JENNING S LODGE I MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent. P.-T. Assn. Meeting Is Well Attended JENNINGS LODGE. Oct. 19. The Parent Teachers Association en joyed the best attendance of the at its regular October meeting on Fri day. Forty were pres-ent. Mrs. Pear son, the president, presiding. Mr. Thereaux gave a talk to the mothers on forming an orchestra among the pupils and the subject was referred to the open meeting on the evening of Xovember 11. Mr Webb will give a moving picture j-how at the school house some eveu during the week of October 17 The Association has accepted an in vitation to the Pacific Coast Biscuit C ompany house for October 3 to vis it the'r plant. A vote of thanks was extended Jfr. Moore for the signs which she rn vi.led along the highway to warn the motorics of the school. Coifee and cook;es were furnished j b t'e rec-jption c nnmittee composer! J f Mesdames Chapman. Hole. Merits Bretcher, 1 nnmpson and Ford In the voting contest it was a tie between the four teachers, and or. drawin? fe vote went to Mrs. Mac . Donald. .... m..................... - m.m,jfm- at Witiehia taking with thtu a nura ber from our local endeavorers. They were much surprised when the hand some banner was presented to the Jennings Lodge F.ndavorers for hav ing the largest number pro rata in at' tendance at the" convention. This banner will be displayed at the new church in the Endeavor room. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Farewell Party Is Given Lodge People JENNINGS LODGE. Oct 13. A farewell party was ttndered Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Naef on Saturdy evening, by their Jennings Lodge friends previous to their departure to California, where they go for I he win ter. Card3i and dancing were the evenings, diversion and a bountiful re past was served. Those attending were Messrs and Mesdames C.. C. Hole, Geo. Card. Clinton Health, John Roberts, A. .J. Robbins, H. Wytten- burir and E. Steinfelt. JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 19. Mrs Arthur Roberts has returned from a months visit in Asptin, Wash., and Orainesville, Idaho. . Miss Sharpc, of Walli W?Ua, whe Is teaching in the Eastham school in Oregon City will make ner home wiih Mrs. Eades this winter. Mr anr Mrs. Frank Gilmore of Port land have recently visited their daugh ter Mrs. Vyvyan Dent. " Mrs.' EJia MacHarg.e will aecota panv her sister on a motor trip to their old home at Brownsville e:iviui; on Friday. They expect to be ab&ent two weeks Harry Williams recently purchased a half acre on Blanton and Jennings Ave. from Mrs. F.arnharc and Miss Pear Ellis, of Portland was a Sunday caller also at this home. Mrs. E. Finlays of Bay City, Ore., and he- daughter Mrs. R. G. Lennan of Raymond, Wash., spent the week end with Mrs Vivian Walker. Mr. and Mrs. C. R- Holloway enter tained Mrs. Katherine Winton of Mis souri at dinner on Tuesday night. Ad rUticnal guests were R, E. Holloway and the Misses Nell and Florence Hol loway of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Dent, and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Weller of Portland and Ted Pierce motored to Salem to attend the Fair and spent a day with Mr. Dent's sister, Mrs. Hofer. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gil more of Portland, who are Mrs. Dent's parents spent the day at Jennings Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Reals and Mr. and Mrs. Tripp of Salem motored down from Salem and spent Sunday with friends here. Mr and Mrs. Farrell ot Vancouver, Wash., have been gueerts recently of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck. Mr Farrell is an accountant of the Stani- fer Co. and were neighbors of the Woodbecks in Vancouver. Pern Patton of Cherry Grove was a week end visitor at the home pf his sistet Mrs. A. B. Snider. Mrs. Ella Msple departed for San Francisco on Friday evening Before leaving she gave a subscription for the Enterprise so as to keep in touch con- j with her many friends from Clacka mas County where she has resided for OAK GROVE ITEMS gM OAK GROVE SCHOOL Meeting Is Held By Oak OrOVf P -T An AK GROVF- ct- ".Appropriate 7iuvc x . X. XOOll exercises were held Wednesday morn- ing of last week at the assembly in , , J honor of Columbus Day at the Oak OAK GROVE, OcL 18.-The Parent- ,Jrove school , iv...