Page 6 OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921. 15 t - . -1 X JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent. f Whitney Boy Chorus Work Is Improving Grace Guild Holds Annual Year Mee JENNINGS ' LODGE, Oct 26.- Wednesday October 23, being the ras; ular meeting- of the Grace Guild, number of women met at the nome of Mrs. Edward Pearson who pioved very charming hostess. Hallowe en decorations were used and doughnuts and coffee served Twenty t'iree attending as follows Mesdames Allen, Madden. Swart, W. Smith, Babler, Jones, Covert. Sn der, Booth, Roberts, Bechtel, Maple, . B. Smith. Kennedy. Truscott, Losey Hooker, Moritz, Hcag, Garcner, Ruth Truscott and Pearson The work was for ihe coming bazaar and many pretty things are belnz given The affair was also a tea towel shower for th new church kitshe-.. It bcirig the an nual meeting, the president, Mrs. Hugh Roberts g3ve a review of the year - work and the things accomplished which were very gratifying. The ob ject of this society is to help the church in spiritually, financially and socially and to look after the mission ary work. Five hundred dollars was given to pew church building find $200 for the church bit Iget. Flowers were sent to the sick. Pa pers and magazines to shut ins. Twen ty three teas and luncheons were g'.v tn. An open meeting to which the mebers.. were bidden helped along Its social part together with a part in the big eomunity dinner held in the school house and with the "Experience" party many enjoyable social affairs -were held. The Guild has a membership of over 40. The new officc-rs were eleci ed but the installation will not take place.- until January 1st as it "was deem ed best for this years work to be con tinued under tht old regime of offi cers. President newly elected is Mrn ' Henry Babler; vice-president, Mrs. Hugh Roberts; secretary, Mrs. Edith Truscott; treasurer, Mrs- Eleanor .Tones; auditor, Mrs. A. B. Smith. The bazaar will be held on Decem ber 2nd at the new church committees are as follows: Cashier Mrs. .Tones. Decorations Mesdames Pooler, i?heperd and Hole. I Rtception Mesdames Waterhouse, 3nider, Williams and Losey. Supper Mesdames Deter, Truscott, A. P.. Smith, Moritz, Madden aud Ross. - Industrial Arts Mesdames Pearson. Allen and Boyd. Dolls Mesdames Booth and Gard ner. Candy Mesdamesa Ford, J. W. Smith, Hendry. Vegetable Mesdames Covert an'I Nel son. Amusement Mesdames Blinestone. Griffith and Babler. Holder Lady Mesdames beck and Babler. Dishes Mesdames Roberts, nedy. cook and Hooker. Funeral Held For PICTURE PLAY ENJOYED JENNINGS LODGE, Oct 2C The Whitney Boys Chorus members am improving and doing good work under the leadership of Mrs Hendry JVlrS. G. J. X Oj.lOCl Smith. On Monday evening a few went u im wauivie iu me renearsai. On Sunday. October 30, this unit JENNINGS LODGE. Oct 26 will join the chorus at the Methodist The funeral services for Mrs. Gladys I church on 12th and Taylor in Port- J. Pollock, wife of W. W. Pollock, who I land A number ot the parents are died last Saturday at the Sellwood planning on attending. hospital were held in Oregon City on Wednesday of last week. Rev. H. G. Edgar of the Presbyterian church of ficiating. Interment was In the River view cemetery. The deceased was born in Arncit, West Va, March 24th, 1SS0 and was 31 years of age. T mourn her loss are" her huband and three sons Stanley. Carl and Ver non, her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. . DeLille,' of Tillamook, Oregon: seven sisters, Mrs. Harry Herman, Holly wood Glenn, Calif., Mrs J. E. Neilsen. Pr.mUeton, Mrs. G. M- Kingsland, Tilla mook, Mrs. J. C. Neidlinger, Mrs. C. J Brai.ner, Miss Sanette DeLillie. Hollywood, Calif., Mrs Chas. Lucas. Palo Alto, Calif., and two brothers, Kaskie A. DeLillie of Salem, Perrv J. DeLillie of Taft, Col. OAK GROVE ITEMS MnitmiHrliin JENNINGS LODGE, Oct 20 Mr Webb gave one of his moving pic ture sbows at the school house on Fri day evening October 21st The Mo ru shing Trail was the photoplay, with a good comedy, entertained the large audience for two hours The school receives one-fourth of the proceeds for play 'apparatus. Car Turns Turtle Occupants Escape OAK GROVE, Osct 25. The autc in which the families of G. DeMetz and A. Skogg were riding last Wednesday s kidded off the pavement between Mil- waukie and Sellwood and turned over into the Chinese gardens. With excep tions of a shaking up and a bad scare lio one received severe injury except a baby -which was cur. about the face but Ihe car was wrecked. The occu pants had recently moved here from Baker, Oregon. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Birthday Party Is Given Janet Booth Wcod- Ken- JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 26. One of the largest children's party tf of season was given by Mrs. Win. Booth at her home on Saturday in hon er of her little daughter Janet's llth birthday anniversary. Twenty six In- iiations were sent out and the twenty- one responding enjoyel the Hallow- en games and contests which took place in the large living room wh;re the pumpkins and yellow colors were used for decorations. In the diniug room the decorations, lefreshments nd place cards were all suggestive of Halowe'en time Audry Tillman and Sarah Hollow ay were awarded pretty favors for their efforts in the nut contests. Ad ditional guests enjoying the pretty af- lair and refreshments were Alice Blytl-e, Jane Day r.nd Lois German oi Portland; Betty Booth, of The Dalles; Elaine Bechtel, Marie Moore, Lola Ross, Mary Rush, linrrtty Tillson, Elza Kuhnhausen, Elsie Runnell, Pearl Gradv, Lila Rosenberry. itettv Hole, Janfttf Roberts Audry Tillman. Jaan Robbins, Gretchen Thompson, Ale. a Boeteger. Many Improvements Are Made at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 26 The new church is being plastered this week. The art glass windows are in and among them are two memorial win dows one for the late Lonson Wilco.t, and Ihe other for Mrs. Mary A. Morse, JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 26. Mr. end Mrs. Fortier and little daugh ter of Portland were dinner guests on Wednesday, at) the home of Mrs. Fcr- tier's father H. Babler. Mr. and Mrs. Blinestone of Sparta, Wisconsin, departed for home on Mon day after a pleasant visit with their son W. I. Blinestone. While in the West a number of citjesi were visited in Oregon by the Middle Westerners. Mrs. Ella Philips isi in St. Vincents hospital having had a serious opera tion for gall stones. Her daughter. Mrs. Burco, makes, daily trips to see her and reports her condition now very favorable. Mrs. Philips was a former well known resident of Oregon City and resided here for a time. Mrs. Lena Roberts caught a fine sal mon and her friends have enjoyed some salmon steaks durlns the week David Clark of Portland has caught a number during the last week Mrs. Myers and daughter Lavola of Portland spent Sunday with her sis ter Mrs. J. B. O'Brien. Mrs. O'Brien is recovering from an acute attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Babler and son Richard spent Sunday with the Schnei der family at Clackamas. Mrs. Lucy Allen accompanied her daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs Miller of The Dalles on a motor trip to Corvallia on Thursday where thev visited Miss Miller who is a student .it O. A. C. They enjoyed the foot tfcll game between the Washingito-i "U" and O. A. c- teams. On their re "p t,!t they visited with Mr. Allen at Albany. Tne Hugh Roberts family was en tertained at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Cilas Scripture of Oregon City on Sun day. Kenneth Wilcox left on Monday to spend the' winter with a acousin near Roseburg and will attend school in Douglas county. The Bellinger family has. disposed of their property here and are going on a ranch near Columbia, Wash. They have resided here over five years, and Members of Clubs Plan Entertainment New Pastor of Oak Grove Has Arrived SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent OAK GROVE, Oct. 25 Rev. J. Patten and family arrived last week. Mr. Patton began his service in the church here Sunday. Friends are very glad to have Rev. Patton and family here again. SACRED CONCERT HELD OAK GROVE, Oct. 25. A sacred concert was enjoyed last Sunday even ing at the church. The numbers were all good and well rendered. OAK GROVE LOCALS OaK GROVE, Oct. 25 The music department of the Social Service club members is planning for an enter tainment May 12 at school house by Prof. Emil Enna and assistants. The Helpers Club is planning for Hallowe'en party Saturday evening October 29 with Evelyn Little. Friday, October 28, from 5:30 to S P. M. Parent-Teachers association will servj chicken dinner at the school houso. Proceeds to apply on piay shed The child welfare department of So cial Service club at its last meeting elected Harriet Fenwiek leader, Jos- phine Davenport, vice leader and Viet- ta Miller, secretary-treasurer. They will work for one of the children's home again as they did last year. O.'.K GROVE, Oct. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin of near Silver Springs are rejoicing over the recent arrival cf twin babies, a boy and a girl. G. Demetz who recently purchased the McArthur home is painting and otherwise improving it. Gas for heat-ng has been installed in tne teiepnone omce. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moyer of Falls City are visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. R. Davenport, t H Spalding is improving1 since his operation but has not returned home yet. Mrs. S. Goldsmith of Colfax, Wash., was a guest of Mrs. T. F. Elliott last week. Mrs. J. Stein has gone to Ogden, Utah to visit relatives. OSWEGO ITEMS fl Mrs. Cora Bullock Driver of Team Is Kicked By Horse OSWEGO, Oct. 25. Orlando Worth ington met with quite a serlcus acci dent while driving a team on the ex cavation which is being done at the levei at the north end of Oswego Lake One of the horses bit the other a ad started the animal kicking and Mr. Worthlngton got several Lard hits on i the leg and hand. He was taken to Oregon City and the wounds were dressed. House Warming Is Tendered Newcombs JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 26. A house warming was tendered to Mr and Mrs. R L. Newcomb on their fourth wedding anniversary which oc curred on Tuesday evening October 25. The affair was well plarned tnl their Portland friends motored out and pleasantly surprised them. Com ing with well filled baskets; a long table was scon arranged in the spaci ous new living room, where those at tending enjoyed a bountiful dinner. Games followed and Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb were presented with a beau tiful Windsor mahogany chair as well as a tiny sized chair of the same n'Ake and finish to their little daughter Gail. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. C H. Farrington and children Margaret. Jenet and John, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hit:hcock, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur P. Reid and sons William and Arthur, Mr3 Mildred Farrington, Mr. !-nd Mrs. A. A. Albright and children Robert and Aline, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Swart all of Portland, Mr and Mrs. W. Swart of this place. A rather pretty coinci dence was it was also the wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs Hitchc-i.-.t and it was also the birthday anniver tary of Mrs. Hitchcock. Holman & Pace r i Homelik FUNERAL DIRECTORS -Efficient Courteous i Telephone 86 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City i ... . -i i . . i. . i. , late wife of George E. Morse. Both wiu oe missea in me era. ana w-uwi lha rlonoaaorl wora ninnoor w-.rlri?- in I WOrk- the school wcrk in this local ity, having been instrumental in con ducting the first Sunday scbocl at this place which was held 15 years ago in the Wilcox home. The officers of this first Sunday school have now all puss ed away. Mr. Wilcox was superintend ent: Mrs. Morse, assistant superinten dent; Miss Delcia Rose, -treasurer; Miss Lillian Steele, secretary and Miss Carrie Scripture, organist Other improvements are being made a Jcrnings Lodge from time to tim. C D. Atchleys new barn is about cou pleted. Mr" Blinestone is having the hall at the Blue Front made ever into three apartments. Mr Briggs is buill ing an addition his home. The J. W. Smiih, R F. Deter and Uobbing family are putting in. new ce ment walks and many homes are be ing painted which always adds to the general appearance of az.y community Club Entertained By Mrs. E. Pearson JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 26. The Luncheon Club was very charm ingly entertained at the home of Mrs. Edward Pearson on Thursday of last .vofk. The table decorations were very beautiful. Covers were laid for the fol lowing well known matrons: Mes dames Wm. Booth C. C Hole, W. I. Blinestone. Grady, wm. Moritz. Jerry M.i'Jien, U G- Thompson. H R. Hen drv. Ilretscher. Geo. Gardner. A. J. Rc-bbins, Shipley, Chapman aud Pjar- ton. Mrs. Bretscher is to be the nx! hostess on November 2nd. titrent' arrivals in the neighborhoo 1 ere the Davis family who are pleasant ly located in tlhe Cook house. The Davfses moved here from Gladstone Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Cooper and son ot Portland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Blinestone. . Roy Stewart is now assisting at the new grocery firm, Hendry &. Co. at the Blue Frontt Mrs. W. ,W. Woodbeck is suffering from an attack of neuritis but is now somewhat improved. Mrs. W. H. Kelly is ill at her home with ibronical trouble. Elizabeth Williams is now convalesc ing after several days illness which has kept) her in bed. Geo. Ross injured his leg while play irg ball