Page 4 OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Published Every Friday. E. E. BR O DIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Oregon, Post office as second-class matter. Subscription jear me 81x Months Rates: $1.60 . Trial SubsextDtion. Two Months. M Subscribers -will And the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. X last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and tbe matter will receive oar attention Advertising Rates on application. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1921 ROAD DISTRICT No. 11 Oswego Transfer, $12.16; J. Bickner & Sons, $33.90; A. Mather, $104.15; Feenaugh- ty Machinery Co., $76.30; Oswego Lake Water, Light & Power Co., $63.' 00; V. C. Jackson, $33.70; J. Gaciar, $2.99; B. Congdon, $26.91; F. Whitten, $46.00; L. Whitten, $7.96; B. Spousta, $5.98; Geo. Pepoon, $8.97; H. Stens- ' trom. $8.97; N. S. Oldham, $8.97; FredH Armstrong, $19.95; Fred Lehman, $53. 82; Win. Armstrong, $50.83; A. Neal, $17.94; D. Reynolds, $17.94; L. Steas trom. $32,89; C. Aerai, $8.97; B. Whit ten, $7.96; F. Whitten, $112.25; An drew Sanches, $93.76; Wm. Sewell, $75.81: R. Delashmutt, $67.31; John Cox, $63.58; F. N. Raicy, $83.76; J. P. Cook, $14.95; J. Spousta, $56.81; W. Pepoon, $50.83; Ed Pollard, $56.81; J. P Cook, $11.96; Dan Reynolds, $5.98; F. E. Davidson, $8.97. ROAD DISTRICT No. 14 L. W. Waters, $17.97; Otto Pamperlin, $11. 96; Smith Turner, $17.96. ROAD DISTRICT No. 15 G. Not durft, $13.45; G. Notdurft, $4.48; W. Yeomans, $5.97. ROAD DISTRICT No. 16 James A. C. Tait & Co., $56.50; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $233.25; O. P. Roethe, $114 22; John Bellinger, $23.91; H. C. Faulk, $26.16; C. D. Atchley, $50.91 ROAD DISTRICT No 17 Milwau kie Garage, $11.18; John Shields, $69.- 90; Win. Stronge, $69.90; Sam Riley, $47.84; Joe Hawkins, $14.95; J. R. Strange, $38.87; H. A. Battin, $23.92; Harry Ameele, $5.98; C. E. Battin, $5.98; J. Avery, $9.98; Dan Mazzie, $89.93; W. H. Counsell, $44.90; C. H. Counsell, $20.93; Wister Sellwood, $5, 99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 18 Matt Greenslade, $4.00; Ray Dunlap, $38.- 87; J. C. Royer, $216.84; C. C. Young, $47.92; Walter Young, $76.33; Joe Papsch, $31.39; Christ Eckert, $37.37; A. J. Stoll, $56.90; S. C. Young, $47.- 92; Kent Fish, $53.91; H. Branson, $20.96; Carl Wolfhagen, $38.87; Hen ry Bock, $20.92; Otto Vogel, $50.91; John Moore, $50.91; George Gibbs, $22.42; S. P. Hudd'e, $11.98; August Osterbak, $5.99; ROAD DISTRICT No. 21 P. R. L. & P. Co., $25.20. ROAD DISTRICT No. 24 Chas. Honde, $47.84; L. Thomas, $6.74; G. Wilkerson, $6.74. ROAD DISTRICT No. 25 Frank Busch, & Sons, $43.65; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $161.47; Bud Martindale, $4.48; R. Shumway, $4.48; J. F. Dock ery, $8.98; B. Dockery, $4.48; R. Hane erg, $4.48; F. Hopkins, $4.48; Wm. Chatham, $8.98; W. Ganger, $5.98; D. Haneberg, $5.98; A. C. Thomas, $. 73; A. Caven, $4.48; A. H. Klingler, $10.48; Geo. Slater, $2.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 30 Alvin Johnson, $83.83; W. Hall, $8.97; C. Hyde, $5.99; E. Sultnester, $2.99; J. Cramer, $5.98; A. Worner, $11.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 32 Frank Busch & Sons, 11.75; A. Mather, $8. 55. " ROAD DISTRICT No. 33 C. H. Dauchy, $2.00; J .R. Livesay, $10.45; C. R Livesay, $14.94; J. P. Murphy, $2.98; H. E. Rudolph, $2.98; R. Mat toon, $23.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 34 Beaver Creek Cash Exchange, $11.50; C -T. Blackburn, $15.71; J. Swiatkosi, $2.99 M. Mowreader, $4.48. ROAD DISTRICT No. 37 Frank Busch & Sons, $37.06; C. W. Friedrich & Son, $1.85; F. Madden & Co. $106. 65; John Putz, $12.50; Moehnke Bros $19.20; Carl Stromgrean, $17.94; Fred Baurer, $44.87; John Putz, $97.37 Carl Klang, $20.93; Otis Vallen, $38. 93; A. Vallen, $4.48; G. Wickberg, $14.95; Louis Bod gen, $17.94; John Scott, $2.99; Matt Park, $11.96; O. M. Schaistrom, $17.95; Fred Meilke, $11. 