OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1921. Page 7 SANDY (Continued from Page 6.) gon pastoral conference of the Luther an church at Cornelius last week. Mr. and Mrs. August Bedenstein of Cherryville were Sandy visitors laf. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Townsend and son. were over from Bull Run Monday evening. Mr. Chrstiansen who purchased the old Maybee place last fall has moved away, according to report. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. E3son of The Dalles were recent visitors at the R. E. Esson home. Another party of relatives were al so guests a few days ago of the Ea sons' as follows: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gillett, parents of Mrs. Esson, Mrs. Glendore DeGraw, an aunt frcm West on. Ore.. Mrs. Etta Downer, also an aunt, and J. B. Highland frcm Port land. Mrs. Sara Cross, mother of Mrs. R S. Smith, has returned from Eastern Oregon where she spent a month with relatives. Mrs. Cross was delayed on her journey here half a day by the burning O. R. fc N. tunnel at Hood . River. Miss Lulu Eddy and Mrs. F. H. Lake attended the quarterly conference at Pleasant Home last Saturday and re port a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perret drove to Portland to attend the Fournier fu neral last week. The Ferrets also took a trip over to Vancouver some days aro. taking a picnic dinner along. Mr and Mrs. Ed Gesch were Sandy visitors one day recently. Gesch has been so busy all summer he is seldom down to the town. Mrs. Melvin Smith and children vis ited at the Hoffman hore home one afternoon recently. The Duke family drove to Hillsboro last Sunday and spent a pleasant day. Mrs. E. Dodd. Ruby Dodd and Mrs F.R'e -narber went to Portland on x. i-hopping journey a few days ago, Mrs. Dodd returning with Mr. ana Mrs Vfenrv Perret. Thp Sandv volunteer fire departs ment is talking of having a card party in the near future. Some folks are already complain ins? that Jack Frost creens under the ertsres of the bed covering and are fonntin the watches on last year's union splits. . A counle of dozen (more or less) of dead snakes in the bottom of a Sandy well were found the other day when the well was being cleaned out! Hon pst to sroodness snakes, not the moon shino kind! Yet nobody has died nor bPPTi sick thoueh the water was used right alon; by numbers of people. Snake-germs surely must not be in fectious, but somehow those who used the water do not particularly enjoy tlio "inke." Ed Hines who was up at Wild Cat gathering huckleberries said tnere were about 150 squaws came in there from the Warm Springs "angle" on the mountain. Mrs. Jack Scales says she and sons, Tommy and Kenneth went fishing Sunday at Corbett in one of the Reed boats and caught 200 salmon. There is a big run of fish now they are being caught by the "load." The single mill at Cherryville is run ning full blast under the new owner ship and John Jonsrud is turning out more shingles than the plant ever handled before. Carl Dahl of the firm of Hauser -S. Dahl was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith recently. George Thomas, son of Mack Thomas, of Bull Run is working in the r s Smith garage. Thomas boards at the hotel. Ephraim Gray is also a kelper at the Smith garage Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn and Fenton Dunn were from Friday toi Monday guests in Portland, and visited friends and relatives, saw the sights and had a fine time generally. Airs. Miller had a nice phone chat with Mr. and Mrs. Collier at Hood River last Sunday The Colliers are j nicely located and like their new lo cat'on.' . The Sandy folks visiting at Hood River gave P. T. Shelley the hand shake at the biig community church service Sunday morning. And now W. F .Strack is painting his House, rutting on another coat of white .doing the work himself A. C. P.aumback is. going to have a new roof on his. house ere the rains descend. Says he must "or hunt an other house." . Blasting along the road interfered with telephone communications be tween Sandy and Gresham the f irst of the wek. Countv surveyors have been out lo cating a private road for John Jonsrud po as to make his shingle mill more accessibl e. Ed. Bruns still has a big demand for lumter and says his mill has sawed more the past month than ever before. The Bruns brothers were up to the Jonsrud shing'e mill Monday after an order of shingles. Charlev Krebs has been burning the slashings on the Miller "40" on Sandyridge this week. The stubble on the Bruns place by the oemetery caught fire Monday and by the efforts