Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 23, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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"t Glarkes News Items
Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton "Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Site Is Selected
For Fish Hatchery
EST ACAD A, Sept. 21. Final ar
rangements were made tht latter part
of last week, for the building of the
Stare Fish Hatchery five miles east t;f
Estacada in the Garfield district Five
acres of what known as the old coun
try club, was purchased from Gi?v
Hunt, and also six ;cres adjoining frcw
W. L. Shaffer. This will give them
approximately 13C0 feet ol very coM
mountain water. The creek is a south
fork of Eagle Creek, known be Dalph
Creek These tracts have pretty trees
of alder and cedar and is a very at
tractive and beautiful place. Thi? is
to be a State Trout Hatchery, and one
of the largest in the state Work wi'i
commence immediately on the hatch
ery and it w-ill mean the expenditure
ot a good many thousands of dollars.
The roads between Estacada and th'f
contemplated hatchery are being
worked and will be in fine shape soor..
"W. F. Cary of Estacada was instru
mental in getting the project through.
The Estacada schools are itartin;;
out under very favorable- circum
stances. There art 135 enrolled in
the ;rade schools and 107 in high. An
exceptionally large class of Freshmen
are enrolled this year, there being
is-L. V. Cleworth, the nranual train
ing teacher not being able to keep hi
contract, a new man from Portland by
tne name of Mack, was hired to fake
liis place.
W F. Carv and family and Mrs.
.Eeker, visited Portland Saturday
Mr and Mrs. Tom Morton arrived
in Estacada Wednesday night from
Seattle and will visit at the home of
hjs mother, Mrs. W J. Moore, for fe.v
Quite a number from this vicinily
are" attending the Multnomah county
fair at Gresham this week.
Mis. Jennie Lewcllen, of The Dalles
is visiting relatives at Currinville.
Mrs. Clyde Saling has moved tc
town so that it wi;l be more convei.-
ient for the boys who attend school. J
They are occupying the Jchn Duu
seath cottage." Mrs Pnns'.atb and the
children being in Seattle where Mr
Junseath is employed.
Mrs L. C- Marrs, of Salem, is visa
ing at the home of her daughter an.l
fon, Mis. I. Hale and R. H. Currin
Ken IJartlett and "Eob" Morto-i
srent the week end with home folks 'n
The Currinsvillo school began th'i ;
falltsrm with Miss Goldk- Elliott is
primary teacher aid Mis? Kosina Zip- j
lie in uie uypei giauc.
Car pary of Portland, returned Sat
urday front a wee'.t's outing at Cary'3
Hot Springs. -
Mrs. Mae Reed will be in the office
at the Reed Garage hereafter, to look
after the business of. the estate. Iter
son Russell returned to the O. A. C.
last week.
As huckelberry pickers, the Richard
Gitr-em family of Currin.sville, "take
the cake " TRey returned from the
mountains a few days ago afti'r a short
stay with 225 galions of the luscioii
The Ladies' Aid of the M E. church
la working overtimes these days, get-
ling & quilt ready for the Oregon btaie
Th. school board met last Friday
night and made up their budget for
Mr. Wanzer spent the day last Sun
day with his daughter Mrs. Botkin,
later returning to Fairview. He died
suddenly soon after reaching home.
Funeral services were held Wednes
j day at the home of his son. in Portland,
I Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood, of
Bull Run attended Eastern Star chap
ter jn Estacada Tuesday night. They
were guests of Miss Maude Sturgeon.
An ordinance has been presented to
the city council to regulate the jitney
transportation and the like. It is gen
erally hoped that the ordinance will
pass. It seems as though we owe
something to the first transportation
company here who have helped to
build up this section. . ,
The men of the Methodist church
are to give a supper in the church
basement, next Friday at 6 P. M
The first meeting of the Eastern
Star after the summer vacation, wai
held Tuesday night and one candi
date put through the different degree
There were a number of visitors and
at the conclusion of the chapter, a
social time was had, rounding- out the
pleasant evening with light refresh
Mr .and 'Mrs. Ed. Allen of Marmot
Oregon, were here to attend the East
em Star meeting! Tuesday night .
' Fred Adlen came home from Port
land Saturday to visit relatives over
Miss Helen wooster left last Sua-
day for Corvallis to attend the O. A
C. Her father and mother accompan
ied her to Corvallis going in their
Miss Florence Kendall returned
Sunday from a visit in Portland.
