Oregon city, enterprise, Friday, October 7, 1921. Page 2 NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and. Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. New Barns Built Around Macksburg MACKSBUKG. Oct. 3. The nnch of of Cas. Nebo was sold a few months ago is now occupied by its new owner. Mr. and Mrs. Nebo arc-, settled in Portland having with them their two little granddaughters, the children of their daughter, Mrs. Maude Spencer. Leonard Nebo, an ex-service man, has entered the agricultural school at Corvallis. Mrs. Maude Spencer and Miss Julia Nebo are employed in Astoria. Eldo Miller has finished his work in Eastern Oregon and tas gone to Hood River to work in the tapple harvest before going to L.os Angeles with his father to help in putting up their new building in that city. The high price of timber, while it may retard does not wholly suspend building in our place as the commodi ous, new barns of Ernest Bixel, Will Edsall, Frank Brush, Mrs. Sutherland and Henry Keil can attest. The Sutherland Building, the former home of the Red Cross, is n.aring com pletion as the dwelling of Mrs. Suther land and her children and makes a de cided improvement to that part of oar place. Mrs. Kate Seward, who lias been a! Eent for most of the past, year, ha come ome and is making important improvements on her place. , So any of pur people have improved the charming weather for a motor trio 10 the state fair it would be impossibly to name them all. A few cases of typhoid fever have broken out in the vicinity of te Ey scHool. It has been thought best to bave each pupil bring hip supply ot drinking water from home till th-3 eeool well shall have been found free from taint. The Mothers' Club is to meet on Thursday afternoon of' the present week at the home of Mrs. Abe Her-ler. Boy s of Hazelia Invited to Chorus HAZELfA, Oct. 3. Mr Whitney or ganized a vnir. of the Whitnej Hoys Chorus at Oswego Tuesday night at the Congregational church and Hazeli 1 boys are cordially invited to join Oj wego in this unit. Tuesday night viy be tlie regular practice night at Osc go. The place of practice will be given in Hazelia items .This is a chance boys id participate in the biggest b-.;-s chorus in the United States This unit ! will be under the direction of the Con.-! munity Singing club of Osv-ego. Thf. ladies of Haze!ia met at the i borne of Mrs. Christiansi n Thursday afternoon to start a "Community Quilt." They all brought calicos and a part of the good lunch served, ana thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon in sewing and discussed the possibility of making Thursday a regular Com munity Day. The next meeting wiil be at Mrs. Jim Zwineya Thursday, October 13. Every lady in Hazelia is cordially invited. Anton Neilson is under the doctors care at present, being put under a spec ial diet. Mi. and Mrs. Allen Ranker of Oswu go spent Sunday at "Bonnie Brae'" farm Mr. and Mrs-. Geo. Wilson wer-.: pleasantly surprised by a sbort vit-ii from old neighbors from Yankton. .3. Da., who were on their way thru to California by auto They also visite-I Jean Wilson at Corvallis. Mr and Mrs. Fred Lehman and yr and Mrs. Frank Whitten attended ? Salem fair Thursday. im 1 II U n Tuesday, Oct 11, at FRANK CAR ALL FARM 1 Mile North of Buckles Store WILLAMETTE, OREGON SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON 1 Gray Team, 5 and 6 years old 1 Deering Mowing Machine 1 Holstein Cow, fresh in 8 weeks 1 McCormick Hay Rake 1 black 3 year old cow, fresh in j Potato Digger November, 1 5 year-old Beef Cow 2 Heifers, 16 mo. old, fresh in April. 1 8-weeks-old Heifer Calf 1 White Sow 3 Hampshire Sows 1 pure-bred Hampsire Boar 7 Pigs, 3-weeks-oId 1 Farm Wagon 1 Wagon Box 1 Wood Rack 1 14-in. Steel Plow 1 14-in. Chilled Plow 1 10-in Chilled Plow M. A. RATAEZYK, Owner John Kiser, Auctioneer. -) Terms: Cash. Peterson Home at Barton is Burned BARTON, Oct. 4. The borne of Mr3. Peterson, who lives about a mile anil a half east of Barton burned to the ground Monday morning. A small tiro started in the paper roofing which was extinguished by two passing men whom Mrs. Peterson called to her aid. A little later the fire again started and the crew from the county gTavel pit which is near the Peterson homo rushed to the place but the smoke was so dense they were unable to save more than a few pieces of furniture Mrs. Charles Loney visited relatives in Oregon City on Frida3r of last week. Mr .Bowler is starting into the chicken business on a small scale. He