Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon city, enterprise, Friday, October 2 1,1921.
Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
Th Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Community Club of
Elks Prairie Meets
apples Homesteads on Elks
Prairie Are Inspected!
ELK PRAIRIE, Oct. 11. Mrs. Wm
Mazingo,. who has. lived in the. Maple
Grove district for many years, accom
panied her son and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Mazingo to the meeting o
the ETIk Prairie Community Club Sat
urday evening.
. Andy Mazingo is remodeling nis
house in Maile Grove district and
plans to move his family there soon
Mr. Mazingo's step-daughter, Lucile
Lamb, is visiting her (grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. LaDuke in Molalla and is at
tending school at that place.
Mrs. M. E. Swope and two sons, Hit
ton and Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Burke,
Mrs. Mvers and son formed another
party from Maple Grove to attend the
Elk Prairie meeting. Mrs. Myers, form
erly of Oregon City, spent the past two
years in Southern California, whert
Mrs. Burke, who was formerly Mary
Swope, has visited this summer. The
party motored to Oregon and are visit
ing at the Swope home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rois, of Maple Grove,
motored to this place to attend th:
meeting- and visit with Mr. Yakubec
and family. Mr. Rois moved to his
homestead from Portland a few weeks
ago and has built a house, dug a well,
cut his winter's supply of wood, and
made a road from his home to the
couqty road and has begun clearing
his place.
Mrs. Neely, Miss Henderson and
Harry Gray of Coal Creek were also
Elk Prairie visitors. Mrs. Neely ex
tended a cordial invitation to all pres
ent at the meeting to attend the house
warming next Saturday evening, .when
'her log bungalow will be opened. Mrs.
Keely has extended a number of invi
tations to her immediate neighbors.
Frank Hilton, Wilburt Snider and
Harry Gray have been working up on
the building this week. Miss Hender
son, who teaches the Coal Creek school
this year, is boarding at the Neely
By a peculiar coincidence Harry
Gray met his grandmother, Mrs. Wm.
Mazingo at the Fraely hall. This was
the first time that either had attended j
the Community Meeting and neither j
had expeced the other to attend.
Mr. Gault s sifters Georgia and.
Hazel visited their relatives in Elk
Prairie and attended the dance. These
young ladies lived here for sometim-j
and have a number of friends in Elk
Through the co-operation of the
Community club and the school. Elk
Prairie is to have a traveling library.
Miss Roberson, teacher of this school
will have charge of the library at the
school house. Miss Roberson is espec
ially fitted for this work as she ha?
had experience in large libraries.
Roy Thomas is visiting at the Krusi-
er homestead. Mr. Kruger has return
ed to the east, to visit, it is reported.
G. Koutz and J. Freer of Portland,
moved the household effects of the
latter to his homestead in Elk Prairie
recently. Mr Koutz succeeded in bring
ing h's auto-truck as far as Coal Creek,
where the machine became stuck in
the soft dirt. Willis Badger, who was
hauling lumber, overtook the motor
truck. The lumber was left beside the
road and a part of the Freer load was
taken up on the wagon, toits destina
tion. The remainder.was taken the fol
lowing morning.
ChaSrner Jones picked
George Ingram last week.
George Ingram went, to Mulino on
business last Monday.
Richard Davis returned home last
Monday after spending1 several months !
in Wales. His son Earl, and brother I . tLK PRAIRIE, Oct 18. Mr. TJu
John went to Oregon City to meet' hint. aerwod of the U. S. government land
Fred Josi was an Oregon City visi-1 office at Portland, was in this vicinity
tor last Thursday I -nspecting- the work of various home-
Mrs. Limbough and son Elmer have t"8 who are about to prove on
returned'to Portland where Mrs. Lin- thelr cIaims- Mr- Underwood and his
bough has a position as a saleswoman. Wltness made a- visit to the. Badger
She has been Mr. Christner's house- nometeead. One place he visited, was
keeper since Mr. and Mrs Fred Josi cver oa 016 Crooked Finger. Another
tina inwori in their- nw h .mo was across the Molalla River. Mr.
