OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921. Page 3 CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS City Council Talks Important Questions CANBY, Oct. 5. At a regular meet, ing of the city council held in the Canby city hall Monday evening a number of important subjects were brought up for discussion. Among these, was the elctric light system and the water system. As the franchise with the Molalia Electric Light company expires on November 10, the company presented a perpetual franchise to the city coun cil, which was laid on the table. The city has been paying the electric com pany $54 per year for lighting- the streets, and recently the company ' raised the rates to $108. This was not favorably looked upon by the mayor and city dads, and it was then decided to discontinue some of the lights in the city, whereby only those where it was found almost impossible to do wthout them, were left, for which the city was to pay $9. The towns the Molalia Electric com pany is supplyng with a lighting sys--- tem are Canby, Donald, Aurora, Hub bard, Butteville and Barlow. Canby is S..s.ej3 NEWS FOR CANBY AND VI- C1NITY. Any news- for the Canpy edi- & tion of the Oregon City Enter- prise may be left at Hates Real $ Estate office, which will be call- & ed for by Miss " Nan. Cochran Tuesday afternoon will be great- , ly appreciated. If you have any church notices, property sales, parties, lodge news, locals and any other news of interest to the public, these will be gladly mentioned in the $ Oregon City Enterprise. We have a large list in this section of the county, and all are inter- ested in news from Canby and vicinity. $-s-.s.$ United Artisans . Physician Visits CANBY, Oct. 5. Dr. Eshelman, supreme medical examiner of the United Artisans was in Parhv Sat- the largest city being supplied. The urday evening, where he made a city of Molalia is furnished electricity frafernai visit tn ih Wai nnr9ni. by the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. It has been found that the new well to supply the city with water will j flow 500 gallons of water per minute j 1 6 feet below the ground, it is probable j ztion. Several candidates were initi ated into the secrets of the order. Plans were made for changing the regular meeting night. The next meeting1 to be held on tn; third Saturday night of October will George Bliss made a trip to Oregon City last Tursday. . Miss Minnie Edwards made a trip to Oregon City last Saturday. M. and Mrs. Al Linsley and family of Beaver Creek spent Sunday with Air and Mrs. F. Brown aid farjily of Carus. Little Helen Spangler entertained a party of 14 little folks at her fifth birthday at her home Saturday after noon They all had a very nice time. Mr and Mrs. Cu-ry ar.d daughter Reni were Oregon City visitors Sat- urduy. Mrs Abraham Jones of Portland spent a few days with Mrs. Dave Jonfs of Carus last week, j - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisbor at the Oregon City hospital last Monday a daughter, Thelma Angeline. Mr. and Mrs. John Cline sppnt Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown. Willamette Items With Rheumatism that a Centrifical pump will be pur- be In the forffi of mPlPti chased in the near future, one that There n)w oyer 100 members 0 win pump zvv gallons per minute i u j thie OTder R Wg time ig bping. ar city uses arxut ou.vuu gaiious ui wn...-i- ( ranged for the next social evening. per day. I . The council ordered the payment of TVT T Cf - 1 ?100-) for gravel used in repairing C i-'J-dll AS O LJ. 11 J.CI1 street and also the street leading to the fair grounds. As a number of residents of Canby have failed to pay their street assess ments, a notice has been given them that this must be paid this week if they desire to take advantage of the Bancroft bondiDg act. There still re mains about $20,000 not bonded to oe . paid. C. H. Sheldcn, manager of the Hunt-ley-Draper Drug company, has been selected as councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ora Slyter. Mr. Slyter is to take up his residence in Molalia. Canby Pastor Will Attend Conference CANBY, Oct. 5.