OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921. Page 7 SANDY (Con tinned from Page 6.) Austin, Wm. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Maybe, and son Lloyd. The guests all took a fine picnic din ner aJong; fried chicken cakes, salad, and "everything" good to eat was brought and the big ' feed" wa3 more than ample. The crowd remained ior supper also. There was music, games ana Mrs. Maybe was very happy to be so happily surprised. REMARKABLE AGATE FOUND SANDY, Oct. 18. A remarkable agare was picked up by "Joe" Lilly, manager of the Deep Creek rock crusher last Friday. The rock is less than an inch long, but by holding it toward the light the following figures are clearly visible- "8 8 0 3." Mr. Lil ly is very proud of his "find" and is going to have it photographed bo as to show the figures, which are a shade or two different from the yel low, translucent little rock. ter and Miss Cora Johnson over night and went to the dance for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. "Bill" Wheeler and children and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wheler were all day guests at the home of the Duke family Sunday. Mr. Tilke of Kelso came to town Monday on various errands. Monday was a good day to get away from tn farm, as work was scarce while it rain ed all day. Herman Krebs and Mr- and Mrs. Will Crow spent Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. C- Scharnke Uncle Sam and make him stay at home! The pride of all the Enterprise readers will go along with him, in fact the whole county. "Old Lady Oregon" will give him a big send off, and we suspicion she is wondering how she could get along without Clackamas to help make her famous. Mrs. Lehnfield paid a little visit to the Coleman home a few days ago and found them "all O. K. and in good healih." Mrs Lehnfield also spent two or three days on her claim, at Snag Camp; and says she likes it up there very much, but the altitude seems to and cards were enjoyed. The Scharn- J affect her heart. kes' also entertained the Dittert fam-, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell have their DISLOCATES SHOLLDER SCANDY. Oct. 18. L. B. Greene of Cherryville had the hard luck to fall down and dislocate his shoulder the other day. A few months ago Greene lost most of one hand in the Webber shingle mill and was laid up a long time and now comes an accident which lays up the other side of the man. SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Oct. 18. S. F. Pitts, com ' munity pastor of the Cottrell district, will preach here next Sunday night at 7.45 in the Methodist church. Rev Pitts is a live, entertaining speaker and Sandy is fortunate to have this minis terial visit from him. There will be special music. Everybody come. Big concert. Saturday night. Odd Fellows hall. Under the high school management. Portland talent. Prices 35 and 15 cents. Adv. Sandy folks should remember tiic Kelso Woman's Club entertainment which will be held at the Kelso school house Saturday night, Oct. 29. There will be a program, and refreshments afterwards. The Sunday school organized three weeks ago at Sandy ridge school house is in a flourishing condition, 15 being present at the last session. Wm. Andresen is the superintendent, and the folks over there are "turning out" and showing great interest in the wel fare of their community. What about Armistice day Novem ber 11 will soon be here and already some Sandy folks are asking "shall we have a program in honor of our boys?" There will be a school meeting of the Sandy ridge district on November E to discussr many vital subjects th'it concern tne welfare of the district. The meeting was announced before, then changed to a later date. The semi-annual Sunday school rail. cf this district will be held at the Pleasant Home Baptist church next ily on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Jonsrud of Kelso ex pects to attend the concert tomorrow night. Dr. Knna. Mrs. Reed and a solo ist gave a recital at the Kelso school house this summer and the Jonsrud's want to hear them again. The Kligels and others will aso attend J. O. DeShazer bought a cow and two calves at the sale of Swede hill a ftw days ago. Mr. end Mrs. J M. C. Miller enjoyed a delightful visit with their old neigh bors, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Spillman. their guests remaining a part of Tues day and Wednesday of last week. Mi&s Stockett of Portland was' a week end guest at the E. L. Power ranch, and also attended the Sandy dance with Mrs. Power and Carl Power. Mr. Murphy from l'.rightwood w-.s in town Monday with his