Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 30, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Property Is Moving
At Jennings Lodge
Many changes in property have taken
placf within the past week. '
R. H. Hendry has sold his tract
which contained one and a. half acres,
on the river front near Roethe. The
consideration is said to have beeft
$750(1 and was purchased through
.- the Henry Wemmer Foundation Fund
for the Christian Science society. This
society will erect a home and several
modern cottages at a cost of $6,0'.'.
This society purchased over a yenr
ago, adjoining property, which was
. known as the Daggett place. ,
Mr Henry has purchased the stock
of goods at the Blue Front store own
ed by W. I. Blinestone arct takes pos
sesion October 1. We understood Mr.
Blinestone expects to remain here and
will build on his acerage at this place
He is also making arrangements to
have the hall made over into living
apartments which will help fill the
wants, houses for rent being in great
demand here.
H. Ll Clarke disposed of i4ock of
groceries on Saturday to Mr. and Mrs.
Dane, who rec?ntly arrived from Mil
waukie, Wisconsin. The Danes taking
possession at once.
Mr. Coy sold his property on Morris
Avenue to new comers from Illinois?.
We understand the consideration was
$1100 cash. This property consists
of a three -"room house- and two lots.
Mr. Coy is to return to Pennsylvania
to visit.
Mother and Daughter
Club Is Entertained
The Mothers and Daughters Club
were the luncheon guests of Mrs.
Davis, at her pretty 'home in, Portland
on Thursday. The table, where covers
were laid for 15, was vei-7 attractive
with pink geraniums and anemonies.
The guests were Mesdames- Mudder,
Bowen and Wetzler, and Geraldine
Bowen, of Milwaukie: Mrs. Rush
Mendenhall, Mrs. J. C. Elkins and Mrs,
Shroder of Portland ; Mrs. H. C. Paint-
on of Rockaway, Mrs. Van Ham, of
Sellwood and Mrs. Ella Maple, Mrs
Hugh Roberts and Mrs. Clare Maple of
this place.
Mrs. Painton gave a group of read
ing's. Little ueraiame Bowen gave
several clever dances and music cn
the Victrola made it a very enjoyable
afafir, which was given in honor of
Mrs. Maple who leaves on Friday ot
next week for California.
Dance Party Given
At Wiii. Booth Home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booth entertained
with an informal dancing party at
their pretty new home on Hull Avenue
on September 17. Nine couples enjoy-
eded the delightful affair.
Refreshments were served.
Those attending were Messrs aj.
Mesdames J. Roberts, Edward Pear
son, W. Ross, Fred Kelly. A. J. Rob-
bins, eo. Card, Fred Wilson, Harry
ourco, w. Booth.
Mra. Cora Bullock
erience Partv
Is Held at Lddge
The annual Experience party given by
the Grace Guild proved quite an In
teresting affair, although the attend
ance did not come quite up to the ex
pectations of those who were interest
ed, in the success of the affair.
The Guild song preceeded the intro-.
Boys Chorus Plan
To Sing at Salem
Prof Whitney met the parents, who
are interested . in the Whitney Boys'
chorus at the hall on Saturday even
ing About 18 of our boys met at the
First Congregational church, in Port
land on Sunday for their first re
hearsal. On Sunday next they are to
go to Salem to sing at the State fair.
There will be 700 voices in this
chorus on Sunday.
Mrs. Hendry will have charge of the
rehearsals at the hall on Friday even
ing cf this week.
Among the ' boys attending are
Lewyllen Jones, Dickey 'and Billie
Booth, Halmon Roberts, Newell Ford,
Jack Humphreys, Junior .Hole, Torn
Robbins, Edward and Richard Pear
son, Keith and Kenneth Wilcox,
Arthur Smith, Wilmer Gardner, Ray
mond Boetger.
ducing of the Guild members which OlX WeCK. ATIX) tO
Middle West Ends
and read by Mrs. Blinestone. The ex- j
periences of the thirty were all good;
many novel new waysi to raise a dollar ! JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 29
ivere given, a prize xur me uet pusm , Mr and Mrs j Florence returned
was awarded to Mrs. vv. nootn wnuo from a six weeks pleasure trip which
3irs w. loruz, simpiy wrote oui a : they nave spent in me Middle West
c-necK ror ner aonar ana as it was con-; At Witchia Kansas he visited his
sidered the easiest way, she was also
awarded a pretty litte prize.
