OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1 92 1 . Page 7 SANDY (Continued from Page 6.) Monday. Mrs. Perret and Mrs. Powers were friends in years gone by in the Albany country. ueorge Perret and C. O. Duke weut on a two or three days fishing trip this week up to Parkdale, where Ernest Harris is working. George Beers is still on the Federal jury, and will be called on a case again next Monday. Potato digging has started in. some sections ,and all sorts of farm work has been rushed during the glorious fall weather Mrs. Dodson's brother It here fiom the Sound country and may remain to help Harry in the feed store. W P. Strack is busy getting his shingle mill :n operation. His helpers are Ed Hein and Herbert Armstrong The R. S. Smith home is the latest to be decorated with dainty cream color. F- H. Lake did the painting. Walter Krebs began working on the highway near Kelso with his team last ween. Rev. and Mrs. Dobberful drove their guests to Portland a few days ago where they took a train for California returning East by the southern route. Peter Vetsch was out from Portland Sunday and attended the Fischer fun ral. Vetsch says his father stili keeps active, and that his ambition does not lag, but sweeps on with the years "Pete" Giainini, a young Italian who was employed at the Proctor and Beers mill a few years ago was out from Portland to visit the Boitano-Pizzolu families last week. "Pete" had many ex periences at the front in France where he drove a munition tr'ick, hauling sup plies. He was gassed and had many narrow escapes. Walter Frost, son of Mrs It- A. Chown has been ill in bed the past three or four weeks with leakage of ihe heart at the Chown home. Mr Frost recently drove her with his fam ily from Oklahoma. A. J. Morrison, one of Dover's hust ling farmers was'in Portland seveial days last week. Morrison was also at Oregon City and arranged for County Agent Holt to give a talk at the Ssndy grange. J. G. DeShazer was in Gresham last week again "browsing around" on busi ness errands. Mif-s Bertha Albel entertained on Sunday with a dinner party in honor of her father's S3rd birthday. The fol lowing' guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Weick and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Heiner and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rotter and Mr. and Mrs. Al Rotter, of Oregon City, Miss Amanda Foverbeitican, and Mr. and Mrs. Abel and boy of Boiing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perret and chil- dren were supper guests at the Max! Kligel home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs R. S. Smi;h and cail dren drove to Portland to spend a day recently. Mr and Mrs J. H. L. Maybee and Lloyd wer out. Saturday and Sunday visiting the Maronay family. Mr. May be was not quite in his usual health. Mrs. Dave Douglas? was in town Saturday to attend rans-e Mrs. Doug lass was on her way boms from Gres ham where she nursed Mrs. Perry for two weeks. Mrs. Perry has a new 11 pound boy. Mrs. John Sleret. of Gresham, whils walking home from a neighbors in the dant one evning recently stepped into a hole and broke both bones in her ankle when near her own gate. Mr Sleret heard her call, and rushed to her assistance. Many friends are ex pressing sympathy. Mr. SJeret has been burning some slashing on his acreage her Ihe past few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. DeShazer, Mildred Alta and Florence were visitors at the Wm. Fisher home Sunday. Mrs. Martin Mikkelson and little son were all day guests of the Fishers' on Sunday. The Frank Kerr family spent the week end at their country home on the Bluff road. The entire family attend ed Sunday School. The Kerr children have missed Sunday School ouly once in three years Mrs. Kerr was so pleas ed with the Sandy Sunday School that she dded a erifrp five dollar fill to the collection at the close of the session. Mrs. Gorge Tacheron of Gresham, mother of -the Perret "boys" lias been very ill the past week, several physi cians being called in consultation, but is out of danger. Mr. and Mr3 Lehnfield were, sur prised by the following visitors from Raumgartner, and .family, Miss Hazel Portland last Sunday: Dr. and Mrs. Malone and children, Carl Dyes and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jen Kins. Thes uests had .n enjoyable day