Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 04, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Endeavor Society
Hold Unique Party
The Christian Endeavor sociely gate
a very enjoyable Hallowe'en social en
Friday night at the home of Mivs
Naomi Wilcox.
In her witches costume. Mrs. Bark
er, brewed a kettle of weird lizard;:
and snakes reading the future of th-thirty-nine
guests frcm this veiy
strange mixture.
Then chairs were arranged in a
circle and an unwelcome guest of :i
spectre form stalked in ahd tried to
find a seat, which was denied hiu.
unless he took it by force or speed,
thereby making his right hand nei?li
bor the hnst m his stead. Much mm
riment wi.s provoked by the race to
fill the witches stockings, with ap-pi-5
carrieon a s.poon The race by tc.':
young mft to string wot pumpk-n
seeds was quite exciting. A great hu'.t
was then "started to find the olil
witchts black cat and as socn as its
nine pieces were located, the game of
pinin on the cats tail blindfolded fol
lowed. Appropriate prizes were awarde I
after which pumpkin pie. doughnuts,
apples and cider were served. A song
fest around the piano brought th-5
social tc a close. The guests depar4
ed foi home, charmed with the social
also with the new president, Mr. Gu:,
under whoso untiring efforts, a suc
cessful future for the Christian K
deavor is assured.
Games suggestive of Hallowe'en were
Those attending were Dorothy Jcb
ling, Helen Portz, Jean Robbins, Sarah
E. Holloway, Winnifred Humphreys.
Edith Jackson, Stanley and Carl Pol
lock, Cloyd Tillson, Edwin and Richard
Pearson, Alvin Dietz, Delbert Kessi,
Tom Robbing George Jackson and Ro
Hallowe'en Party Is
Held At Oak Grove
Bovs Chorus Makes
Creditable Showing
The "Whitney P.oys unit of this place
made a very creditable showing at tin
Taylor street M. E. church in Portland
on Sunday evening. On Sunday No
vember 6 they will sing at the Stock
Show in Portland and on .November
11, Armistice Day. will go to Milwau
On Tuesday evening after the re
hearsals, a party was planned for the
boys at the school house after they put
in tv- o hours of work.
Bobbins for apples caused muc1:
'nerriment and in the guessing contest j
Halmor Roberts, Bnlie Booth an :
Billie Tillman were awarded Hallow
e'en candies.
Doughnuts, candy and fruit juice
was -served.
A number of the parents were pres
ent, Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Hcl'!
were responsible for the succass of the
OAK GROVE. Nov. 2. The Helpers
Club enjoyed a Hallowe'en party at
home of Evelyn Little Saturday even
ing, October 29. Witches, fortune tell
ers, folly princesses and dancing giris
Luncheon of Needle
Craft Club Enjoyed
The Needlecraft Club was. very charm
ingly entertained at Stone Gables tb;
home of Mrs. H. H. Emmons on Frid.iy
last. This Club has been organized
about twen'jy-five years nnd their
luncheons of the past two years hiv;
been very enjoyable affairs.
One of thf npw rli-hes sfrvrl a
I tamala pie. Covers were placed lor
I Mesaames Wood. Law rence Miller.
Willishoiisrhv Hirris rinwrtrp- nmvp-; were represented. Various Halloween
and Edith Trucott of this place.
General Store and
P. O. Changes Hands
general store and post' office at
this place has again changed bands.
C. P Morse has rented the building to
Mr. and Mrs. C. Nordcroin, who have
purchased the stock of goods from J.
P. O'Brien.
Mr. O'Brien had just recently beer,
appointed postmaster.
games were played and hallowe en
stories told in the darkness as all wer;
sathered around a campfire. The hous
was decorated for the occasion will:
Hallowe'en touch. After :i few hours
of merriment the guests were taken in
autos to Little's confectionery where
delightful refreshments were served
and guest?i departed at a late hour
after a very pleasant evening.
Dangerous Prank Is ,
Cause of Accident
Halmor Roberts Is.