-vMr. Spulak. son of Mrs Kate Spulak, who resides at their farm near New Era, was stricken with rheumatism while he was engaged in building in .Canby Tuesday afternoon and was unable to move for some time, his entire side having been affected He was able to leave for his home later in the day, and is reported to be somewhat improved. The young man was afflicted several years ago in the same, manner, and soon recovered after visiting a mineral resort. CANBY LOCALS CANBY, Oct. 5. Rev. Boyd Moore, pastor of the Methodist church of this city, left on Wednesday morning for Forest Grove to attend the annual con ference of the Methodist church. The conference beginning on Wed nesday, will convene until Sunday evening, inclusive. Rev. Moore is an officer. - - Mrs. Moore will leave Friday to re main until Sunday evening. During Rev. Moore's absence from church in this city, his pulpit will be supplied by another paster., but there will be no services Sunday evening. W. Terry Is Buried In Zion Cemetery CANBY, Oct 5. The remains of William Terry, of Porilar.d, who diud at the state hospital in Salem Satur day, were brought to Cnby for burial Sun Jay. The funera! services were held from the Nazarene church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and were large ly attended. A minister from Portland officiated. Interment was in the Zion cemetery. Mr. Terry was a brother cf Mrs Thomas Earls, of this city, and had visited here on a number of occasions I before he was stricken VISIT IN VANCOUVER CANBY, Oct 5. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Knight and son, Beauford, Mrs. H. N. Brown and daughter. Miss Margaret, formed a party to motor to Vancouver, Wash., Sunday, where they spent tru: afternoon. They made the trip in the Knight automobile, and among th'; places visited while there was the barracks, which was of unusual inter est to -Beauford Knight, as. this was his visit in a barracks. A NEW ARRIVAL CANBY, Oct. 5 Mr. and Mr-? Bernie Davenport, iormerly of Canby. who have been making their" home la California for some time, are rejaicing over the arrival of a son at the home cf Mr. Davenport's father, James Davenport, of this city. Mr. Davenport was engaged in the jewelry business in Canby a number of years ago. CANBY, Oct. 4C. F. Bates, real estate dealer, of this city, wa3 in Ore gon City on business Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Kate Spulak. residing near New Era. was in Canby Tuesday transacting business. Mrs. Spulak brought a sample of some'of her dried fruit, in cluding Petit plums., Italian prunes apples and other fruits, that were of the finest uaiity brought to the market this season. Mrs. Spulak dried this fruit herself with a dryer of the Cam ily's own make. Last year's crop was larger than this year, but Mrs. Spulak believes that the quality is much better this year. Mr. and Mm C H. Sheldon were Portland visitors Tuesday Miss Lorraine Lee and Miss Violet Evans, of this city, visited in Oregon City Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knight and son, Beauford, motored to Portland Satur day, where Mr." Knight is serving on the federal grand jury. Gilbert Hutchinson, of, Portland, was in Canby on Sunday as the guest of relatives, including his aunt, Mrs. It Soper. Mr' and Mrs. Raymond Pfister, re cently married, whose heme is at Drain, Oregon, .spent Sunday in Canby. While here they visited Mr. Pfister's sister, Miss Viola Pfister who is at tending the Canby high school, and mak.'nr her home at the residence of Mrs. Ella Kocher. Meadowbrook Items 1 R. C Duke Garage f Automotive Electrical Repairing f I 20 Years Experience I ACCESSORIES Opposite Depot Canby, Ore. $,,............................................,................. J CANBY OREGON CITY Stage Time Table STAGE LEAVES 5 MINUTES BE FORE SCHEDULED TIME WEEK-DAYS i MEADOWBROOK. Oct. . Mabel Dunrud who has been working in Port land the past year is spending a few days with hor p-irei ts Air and Mrs. P. Dunrud. Roy Sullivan returned home Thurs day from Salem much improved where he has been taking treatment of a doctor. The Siler family of Union Mills spent Sunday at the Chindgren home. Week end visitors at the George HotVtetter home were He-rmen, Deria and Edna Offel and Lillian Marsmanu cf Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Young and daugh ter Ruth Helen spent a few days this week visiting relatives in Portland. School started Monday October 3rd, with an . enrollment of. about thirty five, Ruth Chindgren of this place principal and Alma Lizberg of Oregon City, primary teacher. Alfred Johnson who has been mak ing his home with his neice. Mr3. M D. Chindgren, for the past year left for a three weeks' visit to Nebraska Sri-day. Lt. Canby Lv. Ore. City 7:25 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:55 a. m 11:00 a, m. 12:55 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 5:00 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS SATURDAY 2:55 p. m. 3:35 p. m. 6:T5 p. m. 7:00 p. m. SUNDAY Lv. Canby ' Lv. Ore. City 7:5 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 9:55 