Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1921, Page Page 7, Image 7

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(Continued from page 3)
nounced at 10 o'clock on Sunday
'mornings instead of 10:30.
The Women's Club will take up ita
activities again Soon. The first' meet
ing will be reported next week.
The community Sunday school op
ened -at the M. E. church Sunday with
a good attendance and an enthus
iastic spirit that was unusual. A
larger attendance is expected next
Sunday as- a number were out
town who intend being faithful
There is talk of a Sunday school
heinti organized at Sandyridge. A Rev.
Mr. Everett preached in the school
house' there one evening recently.
Tomorrow (Saturday) is Grange day
and a large attendance is desired. Tho
Clackamas Pomona grange will meet
at Springwater on Wednesday, Of.'.
12. James Bell was ' "sporting" arouna
town again recently. Bell is a liv
wire for a man of his age.
The two Beers families were lurel
out 'n the open by the beautiful
weather Sunday and drove to Port
land, returning late in the evening.
Margaret. Nusa of Boring who is
HtteTidinir a Catholic school at Beaver-
ton, was home Sunday She had her
tonsils removed and will have to miss
a few days of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Severin and child
ren of Portland were at Boring Sun
day visiting the former's mother, Mr.
Severin, and the Nusa family. Will
Haley was also in the party
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and Mis
George Tacheron of Gresham visited
Mrs. A. Glockner a few days ago.
Mrs. Eason and children and Mrs.
Miller had a pleasant call at the
' Gesch "home east of town recently.
Mrs. Gesch expects her sister and
husband here soon from New York,
and they probably will locate in Sandy
The little home being built by an
aunt of Mrs. Henry Ridderbush is
nearly completed.
The Ed Wolf family are having a
substantial addition put on their
C. H. Lane and son Dick Lane were
out thorugh this country with the
Watkins remedies the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferrett went
to Portland Tuesday. Mr. Perretfs
cousin from the East was visiting hero
and the Perretts took him over the
most attractive drives of the city, re
turning in the evening.
Alfred Hauglam was in town Sat
urday with his wood saw and was
kept busy all day.
'Alton Phelps from the head works
was in Sandy the other day.
A travelling man all the way from
Missouri was at Junkers recently an 1
said" he had visited small towns all
Ihe way out to Oregon but for celan
liness, "homeiness" etc.. Junkers es
tablishment had them all beat.
Ed Littlepage was in town Satur
day on business, and then drove over
to Bull Run on more business.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ten Eyck,
Miss Rose Ten Eyck and Mr. Lankin
all went fishing' last Saturday and
landed some salmon trout
Mildred, Grant, Ruth, Alta and J.
G. De Shazer went to the fair at
Gresham one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs Carl Wendland and
Mr. and Mrs Ed Gesch drove, over to
Salem to attend the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. George Algire are re
joicing over the recent arrival at
their home of a fine baby boy. The
Algire place was formerly owned by
Mrs. Mack.
C. F. Barber was out for most "t
the week working ajt floral culture o
his acreage east jot town.
Mrs. R B Wilkinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Splawn, of Cottrell, have gone t
Hood River to pick apples.
H. H. Watkins has recovered from a
speli of tonsilitis that got him down
fr. cpvinil lavs. Watkins was to give
a talk at the community council last
Thursday night but was still io
husky. "' "
R. B. Wilkinson ls preparing to
build on his place near the Proctor
farm. He has dug a well and made
other improvements.
Mrs. Lehnfield assisted Mrs. Jack
Scales with some of her "overhead"
collections of odd jobs last week.
The Junker family took a trip to
the city a few days ago to engage
berths and make arrangements for Uie
going away of Mrs. Katie Koch and
Miss Mary Junker.
Gus Dahrens has been feeling under
the weather again and had to stop
work a few days last week. The
trouble seems like the grip, the same
ailment that troubled his the latter
part of the summer.
Mrs. Severin of Boring was out a
portion of last week as a visitor of
the Junker household, and returned
again Monday.