Honored At Party
On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs
Hugh Roberts, entertained for their
son Halmor twelve of the littje lad-s
-and lassies who ?.re all merrifcers :l
Miss Truscotts Sunday school clas.
The home was deocratcd with Hal
lowe'en novelties and the table was at
tractive with its yellow decorations
i-nd favors and place cirdo all b'
ng suggestive of Hallowe'en. Tun,
dinner was served at six o'clock au ' j
'he;:fraes followed. Miss Marie AToor-., !
Truscott, Edwin Kellogg uti-l
'iaroa isriggs were awarded tn-.;
frizes in the games and contests. Ail .'
ing lo the evenings pleasure was the
r; -et ,y Hallowe'en costomes worn by
Holloway Addresses
Salem Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. C. R Holloway motored
to Salem on Wednesday where Mr.
Holloway spoke before the Rotary
Club on "How the Rotarians might co
operate with the P.oys work " While at
the Capitol city called on Alden Kelly
a former resident, who is now with the
Capitol Journal.
iiie little misses. Those attending
wtera Mrsy Truscctt. Marie Moore,
.laijiet Booth, Marie Grace Rush. Saraii
E.i Holloway and Jack Humphreys,
Keit,h Wilcox, Junior Hole, Edwin Ke!-"pM-
J3arodl Briggs. Halmor Robert.
, DororJiv Tblson ias the oily mem
ber ..f th class who was unable to attend
Hallowe'en Party
Held For Kiddies
Mrs. Unruh to Meet
With Lodge Women
Ada Wallace ITnrush will moi:t
with the Ledge women on Tuesuay,
November i at the home of Mrs. Oli'J
Ford on the river road.
Mrs. Unruh will speak on the chiids
Farm Bureau work and as she is
speaker of note, it will be well worth
our matrons time to come 'and he-ir
her -speak on some of the vital sub.
;ect and thereby be better informed on
these issues.
P-T Meet Will Be
Held on Thursday
festival evening in which people
young and old are entertaining with a
epirit and a real rocial treat, as they
meet the gobblins and ghosts and t:i-j
old witch which rides her iagot brocir.
acrof.s the skies ; and to hear the fate
that, lies in the fortune tellers kett!o.
has been the priviJge of many of our
folks at this Hallowe'en time.
A party for the kiddies of the third
and lourth graaes at the school house
was a frolic planned by Miss Trusoptv
lor her pupils which was a very happy
event for the youngsters. Hollowe en
games were played. Donald Kessi was
a lucky contestant carried away a Ha1
lowe'en favor. Refreshments were served.
The next regular Parent-Teachers
meeting its to be ar. evening affair a;d
will be held on Thursday evening at
the school house and a program has
been arranged and a good tjme is be
ing anticipated at this get tc get her
met ting.
Base Ball Boys of .
Lodge Given Party
O i 'Monday evening Mesdame Altmau, j
Ptiiison and Robbins were sponsois
for the pretty party at the school i
. house, for the Jennings Lodge bns-2 I
ball term and their Utile girl friends
Seventeen were seated at the tabie
which was attractive with Hallowe'en
decorations and pumpkin pies, sanu
wicthes and lemonade were served.
Theatre Party And
Luncheon Enjoyed
and Mrs. H. H. Emmons wer-;
host and hostess to an informal dinner
on Sunday preceding a theater par y
which was given honoring Mr. Mar
tin. The party was made up of Mr. and
Mrs. Dunlap, Miss Kammski and Mr
Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Emmons.
Holman & Pace f
I Homelike Efficient Courteous I
TelephoneSS i
7th -and Water Sts., Oregon City
E. C. Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c
Sunrise Milk, 3 for 25c
Rice and Milk, 2 for 25c
Franks Meat Treat 3 for 25c
Johnson Bros. Jam 15c
Blue Front Grocery
Jennings Lodge, Or.
Successor to W. I. Blinstone
Phone Oak Grove 158-J
Oregon City 8F2
Personal attention given to all
orders. Phone us We deliver.