The Estacada Public Library has re
ceived a large shipment of new books
from the State library and in connec
tion wth other books in the library, it
makes a fine selection. The Estaca
da high school also has received a
box of books from the State library,
so that there is plenty of good read
ing for the people of this vicinity here,
if they so desire.
Mrs. Viola Douglassi and daughter.
Miss Bina, have returned, from a visit !
at The Dalles.
The local order of Odd Fellows re
port that there is an encouraging out
look for a large attendance at the I.
O. O. F. convention, which is to be
held in this city Saturday, October 15.
A rather unique program is being ar
ranged, something out of the ordin
ary on such occasion.
Miss Neva Clute arrived from Port
land the latter part of last week to
visit relatives and friends.
There were not as many present at
the Teachers' reception Monday night
as there should have been, but it is
thought it was on account of the re
ception not being advertised enough.
However, a few gathered at the high
school auditorium to welcome the
teachers. There was a short program
and punch, and cookies were served
jn the way of refreshments. The new
teachers this year are Miss Morgan,
Mrs. Yocum, Mr. and Mrs. Inerson and
Mr .Mack, the manual training teach
er. There was not much of a crowd at
the double show Monday night at the
Family theatre, not as large as the
entertainment warranted.
Mrs. Morehouse and Miss DeEtta Sh i w
motored to Gresham Tuesday of last
Beaver Creek school opens Monday,
eptemoer 2bth with Mr. McFarlane
as teacher.
C3.ARKES, Sept. 20. Mrs. Ralph
Caples was called to Canada on ac
count of the death of her sister last
Mr. and Mrs Ray Jones and sou
Stanley Jones were in Oregon City
one day recently
Mrs. Harry Pickett and son Lenn
from Vancouver, Wash., - came out to
Clarkes last Friday to visit her hus
band Harry Pickett and his nephews
for a short while.
B. Sullivan and W. H. Bottemiller
were in Oregon City last Friday.
J. Rutherford of Highland, the fire
warden set B. Sullivan's slashing on
fire and everything was so dry and a
BEAVER CREEK, Sept. 20. Tk3 wind was blowing that the fire got
Henrici school will start September ! away from them and nearly burned
26 with Miss Hargraves as teacher. A. F. Buches house, barn and chicken
There is quite a lot of read vork go I house.
ing on in this district -which means They called for help and soon had
it under control.
Miss Mary S.' Bottemiller and
nephew Arthur E. and her niece Vivi
an C. Ralph visited Mrs. Ada. C.
Moehnke and daughters, Catherine,
Mr. Cummings and famdy of Port
land visited their daughter Mrs. Al
bert Schiewe and her-l.usband one
Sunday recently.
Mrs. Richard Griffith and son Wal
ler Griffith and davghter Tweena Grif
fith visited the formers sister Mrs.
Fred Bohlander and family of Beaver
Creek last Sunday.
Local News Items
From Beaver Creek
better roads in the future.
Among those attending the county i
fair at Canby last Friday was Mr.
Roberts and sons, Edward, John and j
Glen, Allis Hughes, Kate Bohelander,
Mrs. Morehouse and Ruth French also Dorothy and Marguerite A. Moehnke
T. A. Cornwell and family of High-1 last Thursday morning for a few
land. .hours
Frank Hodiges of Gresham, Wm. Albert W. Weidner of Beaver Creek
Roberts, Wilbur Bohlander and John was in Clarkes last week to buy some
Schram of Beaver Creek went on a hogs,
nunting trip to the mountains last I Claude and Mary Bottemiller and
week. They were gone five days and Mrs. Char'es Ralph and two children
brought back one deer. Wm. Koberts were in Beaver Creek last week. They
killed the only deer and Wilbur made j took some evergreen berries down to
something like leatJTer out of some :f ( the Beaver Crek Co-operative Store.
the meat in trying to cook it accord- i Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and her
ing to a receipt furnished bv John, daughter, Mrs. Charles Ralph and lit
The boys say they didn't do much tie Arthur Ralph and Mrs Eotterm;!
this time but they will give them fits ier's son Kenneth picked evergreen
next time. berries last week.
Mrs. John Schram with her son Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Moehnke and
Lloyd and daughter Eva left here Sat- son3 LaVerne and Martin visited his
urday morning at ten minutes past brother Wm. M. Moehnke and family
six o'clock bound for Belloue, Wash.. jast week
Where they will visit George Hanson Mr. and Mrs. John Ltichtweis visit-
and family. Mrs. Hanson is a daugh- j ed their daughter Mrs. Charles Mar
ter of Mrs. Schram. They went by shall and family last week.