Mrs. H. C. Painton gave "Brother
Brown on Apples" which was well re
ceived. Mrs Hendry sang charmingly
and responded with an encore, Mrs. A.
B. Smith being her accompanist.
Chicken sandwiches, pit- and coffee
were served. The proceeds ,will be
about $45.00.
The social committee, composed of
Mesdames Blinestone, Gardner anl
Booth planned the details of the affair.
The members of the Guild will lunch
with 'Mrs. Wm. Jacobs on Wednesday
September 28, at her home in Fort-
father and spent some time in Minns
apolis and St Paul, South Dakota
was also visited. The corn crop is a
very large one in the Middle West
They do not have, as many paved roads
as we have in the West. In one placa
they noticed a sign which read "speed
limic not to exceed 60 miles' But the
road was so poor, could not drive that
fast if you wished to.
The Florences are very glad to get
back to Oregon and will reside at this
place for a time.
Birthday Party Is
Given Little Folks
The birthday anniversaries of Dickey
and Billie Booth were very prettily
observed when Mrs. Wm. Booth ask
' ed in 18 little folks to share in the
frolic on Monday after school.Long
yellow streamers of crepe paper were
fastened to the electoriers reaching
to each place and in the nut shell
was each one's fortune. The place
cards were pen sketches of men a but
ton forming the face. Billies birth
day cake was yellow with yellow
with yellow candles and Dickey's caki
was red with red candles. Ghosts
-stories were told by Mr3 Booth and
Black man and all sorts of boys'
games were much enjoyed. Those
attending were mostly members of' the
4th grade and were Wilrr.er Gardner,
Lorraine and Newell Ford. Hugh Allen
Wilcox, Theo. and Omar Bechtel, John
Holloway, WiDie Tillman, AUthur
Boetger, Arthuur Smith, Charles Wil
son, Rapheal Ouelette, Bobbie Thomp
. son, Robert Chapman, Wesley JoblinS
and Eric Schonhausen.
I Holman & Pace j
I Homelike Efficient Courteous
Telephone 86
7th and Water Sts., Oregon City
Stone Gables Scene
Of Birthday Party
Sunday being the birthday anniversary
of Mrs. Halmon Emmons a number
of her Portland friends motored out
to Stone Gables bringing well filled
baskets to remind her of the occasion.
Those extending many happy re
turns of the day were Mr. and Mrs.
Balou. Mesdames Mowery, Coolis,
Tate .Giesey and Childress and Miss
Black. Messrs Maya, George Mayes,
Lloyd Olsen and Fred Martin. -
Lending charms to the rooms were
bowls of snap dragon of a variety ot
shades of this fall flower.
Lodge S. S. Folks
Are Entertained
The teachers and officers of the Sun
day school were delightfully entertain
ed at the home of the superintendent,
Dan Jones, cn Wednesday evening.
Plans for the promotion exeTcises in
the Sunday School were made and will
be held the first Sunday in October.
Refreshments were served by the host
and hostess. About 20 were present.
Specialize in
Extraction of Teeth
Crown and Bridge Work
"Plates That Fit"
10-11-12 Andresen Bldg.
Oregon City, Ore.
Phone : Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an dDealers In
- Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
. Mill Fool of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery, and Fifth
. Portland
Mrs Bell Robbins and son Howard
have arrived from Los Angeles and
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. .1
Robbins. They wiU take possession
or Morse cottage October first.
Mr and Mrs. J. H. Blinestone who
arrived last week from Sparta, Wis
consin are spending a few days at Al
bany the guest of a brother.
Mrs. H. c- Painton of Rcckawav
who visited her sister, went to Salem
to spend Sunday with her daughter
ana son Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelly.
airs. Sainton came to Vancouver.
Wash., on a business trip and will
return to the coast this week. While
at talem visited the state fair and
also the blind school where her daugh
ter teaches.
Mrs. Maude Hancock of Tillamook
is making an indefinite stay with her
mother Mrs. D. J. Abbey.