Phones: Sellwood S97, Automatic 21363 John P. MIHer, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an dDealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foot of 8pokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
LODGE, . Nov. 3.--
Services are being held in the new
church and while it will be some weeks
before it is completed it has been made
very comfortable for the Sunday
school classe.
Mrs. Beinder of Warrenton is the
house guest of Mrs. Arthur Kobertsi
Mis Booth is visiting ber borther
Will Booth tin Hull Ave.
Kenneth Loge of Oregon City was a
Jennings Lodge visitors Sunday.
Kenneth Wilcox has returned from
Roseburg. where he went thinking the
change would prove beneficial to his
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wyttenberg are
-ooi to go to the Lents district where
tney are planning on ouiiaing a
modern house on their recently acquir
ed property.
Lit.tle Bobby Dent has reeovere'I
froir an attack of chicken pox.
H. M. Havlfs, a poultry raiser of
Airlie is. a business visitor at the
Lodge this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming and son
Hugh have returned from Walla Walla,
where they vent on Septemberl. Mrs.
Flemin taking some special lessons
in voice culture while there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. XV. Wood beck at
tended a Hallowe'en party given by
(he Enterprise family oi-. Saturday
evening in Oregon City. They report
a spiendid time and judging from 'T:
7ines" it must have been a jolly affair.
Mrs. A. Nelson entert&ined the teach"
rs t-ne day recently at the luncheon
:iour at her home at Itoethe Landing,
additional guests were Mrs. R. G
Thompson and Mrs. Edith Tmscott.
Eugene Finch of Alpha, Iowa, has re
centiy arrived in Oregon and is very
? nmph rl r-1 i f-Vi t o i-1 1 Vi fnr v-on f Ti'o t- ..in1
;s with his sen Theron Finch of
Woodburn. Mr. Finch Sr. expects t
i emain in Oregon a year.
Mr and Mrs. Millholland and two lit
tle daughters of Portland spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart.
Mrs. Ella Mac Harguehas returned
from a visit to her old home town at
Brownsville, She was absent t'vi
w eeks. L
Mrs. Minnie B. Altman attended the
funeral of her niece on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Holloway attended a
banonet for the teachers of Portland
at the Laurelhurst club house on
Thursday last.
Miss Gertrude Kennedy spent Satu
day at Molalla ihe iguest of Miss Beth
. Nick Humphreys enjoyed a visit last
Saturday from his mother Mrs. Hum
phreys of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Oates. Miss He'.ene and
Eulalie Oates of Port'and were callers
at the Swart and Newcomb homes
Dr. Hemer of Albanv, Fred Nittolt
and the Carl Nittolt families of MuU
nomah and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moritz
spent Sunday with the J. W. Smith
Mrs. Eva Hole will have charge of
the sale of Red Cross seals at the
coming Guild bazaar on December 2.
Mrs. R. G- Thompson will be her ev
sstant at this booth.
Eleven of the Lodge women were
able to go to the Pacific Coast Biscuit
oompanys plant on Friday of last
week. It was an interesting visit to go
through their place, of business.
Cookies and candies were served.
Mrs. Arthur Sn-ith and children
spent Wednesday with htr sisters in
Sellwood, at the home of Mrs. Sam
Stewart1. Miss Eva Glass is improving
she has been at the Stewart home for
soi:i' weeks.
Mrs. H. R. Smith of Willamette and
Mrs. Hilem and son of Grand Ronde
spent Thursday with Mrs. Henry
Mrs. Ouelette Is taking a candy mak
ing course and each day is making
new kinds of candy at her home.
F. F. Thereaux is organizing an or
chestra among the Lodgo boy aad
girls and about 30 have decided to jnin
taking opportunity of the splendid of
fer given by the noted violinist in
givirg lessons six weeks without
OAK GROVE, Nov. 2. Sunday eve
ning, October 30, some of the mis
cheivous youngsters who seemingly
couldn't wait until October 31 ro play
Hallowe'en pranks pulled a hay rack
out in the street and left it standing
in rather a dark place. The result was
a damager auto which ran into it be
fore the driver saw it in the dense fog.