A. W. Bell and Ted Gray went to
Heppner last week to engage in the
trucking business over there for a
short time.
Before going away Alf Bell provid
ed his wife with an electric washer.
HermanKrebs, Charley Krebs and
their mother, Mrs. Marie Krebs, took
a jaunt to Portland one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Elliott drove
to Salem to spend a day at the fair
and (hen drove on up the valley to
o chnrt vis.it a.t the home of
Mrs. Elliott's parents.
Wm Jocelvn took a day off from
' farm duties to attend the Salem fair.
And now Frank Thiess is a full
fiorio-od American citizen and there
are not many "newcomers' adopted by
it t onm xiT"hrt io morp nroud of
UllUie oaui " - -
sr. honored. Fred Proctor and
J. D De Shazer were his final wit
Miss Lillie Jonsrud is getting on
splendid with her training at Eman
uel hospital. This is -tier f econa yeai
Amil Wendland was in town the
othrr nisrht and subscribed for the
Enterprise. . .
Several of the Schwartz family
have srone to Hood River to help in
harvesting the apple crop.
Mrs. A. Kersch went to Portland
for a short visit the last of the week
The miii business has not been
brisk enough for Jonsrud to embark
again since he cinched his contracts,
but ambition seems to be getting the
best of him.
The Jack Barnett family had a
pleasant trip to the Salem fair one
day last week.
Mrs. Jerger of Kelso came to vis,it
Mrs. Henry Perret one day last week.
On Sunday Mr. ami Mm Henry Per
ret and children, Mrs. Scharnke and
Barbara took a drive on the highway
to Eagle Creek where they enjoyed a
picnic dinner. The party visited the
fish hatchery as they returned and
learned about all kinds of fish.
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller accompanied
the Allen family to Portland late Sun
day evening and was their overnight
guest. Mrs. MiHer was also a guest
of Anna Read, president of the Port
land Grade Teacher's Association on
Monday night.
Mrs. James Dixon was in Sandy last
Monday for a short ' visit and shop
ping tour. .
August Hoernicke returned the
latter part of the week from a trip
to Baker where he went to look over
his mining interests.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bosholm and
daughters and Mr. and Mrs. John
Maronay and Richard forgo the
cares of the ordinary worK-a-day on.
world by driving to the state fair at
Salem last week.
J. H. Weewcr, one of our thrifty
pioneers, took the stage for Portland
and then the train to Salem, where
he looked the fair over without any
Sandy's "hello girl Miss Isabel Gray
is going to be missed very much by
the hundreds she has served so faith
fully and cheerfully for so long Her
resigtration took effect Oct 6.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Krebs and fam
ily, Chas. Krebs and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Herman and George Krebs
all had a family dinner party at the
home of their mother, Mrs. Marie
Krebs on Sunday. Herman Krebs was
also among the crowd and managed to
get their share of the nice dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Allen and Dons
were out from Portland on Sunday foi
the day. Mrs. Allen and Doris attended
Sunday School, Mrs. Allen teaching
a class. The Aliens still like Sandy.
W. G. Duncan had to go to Gresham
again and have his leig broken and re
set as the first attempt 'of the physi
cian was not successful. It is hard for
Tw- nntiMn tn be laid un so long with
a family dependent on his labor.
Mr and Mrs J. C- puke and Cecil
nvo went to Camas. Wash, to spend
Sunday with relatives. The Duke's took
little Lillian Perret along as ueir
Tomorrow October 8th is to be the
"sweetest" day in the year according
to Mayor Junker who hasi received cir
culars saying thet western cities and
towns are lined up solidly for "Candy
Day." This day is largely advertised
and everybody is supposed to buy his
sweetheart, wife, mother and children,
on or all, a box of sweets in honor of
the day in order to start off the fail
trade with a "bang."
The renting season seems to have
arrived and George Beers reports th
following tenants secured through his
efforts: -The Zeke Beers farm has
been rented by the Van Lacken family
of Firwood who have been living on
the Walton place. The historical old
Revenue plate i rented bv Win.