-.iio vasiiciaii'ju neni rreuinr me-Jtmg Friday of last week. Tnt building of a play shed is still before them and plans will be submitted tor bida soon. ENTERTAINMENT ENJCVED OAK GROVE, Oct 18 The Ever The Jennings Lodge ball team play ed Ouk Grove team last Friday at Oak (Jrove and resulted in victory for ihe visif ng team with a score of 13 to S. Mrs. Ida Bedford of Portland visited Mrs J. Riley und Mrs ,V. G. Benvie Friday of last week. Rev. J. J. Patton will be returned to at the school house. ready Club of Sunday school voung "ak ?rove 4" take charg5 t:f lh'3 men gave a pleasing and much en For ; church here beginning next Sunday, ed .ntertainment last irt ,vo!n : "ctoner is. tie left nero two years . v..0 . . r. . .. I ti lci initr licit? yri'viiius. N. F Iacey wa? transferred to Estaca da. Ms. Lillian Allen was a Portland visitor last Thursday. Mrs. J. A. Waldron, Miss Beatrice Cedrson, Miss Mildred Waldron, Jsck Waldron, Tom Dunham and J. Oliver were on the program given at Milwau kie Saturday evening last. Mrs Chas. Tucker was hai pily sur prised Saturday evening, in celebration evening entertaining Mr. and Mrs. social given by the M. E. church Aid Improvement Club lakes Up Problems OAK GROVE, Oct. 18. Tho Com munity Improvement Club is trying 13 revive the spirit to the betterment of the community and is working' row- on the water problem. An enthusiastic of her birthday. She was recipitent Robert Fulton Mr And Mrs - A. Waldorf and Mr. and Mrs.' G- 3. Bullock went out through Wilsonville on a picnic Wed nesday. 4 Arthur Davidson and J. Montgomery leftMonday for Southern Oregon for a deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobsoh of Oregon City also Ronald Romberg and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson Sunday. A. S. Pathilo general manager of the Oregon Iron and Steel company's interest in Oswego was laid up for a few days having undergone a minor operation in Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. He is recovering nicely and hopes to again soon ba his former self. Mrs. J. K. Worthington two grand daughters of Willamette were visiting her this week. Mrs. Henry Yates, Mrs. George Society. Lunch will be served ami every body is invited to come. Mr and Mrs. G. C. Worthington were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Worthington Sunday. Mr. Len Davidson who has been very poorly the last ten days is a lit tle 1 etter at present. Mr. and Mrs, H. OUsd. of Portland wa3 the guest .of Mr. and Mrs. George Enrich Sunday. temilating building soon Mr. Henerici and sons hav -returned I over 30 years. Mr. ana Airs. wo. , ci ,i.. I Maole exnect to return again in the irOIl! a. III! lit lll. 1"P Hf II Ortirill ,t;vMn 1 - - :ng with several grouse and pheasants Funeral Held For Mrs. Martha Shaver Mrs. Ca' l Starker and children spent Saturday in Portland. Mr. Kinkead of San Francisco. Calif., has beer, entertained at the Newcomb home. Miss Gladys Caldwell has enteral Boliu'ket-Walker business college in Portland. A. W. Myers has sold his pretty new ho'u.-e on .ieldrum avenue ic a AH Hunn of Oregon City. Mr. Slyer is planning on building on adjacent acre age Mrs. Edv. Pearson entertained the luncheon club af her ho;r.e 011 Mel drum Ave. on Wednesday noou. Covers were laid for 12. ft E. Maple has paid a visit to his brother Clare Maple, leaving on Tues day for Klamath Falls Mr. Maple is a traveling salesman with head- ! quarters in San Francisco. I W51bur the only son of Mr. and Mrs. j Wiley Traut has neen indisposed for I several days and was taken to the JENNINGS LOIXIE Oct. 19. The funeral services for the --late Martha Shaver were held at the Mo- j family physician, who pronounced it Entee and Eilher chanel on Friday ! typhoid and was taken to the Oregcn morning at 11 o'clock. The men's quartette, composed of W. I. Bline ftone, Carl Starker, Mr. Hendry and Frank Tucker san.5 and Rev. A. li Snider conducted the service. The pallbearers were old ' time friends of Mrs. Shaver " The interment was in the River View cemetery. Colemans Back From Visit In New York JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 13. Mr. and Mrs. G J. Coleman returned recently from New York and are with their daughter Mr3 Jackscn. The Colemans wlere residents of Oregon for over 30 years and returned to New York on business, and remain ed there 3 years and are glad to re turn to this state. They have a home on the Section Line Road. Trip on Highway Is Taken By Pioneers JENNINGS LODGE. Oct. l'. Mr. and Mrsy Patton of Cherry drove axe visiting at the .home of their daughter Airs. A B. Stiid;r The Pat tons are Ore?on pioneers snd Mr. Patton crossed the plains 71 years ago, arriving at The Dalles. On Wednesday of last week they accompanied Rev. A B. Snider and wife on a motor trip over the Columbia highway and sptnt the night at The Dalles, returning un Thursday. Lodge Endeavor Is Winner of Banner JENNINGS LODGE. Oct 19.