Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 14, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Former Lodge Woman
Passes In Portland
Mrs.. Martha A. Shaver passed 3 way
at the home of her son Arch Shaver
Portland early Wednesday morning
with an illness of over a year. During
the summer she was able to walk about
the yard but was taken to her bed two
weeks ago. Her illness was incidental
to old age and had she lived until
November 26th would have been 78
years of age.
She is survived by two sons. Geo.
. Shaver of Tacoma, Arch Shaver and a
daughter Mrs. Will Jacobs of Portland,
and four grand children, Mrs. Roy
Kelly of Pendleton; Miss Heleu
Shaver, Hubert Shaver and Mis'3 Dor
othy Jacobs. Muriel Kelly being a
great granddaughter.
The deceased had made her home at
Jennings Lodge for 12 years, coming
west from Colorado. She had also re
sided in Illinois and her husband pre-
ceded hep a number of years ago
years ago removed to Portland with
her daughter Mrs. Wm. Jacobs. She
still held her church membership here
and was an honorary member of the
Grace Guild.
Cooked Food Sale
At, Lodge Success
second cooked food sale was held on
Saturday at the three stores ,of th.i
Lodge. It was given under, the aus
pices of the Grace Guild and was very
successful. Almost $-50 was made. The
amount was turned toward the $.00
pledged toward the new church by this
Mesdames Williams, Woodbeck, Kc-
Hargue, Covert Hole and Booth vol
unteered their services and there un
tiring efforts resulted in making it so
Mesdames Moritz and Ford are to
be joint hostesses on Wednesday whei
the Guild meets for work at the Ford
home on River road.
The 4th Wednesday in October ends
the Guild reports will be given of the
years work and new officers chosen.
Number Enjoy Big
C. E. Society Meet
A number of our young people attend
ed the annual convention of the Chris
tian Endeavor society held at Wichita
on October 7, 8 and 9. On Sunday ?4r.
and Mrs. Guy took Misses Gertrude
Kennedy, Bessie. TrauL Naomi Wilcox
and Chas. Holden to the convention
where a splendid program was much
enjoyed Mr. Guy is an enthusiastic
leader and will be a grefet asset to th?
society here.
A business meeting was held again
on Wednesday evening of this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy. The
Sunday evening devotional -will be
held at the home of Miss Naomi Wil
E. White and son Carl whose home is
in DesMoines, la., arrived from Den
ver, Colorado, and W. W. Barger and
son Loren of Aurora, Colorado, were
Sunday guests at th Hart home.
to jBoys At Lodge Show
Interest In Chorus
Grace Guild Meets
At Olin Ford Home
The unit of the Whitney Boys chorus
here is much interested in their re
hearsals, under the leadership of Mrs
Hendry. Mrs. Arthur Smith being their
acoc-.npanist. The rehearsals are held
at the school house and will be held
on Tuesday evening of each week. At
each meeting now ones are making ap
plication to join ih chorus. Mrs. Chap
mas has been elected secretary of this
A number of the parents accompany
their -sons to the rehearsals.
. The rfsiuliir meetiner of the Grace
-,,..1 limrt F T..-T rt' i
Olin Ford on Wednesday. Mrs. Moritz
and Mrs. Ford being joint hostess. Mrs.
George Gardner had charge of the. de
votional meeting. At the business hour
it was voted to turn $150 over to build
ing committee of the new church. Res
oluticns of sympathy will be drawn
up by President, Mrs. Hugh Roberts,
vice-president, Mrs.- Kennedy and the
secretary, Mrs. W. . Woodbeck to be
sent to members of the Shaver family.
Mrs. Edward Pearson will be the nt;xt
hostess on Oct 26th. Delicious refresh
ments were served to Miss Woodring
and Mrs. Newell who were honor
guests und to Mesdames P.ooth, Harry
Williams, Trusc-ott, Babler, Woodbeck,
ueter,. uaraner, rtooKer, vvaieriiouse, was foiiowed bv .. general discussion
Social Service Club
Holds First Meeting
Mrs H. W. Stevens entertained the
Oak Grove-Milwaukie Social service
club at their first meeting of the year
on October 13 at her home in this dis
trict Mrs. Hanret f enwicK reau a
paper on "Child Troblems," and this
W. Barker Given
Birthday Party
A surprise was tendered Wesley Bar
ker on Tuesday of last week in hon
or of his birthday anniversary. Games
and refreshments were much enjoyed
by the 14 who came to extend their
congratulations with many happy re
turns of the day.