William Edwards was an Oregon Un-derwood semed to be favorably im-
Oitv visitor last Tuesdav. I Preed with this section. Two others
George Ingram is having his barn re J accompanied the party to Elk Prairie.
shingled. j -Mrs. Maude Neely gave a house
Liinre Shockley was a business .-.-all warming in her new log bungalow,
er at Mulino one day last week. Saturday evening. More than fifty peo-
The Farmers, truck delivered some P1 had been invited from Elk Prairie
Macksburg People
Motoring to Calif.
--.w,,, ....r. i EaTACADA, Oct. 19. The Clacka-
has returned from Hood Mver where mas couuty L Q a F dis(rict conyon
I. O. O. F. Convention
Held at Estacada
furniture to E. C. Brown last Friday.
Allen Edwards helped Griffith Jones
dig a well ast week.
The Farmers Union met at the Car-
us school house last Wednesday even
A party was given at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Herman Fisher last Saturday
evening a very large crowd attended
all having a good lime.
MiSg Maude O'Leary spent the week
end with Miss Erma Caseday.
Mrs. Ayles spent Sunday afternoon
with George Bliss and family.
Birthday Party Is
Given Mrs. M. A. Gage
Wilsonville and .
Tualatin Notes
STAiTORD, Oct. 17. Farmers can
begin plowing again now as the neces
sary rain has fallen, and the sun be
gins to pep out, tempting them to fin
ish picking apples and hoping now
the ground will again become dry
enough to dig potatoes which are near
ly all in the ground yet
A surprise party to celebrate tne
birthday of Mrs. M. A. Gage seems ta
havy become a yearly occurrance for
which she hereby expresses many
thanks to the kind friends who sur
rounded her board to the number of
25 on Sunday last and for the many
kind tokens, letters and cards of r
membrance which came through the
mail and otherwise.
Mr and Mrs!. Arden Gage of Sher
idan came Saturday to fpent a few
Henry Gage w discharged from the
Medical hospital, Portland, on Satur
dav. at "noon, and returned horn.1
som-jwhat benefited in health but
wean- bodily vet.
Irvin Sharp who was operated upon
recntlv at the Oregon City hospital fov
appendicitis was sen in our neighbor
hood recently not able to work yet but
improving and the young brother is
still at the home of his" Uncle, Conrad
Priester in Oregon City.
S-.-l.ool is progressing nicely and by
volunteer work of the principal, fathers
and brothers of the district the pla.v
rhe-I is nearing completion.
Many truck loads of gravel are be
ing hauled to the trunk road between1
Oswego and Wilsonville and travelers
are m hopes it is the forerunner of a
better road in the future
The trip .wag made down the
D. W. Badger made a business trip to
Moiaia recently.
. r -n
air freer,- wno moved nis House
hold efefats to his homestead last
week, has brought Mrs. Freer to her
new home. The couple seem to like
their new home very much.
C. K. Thomas, who- has been farm
ing near Scotts Mills visited this
neighborhood last week.
Booster Club Meets
For Organization
Live Wires Plan
For Making Quilt
WILSONVILLE, Oct 19. Mrs. Har
ry .Tudd of Tualatin, was unanimous
ly elected president of the Lr.diesi Aid
Society at the meeting of the society
on Wednesday last at Mrs. Charles
Castile's home. Mrs. Judd is aso
" superintendent of the Cradle Roll De
partment of the Sunday School.
The Sunday school election of offi-cer-5
will be htld at Ttnlatin Sunday
next at the close of the preaching serv
ice. The pastor will pfeside.
Dr. Everett Stetson Hammond, A. I!
A. M S. T. B. Ph. D., professor of His
torical Theology, Kavnball School f
Theology, Salem, will preach at the
Tualatin church on Sunday morning,
October SO. his service will be of in
terest as arrangements will be made
for special music on this occasion.