--. Mr. and Mrs. Guy motored to the Christian Endeavor convention held j Holman & Pace ! .FUNERAL 1 j DIRECTORS. 1 I Homelike Efficient Courteous I 1 Telephone 86 . I I 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City f City hospital on Monday Mrs. Henry Smith was a week ind visitor in Portland the guest of Mr-5. C. A. Elwell at her home on Belmont St. Mrs. Miller of Aurora arrived cn Sun-lay for a few days visit with Mrs. Tulia Ullabrand.' As a result of the furnace pipns bursting, the pupils in Mrs. MacDor. alds room were dismissed for Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Deter and Mr und Mrs. R. F. Deter and family ai.o Airs. Hughes took a week end hunt ing trip to the Malloy district whna proved very successful. Mr. Blake has returned from a bus iness trip tc Klamath Falls E 1. Kellogg of M'ivauiu'e has- de cided to make his home here and is pleas-antly located at Shady Nook. Mrs. ArtJhur Smith attended the W. C. T U. convention in Oregon City three days of last week. Mr. Drain, owners of Shady Nook con:p grove is making many improve ments in clearing the grovr- and will install electric lights, gas ana water will be piped to the grounds. W. W. Woodbeck attended a meet ing of the realators held at Woodburn on Monday evening. Mr. Warren Swart has returnei from a business trip to Rupert, Idaho David Clarke and Arthur Roberts have caught some fine saimon during the week. Two weighing Z0 pounds each. A. A. Lamoureux,' traveling sales man for a typewriter concern of Loa Angeles, Calif., spent Wednesday night at the Shady Nook camp ground. Warren Swart has returned from a business trip to Rupert, Idaho. Mr Swart was. absent a wek. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Emmons join-I a party of Portland friends, who motor ed to the Sandy River on Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner. Mrs. Florence Mqpre, primaryteach er and Miss Truscott who teaches tJ"-3 third and fourth grades were lunche on, guests of Mr3. Geo. Gardner on Tuesday. M;s. Mary Zilka? and her niece Miss Josepha Krutz of Sncltar.e . are visit ing her son Henry Ziika. Mis. Albert Pierce has eniei rained a number of folks at her home on the river during the past week Mrs. D i.i nells Sr., a cousin of Mrs. Pierce and her daughter-in-law Mrs. Dannells Jr.. of Fortland and Mrs. Reid of Port Townsend, Wash., were her guests one day. Mrs. O'Neil and Mrs. Dineen of Damascus were alsc entertained at the above home. Elmer Kinhead of San Francisco, was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Newcomb on October 2. spring to Oregon. Mr. Brici?s is building an addition to his home on Addie street, Mr. Booth enjoyed a visit from his mother, Mrs. Booth of Fortland last week. Mr. Noonan of Salem was a busi ness visitor on Sunday. Mr. Noonan s a brother of Mrs. W. Koss of this place. Mr Florence is building a five room modern bungalow on his property ajid the work of ekcavatin,g the basement is about completed. Mr. and Mrs. Cary Deter enjoyed the .week end at the family home. Carey and his bride hav purchased a pretty home in the Mt. Tabor district recently. Mrs. Arthur Smith will attend uie W. C. T. TJ. Convention, going as a delegate from the Oregc-t City union. Mrs. Wilcox sp-snt Thursday after noon with Mrs. Gill at Concord. The Tagley family took a motor jaunt to Rainier or Sunday. Mrs. Ella Eades is visiting her daughter Miss Elv.t, who is a student at Pacific University at Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, manager of i-he Pacific Garage in Oregon City, have leased a cottage from Mrs. Mable Pierce and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Brown entertained Mr. and Mrs. Sheorn of Portland. The A. A. Albright family and Mrs. Kuepper of Portland were Saturdar night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart. Miss Sarah Holloway, John and Charles Holloway attended the Miracles of the Jungles and were snapped by the Telegram camera man cn Saturday. iieetirif.' nas held last Wc-dnesfJ.iy evening when the committee of whicr. H Starkweather was chairman. gave an incomplete report as t. boun dary, expanse, etc. and will in very ne.a.