horse and wag on, regardless of rain and roads. Mirs Hazel Beers, Miss Lelia Cock ingham, Herbert Wechter and "Red" Raj' all drove aver to Bull Run Sun day afternoon to call on Gladys Gan ger and take in the sights at the powir house. , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Esson and little housekeeping machinery in fine run ning order elrady Wjld geese were flying all day Mon day in tgreat squads. Miss Margaret Miller says "armies" of them gather at Arlington where she taught last year, and that Goose island is "black" with them most of the winter. A goose will fly 70 miles in an hour, and as high ag 600 miles ina day. G?orge Beers and C. D. Purcell drove to Portland Monday on a combined trip of business and jury proceedings. "George" is almost getting tired of "courting" so much. Adolph Funk who recently purchas ed and moved on the old Revenue placo was up town Monday and started out "right," by subscribing for" the Enterprise, as Funk says he wants both the home and county news. This newcomer said he had no "trouble" with his neighbors, as he had not ev;n seen one of them yet. Mr. Funk and Mrs. Funk have five children, an:i lived at Hillsdale for ten years. The Sandy city council i;assed a res olution at it's meeting last week to al low the opening of the street by Charley Suckow's house, formerly the old German hall, and stumps . have daughter were out from Portland Sun-1 Deen blown up, and work begun. Con siderable labor has been donated ! day afternoon at the home of R. E Essjns. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson also oi Portland drove to visit the Essons Sun day afternoon Mrs. Martin Pizzola went to Fort land for a stav of two weeks witn friends, and to attend some social af fairs. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Nelson have mov ed into their splendid new home with it's hard wood floors and all modern conveniences. Carl Scharnke finished the inside painting a week ago. C. Scharnke has been doing over the inside- of .'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dittert the past week and making it shine with new paint. Anton Jabs has moved his family from the Hoffman ranch into the Fenske place which Jabs bought some time ago and has been improving. The house wag, worked over, also. v Mrs. Henrv Ferret, Mrs. Susan Kel- liher and A. J. Morrison attended the all day Pomona Grange meeting at Springwater. Henry Perret drove over for the evning session and brought Mrs. Perret home. Mr. and Mrs Max Kligel and chil dren drove to Portland recently on a shopping trip. P. b- Gray says he came to Sandy fourteen years ago on Oct. t inc. weather was like it has been this fall and the sun continued to shine till Sunday in an all day session. Dr. J T. jec. "6, then it rained and rained till Abbott, former Sunday school mission- lle Fourth of July. "If we had had the ary of the M. E. church will speak m the morning on "The Boys and Ghis of Tomorrow," and H. R. Gephart, pas tor of the Evangelical church at Gr js- hani will aso give an. address in the afternoon. Other speakers will be present, A fine program will be .given, Miss Lippold was organist last Sun day at the Sandy Sunday school and also played at church in the evening. Mss Margaret Miller, Mrs. Lilly and Mr. Cotton sang a selection very effectively at the church service. Rev. Earl Cotton entered the Kim ball School of Theology at Salem last Tuesday. His plan is to preach at Pleasant Home and Sandy and attenl school four days in the week. James Bell was a Pomona Grange visitor at Springwater last week. Mrs. Helms of Alar-mot was one of the the w'eek's visitors" to the town C. L. Hanson has been down after a supply of hay fcr use up at Ziz Zap Harry West, the well known Jersey - breeder and his manager. Mr. Smith of Scappoose and Mr. and Mrs Altman, the Orient Jersey folk, were recent .guests of Mr and Mrs. Anton Malar. W F. Strack has his shingle mill about ready to begin sawing shingles. At the last account no trace of the Hilsencup Ford has been found. The thief got busy at the Sandy Lumber Co. mill and made hisi get-away. Mr. and Mrs. Jadwm popular resi dents of Bull Run vere in our town re cently. Mario Boitano of Sandyiidge was in town recently on business connected with the Oregon Dairy league Miss Bertha Abel of Kelso and Mr Johnson of Portland were in town a few days ago. Mr. Johnson and Miss Albcl were former employees of the Sherman Clay Piano Co. P. T. Shelley was nome for a few davs during the week looking after business and visiting his family. Otto Seger of Portland, a nephew of Anton Jabs and Mrs. Hoffman was visiting