Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 09, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Cooked Food Sale
At Lodge Success
The cooked food sale held on Satur
day which was given under the aus
pices of the Grace Guild, netted ovei
$50 -and the proceeds -will be used for
the Calendar plan for the rew church.
The committees were untiring in their
efforts foe the success of the affair
and their help with the space given
intr the three stores to display the
gcods by our merchants is. greatly ap
preciated by this women's organiza
lion. Mrs. Pooler and Mrs. Snider
held forth at the post office and little
Lorraine Pooler did much to adv
tise their "goodies." Mrs. Robbins and
Mrs. Pearson were at the Blue Front
and disposed of many dozens of douei:
nuts in a very short time. Mrs. Randall
and Mrs. Holcomb were kept bny
until late with their large varieties
of cakes, pies, cookies, salads, vege-
rtables and canned goods and also
served ice cream and cake.
The Grace Guild has been very suc
cessful this year. Interest is shown
at every meeting and $200 pledged
toward the church budget and $500
to be paid to the new church buildiug.
Mrs. Meade Kennedy i3 to be hosi
er's ou the second Wednesday of Sep
temter, which eoir;es on the 14th.
The Experience social will be hei'l
on September 15th under the direction
of the social committee. This promises
to be an interesting and novel affair.
Mrs. Blinestone. Mrs. Geo. Gardner
and Mrs. Booth are on this committee
Junior Endeavor Work
For Season Started
The Junior Endeavor society has tak
en up its work with renewed activity,
On Sunday Evelyn Moritz led the lit
votional meeting.
Ou Tuesday, unier the direction o!
their leader, Mrs. Snider, a trip to
the Clackamas with a weiner rca:;
and picnic dinner was much enjoye-'l
Hy the thirty-five members. Mrs. .Ol'i
Ford. Mrs. Wm. Booth, Mrs. G
Pooler and Rev. Snider assisted Mrs,
Snider with the affair.
Delta Party Given
At Jennings Lodge
-TANNINGS LGuGE, Sept. 8.--
The residence of Judge and Mrs. E C
Bronaugh, "Hon-ewood," made
;dea! place for the informal party
given by the members of Delta Dolt
Delta sorority, Tuesday. The guests
motored out in time to enjoy a picnic
luncn served in the grove overlooking
the Willamette. Mrs. W. S. Kirkpc-t
rick, Mrs. Ralph Coke and Mrs
Charles Stewart assiting the hostesses.
Swimming was one of the pleasant
of Two Weeks.
Covers 2,000 Miles
Mrs. H. H. Emmons and a party of
Portland friends have returned from
s wonderful motor trip which covered
nearly 2,000 mile3. After touring Rain
ier National Park they crctsed the St.
of Juan de Fuca and visited a num
ber of Canadian cities of Importance.
Their visit to Eear and Cresent Lakes
was of particular interest and at Bear
lake they stopped at the Ark, a hotel
built over the waters, where nothing
but game was served. Taking a launch
they went to the head of the lake
wher beautiful rainbow trout wore
be'ng ceugbt. This lake has been
stocked for 30 years with this specie
of trout and the few anglers there
wore able. l,o catch a large number.
The pany was gone twejweeks aail
a delightful time was had by all mak
ing the trip.
New Teacher Engaged
For Lodge School
Owing to the increased attendance i t
cur school .the board of education has
provided for the fourth teacher. Miss
Ruth Truseott has been engaged to
teauh the iiiird and fourth grades V-:
Cjuimg year. School is to re-open or
September 12th.
Musicale and Party Is
j.iixiNUt. LODGE. f-ent. 8
Many campers enjoyed a rest
Cedar Island over Labor Day.
Turing the week Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Redmond whose hospitality at Oheerv
Maple was extended to many friends,
broke camp and returned home.
The Ranslnirg family returned to
their Portland home on Wednesday.
Mr. . and. Mrs. Boctger motored to
Salem for over Labor Day.
The Blinestone family visited wiM
friends at Th Dalles during the holi
day time.
The G. R! Thompson family are
spending a week at Seaside.
Miss Margaret Ward of Portland
has been the hoi-se guest of Mis.-
i Sarah Elizabeth He lloway thi.-. week
Mrs. S. Wilcox attendee! the Thom;i-
- -m r T' ' "w.u. " c-.iuijig in i-on:ana on
(j-lVCn DV MrS. fierce Tursday evening. Mr. -Holden b-
mg a grandson of the Jate L. Wilcox.
Mr and Mrs. Clinton Heath are en
joying- their vacation which was spent
at th e Tillamook beaches Mr. Heath
is the, salesman at the Blinestone
C. R. Holloway took up his duties
with the Board of Education in Port-
'and on September 1st. For some time
Mr. Holloway was professor of math
m ti'js at the Washington high'schocl.
this is his second year with the Board
at their office in the court house.