and is unable to attend srjhool at Milwaukie high, Harry Hilton Holloway was taken to Portland on Monday to consult their physician in regard to his recent oper ation, but their friends are glad his condition is not alarming. T. D. Hughes of Portland spent Sun day with the A. J. Robbins family. Mrs. Shelton Bechtel is enjoying a visit from her mother Mrs. Leslow of Eastern Oregon. Dr; Meissner was a professional vis- j itor at the Lodge on Wednesday and i otter taking X-ray pictures found the limb of Geo. Ross was fractured. The G- M. Caldwell family are under quarantine for diptheria. Sickness is quite prevalent in the community but none of a serious nature. Messrs Smith, Geo. Pooler, Guy and Rev. Snider took the members of the Christian Endeavor to Clackamas on Sunday where they were visitors at the Sunday evening service. Penny Social at Oswego Is Success OSWEGO, Oct., 25. The Penny So cial that was given by the Ladies Aid at the Odd Fellows hall Friday even ing was a success owing to the rainy weather they took in over $22.00 on the supper alone which was all clear profit for them. Lake Dam Work at Oswego Completed OSWEGO, Oct. 25. The Oswego Lake dam is now completed, and the contractor has started tjo work on the new pipe line that leads from the dam to tie power house. It will take about two weeks if the weather is favorable to complete the pipe line. OSWEGO LOCALS OSWEGO, Oct. 25. Mrs. Archie Worthington who has been sick for the past few weeks is a little better at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock with Mr. and Mrs. H. Baxter and son motored to Canby Sunday. Mrs. Otto Larson has been ill the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Lorenz were the guests of Mr. T. R. Worthington .it Oak Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs T. Waldorf at Salem were visiting his brother A. Waldorf and family over Sunday. The new garage which C. Didzon is having built is near completion. J. K. Worthington and wife have gone East for a trip this winter again as A'rs. Worthington has better health there on account of the dryer climate. The Dorcas Society of the Congrega tional church met at the home of Mrs Rose Wednesday with a good number of the members present. Miss Robertson who Jias been with Mrs. T. R. Clinefelter while not able to do her work xn the account of boils has returned home again aud Mrs. Clinefelter is able to be about again Oswego has two speed cops at tli present time and it seems to keep them both quite busy as some days they catch 3 or 4 of the speeders who do not care for school children or any one else the way they try to ' go through the town. Mrs. Oren Davidson with her father Mr. Wilmont spent -Sunday with her sistei Mrs. D. Myers. Edwin Erickson who is employed by the Southern Pacific railroad company and who has been away frr some time was home Sunday to see his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson. W. D. Dillenger of Portland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lorenz this week. Harry Baxter, wife and son Melvi . were Oswego visitors this week. Orvall Davidson underwent a slight operation at the office of Dr. M. C Strickland and Dr. Huycke Sunday having his tonsils removed. Mrs Charles Brumbaugh who under went an operation at a Portland his pitel is not as well as expected. This is the second operation Mrs. Brum baugh hasi had in the last two years, S.S. Meeting Held At Pleasant Home SANDY, Oct. 25. The semi-annual district Sunday school oenvention was well attended at the Pleasant Home Baptist church Sunday. Rev. A.- J. Ware made a stTong fctlk on the value of child training. Dr. Abbott gave an able address, soire points of which were as follows: "Our boys and girls are the hope of the future civilization; there are 100,000 boys and girls in Oregon between the ages of 6 and IS years that' are. not in any Sunday school, and few of these are receiv ing any religious training at home. Boys and girls must be saved if the church is to be saved; the church must i be saved if the state is to be saved; the pull of heredity is either np of down, righti or wrong. The supreme effort of religious and moral training should be made during the formative period, although heredity if felt all along ihe line of life it is strongest during the adolescent years ,and the training " of youth is the surest and quickest way Of lifting the world up ward toward God ; and there is no task in the world comparable to this one." Rev. Gephart of Gresham gave a helpful outline on the transit g oi teachers. . The following officers were elected: Presidnt, Rev. S. F. Pitts, vice-president, Mrs. Alta Gentry, secre tary and treasurer, Mrs. B. C. Altman. Invitations will be extended to all Sua- day schools in Eastern Multnomah and northern Clackamas to join this feder ation The next meeting will be heid at the Methodist church at Pleasant Home next April. Pioneer Describes Big Storm of 1880 Amusement Promotor Talks at Milwaukie MILWAUKIE. Oct. 2,. Mr. Merges. of the Amusement Company, which recertly secured an ofticn on the P. L. & P. company's property hre. Sudden Death Due To Heart Failure Alexander Bolle. Jr., died suddenly at his home on the Clackamas river several miles from Oregon City known as aosrewood. Tuesdav afternoon at was out the later part . of tart week 4 .30 o'clock. Death was due to heart HOLLOWAYS ENTERTAIN JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 26. Mrs (;. H Holloway entertained witn dinner in honor of Mr. Holloway's birthday anniversary on Tuesday even ing. Covers were laid for 12. Mr. Hol loway was the resipient of a beauti ful Masonic pin. PhoM: Sellwood 697, Automatic 213 John P. MMIer, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avonuo PORTLAND, OREQON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1S99 Montgomery and Fifth Portland Ksssn No Solace Afforded By New Beer Order Amateur kitchen-chemists of Oregon City who rejoice over the recent rul ing of the treasury department allow ing beer for medicinal purposes, are doomed to Saharian disappointment. Comes now the announcement from Washington that beer can only ho made legally in nine states in the un ion. Wayne R. Wheeler, general coaa tel of the Ant! Saloon league is the authority for the statement. These states, he said, are Califor nia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Mis souri. New Jersey, New York, Penn tylvania Rhode Island and Wisconsin Preac-riptioxis of beer also is possible, he said, in the non-prohibited por tions of Louisiana and Maryland. Issuance of permits o brewers" for the manufacture of medical beer under the new treasury regulations will proceed with promptness and dispatch. Internal Revenue Commis sioner Blair said today. Estacada Farmer In City Among ihe Oregon City visitors on Wednesday was E. W. Htibon. His borne is at Estacada. County Commissioners In City W. H. Harris, of Beaver Creek, and V. A. Proctor, of Sandy, county com missioners, were in Oregon City on Wednesday where they transacted county court; business. He attended what should have been a party for the Fite company at thllay- or's home. It proved to be a frost how ever, as Sam Prland and Fred piper were the only ones that attended Monday evning, he secured an audi ence with about dozen representa tives citizens but the atmosphere was acai's frigid He outlined his rlans for the local place of amusement and was very emphatic in his assertions f-at it was to be an "'absolutely clo-.n i.Iace of amusement. He referred to the article in the Journal as "an unfor tunate circumstance." The auditorium was to be open for any entertainment by the local community, tie ended by saying that he would be glad lo answer any questions and this produc- t-d some rather embarrasing queries. The Milwaukie Community Club has filed articles of incorporation with the Corporation Commission at Salem and ihe county clerk of Clackamas county The incorporators met the first of thi week and outlined plans for making a drive for stock subscription. John R Terril of Love Pine. Central Oregon, was in town Wednesday on a visit to Mr. Lehman. He was on hia way to Salem in the interest of an irrigation district in his community. Phone news items .for this raper to 7W. Milwaukie Garage Service Station Westinghouse Bat teries, Repairs, Machine Work, Auto Accessories, Tires Tubes, Oils, Gasoline, Towing. Call us we can get you out. Authorized Ford Service and Parts Milwaukie Highway, Phone Mil. 98 failure. Shortly before his death he had conversed with his wife, and no sooner had she left the room, she heard a sound, and rushing to her husband's side found him dead. He had fallen to the floor when stricken Mr. Bolle had suffered from neuralgia ot the head Tuesday and did not go to nis place of employment, Mr. Bolle was born in Kansas in 1884, and moved with his parents to Oregon in 1889, where he has since resided in Clackamas county. Deceased is survived by his wife, Mr3. Marie Bolle, a two-year-oi.l daughter, Evelyn, his father, Alexan der Bolle ?r, of Edgewood; five brothers August ot Edgewood; Henry, 01 wnue salmon. Wash.; Edward, of Oregon City; John of Gladstone: Fred if Marmot, Oregon. He alo leaves