96; S -W. Jones, $20.96; Warren Taw- ell, $8.97; Julius Bod gen, $17.94 . ROAD DISTRICT No. 38 P. T. Monroe, $42.69; Ed. Clausner, $3.73; W. Hull, $4.48. ROAD DISTRICT No. 39 Cascade Garage. $37.01; Smith & Hardware Co., $4.75. ROAD DISTRICT No. 41 Howard- Cooper Corporation, $8.25. ROAD DISTRICT No. 42 J. A. Wall, $2.90. ROAD DISTRICT No. 43 Geo, Blatchford, $7.10; T. H. Pack, $550.08; G. R. Jackson, $8.97; C. H Feyrer, $10.48; J. W. Standinger, $11.98; Shade Long, $11.98; Milt Hockenber- ry, $5.98; Edd Kylo, $5.98; Edw. Fey rer, $6.73; Geo. Boyer, $2.99; Geo. Ball, $1.49; William Feyrer, $2.99; Shade Long, $17.97; Milt' Hockenber- ry, $1.49; Jack Long, $1.49; Edd Klyo, $10.46; S. A. D. Hungate, $28.91; John Oblack, $29.90; H. Bunke, $17.94; Geo. Bunks,. $29.90. ROAD DISTRICT No. 44 Standard Oil Co., $22.53; Molalla Shoeing Shop, $54.85; F. M. Henriksen, $60.00; Irvtn Trulinger, $50.00; Robbins Bros., $18.- 15: A. L. Brougher, $3.75; L. A. Shav er, $60.00; Geo. Blatchford, $2.65; A. M. Groshong, $8606; R. D Gros.hong, $40.35; A. Sacket, $44.85; Russel Bar ker, $16.44; J. Blix, $41.86; E. Tutle, $16.44; A. Cupper, $66.31; M. L. Goe- wald, $82.28; C. E. Buell, $43.35; Les lie Babcock, $59.80; C. D. Groshong, $65.82; Ed. Wyland, $44.85; R. F. Wy- land, $35.93; George Benjamie, $29.90; Frank Janoakey, $29.90; John Coover, $92.84; H. Oleson, $74.87; Lee How land, $8.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 45 W. Wal dorf, $6.00; Geo. Rosenboom, $4.75; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $86.18; C. W. Friedrich & Son, $9.75; A. Wie- man, $80.00; Thomson Bros., $11.07; C M. Johnes, $20.93; Carl Anderson, $22.42; V. Kimmel, $83.86; John Grif fith, $77.87; W R. Prepke, $74.87; Ev on Lewis, $23.96; Albert Fisher, $137.- 06; H. Fisher, $112.25; E. Fisher, $87.- 55; Max Bruck, $87.25; Otto Miller, $71.76; John Halvey, $113.77; A. O. Halvey, $73.29; Robert Schoenborn, $38.39; A. Wieman, $97.31; B. Wie- man, 597.31; H. Schuebel, $52.35; Na than Casetay, $294; Frank Johnes, $43.35; L. Wallace, $41.86; H. Diet- rick, $47.11; W. Edwards, $17.94; Wal ter Fisher, $8.72; A. C. Warner, $7.47; W. J. Randall, $15.71; O. C. Sand & Gravel Co., $35.70. ROAD DISTRICT No. 46 Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $15.20; Will Rice, $8.00; Bert Simons, $19. 96; Almon Johnson, $56.90; Bill Rice, $56.90; O. F. Frentress, $59.89; R. B. Miller, $35.94; Dewey Buright, $37.43; Bill Dietz, $44.92; Ernest Galbrich $56.90; Herb Thiel, $56.90; Henry En gle, $56.90; Clarence Marxs, $56.90; John Evans, $29.94; Fred Molzor, $29. 95; Herman iPepka, $51.63; Leonara Huras, $28.40; Fred Huras, $37.90; Emil Galbrich, $25.41; C. N. Inglis, $35.88; D. Higginbotham, $26.91; Chas. Bauman, $39.90; Bill Githens $15.96: Frank Zielinski, $59.88; Ar thur Thiel, $19.43; Bill Bowers, $1 44; Ab Cole, $47.50. ROAD DISTRICT No. 47 G. A. Eh- len, $3.85; Ernest Bauman, $47.92; Emil Tauchman, ?5.99; Fred W. Sohn, $7.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 48 Ben Bar- kert, $23.96; N. R. Graham, $29.98 N. R. Graham,' $29.95; Rollie Miller, $29.95; Paul Burkert, $5.99; Dayton Symmonds, $23.96; Paul Schneider, $29.95; Arthur Bremer, $23.96; Geo. C. Perdue, $41.93; O. B. Hartzler, $13.- 45; H. R. Hawiey, $1.99; Dewey Wolf- er, $5.98; Alvin Perdue, $1.49; A. w. Babb, $8.97; J. M. Bauhman, $8.9 Wiley Warner, $8.97; Arthur Schnei der, $17.97; Carl Bremer, $2.99; John Tweedy, $7.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 49 Wm. Fin- ck, $10.47; John Hummer, $2.99; Ed. Kraxberger, $1.49; Rudolf Klaus, $20.- 19. ROAD DISTRICT No. 50 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co... $54.00; Will amette Valley Southern Ry Co., $60.- 00; Amos Kauffman, $103.95; J. "S. Fisher, $438.10; Needy Brick & Tile Factory, $15.00; John McHolick, $83.- 30; E. D. Hoffman. $L11; R. H. Wil son, $1.49; G. E. Wyland, $123.71; SPECIAL No 11 A. Mather. $69.40 H. H. Johnson, $2.25; Concrete Pipe Co., $8.10; Ed Boylan, $8.97; J. P. Cook, $29.90; F. E. Davidson, $67.35; N. Edwardson. $8.97: C. Hawk. $53. 91;. M. Hawk,' $20.93; C. Manthorn, $23.93; Dan Reynolds, $29.90; J. Thomas, $5.98; Wm. Sewell, $23.93; J. Cox, $22.43: R. Delashmutt. $22.43 SPECIAL No. 13 R. H. Walls. $54.- 09; George Walls, $9.33; Henry Will helm, $41.93; George Bitalgia, $23.96. SPECIAL No. 14 O. G. Norris, $27.- Z7; Dewey Hammond, $15.00; C. E. Johnson, $12.69; E S. Bass, $11.55. SPECIAL No. 16 W. M. Young, $3.