and expect to return socn for an other visit. Miss Mary Junker writes that sn and her auntie, Mrs. Katie Koch fcre having a lovely time in 'Frisco. E,th are feeling fine Ford Special Mason 30x3 $ 12.45 Full Factory Guarantee. Pacific Tire & Supply Co. 5 J. C. SCOLLARD, Mgr. Phone 484-W 1117 Main Street Oregon City 5 Portland Salem Eugene jf Ms j Friends of the H. S. Eddy family will be s-urprised to hear they are moving to Pleasant Home this week, and will be located in the town. Mr. Eddy, how ever, will still retain his real estate office here and will drive back ami forth. Mrs. Eddy and Lulu will net lose their interest in Sandy affairs, however, and will come lip oen and in a measure keep identified with Sandy. The Eddy's were supposed to be per manent, residents of Sandy. The H. H Watkins house on th j Bluff road is being painted an attrac tive color, which adds greatly to its appearance. The Allen hotel at Bull Run is near- ;ng completion ana is very attractive with its hard wood floors and fire places. There will be a house warm ing over there sometime later. A. Aschoff of Marmot attended the Fischer burial service at the Cliffside cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. R C. Snipley also drove over to the cemetery in time for the last rite. Mr. and Mrs Purcell sren' muco cf the past week in the city attending to various social and business doings. The Purcells are building a fine new garage on their city property. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thomas, rev lyweda, visited their uncles. A,. C. and Mack Thomas last week. Frank Thomas, and his daughter Echo Thom as were also with the bride and groom from Tillamook The party drove to Estacad and Eagle Creek to visit on Saturday. Among the recent visitors at the beautiful modern home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Joceiyn were Mrs. Jack Scales and Mrs .J. M C. Miller, who wcie introduced" to Lady Jumbo B's, Lady Smooth Queens', Minnie Wonders, and all kinds of other "hi-fa-lu-tm and aristocratic Poland Chinas. Thes pura breds, eighty In number .are easily dis tinguished from the common scrubs- j Production" is the watchword oi Joceiyn, and he is never satsified, but keeps planning ahead for better achiev- ment, determined to producing the best, in whatever line he undertakes. The Joceiyn home is a model tor beauty and the larger lawn is kept as citv lawn, the -gorwing Oi choice flowers and shrubs being consndere-1 as necessary as the production of crops and stock. And Mr. and Mrs. Joceiyn do practically all the work on their 50 acres alone. County Agent Holt said last Satur day while at Sandy that dairy catti- ;tre coming up again, and that dairying s decidedly on the upward grade. COUNTY COURT GENERAL COUNTY FUND ELECTION SHERIFF Western Union Tel. Co. $0.89; Wm. J. Wilson, $12.50; Clacka- mas County News, $43.00; H. H. Hughes, $78.00; Banner-Courier, $4. 10; Miller-Parker Co., $0.50; D. M. Marshall, $8.00; C. J. Long, $333.32; CLERK County Clerk, $12.00; RECORDER Underwood Typewrit er Co., $6.00; County Recorder, $6.00; Banner-Courier, $26.00; Myrle A. Yex ley, $75.00; TREASURER The Banner-Courier $0.40; Burroughs Adding Machine Co. $4.50; ASSESSOR W. M. Morand, $165.00 COUNTY COURT Clackamas Cou nty News, $4.25; W. A. Proctor, $85. 00; W. F. Harris, $100.00; COURT HOUSE: The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.,' $76.27; Glen Oak Farm, $321. 30; Board of Water Commissioners, $37.20; Willamette Fuel & Supply Co. $199.50; Jones Drug Co., $19.20; L. W. Moore, $11.25; Miller-Parker Co.. $1. 05; S. W. Hair, $50.00; Frank Busch & Sons, 44.80; John Heft, $6.99; Al vin Heft. $3.49; Earl Strong, $3.49; W. Perry, $3.49; J. Berg, $3.49; E. Nash, $3.49; S. Nash, $3.49; Jess Can- tril, $3.49; Roy Cantril, $3.49; CIRCUIT COURT L. Baxter, $2. 20; J. C. Richardson, $2.20; H. A. Hadley, $2.20; J. W. Draper, $2.20; B. C. Gibson, $4.40; C. H. Frickey, $2.20; Wm. B. Hilton, $4.40; F. E. Lowe, $3.60; Fred Boener, $2.40; Jess Keck, $3.60; Sam Mosier, $4.00; R L. Simms, $2.20; P. O. Favel, $2.20; John Hartnett, $2.20; Millard Sarver. $6.00; Steve Peznecker, $6.00; E. Kri gbaum, $6.00; Mrs. Sadie Russell, $3.- 60; O. B. eHnderson, $1.00; Augusta Powers, $6.00; Mildred Turney, $2.50; Leon T. Draper, $4.40; Lorreta La May. $9.30; JUSTICE COURT Carl Johnston, $6.10; Carl Carlson, $6.10; Matt Wei vel. $6.10; E. B. Akbright, $6.10; W. D. McKune, $1.70; Percy Osborne, $1. 