a steter, Mrs. Charles Beiers, of Port- .ana His mother died a number of years ago. Wanted A Secretary" Doctor W. E. Heranstead figures that the Enterprise owes him $49.55. The doctor inserted a classified ad in tne paper, to the effect that he wanted an office girl. He got them in the plural! Pact is. so many of them called in response to his ad, that it took him practically all day to answer the applicants. A doctor's time is worth $50 a day. So Mr. Hempstead figures that the Enterprise Ehonld pay the damages. Tfcey called at the doctor's house on Sunday bo:hered him in his office when he was "breaking the Sabbath" by wield ing a mop. and he finally had to take his car to fie from the ringing tele phone in his nome. Monday there wa3 a line of applicant waiting at'the door. So Dr. Hempstead has a secre tary. She is Miss Ellen Dougherty, ot Fift7i street. And he has been very firm in his orders to "kill the adv." Song Program Will Be Given on Nov. 6 SANDY, Oct. 26. A community song program will be given at the M. E. church on Sunday night November 6 which will be of interest to everyone in and about. Sandy who loves music. Dr. Harry Ott of Gresham has promis ed to play two selections on his bar itone horn, and everyone who has heard Dr. Ott always wants to hear him again. Miss Margaret Miller will sing a contralto solo, the Sandy quar tet will sing and there will be other attractive numbers beside the congre gational singing which will also be a feature of the program. These programs will be continued through the winter if the people will help to develop the musical spirit ot the community. Grade Teacher Is HI In Portland SANDY, Oct. 25. Word was receiv ed this morning by the Sandy school board that Mrs. Tillman, teacher of the primary grades, was ill at Portland with pneumcnia. Mrs. Tillman went to the city Friday evening as usual to spend the week-end and was taken down on Saturday. Mrs. Tillman's room was dismissed on Monday, and Superintendent Vedder was asked to send a teacher to supply till Mi3s Till- manis able to take charge of her work again. Mrs. Anton Malar, principal of the grade school, is now improving, but will hot be able to take up her work for two or three weeks. SANDY, Oct 24. Mr. aud Mrs He' man Frey ,who recently returned to Portland for the winter, were pioneers in the Firwood settlement in ma Henry oatman preceded the Freys thre j years, and Henry Koch and wife came shortly after. "Idlewild," the at tractive countryplace of the Frey fam ily is the same spot that in pioneer days was but a forest primeval, no all these years the home fires have been lighted here at least a part of the tim each season. The Freys remember the wind-fall of January 9, 1SS0. Mrs. Frv was about her house work, and her hus band was working on the hill about oo reet from the house on that briaht, sunny morning. ' There had been a snow fall of six inches, and the ground was soft from hea y rains, Hut no wind was noticeable, and when a great noise which sounded like shoot ing startled me, said Mrs. Frey, I rushed out to se what was the matter. My husband could not see the house but came running to see if anything was wrong, and great trees were fall ing in every direction, fences were blown down and the outbuildings un roofed, some of the roofs being car ried 200 yards. Tips of burned snags broke off, filling the air and flying 50 to 60 feet, many of which were buried in the ground. While grading at Fir wood this summer some of these tree tops were unearthed. "This windfall felled a swath of timber three-fcurths of a mile wide from Portland to Cedar creek no live timber falling beyond Cedar creek. "It took 9 men 5 days to clear the road to Sandy, a distance cf two and a half miles. The wind came from the souM.west, there were no clouds and no rain. "In the same storm the steeple ,of the First Presbyterian church of Port land toppled over, and Gresham, which place had one house at that time, was a medley of uprooted trees." Whf-n the Freys went on their place the Malar land was tjhe best place on the road east of Sandy, though thtre were some trails leading in other di rections. Mr. Frey who has always been In terested in the development of this section is proprietor of the Koessel and Frey meat market and has done business in that one block for 29 years in Portland, but Mr. Frey would rather spend his time at the old ranch out here than any place in the world. ENGINEER FINDS ROCK SANDY, Oct. 25. A new ledge of rock has been found on the Meinig place west of the road by E. A. Palm?r rock contractor, who will proceed to open up