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 12:55 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5:15 p. m. 7:00 p. ni. 7:55 p m. 10:45 p. m. Carus Items CARUS, Oct. 3. Mr. and Mrs Fre.l Henrici and son Lloyd of Portland were guests at' Mr and Mr. Lunco Shockley Monday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn and family and Mr. and Mrs.' Herman Smidt and family spent Wednesday ' the state fair. Mrs. Dave Jones and Mrs Abram J Jones of Portland 3pent Tuesday after Inoon with Mrs. L. Scockley. j After the rain we had the farmer are row very busy digging their potatoe.?. Fare 25c I LESLIE V. GRAY I JEWELER High Grade Jewelry at Reasonable j Prices. ! FINE WATCH REPAIRING I CANBY, OREGON tiiiiiiniMMHiiituinmiHiiiiiiiiiniuiHHHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Willamette W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. C. B. Wilson last Wednesday, for the election of offi cers The following officers were elected. President, Mrs McArthu.-, vice president, Mrs. DeBok; secretary, Mrs. Casey and treasurer, Mrs. Ream. Helen Wallis of Willamette, was one of the lucky ones at the county fair when she won first prize in the can ning contest, Beulah Snldow another Willamette girl won third prtze in the same project. Ruby Hogan of Bol ton won fourth prize. All three girls are students of the West Linn High Among those attending the Sells Floto circus in Portland Tuesday were Mrs. Fred Baker and sons Mat ion and Kenneth and Mrs. Ewald Leis man and sons Richard and Marshal, Mr. tnd Mrs. J. A. Ream, Sr., and their grandson, Norman Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornberry. Jack Kanney and Jessie Beal were visitors in Portland Tuesday. Mrs. B. F. Baker and daughter Gladys of Willamette returned tt; their home Sunday after a four weeks visit to their friends in Independenc". A very enjoyable party was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Baker Fri day evening in the form of a Sewing Bee. everyone brought their sewing and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Those attend ing were: Mrs. Frank Shipley, Mrs. J. A Ream, Jr., Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. Robert Young, Mrs. John Raush, Mrs. Albert Adamson, Mrs. Ewald Leisman and Mrs. Fred Baker. The Willamettei Ladies Aid held a sliver tea innrsaay at me nome ui Mrs Ed. Carpenter. Those present were: Airs. Silverman, Mrs. sutton, Mrs. Fromong, Mrs. Dollar, Mrs. Dav is, Mrs. Gary, Mtsl Leisman, Mrs. Ewald Leisman, Mrs. Ream, Mrs. Wal lis, Mrs. Prawl, Mrs- Casey. Mrs. Kath erine Davis, Mrs. Adamson, Mrs. Jun ken, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Bennett, Gladys Davis, Everett and Margaret Gary. Donald and Ken neth Ream, Richard and Marshall Leisman, Joe Bennett, Lawrence Dol lar, Billy Tuor, Chester and Frances Carpenter. Salad, sandwiches,' cvf lac and cake were served by the hostess asisted by Mrs. Adamson and Mrs. Junken Mr. and Mrs L. W. Porter, Joyce Mercer and Berns Britton motored to Portland Sunday evening and attend ed a show. M.rs. John Nowak; and daughter. Janet who have been visiting Mrs. Nowak's mother at Bayocean, have re turned to their home in Willamette. Jriln Casey, who works on the rail road near Tillamook, visited n:s friends in this place Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Angel of Frog Pond, visited at the home of Mrs. Leisman Monday. Members of the Willamette Ladies Aid, will give a food sale at the church next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shirley and children, Howard, Frances and Au drey, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Frog Pond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Everett Downey and children, Virginia and Walter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Joe GUriey for dinner Monday evening. Fwald Leisman will operate his bus from Willamette to the Salem Fair grounds Saturday Many ot th Willamette folks are planning on attending. BHflELD IS Oil TRIAL; NO DELAY GIVEN PRISONER CAREFULLY DRESSED FOR EVENT Defense Loses Attempt For Postponement; Motion Is Overruled ROSEBURG, Oc;. 