at the Jabs home the past week Mrs. Mary Caron drove down from ' the wilds of Wild Cat mountain a few days ago. Mrs. Caron i3 always glad to get back to Rainbow Rest, her mountain home, after a trip out. Walter Krebs attended the sale at Ihe Holtz ranch at Deep Creek a few days ago. Mrs. Alice Scales spent, several days in Portland the past week looking after merchandise business. Mrs. O'Neil, mother of Wm. O'Neil has been bed ridden since about the first of last year, and remains about the fame. . , The pall bearers at tno tunerai oi Walter Frost were Chas. TJpdegrave, Henry Perret, John Motjel, Will Carow, Bob Paschal and Irvine Updegrave. Dave Douglas? has a 500 pound swine that was ailing the first of the week, and Dave was getting all lauds of remedies fcr the animal while m town Mrs. A. W.f.Bell went to Heppner last week to pay her husband a week's visit and left the little ones in the good care of their grandmothers. Mrs. Paul Dunn. Miss Hazel Eeers was surely a busy girl Saturday. Beside working in the Scales store all day 3fce was on duty at the Bungalow movie window when ticket selling arrived, entertained two means we would have gone back ea-:t again, but we don't care to go now. Miss Fay Young is the new Sandy "hello" girl and is getting rapidly ac quainted with her new work and liks it.- Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and little sou of Lyle, Wash., came to Sandy in the rain the other evening and tried to find a furnished house or even furnish ed, roonrjbutnoneseemed available. The Kennedys went to Portland, but may return for the winter if quarters can be secured. Mrs. R. E. Esson spent a couple of days in Portland tbe past week shop ping and visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Spillman. former Sandyridge residents, were in this section last week visiting friends and relatives. The Spilimans - spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suckow, also visited the Zogg relatives, ccalle da the GundersoiX Andreson and other homes on the ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Spillman spent the summer in Eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Will lien, airs, rveu Suckow and Pouis Gherke were all over to visit Mr. and Mrs Littlepage at their new ranch n Sunday. The Littlepages are getting nicely semen and will soon have a telephone, which will bring the old R'.dge neighbors clos er to them, and will help to striK nn nfew acciuaintar.ces Thomns Haean was roving around rhe Sandy streets last Monday or. bus iness and carried Ihe usual pleasant countenance alone; with him Mrs. Walter Frost and two daught ers left for Idaho the middle cf the veeK. A son-in-law came after them. A.r and Mrs. Chown will be alone this winter which will be lonely for them after having so many in the family, l"'t neighbors are kind and will help them to forget the los3 of their son. The Chowns express gratefulness for rympathies extended. ; "Blondie" Klinefelter says it is c1' a mistake that he smashed the M " church door while taking the organ out. He "boosted" another fellow through the window, unfastened the door, and lo, the rest was easy with out even touching the outside door. Mr Capson, one of the state engin eers was in .town Sunday night and at tended services at the M. E. church Fine gray oat crops are growing the past two or three years from disc in fh o-rmiTi.t twicp and sowing in the fall, without plowing-. Boitano and Charley Krebs report especially good crops from this method, even u meadow land. r,is at the Holtz 3ale in the ueop Creek neighborhood sold as high as $200, more selling for less than Oat!e are expected to be very high in a couple more years? accordinr. to tb 1 genera! opinion of dairymen arcunl here. The pheasants wings are whirring, and all the old rifles and gun stalks are being fished out of dark closets and the-woods around here are patrol led for the bird-fry. Gus Dahrens has been rocfing lii barn and building a new garage the past week. "Gus" is feeling better again. - It's a long way to Siam for our own Editor Brodie to go, buti since distin guished honors w?ll be heaped upon ready. Mr. and Mrs. George Perret r.nd fam ily drove to Albany last Friday and remained till the middle of this week visiting relatives and friends of days gone by. The night of the electrical storm last week little Lillian Perret, who had partially grown used to so much blasting since the highway work has been in progress, said to her mother while the thunder rolled and the light ning flashed, "mother, what makes God let them do so much blasting to night'" A fine goose dinner