Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 14, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Pasre 2
Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Weekly News Items
Of Cams Section
CARUS, Oct. 11 Born to Mr. an 1
Mrs. Ed. Hargrieve last week a nine
pound boy.
Miss Edna May Clark, the minister s
daughter of Cams, underwent an oper
ation last Monday for appendicitis and
is reported recovering.
Mr and Mrs. Herman Smidt and
family left Tuesday for Spokane wher:
they will spend a few days visiting
their friends. '
The Ladies Aid met at the home of
Mrs. Cline "Wednesday afternoon with
a good attendance.
E. C. Brown and daughter ElizaboLi
made a trip to Portland last Wednes
day. Ed Hargrieve who has beeD very ill
for several weks. has been improving
untit one day last week he took a re-
laps-.?, and the nurse was recalled.
William and Emerson Edwards fin
ished picking apples at Dufur and re
turned home on Wednesday.
Mr .and Mrs. Gecrge Bli: s were call
ers at John Hughes of Beaver Creek
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs Gwillam's cousin, Mr. Ham
mond, was a visitor at their place this
The Ladies Aid meets with Mrs.
Fred Spangler Wednesday afternoon
October 19 and a gocd attendance is
Friends -from Portland spent Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. Bud WeiEer.
John Davis and Carl Schmeis2r
made a trip to Oregon City on Wed
nesday. Mrs. Otto Frederick spent the week-;
end at the home of her parents ;t j
TJnion Mills.
Mrs. John Calvery and daughter
Mary were Oregon City callers !a-jt
Charner Jones made a trip to Port
land last Wednesday.
Miss Bertha Martin of Beaver Creek
spent a few days with her sifter Mrs.
Nathan Caseday last week.
Mrs. John R. Lewis went to Oregon
The callers at the Hargrieves Sun
day were her father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Dunton, her siEter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eltins. her brother
Victcr Dunton and daughter Wilmn.
Mrs Peter Fanrie and Mrs. George
Bliss and children
Mr and Mrs James Brown and
daughter, Margie of Fortland spent
the week end with Ed and Harry
City to consult a physician regardiLg i (iav 0 Oregon City
Jier eyes which have been giving
trouble for some time
Otto Frederick was a business call
er at Beaver Creek one day last week
Mrs. Tom Davis of Beaver Creek
spent Thursday afternoon at the G- R
Gwillam home.
Mr and Mrs. Lunee Shockley cele
brated their fifteenth wedding anniver
sary last Thursday by taking an auto
trip to Washington accompanied by
their two little daughters. Elizabeth
and Lucille and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
' Cooper of Oregon City.
Carus was well represnted Wednes
day and Thursday in the long waiting
line at the court house in Oregon City,
being the last days for the tax payers.
The Carus prone growers have been
busy hauling their crops to Canby for
shipment. The crop was not as heavy
scs some years but was of a fine qual
ity. Mr and Mrs. Lake Caste of Clacka
mas spent a day with Mr. and Mrs
Harvey Brown recently.
App Jones marketed notatce? in
Beaver Qrek cooperated store last
Mr. and Mrs. John Kline and Mrs.
Harry Brown attended the general con
fernce at Forest Grove Friday and Sat
urday. John Kline was a business caller
at the W. X. Davis farm Wednesday.
Gvilliaiu Gwilliam was a business
caller on Willamette Harris last Wed
nesday. Mrs. Harold Magner is-, in Portland
having her eyes treated.
Two more new scholars were added
to the school last Monday making an
enrollment of 47. .
A group of Carus young folks atter-tl-ed
the moving picture show at Beaver
Creek Grange hall Wednesday even
ing. Mrs. Herrran Fisher and daughter.
Paula and Ruth, motored to Oregon
City last Wednesday.
Mrs- Nettie Jaggar and son Fred
made a trip to Oregon City one day
last week.
Mis. App Jones and son. Adrian, and
her mother, Mrs. Monroe Irish, motor
ed to Oregon City last Saturday.
Mists Erma Caseday spent Sunday
afternoon with Miss Maude O'Leary.