5. The trial, cf Dr. Richard M. Brumfield on the in dictment charging him with the mur der cf Dennis Russell on. July 13 is lo proceed without delay. Selection of a jury to try the den tist was begun at-10: 30 o'clock" this morning. This action followed denial by Judge G. G. Bingham of the defense's mo tion for a continuance of the case un til October 24. Judge Bingham held that no assur ance that Dr. C. S.'Mahood, health of ficer of Calgary, Canada, and called by the defense as one of its main wit nesses, would be present at the later date, had been given the ccurt md that Dr. Mahood is without the juris diction of the court, making it impos sible to bring him unless he comes voluntarily. Dr. Mahood examined Brumfield following the dentist's ar rest near Calgary. Attorney Rice made a plea for tb continuance and this plea was oppos ed by District Attorney George Neu- ner Immaculately dressed in a bhie serg? suit, shaven and with his hair trimmed, on the advice of his at torneys. Dr.. Brumfield entered th courtroom here at 9:50 this morning Sheriff Starmer. Jailer Hopkin3 and Speciai Deputy Sheriff Kipp-il guarded tho prisoner as he entered and sat near him in the courtroom. At torney Rice asked Starmer to keep his deputies from crowding urumfiell too closely. Mrs. Brumfield made her appear ance in court a few minutes later, tak ing a seat beside her husband. Judge Bingham entered the court room at 10:04 o'clock and Constable Dillard at once opened court. SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Wedding Bells Ring For Happy Couple SANDY, Oct. 4 Although not unex pected, the wedding of Miss Marguer ite Klein and Cyril Gray was a sur prise as the announcement was not made until the day before' the wed ding, which occurred , Wednesday, September 28, at Gresham, Father Bruenagel officiating. The witnesses were Miss Isabel Gray and Alex Gray. The happy pair left by auto immediat ely after the ceremony for La Bam, Wash., with Mr. Gray at the wheel, lo spend a few days with Mrs. Gray's homefolks. The newlyweds returned the first of the week, locating on the Bonnett place. Miss. Isabel Gray and Mrs. Scales gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Klein at the Scales home the evening before the wedding, and a profuse ar ray cf beautiful gifts delighted the bride. The guests also brought delic ious refreshments and a delightful cc social time was enjoyed. The following guests were present: Mrs. Harry Reed, Mrs. Adolph Dar hens, Mrs. George Beers, Mrs. August Hoernicke, Mrs. Gus Darkens, Mrs. R. Ditters, Mrs. Julius Strue, Mrs. E. Beers, Mrs. Ed Wolfe, Mrs. Erjteat Harris, Mrs. W. Bosholm, Mrs. R. E. Esson, Mrs. George Perret, Mrs. J C. Duke, Mrs. A. W. Bell, Pauline and Margaret, Mrs. Henry Perret, Mrs. C. Scharnke. Mrs. Will G'arow, Mrs John Maronay, Mrs. -J. M. C. Miller, Mrs.- Hennessey, and the Misses Lulu tftldy. Bertha Hoffman, Mary Scharnke Mary Junker, Isabel Gray and Mildred Bosholm. mark of appreciation of his services the past year as pastor of the church and a fellow worker in - the community. The fund was raised among members of the community as well as the church attendants and members; which tells of the high esteem in which Rev Cotton is held. Rev S. F. Pitts of Cottrell . will preach in the Sandy M. E. church on Sunday night, October 23 Mr. Pitts is a splendid speaker and has a fine, congregation in his home community. Miss Mabel Erdman spent the week end with home folks. Chaa Krebs of Sandyridge had din ner at the Erdman. home a few days ago. Mrs. B. Kinnel and three children of Lents spent Sunday with the M. Mowrey family. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine of Portland I spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs Mowrey and family. Mrs. Maurice Mowrey called cn Mrs. Peterson for a isit Saturday. SANDY SCHOOL NOTES The Parent-Teacher meeting which was postponed last week will be hell tonight, Friday. Kenneth Proctor proved himself tho "man of the hour" last Friday when he took charge of the pupils in his room after Mrs. Tillman went with Miss Lippold to Portland. Wisconsin People V lSltinff On CoaSt Miss Margaret Miller heard Miss " I LdPDOld'a fI acirpq whilti ctiA M'ac uk. sent on her sad mission. SANDY, Oct. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jonne Shelley has recovered from Maas of Milwaukie, Wis., have been a 10-days illness and started to school visiting Rev. and Mrs. Dobberful and again a few days ago. family for several days. Mr. Mass is Walter Dobson has been employed an uncle of Rev. Dobberful, and he to do the janitor work at the M K. and Mrs. Maas spent three weeks on ! church. their trip, which is the. first time j they have been to the coast. They I are delighted with the western scen ery and country, especially after tak ing the Columbia Highway trip. Rev. Frances and Gertrude Meinig cam's home Friday evening from O. A. C-, returning Sunday evening The girls made out monthly statements for thei- father on Saturday, so they proved and Mrs. Dobberful drove their guests very useful as well as loving horns beyond Hood River, covering l3- visitors. The girls are boarding