Men WiU Paint and
Re-Shingle Edifice
auto and expect to return in a week
or ten days.
Wm. Thomas and Ben Fischer, who
bought the Beaver Creek grange a ;
hort time ago are' doing a good busi- j
ness as they are both kept busy re-
paring the farmers' flivvers, selling
gasoline and oil.
Miss Florence Stromgreen of Port
land is visiting her parents Mr. an 1
Mrs Carl Strcngre.en and her sister
Pearl Stromgreen of Colton for a shor;
Mrs. Moehnke took his family to
Oregon City last Thursday.
Geo. P. Clark and family were in
Mrs. H. W. Parry passed away Sat-J Oregon City last Friday.
urday at about nine o clock P. M
Services were held at the Welch
church. Interment was in the Welch
cemetery Tuesday, September 20, at 1
Mrs. Bruce Brier of Seattle is the
guest of Mrs. Morehouse.
Mrs. Wilson of Portland spent th5
week-end with the Havills.
Barlow School to
Open September 25
the next year.
Miss Edith Harkenrider has gone to
Pendleton to attend the Round-Up.
Mrs. Lena Underwood has gone tt
Underwood. Wash ,to stay until after
apple picking time.
There were two cases in Justice
rourt Tuesday both suits resulting
from putting out fires and letting
Pleasant Surprise
In Honor of Baby
HOFF, Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ottu
Moehnke motored to Portland one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Bohlander and
friends of Portland spent Sunday at
the home of John Bohlander.
A pleasant surprise was carired out
last Friday when a number of neigh
bors called to surprise Mrs. Sehntz at
the Parsonage. The surprise was m
them set away and doing damage. One ( . oh.va-M- fnr- iho top ar.
was in the Garfield district and one at . Hval an(J many handsome tts weru
Elwood. The first named defendant , ge t Mrs j
pleaded guilty and was fined ?U, wtii e su Mrg piora .Mrs Hett.
latter defendant was declared! ,,. ..
BARLOW, Sept. 20. The teachers
for Barlow school beginning Septem
ber 26th will be Mrs. R. FJ Cherrick Of
Barlow and Frances Dayton of Wood
burn. Barlow school has Increased a
big percentage in the last two years
and. a large enrollment is looked for
this term
Hubbard high schooj hag increased
greatly by running a bus from and to
Manuel King met with an accident
by breaking his leg below the knt-o
but is getting along nicely..
Charles Dregnie left for Monmouth!
last Thursday going by way of Port-!
land and visiting in Whiteson and Mc
Edward Dretgmie left for Corvallis
last Saturday.
t,t latter defendant was
-not guilty" as there was not suffi
cient evidence to convict.
Interesting meet-ngs are going on at
the Christian church every night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Hewett of Port
land, were week-end guests at the S.
E. Wooster home. ,!
Mrs. Harold Wooster was taken t J
a Portland sanitor?um last Sunday
evening suffering with appendicitis
She was operated on Tuesday morn
ing and last reports are that she is
getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. H C- Stephens visit
ed the metropolis Tuesday.
Joe Demoy has returned to O. A. C.
at Corvallis.
The rainfall fn this vicinity seems
to give general satisfaction as the
pastures were getting pretty dry.
EJ. Hunt was amonig the Saturday
visitors in Portland.
The next meeting of the Rebekahs
is to celebrate the anniversary of that
order. A short program is being ar
ranged and at that time a collection
will be taken for the childrens home.
It is needless to say that refreshments
will also be served at this meeting,
which is Wednesday, September 28.
The first meeting- of the Community
club after the summer vacation, takes
place this next Friday night, Septem
ber 30.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks was hostess to a
party of lady friends Tuesday after
noon Those present were Mesdames
J. C. Duns, Viola Douglass, P. M. Wag-
ned and F. Harkenrider. These ladies
were friends of long standing, being
acquainted for a number of years
Light refreshments consisting of salad
cake, ice cream, sandwiches and cof
fp was served by the hostess in her
usual charming manner.
W. H. Holder is painting his resi
dence on Main street, now occupied
by the McKinny family.
Mrs. M. Rowe and little daughter
wero here from Portland this week
visiting at "the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kerkes.
ThP ttvmnathv of friends in this
Peter Bohlander, Mrs. Fred Steiner,
Mrs. Chas. Steiner, Mrs. W- J- Her
man, Mrs O. Lyman, Mrs. Max Hol
man, Mrs, H. HolmanMiss Julia Mes
senger, Mrs F. Grossnuller and baby,
Mrs. Arthur Stabnn and the Rev. and
Mrs. Schntze and fatiiily.