70; R. L. Simms, $1.70; Ed Fortune, $80.60; H. H. Hughes, $36.00; G. R. Ellis, $1.20; H. B. Snyder, $120; A. D. Burnett, $2.00; Matt Glover, $2. 20; G. R. Crawford, $1.80; E. T. 'Da vis, $2.00; N. J. Holgate, $6.50; A. Hawkins, $1.50; Evelin Bacon, $1.50; Edna Petley, $1.50; S. E. Wooster, $5.50; D. M. Marshall, $13.20; Geo. T. Parry. $8.00; F. E. Lowe. $15.55; Oregon City Enterprise. $22.50; Clack amas County News, $4.50; Nellie White, $6.50; Marion Donahue, $6.50; A. McAnulty, $1.20; J. E. Jack, $1.20; Geo. F. Anderson, $1,201 E. E. Gabriel $1.20; C. P Farr, $1.20 J. J. Tobin, $1.- 20; E. G. Caufield, $1.70; Lilly Brown, $6.10; Wm. Brown, $6.10; A. G. Smith, $4.50; Enoch Skirivin, $6.10; Willie Nicholson, $6.10; 'Lee Gasser, $6.10; E. J. Noble, $75.35; CORONER O. A. Pace, $39.70; Walter E. Hempstead, $5.00; Mrs. J. E. Witzig, $1.20; J. W. Miller, $4.20; A. W. Cole, $4.20; J. B. Rhode, $4.20; Mrs. Frank Overwedder, $1.20; Dr. W. E. Hempstead. $1.20; Wm. Ham mond, $1.20; S. S. Fulkerson, $4.20; E.' L. Johnson, $1.10; C. V. Barry, $1.50; P. S. Finucane, $1.50; Walter .Brandt, $1.50; H. W. D'Hondt, $1.50; Dr. R. G. MeCall, $5.00. SURVEYOR Chas. Simmois, $3.99; J. C. Sullivan, $4.99; H. H. Johnson, $13.09; Paul Dunn, $4.20; C G. Nor ris, $74.17; C. E. Johnson, $33.84; E. S. Boss. $30.80; Dewey Hammond, $40.00; A. M. Kirchem, $6.70; J. T. Fullam, $6.70; INSANE A. Rothenberg. $3.00; Ed ward F. McLean, $5.00; M. C. Strick land, $5.00; H. H. Hughes, $2.50: SUPT. OF SCHOOLS The J. K. Gill Co., $1.94; Hogg Bros., $7.45; Brenton Vedder, $25.53; May Wal- dron, $6.93; ' BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. O. A. Welsh, 516.85; ' - CATTLE INDEMNITY E. T. Bate son, $12.50; John Davis, $12.50; O. B. Brookman. $37.50; N. Licht, $37.50; F. H. Koennecke, $25.00; INDIGENT SOLDIER Meade Post No. 2. $75.00; CARE OF POOR Wm. Danforth, (self) $10.00; Boy's & Girls' Aid Soc. $10.00; Dock Mosier, (self) $17.50; Anna Wetterlin, (self) $10.00; Mrs. J. E. Mumpower, $30.00 (for Matheson); Mrs. Sarah Solomon (self), $15.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders, (self), $5.- 00; Tracy, (Eunice Harner) $10.- 00; Mrs. Lillian M. Johnson (Self & children) $15.00; George H. Newsome, (self), $15.00; Ada LaBaw (self & children) 08.00; Katie Pluard, (self) $10.00; Wallace R. Telford, (Michael Boyles), $12.00; Cheney & Doolittle (Wm. Dickleman) $15.00; John & Wm. Beers, (self) $20.00; Mary Lock, (self) $10.00; Dennis Donovan, (Dick Myers) $30.00; J. G. Wake (self) $15. 00; W. J. Wood (self), $15.00; W. Hitchman, (Ole Josendall, John Mor ris , Aug Johnson) $64.18; " Mrs. S. Beckman (Ben Munson), $25.00; Ben Landis (self), $20.00; Fred Wyd r (self) $12.00; L. J. Lageson (James McDole), $10.00; Mrs. Mary Bergquist (James Seahorn) $30.00; P. J. Winkel, (Albert Veisen), $10.00; Mrs. Hilda Granquist ($15.00) for self & family; M, C. Glover (Chas. Lindgren) $20.00; Mrs. Martha Castile, (self & children) $10.00; Maud Williams (child in care of) $20.00; Walter Howland (self & wife) $30.00; Andrew- Lund (self) $15.00; George A. Harding, (County patients) $3.25; The Estacada Phar macy, (Mrs. E. M. Horner) $0.65; W. B. Eddy, (Aug. Johnson) $15.96; Mrs. S. Beckman (Mrs. Miller) $10.00; Oregon City Hospital. $234.00; Hogg Brothers, (Mrs. Roberts), $16.50; Mrs. Sadie Russell (Kenneth Dugger) $15. 00; D. W. Griffin, (Boy & girl and house rent for Beers) $21.50; John Schock, $9.50; (for Wm. DiokelmanJ International Sales & Produce Co. (John MeMn) $10.00; Wm. A. Molden hauer, (K. Pluard) $16.00; JAIL Oregon City Laundry, $10.-j 30; W. J. Wilson, $49.90; . JUVENILE COURT H. H. Hughes, $11.50; Pacific Highway Garage, $1. 