O'Neil and several other changes are
Ed F. Bruns head of the Bruns Lum
ber Co. says he has all the lumber
sales he can make so is not especially
caring about tie contracts Bruns
says he expects to put in new machin
ery as soon as he can get time and be
side planers will add wood wcik
machinery so he can turn out all kinl3
of wood work. The price of machinery
; tt;n down to earth again Bruns
says, and with his" new equipment he
will make things hum all winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perret and their
mother, Mrs. George Tacheron, Mrs.
Harry Ott and Miss Marie Tacheron of
Gresham and C. Guy of St. Cloud,
Minn., a relative of the Perret and
Tacheron families, all took a highway
trip as far as Hood River last Mon
day, with Henry Perret car. Mr. Guy
made a short visit here and at Gres
ham the past week.
To have a "shower," be married, go
on a honeymoon trip, go to housekeep
ing and be charivaried all within les
than a week was considerable activi-.y
for Sandy's newest bride. Mrs. Cyril
Gray Monday night there were some
thirty friends of the newlyweds slip
ped in for a charivari, but the bridi
and groom were evidently "suspicious"
for they had preparations made for en
tertainment, and cookies, ice cream
and cigars were passed. Gus Dahrens
brought his violin and dancng was en
joyed during the evening The couple
will now consider themselves "settled"
and take up their new life more quiet
ly than the past week. "
Walter Krebs is quite "pleased" over
the success he fs having with his pure
bred O I. C hogs. He killed four
last week that dressed 120 pounds at
four months and two weeks old, Mr.
Krebs is just getting started in the
"artistocratic" hog business.
Mr and Mr3 James Dixon 'had a"
Sunday visit from Mrs. Ed. Hall of
Portland. Mrs. Hall is Mr. Dixon's sis
ter Mrs. L .F. Sanderson and baby
Bernadine of Petaluma, Cal. are visit
ing Mrs. Carl Alt at the present time.
Mrs. Sanderson is a sister oi Mrs.
James Dixon and Mr. Alt and will re
main in Oregon for two months, and
will visit the Dixon family soon.
Al Backus, brotherinlaw of Chicfo.
Police Shaw who has been working for
Uncle Sam in Montana was here fcr a
short visit last week. He was here 15
years ago and was employed by W. J.
Mr. and Mrs Adolph Dahrens and
children drove over to Sherwood r.iul
Metzgers for a visit with relatives
from Saturday until Monday.
M A Deaton and Alvin Klir.ger,
both formerly of Sandy have purchas
ed n butcher shop at Newberg and
took possession of their new business
October 1. The Deatons moved to New
berg about two weeks ago.
Mips Bertha Hoffman ard her brok
er Reuben drove to Newberg tc pend
Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Deaton.
A letter received from Martha Hoif
rnan who wos called east on account
of the illness of her sister states she
is a very little better, and as soon as
able the physician advises a change of
climate and Miss Hoffman may bring
her fdster out hone with her.
Elmer Glockner fell out of a swing
at the public school Monday and crack
ed some small bones, in his right wrist
and some ligaments. His mother took
him to Gresham and had his wrist put
in splints.
Hazel Dixon was out ot school one
day this week because of illness.
Rev. and Mrs. Dobberful took an
other auto frip last Monday to Scbef
flin where their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
Maas visited their old time friends
Rev. and Mrs. Schaus. The party
drove HO miles on the trip. On Mon
day the same party drove to Govern
ment Camp.
Husband Of Local Woman
Ends Life in Hotel
At Portland
PORTLAND, Oct. 5. Despondency
over a pending divorce suit probably
caused the suicide of G. A Nelson,
29, who ended his life last night by
swallowing poison :n his room at chs
Perkins hotel.
His wife, from whom he has been
separated, lives in Oregon City.
He telephoned his sister a sort
while before and told her he was about
to kill himself. She notified a brother,
J. A. Nelson, 480 Union avenue
North, who rushed to the hotel, but
arrived too late. Nelson died in St.