- 49. SPECIAL No. 18 Royal Zinser, $5.98; Normer Peterson, $4.48; H. W. Kanne, $8.98. SPECIAL No. 19 Schuld Bros.. $119.75; Harold Gerhardus, $29.93; Maider. $22.45; Herman Gerhardus $12.45; J. F. Magers, $9.33; Burton Deardorff, $27.44; Ed. Matson, $19.43; Win. Mlady, $2.49; Ed. Southers, $14 94; C. Battin, $19.95; Wm. Sumner, $7.45; M. E. Gaffney, $7.48; It. Jiose- nau, $24.69; R. Rosenau, $109.93; R, Spooner, $140.00; J. W. Schuld, $84 37; Peter Schuld, $75.00. SPECIAL No. 21 Bruns Lumber Co., $54.13; A. W. Metzger & Co.. S5. 10; Jake De Young, $58.37; Albert Hoffmeister, $77.87; Arthur Gran $20.95; George Ledbury, $11.98; Au gust Oleson, $37.37; W. L. Sharkey, $11.96; Emil Exeley, $38.66: Gus Lin- gle, $11.96. SPECIAL No. 22 W. E. Cromer. $10.00. SPECIAL No. 23 E. R. Brook. $8. 98; P. Heia, $11.98; E. R. Brook, $26.- 92. SPECIAL No. 25 Sandy Garage. $7.00; Paul R. Meinig, $49.80; A. C. Thomas, $65.71; Thos. Hagan, $29.90; Thos McGuire, $8.97; Fred Gilbert, $17.84; A. Caven, $28.40; A. H. Kling er, $23.54; F. Hopkins, $31.39; R. Shumway, $1.49; Ben Uickens, $23.92; W. Ganger, $8.22; I. Arnold, $14.97; W. Winters, $5.98. SPECIAL No. 26 D. W. Douglas, $23.96; H. Biedemstein, $11.99; Bill Dockery, $2.99. SPECIAL NO. 31 W. F. Haberlach, $64.00; F. H. King, $136.42; Henry Th-un, $22.26; Otto Fischer, $5.98; Henry Swales, $13.47. SPECIAL No. 33 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $236.25; Willamette Riv er Lumber -"o., $35.18; Hogg Bros $3.90; R. Mattoon, $183.46; C. R. Live say, $48.74; R. Mattoon, $9.00; H. E. Rudolph, $10.49; J. P. Murphy, $6.00; J. R. Livesay. $11.99. SPECIAL No. 34 Oregon Sand & Gravel Co., $497.00; Beaver Creek Ga rage, $3.50; L. Mosher, $2.25: C. T. Blackburn, $101.02; J. M. Heckart. $1.47; J. Swiatkoski, $23.92; W. Rob bins, $3.49; M. Mowreader, $38.85; Ed. Moyer, $10.47; J. Eggink, $16.44; J. C. Gage, $19.43; R. Gage, $8.97; H. Waldo, $8.97; W. Weisenberg, $19.43; V. Schmidt, $26.95; E. R. Schmidt, $17.97; A. S. Douglas $23.96; O. Park er, $17.97; J. Wallace, $24.46; A. age, $5.98 toon, $55.96; S. L. Mullan $192.41: John Bohlander, $14.97; George Holl- man, $5.98; Ed Jones, $10.96; Wm. Daniels, $17.96; Abel Thomas,. $37.93; Wm. Roberts, $12.70; Wilbur Bohlan der $11.96. SPECIAL No. 37 A Mather, $384.- 10; Sam Elmer, $87.25; Albert Gass er, $87.25; Albert Schieve, $41.86; Ju lius Schieve, $95.84; George Rogers, $112.29; Jake Gard, $77.75; C. L. Gar rison, $62.04; Christ Davison, $74.75; Paul Schieve, $598; A. L. Emrine, $68.77; Hosie Rogers, $80.01; Paul Stegeman, $56.81; Wm. Marshal, $8. 98; R. Griffith, $94.26; C. A. Dallas, $148.25; C. Ringo $127.28; Elmer Ro- Feyrer $20.93; A. Whitmor, $49.98; G. E. LaSalle, $37.48; J. Heinrich. $44.- 98; Gust Johnson. $2.99; M. A. Ole son, $16.46; H. O. Newell. $11.97; Milt L. Strean, $2.99; Clay Engle, $23.96; C. H. Feyrer $23.96; Willis Standing er, $19.46; Alfred Olson, $5.98; Milt Hokenberry, $11.96; Geo. Boyer, $2. 99; H. Fick, $2.99; Jack Strean, $2-99. " SPECIAL No. 44 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $102.59; W. G. Masterton, $3.00; H. N. Everhart, $14.95; L. A. Shaver, $20.00; G. J. Friedrich, $1803.- 09; W .Schuld, $220.64; S. Cook; $130. 82; E. Daue $111.94; W. E. Cromer, $59.51; Fisher, $19.25; Jas. Baty, $56.81; E. E. Waltinan, $26.91; eGo. Davidson, $65.78; R W Davidson $107.- 76; PringloShaw, $59.80; W. W. Ever hart, $83.79; Gus. Simmons, $64.28; T. G. Worth, $2.73; W. E. Garrett. $20. 93; F L. Laroy $11.96; W. H. Engle, $20.94; Otis Foglesong, $1.49; E. L. Palfrey, $124.75; Geo. A. Marts, $113.- 81; E. A. Butterfield, $80.86; Rex Stubbs, $83.86; J. W. Baer, $74.87; W. W. Elkins, $29.95; R. Baty, $47.92; D. H'Ramsby, $11.98; W. O. Vaughan, $8.97; F. J. Kyniston, $11.98; Dick Pal frey, $11.98; H. H. Dahl, $11.98; R. A. Wright, $35.91; W. H. Reynolds, $14.- 22; I. Williams, $11.98; A. Reynolds, $2.99; Wim. Heinz, $7.48; Steve Fish er, $55.31; Geo. Koos, $14.57; George Olson, $29.95; B. W. McGregor, $29. 95; Ray Switzer $74.87; F. A. Hilton, $16.47; Frank Kokel, $7.47; Frank Sherman, $2.99; Irvin Trulinger, $29. 95; Duff Sherman, $40.41; Ernest Rus sel, $120.00; Ernest Palfrey, $59.90; Press Coover, $4.48; J. O. Babcock, $8.97; Freman Thomas $23.92; L. B. Thomas, $26.91; Clarence Coover, $32.