On Friday of this week the pastor
will assist in the program arranged tc
welcome the new students in the Kim
ball School of Theology, Salem. This
year the total enrollment is 60.
On Friday. Oct 28, the Parent
Teachers Association will give a pro
gram at Wilsonville.
Friday, Nov. 7, the Wrlsonvills
Ladies Aid Society will give a social
in the Methedirt church and the pro
gram will be one of the best ever giv
en there.
"Some things I saw and heard at the
Methodist Episcopal Conference at
Forest Grove" will be the theme of
Mrs Mary Seely's address at the Wil
sonville church on Sunday next at 8
p. rn. The pastor will preside. The
forenoon service will be held at Tuala
tin 11 a. m. as usual.
Carus News Items
CARUS, Oct. 17. Walter Fisher had
a barn raising last Tuesday.
Minnie and Emerson Edwards made
a trip to Oregon City last Tuesday.
Mrs. John Calverly went to Oregon
City last Monday for some fresh
sain ion brought from Tillamook.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gwillam enter
tained Monday evening by giving a six
o'clock dinner in honor of their son
Richard's twelfth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schenborn ware
Oregon City visitors last Thursday.
Fred Henrici of .Portland and Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Shockley of Mount
Pleasant spent Tuesday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Limce Shockley.
Mj?s Lena and Mary Schmeiser ac
companied by Dick Davis motored to
Oregon City last Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs; G. R. Gwillam mad?
a trip to Oregon City last Saturday.
REDLAND, Oct. 18. Mr and Mrs.
W. H. Bonney and cousin. Miss Annu
Hindle wer Portland visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Alice Harding who spent the
past s-umer with her sisteri-n-law, Mrs
Allen left for her home at OakHnd,
California; Thursday morning
On Thursday the Ladies Live Wires
wer entertained by M'jsdnmes F. and
R. Polehn at the F. P-.leVn home. A
delicious luncheon was served to the
following: Mrs. A. L. Allen, Mrs, H. A.
Allen, Mrs. W. H. Bonney and daugh
ters, Jessie and Edna, Mrs Armstrong,
Mrs Stearns .Mrs Hendrixson, Mrs.
Nevi'l and daughter Clara Pearl, Mrs.
F. Polehn, R. Polehn and daughter
Clara Alma, and Miss Myers as a vis
itor. Plans were made for making a
quilt at the next meteing which is to
be held at the Bonney home on Oct
27 each meber to contribute a block.
Tho Tr-nhiine' familv or .peruana
have moved to the Hamomnd place.
On Saturdav evening Oct. 29. there
will bp a social eat"ierins at the Fir
pmvc school. Everyone is cordiall
Lee Kirchem who has been employ-
i f"d by the Government Snnty anoiu
18 miles from Mt. Hood, since last. Mav
returned to his home Satur lay night
On Saturday evening several young
people gathered at the Fullam home
for a social evening. Games were play
ed and a delicious luncheon was serv
ed.. Those present were Misses Jessi
Bonney, Annie. Hindle, Mildred ail-
Catherine Koch. Goldie Brown, Annie
Saalfeld, Mary Brobs,June Kirchem
and Helen Fnllam and Messrs. Alv-
Bonney, Trnest Koch, Lee Kirchem
Alonzo Henderson. Ren Salffld (and
John Fullrim.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stone and daughter
Miss Edith autoed to Oregon City Mon
day and from there Mr. Stone went to
Portland to transact "business.
On Mondav Mrs. Buckley, school
I supervisor. Mrs. Church, truant of
In j .- .
lice:, anti lvute iviorns.
nurst, visited the Firgrove and Red
land school.
Beaver Creefc Booster Club met Sat
urday evening and adopted a constitu
tion and by-laws. Quoting from the
constitution, "The object of this or
ganization will be to promota the in
terest of its members and rlie com
munity. To consider and discuss road
construction, maintainance and loca
tion. To support for county judge or
commisisoner a man whose interest
is with this community To work for
the improvement of the Beaver
Creek school and surrounding dis-
riots; and any other issues that may
arise from time to time."