Vyvyan H. Dent addressed the Hud
son Pa rena-Taaohers Association in
Portland on Thursday evening of this
week on "Disarmament " '-
Mr. Dent is a splendid speaker and
has conducted Sunday services at the
nenitentary at Salem at different
times. ;
Mrs. Clyde Hixon Reade entertained
informally with a tea on Thursday
afternoon for Mrs. William H. Patter
son, who has recently returned to Port
land from Shanghai, China.
Blair Miller son of D. B. Miller has pur
chased a lot on Meldrum Ave. and
will erect a house with all modem
Colorado People
Visiting Lodge
Ira Hart and daughter Miss Ellen Hart
are entertaining friends from Colorado
this week. Among these are Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Betty Robinson of Falls City is
visiting her sister Mrs. Mary Tillman.
On Thursday being the 73rd birthday
of Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. W. H. Tillmsn
observed the occasion with a family
dinner. The table was attractive with
a large cake holding 73 candies. Mr
and Mrs. Gray of Hillsboro were the
out of town folks who attended.
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Pioneer Passes On
After Short Illness
SANDY, After an illness of only a
week, which was caused from gall
stones, Theodore Fischer Sr. passed
away Thursday night, October. 6, and
was buried on Sunday October 9. Th-
funeral was held at the family resi
dence on Sandyridge at 1 P. M-, and
the interment was at Cliffside ceme
tery. Rev. S. F. Pitts of Cottrell con
ducted the services. Mrs. Esson, Mrs.
Miller .and R. S. Smith furnished the
music. There was a profusion of beau
tiful flowers brought by pioneer neigh
bors and kindly friends.
Mr. Fischer was born in Germany
67 years ago last March, and lived in
I his community 46 years. Besides the
widow, two daughters. Mrs. Peter
Swan of Portland, and Mrs. George
Krebs, of Sandy, survive; also two
step-daughters, Mrs. Theodore Fischer,
Jr., of Sandyridge and . Mrs. Sophie
Decker,, of Kelso.
The deceased was. a brother, of Her
man Fischer and Mrs. Frederic Meinig.
Arbitration Board
Decision Is Made
Social Service Club
Book For Year Out
Boyd, Hole, Jones, Madden, Pearson,
Coprt. Geo. -Williams, Roberts, Ken
nedy Ford and Moritz.
Mrs. J. B. O'Brien became a n?w
Water Problem Is
Discussed at Meet
At a meeting of the Jennings Iodg-;
Community Club held on Wednseday
evening at the school house it was de
cided that as man,v memners as pos
sible attend the Oak Grove Community
Club for the purpose of consulting and
co-operating if possible in securing an
adequate water system for this sec
"lion. This seems to be the right step in
the right direction and it is hoped aU
residents will work together for such
a water system, which would mean so
much to this rapidly growing commun
ity. A number of our prominent folks
met at the home of Harvey Stark
weather on Thursday evening to join
with represntatives from Oak Grove,
Evergreen and Concord to make plans
for a co-operative water district with
a Eull Run water supply for t!;e
above named districts and surrouud
ing territory.
A committee to establish the boun
daries of the district which has been
tenantively placed to extend from Jen
nings Lodge to the Lakewood Roal
Dear Milwaukie were named and in
clude O. W. Barnett, F. H. Harris, J.
Dean Butler of Oak Grove; H. G. Stark
weather, John R. Oatfield, Concord :
C. G- .Norris. R. J. Grabler of Ever
green and Howard Truscott and W.
W. Woodbeck from our own district.
A good attendance was the result of
mass meeting last Wednesday called 10
discuss Bull Run water. Fifty-three
residents who were present favored it.
As soon as the former water dis
trict is dissolved necessary steps will
be taken to bring it before the people
and it is hoped all will work together
for Bull Run water.
j led by Mrs. Albertine Helm.
Atchleys Entertain
During Past Week
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Atchiey have re
turned from their old home sta'f.
Ohio, who were Mr. and Mrs. Hasv
who have located in Portland.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kummol
and children of Gresham were Sunday
guests. The Kummels are well known
florists of the Powell Valley district.
OAK GROVE, Oct. 11. The Social
Service club has its new year book out.