at' miles in one day of sightseeing. Mr. and Mrs. Maas will return east via the southern California soute. Father of Teacher Jury Disagrees In Berquist-Wade Case After neariy six hours deliberation, the jury in the civil case . of , Albert Bernuist versus H C. Wade and wife and A J. Bockhold. disagreed Tuesday night, and wag discharged J. U Campbell without a verdict The case .for $1000 damages, was broight upon the allegation of -misrepresentation in the sale of pr perty, the plaintif! claiming that the defendants who sold him a piece f land represented ir.at they wourt build a road to connect it with the county road, which they had no inten Uon of doing, and which was nevrr done . The jury, composed of P. E Bonney. lohn Ely, F. W. Wanker, Fred C. Bartholomew, Miles Deakin, John Heinz, Wm.' A Rankel, H 11 . Each man, J. A. Wall and J. M. Hollowell proreeeii to try ihe case upon the consent of counsel to only 11 jurors Tney went out at 3.1:, and were dis charged at 9 o'clock without bringing a verdict Neighborhood Party Ail-Night Affair SANDY, Oct. 5. There was a ncigh boriiood party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell Saturday night thaj was .greatly enjoyed by all thoise present, the festivities lingering till 8 o'clock the next morning A midnight lunch of ice cream, cake, sandwiches and coffee was served. Those playing the dance music were John Mitchell, Airs. A. Bedenstein, John Dickery, and Mrs. W. F. Strack. Dorothy Mottingly and Desiree Strack played and Dorothy and Martha Snedden sang. Mrs. Beden- Shepherd's Hall at present. H. Richards of Boring was out here taking pictures of the school during the week. Ellen Hall, a member of the Kelso school poultry club, took fifth prize Passes at Salem at Athe Tnty jah on, he,r. ,!ucsl been absent the past week on account SANDY, Oct. 3. The sudden death of colds and other ailments. of Miss Lippold's father at Salem I Miss Ivy Ten Evck writes from the cast a gloom over the high school Oregon "U" that everything is fine student body here. Mr. Lipr.0ld fell there and she is delighted, though from a tree and was. killed fast Fri- busy day morning. Miss Lippold is the assistant high school principal. The students order ed flowers sent to Salem in time for the funeral. The entire community is Albert Wilkins was out home Sat urday and Sunday. He is attending an aviation' school in Portland. Miss Jean Proctor has chosen com merce for her special work and en- expressing sympathy for Miss Lip- tered the Behnke-Walker college t pold in her bereavement. Old Rock Crusher Is Being Replaced SANDY, Oct. 3 Another rock crusher is being put under the Meinig hill as the first one did not prove satisfactory, A new crusher is also being built at Cedar Creek, near tho ctaiii and T Pno ' V o yid A Ailfrann I 1 I n l a. .. . l j I . ah. pmuo. 11 me urauier the Parent-Teacher meeting were ine .eti rioe. Mariiia oitfuutiii Portland last Monday. Wayne Duncan had to be out of school last week on, account of hav ing his tonsils removed. The party planned for the initation of the Freshmen of the high school was postponed last Friday night on account of the sorrow that came to the assistant. Miss Lippold. Miss Margaret Miller, high school principal, went home for the week end as both the high school party and sang. danced the highland fling; and among other entertainment numbers was a jig dance by Mr. Anderson. Beside the Mitchell family the fol lowing were present: Mr. and Mrs. Mattingly and' Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Lehnfield, Mrs. E Coleman and two children, Mr. and Mrs August Beden stein, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn, Mrs. W. F Strack and three daughters, Mrs ArmFtrong, Mrs. Ed. Williams and chil dren. Miss Helen Nelson, Miss Martha Sledden, Herbert Armstrong, Carl Kubitza, Ed Hein, P. Peacock and A-Anderson. Farewell Party Is Given Littlepages of the week. LEAVE FOR SOUTH Jury In Stephens , Case Cannot Agree CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced bv constitutional conditions. and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall s Catarrli Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine wasi prescribed by one cf the best physician in this country for years. It is composed of some of tho bejst tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. Tha perfect combination of the ingredi ents in Hall's catarrh MeGicine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrh conditions. Send for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. -Adv. Seven hours deliberation failetf to find a -rdict in the case of the state