given by Mr. and Mrs., Gus Dahrens recently was a delightful treat'to those present. Be sides Mrs. Dahrens" sisters the Misses Pauline and Ida Wendland who wre visiting here were Mr. and Mrs. Stephans, also of Portland, Mr. and Mrs Carl Wendland and Mrs. Dahrens' father. C. Wendland of Sandy. lirr ana mrs. dure ami uau wut i to Powell Valley to church Sunday, I and afterwards to he Steffftnson home where a fine birthday dinner party was enjoyed by the "children" in hon or of Mrs. Stephanson's birthday. A letter from Miss Mary Junker from San Francisco tells of happy sight-s-eeiJig days and of much visiting. Miss Junker expeted to leave for Ios Angeles last Monday via auto stage, and would visit Mrs. Ackc-rman (Mis Anna Couper). who visited Sandy thi.-i summer and is well known by o!d settlers of Sandy, on the way down. Mis Junker will probably bo home in a. couple or three weeks. Mrs. Koc'-i was feeling fine and enjoying heropil SandVs newlyweds, Mr. and Mr. Cyril Gray are established at house- keping now in tne tsonen nouse auu are at home to their friends. Ernest Harris came in from near Mt. Hood last, Thursday and had a fine visit at home till Sunday. Harris has charge of the clearing and buru ing of brush along a section of the highway up there and the work will continue till the snow drives them out. Mr. and Mrs F,. R. Brooke of the Bluff road were in town a few days ago on legal business. Mr. Brooks is a full blooded Englishman and says he can trace a straight line of English ancestry on both sides for 400 years. The communitly Sunday school re cently organized at Cherryville is "get ting on fine." according to Mrs. Dave Douglass who was in town Monday with her husband This school is planning to have a social later on to raise funds to build a new flue in th church and paint the inside of th building. The following are Deep Creek news happening for the week. Mrs. Elmer Leek and son Mauri jo of Oregon- City spent) last week visit ?ng the Erdnian family Mr. and Mrs M. Mowrey and Mr and Mrs. E Mowrey and baby sen '.awence, spent last Sunday &t the D Erdman home. A large crowd attended the auction sale at the P. M. Hoist farm, althoug the weather was r.ot good. Cia. M- Richey has sold a horso to V. Mendenhall of Boring. Esther and Mildred Anderson spent Thu -sdav afternoon at the Erdnian home. D. L. Erdman sold three cews last week. One was sold to B Kimbell, and the others to John and Thomas Dunn. A Bronner sold a horse to Clips. Richey last week. Carl Hanson, H.'Swanson, Mt Mow rey JJ. Eraman ana L,ee caneimii." madt, a busness trip to Oregon City Monday. Ruth Linn of Powell Valley called to ceo some oi ner oiu ln-iiiuu aiviiuu Deer, Creek last week. Silva Erdman spent several days of the week in Portland visiting her sis ter. Miss Mary Clark and John Mosier of Oregon City spent Sunday visiting the Chas. Bartelrnay family. Miss Clark is a niece of Mr. Bartelrnay, Tne farmers in this vicinity finish ed filling their silos last week. der the direction of Miss Margaret Miller, is having rehearsals twice ea:n week. ' ' Miss Margaret Miller wi?nt to Port land for the weend on business and also sandwiched in a delightful visit at home. Miss Lippold was a Saturday nighi visitor at the Miller home Miss L'u pold is not fond- of keeping "batch' when her "partner," Mrs. Tillman is awray. The Misses Gertrude - and Frances Meiiiig have moved t the Ali ha Rho Sorority house at the'O. A. C. and are very happy in their new retreat. Caroline Chown who was called borne to attend her brother's funeral left Monday, m company with ner aunt, Mrs. Bolton for Auburn, Wash, Caroline was sorry she could not get back and forth to school here this wiu- ter. Lucile Dodsomand Mildred Bamett arranged the pretty decorations for the church Sunday evening. Alta Beers returned to high school Tuesday after more than a week's ab senee because of her "shake up" in a minor motor accident. Pearl and Hazel Dixon missed high school last Monday. It rained up the Cherryville way and the roads were "fierce." A Hallowe'en program will be given at the school building on Friday after noon Oct. 28 by the high school jun iors and seniors. This program is presented in connection with the oval expression work of the pupils Every one invited. A patriotic program was given l.v the high school students on Columbus day. School clerks all over this section are "saying things" because Ihe new school laws are getting" so "red-tape." It seems the whole system is getting a "tapeworm," the way the new re quirements eat up time' Last Friday afternoon the eighth grade of the Kelso school gave a fare well