Miss Minnie Edwards spent Thurs
day afternoon with Miss Paula aud
Ruth Fisher.
Mr. and Mr3. Tom McCarthy and
son Richard and Mrs. Albert Schoen
born omtored to Willamette last Fri
Mrs. Shim ille of Oregon City spent
a few days with her daughtr, Mrs.
Lewis McCarthy.
Mrs. Walter Fisher and baby return
ed home from the Oregon City bospiUil
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fonie of Molal-
la spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. George Eliss and family.
Mr and Mrs. Glen Yergers and fam
ily of Butteille were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Spangler last Sunaay.
George Brenner motored to New
berg last Sunday on business.
Jack Irish of Portland spent Sunday
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Monron
Fred Josi and daughter Anna motored
to Oregon City, one day last wek.
Tom Davis of Beaver Creek has sold
his thiily acres at Carus to Mr. Holli-
Clarkes News Items
Of Timely Interest
CLARKES. Cct. 11. W II Bort
miller ud son Kenneth 'were in Ore
gon City recently and bought a wood
saw to cut cord wood for t-iemselves.
Kenneth Botterailler is doing the cut
ting. Fdd Buol dug his potatoes Ir.st wd k
and Mrs. Edd B'lol's sister assisted.
Albert David Lee was in Oregon City
last Saturday.
Henry C- Kleinsmith was in Port
land one day last week.
Edi' Buol sowed jra:n last week a? id
George P. Clarke assisted him. ,
George Grace was in Portland on;
day 'ast week. .
Ralph Caples hauled some lumbi-r
to Oregon City last week for Moahnk-
Bros. sawmill. ..
Ray Jones was in Amity recently
where he owns a piece of land with a
pruni- dryer on it. He dried prunes foi
the people up there.
Jue Swartz. the Watkins man, was
in Clarkes last Friday and Saturday
Mrs. Clyde Ringo end daughter anil
her sister-in-law Mrs. Ernest Berger
and son Robert Berger and. Mrs. Clyde
Rmgo's mother-in-law and Airs Ernest
Berger's mothfr, Mrs. Lizziii Ringo,
were in Oregon city on Friday, Sep
tember 30.
Eil .Mae, a sheep rancher from East
ern Orpgun, took abiut 4000 bead ;f
sheep through clarkes recently to
Fastrn Oregon. He is going to put
them on range for tie winter
Walter Lee and Claude P.ottemiller
were in Oregon City on Sunday, Oct'i-
ber 2.
Theodore Sager and Virgil Cook
wer in Oregon City recently.
sam burn r, our road supervisor.
has a bier crew working on the road
grading the new road around the Buck
ner h?ll and has the rock crusher ready
to crush rock.
Mrs. Ralph Caples was ir. Oregon
City recently.
Theodore and Wilfred Marshall
wen- on a hunting trip to Southern
Oregon and returned again last week.
Miss Mary Bottemiller was in Ore
gon city a week :go last Thursday
uid Friday and visited her uncle A.
S. Kleinsmith ind .amily
Mrs A. V. lUithe was in Oregon
City recently.
Mrs. Herbert Carother and son El
mer visited her grandmother Mrs S.
M. Lee and her brother Walter Lee re
cently. Elmer Rogers, who had blood poison
in h's leg, is abie to be up and around
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Moehnke an.1
daughters, Cartherine and Marguerite,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralrh Caples and
von Robert last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Sager and daugh
ter Grace and son Charles Sager visa
ed Mr. and Mrs. P. Sager's daughter"
Mrs. George P. Clark :ind family ard
Mrs. Clarence Lee avd sons Melvin.
Alvin and Marvin Lee and daughter
Bernice Lee last Sunday
Misses Dora and Pearl Wallace cf
Oregon City visited their parents Mr
ind Mrs. Wallace and family over Sun
Mr. and Mrs R. Bulla rd and son
Norman were in Oregon City i.nd visit
ed their daughters Miss Hazel an
Erma Pullad.
Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and daugh
ters Mary and Mrs. C- Ra'ph, two chi-
dreu Arthur and Vivian Ralph and her
son Claude Bottemiller were Kenton
and Oregon City visitors last Sun
day afternoon.