versus W. J. Stephens. Stepheris, en trial in the circuit court, was charged with improperly operating a motor vehicle. He wh the driver of one of the machines in a smash n the highway three months ago which resulted in the serious in jury of Mrs. Will Wright The jury, which was discharged by Jude Campbell at ten o'clock last night after they failed to agree, was composed of J, J. Davis, Miles Deakin, J. A Wall, D. C: Ely, Fred C. Barthol nmew, John Heinz. Sidney E. Smith. Henry Bickner, John C. Pusch, W. K Logis and J. M. Hollowell Stop at our new I BOYLE-DAYTON 5 gallon pump. Honest measure. Lent Bros. Garage I CANBY, OREGON Chief Counsel For Fatty" Quits Cage 641 LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. 5. Frank E. Dominguez made public a letter to day addressed to Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbnckle, announcing his withdrawal as chief counsel in the defense of Ar buckle against charges of manslaugh ter at San Francisco in connection with . the death of Miss Virginia Rappe. actress, following-a. rarty at the Hotel St. Francis in San Frru-cisco. LUMBER See Moehnke Brothers for prices on all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Dry Shiplap. Deliveries made promptly if taken in truck loads. Phone Beaver Creek 1-55 or 14-35 Address Moehnke Bros. Hoff, Oregon, Rt. 1 IIHttllMlftMtttim SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5. Arraign ment of Arbuckle on a police court charge of manslaughter, one of the two such charges pendinjg against him. came up today in the court of Superior Judge Louderback and was continued until Friday. Large Plat Near Gladstone Filed SANDY, Oct. 5. The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Littlepage gave them a farewell surprise party last Sunday evening . The evening was spent play ing games and cards and at midnight a fine lunch .was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Ed. Littlepage and son Ray, Mr. ami Mrs. Gus Finger and Richard, and Ray mondt Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sitz, Clara and Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Her man and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suckow and sons Richard and Milton, j Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zogg, James Bell, Thomas Macho. Henry Gherke, Lou GherKe, Henry WiOmer, Will Widmer, the Misses Pauline, Barbara, Amelia and Lillian Zogg, Miss Capell, Theo dore Zogg Portland guests were Mr. and Mrs. Capen, Edwin and Albert, Mr. anT Mrs. ' Mickelson and little Jean and Frank M. Mulkoy. Mr. and Mrs. Litrtlepige expect to move to their new home at Kelso th's week. Community Council Meets at Cottrell good gravel will soon be rushed on called off for Friday night. the Sandy-Cherry ville road. The AHiiiin rsrnrhinn h iivnmiimr nno Malar fill was being rushed the fijst of most prominent theatre build ings in San Francisco and Is also at tending night school there. A little house is being built at Brightwood for the teacher, which makes her very happy as she had no place to live. Mrs. Buckley, county school sup ervisor, was at Eagle Creek Tuesday, and also expected to visit the school at Sandyridge. She has already vis ited 27 schools the past month. There are only 12 pupils enrolled in the Marmot school. Lillian B. Ten Eyck is principal. The enterprising di rectors think these 12 are entitled to as good a school as any in the county. When school opened the pupils looked on 40 feet of new blackboard. the desks and all other furniture had been varnished until everything look ed new. A new 5-foot bookcase fills one corner where primary supplies, extra books and the phonograph are kept In the back 'of the room is a sand table for the little ones and a read:'ng table for the larger one3, and a sectional bookcase for the 100 vol umes of the school library. The win dows are "homey" with sash curtains and red geraniums' in full bloom stand on the shelves. The school is amply provided with charts, maps and globes. In the play shed which was built last year are two turning bars, and two sets of rings. This school has an unusually attractive yard and a beautiful view of the sur rounding country. SANDY, Oct 3 Mrs. Katie Koch, sister of Mayor Junker and Miss Mary junker left today at 4 o'clock for Port land where they took 'a night train for San Francisco. They will visit a brother-in-law of Mayor Junker, Louis Schafer, who crossed the ocean the same time that Mrs. Koch came to American Mr. Schafer was a. small boy at that time. After a visit at San Francisco Miss Junker expects to go on to Los Angeles to visit Miss Akin, a former Sandy