Committees were appointed to in
vestigate in regard to a high school,
and to learn how many pupils in the
adjoining districts are to finish the
eighth grade this year. Other sub
jects of interest were mentioned but
no action taken as yet. '
Any person is eligible for member
ship who desires to support the pur
poses of the club. The next meeting
will "be held Oct. 29, but thereafter
the regular., meetings will be on the
third Saturday evening of each month
Everyone is welcome.
Airs. A. Thomas wno underwent a
very serious operation at St. Vincent's
hospital last Wednesday is improving
very -nicely. - Mrs. Thomas is we;:
known musician with classes in Ore
gon City and Beaver Creek. Pier many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
About 60 young people attended a
party at the home of Mr- and Mrs.
John Heft last Saturday evening. Sing
ing and dancing were enjoyea until a
late hour, when refreshments were
Bern, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bluhn:,
October 11, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Bluhm
were'forerly the Beaver Creek switch
board operators.
J. Schram and son Lloyd, together
with F. B. Madison and son Ralph, of
Jennings Lodge are leaving this wei k
on : two weeks motor trip inrougn
Eastern and Southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs Oscar Orr spent the
week end with relatives in Portland .
Mr' and Mrs. Yack visited with Mrs.
Yack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Heft
and family last Sunday.
Mrs. H. Helm has; receive-! word
that her daughter, Miss Marion Nud
g(tt, has accepted a position a? teach
er at Fort Rock in Lake count;, .
Mr. and Mrs S. P. Londerear. cele
brated their 18th wedding anniversary
October 14 by "having Mr and Mrs.
Dan Jones for dinner. After dinner
he was employed in apple picking:. All
the apple-pickers are coming home in
the present week. All repcrt the apple
crop an unusually f,ine one Tjoth in
quantity snd in quality and the season
altofther a most successful one for
owners and workers alike
Mr and Mrs. Simon. Miller with
iheir son Eldo started in their auto for
Los Angeles on Wednesday of th?-
week. They are hoping to have their
house in I.os Angeles finished am
rented in time to be at home again at
Miss Pearl Miller wbo is employed
in Portland came home on Saturday to
celel.rate her birthda7 and that of her
brother Eldo, also to take leave of her
parents before their departure for the
The Rev. Fred Gineerich with his
fam'Iy accompanied by Mrs Davit!
Knuffinan made an auto trip to Hood
River on Saturday last. Starting t
three in the morning. Though hinder
ed bv an auto-mishap th;it caused
them three hours delay they reached
HoodRiver in time for dinner an-l
were at home again on te evening of
the same day
The three tiny patients jf Dr. Ded-
nian who were suffering from disloca
tion, two of th! sfcoulder and one of
the wriot, are playing about as gni!y
as if misiortune had never befallen
Mm. J. Gibson's eldest daughter.
Mrs Schnaak of Eastern Oregon who.
with her two chilc-rer, came to visit
her people here, and to attend the
statt fair has returned to her home
Louis vlibson is sttil helping hr
I rother Joe Gibson in his store.
Dodge Club Meet
Is Well Attended IofS ''V
iion neia nere last sauirtlay, was a
great success. A special train brought
laree delegations of Odd Fellows .-.nd
R?bckans from Oregon City, Molalht.
Milwaukie. Canby, Clackamas, Gres
.am and Boring, while many came on
the regular trains and by automobiles.
The morning session was taken up
with the regular convention preceding?
H L. McKer.ney, N G. Enacada lodge,
save the address of welcome, which
was repsonded to by O. P. Miller, P. G.
P of Oregon City. New officers elect
ed were A H. Knight of Canby, presi
dent; C M Brown, Estinutda, v cc
president; G A. Dougherty, Molalla.
secretary; and A. C- Brombach. Sandy,
treasurer. Adjournment w-.i taken for
lunch at Hotel Estacada.