It appears in neat form with a daffodil
design on the cover page. The daf
fodil is the cl.ib flower. The subject for
the year is the "American Home." The
first meeting of the club was held at
the home of Mrs. H. W. Stevens near
Rothe and prov ed to be a meeting cf
great interest both in business and
Bull Run Water Is
Asked at Oak Grove
Junior Cantata
Given At Lodge
Juniors. Garden, a cantata, was
given before a largo and appreciative
audience on Friday evening at the hal!
The decorations carried out a flower
garden and were very pretty. A musi
cal program preceded the .children?
part of the entertainment. Mr. Me
Fall sang and was accompanyied jy
Mrs. McFall on the piano ' and Mr
Thereoux on the violin, Mr. Hendry
favored with a bass polo A pleasing
violin selection given by Mr. Thereoux
and piano solos by Miss Elaine Hechtol
and Miss Elsie Scho?nhausen were al
so enjoyed.
The proceeds will be used for th2
calendar plans for the fund of the n-.w
OAK GROVE, Oct. 11. A public
meeting was called Wednesday even
ing in Green's' hall by the Improve
ment club at which time means of se
curing Bull Run water in the district
was discussed. The city engineer from
Portland gave estimate and other dat.-t
on the matter. It would peem from
sentimentexpressed that definite steps
will be t'.T:?n soon toward organizing
Iho district for purpose of getting
OAK GROVE, Oct. 11. Saturday,
Oct. 8, the truck owned and driven by
Chas. Tucker get out of control by the
bending of rods connecting the steer
ing bar and ran on the lawn at F- A.
Smiths as they came around the
corner at Third Avenue and Center
J. B. Evans and wife have moved to
their ranch near Coble. There many
friends wish them success.
iMiss Nell Matthews returned l5st
wejj from a trip down the Co'unibia
where she stopped at several places.
Dellon Olds has -gone to Goldson,
Ore., to assist his father in contract
Miss Mame Colburn who had the
misfortune to break her cellar bone re
cently is getting along nicely.
J. L. Robinett and wife spent the
week end in Portland.
Mrs. Laura Renfrow'and family Jiave
moved here from Milwaukie and are
living in the Evans home
C. S. Clearwater of Sellwood bas
moved into the Wetzler place on the
H. Sp.iulding who has been ill sever
al days with complications was remov
ed Sunday last to the home cf a friend
in Portland to be in closer touch with
the physician.
C. E. Glafke and wife left "Monday
to attend the funeral of MrT Glafke's
brother's wife who died in Walla Walla
on Sunday. The funeral was held
Inez Park has- been visiting rela
tives, in Portland this week.
E. Lowenburg has sold his property
to J. Bradley of Portland and with his
family has moved to Sellwood.
John Bvron Passes
After L0112: Illness
SANDY, Oct. 12. The arbitration
board came to a decision on the Zogg
Krebs case Saturday evening. Zogg
had - been paid $600 damages, which,
with the insurance of ?S0O he received,
and the purse of ?600 presented at tat;
time of the fire a year ago by friend
ly neighbors, made a reparation of
$2000, which was one half of the esti
mated damaga
SANDY, Oct, 12. There was a large
attendance at the funeral of John By
ron at the Cottrell church Monday
afternoon. The services were conduct
ed by Rev. S. F. Pitts, and the body
was then taken to Mt. Scott cemete.-y
for inerment. . t
Mr. Byron had been ill with tubercu
losis for more than a year. The de
ceased was born in Ireland, and was
60 years of age. Beside his widow,
Amanda Byron, two step daughters
mourn his loss as follows: Mrs. A. J.
Ault of Cottrell and Mrs. Pearl Corse
of Medford.
Party at Charivari
Pass Hundred Mark
Neighborhood Party
Given by Woeiiches
SANDY, Oct. 12. A large neighbor
hood party was given by Mr. and Mrs.
Max Woenche of Sandyridge last Sat
urday night. The .affair was a birth
day surprise on Friedel Weonche am
also was in honor of the 10th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Weenche.
Friedel wasi down at his brush-fire
when the crowd came, and they truly
surprised him when he came up aad
found the house full ! But Friedel soon
"washed up" and was very happy to
be remembered by so many "friends.