Mr and Mrs- Fred Steiner motored
to Mulino Sunday where they apent
the Oay at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Church
ills. Guy Shaw has returned to Portlaad
after spending a few weeks with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw.
Mrs. McKinster and daughter Iren'J
and Genevieve Londergan have been
enjoying camp life while picking hops
at the Smith yard at Carus.
Miss Erana Bluhm left for Mon
mouth Sunday to attend the fall term
of school, preparatory to teaching.
Mrs. Shaw and daughter DeEtta, in
company with Mrs. Yeoman and baby,
have been picking hops at Smith's
yard, making the trip daily in the
Shaw car.
A number of Beaver creek families
attended the county fair at Canby.
C. Thomas has returned to-Beaver
Creek after a number of weeks ab
sence. '
Mrs. Linnie Shipley has: resumed
her high school studies at West Linn.
Robert Snodgrass and family f
Mulino spent Sunday at the W. J.
Jlerman home.
Mary Shaw and Clara Bohland'ir
have returned home from the Aurora
hop fields to resume their studies.
Mrs. Fred Steiner and son Albert
Capital Garage
Poultry Discussed By
Eagle Creek Grangers
EAGLE CREEK Sept. 21. Born, to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass, Septem
ber 15, a son. Dr. McCall was the at
tending physician.
Walter A. Holt, the county agent
and Mr. Gribble, of . the Gribble Poul
try Farms, of Canby, were Grange
visitors Saturday. Quite an interesting
meeting was held, poultry raising was
freeiy discussed Mr. Gribble related
his experience in chicken raising and
told us how to feed,, etc:. About 3ti
were present, including visitors al
children. A fine chicken dinner and
ice cream were served.
A party was given George Baker
in honor of her fifteenth birthday, Sat
urday eveninar. Quite a crowd assembl
ed, and a fine time was reported.
Mrs. Katie Douglass called on Mrs
E. Xaylor Sunday afternoon.
Cams News Items
CARUS, Sept 19. Reed Jagger left
Carus Saturday morning for Corvallis
where he will attend school.
Quite a number of people of Carus
atteded the fair at Canby last w'eek.
Mr. and Mrs. Lunce Shockley and
family made a trip to Oregon .City
one day last week
Hue Parry was an Oregon City vis
itor last Saturday,
Charlie Wilbanks and Richard Mc
Carthy made a trip to Portland out
day last week.
Miss Erma Caseday spent Friday
afternoon with Miss. Maude O'Leary.
The Carus school opened September
J9th with Miss Ruth Hansen as teacher.
E. Harguene is very 111 and under
care of a physician and a trainad
Miss Grace Ingram entertained a
few girls at her home Saturday after
noon Those present were Wilm-i
Bliss, Janet Guillam, Elsie Welser,
Florence Weiser, and Mildred Achilles
Mrs. Api Jones made a trip- to
Aurora to the tomato farm one day
last week.
George Bliss and family, accompan
ied by Mr and Mrs. John Hughes, of
Beaver Creek, spent Sunday with Mrs,
Bliss's) sister at Molalla.
Personal Attention Given to all
Work. Every Job Guaranteed.
Fords Overhauled $20.00
vicinity is extended to Mrs. A W. Bot
kin of Garfield, over the loss of her j
father, Capt. C. Wanzer, who died Sun-
day night aX his home near Fairview. nillllllllllllUIIIIinillUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIinillT
Dr. Harry W. Paine j
I Osteopathic Physician
Beaver Bldg. Oregon City I
Theo. Sager "visited his sister Mrs.
Elizabeth Lee od family last week.
J. L. Gard and family visited their
daughter Mrs. Clyde Ringo and family
last week.
Miss Dora Wallace was in Oregon
City last week.
Mrs. Wm. Moehnke and daughters
Catherine and Marguerite, of Oregon
City were out tt Moehnke Eros, saw
mill of Clarkes recently returning to
their home again last Thursday.
Harry Pickett, Walter Lee and Clauu
Bottemiller were in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pickett and son
Lenn visited her grandmother Mrs. S.
M. Lee of Mulino last Sunday.
Albert David Lee hauled evergren
berries to Beaver Creek for his sister-in-law
Mrs. Clarance last week.
ITarrr Pickett and family were in
Salem last Friday.