Harry Hilton the three year old son
of C- R. Holloway underwent an oper
ation last week. His condition is very
favorable and is now at the home of
his .n-andfather in Irvingtcn.
Miss Dorothy Rathburn of Portland
was a week end visitor at the home if
her cousins Betty and Junior Hole.
Rodney Tompkins, Mrs Leona Tomp-
kins and Lloyd Tompkins of Porland
canoed out from Portland and tcok
dinner with William B. Jennings and
wife on Sunday.
C P. Morse and family motored out
from Portland on Sunday and called
on J P. O Erein family.
Mr and Mrs. Blinestone motored to
Salem on Tuesday to attend the ttir.
Mrs. Walter Pettys of Tillamook and
Mrs. Chas. Grout of Sellwood were
luncheon guests of Mrs. Hole on Fri
day of last week. Mrs. Pettys went to
Salem where she is to help demon
strate an oil stove which waa patented
by her father, Mr. Lane of Tillamook.
E. A. Kern has received word that
he has a little grandson, born to his
daughter Mrs. Eugene Bush at their
home in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Bush was
formerly Winn if red Kern an accom
plished musician of this place.
C. C. Hole returned from a business
trip to Molalla and Willioit Springs
Thir week he motored to Tillamook
returning on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hull visited the Till
man family returning to Carver ou
Sunday evening. Mrs. Hall teaches in
the Carver school.
Mr. Meade Kennedy la having his
house newly painted. Geo Pooler doing
the work.
David Clark of Portland enjoyed the
day fishing here on Sunday and was
rewarded with a 20 pound salmon.
Winnilfred, the little daughter of
Geo. Gardner has been indisposed for
about three week3.
Mrs. J. F. Jennings is rallying from
her re(?nt serious illness and her ini
Sed'.ate family is encouraged over
her condition. '
Mrs. C. L. Smith will attend the
Multnomah County S. S. convention
in Portland on Tuesday. Mrs. Smith
is busy with her Sunday School work
getting ready for the promotion Exer
cises which will be held at the bap
tist church on the first Sunday in
Mrs. A. A. Albright of Alameda will
spend Wednesday with her mother
Mrs. W. Stewart and her sister Mm.
R. Newcomb.
Mr and Mrs. Langflon Spooner are
receiving congratulations over the ar
rival of a baby girl. It is the second
little daughter who has ccme to glad
den their home-
Mrs. Edith Truscott and daughter
Ruth have visited in Gresham fur
several days at the home of Mrs.
I Osborne and attend the Multnomah
county fair. Howard Truscctt speut
Sunday at the Osborne home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag of the Meldrum
district have returned from a months
stay at Newport, they were the
guests of their daughter Mrs. Maxwell.
Mr. apd Mrs. F. B. ladison attend
ed the Pendleton Round Up and re
turning home on Sunday.
H. H. Emmons whose business in
terests called him north as far as
Victoria B. C. returned home on Sat
urday after an absence of three weeks.
Emanuel Bechtel the little 4 year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eetchtel met
with a painful accident on Saturday
when he was being carried by his sis
ter, in some manner she fell and the
little lad fell in such a way as to frac
ture the leg. Mrs. Harry Williams
earned him home and he was taken
to Oregon City where the limb was
put fn a cast. -
Miss Doris Bird who has spent the
summer with the Bechtel family will
attend St. Mary s academy in Portland.
Mr and Mrs. Will Robinson of West
Linn. Mrs. Geo. Miner and Mrs. Hal
mor Emmons spent one day at the
Gre'jham fair. Mrs. Misner has been
the house guest of the Emmons and
departed on Thursday for California
where she goes to spend the winter.
Howard Robbins, who recently ax
rived from Los Angeles will enter the
Washington high school.
Mrs. E. Boyd entertained Mrs. Sam
Jones and little daughter of Portland
at lunch, on Tuesday. Mrs. G.C Smith
of Cleveland Ohio will remain all
winter with her mother Mrs.'E. Boyd.
The Howland family are shipping
some fancy Plymouth Rock cockerlsi to
J. L. Wiley and wife or forxianii
motored out to this place on Tuesday.