There were about forty present. De
acious retreshments were served.
games and cards were played till
twelve, when the guests departed "hap
py :ind contented' with the evening's
County Agent Speaks
On Clearing of Land
I Holman & Pace f
I Homelike Efficient Courteous
I Telephone 86 I
7th and Water Sts., Oregon City
New Lodge Church
Nearly Completed
The new church is being plastered and
will be ready for services about
Thanksgiving time. It is a fine struc
ture and one that all Jennings Lodge
residents will feel proud of. Much of
the success of the building is due to
Rev. A. B. Snider who has given so
much time and attention to the build
ing. The church services will have to
be discontinued for a time.
The school board has e:iVen the
school basement for use of the Sun
day school but the parents are object
ing as it might be too cold for the chil
dren. So the teachers are taking thoir
classes to their homes for the Sunday
The public sentiment is for the use
of our school house on all occasions
not only to the basement but to the
rooms where there is plenty of light
and heat and where there is a piano
to furnish music.
Milwaukie Home Is
Damaged By Blaze
MILWAUKIE, Oct, 13. Fire broke
out in the horre of J. Thomson at
Thirty-first and Harrison streets. Octo
ber 5. The house was on fire 30 min
utes before the alarm was turned in,
but with this handicap the fire depart
ment had the blaze under control in
record time. The furniture was almost
entirely ruined and the damage to the
the house was between $800 and $1000.
Both house and furniture were covered
by insurance. The family was at Hood
River and knew nothing of the d'saster
Wm. Kleeb was the victim of a pain
ful accident recently. He was standing
on u short step ladder under a fruit
tre and in some way lost his balance.
He pitched forward striking on top of
his head. He has been nursing a very
sore, neck but is able tc- be around
Adelheide Lehman returned homo
from a protracted visit with her daugh
ter, Minerva Beneke, at Spokane. She
came in with her son Wm. H. Lehman
who stopped off at Spokane on his
way home from St. Louis, Missouri,
where he went as a delegate to the
convention of the International Broth
erhood of Electric Engineers.
DV. Asher is having a garage, built
at his home on Washington street and
improving the grounds.
Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363
John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue
The demurer of the eight defendent
local doctors to the complaint of Dr.
H. S. Mount asking $50,000 damages
for libel, was overruled by Judge J.
U. Campbell. The defendants were
given 10 days in which to file their
replj .
Milwaukie Garage
Service Station Westinghouse Bat
teries, ' Repairs, Machine . Work,
Auto Accessories, Tires Tubes,
Oils, Gasoline, Towing.
Call us we can get you out.
Authorized Ford Service and Parts
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
I Milwaukie Highway, Phone Mil. 98
Motor Bus Carries
Haselia Hi Pupils
HAZELIA, Oct 12. The Tualatin
bridge is open again for transportation.
The West Linn high school boys and
girls, from our district are seemingly
enjoying the school bus. They make
a happy looking picture going to and
from school along our highway, so
much for community service and co
operation. A cement culvert is being placed
north of the Hazel ia school house.
Mrs. Hugh Baker who haa been ill,
although much improved, is still under
the care of a doctor.
Anton Neilson is still under the doc
tors care, being still obliged to be un
der a strict diet.
Duncan and Evangeline Christian
sen enjoyed the "We Go" Hustlers
class party given Saturday night at the
home of Gordon Cleinfeldter of Oswe
go. A party of music lovers of Hazclia
enjoyed a recital Saturday -night given
at the Lincoln school auditorium by
the Petri studio of Portland.
Miss Mary Wilson, who has been an
invalid all summer at the home of her
brother, Geo. Wilson, is able to be out
again and enjoys our beautiful Ore
gon which is very much like Switzer
land to her.
The initial practice of the Whitny
Boys Chorus organized at Oswego lust
Tuesday night was well attended,
thirty boys being present. Practice
night will be every Tuesday at 7:o0
sharp to 8 o'clock at the Congrega
tional church, the boys will then be
dismissed and Community Singing will
oe conducted until 9:00.
SANDY, Oct. 12. A crowd of friends
numbering 115, which was the largest
charivari party ever given in this sec
tion greeted Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell
(Bina Douglass) on their return from
Iheir honeymoon trip to Seaside. The
bride and groom were late returning
and drove in just ahead of 1 110.
machines from Estacada, Eagle Creek,
Sandy and other points.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell were evidently
expected a "demonstration,"' and prov
ed very hospitable and entertaining
About midnight they served a bounti
ful supply of ice cream cake and c -gars.