- future give mere complete report ft?r which it is very likely organiza tion necessary will be formed an l Bull Run water secured as soon ;i possible. WELFARE PLANS WADE OAK GROVE, Oct. .18 The ChiM Welfare department of the Social Service Club met Tuesday with Miss E. K. Matthews and. laid pl&ns fo coming year. MUSICIANS MEET OAK GROVE, Oct. 18 The music department of the Social Service Club met Thursday with Miss Lois Ken nedy and is planning on a musical en tertainment in the near future. . of i.-any fine preie-nts. Games and a social time was enjoyed and delightful refreshments served. Dr. McArthur o Baker, Oregon, has disposed of his resident property her? lo A. DeMertz :f'Baker who is now oc cupying the same. Mrs. John Norhery entertained at dinner last Friday the six teachers of Oak Grove school and ..Miss Sophia ljenderson a Portland teacher and her mother. All did full justice to the de lightful j-efreehments serveel whicii speaks well for the hostess. All prer. ent enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Geo. Bigham ard Kir.ty- BigrM'!! werd married Saturday, October , at Vancouver, Wash. Julius Broetje the flofist on the 1 Courtney road, has added twe more lily ponds to his sunken garden. H" had two and with two new ones makes a fine showing. He expects. to have ine of the finest sunken g;irdens in this vicinity when completed and it adds much to the look3 of the place. OSWEGO ITEMS Mrs. Cora Bullock 8 it Site For 1925 Fair Discussed By Club OSWEGO, Oct. 18. The Oswego Hydro-Electric club held a very in teresting meeting Monday njght a the city hall. The meetiiijT'was called to order by Vice-President Frank Huff man as Mr. Steven. the president was not present. A delegation from Sellwood spoke in favor of Selwood, Rns? Island and Council Crest sites for tbv; 1925 I.-iir. J. B. O'Brein has recovered from his I Th-j delegation felt they h:id intruded roeent illness and able to be about the store and post-office again Mr. and Mrs. Blinestone of Sparta, Wis., have returned from their trip to Salem and on Tuesday they accom panied Mrs. Lucy Allen and Mr., and Mrs. W. I. Blinestone to The Dalles motoring over the Columbia Highway. Ira Hart is. putting a cement base ment under his house. Mrs. Julia Ullabrand ig now conva lescing from an illness which confined her to her bed for a week. Olin Ford has returned from a busi ness trip which has kept him from home since July 4th. Parent-Teachers meeting will be held on Friday of this week in the basement of the school house. Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Osborn and children of Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodbeck of Vancouver, Wash., spent Sunday with W. W. Woodbeck. Phones: SeUwood 597, Automatic 2138 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Boring News Items P.ORINTG, Oct. 18. Mrs Sarah Frank is carrying the mail on route 4 while the regular carrier is taking his vacation. Jasper Dugger had his arm broken last week when the street car collided with his automobile. Mrs. Schweitzer of Portland visited her daughter Mr. Albert Johnson last Sunday. A hunting party composed of Dewey Kreuger of Parkplace, Herman Tim mer of Clackamas and Bert Waller and Floyd Lake of Boring spent Sun day sil; the C. Z. Lake farm The George Frank family who re cently arrived from the East came out from Portland Sunday and spent the day with their niece Mrs. F. O. Lake. The hall above the Morgan ami Richey livery stable is being re-floored and is expected to be opened to the public again this winter. Tiie tow n boasts of two fine new res idences on the T. Roots and the Fisher property. very much on the Oswego people as they had understood the Oswego peo ple had given up all hopes of gottwig the fair; but when they found out that Oswego was still working hard for it, Ihey said that it v-as true .there couldn't be a prettier place than Os wego Lake and wished t'aeni all the success there was for to get the fair and said if we saw we were not go ing to get it here, they would like; us 10 assist them if we would. Mr Brown from Ross Island, who is greatly inter ested in the Scllwood Club, and also ecretary of that club, said that Mr. Kernon who owns R.jss Island, had asked $400,000 for title island, but if the 1925 fair was located in Portland around that vicinity he would make the price $200,000. A committee was appointed by Vio--Pres.dent Frank Huffman to have the different organizations throughout the state to place location on the ballot, and thought that would be the oidy fair way out of it. Oswego Lake Work Progresses Fast OSWHCJO, Oct. 