Vincent's hospital three hours after
taking the poison.
Examination For
Postmaster Set
WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct, &. Civil
service examinations were announced
today for November 12 to elect post
master for Oswego.
Of the Ownership, Management, Circula
tion, Etc., Required by the Act of
Congress of August 24, 1912,
of Ofegon City Enterprise, published
weekly at Oregon City, Oregon, for Octo-
STATE OF OREGON. County of Clack
amas ss.
Before me, a Notary Public In and for
the State and county aforesaid, person
ally appeared E. E. Brodie. who, having
been duly sworn acording to law, de
poses and says that he is the publisher -of
the Morning Enterprise, and that the
following is. to the best of his know
ledge and belief, a true statement of
the ownership, management, etc., of the
aforesaid publication for the date shown
in the above caption, required by the
Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in sec
tion 443, Postal Laws and Regulations,
1 That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing editor,
and business managers are:
Publisher, editor, managing editor, and
business manager, E. E. Brodie, Oregon
City, Oregon.
2 That the owners are: (Give names
and addresses of individual owners or. if
a corporation, give its name and the
name and the names and addresses of
stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent
or more of the total amount of stock.)
E. E. Brodie, Oregon City, Oregon.
3. That the known bondholders, mort
gagees, and other security holders own
ing or holding 1 per cept or more of total
amount of bonds, mortgages, or other
securities are: Bank of Commerce, Ore
gon City, Oregon.
4. That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the owners
stockholders, . and security holders, if
any, contain not only the list of stock
holders and security holders as they ap
pear upon the books of the company but
also, in cases where the stockholder or
security holder appears upon the booRs
of the company as trustee or in any
other fiduciary relation, the name of the
person or corporation for whom such
trustee is acting, is given; also that the
said two paragraphs contain statements
embracing affiant's full knowledge and
belief as to the circumstances and con
ditions upnder which stockholders ana
security holders who do not appear upon
the books of the company as trustees,
hold stock and securities ,in a capacity
other than that of a bona fide owner;
and this affiant has no reason to believe
that any other person, association, or
corporation has any interest direct oi
indirect in the said stock, bonds, or
other securities than as so stated by
6. That the average number of copies
of each issue of this publication sold or
distributed, through the mails or other
wise, to paid subscribers . during the
six months preceding the date shown
above is (This information is required
from daily newspapers only.)
Sworn to and- subscribed before me
this 5th day of October. 1921.
(SEAL) Notary Public for Oreeron.
(Mr commission expires June 19. 1923.)
FOR SALE CHEAP: Top, buggy and
harness. Inquire of George Skoko.
Clackamas, on Harry Blake's oid
FOR SALE CHEAP: Top. buggy and
harness, with shafts and tongue.
Phone 16F21, Clarkamas. Or Route-1.
Bids are invited and will be opened
by ihe County CotH of Clackamas
County, Oregon in the County Cov-it
Room at 1:00 P. M. Monday, October
17th, for dcing necessary grsding and
rock work on whax is known as the
Childs road situated about 2 milos
sunh of Osweeo between Engineer.
Station 2700 and Station 4600. Plan.'
and specifications! may be seen in tho
County Surveyors office at Oregcn
City, Oregon. Each bid must" be ii.
v.-r'ting and shall be accompanied by
certified check 59'- of tho amount cf
"tho bid, as provided in section 4594 cf
Olson's Code.
H. E. Cross, County Judge,
W R. Karris, Commissioner.
W. A. Frootor, Commissioner.
Attest r Fred A. Miller, County Cler,:.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Orogon for the County of Clacka
mas. Delia MacDonald, Plaintiff,
William B. Felts; S W. Harris and
Lydia Coon Harris, his wife; Smith
Harm's and Sarah E. Harris ;. A. A.
Harris, single; Leslie P Robertson
and Nellie M. Robertson, Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
cf and under the seal ot the abovw
entitled court, in ihe above entitle
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the '5th day of October 1&21, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in sai l
niir on the 22nd day of Aueu'st 1921.
in favor of Delia MacDonald, Plaintiff, j
and against William B. Felts: S. W.