Harry m Hayles of Airlie was call
'ng d irienl3 this week enroute to
Portland on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien who
tfuct the pest office snd store motor
ed to Uremerion for over the holidays
Mrs A- Barker 1- oking after the p-;si
office during the OBriens absence.
Calvin D. Morse returned on Mon
day evening to his home in Port'.aifcl
aftwi- a week3 vacation at the Lodge
i AVith hjrseback riding, sWimVning an I
boit.ng, he thinks his vacation here
the Lest ever. He was entertaine.1
at tio home of his aunt Mrs. Bess
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Ruth
Smith and little erandaushter of Dal
las were week end visitors at th-"
A B. Smith bonfe
Pen Losey is confined to his home
with infl imatory rheumatism.
Ruth cook is able to bo out aze'm
:ifte- an illness of 3 0 weeks duration,
and during tho last week visited with
Portland friends.
Mrs W. W- Wcorfbeck spent Labor
Day at thi home cf h
for Ashland ard later will attend col- I Bullock are at the coast for a few
leg at Medford. On Tuesday Miss I weeks on a vacation.
Jltlen IVomong of Willamette will be
htr guest at the A. L. Roberts home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haekett of Port
land visited Mrs. Mable Pierce on
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming fiiotored
to Walla Walla. They will be absent
a month. Whiel there Mrs. Fleming
will take a few special lesson? in
voice culture.
Mrs. Thereaux has been re-elected
to teach in the Oregon City schools
this being her seventh year. -The
Thereaux home is going up rapidly on
their sightly location on Hull Ave.
and the County Rend.
Mrs. Bell Hoag is 'spending her va
cation at Newport as the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Maxwell.
Mrs. Lambert, Amtricanizaaion sec
retary of the Y. W. C. A. at Seattle.
has returned to her home after
ple-.sanx visit with her daughter Mrs
Mrs Zilka is entertaining four
friends from Couer de Alene, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs Will Wright has dis
posed of their heme hero and w:ll
take up their residence in Portland.
Mr and Mrs. V. E. W:ilker have
ictnrned from a short visit to their
old home at Tillamook.
Miss May Ross of Portland spent
Monday with Mrs John Jennings.
Miss I.ois Parkinson spent several
lays with Miss J-an Robbins and t; l
her return home to Portland was ac
companied by Jean who enjoyed a.
week's stay m the city
Mr. and Mrs. liick Emmons who
reside at the Mu'momah hotel spen
Sunday at the H. H. Eni nons homo-.
. Mi- and Mrs. Vyvyan Dent and chil
dren, are spending a few days at
he coast.
Mr. Foster of West Linn is painting
the little cottage which will be known
as -Little i-ut Mine. It contains
rooms and a bath. The kitchenette is
Caleb Perry was visiting his daugh
ters Marion, Helea and Virginia Sun
day. :
Arthur McVay w-as taken suddenly
ill Saturday evening.
Mrs. M. Anderson is Improving after
a short illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mason of Port
land were Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. KW. Bickner.
Mr .and Mrs. Martin have returned
from their trip to British Columbia.
Mrs. Robert Fufton was a luncheon
gue.3t of Mrs. J. W. Bickner Wednes
day. Mrs. Mary Elston has returned to
her home at Cedar Creek. Wash.
Miss Lucina Kiser is able to be out
again after a short illness.
Jack Monk is reported on the sick
Tom Quigley of Tigard was in Os
wego visiting old firends.
The many friends of G. L. Raven
will be glad to know he is improving
at the Good Samaritan hospital after 1
a severe illness of typhoid fever. '
The Comunity Singing Club held
a business meeting at Oswetpo Tu?3
day night to arrange for the program
to be given' September 13 by Walter
Jenkins of Portland and his secretary
Bertina L. Brown, who will speak ou
Comunity Service.
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Community Council
Formed At Orient
Ever Ready Club
Edits Small Paper
OAI-C GROVE, Sept. 7. Mr. and Mrs
S. Gilbert of Kansas, who visited F. A.
Smith and wife several days left last
week on their homeward way and will
make several stops enroute.
Mrs. Mary Campbell ard daughter
Eileen returned home 'from Silverton
Saturday after a week with friends
Mrs. M. Horner and family of Port-
finished in white and the breaktast land were among the many campers
rot.in iin white and mahoghan.-. I at Oak Grove beach from Saturday to
Mrs. Jones of Spokane, who has Monday.
pent seven weeks at the hon-e of ut
daughter, Mrs. Zilka, has leturned
Mrs Tniscott was a Canby visii
n Monday
Mis. Warren Swart who has been
indisposed since returning from the
beach, is so much improved is able to
he up and about, which is very grati-
yiug news to her friends
Mrs. Cora Bullock
Oswego School to
Open September 12
An entertaining musical was given or.