Miss Polly Trimnii is visiting; her
sister Mrs. John Marshall and family
for a short time.
Charley Ralph is working for W. H.
Mrs Berger is visiting her brother
Albert Durst and family also her son
Ernest Berger and family for a shart
Walter Lee and Claude Bottemiller
spent Friday evening
Cogar of Colton
Osi-ar Hoel from Vancouver cam
cut recently to see, about renting his
farm in Timber Grove to W. H. Wott
laufor. He also visited his nephew
vValter E Lee for a few days.
Walter Xee was ir. Oregon City Ia?t
Sunday evening
Miss Catherii e Sullivan who
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sul
,'ivan has returned to Portland.
Charley Marshall and family went
in town last Sunday evening.
with wnnv,i'iT i i tx XT,,-
By Fall From Horse
Birthday Party Is
Given Hoff People
HOPF, Oct. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Otto
loehnke motored to Portland but
Mr?. F. N. Shaw and daughter To-
Etta visited friends fn Molalla an
thereabouts for a fw days last week
Dr. and Mrs. St wart of Seattlo
Tent a few dayR last week at the
home of Harrie Morehouse.
Mr and Mrs. W. Herman and daurh
ter Mary accompanied by Mr. and Mrs
Uob Sncigrass of Mulino motored to
Eagle Crek Sunday.
A dinner was given recently at tue
home of F N. Shaw in honor of Mrs
I". N' Shaw's, Mrs. O. T . Kay's and
Ruscl. Fausts birthdays. Thoss pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs O- L. Shaw am!
'amiiy of Sandy, Mr. and Mrs O. T
Kay of Molalla, Mr and Mrs. C. L.
Standings and family of Dickie Prairi-,
Mr and Mrs. E. J. Faust and family of
Mulino, Mr. and Mrs F. N. Shaw and
daughter DeBtta and Albert Widner. A
very pleasant time was enjoyed by ill
Miss Mary Shaw spent Sunday with
Miss Kate Bohlandr
Mr and Mrs. W. J Herirau and lit
tle daughter we.- Gregon City visiters
M and Mrs. H. Morehouse, Ruth
reiih. and Dr. and Mrs. Stewart of
Seat le motored up the highway on;1
day last week.
Mr and Mrs. W. H. Parry have maili'
their home . in Vancouver.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Yeoman and little
daughter spent Sunday with the form
or's parents ar Willamette
Mr and Mrs. Sif.Jns and family
npent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A
Sam Route has returned to Beaver
Crek again.
Road Commtitee of
Gives Report
At prices you have been paying for fabric tires
Until our present stock is exhausted to impress on the public the unusual tire
values offered in our new Oregon City store we offer the nationally advedtised,
oversized (Not Junior) Mason Cord, which has never before been offered at cut
prices at the following low prices :
BEAVER CREEK, Oct. 12. Another
road meeting was held Saturday even
ing, primarily to hear the report of the
committee that waited on the county
court requesting a market road. The
committee reported that they had mst
with the court and the prospects were
discouraging, so they asked to be dis
charged. This however was refused
.and the committee instructed to keep
on working until they are given some
satisfaction. It has been, learned thai
more traffic goes into Oregon City
over the road leadir trom Clarkc-3
through Beaver Creek than over an
ether road, and this road is given the
least money with one exception.
After the road meeting adjourned
the house was again called to order
and a Booster Club was organized for
the purpose of working for good roads
or any other matter that may seem
beneficial to our community. John
Schram and John Coulter were elected
chairman and secretary, respectively,
and a committee appotltsd to draft a
constitution and by-laws.
A number of friends gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones last
Tuesday evening to help them cele
brate their first wedding anniversary
Cards were played, Mrs. Lindsley anr
Robert Treynayne winning th prizes
Mr. and Mrs. Jones were the recipients
of and lovely gifts. Included in the
party were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown,
Mr .and Mrs. Steve. Londergan. Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Lindsley, Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Havill, Wm. Jones, Robert Trey
nayne, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones.