high school teacher. SURVEYORS BUSY SANDY, Oct. 3 County Sureyors have been running lines the past week on the new market road which will run trom Estacada to Firwood ana then merge into the highway. The market road will cross on the corner of J. D. DeShazer's pasture. The first survey was made through his field. FUNERAL SET A plat, covering 93 lots of approxi mately 9 acres each, was filed with Recorder J. G. Noe Weinrsday. The Oregon Iron and Steel Company are the locators of the property, which is an addition to Bryant Acres, locate in Sections 7 and 18, T2, SR1E, which is about a mile northwest of Gladstone. The plat is laid off for sale as res idential and smu.ll tract sites. SANDY, Oct. 3 At the lecent Com munity council meeting at Cottrell Rev. cbtton was elected president, Mrs. "Van Fleet secretary and Joe Caldo third member at large. The reports from the four committees were approved. The Home Life Com mittee recommended that more enter tainment in the home be provided by th parents. They also urged more music in the home. A study class along mal-nutrition lines was urged, and home economics, child welfare and labor saving de vices were lecture subjects that were referred to the county agent with the hope they would be included in the famrer's week program which, will be held at Gresham next January. The committee on better farms was urgad to cooperate with the farm br. reau. . The better schools report recom mended consolidation of districts and was referred to the Parent Teacher for discussion. For better churches the commit tee suggested better preachers, bet ter attendance, more bible study and suitable buildings. SANDY, Oct. 5. A letter has just been received from Miss Elsie Lip pold, at Salem, assitant high school teacher that the funeral of her father was to be held on Thursday. Relatives were expected to arrive from the East in time for the. service3. Miss I-ippold said her father evidently had an at tack of heart trouble while in a tree gathering walnuts, which caused him to fall to his tragic death Miss Lippold will take up her school work again next Monday. In the mean time Miss Margaret Miller, principal, will look after Miss Lippold's classes. SANDY LOCALS MARRIAGE IS SURPRISE Watch Is Presented To Rev. Earl Cotton SANDY, Oct. 3 Aafter Re. Earl Cotton finished his sermon last Sun day morning at the Pleasant ' Home Methodist church he was surprised by Barry Bickford taking the floor and asking for a "hearing." Mr; Bicfc ford proceeded to present Rev. Cot ton with a handsome gold watch as a SANDY, Oct 5. Word was received this evening that Miss Bina Douglass of Eagle Creek and Will Pell of Sandy ridge had surprised their many friends by quietly slipping over to Hillsbcro and being married Tuesday. The couple are expected to return in a few days. Deep Creek Items SANDY, Oct. 3 More interesting personal events have been happew ing at Deep Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen have re turned home from Illinois where they visited for some time. Mr. Hansen's mother, who is 80 years of age, re turned with them and stood the trip well Mrs. A Smith and Esther Ander son spent Friday afternoon at the lv Erdman home. Mrs. Erdman has bean on the sick list. The J. M. Anderson family are en joying a newly purchased Ford which they find very useful. a Mr. and Mrs. George Gollings and son Melvin of Ridgefield, Wash., spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with the D. Erdman family. Mrs. Gol lings is Mr. Erdman's sister. Chester Richey is now employed a't the Oregon Worsted mills in Sell- wood, i ' Miss Esther Erdman returned home last week from a trip to Tillamook and reports; a fine time. Mrs. Ernest Hoffmeister spent rew days of the past week in Port land - Harry Henriksen of Portland came out recently to look after his farm. The quarterly meeting of the Lu theran church was held on Sunday. There was regular preaching services in the morning and an afternoon meet ing of the Ladies' Aid and ; the vot ing- members was helfl. Rev. Earl Cotton left on Monday for Forest Grove to attend the annual conference of the Methodist church. It has been requested that the Sandy Sunday school hour be an- ( Continued on page 7) uiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii: 1 MbB '35 I TECHNICAL 1 KNOWLEDGE 1 PRACTICAL 1 EXPERIENCE 1 and CONSCIENTIOUS 1 SERVICE 1 Produce Good RESULTS E Charges Reasonable. 1 Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 505 Main St., Oregon City. E Opposite Postoffice Lenses ground while you wait. E Hmiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimuiiiiimimimiiir: