there, there wcte &o
many intersting features and the audi
ence wondered what would happen
next Th applause that followed each
number expressed the hearty apprecla
tion of the same, and thought the ut
tendance was not as large as we hud
expected we feel sure that the Wllmiii-
ville people will welcome a xlmlliif
program in the near future.
Needy News Items.
NEEDY, Nov 8. There wit cliun li
at Rock Creek church Sundity. 1 hp
Hoffman baby and Zacher bnliy wre
Mrs. Solon " Kinzer called on Mr.
Lena Yoder Friday.
I. H. Gripp and family spent Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Babb.
Fritz Staggman is wearing a big
pmile as there Is a fine big baby boy oi
his house,
Mrs. Robert Bonn of Aurora spent
the week end with her parents. Mr
and Mrs. Chas. Harnack of Needy.
Mrs. J. H Gripp went to Portland
Monday. Mrs. Gripp is looking afler
the dry- goods side of the store and is
The Carothers familv were all in
Oregon City Saturday shopping.
J. W. P.rener and Mrs. Zoo Baldwin
Dr. Harry W. Paine j
Osteopathic Physician
Beaver Bldg.
Oregon City I
MACKSBURG, Nov. 8. The Moth
er's Club held its usual fortnightly ses
sion on Thursday last at the home of
Mrs John Heinz and will meet next
with Mrs. John Hepler, president of the
Club. At this meeting the secretary
will read a letrter from the vice presi
ident of the club, Mrs. Simon Miller.
Mrs. Miller writes from Van "Neys,
Calif., a suburb of Los Angelas. They
made the trip from Portland to Los
Angjles .stopping each night at one of
the auto camps. But. for visits with
iriends on the way they could easily
have covered the ground in eigl'-t
Scohcls reopened on Monday, No
vember 7, having been closed three
days for the Teachers' Institute at Ore.
gon City.
Notwithstanding the wild storms
with which we were visited in October
a goodly number or the pupils were
perfect in attendance i. e. neither
absent or late. Following are the
names of those who had no absence
or tardy marks throughout the month
in the Bear Creek school: Gladys Jen
sen, Lardiii Jensen, Linda Jensen, Wil
lie Wilibrod. Louis Willbrod. Letha
Jackson. Etta Jackson, Gene Willbrod,
tensile Pyron, Helma Stegeman, Dora
Stoneinnn, Stonewell Jackson.
Tho Kliy school list of those who
were perfect in attendance is as fol
low: UlUe Danim, Frieda Damin,
Irt'tio KlMlnr, Ge rge Eby, Rose Ferrar,
Hofoprt Kcrror. Peter Ferrar. Harry
Gocrtntn. Harold Goertzin, Maude Hcp-
Inr, Julia Knuffman. Vernon Kauffm.an,
M itrim rot Kauffmau, Lena Nofzigcr.
Ada Nofxiitor, Lester Nofziger, Aarou
NofKtKer. Paul Wtee, Richrd Walch
IU-ntti Wnlch. Albert Walch, Margart
Llcb'g, Gertrude Adelbert Devorschak
Joint Devorschak and Abe Hepler
while motoring with their families ti
vhitt porno friends near St. Helens on
Sunday, met with an accident whica
narrowly ewuped being fatal to one or
more inmates of the car. Three cars,
ilxm of the Hcplers and of the Devor
fcliuUg with one other came into ecu
tact In such a way as to require a sud
den turn of the Hepler car, so uddn
that the car capsized.
Beyond a serious fright, however,
none of the party were injured except
Airs. Hepler who sustained some se
vere bruises but is getting over them
fast, now.
Mr. Herders car was badly damaged
Mr. Whlteis. whose severe illnes
has found frequent mention in Oua
paper is still slowly improving; but his
little daughter. Ida, was taken sud
denly and alarmingly ill last week.
Though gaining slowly, she is, still a
very sick child
county's schools.
Cams News Items
CARUS, Nov. 8. Fred Josi and fam.
ly moved to Maple Lane last week.
Mrs. Roy Baker of Mount Pleasant
spent a few days with her parents Mr
and Mrs. Herman Fisher.
Mr .and Mrs. Fred Weaman and Mi
and Mrs. Henry Sthoenborn and fam
ily were guests at Albert Schoenborn's
last Sunday.
Minnie Edwards and Wilma Bliss
made a trip to Orfgon City last Sat
urday. The Carus school celebrated Mon
day evening by having a bon firs in the
school yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Russell of Port
land spent Sunday with Mr. and Mtfc
George Ingram.
Herman Smidt made a business trip
to Portland one day last week
Mr. and Mrs Tom McCarthy have
left their farm and moved to Mount
Lewis McCarthy of Carus is the new
mail carrier for Route 1, Hoff, Ore.
'The Ladies' Aid met at the home of
Mrs. Bud Weiser Wednesday after
Fred Spangler, G. R. Gwillain and
Jack Griffith all took stock to the In
ternational Stock Show at Portlan.l
this week.