Mrs. Mary Lee of Vancouver, Wash.,
and her daughters, Mrs. Roy Swift an.l
Mrs. Elmo Dow and son Lloyd Elmer
Dow of Oregon City visited their
grandmother Mrs. S. M. Lee of Mulimj
also her son and their brother Walter
Jee recently
Mrs. Amerine and son tichard visit
ed MT. Amerine's parents of Oregon
City last Friday.
Mrs. Harry Pickett and son Lena
of ValiJ-ouver visited hej sister Mrs.
Herbert 'carothers and son Elmer An
drew Oatothers o' Sheridan recntly.
Her mother Mrs. Mary Leo accom
panied her. Mrs. Herbert Carothers
was formerly Miss Blanche Lee" of
Henry and Lulu Kelinsmith and
children Margaret Sarah Kleinsmith,
son Henry Milton. Dorothy Goldie and
Mildred Kleinsmith and Mrs. Klein
smith's daughter Lillian Yager attend
ed the county fair last Friday.
Mm H. C- Kleinsmith is the leadtr
of Clarkes Poultry Club. The club
members are Leonard Marshall,
Ralphael Gard, Alfred Olden Griffith,
and Margaret Kleinsmith.
John Weigle and family attended
the county, fair last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall and
son Leonard and daughter Zeltlr.i
Marshall, son Marvin and baby
Marshall and her mother Mrs. Eliza
Kleinsmith attended the county fair
Friday. Mrs. Wm. Marshall was form
erly Miss Emma Kleinsmith of
Albert Buol, Jr., of Oregon City vis
ited his brother Ed Buol and family
last week.
W. H. Bottemiller sold some oats
to Edward Mclntyre, the grocery man
at Highland.
Mr. and Mrs Louis Mueller ana
baby of Carus visited their uncles
Eugene Klemsmii and Henry Klein
smith and family recently. Mrs. Louis
Mueller was formerly Miss Florence
Kleinsmith of Mulino. "
Miss Mae Rogers visited Miss Lil
lian Yager one day last week
John Schram and son Lloyd Schram
Clarkes last Thursday in the car.
Clifford Cook and William and Ed.
Mclntyre were in Oregon City a week
ago last Saturday.
Griffith W. Roberts, our mail car
rier of Hoff, was in Oregon City lat-.t
Saturday and Otto Liman carried the
mail that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grossmiller and
sons Kenneth and George and baby
Grossmiller visited her sister Miss
Anna Mayfield of Highland recently.
Mrs. F. Grossmiller was formerly Miss
Mary Mayfield Of Highland.
Mrs. Harry Pickett and son Lenn
from Vancouver visited . Mrs. Roy
Swift and her husband of Oregon City
last week. .
Albert "D. Lee visited his sister Mrs.
Mae Washburn of Portland last Sun
day. Mrs. Washburn was formerly
Miss Mae Lee of Madras, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elmer and son
Benjamin and daughter Esther visit
ed their daughter and sister Mrs. Fred
Josi, Jr., last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schiewe visit
ed his parents Peter Schiewe and Ja ni
tty of Oregon City last Sunday.
Edward C. and Eva Buol and daugh
ters. Alma, Ruth and Ruby Buol visit
ed the formers parents Albert Buol
and family of Oregon city last week.
RED LAND; Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Bonney transacted business in
Portland Tuesday.,
Mrs. C. J. Staats and infant son
rpent Wednesday with her sister-ln.
lawat the Good Samaratin hospital in
Mrs. John Murray and Mrs. H. G.
NeviU and daughter Clara Pearl speut
Wednesday at the C. W. Hulse home
near Lents.
Miss J. Preston of Canemah visited
her sister Mrs. Sam Stone Wednesday
evening. '
On Thursday the men of the neigh
borhood volunteered to shingle and
paint the Bethel Presbyterian church.
A fine dinner was served at noon by
the ladies of the community.
Tiie Ladies Live Wires met with
Mrs. Solon Bray Thursday. . I
Mrs. B. H. Stewart spent a few days
in Portland last week.
On Friday Mrs. C. W. Hulse of
Lents ,Mrs. W. N. Hulse and daugh
ter Miss Stella of Portland, and Hol
land and Raymond Anderson of Min
neapolis, Minn., came to help Mrs.
John Murray celebrate her birthday.
Margaret and Car Staats Jr are
two happy youngsters. They belong
to the goat club and exhibited thr;e
at the Canby fair. Margaret carried
off a first and second and Carl a first
On Saturday while Mr. Coop was
trying to crank his Ford, he had the
misfortune to break his right arm in
two places. John Kerr took him to
doctor in Oregon City.
M O. Rose of Oregon city called at
the C. J Staats home Sunday.