75; Minda E. Church, $65.90; PRINT. & ADV. The Banner-Cour-ier, $59.25; Oregon City Enterprise, $86.00; COUNTY FAIRS Brenton Vedder, Saloon League, $333.35; CANADIAN THISTLES E. M. Wil son, $2.00; O. D. Robbins, $32.50; TRAFFIC OFFICER BannerCour- TAX DEPT. W: J. Wilson, $20.00; PROHI H. H. Hughes, $25.00; Anti ier, $38.30; R. E Wagy, $166.66; $200.00; "SEALER J. F. Jones, $39.24; CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hairs Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the "mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine wasi prescribed by .one of the best physician in this country for years. It is composed of some of tho best tonics known, combined "with some of the best blood purifiers. Tha perfect combination of the ingredi ents in Hall's catarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrh conditions. Send for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall"s Family Pills for constipation. Adv. FOR SALE CHEAP: Top, b'.ggy and harness. Inquire of George Skoko. Clackamas, on Harry ' Blake's oid place. FOR SALE CHEAP: Top, buggy at:d harness, with shafts and tongue. Phone 16F21, Clarkamas, Or Route SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Oregon Surety & Casualty C"-, Plain tiff, vs Legene S. Barnes and Grace D. Barnes, his wife, Defendants. To Legene S.- Barnes and Grace D Barnes, his wifeJJefendants: In the name of the State of Oregon You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and to answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within six weekd from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 14th day of October. 1 921, and on or before the 2Sth day of November, 1921. and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the reliei demanded in the complaint filed herein, to-wit For a judgment and decree, against the said defendants and in favor of the said plaintiff for the sum of I ive Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) and inter est at the rate of seven per cent lift ') per annum from the first day of July, 1920, and for Six Hundred Fifty Dol lars ($650.00) attorneys fees and for taxes due of Four Hundred Forty-four and 67 hundredth Dollars t$444.67 and for all costs and disbursements herein and that all of said sums be de creed to be a first lien upon property in Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, described as follows, to-wit: Th Donation Land Claim- of James L. Daly and wile. Certifi cate No. 451, Claim No. 47, being parts of Sections 20 and 29,' in Township 3 south of range i West of the Willamette Meridian bound ed as follows- Beginning at a point 27.80 chains north and 17.50 chains west from the northeast corner of Section 29,' thence w?st 45.77 chains, thence south 45.37 chains, thence north 57 30' east 4.64 chains, thence south 31 30' east 55.67 chains to tne Willamette - River, thence north 34" east 5.63 chains, thence north 57 east 11.50 chains, thence north 78.98 chains to the place of beginning, contain ing 317.75 acres. Except 2 acres off of and running along the south- erly anS westerly sides of the above bounded tract, reserved for a county road. Also except 1C acref heretofore sold and conveyed to V. W- Graham, and described as follows:. Beginning at the south east corner of Jas. L. Daly Dona tion Land Claim No. 47, being parts of Sections 20 and 29, in Township-3 south of range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence wc-sterly iip river 330 feet, thence north 2112 feet thence easterly 330"feet, thence south 2112 feet to ' the place of beginning, containing 16 acres, more or less, and that the said defendants and each of them be barred and foreclosed from having any right, title or Interest in or to the said property, except the right of redemption and that said mort gage be foreclosed and said property sold for the purpose of satsifying said claims found to be due the plaintiff pnd all costs and accruing ccsts anil that if the said property does not sell for enough to pay the said sums of money found to be due this plaintiff, that the said plaintiff have a personal judgment against the said defendants and each of them for said deficiency and that the said defendants be en joined and debarred from asserting any further claim whatsoever in or to said property or any part thereof an 1 for such other and further relief as may be equitable. Thfs summons is published ly order of the Honorable Judge James U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the l3tli day of October, 1921, directing pnblien tion thereof once each week for six successive weeks in Oregon City En terprise, a weekly newspaper publish ed in Clackamas County, Oregon City, Oregon, the first publication there X to be o'n the 14th day of October. 