At the afternoon session the exempli
fying of the first degree was given by
teams from Oregon City and Molalla
and the silver cup was won by Molal
la Lodge No. 184.
In the evening the large pavilion in
the park, where the convention was
held, was full to its capacity with both
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and their
immediate families. The program was
carried out virtually a planned, with
the addition of an address by Grand
Master Biggs of Prinville. Other
speakers were Rev. E. A. Smith, of
lents and the president of the con
vention, C. Schueeljof Oregon City.
A violin duet by Mr. and Mrs T. Ahl-
burg, reading by Mrs. Cordelia Carter,
violin -solo by Edna Carter dialogue by
Mrs Val Cary, Mr3. Rose Wilcox, Mr-s.
Mary Smith and Mrs. Emma Lawrence,
a so:o Dy Mrs. m. u. weatnemy, were
all pleasing numbers on the program.
The concluding number was the
lodge wedding, the contracting parties
being Rex S. Ludlow a prominent Odd
DODGE, Oct. IS. The Community
Club meeting held Saturday eveninta
was well attended, there being about
80 present, A very interesting and en
joyable program was given,' after
which a basket supper was served.
Mr. and Mrs E. Jochinsen rind fam
ily left Sunday for Hood River, bein?
called there on this account of the ill
ness of Mr. Jochinsen's mother.
Mamie Marrs, who is working (c
Mrs. Lawrence at Spring ater, spent
Sunday with her folks.
M. Pedersen made a trip to Foi-t-land
last week
W. E. Myli-s has been running- a
steam engine near Mulino for the pasi
wo w.tks.
The Belding family motored to
to Cascade Locks Sunday.
Rev. H. J. Thorpe of Portland was the
officiating clergyman. The maij of
honor was Miss Martha Granum, sister
of the bride, the best m:n S.vlves'er
T.awrence, of Estacada, Mioses Dorothy
Anderson and Francis Granum, a eou:
5n of the bride, were bridesmaids.
There were eight flower girls who pro
ceded the bride to the stage. The
bride, who was given away by her
father, was becomingly gowned in
white satin and a long veil. Thero
hosts of friends. While the bride in a
siranger among us, yet she will be cor
dially received by the friends of :he
family here. x
Rev. J. F. l.iunlop and family loft
Wednesday for their new home at
Falls City- Last Thursday right the
members of the church and friends of
the family who are not members, ecu
gregated at the M. E. church to givfc
them a farewell reception. The church
'was filled with people who very reluct
antly bid them good bye, and with
every wish for their happiness and
prosperity. Speeces were made by H
C Stephens and T. B. Young. After a
social hour the people were invited to
tne church basement where a light
lunch was served by the ladies.
At the school meeting Monday night,
the budget for the coming year was
unanimously adopted, with one slight
Mr. and Mrs. G. H Lichthorn anil
Dr. and Mrsi. Steiner motored to Auro
ra last Sunday to visit relatives.
Miss Johannah Litc-horn went, to
Portland Friday evening tc visit her
aunt, Mrs. Heidlan, returuing Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shock are get J
ting ready to keep house in the Lens
berry cottage on Main street.
Tie officers of the old cannery
comrany and the officers of the new
company held a meeting at th city
hall Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W- J- Moore visited
last Saturday.
Dr McC'all has been on the sick list
this week.
Mr. and Mrs Karl Enerson visited
Gresham Saturday.
"Irs. W. A. Heylman returned from
a business trip '.to Spokane, Wash.,
Portland last Saturday.
Harry Johnson and family visited in
Gresham last Sunday, where he lived
Deiore cuuui iiwu. j Kveryone
Oregon on a business trip.