16. Th. . concrete cradles or bolsters for the new 60-inch pipe line of the Oswego Light, Power & Water Company, are practically completed and now await the arrival of the wooden pipe. The canal had been cleaned out and as soon as the pipe is installed water will again be turned in from Oswego Lake. Good progress is being made by the contraction on the Oswego Lake dam. and from all indications it will be but a short time until water can be allow ed to run in the Lake from the Tuala tin river. Elks Rock Tunnel Nears Completion ,0?WEGO, Oct. 18 Work on 'Eik' Rock tunnel is drawing nearer to com pletion. At the south end the bore is now 250 feet and cement work- has commenced. The contractors have worked steady night and day. They ex pect to have the bore throi'gh by the first of November. Warning Signs Are Placed at School Portland Man And Oswego Girl Wed OSWEGO, Oct. 18 Miss Leona Jari'sc-h, another one of Oswego's young women and Vera Barkley. of Portland were married Tuesday the 18th at Kalama, Wash, Mr. and Mrs. George Enrich accompanied them to Kalama, and were bridesmaid and best man. Miss Jarisch is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jarisch of Oswego. ' 1 J P. F.INLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland 2H Milwaulrie Garage Service Station Westinghouse Bat teries, Repairs, Machine Work, Auto Accessories, Tifes Tubes, Oils, Gasoline, Towing. Call us we can get you out. Authorized Ford Service and Parts Milwaukie Highway, Phone Mil. 98 .. .............." I Stop at our new I BOYLE-DAYTON I 5 gallon pump. Honest measure, f 1 Lent Bros. Garage i CANBY, OREGON e - $ ..,,..... ....................... I MONEY TO LOAN I i Farm Loans Preferred . 5 PAUL C. FISCHER i Beaver Bldg. Oregon City Bertha Worthington Anfl J. Bowers Wed OSWEGO, Oct IS Miss Bertha Worthington and J3fph Bowers .were married at the home of the briile'.s mothep'in South Oswego Saturday evening. Rev Lacoy of Potrland pet formed the ceremony. The bride's mother served a chicken dinner after the wedding that, was en joyed by ail. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers expect to live in Oswego for a few wehks until his work is completed here as he is engaiged at work on the Oswego Lake Dam. OSWEGO. Oct. 16. Through the ef forts of Justice of the Peace Leslie Savage of Oswego arrangements have been made with the Clackamas County court to have warning signs placed on the Pacific Highway where it passes the Oswego grammar school .There i? a deep cut in front of the school tml few motorists observe the building as they pass and still fewer slow down their pace. This has resulted in not a little danger to the pupils, most ol whom are required to cress the road several times a day. The teachers of the school have prevented any ac cidents so far by their continued warn ing! to the pupils to be careful. Enrich and. Mrs Geo. Bullock motored to St. Johns to visit Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coon, who used to reside in Os wego. Notice of intention to start an auto bus line and the proposed franchise has been publicly posted in "Oswego. Mrs. Dug Gillis is visiting her sis ter Mrs. Iva Williams for a few days. Mi, and Mrs. Rosencran are the guest of Mrs. Eliza Kempin. They I nave just ict-ui lii iiuiu a irip inrougn California. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Coon of Portlarv.1 was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidsons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson cf Portland was in Osweigo Sacuidey. Mrs. Johnson is preparing her place for rent. William Kingkade who has ben in the Oregon City hospital has returned home much Improved. Mrs'. Francis Goin has been the guest of her sister Mrs. John Bickner for the past few weeks. Miss Dorothy Baker was the dinner guest of Miss Mable Robertson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith Sunday. , , B T 1 i" T"t . 1 . 1 ... 