the quarry. A track will be built down the hi.H and cars put on. This is a better quality of rock than has been used here, and a crusher wi.'i be put in as soon as posible BOB CATS SOl-D Sandy Womens Club Members Are r eted SANDY, Oct. 24. The Sandy Worn en's Club was entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jack Scales, M' Blanche Shelley, the president wae in the chair. The rooms were prettil decorated with Hallowe'en colors and pumpkin pio, coffee and candy were served. Mrs. D. F. Eason played piano selection and Miss Margaret Mil ler sang "I Love You Truly," accom panied by Miss Elsie Lippold. "homey" afternoon was enjoyed by the folio wine- ladies: Mrs. D. F- Eason, Mrs. R. E. Esson, Mrs. Cyril Gray, Mrs Wl. Bosholm, Mrs. Sarah Cross, Mrs Blanche Shelley, Miss Elsie Lippoiu Mrs. Gladys Tillman, Mrs. J. M. C. -Mil ler, Misa Margaret Miller ana Mr Scales, the eracious hostess. Mrs George Perret will entertain the club at its next meeting. Miss Edna Dodd Is Bride of L. Goheen SANDY. Oct. 25. Miss Edna Dodd and Leonard Coheen went to vancou- c.tnniiT October 22. and had o -row words" said over them which nnied their lives into the holy bonds of matrimony. Mrs. oneen wm con tinue her work of keeping a home for children on the Blurr read tm '.as first of the year and the happy couple will then move to Portland. Mr. Go heen is well known arounu tsoriug, au-i formerly worked for Veatsch Bros. Mrs. Hd. Dodd missed stage connec- tfnn-- and arnvea iw iaie w ancuu the wedding ceremony of her daughter Loop Road Is Being Partially Repaired SANDY, Oct 24. Roads over the loop have been practically impassible, but, patching up the middle road is progressing and thi will keep com munication open up the mountains all winter, and will probably be a per manent improvement. Dixon and Howett; would have fin ished their grading contract by this time if the rain3 had not come. They have one camp yet at Eeaver Creek. Johnson closed down the Alder creek camp. The Briehtwood camp Ss f-till open, and will clof e if rain keeps up. SANDY, Oct. 25. Three bob-cats re cently caught at cherryville by Lafay ette Green were brought to Sandy to day and sold to a man who will put them in Columbia beach park. The "bobs" have been thriving1 under Greene's care. MISS HOFFMAN WINS PRIZE SANDY, Oct 25. Miss Bertha Hoff man won the prize of one dollar offer ed the high school student preparing the best theme on fira prevntion. The subject was "Stop-Look-Listen. SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Oct. 25. There will be church next Sunday at the Swedish Lutheran church at Kelso at 2 P. M. Rev. O. Hargoes of Tacoma will have charge of the services. Plans are being laid for a big com munity social event at Orient hall on Nov. il. The affair will probably be announced in detail lat(er. There will be a budget school meet ing at the Sandy city hall on the even ing of Nov. 12, to vote on the budget recently posted by tjie clerk. The entertainment and box social at Kelso under the direction of the Women's club will be the event of the vicinity tomorrow night Rev. Cotton will preach at the Metn- odist Sunday evening. It's joyful news that Sandy busi ness men are bent on trying to organ ize a commercial club. Henry Perret of Sandy and Robert Jonsrud of Kelso have been subpoened as jurors for the November term ot court A laborer that had been working up the line on the Loop is now helping Wm. O'Neil clear land and boards at O'Neils. Rev. Mr. Runyon was down from Cherryville a, few days ago, and though 85 years of age is hopeful of receiving his sight -again. "Slim" Smith is feeling tempted to buy a team and go back to primitive modes of carrying the mail up the mountains as ""Lizzie" has too work altogether too hard to keep her "date ' with Uncle Sam. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Dodd were Portland visitors one day re cently. Mr. Duncan's leg is not doing the best. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Spillman after an enjoyable visit at the home of R. C Shipleys last week, went to Scenic where they visited their old neighbors, the J. R. Duncan family. The addition to Ed. Wolfe's house will be ready for occupation in an other -week or so. Clarence Cassidy has been working on it The Martin children are going to school in Portland this winter as their father has work there. R. S. Smith and Jaik Scales left for Seattle via automtbiie last Friday, returning the middle of the week. D. F. Eason, resident engineer, had twelve mile horseback ride one day last week. He started up the line in (Continued on Page 7.)