No one was seriously hurt and the
owner of the auto is not reported at
.his time but investigation to find who
placed the hayrack in the road is bein.r
OAK GROVE, Nov. 2. Nadene May
field entertained a number of her
schoolmates and friends with a Hal
lowe'en party Saturday evening, Octo
ber 29 at her river front home. Games
were enjoyed and refreshments served.
Nadone was voted a charming hostess.
' MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
OAK GROVE, Nov. 2. Miss G.
Espey entertained a number of the
girls of the Sunday sc hool at her home
Saturday afternoon. Hallowe'en games
were features of the afternoon en
tertainment The girls surely enjoyed
the occasion.
OAK GROVE, Nov. 2 The dinner
served by the Parent-Teachers Associ
ation Friday night at the school house
was a success financially and the mem
bers are very appreciative for he patronage.
Social Service Club
Gives Good Program
OAK GROVE, Nov. 2. The Oak
Grove-Milwaukie Social Service Club
held its regular meeting last Thursday
at home of Mrs. F. B. Peck. After the
business ses ion Miss Opal Speck play
ed two piano selections vhich were
much enjoyed and Mrs. D. Palroblad
gave a review or the book Children
in the Shadows" by Coulter, followed
by (general discussion. The hostess
served delightful refreshments. The
next meeting will be with Mrs. R. Fro
man, Milwaukie
Improvement Club
Adds New Members
OAK GROVE, Nov. 2. The Coiu
nunity Improvement Club added sever
al new members at their meeting Wed
nesday October 2G. Besid" the water
question, lights, walks, etc were taken
up and further steps along these lir.es
w ill be considered.
OAK GROVE Nov. 2. A number of
little folks wen? entertained Saturday
evening at the home of G. Harris
near Vineyard. All had a iine tiru .
Hallowe'en games were enjoyed till a
late hour.
OAK GROVE, Nov.. 2. The Ever
Ready Club has put out their third
issue of their paper the "Ever Ready"
this week. It is a newsy little sheet
and published monthly.
Notices for the budget meeting for
school disthrict No. 10S are out. Tat
payers should make not of this and at
tend the meeting and thus understand
all about the tax that is needed.
Report has it that A. F Lcy, tb
pastor serving here last year, was rc,--
cently married to some one in Oswego,
rtongratulations of Jiosts of friends.
The Whitney Boys Chorus was or
ganised here last week. They expect
to ioin with many others from other
places for the big ehorusi during the
1925 fair in Portland.
Tom Graham spent last week with a
brother in La Grande and reporfs a
fine time.
Considerable havoc was done by the
Hallowe'en miscihievious lads about
Oak Grove school. Nothing- serious but
it) caused; considerable refarraiiging
and getting things in order the next
Mr and Mrs. J P. Link spent the
weekend with friends in Albany, mak
ing the trip by auto.
Marcus Youngs went to San Fran
cisco recently as a delegate from Eu
gene University in some school work.
B. A. Phillips, who is working near
The Dalles came home for the weekend.
D. Oiler was surprised Monday even
ing at his home by a number of friends
who came in to help celebrate his
birthday. ' All report an enjoyable
evening. Refreshments were served.
Wm. M. Davenport and wife cele
brated their fiftieth wedding anniver
sary November 1. On account of poor
health of Mrs. Davenport the celebra
tion was in a quiet w-ay.
The Sunday school is growing in at
tendance all the time.