The Loyal Legion dance, advertise!
for Oct. 29, has been called off
The local order of Odd Fellows pre
sented to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ludlow a
wedding present of a full set of silver
The auto stage between Estacada
and Portland, which was discontinued
for a few days pending arrangements
complying with the city ordinance, is
again running with Joe Woodle as
J. C. Moore and wife, who have been
occupying the Synder residence, left
for .heir new home in Portland Ir-st
Mvs. Rynning went to Willows, Ore-
ing the State University spent
weeK-ena m .Estacada.
Rev. Upton H. Gibbs held service?
In Milwaukie last Sunday
Misses Florence Hessell &nd Etta
McWUlis went to Oregon City last
Friday to take part in the L T. L.
silver medal cor-teit.
Mrs. Harry Snyder, who spent the
summer in Pennsylvania at the home,
of htr mother, arrived home Saturda
night. Mr. Snyder met her ia Port
land. Otis Wagner concluded that Cali
fornia was the best place for him
after spending the summer here with
his parents, and left Tuesday for rfati
Diego in his car. He has been a suf
ferer since the war with his lungs,
which necessitates a different climate
than this. He was accompanied ty
V; W. Hauser, of the Estacada hotel,
who will visit his parents" in Califor
nia. -
N. McMillan has gone to visit his
father in southern Oregon
were flowers in profusion and the ma
riage ceremony was very impressive j gon, Sunday, to visit her daughter, Mrs,
The local order of Rebekahs held a j f. W. White.
special meeting
Kelso Ladies Club
both in the momi:;
and afternoon, at which time they vot
ed (o have a Clackamas County dis
trict convention of Rebekahs.. to do
held at Gresham on the same date as
the Odd Fellows convention. The
officers elected for this cocventioa
were: President, Mrs. Mary Waldmu
f Oregon City: vice-president, Mrs.
T1 "Rv Q--inl Cordelia Carter of Estacada; sec-re
IT ldll DUX OUCldl tar Ur& R H j Holcomb of Clack
amas and treasurer, Mrs. Bradford of
Milwaukie The visiting ladies were
entertained informerly in the after
noon at which time light refreshments
wer served. The Estacada business
men responded most graciously, a-vl
the Odd Fellow and Rebekah decora
tions were very prof used all over in
the business section cf our little city.
Married At Vancouver, Oct 13, Wil
liam E. L-.nn of chis place and Mrs.
Mattie L. Patterson of Sacramento.
California. Everybody is extending
congratulations to Mr. and Mis Liun
and wishing them a happy married
life. The groom has lived in this se.:-j
tion for a number of years and has j
KELSO, Oct IS. Thf Ladies Cluh
of Kelso will give a box social Sat
urday evening: Octobe 29 at the
school house. ' A program will be ren
dered in whici the Sandy Quartette
will participate, and other v numoers
of talent outside of the district will
be given. All ladies will bring lun-h
in box or tin-pail which will be sold
by auction.
The people of this vicinity will hear
with pleasure that Dr. Emil Enna, not
ed pianist of Portland, who gave a
oencert her last June, will be heard
at Sandy on Saturday evening, Octo
ber 22nd. He will he assisted by Mm
Reed, who is a most entertaining
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster motored
to Cprvallis Saturday to visit thi-ir
daughter Helen, who is uttending O
At. c a' tna-t place. They returned
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Inez Greenleaf and two daugh
ters. of Portland,, were hen.- last Satur
fav to attend tjie Odd Fellcws and
Rebekah convention, returning- Sun
day evening accompanied by Mrs
Gre?nloafs mother, Mrs. George His
lop, who will visit there until rext Sun
R. H. Keatang was home from Port
land over Sunday. The familv expect
to return to Portland to reside in a
short time
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ludlow are visit
ing in Portland. On their return thry
will go to housekeeping on a farm near
Mrs. E. H. Thompson and daughter
Elnor were here from Portland last
Friday calilng on friends
O. E. Smith came home to attend
the I. O. O F. convention and visit his
family for a few days.