- 89; A. G. Wyland, $11.96; N. B. Wade, $17.94; Chas. Earley, $11.21; M. D. Smith, $2.99; Thomas Barker, $32.89; Bernard Lundy, $29.90; Edgar Heiple, $17.96; Ray Heiple $11.96; Jim Marts, $29.95. SPECIAL No. 45 G. Brown, $21.00; G. Patterson, $14.00; T. Barnes, $50.- 00; J. B. Parrott, $189.00; C. J. Ldnd- iberg, $10.00; SPECIAL No. 48 Albert Berk, $12. 45; G. C. Pomroy, $8.97; L. A. Rail, $28.93; T. Thiker, $9.98. SPECIAL No. 50 W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $27.76; L. G. Wrolstad, $9.00; J. W. Miles, $9.98; A. L. Beatie, $7.68; E. W. Paddack, $9.22; Enoch Sklrvin. $1.49; M. Veillee, $.74; Oscar Veilee, $1.49; A. Veilee $1.49; Earnest Con rad, $1.49; Cal Carpenter, $1.49; J. Lehman, $1.49; Bud Jackson, $1.49; Harvey Jackson, $2.99; C. F. Jackson, $24.68; Harvey Jackson, $24.00; C. F. Jackson, $6.73. GENERAL ROADS Hall & Sons, $3.00; Oregon City Auto Co., $24.50; Frank Busch & Sons, $91.38; C. L. Shaw, $7.35; Molalla Shoeing Shop, $50.00; Oregon City Foundry, $111.15; Oregon State Highway Commission, $13.50; Oregon City Retreading and Vulcanizing Works, $15.27; A. Mather, $55.69 W. S. Maple, $9.50; Portland Brazing & Machine Works, $103.00 The Black & Decker Mfg. Co., $400.00 Hawiey Pulp and Paper Co., $168.14 The Cascade Sales Co., $32.60; Zim- merman-Wells-Brown Co., $6.30 Crown Willamette Paper Co., $1.30 W. Waldorf, $31.75; Geo. Blatchford, $11.10; J. I. Case, Threshing Machine Company, $371.06; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $484.36; Standard Oil Co, $310.50; C. W. Friedrich & Son, $.95 Clear Creek Lumber Co., $12.44;' The Good Roads Machinery Co.. $1775.00 Co., $47.05; Beaver Creek Garage, $88.63; W. J. Wilson & Co., $117.85; Monitor Lumber Co., $36.41; Frank Busch & Co., $52.07; Jones Lumber Co., $235.60; Moehnke Bros., $8.82; W. C. Lewis, $15.60; G. A. Ehlen, $12.00; Archie Thompson $18.00; Bill Bany, $6.00; W. Waldorf $5.00; J. S. Fisher, $35.52; A. L. Yoder, $20.39; John Mc Holick, $14.30; S. F. Scripture, $9.25; Kaake & Jubb Lbr. Co. $54.60: Lib eral Store, $8.54; M. Wanker, $11.90; J. Cook, $29.28; Closner & Smith, $14.- 04; Parker & Banfield $6220.84; Par ker & Banfield, $6220.84; Parker & $38.08; M. Wanker $164.26; L. H. Wanker, $82.01; A. Wanker, $78.52; W. Wanker, $71.64; M. L. Strean, $25 43; Jack Strean, $20.91; Edw. Feyrer $2.24; Cal Carpenter, $2.99;; C. F. Jackson, $25.45; Bud Jackson, $5.98; Bill Gigher, $10.47; M. F. Day $7.47; Albert Peterson $5.98; E. K. White, $2.99; Claude Brown, $2.99; Tweea- ie, $2.99; I A. Rail, $1735; Win. Koellermeier, $30.67; Henry Koeller- meier, $26.15; Walter Christensen. $2.99; C. Koellermeier, $2017; John Anderson $5.98; Elmer Anderson, $5. 23; Ed. Toedtemeier, $9.71; F. Chris tensen, $14.95; Sam Moser $34.77; George Moser, $4.49; Henry Olden- stadt, $5.99; H. Iderhoff $5.98; De- ward Hodge, $5.99; Fred Koellermei er, $5.99; Carl Ryser, $8.99: Harold Warner $1.49; J. C. Brewer, $2.99; Forest E. Mills $8.98; John Heft, $111.84; Alvin Heft, $45.37; Jess Can- tril .$24.43; Roy Cantril $24.43; Earl Strong, $34.90; E. Nash $34.90; S. Nash, $24.43; W. Perry, $13.96; EL James, $JT.97; O. Frost, $7.97; L. W. Da vies, $11.22; T. C. Thomas, $1L22; W. Rainey, $7.97. Banfield, $6220.84; Mrs. J. Wanker, $72.00; E. D. Olds, $24.46; O M. Olds, $160.77; O. Lund, $43.08; B. Wanless. $84.25; E. Moran, $38.89; A. Leaf, (Continued from Page 3) Street Contract In Willamette Closed BONO ROAD RECALL (Continued from Page One.) Clark, $125.79; Fred Ben Lindau, $53.82; A. M. iVnyard, $90.00; The Pacific dv.l Tolpmhnno Jtr Telomnh Vi tin AT.. J. Larsen, $4.48; Bob Mat- Clackamas County Auto & Tractor Co'. I $101.75; Pacific Highway Garage, $40 82; Miller-Parker Co., $55.50; Abe Gil bert, $203.23; D. L. Trullinger, $51. 80; Mrs. G. H. Cattley, $1000; C Washburn, $5.50; Winifred M. Wing, $80.00; Carlton & Rosenkrans Co. $18.75; Edward Rose Kilgallon, $50 00; Canby Hdwe. & Imp. Co., $2.70; Russell Grader Mfg. Co., $115.60; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $70.- 40; Willamette Fuel & Supply Co., $4. 