Rev. J. J. Patton reports a growth in
ihe community during his absence of
two years also a growth in the church
Community Sing Is to
Be Held Sunday Night
SA.NPV, Ncv. 1. A sp.fcncid ociv
inip:t -ong -ro?ram will be giv.-i:
npst Sunday evening at the Method.;'-i
church. An;ong he numbers already
j.rniii;ed are two solos by Y)r. Harry
t of Greshim who will play the bi--;tone
horn. Vi--s xlaparci Miller will
sang a contralto solo and will also read
; selction Tne Efandy cuartet will
sing. Mrs. George Perrett will play an
orcao ve'ectim. and ot'ier numbers ao.l
congregational singing will make a-
exceptional program These commun
iy "sings" t.re ropnlar in every weii
organized comnm'tj this winter ani
'i'aiv persors have -.jrgeC that San-Jy
ake np the work aca'n, si this- will b-;
he opening program for tbe season. A
i-olo'si f.-on PortIr.no" hi? been invite i
o aj.eir Sunday nffht, but th. aracge
ment is not definite as ytt
S4NTY, Nov. 2. Last Sucun'.-.v
iir:'.:au icifci, ullii u isun I ivir. k
Vrs. R. Netzel, fpll ofi the roof of a
i d broke firee bor.es in i.ia It ft ar u
Herman was taken to Gresham tj
r.ext day and hi-s arm was sot hv r -
Business Men of
Sandy Start Club
SANDY, Oca. 30. Th0 Sandy b'.i'U
r ess m-n orgr.nis'f d a -on"nercial c'nb
list week which started out with
sever,te,.n charter nrombc-rs. The .'f
ficers are- C O. Dike, president, R. E.
Essoi. vie p" sidfent, Fred Proctor,
secrfta-y, Har-y Reed, tiessu'er. TI
board of directors are Casper Junker,
Pavl Mojnig. W. 4. Procter, Jaiv
Scales. The date of nieet!n?s will
ihe third Thursdpy nigM in each
nonth, and t?e nnrual ireotin? will b
the third 7'h'irsdav night in Januarj
Tbe club wil: be affilii'e with tho
Oregon federation It's members ask
for srrong co-oreration anr are out fJ
busiress ani want everybody to get -n
e pme and put 'Sandy on the map. '
'1 he 'irst act'vitv will probably be to
Hfsrt an auto-par;r move.-noi.t Oth.r
needs of the own and community will
i'e studied and plans set in motion for
their .'icc.-mpl:hmnt.
SaNDV. Oct. 3 ! R. E Jari whetre
chest was cruche' 'jy falling a distan -e
i.f twenty-five fe.-f from a long dec:
at the Jarl ;-nd Nels n mill near Co.-
bett is iropnvvinsr. Jarl was too wek
ic b-- taken to tfre hospital at the tim;
cf th-: accidert and has been receiving
medical attention at tSe mill. Jarl
one cf the proprietors of the mill.
SANDY, Nov. 2. There were. 141 en
roled ir the school cersus wnich was
taken here last week. There were 71
boys and 70 girls.
Taxpayers shoutd keen in :nind th-3
school budget meeting on Saturday
iii?L.t Nov. 12 at the city ball.
A Sunday School convention will be
held at Boring on Saturday Nov. 12 be
ginning at 10.30 A. M- and lasting
through the day. There will be three
prominentl speakers on the program.
It is a Methodist parish convention an.i
will include all points on the Poweil
Valley circuit. Rev. Smith, father of
a former pastor at Sandy will !
among those present.
November 12 will be the date of ino
next Sandy grange meeting, and ou
the 16 the national grange will con
vene in Portland. It is hoped as many
will attend both the local and national
meeting. .
A new planer has just been installed
at the Bruns mill, and work is hum
ming over there.
The Bittned Spool mill has started
operations again after a shut down of
several months.
B.'rnest Harris was home for 24 hours
the fore part of the week, and says Us
can wash his face in snow almost any
morriing up at Paikdale.
Mrs. Jack Scales took a trip t;n
horseback to Cherryville last Sunday,
and enjoyed the noveltv of the ride
M. Sulser was down from Snag
Camp last wfek lading in f.uppliesand
doing odds and ends of errands neces
sary to a bachelor's comfort.
tart a fund ;o biy a piano for the Km-1 R bei"t Netzel has gono to Portland
so school. Mrs. 'lor;: is president i.i j to take UP work at the automobile
the cl-ttb. and presided uitng the even-1 school at the Y. M. C. A. He also
ng. jr'art of tee program as tollows
Three Auto Loads
Visit Kelso Party
SANDY. Oct. 31. rhre- auto loa o
from Sandy attended the Women's
dub entcrtainpier.t at Ke'.so Saturday
Mrs. Cora Bullock
School Budget at
Oswego Is Adopted
OSWEGO, Oct. 31. A meeting of th-3
Oswego school board was held ?('-
vember 3. The annual budget has been
posted and actfon on same was taken
at this meeting. There is about $1500
on hand to take care of improvement.