Miss Marion Mudgett was visiting
her mother, Mrs. Hannah Hehn, and
friends in Beaver Creek for several
days last week.
Guy Woodard's mother, who has
been staying at his home for a few
weeks, left last Friday to see her
Mr. and Mrs. George Havill and Mr
and Mrsi. Morehouse were Sunday
guests of the T, A. Cornwell family at
Tom Davis has resigned his position
as truck driver for the Co-operative
store on account of his health. Mr.
Mak'nster is now driving the truck.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes went to
Portland yesterday to attend the ban-
cuet given by the Pacific Poultry
Growers Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stewart of High
land spent last Wednesday with Mrs
Stewart's mothers, Mrs. Hehn.
MACKSBTJRG, Oct. 12. The potato-
harvest is about over and the. tubers
have turned out far better than was ex
pected, being in a much cleaner condi
tion than they have shown before for
many years
This is in striking contrast to the
plight in which they were taken from
the, ground last year in the heavy
rain .This year not a drop of rain has
fallen throughout the entire tarvest
Little Milton, the youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Rath had the mis
fortune last week to dislocate one cf
his shoulders. With three other chil
dren he was mounted upon a notably
gentle horse but the animal taking sud
den fright made a swift whirl trowing
all the children to the ground. All
escaped safely except Milton who was
taken spedily to Canby where a physi
cian attended to his injury and put tue
little boy into comfortable shape with
the prospect, of being well very soon.
The Mothers' Club had a very busy
and pleasant session on the afternoon
of Thursday last at the home of Mrs
Abe Hepler. At this meeting the work
was for the replenishing of the club
treasury which has never once been
empty though no fees or fines have
ever been imposed. The only source
of revenue being work for which the
club Is employed.
The next meeting' will be on the
afternoon of Thursday, October 20, at
the home of the club's secretary, Mrs.
G. M. Baldwin.
The typhoid seems to have finished
its course and departed from our
Thursday clearing his property and vis- of the season on Saturday, October 22.
iting relatives, here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar of Wil
lamette visited relatives here Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodge -had din
ner with Mr. and Mrs George Tiede
man Sunday. -
John Kaiser, with a crew of mfen,
dug his potatoes last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jf. Christensen visited
their son Neils Christensen Jr. Sunday.
C. Christensen of Oregon City haul
ed wood for Alec Anderson last week.
Mrs. H. Belding and daughter Mrs.
Clarke motored to Portland Saturday.
Stafford Resident
Loses Valuable Cow
STAFORD, Oct. 1Z. August Delker
lost a valuable milk cow Saturday
last. It was found with a pitchfork
stuck clear through ?nto her lungs.
It is thought another cow pushed her
on to it in a barn the night before. ,
Mrs. Holton and daughter motored
down to St Helens Sunday with
Homer Nussbaura as driver They
accompanied Mrs. I. Q. Gage heme.
who had been up to attend the Oswego
Grange Fair on Saturday. The loving
cup won thifee years in succession by
this Grange at the county fair was In
evidence. It is very beautiful and the
bank of Oregon City who presented it
is remembered with gratitude by every
Mr. Berry has gone to help his
mother on her place for a week or two,
&nd Mabel Oldham stays with nor
Henry Gage is doing nicely at thu
midst. Precautions of such thorough-j Medical hospital on Lovejoy street.
Mr. and Mrs. Cummings and familv
of Hillsdale w'cre visiting their daugh
ters and son-in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Schiewe and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Dess has been taken that the disease
has not spread beyond the Whiteis
home and all the patients there seem
to be well on the road to recovery.
The children are practically wall
while Mr. Whiteis who, for a time, whs
alarmingly ill is fast getting well
Eagle Creek News
Briefs of Interes
EAGLE CREEK, Oct. 12. Mrs
Katie Douglass was the guest of Mrs
Linda Hoffmeister last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson were the
dinre-r-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Gibson Sunday.
Mrs Laura Baumgarten, the school
teacher, spent the week end at her
Portland home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson and
children, of Logan, spent Sunday a
the home of Roy Douglass. They came
to see their new nephew, Wesley God
trey Douglass.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersanous ard
children, motored out to their farm
home Sunday and spent the day.