of Charley Krebs the vacant house was saved. With a few slashings burning, road planks afire, ' coal-pitting and other j clearing that is being done me ptare has been a little blue, but nothing like it has been other seasons, in fact tbis season has been the least smoky in. some thirty years or more. Several relatives of John Bucholtz have recently arrived from Germany and ate with the Bucholtz family at Briightwood. The entire Strack family spent a week up at Wild Cat in the huckle berry environsi and with them were John Mitchell and Herbert Armstrong, tiio ontJm nartv bringing out fifty gallons of choice berries. The east w'nd began blowinsr with a oecfiive twang which hurried the "berriers out and homeward. "Baby" Strack. aged four, climbed to the topmost peak of the mountain. The view from this "Cat" is said to be worth the trip up there any time, A trip on the highway was enjoyed by Ruby Dodd, . her mother, and brother, George, Miss Elsie Barker and Charley Suekow one day of the week. The crowd was driven by Mr. Grunert and Eagle Creek was the de lightful picnic spot. Miss Blanche Case who has been ou night duty at the Salem tuburcular sanitarium the past few weeks say.s there are 97 patients, 14 of whom arc children. Regular lessons are giv en the children, if able to study in a little school room provided for them This' institution, practically the rendezvous for severe cases, for most part those that have not gained at the private sanitariums, and" many are in the last stages when sent there. Five nurses are employed. Rupert. Es monds, who holds the world record for hurling the javelin is a tuburcular in mate at the institution. Mrst L. E. Hoffman and Reuben were at the Davo Douglass home on Monday .and brought reports of ice appearing up there Monday morning. Mrs. Henson phoned down from SCig Zag Monday that the tomatoes and other vegetables looked like "dish rags' after Jack Frost got in his work Sunday night. Pridemore, the genial Government Camp hotel man, closed up the hotel for the season last week and took his chef down to the city last Saturday. The Pridemore's will take a two weeks trip over to Seattle soon, and will spend the winter in Portland and Seat tle. The season was not nearly t.o good as last year, largely on account of the roadsi, It is said. Mrs. Dave Douglass was down ovjr Friday night to get in good fettle for the grange meeting next day. Hazel Beers has been performing the clerkship act at the Scales store for several days off and on. Mrs. A. W. Bell gave a delightful birthday party for her little daughter Margaret last Friday afternoon. Four kinds of cake, punch, ice cream and candy were served the happy littla guests who were dressed up in their "best Sundays" and many of them felt especially favored in attending two parties in two days! Margaret receiv ed many nice present and there were 7 candles on her beautiful birthday cake). Those present were Mildred, Marguerite and Ruth Barnett, Amanda Perret, Roberta and Donald Smirh. Arletha Proctor, 'sallian Perret, Lois Beers, Heinie Dittert, Richard Mar onay, Ronnie Esson, Winnifred Glock ner, Laura Hoffman, Jonne Shelley, Ellsworth Bell, Pauline and Margaret Bell. Those assisting Mrs Bell wer-i Mrs. R. S. Smith, Mrs. George Beers and Mrs. Fred Proctor. C. D. Purcell who paid the Crissey gladiola farm a visit a few days a?o and says it is worth while to take the trip to see the "beautiful sight." Cris sey had his wonderful blossoms on exhibition at the Seward hotel the past week. Mr. Purcell found that Samuel B. Crissey, civil war veteran and father of "W. L." is. a Decatur, Til. man, which is near Purcell's home Town, so they had quite a visit taking about mutual friends. The Misses Blanche and Nettie Chase, daughters of the late Charley Chase, spent most of the past week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hoaglum. Blanche Chase graduated with honor at a Seattle high school last spring and is now at the stata tuburcular hospital at Salem where she expects to enter training as a nurse. Blanche has enough cerdits to enter the Washington "TJ," but has decided to take a nurses course if her health will permit. Nettie.the next younger sister is also at Salem and la making good at her work. These girls were born at Sandy and all pioneers around here remember their father, also their grandfather, Harvey Chase. The Gray home and a number cf town lots were once a part or tne Chase farm. Mrs. Hoaglum and the Chase girls spent the afternoon with Mrs. J. M. C. Miller. Mrs. George Perret and Mrs. J. C Duke gave a party for the little