The appropriations are as follows:
teachers' salaries. $6700; furniture,
$250; apparatus and supplies $200;
flags, $15; janitor's wages, $800; sup
plies. $300 ; improving grounds, $300,
fuel, $400; light, $P.n; water, S50;
Oswego Matron Is
Bride of Minister
clerk's salary, $50; ennumeration, $38; j church circles.
insurance, $100; outstanding warrants,
$1SS.G6; total appropriation, $9914.06.
Receipts from yearly county school
fund $3353; receipts from State school
fund, $660. Cash in hands of clerks,
OSWEGO, Nov. 2. Mrs. Hattie M.
Henn.inger well known matron of Os
wego was quietly married Thursday.
October 27 at 10:30 a. m. at the First
M. E. church in Portland to Rev. Adc;i
son Lacey, former pastor of the Oak
Grove M. E. church and now located
at Kstacada.
The bride has been a resident of
Oswego for a number of years and is
a sister of Mrs. S. E Prosper.
j The groom is well known in Oregon
Song rv Miss Vaererti pup'-ls; reo t-
iiig, Miss Carolii e Vacretti; "Unc-C.
Ned, oy the Sandy quirtet: vin! -i
olr- Georg Gunderson, accompani-;!
i. . . -r- - - . .
r.y ijoroiny jonsrna. riej.aing, iviiss
Margaret Miller of Sandy; trio, Mr3.
John Dunn, Mrs. Rober .Tonsrud, Mrs.
Phips; Recita.tion, Mrs. Homer Rev
enue. Selection by Sandy quartet, solo,
Mrs. John Dunn ; duet, Mrs Robert Jon,
srud -nd Mrs. Phipps. There were reci
tations bv two little girls. The usual
largi.' crowd for which Kelso is char
'acteriotic filled the school house.
Robert Jonsrud auctioned off the
the baskets and the club served hot
coffee. The sum of $32.15 was realized.
Mazamas Party Is
Held At Aschoff s
Vesper Circle of
Oswego Entertains
Tlie knock produced by a loose
piston pin is considerably lighter thsn
a crank shaft knock and is most otice
ablo when the engine is ruaning idie
with the throttle nearly closed. The
only cure for the knock is to repair the
pin cr bushing or both, though fortun
ately this knock does not indicate as
dangerous a condition as a crank shaft
or connecting rod knock.
OSWEGO, Nov. 2. Wednesday
evening Vesper Circle Women of tlio
Woodcraft .entertained members of
Aster Circle of. Portland at dinner in
the Odd Fellows hall. Regular business
was transacted and election of officers
resulted as follows. Guardian Neigh
bor, Mrs. Etta Davidson; advisor, Mrs.
Margarer Cox; clerk, Mrs. Nora Eu'.
lock; magician. Mrs. Minnie Clinefel
ter; Past Guardian Neighbor, Mrs.
Louisa Davidson; inner sentinel, Mrs.
Emma Monk; outer sentinel, Mr?.
Clara Thomas; attendant, Mrs Jessie
Haines, managers, John Haines, Mrs.
Ida Worthington, Miss Lena Myers;
musician, Miss Ana Myers.
New Side Walks Are
Put In at Oswego
OSWEGO, Nov. 2. New sidewalks
are being constructed in Gswego. Sur
veyors are busy this week establish
ing grades. The walks are to be con
structed of gravel screenings and will
replace the old wooden walks.