Mr. Wiley has lived 28 years in the
country near The Dalles, and is much
interested in property in that locality.
OSWEGO, Sept. 28. Concrete work
on the dam at Oswego Lake has com
menced. A headigate for the water out
let is being constructed and it will be
about 60 days yet before the dam is
finished. In the meantime, with the
Lako at low level, the Oswego Lake
Water, Light & Power company is sup
plying Oswego from the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company's lines
and extensive repairs are being car
ried on at the locafl plant.
The Crandall Drug store in Oswego
was i.old this week to Harry B. Mayes,
former Lewiston, Idaho, druggilst. Mr
Crandall purchased the business from
Claud C Perry,18 months ago, and
has made many friends here. Mr. and
Mrs. Crandall .have not announced
their plans for the future. Mr. Mayes
is locating here with his sister and
niece who will be interested in the
business. He comes here highly recom
mended and will no doubt soon make'
many friends in 0.3wego.
Owing to the inability of the' mater
ial men to get sand and gravel on the
job paving operations were held up
Monday and Tuesday on the Pacific
highway. The pouring of the concrete
will, very likely be connected the last
of the week. The roadway across tho
Tryon and Sucker Creek bridges ha3
been paved, according to Engineer F.
T. Young, eliminating the detour at
Oswego. This makes the road com
plete to where the actual construction
work is being carried on. Before the
road can be opened to traffic, the con
crete will have to set for nearly a
The schools of Spring Brook
and Lake Grove will commence Mon
day September 26 by order of the
school board Issued at a meeting last
Mr. Stewart has invested in two and
one half acres of land east of the Gan"s
place on the hill.
Mrs. J. Mason and daughter, Mrs.
Leslie LeVailey, and infant daughter,
were recent guests of Mrs. J. Bickner,
Sr., of South Oswego. Mrs. Mafion is a
sister of Mrs. J Bickner.
The Alta Park social Club met at
the home of Mrs. Oren Davidson on
Friday of last week, all enjoying a
social good time and also a nice lunch
eon. I nose present were mrs. u. r .
Dickenson, Mrs. W. Dickenson and son
Mrs Nelson, Mrs. Randall Mrs. Clara
Meyers, sister of Mrs. Davisdon, Mrs.
Atwater, Mrs. Stone, Mrs M. R. Wil
mont, and son, Mrs. B. Hogan an1
daughter, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Petit ana
on. Mrs. J. Cor, Mrs. Irving and
daughter, Mrs. Jack Lane and Mrs.
Walter Dickenson.
Mi- and Mrs. I. A. Lord had C. Rine-
man for a house guest this last week
Mr and Mrs. S. E. Cox who have
sold their store to Mr. Lewis have mov
ed to Canby from Oswego on their
10 acres where they expected to try
farm life for a while.
W. Kincaid, who is at Oregon? City
hospital, is quite sick at the present
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hayes of Wald-
port, were visitintg relatives in Oswego
the past week. Mrs. Hayes i3 a sister
of Mrs. John Bickner of this place.
Mr and Mrs. B. F. Weedle of Albany
were week end guests of the Aerni
The Good Time Club will give an
other of their popular dances Saturday
night under the management or air.
The Oregon Iron & Steel company
has lumber on the ground tor an
other bungalow on Fifth street, be
tween A and First avanue
A large number of people irom mis
city attended the Canby fair last
week . .,.
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Fox are vsii.-
ing friends at Twin kock aim
moot Beach.
Frances Cochran left Friday to at
tend State Univeraity at Eugene, tone
will take the pre-legal course as her
E. E. Wells of Talbot. Oregon, is vis
iting with his daughter, Mrs. Albert
G. C. - Worthington of McMinnvillo
visited his parents Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Bullock motored
to Canby Sunday to visit Mr. Bullock s
sister, Mra. H. H. Eccles.
Mrs. J. P. Harris, mother of Mrs.
Cochran is going East to spend the
winter months. She will be in Chicago
antWndianapolis with friends and rel
atives for several months
Mrs. W. H. Yates and Mrs. Geo.
Enrich spent Wednesday with friends
in Portland.
The Community Theatre at Oswego
is now open for the ceason with the
first presentation of Charles Ray. The
theatre is again under the management
of the comunity Cinemas, an organi
zation operated on a non-profit basis
which has for its object the bringing
of the best entertainment into isolated
Work commenced this week on toe
new $5000 concrete and thegarae to
be constructed for Charles Didzun on
the present sit of the Oswego Garaga
on Front street. Survey and excava
tion work is underway. Victor Carl
son of Portland has the contract for
the erection of the building and has
stated that he wi" employ ipcui
if available. The building will hac
a width of F.O feet on the street anl
75 feet in length. A glass front will be
an attractive feature of the building.
Canip Lewis as a nurse. The home
coming was a pleasant feature.
J. S. Blair spent Sunday with his son
Arthur in Portland.
C. Y. Scott is improving his recently
purchased home and will move into it
about October 1.
Mrs. L. Wood fall off the porch a
few days ago and while no bones were
broken she was bruised considerably
and is still suffering from the shock
which caused great nervousness.
Wilbur Yearsley won first prize on
rabbits at the Canby fair and Heaton
Roley won second. These boys are
making good raising rabbits and arc
the only two in Oak Grove that belong
to the County Rabbit Club.
G. Olander, our barber, made a busi
ness trip to Portland Monday.
W. H. Scott has purchased a home in
Sellwood and with his family will
move there about October 15.
S. P. Bigham returned home Sunday
after three months absence at Silver
Lake where 'he had a contract of work.
Mrs. L. Riley enjoyed a visit from
her sister Mrs. H. Hollensworth from
British Columbia last week.
F. Shark of Gladstone and family,
R. Charlton and family of Sophias Is
land, M. E. Hunter of Washington were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. F.
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Milwaukie P-T Assn.
Holds Good Meeting
MILWAUKIE. . Sept. 28. The meet
ing of the Parent-Teachers Association
Thursday evening was well attended.
In the absence of the president and
vice president Mrs. Froman, secretary,
presided. B. M. Fisch, chairman of the
Echool beard made the opening re
marks. He touched on the added
equipment in the manuel training de
partment and the added facilities cf
the domestic art and science depart
ment and emphasized the increased
usefulness of the man or woman who
has trained hands as well as a culti
vated mind.
The eighth, sevnth and sixth grades
delighted the aifdience with, seven
songs followed with hearty applause
The children have made remarkable
Erosrress in such limited time. A
brief talk by Prof. Richmond followed,
A beautiful piano solo by Mrs. Lucia
C. Hart was the next number. She
respended to an encore. Superintend
ent WaJiefield closed the program with
a brief talk on the objects of the Parent-Teachers
Association. The recep
tion to the teachers and a social even
ing followed.
In keeping with the motion at the
mass meeting of September 20th, Rev.
F. M. Fisher formally announced the
following seven men who have agreed
to - become the incorporators of the
Community Club: Wm. Kleeb, B. S.
Wakefield, R. N. Mclntyre, C. W. Col
lier, M. S. Shrock, F. Terhyden and M.
A. Lehman.
They will meet with the local attor
ney. Geo. T. Parry, at his office Wed
nesday evening, October 5 and draf.
articles of incorporation and make
farther plans.
Represntatives of the Hippodrome
people were in town last Friday with
copious explanations as to the clean
and wholesome place of amusement
they expected to operate here on th'j
property they have purchased. They
did rot allay any suspiciosn, however,
and in "some cases- only increased the
M. S. Shrock is attending the state
fair at Salem this week.
Florence Keller returned home from
the hospital Monday. She underwent
operation for acute appendicitis Sun
day, September the 18th. She is mak
ing excellent progress on the road to
recovery and hopes to be around again
Arthur H. Zanders, cashier, at the
local bank is taking a Vacation. He
and Mrs. Zanders are visiting the tat
ter's sister at -Salem a few days this
week and incidentally taking in the
fair. The genial smile of Mrs. Bernice
F. Bates radiates through the tellers
window during Mr. Zanders absence.
Sandy Party Makes
Gentral Ore. Trip
SANDY, Sept. 23 Matt ZoggI Gua
and Roy Wilcox made a trip recently
as follows: Took the highway through
The Dalles, Mosier, Maupin, the main
part of jfaupin has. just been burneil
and it's citizens were counting up
their losses. Then on to Tygh Valley
Zogg says that hill at Tygh is one of
the greatest pieceal of; engineerin
work m tne state. "There is a si
mile gTade down the canjon, and the
road winds and threads like a sheep
trail as one looks backwards, and wo
could look straight down to the bot
torn, the distance of a mile."
"From Tygh Valley on to Bake Oven
tnen to Shaniko. We left Eagle Creek
in the morning at 6 o'clock, and we
reached SUaniko at 2 F: M. the same
day, where we remained over night,
then drove 25 miles to Antelope for
breakfast, then headed for Fossil. W
passed through much fine timber in
the foot hills of the Blue mountains.
Zogg made a short visit at Bake
Oven where he saw his brother Fred
Zogg. who is working on a big ranch
there. The Wilcox boys remained for
a longer stay, but Zogg was homo
again in three days.
Military Funeral
Is Given War Hero
SANDY, Sept. 28. Mr. and Mr
James Dixon and Arthur Dixon at
tended tht military funeral of their
brother. Corporal Joseph H. Dixon re
cently at Vancouver, corporal Dixon's
bodv having arrived from Franco
whore this young hero was kK:d
whil-' stationed at Argonne Forest with
the 305th engineers Dixon was corpor
al of scouts in the 7t7h division at tile
time of his death, November 2, 19 IS
He was born at Felida, Washington.
November 22, 1895, and joined the
army June 22, 1918, serving under
Capt. Lawrence Wilson, 305thnfantry.
The immediate relatives of the de
parted are Mrs. Sarah E. Dixon, James
W. Dixon, Jess H. Dixon, Arthur W.
Dixon, Frank Dixon, Mrs. Ina Hall,
Mrs. Stella Matschiner and Claud Dix
on, all residents of Portland but
James W. Dixon. Corporal Dixon's
fiance was Miss Hazel Tomilson.
The funeral of this popular young
soldier was largely attended there be
ing sevnty-five machines, in the pro
cession. There were many ceauimu
flowers as be had a host of friends
in Portland, having worked at the
Mutual creamery up to the time he
joined the 3ervice. He was also a ic
cal fcemi-pro. star in Portland baseball
circles, was an outfielder playing a
number of years in the city league and
later in the intercity league. Dixon
was also well known in the Sandy sec
Hazel Beers visited the fair the last of
the week.
Miss Margaret Miller went to Port
land to spend the week end with her
aunt- and sister.
The high schoo voted a vacation
for the high school pupils on Friday
that they might attend the fair ons
day, for its educational advantage.
K.iaa Koberts will finish her high
school course :n Portland during the
mid-winter semester.
Mrs. Louise Nelson is teaching the
first and second grades at the Orient
school this year. Mrs. Nelson has t.ie
work Mss Ivy Ten Eyck had for two
Miss Ivy Ten Eyck, and sitsers "Tot"
and Jennie left for Eugene last Friday
and they will keep fcoui-e in apart
ments. Ten or twelve little tots from worker
families at the Deep Creek railroad
camps are going to school at Sandy-
Frieda Dobberful had inflamed ton
sils the first of the week and was not
tble to attend high school.
Dora eTn Eyck is taking an exten
sion course from the Oregon "V" in
night classes while working at the
East Side library.
T'je high school girls began practic
ing basketball last Monday after
school in the old Meinig hall.
Jonne Shelley has been havine a
siege of sickness since the Shelley's
returned from their Hood- River tr'y.
Jonne was in bed for a wej? k or more.
Family Reunion Is
Held by Loundrees
Meldrum Notes
Oak Grove Man Is
Injured by Fall
Mm. Ttrooke and Mrs. z.inzer 01
Portland have been at the bedside of
Mrs John Jennings during the week.
F. W. Nittolt and Carl Nittolt and
wives of Multnomah motored over to
the J. Wesley Smith families cn Sunday.
OAK GROVE. Sept. 28. O. W. Bar
nett fell from a step ladder last Sat
urday evening at his home and falling
on his head was considered in a very
serious condition for some time but
was restored to consciousness. Ho
suffered two hemorrages during the
niehi and he is s,till in a very weak
conlition. No bones were broken but
lnternal injuries were serious.
Mr. and Mra. J. Pyles of California,
Chas. Graham and wife of La Grande,
Arthur Graham of Canby and Tom
Graham of Oak Grove were all at their
parents J. H. Graham foi the wee
end family reunion. Chas. and his
sister, Mrs. Pyles, had not met since
the beginning of the war, when he en
tered the service and she went to
Mrs Hattie Busick and son o Al
bany, have returned to their home af
ter a two weeks visit with Mr. aud
Mrs Gus. Wamblad.
Mrs. George Gardner and Miss
Blanche Gardner and Emil Larson
visited the Gresham fair on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins left
on Tuesday for the Pendleton Round
Blair Miller has purchased a lot
50x100 feet of the F. B. Madison acre
age on Meldrum avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ross and child
ren were Sunday guests at the Win
Gardner home.
. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Meyers and sen
Augustus, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyers
and Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hopkins
motored to Gresham' on Thursday
where they spent the day at the Mult
nomah county fair.
Will Wriieht left for Eugene on Fri
day on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hammond, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Rogers, visited the
Clackamas fish hatchery on Friday. -
Mr and Mrs. L. H. Meyers left for
Salem to spend the week at the State
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kimball of Mc-
Minnville, were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Meyers
Mrs. Gus Wamblad is improving
from her recent illness. Dr. Stuart is
in attendance.
Louis Chevrolet
To Build New Car
"Grandpa" Louis Chevrolet, veteran
race driver and famous automobile
designer, plans to design and build a
six-cylinder car for the international
race at lndianapolis in 1922.
Two years ago he built the four
cylinder Fronter.ac that flashed across
the finish a winner with the late Gas
ton Chevrolet at the wheel. This year
he designed a n "eigiht-cyrinder-in-line"
car that took first money -under
the heady driving of Tommy Milton,
who holds the world's record of hav
ing driven a mile at the speed of 156
miles an hour Jn a Goodyear-equippeU
Duesenberg special.
SANDY, Sept. 28. A happy family
reunion entertained the J. c- Loun-
dree family last Sunday. Beside the
Loundrees those present were Mr. anil
Mrs. Ernest Shafer and little daugh
ter Shirley Marie, and George Shafer
of Eend, Mr. and Mrs. Will Shafer and
daughter Wilma of Independence and
Mr. and Mrs. Osterveer and son Allen,
and Mrs. A R. Wolfe, of Portland.
They all had a "big day of it," and
had another "big day" last Tuesday
when the same crawd met at the, Sa
lem fair to take in the sights together,
Mr. and Mrs. Loundree leaving here
early Tuesday morning.
George Shafer of Bend is well
known here. He was tin the Tuscania
when it went down, and remained
here some time after his return from
Dodson Will Open
Sandy Feed Store
SANDYT Sept. 28.: Harry Dodson,
the well known assistant forest ranger
of Snag Camp, has moved here and
will soon open a feed store in the old
Shelley blacksmith shop. Dodson has
bought a new feed chopper and will I
merchants decided it is better to turn
over their feed trade to one man, as
buying in small orders make3 the feed
moro expensive for the consumer, and
does not pay the merchant for hand
ling. The general opinion is this feed
stori will fill a long felt need in this
There will be a meeting of taxpay
ers at the Sandyridge school house on
Saturday, October 22 at 2 P. M. to take
action about arranging for the new
site preparatory to building a new
school house. The school board will
also make out the budget at that time.
The grade rooms of Sandy school
are taking only a half hour noon so
are getting out a half hour earlier m
the evening.
There will be a student party tonight
at the I. O. O. F. hall to initiate the
ten new freshmen.
Both teachers and pupils regret that
Theodore Strong quit school and went
to Portland to stay with relatives.
Zelma Allen win begin lessons in
drawing at the Portland museum of
art t'H October 1 where she will enjoy
the benefit of her scholarship. Zelma
has had special work from her draw
ing teacher at Ockley. Green, and has
been doing good cartoon work.
Miss Bess Barton is teaching in her
home town, Puyallup, so she- can be
with her parents. Miss Barton is teach
ing domestic science. Mrs. Allen had
dinner at the Barton home when she
took a trip to Tacoma a short while
. Vernie Jarl will graduate at the Kel
so school at the mid-winter term and
may then join his mother and sisters
in Medford.
Miss Pearl Proctor, Jean Froctor and
SANDY. Sept. 28 After a summer
vacation the Sunday School will open
again at the Methodist church next
Sunday morning at 10:30 A. M. Mrs.
Lilly is the new superintendent and de
sires the cooperation of all who arc
in sympathy with Sunday School work.
This Sunday school was organized as
a. .union Sunday school and evrybody
will be welcome.
Requests have been coming in for
the continuation of the community
song service this winter but no defin
ite arrangements have been decided
upon as yet.
Rev. Earl Cotton will hold his regu
lar bi-weekly service next Sunday
night. A large attendance is desired
as this is the last service of the con
ference year. The funds have all
been turned in sx there is no indebted
ness to meet, but several matters of
mportance are to be discussed after
the sermon. ,
B. Nelson has a broad vision before
his eyes and says he is beginning to
clear out the undertrash and open
two acres across the road from the
Nelson barn for a free auto camp
ground. This is a beautiful spot Willi
running water near, and it will give
"B" pleasure to provide shade and rest
for the weary traveller.
Mayor Jurker has offered a free
site for a camping ground, and surely
Sandy will not let another summer
pass without taking definite action to
provide free accon.modations for tour
ists here.
The Wm. O'Neil family went to see
the fair sights one day. In fact most
of the town took a turn at sightseeing,
although the rain was "against the
enjoyment of fair.'"
The Willis family (three children)
from Lafayette, Or., are living in the
Wilson house.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kriever have
driven out twice recently to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Purcell. The Krievers also
called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmitz.
Mr. and Mrs. C D. Purcell spent a.
happy day Sunday at their relatives,
the Shoemakers, of Portland. A fam
ily dinner party was the motif of the
occasion. 4
A represntative of the Tacific Home
stead of Sa'em was a visitor at the
Wm. Jocelyn farm a few days ago.
That remarkable herd of Poland China
hogs is attracting a good many visitors
to Jocelyns.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Eason entertain
ed guests from St. Helens Saturday
and Sunday.
The Sandy quartet was invited to
sing at the community program given
at the Gresham fair but as the bass
was out of town a duet by Mrs. Miller
and Dr. Sture was substitute! at the
request of the committee. Mrs. Georga '
Perret was accompanist Mrs. J. C.
Duke gave a reading. The rain de
scended, the wind blew a gale while
the entire program was in progress
and the tent being open the voices
carried the wrong direction, but the
crowd appreciated the efforts of the
performers, The Willamette "U" g!e
club, and the Forest Grove college
quartet sang above the storm but
'twas pity Jupe didn't behave, as tuo
entire program would have been en
joyed much more.
Mrs. Eddy has finithed raising a
fund to renew the insurance on the
Methodist church building.
Mrs. Wanda Deaton was ' a visiting
suest at the Rebekah loige refresh
ment and social hour which was held
after the regular session.
Mr. and Mrs. August Hoernicke were
out from the city a few days ago and
were present at the Robekah session
Mrs. Hyatt :ind her brand new in
fant were in Sandy from Marmot a few
days ago.
Mi. and Mrs. Ogden were in town
recently and say the mill business is
comine on nicely, and possible some
tie contracts will be let this fall, which
is the very, news most mills are. said
to be hoping for.
Joe Jarl was in town Saturday even
ing 0 bring Vernie to the movie. Jarl
says his wife and The girls stopped at
Vet'ford for the present, having rent
ed a house and the girls have start
ed to high school. Mrs. Jarl liked the
location of Medford and decided she
would tr.v that climate till the first
of the year, and if it proves good for
her health may not go on to California.
Friends of Dr. Barendrick are offer
ing condolence over the death of the
doctor's father who was buried last
week Dr. Berendrick was one of San
dy's most popular physicians.
George Maronay was in .rortiana
two or three days "watching the
crowds coming and going" and also
(Continued oa page 7)