folk who took part in the children's day program last June on Thursday after noon at the Perret home. Games amus ed the happy little fairies who est loved the nice party," baby Albert en- iovine the part most of all. Cake and io ream were served by tne nosiea; The following were present. Lam" and Albert Perret, Mildred and Ruth - t nc xjoft uTanzaret Bell, Roberta imim a Prnrtnr. Lola Dodd, Wanda Barber Ronnie Esson, Amanada Per rot career "girls" were Bernice Dun can, .Jonne Shelley, Ruth Esson and Marguerite Barnett. Mrs. Miner, Mrs nuke and Mrs. Perret. Mr. Faulkman Sr., and Mr. ana Mrs. Faulkman Jr. and Mrs. Faulkman oil rv Siinda-v. ernests or me wcic - '- V Pizzola and Boitano families Sunday icTr Faulkman knows this country well and nredicts this section will eventually be the biggest berry producing section near t'omaiw. Faulkm ti is a berry man and snoui-i know. However, he says our roads are still against us. Even when the mam trunk is finished, the cross roads will be in as bad shape as ever, for some time to come, judging from the pres ent outlook. But, let us hope Mr Faulkman does not vision rightly about the local roads! A party composed of Mr- and Mrs. George Perrett and Lillian, Mrs. Ern est Harris. Mrst Miller, afsc Miss Gert rude Acheson of Portland drove to Hood River Saturday, returning Mon day A. M. Mrs. Harris and Mr. Perret spent Saturday night and Sunday with Ern est Haris near Ml Hood Lodge, and the 'boys" went fishing the next morn ing, securing a fair catch. It was cold up there, rained in the night and snow ed in the morning. While the Nimrod's of the party frsihed the remainder had a delightful time visiting, driving, and attending church. Mrs. Perret and Miss Acheson being guests of the I. R. Acheson fam ily and Mrs. Miller ot Mr. and Mrs. Bartmess. It was decided the sermon by Rev. Boddy at the Community church of 1500 members was worth the trip up there! His subject was "The Technique of Successful Living," which when all summed up was indi vidual responsibility to God, to neigh bor and to the community, none of which dare be shirked without dis astrous to the individual, and the plea was, ask like Paul, "Lord what wilt Thou !have me to do!" The party also drove to see the big tunnel burning, which was a welrl Eight in the dark. Drovp through the world-famed passed Billy Sunday's ranch, sav ihe wonderful ' apple orchards ready to hAvest, viewed the majestic scenery, up, back and round-about the delightful little city of Hood River, called on old friends, in fact filled the hours very full! omaii orphan Traveled Far. Her baggage consisting of two let ters, dealing with her father's war record, three-year-old Winnifred Jo sephine McKlnley passed through Port Arthur, Ontario, recently on the Ca nadian Pacific on the way to her uncle's home in Swift Current, Sas katchewan. From her faraway home in Glasgow, Scotland, to the Canadian West, more than 4,000 miles, the little orphan had only the kindly directions of train and steamship officials to guide her. FOR SALE CHEAP: Top. buggy and harness, with shafts and tongue. Phone 16F21, Clarkamas, Or Route i. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit-rflourt of tha State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Mary A. Kelley, Plaintiff, vs Lina Vane. Julia Kessler and John Doe Kessler, her husband, Defend ants. State of Oregon, county of Clacka , mas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 6th day of September, 1921, upon a judgment rendered and enter ed in said court on the 31st day of August, 1921, in favor of Mary A. Kel ley, Plaintiff, and against Litfa Vane, Julia Kessler and John Doe Kessler, her husband, Defendants for the sum of $1583 30, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 31st day of August. 1921, and tlin further sum of $150.00, as attorney's fee. and the further sum of $."2.75 costs and disbursement and the costs of and upon this writ, ccmmanJIng me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to- wit: The South East Quarter (S. E. of the South East Quarter (S. E. V, ) of Section Numbered thirty-three (33) in Township Two (2) South, Range Seven (7) East of Willamette Meridl an. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order :nd decree. and in compliance with the commands of said writ, T will, on Saturday, the 8th day of October, 1921; at the hour of 10 o'clcck a. m., at the front door of the County Court House in tha City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bid der, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand all the right, title and interest whic!i the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mort gage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or aiy part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interests, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. AVILSON, . Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon By. E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., September 9th. 1921. SUMMONS No. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Muriel M. Newall, Plaintiff, vs G. Clifford Newall, Defendant. To G. Clifford Newall, the above nam- defendant: In the name of the , State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will applv to the Court for the relief demanded in her Complaint, towit: A decree for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff, and for such other relief as the Court may deem equitable. This Sumomns is served upon you by the publication thereof, once each week for six consecutive weeks in th. Oreeon City Enterprise, a newspaper of ganeral circulation, printed and published at Oregon City, in Clacka mas County, Oregon, the date of th.'s first publication thereof, being Frid.iv September 2nd, 1921, and the date of he last publication thereof being Fri day, October 14th, 1921, all done in ac cordance with the order of the Honor- ableja mes U Campbell, Judge of '.hv above entith-d Court, which order was made and entered in this cause on tho 31st day of August, 1921. E. L. McDOUGAL, Attorney for Plaintiff. 905 " Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port land, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. JOHN L. KARNOPP, Plaintiff, vs H. F ONG, Executor of Will and Estate of Thomas Prince, deceased; H. F. ONG and CARRIE M. ONG, his wife; WORCESTER EANK i"i TRUST COMPANY, Truelee, a cor poration; HAROLD T. PRINCE and MA R JO H IA PRINCE, his wife. WILLIAM REES, Guardian of Har old T Prince, Incompetent; J. 3. SIMMONS and ESSIE G SIM MONS, his wife; OLIVE M. DOWS LUCY P. WHITE and CHAUNCEY B. WHITE, her husband; RALPH A SIMMONS and EVA V. SIM MONS, his wife; WILLIAM L AMES, LUCIUS T. HAYWARD and AMABEL E. HAYWARD. his wife". RUBY EMERY BUCKLE and HARRY BUCKLE, her husband: JOHN DOE; RICHARD ROE and ALLEN POE. Trustees of the Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa chr. setts; JAMES DOE. HENRY ROE and EDWIN PCE, Trustees of the Oddfellows Home, Worcester, Massachusetts; DAVID SMITH, FRANK JONES and GEORGE WHITE, Trustees of th Home for Aged Men, Worcester. Masaa chusetts; MARY SMITH, . JANE DOE and ANNA WHITE, Trustees of the Home for Aged Women, Wor coster. Massachusetts; TOWN OF KINGSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, a municipal corporation; KINGSTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, a cor poration; GEORGE H. WARD POST NO. 10 OF GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, a corporation ; and the unknown heirs of Thomas Prince, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants TO H. F. ONix. Executor of Will a ad Estate of Thomas Prince, deceased. H. F. ONG and CARRIE M ONG, his wife; WORCESTER EANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, a cor poration; HAROLD T. PRTNCE an 1 MARJORIA PRINCE, his wife, WILLIAM REES, Guardian of Har old T. Prince, Incompetent; J. 3. STMMONS and ESSIE G SIM MONS, his wile; OLIVE M. DOWS: LUCY P. WHITE and CHAUNCEY B. WHITE, her husband; RALPH A. SIMMONS and EVA V SIM MONS, his wife; WILLTAM L AMES. LUCIUS T. HAYWARD an 1 AMABEL E. HAYWARD, his wife, RUBY EMERY BUCKLE and HARRY BUCKLE, her husband: JOHN DOE; RICHARD ROE and ALLEN POE. Trustees of the Masonic Home of Charlton, Massa chusetts; JAMES DOE, HENRY ROE and EDWIN POE, Trustees of the Oddfellows Home. Worcester. Massachusetts; DAVID SMITH. FRANK JONES and GEORGE WHITE, Trustees of the Home for Aged Men, Worcester, Massa chusetts; MARY SMITH, JANE DOE and ANNA WHITE, Trustees of the Home for Aged " omen, Wor cester. Massachusetts: TOWN OF KINGSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, a municipal corporation; KINGSTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, a cor poration: GEORGE H. WART) POST NO. 10 OF GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, acorpcratiou. and the unknown heirs of Thomas Prince, deceased, and also all other persons or parties ankaown claim ing any right, title, estate lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, DEFENE ANTS In the name-of the State of Oregon, You are hereby summoned and requir ed to appear and anpwer the Com plaint against you in the above entitl ed suit witt)in six week from th-J line! Ja