SANDY, Oct. 31. Saturday even
5 100 Mazamas hiiced from the Bul
Ru:i train tc Aschoffs to spend Hal
lowe'en and this fine "bunch" mad-
thetcselves very ppular with the re
sorr; nat:agement. AVhen dinner wa3
over they formed in line and marched
to the kitchen carrying out dishes and
when the table was cleared "all" wash
ed, dried and put the dishes away. The
tables were then taken out of the dining
room and a fiddler begnn to fiddle and
feet began to fly for a couple ol hours:
then a two hour play, "The School
was put on bv the Mazamas, then
dancing carried the hours along till 2 : 30
in the morning. Sunday was spent
playing games etc. a hike back to the
train in the evening completed the "per
fect" day.
The decorations were elaborate, and
neighbors gathered to enjoy the sports
with the crowd. The help at the hotel
especially enjoyed the "partyJecausc
of the consideration shown them.
Milwaukie Garage
Service Station Westinghouse Bat
teries, Repairs, Machine Work,
Auto 'Accessories, Tires Tubes,
Oils, Gasoline, Towing.
Call ns we can get you out.
Authorized Ford 3ervice and Parts
Milwaukie Highway, Phone Mil. 98
Birthday Party In
Honor of Teacher
OSWEGO, Nov. 2. The pupils of the
Oswego grammar school surprised
Miss Mary Bickner, principal of the
school Monday night with a flower
shower and song fest it being her
birthday. She received many beauti
ful bouquets and presents and later
was the guest of the teachers, of the
school at. a beautifully a.pop'nted lunch
eon. The table decorations were in
autumn tints with Hallowe'en favors,
a large handsomely decorated cake
havin place of honor. The teachers
present besides Miss Bickner were
Mrs. Swing, Mrs. Gorsline, Mifts Vo3e.
and Miss Pettinger.
OSWEGO, Nov. 1. Monday evening
the Dorcas Society members and their
families held an entertainment at the
Congregational church. All enjoyed a
hallowe'en program and a nice lunch
was served to all.
OSWEGO, Nov. 2. School was clos
ed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
of this week. As the teachers attiended
the teachers' institute at Cegon City.
OSWEGO, Nov. 1. The Oswego
Woman's club met in the club rooms
Wednesday wi:h Mrs. Weseling ai
Mrs. Pettinger as hestess-ea ' for the
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowers were din
ner guests Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Worthingtons.
Mr. ar-d Mrs. Jack Curtis and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Lorenz mocor
ed up the Clackamas on a fishing trip
George Cline is home for ths winter
from Alaska where he has been the
last six months working bis mines.
Mis. W. G. Weightmp.n left Monday
for San Francisco.
Mits Bickners pupils entertained the
pupils of Mrs. Grosline's and Miss Pet
tinger's classes with a Hallowe'e-:
party Friday afternoon. All kinds of
games and stunts were played with
the usual ghosts and gobblins in at
tendance. The young people had a
jolly good time and plenty of rosy-c-heked
apples and candy to eaL
The Wednesday "500" club met at
the home of Mrs. Joseph W. Bickner
r-nd spent an enjoyable afternoon play
ing cards. Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess. The first priz
wis won by Mrs. Lewis Smith and tho
consolation .prize by Mrs. Georcc
Doughnut Is Ring
At Freshie Wedding:
SaNDY. ,cl. 3) The wedding of
the freshmen of the student body Ht
the Odd Fe'lows hall was one of tc.
most laughable farces ever staged by
the high school here. Henry Junker was
Ihe tall "bride:" Alois Gray the short
"groom."' The ''ceremony" was conduc
ted by Miss Hazel Beers who was
garbed as a minister. Lohengrin's wed
ding march was played by Miss Mar
garet Miller and Kenneth Proctor was
"flower girl." Dorothy Esson and Hazel
Dixcn sang "I Love You Truly" during
the "ceremony." A doughnut was
used for a wedding ring and a
lace curfpin for a bridal veil.
At the close of the wedding
ceremony Dorothy Esson and Pearl
Proctor danced. Youth triumphant and
the spirit of fun was included at the
refreshment tables. The freshmen'a
return party was fully as clever as the
one stage by the seniors for their ini-
r.tiatlon the week before.