75; The Holt Mfg. Co., $185.72; Lid- gerwood Mfg. Co., $57.75; Ed Stovall, $35.00; Clyde Equipment Co., $19.35; Roy Ridings, $3.00; C. A. Frost, $101 67; A. H. Robertson, $10.00; Millard Ave. Fuel & Ice Co., $63.00; R. S Lindau, $121.28; Smith Clayton White, $4.00; Planted for Keeps These fine heavy-bearing trees were planted in 1897, every tree being set in a hole blasted with QDPDN!) DYNAMITE (A Pacific Northwest Product) The results are not only indicated by the thrifty appear ance of the trees themselves but are shown every year by their heavy yield of fruit. Tree planting with dynamite is successful because it thoroughly loosens and shatters the sub-soil makes root penetration easy puts great stores of plant food in easy reach . destroys fungus and nematode causes early maturity cuts down tree losses and pays a heavy return on the investment through increased yields. Ask our dealer for Du Pont Dynamite. Write for "Development of Logged-off Lands," which has 'complete details on tree planting and other farm work that can be done profitably with Du Pont Explosives.. A. MATHER, Clackamas E. I. DuPont deNemours & Co., Inc. S-19 $125.79; R. Gard. $65.03; Clifford Cook, $57.55; Virgil Cook, $57.55; Ray Seiner, $56.80; Cash Seiner $34.38; R. Griffith, $65.88; Hanford Harvey, $62.79; Ed. Buol, $47.92; Claudie Bot- temiller $29.90; August Kater, $35 88; Hull, $20.96; Geo. Clark, $14.96; Ernst Berger $39.89; Henry Grossmill er, $41.91; Joe Wallace, $23.92; Chas. Marshal, $26.94; Dora Marshal, $5.99; Wilfred Marshal, $59.89; Wm. Griffith, $65.89; A. B. Holcomb $23.92; Frank Nichols, $41.93; C. R. Roland, $8.97; Henry Nelson, $1.49 SPECIAL No. 38 F. Madden & Co., $20.60; P: T. Monroe, $26.96; Carl Pe terson, $8.97; Geo. Gensorosky, $14.- 97; Vernon Keller, $5.98; John Keller, $5.98; W. E. Myers $5.98; Art Myers, $5.98; John Myers, $5.98; L. F. Hed ges, $5.98. SPECIAL No. 39 Ward Jones, $11. 96; J. B. Robertson, $22.42; Elvy Bee- be, $5.98; C. Palmateer, $17.94; T. Eash, $14.95; W. P. Snuffin, $8.97; M. M. Duncan $5.98; Calvy Beebe, $8.97; W. M. Wale, $26.94; C. H. Duncan, $17.97; J. F. Snyder, $17.97; W Dill inger, $14.97; J. J. Whitley, $11.98; R G. Palmateer, $5.99; E. T. Davis, $5.99; H. B. Davis $11.98; A. L Dun can, $39.95. SPECIAL No. 42 N. S. Dicks, $50. 91; C. A. Bonebrake, $47.92; O. G. Ny- quist, $29.95; Nels Lundmark, $7.47; E. Peterson,- $5.98; Erick Asplund, $10.00; A. J. Stafanaon $10.00; J. D. Crawford, $77.87; Alfred Svanson, $77.87; Andrew Svanson, $59.90; Al bert Harris, $77.87; W. Bearce, $26.- 95; John Jones, $74.87; M. Nelson, $65.89; Erick Hanzen $38.87; Hugo Wioklund, $38.87; Chester Delmar, $29.90; J. W. Michelson, $38.87; P. Dhooghe, $29.00; Frank Countryman, $41.86; Arthur Erickson, $23.92; S. E. Anderson, $29.90; Dave Cuntryman, $29.90; Philip Putzh, $4.48; A. E. Svanson, $23.92; Ed Johnson; $76.33. SPECIAL No. 43 Edw. Feyrer, $49.28; Milt Hockenberry, $2.99; Geo. Boyer, $2.99; William Feyrer, $18.18; Shade Long, $38.92; Lee Jones, $2.99; Milt Strean $8.98; Edd Kylo $13.45; Jack Feyrer, $5.98; Feyrer Bros., $29. 97; Frank Zielinskie, $4.99; Joseph $11.28; Huntley-Draepr Co. James F. Nelson, $192.00; E. Beers, $104.62; C. Miller. $12.47; Dick Strieker, $100.44; Carl Loundree, $75.- 47; Glenn Brown, $14.35; C. A. Wal lace $149.75; Ed. Onderson $109.38; Earl Starks, $143.04; Ed. Rundle, $140.80; F. E. Churchill, $102.28; O. C. Klinger, $63.95; O. C. Klinger, $24. 95; W. B. Caffee. $91.99; V. Stuman, $33.66; W. W. Walface, $7.10; Al Dick erson, $3.37; Harry Parks, $1.11; O. F. Klinger, $11.22; D. French, $7.49; W. Schuld. $2.99: Dick Strieker. S18.- iz; utto Strieker, $124.80; W. S. Gor- Dett, ?; P. E. Bonney, $79.84; L. Adams, $14.98; Ona Klinger, $26.20 Dal bert Fischer $9.34; J. L. Babcock, $ii.zz; Henry Dahl, $7.49; Wm. Bra- atz, $123.55; Clarence Jubb, $213.60; vance bterman, $96.80; C. Calahan, $69.18; R. Reynolds $68.63; W. W. Chilcote, $137.04; A. W. Kraxberger. $104.86; B. O. Kraxberger, $86.12; Jo. Nordling, $121.68; Sam Holstean, $139.30; Lee Wood, $132.55; W. E. iarret, J20.56; A. Wright. $32.15: JOfin ChllCOte. $24.17: A. T)iikinnn $66.93; Wm. Etzel $79.38; Reuben Wright, $29.92; C. J. Crawford, $16. 82; A. C. Thomas, $70.71; Thos Hag an, $28.40; A. W. Bell, $19.99; W. Chatham, $22.45; Thos. McGuire. $26.- 91; Fred Gilbert $17.94; A. Caven, $5.- 98; Geo. Slater, $5.98; A. H. Klinger, $8.97; W. Winters, $11.96; W. Gang er, $11.96; T. G. Munson, $29.90; Stan ford Cox, $41.93; A. W. Bogdon, $29.