1921, and the last publication to be on the 25th day of November, 1921. WILBUR, BECKETT & HOWELL. Attorneys for Plaintiif. Post Office Addre: 1001 Board .f Trade Building, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids are invited and will be opened by ihe County Cocrt of Clackamas County, Oregon in the County Cov.it Room at 1:00 P. M. Monday, October 17th, for dcing necessary grsding and rock work on what is known as tho Childs road situated about 2 miles s tilth of Oeweco between Engineer. Station 2700 and Station 4600. Plan.' and specifications! may be seen in tins County Surveyors office at Oregon City, Oregon. Each bid must be ii. v.T'ting-and shall be accompanied by certified ehefck 59'. of tho amount of the bid, as provided in section 4594 of Olson's Code. BOUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS COUNT V H. E. Cross, County Judge, W R. Karris, Commissioner. W. A. Proctor, Commissioner. Attest : Fred a. Miller, County ClerK. CITATION In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the estate of Helma Gillespie, Deceased.. To Jack Gillespie and Helen -Gillespie In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby cited and required to appear and be in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, at the county court room of said Court, on the 3 1st day of Octo ber 1921 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there show cause, if any exist, why Lots 11 and 12 of Block 100 in the Second Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, Clackamas County, Ore gon, should not be sold to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the claims filed against the above estate. Witness the Hon. H. E. Cross Judge of this Court this 27 day of September 1921. , ATTEST FRED A. MILLER, Clerk. By G. H. Pake, Deputy Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Delia MaeDonald, Plaintiff, vs William B. Felts; S W. Harris and Lydia Coon Harris, his wife; Smith Harris and Sarah E. Harris; A. A. Harris, single: Leslie P, Robertson and Nellie M. Robertson, Defend antsi State of Oregon, County of Clackamas ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out cf and under the seal of the abov-p entitled court, in 'he above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 5th day of October 19-21, upon a judgment rendered and entered in sai l court on the 22nd day of August 1921, in favor of Delia MaeDonald, Plaintiff, and against William B- Felts: S. W. Harris and Lydia Coon Harris, hi-5 wife: Smith Harris and Sarah E. Har ris, hia wife; A. A. Harris, single; Leslie P: Robertson and Nellie M Robertson, Defendants, for the sum of $66:).30. with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 22nd day of August, 1921, and tho further sum of $75.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $60.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the South west quarter of section nineteen (15 1 Township Three (3) South, Range on.; (1J West Of the Willamette Meridian, and running thenc South to a point two and a half (2.) rods north of th;i middle of the West line of said tract, thence West to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet west of the East lino of said tract; thence South two hun dred fifty (250) feet; thence East two hundred fifty (250) feet to the East line of said tract; thence North to the Northeast corner of said tract: thence West of the Northwest ccraer of said tract the place of beginning contain ing twenty-three und seventy-seven bundreths (23.77) acres and lying- and uciug in fjiacK.2i.iiiu-9 uuumy uregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order and decree. Hnd in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 5th day of November 1921; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M-, at th? front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,, for U.- S gold coin cash in hand, all th right, title and interest which the with in named defendants or either of them, had on the date of fhe mortgage herein or since had in or to the above decrib ed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, -Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. By E. c HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., October 7th, 1921. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator of the es tate of Catherine Morri3cn, tieceased has filed his final account in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 24th day'of October 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court, has been appointed by said Court as the. i time and place for the hearing of ob jections thereto and the settlemnt thereof. Dated and first published September 23rd 1921. Last publication October 21st 1921. A. J. MORRISON. Administrator of the estate of Cather ine Morrison, deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for administrator. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. Charley Grossmiller, Plaintiff, vs L. Grossmiller and Pauline Ott, form erly Pauline Grossmiller, defend ants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, S3. By virtue of a" judgment ol der, de cree and aa attachment execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly direct ed and dated the 26th day of August 1921, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 31st day of May 1921, in favor of Charley Gross miller, Plaintiff, and against L. Gross miller and Pauline Ott. formerly Pauline Grossmiller, Defendants, for the sum of $425.00 with interest at six per cent from the 26th day cf November 1915. and the further sum of $75.00 with interest at six per cent front May 31st, 1921, the further sum of $40.60 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lots numbered ten (10) and eleven (11) of Block Six (6) of Ardenwald, Clackamas County. Oregon. .Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, th; 29th day of October 1921; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door cf the County Court House in the. City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the hijehest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the with in named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage hero- pin or since had in or to the above de scribed Teal property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas. County, Oregon. By. E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon ciT. Ore., Sept. 30th 1921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, has been dulv appointed administrator of the Estate of Elmor G. Seely, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, any and all persons having claims against the estate, must present thriii to the undersigned, duly verified as by Law required, at the office of Win. Har.imond, Oregon City, Oregon, with in six months from the tfate of this Notice. B. G SEFLY. Administrator of the Estate of Elinor G. Seely, deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for Administrator. First publicat'on October 7th. 1921. Last publication November 4th, lr-.'i NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Joseph Decker, deceased has. filed' his final account "in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 31 day of Octo ber 1921, at the-hour of ten A. M. of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the bearing of objections thereto and tho settlement thereof. Dated and first published Septem ber 23rd 1921. Last publication October 21st 1921. XAVER DECKER, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Joseph Decker, do WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for administrator. SUMMONS No. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas. County. Muriel M. Newall, Plaintiff, vs G. Clifford Newall, Defendant. To G. Clifford Newall, the above nam defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publicatiom of this Summons, and If you fail to so appear or answer for PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meyhr, Cashies The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her Complaint, towit: A decree for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between yo and plaintiff, and for such other relief as the Court may deem equitable. This Sumomns is served upon you by the publication thereof, once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Oregon City, in Clacka mas County, Oregon, the date of the first publication thereof, being Fridav September 2nd, 1921, and the date of he last publication thereof being Fri day. October 14th, 1921, all done in ac cordance with the order of the Honor able James U Campbell, Judge oftho above entitle Court, which order was made and entered in this cause on the 31st day of August, 1921. E. L. McDOUGAL, Attorney for Plaintiff. 