1 mr. ctuu ivirs. rvxrst? ui ruriiauj v ci z visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmott cn Thursday of last week. Waller Emmott of Redland was ia Oswego Monday to visit his brother. Randy Shipley and wife of Sandy were in Oswego Saturday. Mr. Ship ley was once an old time resident of this place and old friends were pleas ed to see him again. The Good Time Club gave another of their dances Saturday night at the Grange Hall with much success. Every one is invited to attend these dances. Mr. and Mrs. Shotto have sold their home in Oswego to John Conway and have moved to a ranch near Stafford Mrs. Archie Worthington ig report ed quite ill and is under the doctors care it is to be hoped she will be able to be about soon. Mrs. D. Ellis of Amboy Washing ton, is visiting our city for two weeks Mrs. G. Weightman was a dinner hostess to Mr. andq Mrs. O. C. Mer rick, Mr. Estess and Miss Delia Davis Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leonard Halliman of Redland spent the wek end in Oswego visiting relatives. OSWEGO, Oct. 18. Otto Larson and A. Waldorf are working at Mulino for a couple of months. Mrs. Tom Clinefelter has been suf fering from boils for the- past two weeks. The Oswego Woman's Club met at the club rooms Wednesday afternoon. Mrs David Nelson and Mrs. Verno:i Centers were hostesses for te day. A pleasant afternoon was spentf by- all. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates and Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock motored to Vancouver, Wash., Sunday and spent the cay with Mrs. Yates's brother. On October 26 there wilt be a Booze Peddles and Constable In Mixup MILWAUKIE, Oct. 12. White deputy Constable Keck of Milwaukie! was seated on the curb near the En. gene Breck place, Ardenwald. writhing in pain from a bruised foot an a sprain ed ankle, two men and a woman left a wrecked car on the opposites&isida of the street, ostensibly to offer help to ihe injured man. The woman attempt ed to throw a blanket over Keck s haa.l while- one man dispossessed him !cf some moonshine. Keck foiled both these attempts but in the meiee the woman siezed one bottle of the hoctcli and attempted to strike him ever thi head It slipptd from her hand a s-he swung it over his. head and was. broken on the hard pavement. The rush came as the climax of a raid st-aged by Constable Lowe of Mil waukie assisted by. Patrolman George Russell of.vthe Portland police bureu-i assigned to prohibition law work. Lowe, Keck and Russell were con cealed near the place of the suspects. Two women left ihe house and step ped into a waiting car. A few minutes later two men appeared carrying a package with which they got into the car. As soon as the car started Russell appeared, swung onto the run- -ning board and ordered i halt. Lowe and Keck followed and began to search the car under strong protect, cf 'n'o search warrant." They securi two quarts of moonshine. Keck was left to guard the car and Lows ami Russell proceeded to the house with a search warrant. Keck, in order to p; event the car moving again, removed the key. One of the men walking around the car in a suspicious manner diverted his at tention, the woman produced a "dupli cate key and the machine started ahead. Keck siezed the wheel hand gave it a viscious turn. The car lurch ed into the ditch with one front wheel ruined. The constable was thrown from the car a wheel passed over his foot and sprained his -ankle. Breck was arrested after the of ficers had found a still and mash, still warm, in his house, and two bo'.tle.-i cf moonshine, also warm, in the auto mobile. He was arraigned later be fore Justice of the Peace Parry at Milwaukie, pleaded gi'lty to violating the prohibition laws and will be sen tenced Wednesday. ; Mrs. E. Hall and E. A. Schoth, both er Portland, were also arrested and charged with illegally transporting iquor. They pleaded not guilty. With them were another man and woman who were not. arrested Bullet Nearly Hits Mrs. M. I. Mountjoy MILWAUKIE. Oct, 18. Mrs. M. T Mountjoy returned home Sunday from a week's visit toN relatives at Albany and Springfield As the train was pull ing into Salem there was. a biting snap in the window pane back of the seat she and her nephew oceupied, a bul let whizzed thru the car ana out f and open window on the opposite side. Evidently hunters taking advantage iif the first days of the open season wer? inclined to be reckless. SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Artisan Assembly Lodge Holds Meet OSWEGO, Oct. 16. Artisan As sembly lodge met at the Grange Hi.M Wednesday evening and Dr. Ashburn of Fordand spoke on reorganization and members-hip. Lai in the evening dancing, music and refreshments were enjoyed. GRANGE HOLDS FAIR Concert WiU Be Given on Saturday SANDY, Oct. 18. A concert will be given at the Odd Fellow's hall tomor row night, (Saturday. Oct: 22) at S P. M by Dr. Emil Enna of Portland and his asistants This concert is under the direction of the high school, and the student body is enthusiastic over having a full house to apprecia-e this exceptional treat. Dr. Enna is one of Portland's best pianists, an-1 people hearing his programs want to hea rthem again. Mrs. Herbert Reed, one of Portland's most popular readers will give selections also. Cherrvville Man Traps Wild Cats Road and Dam Work Is Progressing Fast OSWEGO, ocr. IS. The road work at Rock Spur is getting along ver nicely under Supervisor Frank David pon At first there was a disagreement about the road bvt seems tc be all right now. and itis hoped u iil be no more trouble and trat the wt.rk will soon be finished up down there The new dam at the fort of Oswego laks is progressing nicely at the last of th.