party for one of thrtr number, Norman Tate, who wilt move to Port land with his parents soon. Th party was under the direction of Mis Vaeretti, principal, and was a very en ioyable time for the children. Del cious. refreshments were served and roasting marshmallews rroved great sport. Miss Vaeretti has a class of 12 in her eighth grade. Beards have been laid to the school house where necessary, so the chi! dren can get back and forht very com fortably now. In the name of th& State of Oregon you Pre hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you in the bove entitled Court and cause, .n or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and enswer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a -decree dis solving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff and award ing to plaintiff, the custody of Juanita B. Summerville. minor child of plain tiff and defendant and granting lo plaintiff such other judgment or de cree as the court may have authority to make and as may seem meet with equity. This summons Is served upon you by tbe publication thereof, in the Ore gon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation printed and pub lished at Oregon City, Oregon, said publication being made for six con secutive weeks, the firs', publication therof, being on Friday, October 21st. 1921. and the last publication thereof, on Friday, December 2nd l'.-21, and you shall appear and answer said Co.'ii- plaint in any event on or before said last named date, all in acordance with the order of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell. Judge of the above entitled Court, as entered of record in said cause on the 19th day of October, 1!21. WM. G MARTIN', CAREY F. MARTIN. Attorneys for Plaintiff Postoffice address: 413 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C Latourette, President , F. J. Mbybk, Cashie The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M the bid, as provided in section 4594 of Olson's Code. OOUNTY COURT OF CI.ACKAMAS COUNT V H. E. Cross, County Judge, W R. Harris, Commissioner, W. A. Proctor, Commissioner. Attest: Fred "a. Miller, County Cler. - CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Oregon City people 'who so kindly helped us in th burial of our dear wife and mother. May God bless you all. J A. SMITH. AND CHII J3REN. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions and in order to cure it you must take 'an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine w-asi prescribed by one of the best physjeians. in this country for years. It is composed of some of tho beet ponies known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. Tha perfect combination of the ingredi ents in Hall's catarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrh conditions. Send for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75e. Hairs Family Pills for constipation, Adv. FOR SALE CHEAP: Top, b'ggy and harness. Inquire of George Skoko. Clackamas, on Harry Blake'a oid place. FOR SALE CHEAP: Top. buggy and harness, with shafts and tongue. Phone 16F21, Clarkamas.Or Route1. SANDY SCHOOL NOTES Gresham friends, Miss Lucile McCar-1 hJm we cannot defy the wishes of SANDY, Oct. 13. Mrs. Joe . Lilly taught, in the grade principal's rooir. this week as Mrs Malar's attack of grip bung on rather tenaciously. " Alice pouglaf s had to ttay out of school at Cherryville most of the weci; because of a severe attack of tonsii itis. Alice is a senior. Adolph; Mary and Rosi Funk are ihe tew pupils -!n Mrs. Tillman's room. The teacher at. Brightwood is happy in her new residence which the school fond necessary to erect because no boarding place could be found. The high school girl's glee club bj- NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE Ol- REAL PROPERTY. Notice isi hereby given that the un dersigned guardian of the person and estate of Lucien G. McElroy, an insane peryon, under and;by virtue of an ord n of salei duly made and entered of record order of sale duly made' tnd entered in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, in the matter of the guardianship of Lu cien G. McElroy, an insane person, said order being made cn the loth day of October, 1921, will as guardian of the person and state of said insane person, sell at private sale, for cash in hand on the day of- sale, all of the right, title and interest of said insins person in and to the following describ ed real property situated -in Clackamas County. Oregon, to-wit: Lots One (1) to Twenty-three C'.i) inclusive in Block Forty (40) in Min- thorn; Lots Thirty-nine (of) to forty- eight (4S) inclusive, in