905 Northwestern Bank Bldg., 'Port land, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. JOHN L. KARNOPP, Plaintiff, vs H. F. ONG, Executor of Will and Estate of Thomas Prince, deceased H. F. ONfi and CARRIE M. ONG, his wife; WORCESTER RANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, a cor poration; HAROLD T. PRINCE and MARJOKIA PRINCE, his wife; WILLIAM REES, Guardian of Har old T Prince, Incompetent; J. S. SIMMONS and ESSIE G SIM MONS, his wife; OLTVF M. DOWS, LUCY P. WHITE and CHAU.NCEy B. WHITE, her husband; RALPH A SIMMONS and EVA V. ' SIM MONS, his wife; WILLIAM L AMES, LUCIUS T. HAYWARD and AMABEL E. HAYWARD. his wife; RUBY EMERY BUCKLE an.l HARRY BUCKLE,' her husband; JOHN DOE; RICHARD ROE and ALLEN POE. Trustees of the Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa chusetts; JAMES DOE, HENRY ROE and EDWIN PCE, Trustees of the Oddfellows Home, Worcester, Massachusetts; DAVID SMITH, FRANK JONES and GEORGE WHITE, Trustees of the Home for A?ed Men, Worcester. Massa chusetts; MARY SMITH, JANE DOE and ANNA WHITE, Trustees of the Home for A?ed Women, Wor cester. Massachusetts; TOWN OF KINGSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, a municipal corporation: KINGSTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, a cor poration; GEORGE H. WARD POST NO. 10 OF GRAND ARMY OF IHE REPUBLIC, a corporation ; j and the unknown heirs of Thop'.as Prince, deceased, and also all othr persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants TO H. F. ONii. Executor of Will and . Estate of Thomas Prince, deceased. H. F. ONG and CARRIE M ONG, his wife; WORCESTER BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, a cor poration; HAROLD T. PRINCE an I MARJORI.V PRINCE, his wife, WILLIAM REES, Guardian of Har old T. Prince, Incompetent; J. S. SIMMONS and ESSIE G SIM MONS, his wile; OLIVE M. DOWS: LUCY P. WHITE and CHAUNCEY B. WHITE, her husband; RALPH A. SIMMONS and .EVA V. Si-Mi MONS, his wife; WILLTAM L. AMES, LUCIUS T. HAYWARD and AMABEL E. HAYWARD. his wife, RUBY EMERY BUCKLE and HARRY BUCKLE, her husband; JOHN DOE; RICH-ARD ROE and ALLEN POE. Trustees of the Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa chusetts; JAMES DOE, HENRY ROE and EDWIN POE. Trustees of the Oddfellows Home, Worcester. Massachusetts; (DAVID SMITH. FRANK JONES and GEORGE WHITE, Trustees of the Home for Aged Men, Worcester, Massa chusetts: MARY SMITH, JANE DOE and ANNA WHITE, Trustees of the Home for Aged W omen, Wor cester. Massachusetts: TOWN- OP KINGSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, a municipal corporation; KINGSTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, a cor poration; GEORGE H. WARD POST NO. 10 OF GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, acorpcration and the unknown heirs of Thomas Prince, deceased, and also all other persons or parties dnkaown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, DEFENDANTS- In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby summoned and requir ed to appear and answer the Com plaint against you in the above entitl ed suit within six weeks from lh'3 i'nd Jay oC September, 1921, said date being the first day of the publication of this Summons, atod if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his Com plaint filed ' herein, to-wit : 1st That plaintiff be adjudged and decreed to be the lawful owner and holder of that certain mortgage, and the promissory note described there in, given by The Oregon Home Build ers, a corporation, on April 15th, 1916. to Laurine Honnes to secure the payment of Eight Thousand Five Hue- dred Dollars '$8500) payable two years after date, which' said mortgage appears of record at page 226 in Volume 107 of Record of Mortgages in and for Clackamas County. Oregon, and that the Court determine and de cree that there is still due and owing on account (of said note and mort gage the sum of S?ven Thousand Five Hundrd Dollars ($75o) with inter est thereon at tho rate of eight per cent per annum- from July 15, 192), and the further sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) as a reasonable attor ney's fee for the foreclosure of tho C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate oui Specialties.- Of fice in First National Bank Bldg Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Or. said mortgage, together with the costs and disbursements of said suit. 2nd. Thai plaintiff's said mortgage be adjudged and decreed to be a first lien upon the real property therein described, to wit: That certain portion of Sections numbered Seven (7) and Eighteen (18 1 in Township Two (2) South of Range Two (2) East of the Willam ette Meridian, described as follows: Bounded by a line beginning at a stone set in the center of the county road leading from Oregon City to Portland, where said road intersects thet Northerly boundary line of ihe James McNary Donation Land Claim. which point is South 45 West 208.3! feet from the quarter Section corner between said Sections 7 and IS, thence North 4o East tracing said McNary claim line 27.65 chains to a stone, thence North 46 46' West 18.70 chains thence South 45 West i'6.19 chains to center of said county road where an iron pipe is driven for a corner, i hence Southeasterly along center of county road to the place of beginning, containing fifty (501 acres, more cr less, excepting five and five hun dredths (5.05) acros heretofore con veyed to Peter Naef by dsc-d recorded in p.ook 60 of Deeds at page 1C6 there of, which said first described tract is new platted under name of Hills dale, situate in the County of Clack amas and State of Oregon; as of the .late of the recording of said mortgage, to wit, the 25th day of April, 1916. and that said mortgage lien bo adjudged and decreed to be prior and superior to any right, title, interest, t state, claim or lien which the defend ants herein may have or claim in said mortgaged property. 'rd. That the lien of plaintiffs said mortgage be foreclosed and that the real property therein described bo sold by the Sheriff in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution and that the proceeds of said sale, after paying the costs and expenses thereof, be applied in payment of tha amounts adjudged to be due and owing to the plaintiff en account of said note and mortgage, including interest and said attorney's fees and the costs and disbursements of said suit, and that tho surplus, if. any, be paid to the defendants accord ing to their respective interests as found and determined by said Court- 4th That the defendents and all persons claiming under them be for ever barred and foreclosed of any and all right, title, interest, estate, claim or lien, either in law or in equity, in and to the above describe!! mortgaged premises and every psrt iherof, saving only the statutory right of redemption 5th That plaintiff have such other and further relief as to the Court may eeni jusf and equitable. Service of this summons :s made upon you by publication thereof pur suant to the order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above-entitled Court .made and entered in said suit on the 1st day of Sepiember, 1921, di reeling that such publication be made at least once a week for six consecu tive weeks in the Oregon City Enter- t prise, a newspaper of general circula- tionf published in the County of Clack anta? and St&ta of Oiegon SNEDECOR AND LAYMAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O Address v12 12 Spalding Build ing, Portland, Oregon. First Publication- 2nd cay of Sep tember, 1921. , I-ist Publication: 14th day of Octo ber,. 1921. SUMMONS No. 18200 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, De partment No. Ernest Smith, Plain tiff, vs. .Nora Smith, Defendant. To Nora Smith, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear aDd answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of th- first publication of this Sumomns, to wit: Within six weeks from Frida--. September, 16, 1921, nd ;f you fail t6 appear or answer for v ant thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitl ed Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a Deere.! forever dissolving the marriage con tract now existing between you and plaintiff. This Sumomns is served nnnn r.-iu by the publication thereof in the Ore- on City Enterprise, a newspaper general circulation, printed and pu Mshed at Oregon City, Oregon.. The first publication thereof, being Friday. Sep'ember 16, 1921, and the las publi cation thereof, being Friday. October 28, 3921. All done in accordance with the order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made ar.d entered of record in the above entitled cause, this 14th day of September. 1921. WM. G MARTIN. CAREY F. MARTIN. Attorneys for riaintirr Postoffice Address: 41S Masonic Temple, Salem Oregon.