There will be a social at the Carus
church Friday evening. Everybody in.
Mis. IHa Jones visited relatives
Portland last week
Mcnroe Irish spent a few days re
cently with his brother at Willamette.
lained at the home of Miss Dolly Pratt'.
Miss Pratt gave a very intersting talk
on the customs of the people of the
Phillipine- Island and showed them
many curios colected by Captain Pratt,
uncle of Miss Pratt, which he hau
collected while traveling in t;he Philli
pine Islands.
Mrs. Walter Larson and little son
Melinor returned home on Saturday
of last week.
An attractive new barber shop was
opened up in Willamette last week in
j the Overton Bldg. on Main street last
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Por
ter was the scene of a most enjoyable
hallowe'en party last Saturday evening
when Mrs. Porter entertained about 4j
members of the Union high school. The
house was decorated in black and yel
low. After the guests assembled in
fancy costum3 they were invited to
witness a wedding, when unmasked the
bride ( ) proved to be Lloyd Mathers
and the soldier husband, Joyce Mercer,
who were-showered withice, peas and
beans. A grand march was then led
through the house and all unmasked.
The prizes for the cleverest costumes
were awarded to Genevieve Fromong
and Eugene Vedder. Th prize for the
funniest costume was awarded to Syl
vester Petit.
Durin the remainder of the evening
various other games ware played and
fortunes told after which refreshments
were served to Doris Elis. Genevieve
Fromong, Beaula Snidow, Janice Sut
ton, Mildred Williams, Mrs. Wilfred
Davis, Gladys Davis, Alta Worden.
Helen Wallis, Mary Leisman, Mary
Zaniger, Ruth Robinson, Hat tie Sni
dow, Vena Barnes, Mayme Wallis,
Blanche Junken, Lennie Shipley, Marie
Hyatt, Joyce Mercer, Ruth Junkin,
Elsie Junkin, Fern Forter, Joyce Port
er, Lloyd Mather, Clifford Junkiu.
Arloigh Reed, Marvin Hickman, Lercy
Allcn, Walter Brady, Elmer Garrison,
Sylvester Petit, Jack Graw. Lee Porter,
Eugene Vedder, Bill Mootry, Sidney
Brown, Herbert Backus, Clifford Wil
liams, Wilfred Davis.
Miss Katherine Shaddle entertain
ed many of her little friends at a hal
lowe'en party last Saturday evening
The home occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Dibley on 5th Avenue is bein, treated
Hoff News Items
Mrs. Gibscn, 5n her usual pleasing
way, entertained some
Sunday, at her home.
friends, lart
HOFF, Nov. S. Miss Linnie Shipley
has returned to West Linn after visit
ing a few days with her sister Mrs F.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nels of Mulino
, : . l. t, 1. .. ... I
spent sunaay wicu r. i. onu m i
Miss Gladys (Morehouse spent the
week end with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Morehouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steiner and fam
ily visited friends in Molalla Sunday.
Mrs. Sencik was an Oregon City vis
itor Wednesday.
Miss Annabel Man or Oregon uity
to a new coat of paint.
Many friends of the late Capt, R. J.
Young made the trip to Portland last
Thursday and attended the funeral
service conducted at Finley's. under
taking parlors and at the crematorium.
The Epworth. League of the Willam
ette Methodist church celebrated Hal
lowe'en with a masquerade party, at
the home of Mr: and Mrs. J. L. Gar.
There were about forty guests present.
The costumes were unique and fitting
for ihe occasion. Games formed ihi
evening's entertainment, prizes were
won by Mrs. Mootry and Mrs. John
Casey. After light refreshments, all
departed merrily for their variou-.s
Malpractice Case
Reversed by Court
Upon retrial, an acticn for damages
spent the week end with Miss DeEtta cn tharges of maipractac;, waa
Meldrum Notes
Miss Editn LmCstrom of Portland
was a week-end guest of her moths;.
Mrs P C. Davidson.
A. W. Meyers has commenced tho
excavation for a b-isement for his ne-v
home on the ground he recently pur
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierce of
Medford were Tuesday guests of Mrs.
Eads. They left by auto ror nome
missed Wednesday afternon in the cir
cuit court.
The action was brought by Liu
Lehman against George C. Knott, a
physician, September 22, 1919. Th.j
plaintiff alleged that the doctor set
her broken wrist improperly which
made her hand grow into an awkward
posit-on. In the first trial she was
given a verdict, and granted J750 in
damages. Th case upon appeal wa3
remanded by the circuit court for retrial
Tte jury went out at 11:23 Wednes-
Tuesday afternoon. I t'ay, returning a verdict for the de-
Th; quarantine for diphtheria on tho 1 f end nt physician at 2 - '"5. Court rec-
Caldwell home was rerremJy lifted as ords show that the jury in tke first
Merles illness proved to be a case of i trial went out nt 11:25, but two mia-
tonsilltis. I utes later than in the secend case,
Mrs. L. H. Meyers entertained at a but they stayed out an hour longer..