SANDY. Oct. SI. TU party giver ;ir
he Odd Fellows hali by the Rebek:h
convmittee after the . regular seseio'
last Thursdiy night was concluded
rov3d a icopt anjoyabl- affair. A
lars-o number of ruests -vere invited
and dancing was -nioyed until twel'-:
o'clock. Pumpkin pie, coffee an.l
doinghnuts were served. Ceorge Bers,
and Mr. Qus-m piayed tbr. violin aid
Mrs George Ferret Mrs. Alma Mar-
onay and Mildred Bo'-holm aceo'np&u-
cd at ihe piano.
(Continued on Page Seven).
rooms and boards there, and exneccs
to train for an automobile mechanic
Miss Martha Hoffman who is still in
Minnesota taking care of her sisster,
had never missed but one Sunday in
twelve years as organist at the Luther
an church here till she went East.
G. Hein has been suffering with aa
attack of lun bago the past week.
Mrs. A. L. Mattingly was also on the
ailing list the past week, and Dorothjr
would not leave her mother to attend
the big freshmen doings.
Mi and Mrs. A. D. Smith of Ciay
Center, Kan , are here to make an ex
tended visit with their sons R. S. and
Kelvin Smith and families. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith were charmed with the
scenery along the bluff road, sayin-r
they did not se anything finer in Can
ada, on the journey west.
Mrs.j W. G. Duncan was ill all Mon
day night and Tuesday with severe
pains and a doctor was consulted. Mi-.
Dunoan's broken leg is mending very
Molvin Smith is driving a smart look
ing team and covered hack on the
mountain m-iil route now, and has put
"Henry" aside for the present roads
up to Cherryville are in a bad way.
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller spent Sunday at
Gresham with her sisters Mrs. Gordy,
and, Mrs. Walter Ball of Toledo, Ore
gon. Mayor and Mrs. Ball were visit- ,
ing ;n Gresham for a few days.
Louis Jerger and August) Johnson
were out here from Gresham recently
on-a bird hunt and succeeded in bag
ging nine pheasants of the Chinese var
iety. Mr and Mrs. Hook and son of Spo
kane have been at the Netzel home and
are looking for a little acreage home in
the vicinity of Kelso or Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Franz (Emma 1
Netzel) are staging at the Netzel home
to help with the work while Herman
Netzel is laid up with a broken ana
Mr. and Mr. Franz are now living in
Portland. -
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hoffman, Reuben,
Bennie, Laura and Walter drove to
Newberg Sunday to spend Oie day with
M. A. Deaton and wife. Mr. and Mm.
A. L Deaton and the Mackey's of Port
land were also in the party.
Miss Mary Janes Collier was a guest
of Mrs. J. C- Duke Saturday and Sun
day. Wm. Fritz was also a guest of
the uke family Sunday.
Chas. Ruther who has been living on
the E. Beers place at Cottrell has
rented the old Paul Dunn place which
is being vacated bv the Hemrich fam-
R. Netzel Eays his dairy business is
picking up a little, and the general
tone of dairying seems to be improv
ing gradually.
Fritz Junker is busy with the L0051
surveyors, and is learning rhe A. B. C-
of the business.
AI Haworth is going to take the milk
route formerly handled by M. R. Hen-
The cheer of the Eason home was
enjoyed Monday evening by Miss Mar
garet Miller and Mrs. Miller who were
dinner guests. Musical selections were
also very much enjoyed, the hostess
being a charming- pianist.
Mr. and Mrs. C Purcell drove to
Portland Sunday morning and remain
ed lsntil Tuesday. Mrs. Kate Schminz
was the genial postmaster during their
Mrs. J. Scales enjoyed a visit from
her sisters, Mrs. Floyd Reed and Miss
Blackhall of Corbett on Monday.
Mrs. L. Lehnfield visited Oie Sled-
den family a few days ago, and from
there went to oPrtland for the day. Th
Lehnfields were also at their claim at
Snag Camp Tuesday.
(Continued on Page 7.)