Block Forty (4o I in Minthorn; Lot Two (2) in Blick For-:y-five (5), and Lots Three (3 to Twenty-four (24) inclusive in Block Forty-five (45) in Minthorn, as said lots are shown and designed on the plat of said Minhtcrn now on file and of record in the office cf the Recorder of Conveyances for Clackamas County. Oregon. The said interest being an undivided two-fifteenths (2-15) interest. That said sale will be made at thi east door of the County Court Houre in Oregon City, in Clackamas County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 19th day of November, 1921, and sea't-d bids Will be recived by the undersigned, fcf F.aid interest in said real property at the above named place up to ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thisl4th day of October. 1921. MARGARET J. McFADDEN, Guardian of the person and estate of Lucien G. McElroy, an insane person. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co- Plain tiff, vs Legene S. Barnes and Grace D. Barnes, his wife, Defendants. To Legene S. Barnes and Grace D. Barnes, his wifej)efendants: In the name of the State of Oregon You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and to answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 14th day of October. 1 921, and on or before the 28th day of November, 1921, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the reliet demanded in the complaint filed herein, to-wit For a judgment and decree against C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE ' Attorneys-at-Law Commercial. . Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg Oregon City. Oregon. O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts ' furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over' Bank of Oregon City. . CITATION In the Circuit Court of the State or .Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the estate of Helma Gillespie, Deceased. To Jack Gillespie and Helen Gillespie In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to appear and be in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, at the county court room of said Court, on the 31st'day of Octo ber" 3 921 at the hour of 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of said day, then and there show cause, if any exist, why Lots 11 and 12 of Block 100 in the Second Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, Clackamas County, Ore gon, should not be sold to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the claims filed against the above estate. Witness the Hon. H. E. Cross Judge of May 1921, in favor of Charley Gross of this Court this 27 day of September miller. Plaintiff, and agair-st L. Gross- . Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Or. 1921. ATTEST FRED A. MIDLER, Clerk. By G. H. Pace, Deputy, Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacks mas. Delia MacDonald, Plaintiff, vs William B. Felts; S W. Harris and Lydia Coon Harris, his wife: Smith Harris and Sarah E. Harris; A. A. Harris, single: Leslie P Robertson and Nellie M. Robertson, Defend ants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas. ss. m By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out cf and under the seal of the abovt entitled court, in ihe above entitled the said defendants and in favor, of j cause, to me duly directed and dated the said plaintiff for the sum of l ive Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) and inter est at the rate of seven per cent i.7-) per annum from the first day of July, 1920. and for Six Hundred Fifty Dol !ars ($650.00) attorneys' fees and for taxes due of Four Hundred Forty-four and 67 hundredth Dollars ($444.67) ad for all costs and disbursements herein and that all of said sums be de creed to be a first lien upon property in Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, described as follows, to-wit: The Donation Land Claim of James L. Daly, and w-ile, Certifi cate No. 451, Claim No. 47, being parts of Sections 20 and 29, in Township 3 south of range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian bound ed as follows: Beginning at a point 27.S0 chains north and 17.50 chains west from the northeast 9orner of Section 29, thence w?st 45.77 chains, thence south 45.37 chains, thence north 57 30' east 4.64 chains, thenco south 31 30' east 55.67 chain; to tne Willamette River, thence north 34" east 5.63 chains, thence north 57 east 11.E0 chains, thence north 78.98 chains to the place of beginning, contain ing 317.75 acres. Except 2 acres off of and running along the south erly and westerly sides of the above bounded tract, reserved for a county road. Also except 1G acres heretofore sold and conveyed to W. W- Graham, and described as follows: Beginning at the south east corner of Jas. L. Daly Dona tion Land Claim Wo. 47, being j parts of Sections 20 and. z'J, in Township 3 south of range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence westerly up river 3"0 feet, thence north 21J2 fc-et thence easterly 310 feet, the.iw.