Harris and Lydia Coon Harris, his
wife; Smith Harris and Sarah E. Kar
ris, his wife; A. A. Harris, single;
Leslie P. Robertson and Nellie M
Robertson, Defendants, for the sum of
$66:130. with interest thereon at the
rate of six percent per annum from
the 22nd day of August, 1921, and tho
further sum of $75.00, as attorney's
fee, and the further sum of $60.25 co3ts
and disbursements, and the costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate in the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the Northwest corner
of the Southwest quarter of the South
west quarter of section nineteen (13
Township Three (3) South, Range on.s
(1) West of the Willamette Meridian,
and running thenc South to a point
two and a half (2) rods north of th;!
middle of the West line of said tract,
thence -West to a point two hundred
fifty (250) feet west of the East line
of said tract ; thence South two hun
dred fifty (250) feet; thence East tw
hundred fifty. (250) feet to the East
line of said tract; thence North to the
Northeast corner of said tract: thence
West of the Northwest ccrner of sail
tract the place of beginning contain
ing twenty-three und seventy-seven
hundreths (23.77) acres and lying anl
being in Clackamas county Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will,, on Saturday, the
5th day of November 1921; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A M., at th front door
of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S gold coin cash in band, all th
right, title and interest which the with
in named defendants or either of them,
had on the date of rhe mortgage htTein
or since had in or to the above decrib
ed real property or any part thereof1,
to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., October 7th,
1921. j
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of Helma
Gillespie, Deceased.
To Jack Gillespie and Helen Gillespie
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby cited and required to
appear and be in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County ot
Clackamas, a. the county court room
of said Court, on the 31st day of Octo
ber 1921 at the hour of 10 o'clock !u
the forenoon of said -day, then and
there show cause, if any exist, why
Lots 11 and 12 of Block 100 in the
Second Subdivision of a Portion of
Oak Grove, Clackamas County, Ore
gon, should not be sold to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy the claims
filed against the above estate.
Witness the Hon. H. E. Cross Judge
of this Court this 27 day of September
J 921.
. By G. H. Pace,
Deputy Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator of the es
tate of Catherino Morrison, deceased
has filed his final account in the offio-j
of the County Clerk of Clackamas
County, Oregon, and that Monday, tlie
24th day of October 1921, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, in the
County Court Room of said Court has
been appointed by said Court as the
time and place for the, hearing of ob
jections thereto and the settlement
. Dated and first published September
23rd 1921.
Last publication October 21st 1921.
Administrator of the estate of Cather
ine Morrison, deceased.
Attorney for administrator.
In the Circuit Court1 of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multno
mah. x
Charley Grossmiller, Plaintiff,
L. Grossmiller and Pauline Ott, form
erly Pauline Grossmiller, defend
ants. ,
Stata of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
' By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an attachment execution,
duly issued out of and under the seal
of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly direct
ed and dated the 26th day of August
1921, upon a judgment rendered and
entered in said court on the ;:ist day
of May 1921, in favor of Charley Gross
miller, Plaintiff, and against L. Gross
miller and Pauline Otl. formerly
Pauline Grossmiller, Defendants, for
the sum -of $425.00 with interest at
six per cent from the 26th cay cf
November 1915. and the- further sum
of $75.00 with interest at Fix per cent
front May 31st, 1921, the further sum
of $40.60 costs and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situate
in ihe county of Clackan.as, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
, Lets numbered ten (10) and eleven
(11) of Block Six (6) of Ardenwald,
KJlaclvamas County. Oregon.
Now, therefore, b7 virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with th; commands
of said writ I will, on Saturday, th
29th day of October 1921; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City" in said County snd
State, sell at public 'auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for I". S. gold coin cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the with
in named defendants or either of then,
Bad on the date of the mortgage heov
in or since had in or to the above de
scribed Teal property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution" judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing1 costs
Sheriff of Glackamas CP'i5y, Oregcu.