oi September, 1921, said date being the first day of the publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his Com plaint filed herein, to-wit: 1st That plaintiff be adjudged and decreed to be the lawful owner an! holder of that certain mortgage. f.nd the promissory note described there in, given by The Oregon Home Build ers, a corporation, on April 15th, 1916. to Laurine Honnes to secure the payment of Eight Thousand Five Hun dred Dollars '$8500) payable two years after date, which' said mortgage appears ot record at page 226 in Volume 107 of Record of Mortgages in and for Clackamas County, Oregon, ani that the Court determine and de cree that there is still due and owing on account of said note and mort gage the sum of S?ven Thousand Five Hundrd Dollars ($750u) with inter est thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from July 13, 192.), and the further sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) as a reasonable attor ney s fee for tne ioreciosure or tno said mortgage, together with the costs and disbursements of said suit. 2nd. Thai plaintiff's said mortgage be adjudged and decreed to be a first lien upon the real property therein described, to wit: That certaiti portion of Section-? numbered Seven (7) and Eighteen (IS i in Township Two (2) South .if Range Two (2) East of the Willam ette Meridian, described as follows- Bounded by a line beginning at a stone set in the center of the county road leading from Oregon City to Portland, where said road intersects the Northerly boundary line of the- James McNary Donation Land Claim. which point is South 45 West 208.3! feet from the quarter Section corner between said Sections 7 and IS, there North 45 East tracing said McNary claim line 27.35 chains to a stoni. thence North 4C 46' West 18 70 chains thence South 45 West 20.19 chaini to center of said county road, where an iron pipe is driven for a corner, ihence Southeasterly along center u county road to the place of beginning. containing fifty (50) acres, more cr less, excepting five and five "hun dredths (5.05) acros heretofore con veyed to Peter Naef l-y dsc-d recorded in Rook 60 of Deeds at page 106 there of, which said first described tract is now platted under name of Hills dale, situate in the County of Clack amas and State of Oregon; as of the .late of the recording of said mortgage, to wit, the 25th day of April, 191G. and that said mortgage lien bo iid.iudged and decreed to he prior and superior to any right, title, intereht, estate, claim or lien which the defends ants herein may have or claim in said mortgaged property. ?rd. That the lien of plaintiff's said mortgage be foreclosed and thut the real property therein described bo old by the Sheriff in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution and that thj proceeds of said eale. after paying the costs and expenses thereof, be applied in payment of tha amounts adjudged to be due and owing to the plaintiff on account of said note and mortgage, including Interest and said attorney's tees and the costs and disbursements of said suit, and that the surplus, if any, be paid to the defendants accord ing to their respective interests as found and determined by said Court.. 4th That the defendents and all persons claiming under them be for ever barred and foreclosed of any and all right, "title, interest, estate, claim Jr lien, either in law or in equity, in and to the above described mortgaged premises and every part rherof, saving only the statutory igut of redemption 5th That plaintiff have such other tn.d further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. Service of this summons :s made upon you by publication theteof pur- - 1 suant t the order of the Hon. J U. Campbell. Judgo of the above-ent'tled Court .made and entered in said sui on the 1st day of September, J921, di recting that such publication be mado at least once a week for six consecu tive weeks' in the Oregon City Enter prise, a newspaper of general circula tion published in the County ot Clack amas and Stsi.3 of Ovegon SNEDECOR AND LAYMAN, Attorneys far Plaintiff. P. O Address x1212 -SpaldiDg Build ing, Portland, Oregon. First Publication 2nd cay of Sep tember, 1921. IiFt Publication: 14th day of Octo ber, 1921. NOTICE "TO CREDITO'RS Notice is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas has ap pointed the undersigned executor of the Win and Estate of Lydia Ann Faulk deceased. All persons, having claims against the said decendent, or her estate are hereby given notice that they Shall present them to the undersigned executor at the office of Jos. E. Hedges, Esq., in the Hogg Bldg., in Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this nc tice, with proper vouchers duly veri fied. JOHN A FAULK, Executor of the Will and Estate of Lydia Ann Faulk, deceased. JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney. Date of First Publication, Septem ber 2nd, 1921. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of ihe State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Marguerite M. Albee, Plaintiff, vs.. Lewis A. Albee, Defendant. To Lewis A. Albee, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against 3'ou in the above entitled suit on or before the 16th day of Septem ber? 1921, said date being more than six weeks from the "date of the first publication of this Summons, and iv you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complain, to-wif For a decree dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant and giving and granting to plaintiff the care, custody and control of the minor children, Lewis A. Albee and Lyle F. Albee and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and proper. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of Hon. J. U Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entersd on the Srd day of August, 1921, directing that such publication be made in the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six eucecssive weeks; the first publication thereof being on the 5rh day of August, 1921, and the last pub lication thereof being on the 16th day of September, 1921. CHARLES T SIEVERS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHEHiFFS 8A'- No. 17556 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. F. T. Bullock, Plaintiff, vs Nettie Connett. James W. Walsh. Caleb C- Hall, and Carrie F. Allen. Defendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale issu ed out ot the above entitled Court in the above entitled Cause ,to me di rected and dated the 20th day of August 1921, upon a judgment render ed and entered in said cause on tho 20th of August, 1921, in favor of F. T. Bullock, Plaintiff, and against Nettie Connett, defendant, for the sum of $1600.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from the 8th day of Angupt 1920, and the further sum of $152.10 with interest thereon frcm the 28th day of December, 1921, at 6 per annum, and the further sum of $13.00. and the further sum of $175.00, attorney's fees, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per annum from the 20th day of August, 1921, and the further sum of $36.00, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: The North half (N) of the North east Quarter (NEVi) of Section Twenty eight (2S, oTwnship One (1) South, Range Five (5) East of the i Williamette . Meridian, containing SO acres, more or less, in Clackamas County, Oregon., .NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, decree and order , of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday the 24th, day of September, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on said day, at the East Door of the county Court house in Oregon City, Oregon, sell at public auction (Subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants and each and all of them had on the Sth, day of February, 1915, the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed or since that date had in and to the above de scribed property or any part thereof. to satisfy said execution, judgement order, and decree, interest, costs, At torney fee, taxes, abstract, costs and accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore. Dated this 22nd day of August 1921. First issue August V6, 1921 Last issue September 2.1rd, 1921. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Cacka mas William H. Scollard and Caroline Scol lard, Plaintiffs, VSi Edward E.4 Magone, M. A. Magone, . Henrietta Magone, Roscoe Magone, Cecil Magone, cyrel Magone, Lula PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer. CashiV The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000 00 Transacts a (.Tentral Banking Business Cole, Marion Glenn, Willa A. Cars ner, Sarah Thompson, W. Clyde Hughes, Claude Hughes, Benjamin Stanton, Lottie L. Stanton, all the unknown heirs of Joseph Magone deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any estate, right, title, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein. Defendants. To Lulu Cole, Marion Glenn. Caude Hughes, Benjamin Stanton, Lottie L. Stanoth, all thue nnkown heirs of Joseph Magone, deceased, and ell other persons or parties unknown claiming any estate, right, title, lion, or interest