-e south 2112 feet to the place of beginning, containing 16 acres, more or less. nd that the said defendants and each of them be barred and foreclosed from having any right, title or interest in or to ' the said property, except the right of redemption and that scid mort- the '5th day of October 1921, upon a judgment rendered and entered in sail court on the 22nd day of August 1921, in favor of Delia MacDonald, Plaintiff, and against William B-' Felts: S. W. Harris and Lydia Coon Harris, his wife: Smith Harris and Sarah E. Har ris, his wife; A. A. Harris, single; Leslie P. Robertson and Nellie M Robertson, Defendants, for the sum of $66:1.30. with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 22nd day of August, 1921, and the further sum of $75.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $60.25 co3ta 1921 and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me lo make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning- at the Northwest cornor of the Southwest quarter of the South west quarter of section nineteen (13 1 Township Three (3) South. Range on.j (1) West of the Willamette Meridian, and running thenc South to a point two and a half (2) rods north of th;i middle of the West line of said tract , thence West to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet west of the East line of said tract; thence South two hun dred fifty '(250) feet; thence East tw , hundred fifty (250) feet to the East line of said tract; thence North to the Northeast corner of said tract; thence West of the Northwest ccrner of said tract the place of beginning contain ing twenty-three and seventy-seven hundreths (23.77) acres and lying an l being in Clackamas County Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, ih 5th day of November 1921; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M- at the front door of the County Court House in ihe City of. Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S gold coin cash in hand, all t3e right 'title and interest which the with in named defendants or either of them duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly direct ed and dated the 26th day of August 1921, upon a judgment rendered ami entered in said court on the lilst day miller and Pauline Ot:. formerly 1 Pauline Grossmiller, Defendants, for ; the sum of $425.00 with interest at six per cent from the 26th cay cf November 1915. and the further sum of $75.00 with interest at six per cent from May 31st, 1921, the further sum of $40.60 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lots numbered ten flO) and eleven (11) of Block. Six (6) of Ardenwald, Clackamas County. Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 29th day of October 1921; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in sad County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the with in named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had in or to the above de scribed real .property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing- costs W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamas CP'pty. Oregon. BV. E. C. HAUKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, .Ore., Sept, 20th NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, has been dulv appointed, administrator of the Estate of Elmer G. Seely, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, any and all persons having claim:' against the estate; must present thf in to the undersigned, duly verified as by Law required,, at the office of Win. Hammond, Oregon City, Oregon, with in six months from the date of thia Notice. B. G SEELY, Administrator of the Estate of Elmer G. Seely, deceased. . WM. HAMMOND, "Attorney for Administrator. First publication October 7th, 1921. Last publication November 4th, 192 . NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT or since had in or to the above decrib- ed real property or any part thereor, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamis County Oregon. .v By E. c HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., October 7th. 1921 SUMMONS No 1S2S8. In the Circuit Court of ihe State of Oregon for Clackamas Ciuntyf Department No. . Blanch. Lu Summer ill e. Plaintiff, vs. Neil C. Summerville. Defendant. To Neil