Tuesday of last week at the home cf
Mr3 Mable Pierca m bomr ofMrs.
Hugh Fleming to which ten wore pres
ent. Notably among the guests was
Miss Thomas a tsilentoH musician of
' Last week Mrs. Pierce gave a Pcrca
party honoring Mrs. Jones of Spokane,
who has been the house guest o.f her
daughter Mrs. Zilka. The he-use aiif'.
veranda were beautiful with ivy and
fall (flowers.
Mrs. Vyvyan Dent and Mrs. Hug'r.
Fleming assisted r.bout the rooms and
Mrs. Chas. Dannell presided at the
punch l owl. Refreshments were serv
ed to the 20 guests.
Services Donated
For Church Work
The new church building is progress
ing nicely under the supervision of
E. R. Grififth. A large number or
generous donations hnve beep receiv
ed recently.
S H. Boclitel has given the wain
scoting and will have it put on. Frank
Covert donates the making of the
window frsmps. G. M. Cald vell ha
contributed the wiring and ficture.
Mr liognra has given two weeks work
and Wiley Traut has donated his services.
P. T. Will Meet At
Lodge September 9
The first regular meeting1 of the Par
ent Teachers Association of the fall
will be held on Friday Sept mber
?t the school house. The new officers
for the year are Mrs. Edward Penrsc;;.
president; Mrs. William Booth, vice
president; Mrs. Olive Robbins, secre
tary and Mrs. Moore, treasurer.
Miss E. K. Matthews has been mak
ing some needed repairs on her hou3e.
Mrs. R. M. Budd and little daughter
Margaret Jane left Friday ior her
home with relatives here and in Port
E. D. Olds attended the I. O. O. F.
meeting at Tillamook Saturday.
Mrs. Nettie Callison and Miss
Catherine Fahe-y were Portland visi
tors last Friday evening attending a
C. D Smith of the Kimball school
faculty was home for the Labor Day
Ellen Springer of Eastern Oregon
has come to live with her aunt Mrs.
Jas. Dalton and will attend school
Mrs. T. R Blackerby and children
have moved up from Wheeler and are
now in their own home, which until
recently was occupied by J. H. Gra-
OSWEGO, Sept. 7. Oswego school ham and family. Mr. Blackerby will
starts September 12th, with Miss arrive in a short time.
Mary Bickner re-elected as principal, Mrs. E. R. Brooks, spent several
and but one change in the teaching days last week with her daughter at
staff, with Mrs? Lucile Gortline, suo- Portsmouth Ptrtland.
ceeding Miss Sheehen, who has mar- J. H. Graham and family are now
ried and moved from Oswego. The I located in their new homo.
teaching force comprises seven mem-j Jas. Brooks was out on a deer hunt
bers besides the principal, and th9 1 recently and managed to get some
Oswego board feels that the records I game.
attained by the scholars la the past I Mrs. J. P. Links and children re
shows this faculty to be the equal of turned from the coast Friday.
any eight in the county if not the Stanley Davenport returned from
state. During the summer vacation The Dalles Friday where he has been
the school building has undergone employed during the summer,
some remodeling and renovating. The J. Palmblad of Grehani spent sev-
furnace room has been rebuilt, mak- eral days here last -week with his
ing it fire proof and a fine new fur- brothers, David and Paul, our grocery-
nace instaled. Two or three of the men.
rooms have been greatly improved, Paul Palmblad and wife returned
and the entire interior has been kalso-1 from Rockaway Thursday.
mined. I J. B. Evans is repairing one of his
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Austin, houses preparatory to renting it. He
wife of Isaac Austin, was held Sun- and his wife expect to leave soon for
day at the M. E. church at Oswego, their farm near Goble.
Mrs. Austin was well known by Oswe- Jas. Dalton and Geo. Spangle are at-
go people and will be missed by her j tending to business in Eastern Ore
many friends. She has been in poor 1 gon.
health for a long time and was taken J. D. Bentley formerly of Oak Grove
to the hospital about two weeks ego was looking after his property here
where she passed away. Saturday and will leave for California
The funeral of Charles Haines, Jr., next week.
was held at the Oswego cemetery, Rev. I Howard Pixley has had a new porch
W. Boyd Moore, pastor of the Canby built on his home
SANDY. Sept. 7. The big all day
program and basket dinner at Orient
grange hall Monday proved an enjoy
able and Very profitable occasion.