- 5; A. Eiman, $17.97; T. G. Munson, $76.33; S. B. Brown, $32.89; A. Eiman, $26.91; Chas. Meilike, $34.38; S. Lan- kin, $20.93; Dan Stahlnecker, $14.95; W. T. Henderson, $5.98; L. Bogdon, $2.99; Julius Bogdon $2.99; E James, $78.79; Wm Rainey, $61.84; O. Frost, $93.76; T. C. Thomas, $95.95; A. C. Scheer, $85.06; L. V. Davies, $48.81; Eldon Swick, $33.91; A. Scheer, $28. 40; W. Henrici $73.81; J. C. Penny Co., $14.90; Hogg Bros.. $19.30: Ed win Daesh, $1.50; H. E. Cross, $20.67; Erickson & Co. $2.00; Will Caugher. $4.00; M. D. Say, $100.00; Chas. Rich ardson, $90.10; S. F. Scripture, $31. 75; Oregon Portland Cement Co., $175.50; Oregon City Foundry, $.96; Beaver Creek Cash Exchange, $3.90; A. L. Beatie, $57.35; Bruns Lumber constructed In the county and state NOW THEREFORE be It RE SOLVED that we are unalterably op posed to the move to repeal said roa program, or to any action which would lead to 'the abandonment of the same and we request the grangers and oth er farmers organizations, interested in good roads to assist in opposing any such move. RESOLUTION WHEREAS. Jn November 1919, the people of Clackamas County by large majority vote at a special elec tion adoptjed a definite program for the construction of ten main roads leading from the interior of Clacka mas county to the market centers and WHEREAS, said program consists of two parts, namely, lsrti., the levying of special taxes in the large districts created, for the purpose of construct ing the foundation or base of said roads, and 2nd, the sale of bonds for the construction of the hardsurfaces, and. WHETEAS, for the past two years the market value of the Londs voted has been below par and said bonds could not be sold, but the l ond mar ket .s now improving anil fiom all in dications it will be possii'ie to sell said bonds for par the coming vear. and. A contract for the improvement of 6th street in Willamette was awarded by the West Linn council Wednesday evening to Harry Berdaine. The con tract, in the sum of $1060, calls for the grading and macadamizing of the street. Viewers to apportion the assess ment for the improvement of Buck and Barlow streets in Bolton, were appointed. They are M. E. Clancy, John Backus, and P. J. Winkle. Re corder L. L. Porter was ordered to begin the collection of all payments for street improvement assessments under the Bancroft bonding act, which have become overdue. Whether or not a sewer will be built in the Willamette district will not) be decided until next spring. A petition for a survey of the district, and a remonstrance against the im provement were laid on the table un til next year. SUIQDE ATTEMPT OF DR. BRUMHELD NOT FATAyWTCH KEPT Sentence of Convicted Mas May Be Pronounced on Next Saturday Report Shows Cows In County Healthy The cows which furnish milk to Oregon jity consumers are compar- itively healthy, according to Che re port completed by State Veterian C, m. uaraner. ir. uaraner recently completed a test of all of the cattle which furnish milk here, in order to see that they comply with the city ordinances requiring; them to be free from tuberculosis. According to JJr. Gardner's report 607 cows were tested, and, only were condemmed. Of this number 28 were found concentrated in one herd Reactors to the tubercular tests are slaughtered. Both state and govern ment compensation is paid to the owners of the cattle. 0, WHEREAS, said large read dis tricts have been subdivided to the ex tent the people are unable to levy special taxes with which to construct the base of said roais. NOW THETEFORE, be .It RE SOLVED that we earnestly request the County Court at ita January 1922 session, to reorganize the road dis tricts of Clackamas county where said roads are to be constructed, so as to conform as near as practical to the boundaries of the Road Districts ex- sting at the time of the adoption of said rond program, to the end that the people may be able to levy special laxfti anor thereby make rrr'gres- in the construction of said ro;ids. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an exposition is to be held in Portland in 1925 which wiil bring to Oregon in automobiles peo ple from all over the United States. and. WHEREASi these people will c-inip along the accessible highways of the State and study soil, climate and mar ket conditions, and many of them will invest their money an-1 remain amoig us, ana, WHEREAS, Clackamas county is at the door . of Portland and will be in a position to take advantage of the oc casion and secure new people and money through the holding ot saia exposition, and, WHEREAS, good roads appeal strongly to "the modern traveller and investor in real estate. THEREFORE be it, RESOLVED that- in our judgment, every effcr should be made to complete the con struction of tbe ten main highway contained in the road program of Clackamas county, prior to 1J-25. Joint Conference Is Plan of Civic Bodies To consider the proposition of the American City Bureau, a joint meet ing of the Commercial Club and the Clackamas County Business Men's Association has been called for No vember 1. Ttie American isixy .Bureau is a na tional organization which undertakes the improvement of the commercial club or chamber of commerce of any locality in which it works. It s func tion is to analyze local problems and plac the association upon a proper functioning basis. Representatives of the bureau will meet with the business men at din ner November 1, at which time plans for the innaguration of the movement here, will be made The bureau has recently complete! its program in a number of Oregon ' towns, including Cottage Grove, Bend and Klamath Falls Farmer Dragged hy Plow Fatally Hurt ROSEBURG, Ore.. Oct. 21. CIos watch is being kept to prevent Ur Richard M. Brumfield. facing th death penalty for the murder of Den nes Russell, from re-opening the wounds in his throat, made Thursday night with suicidal intent- Unless he manages to reopen the wouDds o r otherwise mutflate himself again, Dr. Sether, attending physician, antici pates, no serious effects unless infec tion occurs. Several stitches were taken to close the ragged wounds made, authorities think witih a broke eyeglass lense. The wounds indicate an effort to cut the juglar vein, but in this he failed, although a minor vein was severed. Dr. Brumfield lies on his cot in a semi-conscious state and is being kept under the influence of opiates. In a delirium following " the attempted suicide he spoke of being on his way to the postoffice to mail a letter and said someone had shot him in the neck. Whether he will be sentenced Sat urday, as scheduled, will depend -on the outcome of an examination to be made by his physician Saturday morn ing. Should his condition be found such that his appearance in court might be considered of danger, the date of sentencing will be postponed. The wound on the left side of nis throat is the most dangerous, being deep, and jagged. D. S. Hadley, night guard at the jail, discovered blood on the floor when hie went into the cell at 9.15 Thursday night to remove a screen from the window. On investigation he found Brumfield in a semi-con scious condition in his bed. The phy sician was called and the examination revealed that the suicide attempt had been unsuccessful. Half an hour artar the attempt at suicide was discovered th? blood flow had been stopped Brumfield aske-l for District Attorney Neuner ' It is believed Brumfield used his eyeglasses in inflicting the wound, as one of the glasses was found to be broken. Dr. Sether reported at 10 o'clock that his examination of Brumfield showed he had inflicted cuts on both sides of his neck, one three and a half inches long and the other two and a half inches long, three small veins be ing severed. Speed and Liquor Blamed for Crash Otto Peters, a farmer of Stafford, who was severely cut when he acci dentally slipped and was dragged un der a plow for 20 rods, died Friday at 4 a. m. at the Oregon City hospital from his injuries. Peters suffereo Internal injuries and his right leg was almost severed from his body. At the time of the ac cident Peters was taking the plow to the barn, attached to a tractor, and when he slipped the tractor continued dragging Peters with it. He was 42 years of age and was born near Wilsouville. He is sur vived by his wife and mother, Mr S.