C. Summerville, the defend ant above named gage be foreclosed and said property I na(j on the date of rhe mortgage herein sola for tne purpose of satsifymg sai l claims found to be due the plaintfl'f pnd all costs and accruing cc sts and that if the said property does not soli for enough to pay the said siuns 'of money found to be due this plaintitf, tliat the said plaintiff have a personal judgment against the said defendants jmd each of them for said doficienoy and that the said defendants be en joined and debarred from asserting any further claim whatsoever in or to said property or any part thereof an 1 for such other and further relief as may be equitable. Thfs. summons is published by order of the Honorable Judge James U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled j Court, made and entered on the l-tli day of October, 1921, directing public i- lion thereof once each week for six successive weeks !n Oregon City Kn terprise. a weekly newspaper publish ed in Clackamas County, Oregon City. Oregon, the first publication there -f to be on the 14th day of October, 1921. and the last publication to be on t!.e 25th day of November, 19?1. WILBUR, BECKETT & HOWELL ' m Attorneys for Plaintilf. Post Office Address: 1001 Board if Trade Building, Portland, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator with will annexed of the esta.te of Joseph Decker, deceased has filed his final account in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 31 day of Octo ber 1921, at the hour of ten A. M. of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the bearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Septem ber i'3rd 1921. Last publication October 21st 1921. XAVER DECKER, Administrator with will annexed c.f the estate of Joseph Decker, de ceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for administrator. , "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bid3 are invited and will be opened ty ihe County Coi:rt of Clackamas County, Oregon in the County Co'.it Room at 1:00 P. M. Monday. October 17th, for dcing noi-essary grading and rock work on what is known as the Childs road situated about 2 miles sniih of Oswepo between Engineers Station 2700,.and Station 4600. Plaii.--and specifications may be seen in the County Surveyors office at Oregcn City, Oregon.? Each bid must be ii. v.-r'ting acd shall be-accompanied 1 certified check 5 of tVs amount cf NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby yven that the un dersigned, as administrator of the es tate of Catherine Mcrrcn. 'ieceased has filed hi1 final nccount i;i tie office of the County Clerk cf Clar-Tr-aias County. Cregon. and that iloa.la;-, 24th doy of October 1921. at tbe hour of 10 o'clrjr-k a. M. of said day. in the County Court Room of saM Court has been appointed by said Court the. time ana place for the hearing cf ob jections thereto and , the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Senteniber 23rd 1921. Last publication October 21st 1921. A. J. MORRISON. Administrator of the estate of Cather ine Morrison, deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for administrator. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. Charley Grossmiller, Plaintiff, vs L. Grossmiller and Pauline Ott, form erly Pauline Grossmiller, defend ants. Stata of Oregon, County of Clackamas, 'ss. By virtue of a. judgment older, d? cree and an attachment execution, SUMMONS No. 18200 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, De partment No. Ernest Smith, Plain tiff, vs. .Nora Smith, Defendant. To Nora Smith, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to tip pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this Sumomns, to wit: Within six weeks, from Fridav. September, 16, 1921, and ;f you fail to appear or' answer for vant thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitl ed Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a Deere'i forever dissolving the marriage con tract now existing between you and plaintiff. This Sumomns is served upon you by tbe publication thereof in the Ore son City Enterprise, a newspaper o general circulation: printed and pu. Hshed at Oregon City. Oregon. The first publication thereof, being Friday. September 16, 1921, and the las publi cation thereof, being Friday, October 2S, 1921. All done in accordance with the order of the Honorable J. If. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered of . record in the above entitled cause, this 14th day of September. 1921. -WM. G MARTIN, CAREY F. MARTIN. Attorneys for plaintiff Postoffice Address: 41S Masonic Tom pie, Salem Or egon.