, x - Deputy.
Dated, Oregon CRT, Ore., Sept. 20th
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. "
Mary A. Kelley, Plaintiff,
Lina Vane, Julia Kessler and John
Doe Kessler, her husband, Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execut'on, duly issued out
of and under the aval ot the above en
titled court, in the abpve entitled
cause, to' nm duly directed ard
dated the 6th day of Soptember, 1921,
upon a judgment rendered and enter
ed in said court on the 31st day of
August, 1921, in favor of Mary A. Kel
ley, Plaintiff, and against Lina Vane,
Julia Kessler and John Doe Kessler,
her husband. Defendants tor the sum
of $1683 30, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum from
the Sylst day of August. 1921, and thu
further sum of $150.00, as attorney's
fee, and the further sura of $52.75 costs
and disbursement! and the ccsts cf
and upon this 'writ, commanding ine to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate in the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to
wit: The South East Quarter (S. E- '
of the South East Quarter (S. E. Vt )
of Section Numbered thirty-three (33)
in Township Two (2) South, Range
Seven '.7) East of Willamette Meridi
an. Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, ju-Jignent order and decree,
and Iri compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on .Saturday, the
8th day of October, 1921; at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door
of the County Court House in- tha
City of Oregon City, in said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand
all the right, title and interest which
the within named defendants or either
cf them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interests,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of clackamas County, Oregon
By. E. C. HACKETT, ,
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., September
9th. 1921.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator with will
annexed of the estate of Joseph
Decker, deceased has filed his final
account in the office of the County
Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon
and that Monday, the 31 day of Octo
ber 1921, at the hour of ten A. M. of
said day, in the County Court Room of
said Court has been appointed by said
Court as the time and place for the
bearing of objections thereto and tho
settlement thereof.
Dated and first published Septem
ber 23rd 1921.
Last publication October 21 sf 1921.
Administrator with will annexed of
the estate of Joseph Decker, de-
Attorney for administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas has ap
pointed the undersigned executor of
the Will and Estate of Lydia Ann
Faulk deceased. All persons, having
claims against the said decendent, or
her estate aw hereby given notice
that they Shall present them to the
undersigned executor at the office of
Jos. i. Hedges, Esq., in the Hogg
Bldg., in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from tho date of this nc
tice, with proper vouchers duly veri
Executor of the Will and Estate of
Lydia Ann Faulk, deceased.
Date of First Publication, Septem
ber 2nd, 1921.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Muriel M. Newall, Plaintiff,
vs G. Clifford Newall, Defendant.
To G. Clifford Newall, the above nam
defendant: - .
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this Summons, and
if you fail to so appear or answer for
wan thereof, the plaintiff will applv
to the Courf for the relief demanded
in her Complaint, towit: A decree for
ever dissolving the marriage contract
existing between you and plaintiff, and
for such other relief as the Court
may deem equitable.
ThisSumonins is. served upon yoik
by the publication thereof, once each
week for six consecutive weeks in th:
Orecon City Enterprise, a newspaper
of gsneral circulation, printed and
published at Oregon City, in Clacka
mas County, Oregon, the date of th';
first publication thereof, being Friday
September 2nd, 1921, and the date of
he last publication thereof being Fri
day, October 14th, 1921, all done in ac
cordance with the order of the Honor
abWames U Campbell, Judge of '.h;
above entitlf d court, which order was
made and entered in this cause on tho
31st dav of August, 1921.
Attorney for Flaintiif.
905 Northwestern . Bank Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meysr, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregcn City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M '
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. JOHN I KARNOPP, Plaintiff,
H. F- ONG, Executor of Will and
. Estate of Thomas Prince, Jet-eased;
his wife; WORCESTER BANK &
TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, a cor
poration; HAROLD T. PRINCE and
WILLIAM REES, Guardian of Har
old T Prince, Incompetent; J. S.