There was more ice croam than
the crowd could eat, after everyone
was invited to several helpings. ,
Bombs "thundered" a greeting to
(his popular couple before the "seren
ade" began, and the echo was heard
across-country at Bull Run. The even
ing was greatly enjoyed hy the happy
throng that made the house "run
over." even the porches being filled!
It was impossiible to get the names
of all present. Mr and Mrs. Bell are
now (getting settled on the old Bell
farm and will be delightful addition to
the neighborhood.
SANDY, Oct. 12. Co-inty Agent
Holt spoke at the grange here Satur
day on the use of explosives in clear
ing land, Picric acid, and Canadian
thistles. Holt says there will oe a
stump demonstration near Milwaukie
in two or three weeks to show the pos
sibilities of clearing land with a new
powder that is being put on the market.
Holt strongly urged the extermina
tion of Canadian thistles, and said in
a short time the law will be such that
the cost of cleaning up thesa thistles
will be assessed to the land the same
as taxes if the owner does not root
them out.
Miss Margaret Miller was soloist
at the lecture hour and sang in fine
voice, responding to an encore.. Doris
Allen was present from Portland and
gave two dances that were encored.
ing together with Ruby Dcdd as presi
dent and Eertha Hoffman as secretary,
and the sophomores and freshmen will
train together, but these classmen
have not yet appointed their leaders
Several pupils were out of the schools
again last week on account of having
colds and other ailments.
The high school girls and boys are
practicing basket ball several day
each week, after school.
The following pupils in the Iiigh
school were neither absent nor tardy
the first month, and all but two live in
the country: Ruby Dodd, Pearl Dixon,
Ruth, Mildred, Alta and Grant I;e
Shazer, Dorothy Esson, Edith Heic,
Ruth Krebs and Dorothy Haltingly.
Walter Dodson went to lortland last
Friday and looked the city over.
J. M. C. Miller, a grade director, vis
ited the school, last wef-k und wis
much pleased with the work of the
Sandy high' school pupils are t:
write essays this week on how to pre
vent fires.
The annual reception- for the- high
school freshmen was held Friday even
ing at the I. O O. F. hall. About :s
students, friends and former student3
attended. The freshmen girls wore gay,
gren caps and the initiation consisted
of various stunts. An onion peelin?
contest was won by Walter Dodson
AVhen the "infant" class was called up
on for a song they responded by sink
ing "The Freshies Feel Fine Tonight."
They also "sang a loast" to each class,
;ind ver prepared ofr every stunt re
quired of them with appropriatae
verses, poems or songs.
Games and dancing were enjoyed for
a short time. At 10:30 the "Freshies"
were seated at a long table on Vhieh
the word "Freshmen" was spelled out
in autumn leaves, and gay streamers
were draped to the center of the tables.
The "infant" class were first fed bread
and milk, but later wers allowed to
feast on the other 'good things'."
Miss Miller, Mrs. Dodsen and Mrs.
Lilly were chaperones.
Morand Leaves For
Postmaster Meeting
Salmon Is Killed
By Two Small Boys
SANDY, Oct. 12. Wilbur Dodd an 1
Jimmy Mutchler, two eight year old
children are "heroes" in the eyes of
the Sandy small boys since their big
"catch." Yesterday afternoon, these lit
tle fellows saw a fish swim into shal
low water, so both plunged in the San
dy river up to their waists, Sunday
clothes and all, tgathered rocks, killed
the 20 pound salmon, dragged it out.
put a stick through it's gills then with
an end of the stick on each small
shoulder started their long climb, up
the cliff, on the Strong trail, the dis
tance from hom.- being a mile and a
half, the last half mile baing in level
The boys looked tired today while
telling- of their adventure, but happier
"kids" never stepped on Sandy streets.
Both insisted they heard a "bear or
other wild animal growl" as they
SANDY, Oct. 12. Wm., Morand, Ore
gon delegate to tho postmaster's con
vention at Washington, D. C, and Mrs.
Morand of Boring, left a few days ago
for the east. Beside attending the con
vention, Mr. and Mrs. Morand will vis
it in eastern cities until the first of
November, making their first visit a
Kansas City on their way, and will
also visit New York before returning
climb the cliff, but Wilbur said '"we
had to rest anyway" for the fish was
awful heavy and it's tail dragged on
the ground even when we carried tho
stick on our shoulders, and we couh
take only a few steps a, a time.
"Game boys" everyone is saying.
SANDY, Oct 12. Mrs. Florence
Smith, niece of John Revenue who has
been spending the summer "here with
her uncle and family left for her home
in Los Angeles today. Mrs Smith was
born on the old pioneer Revenue p!ace
near Sandy. ' k
Meldrum Notes
I Stop at our new
S gallon pump. Honest measure.
I Lent Bros. Garage i
I . Farm Loans Preferred I
I Beaver Bldg. Oregon Cityf
MtLURUM, Oct. 11. Miss Rose
Josey entered Rehnke-Walker busi
ness college on Monday.
Missi Wmjg and Miss Foster from Oak
Grove have taken possession of their
new home on the River road.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Tabor attended
the M. E. Conference at Forest Grove
on Sunday.
Miss Katherine Sharp spent the
week end with Portland friends.
Mrs. Alta Singleterry of Oregon City
spent Friday as guest of Mrs. Bert
Mr. and Mrs. M. ' E. Walker and
Marion and R. H. Taber were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L M. Hoyt at
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davies of West
Moreland were Friday guests at the
August Meyers home.
Mrs. Will Wright has returned from
a months visit in Canada. .
Mr. and Mrs. Armond Kiltnaugh and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers of Sell
wood were entertained at dinner Sun
day by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Myers.
First Meet Held bv
Sandy Womans Club
SANDY, Oct 12. The first meet
ing of the Women's club for the year
was held at the home of the president
Mrs. Blanche Shelley Thursday of lust
week. The meeting was especially cn
joyable in a social way, and plans were
made for a course of study in Oregon
history as outlined in the O. A. C. ex
tension course. This course of stud
will be exceptionally interesting ami
profitable, and will probably include
several intersting programs. A dozen
copies of the Western Songster were
also ordered.
frs. Shelley - decorated her dining
room attractively with gay autumn
leaves and arranged place cards " Out
beside a mirrored pool," where each
guest had to find "directions." how to
secure a seat at one or tne various
tables that were also uaiuty with au
tumn decorations.
Those present were: Mrs. Alice
Scales, Mrs. . Edna Esson, Mrs. Ruth
Reed, Mrs. A. W. Bell, Mrs. Alice
Shipley, Mrs. R. S. Smith. Mrs. Myra
Hoernicke, Mrs. Joe Lilly, Mrs. Sarah
Cross, Mrs. F. H. Lake, Mrs. Harry
Dodson, Mrs. Gladys Tillman, Mrs. J.
M. C Miller, Mrs. Sadie Bosholm, Mry.T
Alma Maronay, Mrs. Anto Malar, Mi s.
George Perre-t, Miss Margaret Miller
and Miss Lulu Eddy, the hostess ami
children and Ruth Esson.
The next meeting of the club will be
held the third Thursday in October at
th heme of Mrs. Scales.
SANDY, Oct. 12. The sample of
well water sent to Portland to. be ana
lyzed byDr. A. Williams was found to
be pure, so there Is no need for worry
on the part of parents. 'The well was
cleaned out the first of the week, so
it is hoped the water will be clear now
Beside other donation work at the
school grounds C. L- Fiske cut down
dressed and put up the brand new flag
pole, from which old glory is waving in
the brezes. '
Patrons of the . Cherryville school
are very much pleased with the work
of their teacher. Miss Olive Terrel of
George Dodd was out of school the
first of the week with a sore throa
and stiff neck.
Miss Lippold returned Sunday even
ing, her mother ands brotherdriving
her over from Salem. Miss Lippold
took up her school work again on Mon
day: Miss Miller taught her classes
during the week of absence.
Florence DeShazer gave a recitation
at the grange on Saturday.
Hazel Beers and Dorothy E3Son took
a hike over to Bull Run Sunday after
noon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
A11a Beers was out of school a few
daya because of the "shake up" while
out on the highway trip with friends
from Sandy last week
Caroline Chown left last Friday for
Auburn, Wash, with her sister, Mrs.
Polton who was down visiting at the
Chown home. Both pupils and teachers
in the high school are sorry Caroline
could not continue in school here, but
with her brother ill in bed it was ita-pos-s.ibIe
for Mr. Chown to take his
daughter back and forth, so she will
enter high school a Aubun.
Ruby Dodd one of the high school
f-enicrs spent Saturday and Sunday in
Portland. Her mother and brothers
were with her.
high school pupils last week,
high school puils last week.
Mrs. Tillman was pleased with the
fine dinner served at the Walter Krebs
home one evening recently.
Mrs. Miller has organized a girl's
gle club and rehearsals are starting
out promisingly.
The union high school body has or
ganized for the year's school activities
s fo'lows: President, urant DeSaazer;
vice-president, Ruby Dodd; secretary,
Brtha Hoffman; treasurer, Carl
Pcharnke. The student body has also
rganized two dramatic societies, an-1
re expected to put on programs eviry
hree weeks, running opposition for
honors. The juniors and seniors work-
The Methodist annual conference
while in session at Forest Grove last
week appointed Rev. Earl Cotton :it
Pleasant Home and Sandy again for
the coming year. Rev. Cotton will fill
the Sandy pulpit as usual next Sundi'j-
Remember the announcemnt thai
Rev. S. F. Pitts of Cottrell will preach
at the Methodist church hero Sunday
night, October 23. The Sandy quartet
will sing and there will be other special
music. 1
Sandy now owns a megaphone sa
when some important meeting nesds
announcement on the streets, the
"meg" will come in mighty handy.
Sandy hasi a speed cop now. Bewara
of careless driving and going beyond
the t peed limit.
Mr. and Mrs. A.' C. Baumback, liulh
and Marie drove to Hood River Sunday
to celebrate Ruth's birthday. The girl3
had not taken the highway trip before.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allen and family
were out from Portland again Satur
day and Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Alien
and Doris were guests at the Miller
home, Catherine and Zelma visite l .
Mabel Lilly and Lucille Dodson.
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Sture and baby
Stanley drove over to Ridgefield,
Wash., Saturday to help celebrate the
birthday of the Doctor's father. Other
members of the family were also pres
ent. Several people say Oregon must
have "swapped" weather with Califor
nia this fall, as letters from both Sa'i
Francisco and Los Angels tell of much
Warren Wilkenson washome for sev
eral days last week, returning to the
head works the first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Keenan and
chillren of Portland were out Sunday
to visit the Wilkinson family. Kenan
has stock on his place at Firwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Updegrave and
babies, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Updegrave
and little son and Mrs. Susan Kelliher
drove to The Dalles Sunday, visited at
the George Wolte home and had a fine
time in general, returning on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G DeShazer attended
Pomr.na Grange at Springwater Wed
nesday This was the first time "Jim"
had been to Springwater for about 4t
years, and it is only a few miles over
there from Firwood.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Routlage (Myrtle
Dodd) wer out from Portland to spend
Sunday with their mother, Mrs.
Dodd) were out from Portland to spend
Mrs. F. H. Lake was ailing last Sun
day and could not get out" of bed dur
ing the day.
Mrs. E. M. Douglas, a former Sandy
resident and merchant, took the prize
at the state fair on two ganders. Mrs.
Douglas was driving her "prizes ovtT
the fair grounds with a ribbon harness,
which attracted considerable attention.
Miss Mary Jane Collier and some
friends from Portland, and C. O. Duke
went out for a picnic party Sunday.
Mrs. Dora Danielson and little son
wer9 out from Portland last week visit
ing her parents, the Haselwanders.
W. F. Strack received a teigram
from the east a few days ago stating
that his mother had passed away.
C. D. Purcell was in tho city a few
days ago investigating a case in the U.
bankrupt court.
H. Lubke has his cozy little bunga
low about completed and it is very
nifty." Lubke has been digging a well
the past week.
Mrs. Duke and "Jerry" were in Gres-
ham a few days ago calling on a sick
friend and looking after business
Miss Helen Nelson of Cherryville is
established 5n the Scales home as a
The lectric lights were on the blink
a few nights ago and the odor of many
coal oil lamps and tallow candles per
meated the Sandy homes.
Mrs. F. H. Lake expects to go to
California about the first of November
to spend the winter at the home of,
her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs George Perret and chil
dren had a delightful dinner and visit
at the home of the E. L. Powers family
(Continued on Page 7.)
Dr. Harry W. Paine
I Osteopathic Physician f
I Beaver Bldg. Oregon Cityf