has purchased some thoroughbred Buff Leghorns. Mrs. Sherman Lyons of Greshaui and her daughter, Mrs. Lela Ewing cf Portland were visitors at the C. White head home last Friday. Mrs. Wallace Utting of Portland is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ban Johnson of Boring Mr. Utting is re turning from Alaska and they expect to make their future home in this part of the country. ,- S ..E. Lyons, the brother of Mrs. Whitehead Is suffering from an at tack of rheumatism. The Bowler . family recently enter tained their brother-in-law and his wife whose home is in California. Tiie J. Pederson home is being treat ed to a new coat of roof paint. Jean Larson, the small daughter of M,r. and Mrs Ed Larson, who has been suffering with spinal meningitis, re turned from Portland last week where f he has been taking treatments at one of the hospitals Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanee of Portland visited friends in Barton and vicinity last week. They expect to leave for their new home in California .on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. McCarter of Greshani are camping across the railroad track from the stores and Mr. McCarter is haul ng gravel for the county. Ed. Bates left for Heppner last Tu-?s day where he intends tc work on strueting bridges for several months Mr and Mrs. Hoffman of Iowa, the latter a sister of Mrs. Horger spent one day recently as visitors at the Horger home. Among those from Barton who et; oyed a trip to the state fa-'r were 'Air. and Mi's. Horger and Calvin, Mr. an J Mrs. A. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. L. Lake. An eight pound boy has arriveu 5n Barton to make his future home at 'e wmteneacv residence. He has heen n our midst three weeks and so grown m "r estimation that the list ot ortiin- ry names is exhausted and none wore found quite good enough. Mr. and Mrs. Jena Pedersen spent Saturday in Portland. Mountain Road Items. MOUNTAIN ROAD, Oct. 5 Quit" n number cf people from this district attended the state fair last week Mr. 4and Mrs M A Schuster from Portland were guests c-f Mr. and Mr; John Kaiser Saturday and Sunday. y'r and Mrs. C- R- Eiseie and Walter Sch.itz spent Saturday evening with the Hodge family. Mr and Mrs. Rey Scoffen of Lents vi;ted relatives he-re l..t week. Mr and Mrs. M-?lvin Young visited relatives Jn this district Sunday. Mrs. C. Zimmerman of Willamette visited her parents Saturday Mr. and IV-rs. John Helmerg visiti;;l.l I the Cernert family Saturday evening. ( Air. and Mrs. Aleck Anderson hsve 'close attendance upon the young suf moved to their new home in Oregon j ferer, who ilso underwent an opera City I tion for some infection on the hip. 1921 1 Sharpies Cream Separator 1 150-egg Incubator 1 Silvertone Phonograph 1 Sewing Machine 1 Baby Carriage 1 Shot Gun 1 30-gal. Gasoline Tank 1 3-burner Oil Stove l tons Oat Straw 10 tons of Hay 6 acres of Potatoes 1 set of Harness 1 Saddle Smsll tools and implements. Work Is Started On Club House LAD HILL, Oct 5. Mrs. Jack Smith was shopping in Portland Monday. C. H. Ives has succeeded in placing orders for all hi3 nursery stock of prunes and walnut trees. Men with their teams have been busy the past week hauling lumber t or the new club house. The lumber was purchased from the Sherwood Lumber Co. and is being hauled from Portland to Sherwood on trucks. I. J .Tauifest has rented the Dan McCann place for :i term of five years Mrs. We Russell invited a few cf the ladies in Wednesday afternoon to help celebrate her mothers Mrs,. De Wolf's 75th birthday. Cake and coffee were served and a very pleasant timu was spent. Those present were Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Nellie McCulley, Mrs. Violet McCulley, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Wm. Russell and Mrs. De Wolf. George and Ed Walls have gone to Dufur, Oregon, to work in tlie apple orchards. Charley Sutton was taken suddenly ill with a severe attack of acute in digestion Tuesday night. Dr. Rankin of Newberg was called Wednesday morning. A plan is on foot to pipe water 1:0 the Dew hall and school house. Mr. St. Clair has offered to let them nss the water from his spring. .They are to put a trough and faucet at the road, so that passerbys might drink and water their horses. We sincerely hope this plan will go through, as it is very es- sental. Mr and Mrs. Matt Kiser went to Portland Friday to visit Mrs. Kiser's mother, Mrs. Frona Jones, returning Saturday evening. A surprise party was given