MONS, his wife; OLIVE M. DOWS,
B. WHITE, her husband; RALPH
MONS, his wife; WILLIAM L
AMABEL E. HAYWARD, his wife;
HARRY BUCKLE, her husband:
ALLEN POE. Trustees of the
Masonic Homo of Charlton, Massa
chusetts; JAMES DOE. HENRY
ROE and EDWIN POE, Trustees of
the Oddfellows Home, Worcester,
Massachusetts; DAVID SMITH,
WHITE, Trustees of thp Home for
Aged Men, Worcester. Massa
chusetts; MARY SMITH, JANE
DOE and ANNA WHITE, Trustees
of the Home for Aged Women, Wor
cester. Massachusetts; TOWN OF
municipal corporation; KINGSTON
poration; GEORGE H. WARD
OF THE REPUBLIC, a corporation;
and the unknown heirs of Thon-.as
Prince, deceased, and also all oth;r
persons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien os
interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, Deienaanrs
TO H. F. ONG, Executor of Will aart
Estate of Thomas Prince, deceased
his wife; WORCESTER BANK &
TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, a cor
poration; HAROLD T. PRINCE an 1
. MARJORIA PRINCE, his wife,
WILLIAM REES, Guardian of Har
old T. Prince, ' Incompetent; J. S.
MONS, bis wife; OLIVE M. DOWS:
P.. WHITE, her husband; RALPH
MONS, his wife; WILLTAM I
AMABEL E. HAYWARD, - his wife
HARRY BUCKLE, her husband:
ALLEN POE. Trustees of the
Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa
chusetts;. JAMES DOE, HENRY
ROE and EDWIN POE, Trustees of
the Oddfellows Home, Worcester.
Massachusetts; (DAVID SMITH
WHITE, Trustees of the Home for
Aged Men, Worcester, Massa
cbusetts; MARY SMITH, JANE
DOE and ANNA WHITE, Trustees
of the Home for Aged Women, Wor
cester. Massachusetts; TOWN" OP
municipal corporation; KINGSTON
poration: GEORGE H. WART)
OF THE REPUBLIC, acorpcration .
and the unknown heirs of Thomas
Prince, deceased, and also all other
persons or parties ankaown claim
ing any right, title, estate lien or
interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, DEFEND
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby summoned and requir
ed to. appear and answer the Com
plain;, against you In the above entitl
ed suit within six weeks from tho
2nd day oi September, 1921, said date
being the first day of the publication
of this Summons, and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in his Com
plaint 'filed herein, to-wit:
1st That plaintiff be adjudged and
Screed to be the lawful owner and
holder of that certain mortgage ani
the promissory note described there
in, given by The Oregon Home Build
ers, a corporation, on April 15th,
1915. to Laurine Honnes to secure the
payment of Eight Thousand Five Hun
dred Dollars '$8500) payable two
years after date, which said mortgage
appears of record at page 226 in
Volume 107 of Record of Mortgages in
and for Clackamas County. Oregon,
and that the Court determine and de
cree that there is still duo and owing
on account of said note and mort
gage the sum of S?ven Thousand Five
Hundrd Dollars ($75iuV with inter
est thereon at tho rate of eight per
cent per annum from July 13, 192-),
and the further sum of Five Hundred
Hollars ($500) as a reasonable attor
ney's fee for the foreclosure of the
said mortgage,, together with the costs
and disbursements of said suit.
2nd. That plaintiff's said mortgage
be adjudged and decreed to be' a first
lien upon the real property therein
described, to wit:
That certain portion of Sections
numbered Seven (7) and Eighteen
(lSi in Township Two fz) South ;if
Range Two (2) Fast of the Willam
ette Meridian, described as follows'
Bounded by a line beginning at a
stone set in the center of the couuty
road leading from Oregon City to
Portland, where said road intersects
the Northerly boundary line of the
James McNary Donation 'Land Claim,
which point is South 45 West 20S.3!
feet from the quarter Section corner
between aid Sections 7 and IS, there
North 45 East tracing said McNary
claim line "27.35 chains to a stono,
thence North 46 46' West 18 70 chain?
thence South 43 West i'tt.19 chain i
to center of said , county road whers
an iron pipe is driven for a corner,
i hence Southeasterly along ctnter of
county road to the place of beginning.