in the real estate describ ed in the complaint herein. Defen dants. In the name of the tsiate of Oregon; you- are hereby required to appear and tnswer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of first publica tion of this summons, to-wit; from the 5th day of August, 1921. and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want there of, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint herein, to-wit: For an order judgment and decree forever quieting plaintiffs' titl'j of the reil estate described in . their complaint herein; declaring plaintiffs to be the owners in fee simple of the same, and that their title thereof, to be good aid .i lid. Enjoying and dobatring each of said defendants, all of the unknown heirs of Joseph Magona deceased and all other persons or parties unknown rlaiming any estate, right, title, lien, or interest therein; and all persons claiming by, through, or under any of them, from hereafter satting up any estate, right, title, lien, or interest in said described premises or any part thereof, adverse to the rigWts and title of plaintiffs And for such ether and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. Sni.l premises are described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner cf the South half of the Donation Land Claim of .Joseph Magone and wif;: in Township Five (5) South of JRange One'(l) West of the Willamette Meri dian, which' point of beginning is marked by an iron bar; thence 2414' E. along: the east line of said P. L. C, 30.00 chains to the center of Butte Creek (iron bar on bank; ; thencu meander down stream as follows: S. J0 W. l.Oo chain; S. 5230' W. 2.93 chains; S. S045' W". 1.00 chain: thence N. 3745' W. 1.78 chains; thence S. 70 W. 1.75 chains; N. 744." W. 105 chains; N. 3530- W. 2.12 chains; N. 9 W. 1.7S chains; N. 5 E. .93 chains; N. 5830' W- 1-74 chains; W. 1.00 chains; S. 7430' W. 3.20 chains; N. 4445' W. 5.00 chains; N. 3530' E. 3.45 chains; N. 530' E. 5.64 chains; N. 70- W. 3.00 chains to the division line of the North and South halves of said Claim; theacc N. 32 E. along said division line 12.87 chains to the place of beginning, con taining 25.50 acres of land, more or less, situate in the County of Clack amas and State of Oregon. Also, ' Beginning on the East boundary line of the Joseph Magone and wife Dona tion Land claim, where said east line crosses the section line between sec tions 14 and 23, in Township'Five (5) South of Range One (1) West of th?. Willnmette Meridian, which point is 1.67 chains east of the corner of sec tion 14, 15, 22. and 23; running thence South 23 4 5' east along said east boundary line,. 2.51 chains to the di vision line of the North and South halves of taid Claim; thence on said division line South 32 Weft 2.10 chains; thence North 705' W 5.36 chains to the east boundary line of said Claim; thence S. 2345' East along said east boundary line 2.10 chains to the place of beginning, containing 0.35) acres of land, more or less, situate in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon. Also, A part of Government Lot 8, of sec tion 14 in Township Five (5) South of Range One (1) West of the Will amette Meridian. Beginning at a point whore the east boundary line of the Joseph Magone and wife Donation Land Claim crosses the section line running east and west between sec tions 14 and 23, running thence due North to the center of the County road known as the S. B. Kent road, 16.36 chains; thence running west along the center of said road 20 feet; thence due South 481 feet parallel with the first above described line: thence at right angles due west to the intersec tion of the east line of the Joseph Magone and wifo Donation Land Claim; then South- 2545' East along said boundary line of said Joseph Ma gone and wife Donation Land Claim to the place of beginning, containing 2.S0 acres of land, more or less, situate in the County of Clackamas and State oi Oregon. This sumomns is served upon you by publication thereof, in the Oregon City Enterprise, for six conseru'ive weeks pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbel, judge of the above entitled Circuit Court, made, dated and entered of record, July 30, 1921. the date of first publication is August 5th, 1921, and the date of last publication will be September 16th, 1921. H. OVERTON, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Addrfess Woodbiim, Oregon. SUMMONS No. In the Circuit Court' of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Walter H., Grower, Plaintiff, VSL Fairybell Grower, sometimes known as Fairybell Clifford, and some