- week the concreting will be -ill finished. OSWEGO, Oct. 16. The Oswego Grange held their Grange Fair Satur day, October 8. with a, large attend ance An elaborate chicken- dinner was served at the small price of " cents a plate. Vegetables and fruits of all kinds we-r sold in the afternoon NEW REAL ESTATE OFFICE OSWEGO. Oct. IS C. B. Hall of sweeo has opened a real estate ei fice in Oswego. Mr. Hall 13 an :1J f time, resident o Oswego. OSWEGO LOCALS OSWEGO, Oet 16. Mrs. K. Halli man has been making a shtrt visit witji her daughter Mrs. John Davis who lives in new town Oswego. The Dorcas "society held a very suc cessful as well as entertaining sochil last Wednesday at the Congregational ehurch. Sunday Mrs. Geo. Bullock had as her guest s Sunday evening for dinner Mis.-, Bertha Worthingt n and Joe Bowers also -Mr. and Mrs Harry Baxter and son Melville of Oregon City. Eugene AValdorf. with his friemK Harry Howe and Ray Garber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldort. Sam Cox of Canby was in Oswcy.i Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson weie I dinner hosts at their Frv.tay SANDY, Oct. 18. A few weeks as t Lafayette Green of Cherryville caughtj- thre wild cats in a trap, a mother cat anJ two kittens, the latter beinx the size of a large house cat. Green is fond of pets so. decided to keep these anin als, so he took a forked stick, put ic over me oacK or tne old cat s neck, held her to -the ground while his wife put a box over the animal. The next move was to slip a board under the box and "not let the cat out," so little by little this feat was performed, then the board, or lid, was wired and the box turned safely over and Che cat and kittens were carrier home. One of the Kittens died, but the other and the "mamma-cat" are doing. Illness Is Fatal to . New Sandy Resident . SANpY, Oct. 19. J. Walter Frott. son of Mrs. R. A. Chown of Firwood, who passed away Friday, Octc. 14, was laid to rest, at the Sandy cemetery Sunday afternoon. The funeral serv ices were conducted at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Chcwn by Rev. A. S. Heisy of Gresham. Mr. Frost had brought his family here from Oklahoma about two months ago. and took to his bed four weeks later and never got up again. His sickness was said to be enlargement of the iiver and kidney trouble. The de ceased was 37 years of age, and wac born at. Beloit, Iowa. Beside his wife tnd thjree step-children, his mother an.l step father, a sister, Mrs. Bolton.of Asburn, Wash., and a half sister Caroline Chown survive; also two brothers, Wm. Frost of Texas, Rav Frost, and a step brother, Alva Chown of Portland, survive. Bright flowers were -spread over the grave in profusion, and many a word of sympathy was. expressed for the -surviving, relatives of this good mar. . Road to Be Planked For Winter Travel Birthday Dinner Is Given Mrs. Mavbee SANDY, Oct. IS. Mr. and Mrs. John Maronay and Richard, Mr. and Airs. Willard Bosholm and daughter Mil dred drove to Lents yesterday to be present at a surprise birthday dinner given for Mrs. J. H. L. Maybee, Mrs. Maronay's mother. Those in the party from Orient were Mr. and Mrs. J. Cline, the C H. Jackons' Miss Nina Arthur and Bertie Cline and from Port land, were Mr. and Mi-sl Jeff White, George White. Miss Arline Kiser, Glenn Andre, Mr. and Mrs. Ch;is. (Continued on Page 7.) SANDY, OcL 18. It is good authority that the middle road to ' Cherrvville is going to be planked at -. once, and that the state is furnish- .ii.ii......tM.....iM....i..."-nn.".".i"...........4k ing funds for the same. This news is TT tft . I received joyfully, as travel would soon! I JJr. XlarrV W. inline I he impossible if the rains keep up. Enough rock could not be hauled this fall tc,make the road passible up that way, and the planking will solve the great problem for this winter travel. I Osteopathic , Physician I I Beaver Bldg. Oregon City 1 k& 4