Mrs.. Viola Douglass of Estacada, is
over this way visitimg' with her sons
nd their families.
Raymond DeShazer is working for
Mrs. Rosa Baker.
Mrs. Ed Douglass and little daughter,
Betty Jean, motored to Gladstone Sat
urday to visit with her tnotner for a
few days.
Mountain Road Items.
farmers of this community are busy
with their fall work.
Sam Moser and son George were
grading on the main road to the Canby
ferry last week.
Miss Vivian Catlin spent the week
end with her parents in Portland.
A crowd of young- folks gathered af
the home of Mrs. J. Bernert and spent
a very joyful time playing cards Sat
urday evening
Postmaster Cook came over our
mail route with Carl Elligsen the rural
carrier- Monday '
N. S. Oldham hauled a load of t'le
for L. S. Koellermeier Monday.
R. C. Scoffen of l'ortland spent last
Portland, and hopes are entertained
that there will not have to be an oper
ation. The West Linn high schcol bus
makes a daily round of about 35 mile
and at present collects about 22
The bridge at Waunkers on the read
to Oswego is open for small traffic',
but not safe yet for loaded trucks.
A woman missionary from India, a
Miss Landis, spoke to the people Sun
day morning and evening.
Dodge News Items
DODGE, Oft,. 10. School opened
Monday, October 3, with an enrollment
of 45 in the two rooms.
David Horner Sr. made a trip to
Portland Monday to attend the Poultry
Association reception held in the nsw
G. W. Keller and Will Kaake made a
trip to the huckleberry patch last week
and brought back 12 gallons of huckle
berries. David Horner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Horner and family vifited with - tie
Cha3. colson family Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. May of Garfield.
Mrs. May is Mr. Keller's niece.
E. Jochinsen is hauling lumber to
build a bridge across Hoop Creek.
Garage Wall Fails
To Stop Motorist
BARTON, Oct. 11. Bernetia Stone,
the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman Stone, who underwent an
operation in Estacada for the removal
of her tonsils, Is now at home and is
reported as getting along nicely.
S. F. Lyons is slowly .recovering
from an attack of rheumatism.
H. G. Knox, of Boring drove his new
car through the garage recently tak
ing a section of the rear wall with him.
The car was brought to a halt in the
cornfield. Mr. Knox escaped without
a scratch on himself or his car.
A gas tank has. been installed at the
new Barton store and Barton motorists
are rejoicing as they now have their
choice of either Standard or Union
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lake were
business visitors in Portland several
days of last week.
It is reported that the Walter Hall
family is again moving into this neigh
borhood. The hunters are busy cleaning and
oiling their guns to have them in read
iness for the first day of the hunting
season. Birds, are fewer this year
than usual.
Lewis Rivers is contemplating build
ing a house on the farm which he re
cently purchased east of Barton.
John Duley has purchased the
Wright property in Boring.
Cy Stone has sold his property in
Boring to V. O- Mendenhall, mail-carrier
on route 1 out of Boring. The
Mendenhall family moving into their
new home and the Stone family ire
moving into the house which has re
cently been erected on their farm on.
the Sandy road east of Bering.
Meadowbrook Items
MEADOWBROOK, Oct. 11. Emilie
Hofstetter is spending a few days in
Portland visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertelson of Oregon
City spent Sunday at the M. D. Chiud-
gren home.
The furnace was put in the new
school building this week which seems
to give satisfaction.
John Saari and family of .Portland
also Elenora Matson of the same place
spent Sunday at the M Matson honii
Ruth and Herman Chindgien and
Alma Lizberg were entertained at the
Melvin Hult home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Floyd, Mr. and
Mrs. Shepherd of St. Johns, Rev.
Weigle from Ridgefield and Rev.
Luecke from Portland were Sunday
isiters at the George Hofstetter.