times known as Fairybell Trapp. Defendant. To- Fairybell Grower, sometimes known as Fairybell Clifford, and sometimes known as Fairybell Trapp: In the name of the State of Oregon- You are hereby commanded and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff filed against Oven from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Oonimercial, Real Estate and Probate oui . Specialties. Of fce in First National Bank Rldg., Oregon City, Oregon. . O. D. EBY Attsmey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business Over Bank of Oregon City. Phone 405 y WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT. LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Or- MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Ureferred PAUL C. FISCHER Beaver Bldg., Oregon City you in the above entitled suit on or be fore the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, the date of the first publication hereof being the 19th day of Au&ust, 1921, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the teom plaint filed against you herein,, to-wlt: for the judgment and decree of the above entitled court forever dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony and the marriage contract now and heretofore existing l etween you, the defendant, and the above named plaintiff, ancTfor an absolute divorce of plaintiff from you, the above named defendant, and j'or such other and further relief as to thi- court may seem just In the prerres. Tliis summer: s is rerved upon you !- publication thereof once a week i for hix consecutive and successive. weeks in the Orergon C'ty Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, pursuant to the order of the Honorable H. E. Cross. County Judge for Clackamas County, Oregon,- which order directed that service of summons be made upon you by publication as aforesaid and which order was made and entered on August 6th, 1921. The undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff are resident attorneys of the State of Oregon, and their residence and postoffice address is 1225 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon The date of the first publication hereof is August 19th. 1921 CLARK, MIDDLETON & CLARK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residence and Postoffice address 1225 Yeon Building. Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS No. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, De partment No. Ida B. Crippen, Plaintiff, vs. Otis F. Crippen, Defendant. To Otie F. Crippen, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore son, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of tha first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in , her Complaint, towit:, A decree for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff. This Summ6ns is served upon ynu hy the publication thereof, once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon city Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Oregon City, in Clacka mas County, Oregon, the date of the first publication thereof, being Friday, August 12thr 1921, and the date of the last publication thereof being Friday, September 23rd, 1921, all done in ac cordance with the order of the Honor able James U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which orde,was made and entered, in this cause on the i 0th day of July 1521 YATES, YATES & A. HANSEN, Attorneys for "plaintiff. Pittock Blk., Portland, Ore. SUMMONS No. 18200 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, De partment No. Ernest Smith, Plain tiff, vs. Nora Smith, Defendant. To Nora Smith, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this Sumomns, to wit: Within six weeks from Fridav. September, 16, 1921, and ;f you fail to appear or answer for v ant thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitl ed Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a Decree forever dissolving the marriage con tract now existing between you and plaintiff. This Sumomns is served unon von by the publication thereof in the Ore gon City Enterprise, a newspaper o general circulation, printed and pu. Jished at Oregon City, Oregon. The first publication thereof, being Friday. September 15, 1921, and the las publi cation thereof, being Friday, October 28, 1921. All done in accordance with the order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court. which order was made ar.d entered of record in the above entitled cause. this 14th day of September, 1921. WM. G MARTIN, CAREY F. MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 41S Masonic Tomple, Salem Oregon.