Miss Annie H indie spent the wee
end at the Bonney home.
On Monday June Kirchem, Mildred
Koch, Stella Wynn, Goldie Blrown
Da'e and Dorothy Stewart and Frank
Allt?n started to school in Oregon
H. Wynn, Russell Scott and James
Stewart were Oregon City visiters
Willamette Items
Rain Is Benefit
To Potato Crops
MACKSBURG, Sept. 19. The
gloomy prediction that, owing tc
lengthened drouth and early frost the
potato crop of 1921 was to be a failure
was brought to naught on the morn
ing of Sunday, September ISth by a
rain that with a few sunshiny inter
vals, has lasted till now Tuesday th;
The apple harvest at Hood River
has called a number our young people
j who are to begin work there in the
The Mother's Club is to meet on
the afternoon of September 22 at the
home of Mrs. Friton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner of Portland
with their son, a student of the TJ. S.
Naval Academy, were visiting: rela
tives in this place on Sunday last.
Will Roth is hauling his cord wood
to market this week.
The Frauen Verin of the Lutheran
church are holding their regular ses
sions and are working for a bazaar to
be held sometime in the present Fall.
Miss Bertha Koch, a student of the
State University, who has been spend
ing her vacation at home is to return ;
to Eugene for the opening of the new ',
Mrs. Vogel of Portland, who with
her children, has spent the summi-r
with her mother, Mrsi J. Gil-son, has
returned home for the beginning of
A very enjoyable time was had at
the Willamette school gymnasium
Wednesday evening when the parent
teachers association served diner to
about 100 people. The proceeds are
to go to buy books and clothing for
the needy children of the district-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckles, Sr., and
son, Roy," who have been -picking hops
near Aurora, have returned to their
home in Willamette.
A Whitney chorus has been organ
ized in Willamette under the manage
ment of Mrs. Harry Greaves. Rev. J.
R. Shaffer of the Methodist church.
has been appointed local director,
and they have enrolled thirty boys so
Marie Porter the year old daugh
ter of Mr. and 'Mrs. L- W. Toiler of
Willamette fell to the floor Monday
evening while playing with a spoon
and cut a deep gash in her tongue.
She was rushed to Oregon City where
she was attended by Dr. Frank Mount.
She is improving and Dr. Mount
thinks her speech will not be affected
Terry Barnes who has been absent
for a few months is back a-t Willam
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser and
famSly of Newport, visi,ted at tha
home of Mr an Mrs. Albert Adam-
son Wednesday and Thursday.
Miss Esther Larson of Willamette,
took lunch with Mrs. Chas. Baker,
of Gladstone last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Diblee, who
have been spending the past few
weks with, the latter's father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fellows o f
Eugene, have returned to their home
:n Willamette. They -were acc imparl
ied by Mrs Diblee's sister. Miss Elsio
Fellows, who will teach in the Wil
lamette grammar school this year.
Miss Rosena Elligson who has been
picking hops near Aurora, has return
ed to her home m Willamette.
Misses Helen Wallis, Beulah Sni-
dow and Mary Leisman have return
ed from Spokane where they, com
peted for the Pacific Interstate cham
pionship in canning. They were de
feated by the Idaho and also the
Washington team. When their ex
hibit arrived there it was found that
several of the jars were imperfectly
sealed which detracted- from their
The West Linn Union high school
faculty was - increased when c- O-
Main, of Portland," was introduced as
teacher in commercial law and math
ematics. Mr. Mann is a graduate of
University of Toronto, Canada. He
also is a post-graduate of the Colum
bia t'.niversity of New Ycrk City.
The Willamette Aid society silver
tea which was to be held at thehoioe
of Mrs. Carpenter was postponed by
the death of Miss Myrtle Donovan of
Oregon; City1, but lormerly of this
Friday was Juvenile day at the
Clackamas county fair when all stu
Elks Prarie Items
EI.K PRAIRIE. Sept 20 Wm.
Kruger obtained a permit to uurn his.
slashing Roy Thomas assisted him
with the work.
Richard Joplin has just built a large
barn .upon his place. About twenty
of the neighbors were present at the
bam raising. Later a dance was given
j in nor.or oi tne event.
The Elk Prairie Community club
will hold its next meeting jn the Frae
ly hall. It has met at thP homes of
;ts members several times the past
There has been quite a large fire
nea- the Kinzer home on the Crooked
Finrtr Ridge, jus, over in Marion
county. -
D W Badger has been sawing wool
for the Elk Prairie school and several .
of the Elk Prairi homesteaders.