The Meadowbrook Literary Club is
planning on holding their first meeting
Boring Postmaster
Is On Trip In East
BORING, Oct. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam A. Morand and son Billie are mak
ing a trip east in their car and a tel
egram from Salt L'ake City says they
are getting along nicely. Mr. Morand,
who is the postmaster and druggist at
Boring, left his business in charge of
his niece, Mrs. Andrew Gribble, who
was formerly Miss Iness Knox of this
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duley who re
cently arrived from Montana, are visit
in . Mr. Duley's brothers, George and
John Duley and other friends of Bor
ing where Mr. Duley is -well known 4
having lived here before going to Mon
tana. This is Mrs. Duley's first trip to
the West and was taken on account of
her health. For several week's she has
been undergoing treatments at the-Sell-wood
hospital. If this 'climate proves
beneficial to her health they intend to
make it their future home
New Jennings Lodge .
Postmaster Chosen
(Special). J. P. O'Brien has received
the appointment as acting postmaster
at Jennings Lodge, to rep'ace Mrs.
Elsie Barker, who recently resigned.
Bgnton Ely, who was recently foumf
guilty of selling intoxicating liquor,
was sentenced to sixty days in jail
and fined $50 by Judge Campbell Wed
nesday. The jail sentence was sus
pended and the man given 60 days in
which to pay the fine.
Redland News Items
30x3i Giant Oversize Cord $21.00
32x3 Giant Oversize Cord 28.45
32x4 Giant Oversize Cord 35.05
Giant Oversize -Cord 36.30
Giant Oversize Cord 37.30
33x4 Giant Oversize Cord 41.51
34x4 Giant Oversize Cord 42.95
35x4 Giant Oversize Cord 44.02
36x4 Giant Oversize Cord 44.90
35x5 Giant Oversize Cord 53.30
Giant Oversize Cord 55.70
You never had a better tire on your car at any price. Get yours while your
size in still in stock. '
1117 Main St., Oregon City.
Portland Eugent Salem
Mail and phone orders filled.
Phone 484-W
REDLAND, Oct. 12. B. Watson sold
his place to Mr. Griffith. The Watson
family is moving to Portland.
John Hammond has sold his place
and is moving to Meldrum.
M. O. Rose and County Agent Holt
of Oregon City attended the Farm
Bureau meeting Friday.
Mrs. W. N. Hulse of Portland and
Mrs. Ida Olmstead of Carson, Wash..
mother and cousin of Mrs. H. G. Nevill
spent Friday at the Murray and Nevill
ranch. Mrs. Nevill and daughter Clara
Pearl acompanied them home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr are the
proud parents of a baby boy born at
Portland Oct. 3.
Mrs. A. L. Allen and Mrs. Alice
Harding spent Friday in Oregon City i
visiting with relatives and friends.
Miss Annie Hindle spent the week
end at the Bonriey home.
Mrs. Albert Gerber of Logan spent
Sunday with her mother MrsL Sprague.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and H. G.
Nevill motored to Portland to spend
Sunday at the W. N. Hulse home where
threo birthdays were celebrated: C.
W. Hulse, Miss Jennie Lee and Clara
Pearl Nevill. The rooms wre prettily
decorated in purple and white, the
center piece was a large two layer
cake holding seventy candles..
Many people are busy plowing and
seeding. -
how you'll take to
a pipe and P. A.!
Before you're a da older
you want to let the idea slip
under your hat that this
is the open season to start
something with a joy'us
jimmy pipe and some
Prince Albert!
Because,' a pipe packed
with Prince Albert satisfies
a man as he was never satis
fied before and keeps him
satisfied! And, you can
prove it! Why P. A.'s
flavor and fragrance and
coolness and its freedom
from bite and parch (cut
out by our exclusive pat
ented process) are a reve
lation to the man who never
could get acquainted with a
pipe! P. A. has made a
pipe a thing of joy to four
men where one was smoked
Ever roll up a cigarette
with Prince Albert? Man,
man but you've got a
party coming your way!
Talk about a cigarette
smoke; we tell you it's a
Prince Albert im
sold in toppy reef
bag, tidy red tinxm
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors and in thm
pound crystal glass
humid or uri t h
sponge wnoistener
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds.
Tobacco Co.
the national Joy smoke