Alice Smith Saturday evening, .October j, as it was her 14th birthday. Games were played until a late hour when re freshments consisting of sandwiches, cake, chocolate and grapes were serv ed. The birthday cake with candles was very prertty. Those present were Mr and Mrs. C. M. Kiser, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Lillie and Daisy Hacker, Melba Tautfest, Theodosia Sutton, Alice Smith, Donald Ward, Cluster and Koy Kisar, Harry Hacker, Donald Hall, Frank Connors, Melvin Tautfest, Err. est and Chester Parrott. Alexander Steward and Howard Smith. Mrs. Frank JCiser received an an nouncement of the marriage of ber niece Miss Gracie Harper to Carl Dahlgren of Portland October 1. They ( were married -n Portland and will make their home at Grants Pass-. Mrs. Roy Hacker and baby speut Sunday afternoon with Mrs. A. Johu-f-on. The Hackers have rented tbi Winslow place again for next year Two Stafford Boys Undergo Operations STAFFORD, Oct 5. Ed. Rabic has his broken aeroplane in which, he and his trainer, Mr. Grun fell to the latter'; death in June, stored in the barn, and a new Ford glides peacefully along the highways and byways. The few hours of gentle rain'havtj done a world of good in this vicinity, starting- the grass in pastures and also in lawns not favored with water and hose for the summer. The little chapel has been newly painted. Aw in Sharp is still in the Oregon City hospital recovering from an oper ation for appendicitis, while the youtifc brother, Willard, has been taken to the iiome of an uncle, Conrad Priester, where his mother and father are in and other ailments, but we are glad ir f ay at the last report bi'th were d ing well. We were very sorry tc hear that Mrs Clara Schauber, who has bven critically ill so many limes, is again sick at her home. There was quite a family reunion at the home of Wm. Schaltz on last Sun day. Mr. Nussbaum purchased 6 pigs, 7 weeks old, for $25, showing that hogs are -still the mortgage lifters and still command a price. A. H. Gage is under the care of a Dr. Jones in Portland and is still un decided as to whether an operation will be necessary. Elks Prairie Items El K PRAIRIE, Oct. 4. Air. and Mr' Glen Gault gave a house warming in their home, last Saturday evening. T:u. time was spent in dancing Luncheon wt -.pi ve-i. The kitchen was 'warm ed" about a year ago. Mr. 'Gaclt bui't one room soon after he filed up on his homestead. This summer that roci'i was rcari-ansed arid i fine large roori was f-.dded, which makes the piace vory homf-like and afthe same time, lart enough to entertain all their neigh bors at once. Mr and Mrs. Glen Gault celebrate I the'" fifth anniversary of their wed ding Tnp affair had beer, planned a"' a family reunion, -howeer other guests irrAed and all e-njoyec the event to-jret'-r-r. - A number of young people from Scoffs Mills have been visitinss Mrs M. A. Tautfest at her. hrme in Coal Cre3k. Ceorge Sloati was a visitor at tlo Badger homstef d, rscntly. Rvy Thomas is visit-n.r at the Krue ger homestead-. Frank Hilton and Wm. Snider hav been working to complete the' Ne-ly home. Mrs. Nesly lias offered to let the public have th right of-v.-y over her homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Noely j l av-; both done a great deal of ro:ul buil J ing toward making the Mohula I Scofts road via Elk Prairie a success. Activities Started By Community Club EST ACAD A, Oct. 6. A new wood awning has been built on the tront of the Reed building and occupied by the Two Mcs store. . Mrs. G. W. Kiger of Tillamook, is here visiting her mother Mrs S.' J. Sturgeon and sister Miss Mude Sturge on. Fred Bartholomew is at Oregon City 1his week on jury duty. Tom Morton has bought a ha?f inter est in the William Dale store and th.y are invoicing this week. Under the new management the stock will be enlarged Both parties are well and favorably known in this section. Mr. Bale has been in the merchandise busi ness at Estacada, for a number of years. - Mrs. N. McMillan is moving from Mrs. Moore's cottage on Terrace Ad dition, to rooms at Hotel Fstacada and Joe Woodle and wife will occupy the cottage she vacates. There was a large attendance at thr. first meeting of the Comunity club last Friday night, after the summer vaca tion. President Stephens called the meeting: to order and in the absence of Secretary C E. Kilg'ore .appointed Fred Bartholomew as secretary pro tern. He tben'gave a short talk on the community club work since its orgam gaticn and spoke .encouragingly cf what the club might do in the future. The road work was. especially empha sized upon and as a committee to se that this part of the county got what is coming- to it along this line, he ap pointed the following: . G. Wilcox, cf Estacada; A. H. Miller, George: A. O. Cogswell, Eagle Creek; J. O. Tunnell, Currinsville; Wm. A. Bard, Spring- water and T. B. Young, of Garfield. Tbe committee on entertainment is Mes- dames F. E. Burns, A. C. Gates and G. E Lawrence A program followed the business session, consisting of. Com munity singing led by Mrs. G. E. Law rence; reading by Miss Morgan; solo by Mr. Huggins of Portland and at. address by Rev. Williams, the evange list, on "Comunity Spirit." Miss L, F. Shields of Portland, also spoke in connection with the Lyceum course which the high school has obtained for the coming year The evening's en joyment was rounded put with light refreshments and a general social time Mrs M. C- Williams was a week end visitor from Gresham at the home ot her sister, Mrs. TJ. S. Morgan, J. V. Barr, James Freeman and R. Randolph, tbe two latter gentlemen from Portland, enjoyed a hunting trip into the mountains last week. Mrs. Norman Smedley, mother of Mrs. Earl Shibley, spent the week en. I in Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. M- J. Kerkes visited their daughter in Portland Sunday Ed. Boner had as pasesngers for thr: state fair at Salem last Saturday, Mrs. C. F Howe and Miss Lelia Howe Mrs. J. P. Jones was here from Port land to spend the week end with her parents;, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yocum Otis Wagner drove to the state fair last Friday accompanied by Albsrt Hannah. They returned Saturday. J. H. Denning of Wasco. Oregon, a brotter of Mrs. U. S. Morgan, was i visitor this week at the home of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. ". A. Inglis of Gresh am, visited Estacada friends Tuesday, Tiie basement for the Stephens res idence is completed and work will soon begin on the building Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Derring and Mr, and Mrs. Inersin motored to Portland Saturday and spent the day. . Rev. Upton H. Gibbs officiated at tie St. Paul's communion service at Oregon City last Sunday moining. Mrs. A. Heidland and two little daughters were here from Poitsland to spend the week end with her mother Mrs Steiner and sister, Mrs. G. II Lichthorn. T. J. Morgan, of Roseburg, was a week end visitor at the home of his brother U. S. Morgan. Subscribers to the stock of the Esta cada Canning Co. had a meeting Thurs day night. A report in full will be given next week. Rev. J. F. Dunlop left Tuesday for ihe M. E. church conference at Forest Grove. Gladys Kandle is home from Salom visiting her father and brother. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Allen have pur chased a new Buick five passenger car and Mr. Allen is putting in his spare time in learning to drive it Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lynch of Seattle, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C- L- Pos son last Friday. The Estacada Packing Co. shipped , another car load of blackberries this week. Rev. Pogue and family of North Bend, Oregon, have been' here this week visiting at the home of Mrs Pogues parents, Mr. and Mrs J. P. Woodle. Rev. .Pogue left Tuesday for the M. E. Conference at Forest Grove The American Legion announce t!iat it will give a masque dance on pctober ?9, at the park pavilion Mrs N. McMillon and little daugh ter returned the latter part of last week from a visit in Washington witn her father. . Milton Evans, a former Estacada boy, was here from Portland a couple of days last week. J. H. Morrow of Portland, was look ing after business interests in Esta cada last Friday. Government Hunter A. G Ames came home from the Santee country Friday, for a few days visit with his family. Estacada high won from' the HilH boro high last Fr?8ay on the h'jm' grounds, with a score of 20 to 0. Tn Hillsboro aggregation did not arrive until three o'clock, which made th'? garao late. There was a good attend ance Warren McWillis has moved with his family from his residence on Up per P.roadway to rooms over his store. Joa Woodle is now driving one of the uuto stage betwern Estacada am Portiand. Gu3 wilcox and family have mov ed from the Estacada hotel to thr Lichthorn house, recently vacated by Roy Wilcox. The G. L. Mendenball family bav-j movrd from River Mill to Estacnda, and are occupying the Carry residence on Upper Broadway. Jim Linn, who is working with the construction crew for the raih oad com. pany up the Clackamas river, had to come down Monday to see a rhysician in regard to his hand which has an abcess on it. He returned Tuesday ac companied by Mrs. Linn who is cami ing up there with her husband Roy Wilcox bought the Dr. Wells residence on Terrace Addition last wee and moved with his family Sat urday. The supper served at the M- E church last Friday evening by th men, was a most decided success Thi entire menu of three courses, was pre pared and served by the men. Tnere were many guests and a jolly time vas bad on the whole procedings, being th, presence of two colored gentlemen waiters. But as their black faces "came off in thewash," no one suffered much from their presence. The men of the M. E church can now be highly recom mended for their cullinery accomplish ments. Married At Hilltboro, Oregon, Oct. 4, 1921, Mr. William Bell of Sandy ridge and Miss Bina Douglass, of Esta cadad. They were accompanied to Hillsboro by their friends Mr. and Mrs Joe Black, of Portland. After the cere mony the bridal party went to Sea side to spend a few days, after wh:c5i the newlyweds will go to a home al ready prepared for them at Sandy ridge. The" bride is a very charming young lady and has a host of friends who will wish her much happiness. She was born, and raised on, the old Doug lass homestead on Sandy ridge, only beii.g a resident of this place for about a year. Tha groom is well and favorably known and is highly spoken of by all who are acquainted with him. Redland Live Wires MeetXast Thursday REDl-iAND,. Oct. 5. On Wednesday Alva Bonney had the misfortune to fall and sprain his ankle qilite badly. At Ihe last report he was able to be around. Carl and Margaret Staats again car ried off prizes on their goats. Tie goats were taken to "Salem from Canby and captured second and third prize ' W. H. Bonney and daughter Miss Jessie were Portland visitors Wednes day. Thursday Mrs. Alice Harding enter tained the "Live Wires" at the home of Mrs. A. L. Allen. Those present wer Mesdrmies A. I. Allen, H. A. Allen, H. A. Allen.' S. Bray and son Sterling. Ponney Herdrixson, R. Polehn and daughter Clara Alma, F. Polehn,. Nevi'.l and daughter Clara Pearl and Harding The visitors were Mrs Hurlburt, Miss Shero and Miss Myers Mrs. John Murray returned to her home Friday evening after spending a few days in Portland. " The B. H. Stewart family are mov ing nearer to Oregon City. The entire community regert their departure. Mr and Mrs. George Gill of West Linn were Sunday callers at the Stewart home. School opened Monday in District 75 with Miss Anderson of Portland as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Wi'nfield Parry of Hoff are t-pehding a few days with the la. ters sister, Mrs. S. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Parry are on their honeymoon. Mrs. Parry was formerly Miss Joe Preston of Canemah. Elnora Staats visited in Oregon City Tuesday. i,'IMI!tll,llll'"tl""""'lmllln' It We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing blending experi menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. 1 There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there's nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. Kelso Ladies Club Planning Social KELSO, Oct 5. The Ladies Club met at the home of the president. Mrs. E. Herz last Thursday and spent a most, enjoyable afternoon. The follow ing ladies were present Mesdames Phipps, Rathke, Peterson, J. Revenu?. H. Revenue, T. Dunn, Joe Dunn, Spooner andR Jonsrud besides the hostess and her mother Mrs. Dietl who was visiting her daughter for a few days. Delicious refreshments were served. The dub is planning a Hal lowe'en social announcements of which will be made later. Henry Eri and R. E. Jarl returned Monday from their Southern Oregon hunting trip with a dee reach to their credit. The hunters, many in uumoer, packcut from" Tiller for a distance cf 18 miles Nc doubt, the red caps and shirts Which hunters are compelled to wear avoid many accidents. Mr and Mrs. Max Kligel, Mrs. Kersch and B. Nelson attended tfcti state fair at Salem last Thursday. A neat new woodshed has been built for. the school a much -needed im provement. A dozn unv single seats have also been installed in the primary rooir. to take the place of ,the eld douM seats. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hite are at Hood River for the apple picking season. Mrs. Joe Dunn has been visiting for a few days with the Tom Dunn family. J03 Hall is serving on the jury in Oregon City this week. Frances Ha worth is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Johnston at Mabton Washington and going to school. William and Charles Haworth. at tended the Pendleton Round-Up lhl year. Mrs Dietl. mother of Mrs. E. Her, is visiting ber daughter. Mrs. Dietl. who has been living in Portland the last few months is contemplating building a home in the country. Market Road Asked Of Clackamas Court BEAVKit. CREEK, Oct 5. A road meeting v. as held at Beacon Heights haV. last Wednesday evening and a eomn ittee appointed to write up ros'i mtions requesting the county court to ieclare the road running from thr Molalla road through r.eai er .Creek to Mr!Singer"s corner a market road. John Schram, Gen Havill and Oltc Lyraim were appointed a committee to present the resolutions to the court todav A moving pictnure concern calleJ The Requa Electric Show put on a film st the grange hall last Wednes day evening There is to be a shw every Wednesday at 8 P M., Mr md Mrs. Arthur Fcglesong havj purchased Mrs. Pell's pcrperty here and are moving into their new home this week. Central Grange held its regular meeting Saturday evening with a good attendance. After the usual business j-ession a mock trial was staged wh:ch afforded a great deal of fun. The "prisoner" was found guilty of help ing Roy Gardner escape. Mr and Mra F. B. Bloomer arrived at the home of Mrs. ploomer's parens Mr. fcnd Mrs J. Schrara, Monday morn ing to visit Mr. Bloomer's mother wiii :s critically ill at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Thomas celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary Sat urdav evening with a card party. Mrs Londergan and Mr Thomas won first took YEARSyEARS to develop We put the utmost THIS ONE BRAND. . R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wiutoa while Mrs. Hehn and Dan Jones gain ed the booby prizes. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Londergan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Uavill, Mr. and Mrs. Gwilliam and Miss Davis of Cams, Mr and Mrs. D. Jones. Mrs. H Henri Air. and Mrs. A. Thomas and daughter Mar garet. ' Preaching services were held Sun day evening by the Presbyterian min ister. Rev. Everett in the hail ov.?r the central office. Mrs. John Schram and son Lloyri and daughter Eva returned last Fri day from a two weeks vacation with relatives at Bellevue, Wash. They wer-t by way of the-Pacific Highway, took trips to Seattle, Snoqualmie Falls, and ether points of interest, and had a very good time. Mr and Mrs. Guy Woodard and baby Leslie visited with Mr. Wooaard's brother and sister-in-law at Canby on Suneay. Lloyd Schram motored to Greshani Saturday and attended a dance at Pusbelville in the evening. Logan Activities During Last Week LOGAN, Oct. 5. Potato digging is now the order of the day and this is ideal weather for it. TJuane Anderson was taken to the hospital a few days since with appen dicitis. He is reported improving without an operation. E. C. Gerber left for Bend.. Oregon, this week where he has a contract for hauling gravel with his trucks. The late Mrs Mary Fonts was laij to rest Saturday afternoon at Piea&ant View cemetery. The funeral service were at the church, conducted by Rev. E. A. Smith and the remains were fol lowed to the grae by a large. num ber of friends. - Clear creek Creamery received first prize for butter at the state fair, being one out of 26 entries. f Clackamas- County Pomona Grang meets with the Springwater Grange October 12 andjnany are expecting to attend as Springwater is noted for very excellent dinners. J. C. Young and family of Upper Logan are going to The Dalles this week. Vote Against U. S, Isolation Pledged WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 Assert ing that the League of Nations has been successfully "discharging func t:otiy of the highest import." Senator Shpherd, Democratic. Texas, an nounced in the senate today that he would ott- asainst ratification of the lerman-Austxian-Hijngaxian peace treaties because they provide for "uur polaiin from the H-ague" and "emi'basize our desertion of human ity. ' IIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIIII AUCTION SALE CENTER HILL FARM 3 miles south of Boring 2 .miles east of Barton Friday, Oct. 14, 10 A. M. General Farm Sale: 9 registerd Jerseys, 800 bushels grain. P. M. HOLST, Owner. E H quality into - S.lea, N. C ifflutfflfl' i 'i ' i 'i I