Willis Badger has delivered plank t:
be laid upon the Elfe Prairie road, ra
the timber. This was a very Dad
piece of road tor both teams -na au
tomobiles. -
De Myers, who has bought the pla'e
which was the homestead of John
Michley is busy making improvements.
Mr.s. Myers is still in Indiana but wti
conie to -her new home as soon :s her
husband can arrange for her comlort
Mr. Zacumensky who has hoiu?-
steaded in this neighborhood, was in
to see his claim and visit relative..
Mr. Zacumensky will not to conio to
his claim for some time, according
to the goveinent's rulas, so will work
out for the present.
The Elk Prairie and Coal Creek
neighborhoods met recently at the
scho; house of the latter fcr the pur-.
pose of voting upon the budget, for the
twe schools Chas Tidd who is one
of the directors of this school district,
was the last to arrive .having Cnma
from Oregon City to attend the meet
ing. The meeting was called to order
by Prank Hilton, chairman of the
board. Some points of la a- were dis--cussed,
th?n the balloj was taken.
There proved to be eight in favor of
havinig both schools and four who op
posd the tax.
Miss Roberson, of Portlaud was pres
ent, having applied for the Coal Creek
school. However the directors decid
ed to transfer her to teach the Elk
Prairie school. Having understood that
ihe mater whs settled. Mis Roberscn
an-iecr-at her boarding place at noon,
men went to tne coai ureeit scnooi,
where she learned of the transfer, so
wen1, home with the Elk Prairie people
walking up the new trail to her board
ing place which was a number of
miles from the orininal one
Aniece of Mrs. M A. Tautfest has
returned to Portland
Mr. Bartnic and his sister brought
Mis-? Reberson from Scottr. Mills to
tne 1 ome of Mr and Mrs. Tautfest.
Colonjsl Hollingworth wa3 ar his
Elk Prairie home with a number of .
friends recently. Mrs Hollingsworth
dents from' the various schools Of the j was called to Nebraska bj ttie nlhess
countv received tickets into the fa'r of her father who has had two strokes
Motor Bus Carries
Lower Logan Pupils
LOGAN, Sept J.9.- A motor bus
comos as far as Lower Logan carry
ing the high school students who at
tend from here and Carver to Frank
lin high which, is a great convenience
Mr and Mrs. Owen Hatton are' receiving-
congratulations over the ar
rival of a new member in the family.
Miss Efhel Hutchins isi visiting
friends near Redmond.
Prune harvest Is now under way.
While the. yield is small the fruit is
of better quality, being larger and
sweeter. Canning and making prune
butter is the housewife's occupation at
Irene Kirchem could not attend the
first week of high school on accoum
of having her tonsils remove-d at Ore
gon City hospital Monday. Many other
pupils have had to undergo same oper
ation. H Franklin and a party of friends
went to Rainier or near there Satur
day, returning Sunday night, but no
game, though an abundance- of rain.
ground. Many of the West Linn Un
ion high school students attended.
Earl Mootry a 1921 graduate from
the West Linn Union high has gone
to Salem, where be will attend the
Willamette University. He was one
of the leading atmetes or tne. nigii
school and it is probable that he wH
take an active part in all the leading
events of the college.
A student body meeting was held
Thursday, i September 15 in the audi
torium of the union high school. Miss
Mildred McKillican, who was elected
president at the end of last years
term conducted her first meeting and
editor and manager Of the (High
School's Annual) were elected by the
majority of the student body. Jack
Hempstead of Oregon city was elect
ed editor and Marvin Hickman of
Bolton was elected manager. From
all appearances we will have a very
pleasing annual this year. At this
meeting Ed. Donely was elected foot
ball manager. Doris Ellis was elect-
ed tennis manager. There will bs
much enthusiasm over the athletic
program of the year. The plans for
an original yell contest were An
nounced. All students that wish to
can hand in original yells, they will
be judged by a committee! and the
winner will receive a high school
of paraylsis.
Wilburt Snider is helpmg Mrs Neely
to complete her log bungalow. This
promises to be one of the finest build
ings in this section
Meldrum Notes-
Hazelia News Items
Dodge News Items
DODGE. Sept. 20. Mrs. Hohnsteiu
and children have returned from the
hopfields, and have now gone t Hva
in Portland so that the boys can ,"go
to school there. William is going O
attend the Benson Polytechnic and
Phillip will enter high school.
Mrs. Kaake and daughter Irene and
Mahel Kellwr carr.e back from the
hop fields a week ago and reported
having a good time.
