OREGON CI i Y, EN" I ERPR1SE7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1921 Page 3 CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS NEW ELECTRIC COMPANY WILL -SERVE CANBY A franchise to M. J. Lee, for the furnishing of light and powpr to tli3 city of Canby and the adjacent district was authorized by the Canby councl at their meeting Monday night. The franchise is the outgrowth of a rate controversy that arose overtvvo months ago, when the Molalla Electric company ,; then serving the city, raised their rates over one hundred per cent. The city and the consumers protested against this, raise, but no reduction was allowed by the company. Their franchise expires .November 5, 1921, and when the proposition of a renew al 3.ime up, Mr. Lee also offered to furnish service. In his franchise. Lee guarantees electricity at the prevailing rate in effect in Oregon City and other towns throughout this district. Work to Start at Once The new company will begin the in stallation of its system immediately. Instead of taking power from Wcod burn. as was done under the old sys lem, they will buy tfceir power frcre the Portland Railway Light & Power company, running their line from Ore gon City instead of Woodburn. A com plete new system will be installed, be ing a three instead of a one pha.se line. This will give adequate service for .he installation of all of the powijr plants necessitated in the city. The new plant will cost in the neigh borhood cf $10,000. The line frori Oregon City will be six miles i n length, and run over the South ?nd route, through Central Point, New Era. East. Canby Gardens and into Canby. The reason for this routing according to Mr. I.ee. is to serve th.i farms in the district and to supply them with power as well as with Ugh:. Reappointment Made For Canby Minister CANBY, Oct. I?. Rev. Boyd Moore, who has been attending the M. E. con ference at Forest Grove, has returned, lo Canby, and his many iriends hers are delighted to know that he has been j reappointed to this district, making his fourth year as pastor of the Canby Mehodisit church. Several years ago Rev. Moore was pastor of the church, then transferred to Salem, returning here about a year ago. The church is now out of debt, and plans are under way for a celebration in the near future, when the mortgage will be burned with due ceremony. The -event will take place in the church par lors, and promises to be one of tho evetful occasions in the history of the church. Highway Trip Made By Canby Motorists CANBY, Oct. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, Mr and Airs. C- H. Sheldon and Miss Pendleton, of this city, formed a party to make a motor trip over the Columbia river highway on Sunday, and the destination of the party was ' in the Mosier country, where some of the big orchards were visited. This was one of the most won derful trips the members of the party have taken this season, they say, and declare that the most wonderful drive is after parsing the Eagle Creek resort. Among1 the places where they visited was at Columbia Gorge, where thoy partook of dinner. Estacada Expecting 400 Lodge Members ESTACADA, Oct. 12. About four hundred visiting Odd Fellows and Re bekahs are expected here next Satur day to attend the convention. A spec ial train of two cars is expected from Oregon City and . the railroad company will give special reduced rates." M- R Biggs, Grand Master of Prineville, will be among the guests, as ill be man ether notable Odd Fellows. The local lodge is making great prei-orations f ir the visitors and the concluding num ber cn the program after the evening session, when a prominent Odd Fellow of Estacada and a young U-dywho is a member of the Rebekah order in a Portland lodge, are to be married, makes a feature of the entertainment rather out of the ordinary and. quite unique. Virgil Yonce and Miss Edith Freeze of Oregon City, were guests of Miss Leta Posson over the week-end. Harry Johnson has rented the ' of fice building on the north of his shoe repair shop, ' and had the petition re moved between, which gives him a larger space for his business. The Odd Fellows have graded the street in front of their building on Broadway. Mrs. Harry Synder and little son "Busier" are expected home the last of the week. They spent the sumunr in Pennsylvania with Mrs. Synder's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton ave now 5n possession of the general merchan dise store formerly owned by V.'m Dale New goods have commenced to arrive and a decided change in the stock is already noticeable. A l.'C u. iauuij udoi fijiiu m full land where Starr has secured wcrk Mis. J. H. Feary of Portland, was a guest at the Harkenrider home last Tuesday. Rtv. Pogue who has been here with his family visiting at the home of Mrs. Pog.ie's parents, Mr. and Mrs Woodlc, has been given the M. E. charge at the Silitz Indian Mission. He has beeu stationed, at North Bend. Mesdames O. F Siron and W. J Synms went to Portland last Friday to visit their sister, returning Satur day evening. Dr. Naff, 'the dentist, was a Portland visitor last Sunday. . Russel Betts came over from Eugene Saturday to join his wif and baby, who have ben here for several days visiting at the home of Mrs. Bttes' par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reagan. They returned to Eugene Thursday The fine weather of the past isonth, was an incentive for a picnic at Eagle Creek on the Columbia Highway lat Sunday, by a number of Estacada poo pie. Mrs. J..C- Duus has about recovered from a siege of sickness. Aside from bad colds, there is very little sickuess in this locality. Tiie Lovelace residence and hospital is undergoing some repairs on the roof. The Parent-Teachers meeting last Tuesday night was not very well at tended .although a good program was announced. Jack Brown, who lives in the Cur rinsville district, has bought a home in Portland and expects to move there soon. , Merle, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade, has been quite sick with an at tack of appendicitis, but is improving now. . Miss Ruth Diliion, was sight-seeing in Portland last Saturday. Will Bass and wife have moved into the rooms in the Odd Fellows build ing, which was used for a cleaning and pressing parlor. Dora, motored to Salem and Corvallis during the past week and also made a trip to The Dalles. The McConnell and Albert Kitching families spent the week-end at Pacific City and Seaside. Dr. McCall and W. C. Bacon, who were in the Santiam country hunting with A. G. Ames, came home late Sot urday night but returned later. R- H. Currin is home from Bull Eur. spending his vacation. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Moore went to Portland Saturday to visit an occulist. A new lunch'counter has been put in at the red front confectionery a.id pool hall. Mr and Mrs. Tom Morton went to Portland Monday to buy new goods for their store. W. F. Cary accompanied them. Miss Ruth Saling came home from Portland Saturday to spend the week end with her parents. ,, R. G-. Marchbank drove to Camar, Wash., the first of the week. Mr. a ad Mr. and Mrs. R. Currin and daughter LMrs. John Marchbank accompanied him. Paralysis Reported By Canby Physician CANBY, Oct 12. Two cases of in fantile paralysis have resulted in Clackamas county, with Dr. H. A. Ded man. of Canby, the attending physi cian .One of the cases is Helen, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er rich Mnz. residing near Macksburg, who has been attending the Eldorado school, and Ida Johnson, eleven-year-iold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. John son, residing one mile east of Canby. The Johnson child although her side has been badly affected is not seriously ill, as the Jlenz child, and is rapidly recovering. The right side of the Menz girl is' affected. The Menz child was taken ill on Sat urday morning, and continued her studies at the Eldorado school until Wednesday, declaring to her parents that she was well enough to attend school, but during the recess, says shi; had atempted to' run, but was unable to do so, and after returning home Dr. Dedman was summoned who pronounc ed it spinal meningitis. The Johnson child wasi ii: for over a week when the physician was summon ed, who found that the child was also afflicted with the same disease. No other cases have been reported to Dr. Dedman. Pulpit Is Filled By Salem Minister CANBY, Oct. 12. Rev. Stanford Moore, of Salem, son of Rev., and Mrs. Boyd Moore, of this city, presided at the M. E. church last Sunday during the absence of his father, who was in attendance at the conference in Forest Grove. Rev. Moore will hold regular fliorn .ing service, on Sunday at 11 o'colck Sunday school, 10 o'clock, and evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Funeral Held For , P. Burns of Aurora Canby Population Increased by Six CANBY, Oct. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Canby, are receiving congrat ulations over the arrival of a daughter, born October 1. Mrs. Jones was former ly Miss Bates, of Estacada. On October 2, a baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bur gess, Mrs. Burgess was formerly Miss Josephine Bradford. October 2, Mr. and MrsL. B. C. Daven port became the proud parents of their first son They have just recently ar rived from California. On October 9, a boy arrived at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Freese. This is the first boy in the fam ily .and the proud parents are receiv ing congratulations of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Griffith, recently arriving in Canby, are the proud par ents of a daughter, born at their home October 10. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Olson on October 10. CANBY, Oct. 12. The funeral serv ices of the late Perry Burns, who di:-d in Salem, was held at Aurora Monday, and interment was made in the Zion cemetery. Rev. Boyd Moore, pastor of the Methodist church, officiated. Many friends of the family attended the serv ices in Aurora and also at the ceme tery. Many beautiful flowers covered the grave. Mr. Burns, who was 57 years of age, was a native of Calhoun county, 111.. and came to Oregon some time ago, where he has since resided. He made his home near the Adkins mill for a number of years. Deceased is survivd by his wife and a number of children. Among these sevreal reside in California, and . a daughter, Mrs. George Califf, Jr., re sides in Oregon City. ff- ; ; ; ; j Tfte K&y Sb yioiet Du,ce com- i pi ic j I B'. ' IJffe tf yliWJi LT"f -7 does not ."show" when it ' I ' VVVK j II ST 7 Tf if S i"c3NJl is used moderately. De ri" fl ' . ' jSy t iflr-M! Hghtfully scented. Highest j 1 $35. I i 1 Quality, brunette, white t Pure Food Products THE TIME Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 20, 21, 22. Silverware lc Sale -I-, This is Oneida Community Silver . Two Canby Hunters In Southern Oregon CANBY, Oct. 12. Ernest Hov and George Malum left on Saturday morn ing for a hunting trip into the South ern Oregon country, where they have gone prepared to get some of the big ' game abounding in that country. They have also gone prepared to fish. CANBY LOCALS Tacoma Woman Hits Fence With Machine CANBY, Oct. 12. A car driven by Mrs. U .Olson, of Tacoma, Wash., col lided with a fence on Secod street Tuesday afternoon, when the steering gear failed to work. The accident oc curred near the home of Mrs. Andrew Kocher, while Mrs. Olson was on her way to the home of her mother, Mrs. H. C. Hartman, and was on the straight road, when the car swerved to one side, between two telphone poles, just miss ing one by a few inches, and colliding with the fence, knocking it down. Mrs. Olson remained in the car, as did also her little brother, Eldon Hartman, and neither were injured. The car was slightly damaged. Mrs Olson, who IS an expenenceu driver was going but ten miles an hour when the accident occurred. Class Party To Be Held by M. E. Girls CANBY, Oct. 12. A class party will be given at the Methodist church par lors Friday evening of this week, when members of Airs Boyd Moore, and a number of their friends are to enjoy a social time. A program is be ing, arranged under the direction of Mrs. Moore, and the event promises to be a most enjoyable one. Mrs. Moore's class is composed of 33 girls, active members of the charcn, who are planning a number of interest ing exents for the winter months. CANBY, Oct 12. C. H. Sheldon and John Eid were in Oregon City on busi ness Tuesday, having gone there for the purpose of viewing the workings of a pump, which may be purchased by the city of Canby. Mrs. Harry Garret and three chil dren, who have been making . their home in Newberg for a number of years, are in this city visiting Mn. Garrett's mother, Mrs. R, Soper. Mr. Garrett and family are to make their future home in Aberdeen, Wash., and will leave for that city within a few days when Mr. Garrett will enter busi ness. j. O. Holt, of Eugene, accompanied by his family, were in Canby Monday and Tuesday wher they visited Rev. and Mrs. Boyd Moore. Mrs. Moore is a isisiter of Mr. Holt The latter is man ager of the Fruit Growers' Association. and he and his family have been in Hood River, where Mr Holt went on business. M. H. Lee, of Milwaukie, was in Can by on business Monday and.while here .visited relatives. Charles Noblitt, of .Needy, was a Canby visitor Tuesday. Mrs. James Maddock, of Portland, was among the Canby visitors the first of the week. Mrs. Earl England, of'Coalca, was in Canby Tuesday visiting, Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Catley and two children, accompanied by Mrs. Cat ley's sister, Mrs. R. Soper, visited rel atives in Newberg Sunday. EH 4............,l..MU.IM.M..Ul ...............Kft. , R. C. Duke Garage I Automotive Electrical Repairing f I 20 Years Experience ACCESSORIES I f Opposite Depot Canby, Ore. .NiMnitinitiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHuiiiMiniiiiiiiiHMiiiiiiiinM ! ""LESLIE V. GRAY"' 7 JEWELER High Grade Jewelry at Reasonable f Prices. I - I! $... FINE WATCH REPAIRING CANBY, OREGON Imported direct from the Estates on which they are grown for the exclus ive use of Rexall stores. Your choice of Green or Black. Regular price 50c per lb. package. This Sale. 2 packages 51c SYMONDS INN COCOA Absolutely prue, convenient to pre pare, delicious and satisfying. Regu lar price 30c per lb. package. This Sale, 2 packages 31c SYMONDS INN BOUILLON CUBES Highest quality, government inspect ed, Regular price 30c. This Sale, 2 packages for 31c PURE VANILLA EXTRACT Highest grade, full strength, delicate aroma and flavor. Regularly 35c. This Sale; 2 bottles 36c PURE LEMON EXTRACT Made from absolutely pure lemon oil, Regular price 35c. This Sale, 2 bottles 36c OPEKO COFFEE We do not offer Opeko Coffee as a one cent item because there is no es tablished price with us. But we do say that it is a delicious blend of mild coffee that you will say is worth twice what you pay for it. For this Sale, per pound 26c Limit of 5-lbs. to one cusaomer. V ; 1 w Hot Water Bottle The largest selling Hot Water Bottle in the world. Guaranteed 2 yrs. Regular price $2.50 This Sale Two for THE PLAN -Pay the regular price for any article advertised and we will sell you another of the same kind for one cent. No telephone orders no reservations, no goods exchanged. HOW WE DO IT Only through the cooperation of the United Drug Co., manufacturers of the Rexall" preparations and other goods featured. It is their advertising plan to get wide distribution of their meritorious products. These Prices Do Not Include War Tax bxa &iYv&dJuote! and Household Needs Dependable remedies that should be in every home, this sale and get what you need. Take advantage of .25 Headache Wafers .25 Charcoal Tablets - .50 Kidney Pills .75 Llthia Tablets .-2 for 2 for ....2 for .2 for .26 .26 .51 .76 .51 .21 .50 Mentholine Balm, 3 oz. 2 for " .20 Boric Acid Ointment 2. for 100 Nux and Iron Tablets 2 for 1.01 1.50 Beef Iron and Wine 2 for 1.51 .35 Brdonchial Salve for colds 2 for .36 .25 Toothache Relief 2 for 26 .20 Tube of Zinc Ointment 2 for 21 .60 Sodium Phosphate Effervessing 2 for .61 .20 Asperin Tablets, 12's . 2 for 21 .35 Asperin Tablets, 24's 2 for .36 .15 First Aid Z. O Plasters. I in.x3ft 2for .16 .50 Blauds Pills (100 5-gr.) 2 for .51 .50 Cascara Sagrada Tablets 2 for .51 .25 Phenol Laxative Wafers 2 for .51 .25 Metal Polish, 8-oz 2 for .26 .11 Washing Compound for cleaning clothing with rubbing 2 for .11 This is Oneida Community Silver guaranteed for 10 years. It is stand ard in every jewelry store and as beautiful as it is serviceable. 30c Teaspoons I 2 for31c 60c Tablespoons 2 for 61c 60c Table forks . 2 for 61c 80c Table Knives 80c Salad Forks -2 for 81c -2 Tor 81c Talcum Powders We offer you a choice of 4 of our best selling Talcums for this sale. 25c Rexall Violet Talcum, 2 for 26c 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum 2 for 26c 25c Violet Dulce Talcum 2 for 26c 50c Bouquet Ramee Talcum, perfumed with one of, the most delightful od ors ever created 2 for 51c 1.00 Peptonized Iron Tonic 2 for. 1.01 Tar Shampoo Soap $2.51 Symbol Hot Water Bottle A good moulded 2 qt. price $2.00. This Sale Two for bottle. Regular $2.01 Goodform Hair Nets A hand made Regular price 15c net of the finest real human hair. This hair net is known for its uni form careful se lection. We also offer a little cheaper one for 10c 2for 11c This Sale Id Two for J.OC Cream Oil Soap 2 for 11c : " tf ir" . W". A fine soap for for shampooing and a genuine bargain at this sale. Regular price 25c rs This sale OC Two cake (t 1 V v , ill Fountain Syringe A chocolate rubber moulded Fountain Syringe of 2 -quart capacity, with . three hard rubber pipes. Guaranteed 2 yrs. Regular price $2.50. This Sale TWO 'for $2.51 Toilet Articles and Sundries 2 for .51 2 for 1.01 2 for 1.01 2 for 1.01 2 for .51 .16 2 for 26 2 for 26 $ .25 Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder 2. for .50 .Bouquet Ramee Talcum. 1.00 Lilac Toilet Water 1.00 Wisteria Toilet Water 1.00 Violet Toilet Water .50 Harmony Liquod Shampoo .15 Rexall Toilet Soap - 2 for .25 Klenzo Tar Soap . .25 Violet Dulce Soap 1.00 Bouquet Ramee Complexion Powder . x 2 for 1.01 .50 Alma Zada Comp. Powder 2 for .51 .25 Violet Dulce Shampoo Crystals 2 for .26 .50 Venus Rouge 2 for .51 .50 Syta Complexion Powder 2 for .51 .25 Peroxzone Cream 2 for .26 .25 Hebe Bath Powder : 2 for 26 .35 Cream of Almonds 2 for .36 .25 Antiseptic Tooth Paste 2 for .26 .45 Rexall Shaving Lotion 2 for .46 .15 Powder Puffs .2 for .16 .10 Powder Puffs JL 2 for .11 .25 Powder Puffs .10 Brighton Talcum Powder .35 Harmony Face Powder .60 Cocoa Butter Cold Cream BRUSHES 2 for .2 for 2 for -2 for 2 for .26 .11 .36 .61 .76 2 for .86 2 for .86 -2 for .36 2 for .51 .75 Hat Brush .85c Cloth Brush .85 Hair Brush 35 Leather Brush .50 Tooth Brush . STATIONERY .60 Lord Baltimore Box Paper 2 for .15 Glenwood Envelopes 2 for 15 Ruled Tablets 2 for -.25 Box Asstd. fancy paper napkins (50 in box) '. 2 for .15 Lunch Sets . 2. for .10 Roll Wax Lunch Paper 2 for .05 Roll Wax Lunch paper 2 for .10 Klenzet Rubber Eraser 2 for .05 Klenzit Rubber Eraser 2 for .05 Lead Pencil, Rubber tip 2 for .61 .16 .16 .26 .16 .11 .06 .11 .06 .06 Safety Razors In 1c Sale Here is chance to get Standard razors at half price plus 1 c. $5.00 Auto Strop Razor 2 for $5.01 1.00 Gem Jr. Razor 2 for.. 1.01 1.00 Keen Kutter Razor 2 for 1.01 Quantity Limited OENTAt. CR E M E For the first time this nationally ad vertised dental cream, endorsed by physicians and dentists, is offered in a lc sale. , It makes white teeth healthy and a clean mouth. Large tube 50c For this sale, 2 tubes 51c . Cascade Linen Paper A pound for 1c Cascade Linen is one of our staples.' A smooth finish, easy writing paper in white only. Buy for the future. Regular price 60c pd. For this sale, 2 lbs. (192 sheets) 61c Cascade Envelopes to match. Box of 50, 45c For this sale 2 boxes (100 envelopes) for 46c Cocoa Butter Cold Cream - 2 Jars for 61c This Sale will be held simultaneously at all three stores Oregon City Molalla Canby; Some few items advertised may not be in stock at the branch stores. Candy $1.00 box of Highgrade Chocolates Two boxes for , 60c Bulk Chocolates, best quality Two pounds for 5c chewing gum 5c Smiles : ..$1.01 61c JZ for 6c JZ for 6c Huntley-DraperOrug Go. Stores The E3E Not room in this adv. for all ar ticles on lc sale. Also many spec ially priced items will be found. Come and see for yourself. 3