Raymond Lovelace, who is attend- i
Surprise Is Given
By Barton People
BARTON, Oct. 18. A number of
Barton people formed a party Satur
day evening with the intention of
surprising Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Mo
Cracken but when t'aey reached the
house "the birds had flown." Not to
be beaten out of surprising someone
the crowd went to the Alvin Jobu&oa
home where they not only found the
folks at home but succeeded in stir
prising them als well. . The guests
were also treated to a surprise ,when
they found that Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Cracken were among them.
The school is plannig an enturtaii;
ment for a costume party on the Sat-
I urday evening preceding Hallowe'en.
in the community is invit
ed and a jolly good time is anticipat
' The Johnsons spent Sunday in Port
land as the guests of relatives.
W.ndows have been put in the hall
above the Hamle t store and it is being
cleaned In readiness for the Hallow
e'en party Flans are being made for
other forms of 'entertainment tio be
had during the winter.
Marmot News Items
SANDY, Oct. 12. Considerable Mar
mot news has been floating around the
past week some of which is: George
Teo Eyek was elected school clerk last
Saturday in place of Adolph Aschoff,
resigned. Mr. Aschoff has been clerk of
the Marmot district almost every year
since the school was organized and
feels he has done his duty in school
service. Mr. Aschoff is an exceptional
penman and the clerk's books are a
work of art-
-Mrs. Harry Bramhall and daughter
Edna of Troutdale visited Mrs., As
choff 's father, A Aschoff the past
week and called on Mrs. Maggie As
choff, Mrs. Helms, Mrs. Harry Thomas
and Mrs. R. A. Ten Eyck.
Mrs. Mollie Carmony was sick dur
ing ' the past week hut is now very
much improved.
Ed. Ten Eyck returned a few days
ago from a hunting trip in Southern
Oregon, Douglas county. Ed. Wolfe,
Mr. Carus and son Clarence Cams
were with Ed. and they spent a happy
week, game being very plentiful. Ed.
Ten Eyck fell heir to a large buck for
his phare, and ieft a quarter with his
sisters at Eugene who are in the XTui
versity there. Ed also divided with
t'le four Ten Eyek boys and girls in
Portland, then had enough left for ti e
home folks to enjoy.
Needy News Items
NEEDY, Oct. 18. O H Gripp cur
Needy merchant, is carrying his arm
in a sling owing to cranking his car
Mr. Gripp and C. Spagle were in
Portland one day- last week.
Mrs. All Thompson and daughters
of Woodbum visited relatives at
Needy Sunday.
Mr and Mrs CarotVers and familv
spent Sunday jn Portland with rela
Mr. and Mrs Percy Relter and son
of Portalnd visited Sunday with rela-
Mr. Jones took th'? Lcndergan family j tives at Needy.
Oswego Dam to be
Completed Nov.
OSWEGO, - Ore., Oct. J3. Indica
tions are good for completion of the
Oregon- Iron & Steel company's big
dam, at Oswego lake by November t.
From $30,000 to $-10,000 will be ex
pended on the concrete bulwark,
which replaces a wooden dam at the
lower end of the three-mile-long lake.
The new dam is six feet higher than
the replaced structure of wood
The contract is held by the Puft
Pcutid Sand and Dredger company -t
Saattle. ,
to the Liberty I he.ttre in Oregon t. ny.
The Misses Vera,' Elsie awl Ha. !
Coulter spent the week ct-d with th.;ir
parents The girls are atted.ng Jef
ferson high in Ponland.
Khner Londergm and Alvln Ktfr
motored to Barlow Sunday and had
dinner at Mrs Trenivnes' in honoi
of Robert's 19th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsley and Mr
and Mrs. Londergnn motored to For
est 'Jrove last Sunday. The Londor
sans' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Max
Reeher and the Lindsley 's wilh Mrs
'VllJtedge, an aunt of Mr. Lindsloy's.
MeadoAvbrook Items
Meadowbrook Literary Society will
hold their first meeting Saturday
evening October 22.