Mrs. J. E. Keller and family came
home on Wednesday after spending
two weeks, hop picking.
Harold Horner and wife and daugh
ter spent Sunday visiting his father on
the old home place.
Mr Everett the Sunday school mis
sionary preached to- a good audience
in the schoolhouse on Sunday morning.
M. Pedersen went to- Portland on
Monday to attend to some "business
Mrs. Elvin Myers and baby of Port
land are visiting at the W. E. Myer
HAZELIA, Sept- 20. Those whe at
tended the Community Sing at Os
wego Tuesday night had a most en
joyable time and we hope to see Mr.
Jenkins come often. We expect to see
many of our Hazelia singers join the
Oswego unit of the big chorus planned
by Mr. Jenkins. A most cordial invi
tation is given them.
Most of the Hazelia folks went to
the fair this week. Although we had
no booth this year we were glad our
Rosemount neighbors carried off the
Miss Jean Wilson left for Corvallis
Sunday to enter her freshman year at
O. A. C. A party was given at her
home Saturday evening at which Os
wego friends were guests.
Mis Hugh Baker has been quite ill
the past week.
The Wm. Robinon family took din
ner with the Christiansen's Sunday at
"Bonnie Brae Farm.
Airs Duncan Christiansen was d
Mghtfully surprised by being; present
with some bsauuful silver at a
party given at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Rose by her Oswego
Our Rosemount neighbors cordially
invite all Hazelia people of the com
munity spirit to attend an all day pic
nic at Robinson Grove Saturday, Sept.
24. Bring your lunch, coffee will be
We- are also invited to attend the
Rosemount Community business .meet
ing at the Davenport farm (lower
West Linn road) Wednesday evening,
September 28.
The Hazelia school is filled to its
full capacity The teacher Anss
Francss Willis of Gladstone, is mak
ing her home for the year with tho
Fred Lehman family.
Mrs. Harry Jones and children of
Salem visited Mrs. George Gardner,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester French, of Port
land were guests at the Wm. Gardner '
home Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White were
visitors at the Clackamas county fair'
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Davidson and
Victor Erickson were fair visitors at
Canby Friday.
Mrs. Eben Larson and son Junior,
Miss J. E. Jensen, of the Portland Sur
gical hospital, were entertained at
dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner
Miss Grace Alldredge of Seattle i3
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Georgia Mel
Mr and Mrs. P. C. Davidson enter
tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Jap Rasmussen ot Oregon City and
Miss Edith and Frank "Lindstrom of
Mrs. J. L. McColloch and daughter.
Mrs. Booth, visited Portland friends
on Tuesday.
Chas. Meldrum, wife and son are
takii'g a two weeks' vacation at Sea
View, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. EI E. Hammond ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Rogers, spent Tuesday at Salem.
Mrs. Thomas J. Grady was the
guest of Portland friends Tuesday.
Herbert G. Kimball of McMinnville.
was a recent visitor at the home of
his aunt Mrs A. W.. Meyers.
Alex Gill is disposing of his brick
which he recently placed cn the mar
ket. They are first class and bring
a faJr price.
Mrs. John Kopp of Portland, former
ly of Meldrum, was entertained at a
picnic dinner on Tuesday by Mr. and
Mrs..E. E. Hammond and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Rogers on the Hammond law.
A fire completely destroyed H. L.
Bonds chicken house and eleven fine
hens on Friday arternon, supposed to
have started by little Rosette Bond
playing with matches. The parents
are fortunate that the child escaped
with her own little life as the gate
to the pen was locked and she crawl
ed out at the little entrance Where
the chickens enter, to get away from
the flames which were beyond con--trol
before they were discovered.
. Miss Maude Grant who is spending
her vacation with her sister Mrs. Alex
Gill, was the guest of her sister Mrs.
Goetz in Portland on Tuesday.
Transacts Business
R. P. Williams, of Molalla, was in
this city Wednesday ,where he caoie
I to lOOK auer pi-upc-l iy h-.xicbu ai
I Molalla. N
Congress Convenes;
Long Meet Bxected
. WASHINGTON Se p t. 21. Con
gress reassembled at noon today af
ter a recess of thitf y days, with
prospects that the extra session would
lapsa into the regular session begin
ning' in December.
Fifty-four senators, thirty-three Re
publicans and twenty-one Democrats,
answered to the senate roll call after
Vice President Coolidge had con
vened that body. The session open
ed with the usual confusion of greet
ings and 4 handshaking) among sena