- Peters of Oswego. Funeral ar rangements are in chare of Holman ?z Pace. 3 Divorces Granted By Circuit Court Three decrees of divorce were granted by Judae J. U Campbell Fri day. Frances Richards was given decree from G. E. G. Richards, and granted $100 a month alimony. The defendants cross complaint was dis missed in the case of Thomas versu Josephine Myhre, and tjhe plaintiff granted a divorce. A decree was also awarded in the case of Mason versus Minnie Lamb. Sheriff and Flivver Are Awaiting Owners A flivver bearing Oregon license 75308 is at a local garage awaiting its owners. Aside from the auto, Sheriff William J. Wilson is also awaiting fhe annearance of the cars owners. t-s he wants to cnarge -ura eallv transoorting, liquor. The machine was rescuea irom ine ditch on the Pacific nignway na Tonninsrq Lodge after it naa suuck another machine. Two men who were in tho, machine at the time fled after the accident, leaving several said to contain liquor Demna .,...................M................KS ll e bottles them. ..." I GEORGE HOEYE j CHIROPRACTOR Cauf ield Bldg. Phone 636-W Oregon City, Ore. Doctors To Answer In Suit for Lihel The seven defendant doctors in the libel suit brought by Dr. H. S. Mount will have until October 30 to file their answer to the amended complaint un der an order issued Friday by Cir cuit Judge J. U. Campbell. The' doctors are being sued by Mount for $50,000, on Account of al leged defamatory statements made in a psliuon preseniuu iu iui: vuuiuj court some months ao. Motion of defendants to strike out parts of th' complaint was recently overruled. ASTORIA, Oct. 22. Tbe coroner s jury returned a verdict Friday that reckless driving, witjh both the chauf feur and the members of the party intoxicated, was the cause of the death of Joe Corrigan, killed with George Hickle, when the motor car the latter was driving plunged thru the open draw of the Lewis and Clark bridge early Wednesday morning. Testimony of Harry Rodeers, the only man who escaped from t h n crash, indicated that the open draw was well marked and that the warn ing signals were plainly seen. Those who talked with Miss Irene Scott of Oregon City, who wiSh Pearl Hutchin son and Rodgers survived, i mm fed late ly after the accident, declared she stated that all in the party were in toxicated and that tbe blame for the accident rested upon them alone. Rappe Charge First In Arbuckle Case SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20. Robert H. McCormick, special assistant Unit ed States attorney general, an nounced today that he would not press the charge or violating the pro hibition laws aigainst Roscoe , (Fatty) Arbuckle until after the charge of manslaughter against Arbuckle had been disposed of in the state courts. He said he feared a prohibition prosecution at this time might inter fere. with the prosecution of ArbucKle- for alleged responsibility for the death of Virginia Rappe, actress. Arbuckle came to San Francisco from Los Angeles today to be ready should the prohibition case be called, as scheduled, in the federal courts. 51 Years' Service Record of Bailiff Astoria Man Hurt On Milwaukie Hill Thomas M. Miller, with fifty one years' continuous service to his credit as bailiff of the Clackamas ountv circuit court, commenced duly Monday morning on his fifty-second rear as alert as many men half his aige. Mr. Miller celebrated his eighty second birthday October C WESTERN LOGGING CAMPS BUSY William A Makeia, of Astoria, was injured Thursday night when his ma chine skidded off the paving of a hill at Island, south of Milwaukie, anil went down the embankment. He is in Sellwood hospital with lacerations of the arm and forehead. Rain caused the slippery condition of the pave ment. School Budget for Muhno Completed Operation of the Mulino school for the year 1921-22 will require $1133.75 above the district income, accordins? to an estimate prepared by Frank Manning, school clerk. Taxpayers of the district have acted favorably on the budget. COEUR D AI.ENE, Idaho. Logging: companies are preparing for work all winter and it is expected that the force of men in north Idaho and east ern Washington forests, throughout the winter will be equal to the number en ployed in nomal years.'' 4 Pacific Phone: Office 52 Residence 304-M CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Lawyer Oregon City, Ore,.