Commercial, Real Estate and S
PTobate out Specialties. Of
Pce In First National Bank
Dldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of -Oregon City.
Phone 405
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Or.
Farm Loans TJreferred
aver Bldg, Orego" City
containing fift (50V acres, more cr
less, excepting five and five hun
dredths (5.05) acres heretofore con
veyed to Peter Naef by" deed recorded
in Book 60 of Deeds at page 1C6 there
of, which said first described tract
is new platted under name of Hills
dale, situate in the County of Clack
amas and State of Oregon;
as of the date of the recording of said
mortgage, to wit, the 25th day of April,
1916. and tat said mortgage lien be
adjudged and decreed to be prior and
superior to any right, title, interest,
estate, claim or lien which the defend
ants herein may have or claim in said
mortgaged property.
?rd. That the lien of plaintiffs
said mortgage be foreclosed and that
the real property therein described be
sold by the Sheriff in the manner
provided by law for the sale of real
property on execution and that the .
proceeds of said sale, after paying the
cost and expenses thereof, be applied
in payment of ths amounts adjudged
to be due and owing to the plaintiff
en account of said note and mortgagf,
including interest and said attorney's
fees .and the costs and disbursements
of said suit, and that the surplus, if
any, be paid to the defendants accord
ing to .their respective interests as c
found and determined by said Court-
4th That the defendents and all
persons claiming under them be tor
over barred and foreclosed of any
and all right, title, interest, estate,
claim or lien, either in law or in
equity, in and to the above described
mortgaged premises and every part
rherof, saving only the statutory right
of redemption
5th That plaintiff have such ot'n;r '
sml further relief as to the Court may
seem just and equitable.
.Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication thereof pur
suant to the order of the Hon. J. U.
Campbell. Judge of the above-entitled
Court ,made and entered in said suit
on the 1st day of Sepi ember, 1921, di
recting that such publication be made
at least once a week for six consecu
tive weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a newspaper of general circula
tion published in the County ot Clack
a:va? and Stfita of Ovegon
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P. O Address ,1212 Spalding Build
ing. Portland, Oregon. .
First Publication- 2nd cay of Sep
tember, 1921.
Ist Publication: 14th day of Octo
ber, 1921.
Notice is. hereby given that the un
dersigned, has been dulv appointed
administrator of the Estate of Elmer
G. Seely, deceased, by the County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon;
any and all persons having claims:
against the estate, must present thf m
to the undersigned, duly verified as by
Law required, at the office of Win.
Har.'.mond, Oregon City, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of this
Administrator of the Estate of Elmer
G. Seely, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
First publication October 7th, 1921.
Last publication November 4th, 192!.
No. 18200
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, De
partment No. Ernest Smith, Plain
tiff, vs. .Nora Smith, Defendant.
To Nora Smith, the defendant above
named: In the name of the State of i
Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the date of th-'
first publication of this Sumomns, to
wit: Within six weeks from Friday.
September, 16,' 1921, and ?f 3'ou fail to
appear or answer for v ant thereof,
plaintiff wttl apply to th.e above entitl
ed Court for the relief prayed for in
his complaint, to-wit: ,For a Deere-i
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract now existing between you and
This Sumomns is served upon vou
by tf-e publication thereof in the Ori
son City Enterprise, a newspaper o
general circulation, printed and pub
lished at Oregon City, Oregon. The
first publication thereof, being Friday.
September 16, 1921. and the la&t publi
cation thereof, being Friday, October
28, 1921. All done in accordance with
?he order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the ibove entitled Court,
which order was made aid entered of
record in the above entitled cause,
this 14th day of Septembe:,192i:
Attorneys for Plaintirf.
Postoffice Address: 41S Masonic
Temple, Salem Oregon. ,