Mr. and Mrs Jess Young and daugh
ter Ruth Helen spent a few days ti
first of the week in. Portland on busi
ness also visiting Mrs. Young's sister
Glenn and Allen Larkins are wo'.k-
:ng in tne mill at suverton.
Mr. and Mrs Jones and little son
cam.- from California in tneir tracn
and visited a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Young, then "eft Monday
for Portland to visit Mrs. Jones moth
The road boss has some men this
week finishing the short piece of road
on each side ot tne wooocock creeK
bridge at Meadowbrook on market
road No. 1
Mr. and Mrs I. O. Orem and sons
Charles, James and Wayne of Cedar-
dale visited at the A. I,. Larkins home
Several of Mrsr M D Chind?rens
eighbors spent Wednesday afternoon
helping her tie quills and in visiting.
About 4:30 a delicious, lunch was serv-
ed Thosa present were Mrs I . O.
hirdgren. Mrs. Geo Ilofstetter, Mrs
Albert Peterson. Mrs. Roy Su'.liv:n,
Mrs. Chas. Holman. Mrs. Ben C'un-I-
gren, Mrs . p. jjunrua. Airs, -i ronaon
and Mrs. A. L. Larkins.
The funeral of Edwin Deetr will be
Sunday at Zion church at 2:30 Hi.
body is in the way now from over seas
The two brothers will then lay side
by' side in the home cemetery.
Mrs. L. B. Fry formerly of Needy
spent Friday with Mrs. Noblitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Smith anl
family and Mr. and Airs. Fred WtlL
Willis Yoder. Mrs Simpkins and Mrs.
All Thompson, were calling on the W.
M. Thompsons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs
W. M. Thompson are both critically
Lad Hill Items
LAD HILI Oct. IS Born, tta Mr
and Mrs. I. J. Tautfes. a daughter Oct.
12, named Virginia June.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hitchen went to
Newberg October 9 and had birthday
dinner with Mr. Hitchens mother, Mvs
Esther Hitchen, whom was '-S year
old on that day.
Mr. Wall's petition asking for his
re-apopintment as road supervisor of
Distiict No. 13 has been circulated
by his friends m various parts of the
district and has been signed by about
160 voters of District No 13.
The Butteville grange has offe.-ed
to come over and help on the hall as
soon as construction begins.
Mr and Mrs. George Smith and sou
Howard, went to Portland Saturday to
do some shopping.
Ellis Baker of Newberg and Miss
avis :naen of Dundee took dinner a:
the home of George .Smiths Sunday
Ellis met with an accident at SpauiJ.
tngj mill last "week, getting his lefi
wrist crushed and is. unable to use
rhat hand.
Mr. Stewart of Eastern Oregon has
been with his son Alexander who lives
with Mr. and Mrs C- C. Lout.ks, the
past week. '
Life As I See It
- Don't fuss with your neighbors about
a few hortcomings. I know a very
distinguished man who says "et" for
"ate " -
At prices you have been paying for fabric tires
Until our present stock is exhausted to impress on the public the unusual tire
values offered in our new Oregon City store we offer the nationally advedtised,
oversized (Not Junior) Mason Cord, which has never before been offered at cut
prices at the following low prices : -
30x3 Giant Oversize Cord $21.00
32x3J Giant Oversize Cord 28.45
32x4 Giant Oversize Cord OS
Giant Oversize Cord 36.30
Giant Oversize Cord 37.30
33x4 Giant Oversize Cord 41.51
34x4 Giant Oversize Cord 42.95
35x4 Giant Oversize Cord....;.- 44.02
36x4 i Giant Oversize Cord 44.90
35x5 Giant Oversize Cord . 53.30
Giant Oversize Cord... 1 55.70
Ford Special Mason 3 0x3 full factory guarantee
we Will take your old tires in trade at a fair price.
You never had a better tire on your car at any price. Get yours while your
size in still in stock. .
1117 Main St, Oregon City.
Phone 484-W
Portland Eugene Salem