The uniting of four communities, Cot
trell. Orient, Victory and Lusted into
what Is called a "Community Council"
5s a splendid dea, and one that coull
be "patterned" after by other sections
with profit.
A constitution was adopted and an
ancial meeting asranged for Septem
ber 29 at Cottrell. State Superinten
dent Churchill gave a fine address cn
Better Schools," Prof. Howett of the
O. A. C. spoke on "Better Farms and
Better Marketing," Miss Milan, of the
Home Economics department cf O. A.
C. talked on ''Better Homes." and Rev.
Hertzol of Kimball School of
Theology a Salem gave an address
on "Better churches." Each of these
fine speeches was followed by a ten
minute talk by local representatives
of the council as follows: Guy Robert
son, Mrs. E. E. Van Fleet, Rev. S. F.
Pitts and Mrs. Sadie Chase. Some
phases of the addresses may be re
viewed next week as the many points
that are vital to every conimuniity
brought out.
17 Vacations Spent
In Sandy Mountains
OfDi-ge Morsr left on Monday tor
Moshier to look at FOir.e of the fruit
i farms in that locality.
Hugh Roberts spent two days visit
ing a number of the up to date farm
yjlacss in the vicinity of Corvallis.
Mrs. Ella Ma.cHa.-gue eft on Satur
day for a motor trip bver the Colum
bia Highway and will remain threo
s visiting friends at Hood River.
Ktiss Clara Costley resigned her po
sition with the Oregon City Woolen
Mills and leaves on Sentsmber lrth
M. E. church and was one time pastor
of the Oswego M. E. church preached
the funeral services. Besides his par
ents Mr. Haines leaves a wife and
The Oregon Iron and Steel Co., has
decided to tear out the two old wood
en pipe lines, furnishing water to its
power house from Oswego Lake, and
is taking this opportunity to renew tho
lines while the big dam improvement
r son in Vau- i l. sk ,
I Ml? TUKeil UUl til C tavu 1C iiiucro
Phones: Sellwood 697, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Fcot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
diameter and they will bo replaced
with one r.ew wooden- line 60 inches In
diameter, which will carry almost as
much water as the two old ones. Th?
nine will be re-enforced with iron
E. R. Salter and family have mov
ed to their new home in Milwaukie.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Schutter and fam
ily from Illinois are visiting with Mrs.
Schutters parents, Mr and Mis. J.
Feldman. They expect to lec-ate ii
Portland or vicinity.
Mrs E. R. Brooks has had seme
repairs made in her home.
The school opened Tuesday and as
usual the first day only preparatory
work was done and real work began
Wednesday for a ten months tc-rm.
Mrs E. Fenwick and children re
turned from the coast last week.
The '"Ever Ready" club, a c'ass of
young men of the church are editing
monthly a small 4-page paper as &,
SANDY, Sept. 7. Seventeen years
ago Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Augur pass
ed through Sandy the first time on
their way to spend the summer in
the mountains, and have not missed a
summer since. The Augur spent
fpven weeks at Welches, and three
-weeks with pack horses touring
through the wilds this summer, stop
ping in Sandy on their return trip a
few days ago. Mr. Auigur is head cf
the history department of Jefferson
high school.
Mosquitos were so thick at Jeffer
son park and these tourists soon de
serted the "round-a-bout :" of that
grand old peaij and went to Olallie
Butte, a rival of Hood, being 7243 feet
high and made friends with the "Look.
out man there
The Augurs met many interesting
people in the mountain fastnesses, a
number of them being college bred,
pome were scientists, out studying
geology, etc. There is no trail to Jef
ferson Park and few people have been
in there. Mr. Augur acted as guide
for a. .party camped at Breitenbush
Kako, among whom were Lee George
of Salem, U5 years of age and the
threa Smith brothers, two of whom
were 76 and 74 years of age, who
were socuting around up there like
youngsters ,f.shing and hunting. Afttfr
the return from the big tramp to the
park the "74 year Smith" was the
freshest man in the crowd. Mr
George's stunt was to carry a pack cf
SO pounds.
B. F. Richards fire guard at Olallie
Meadows is from Prineville and told
of the wild and wooly days of that old
wild-west town, things that mcvie men
men are now trying to produce and
cannot get the natural thrill.
And our own neighbor Doe. Bodley
and Mrs. Bodley came in for a bunch
of compliments, as the Augurs made
friends -with them at Plaza where
Bodley is fire iguard, and Mrs. Bodley's
sfster, Miss Waters is with the Bod
ley's for the summer. The Augurs re
ported that five or six miles of the
sky-line road is completed. This work
is fostered by Joe Graham of Wapan
itia and good progress is being ma"de.
A regular army tank is plowing up
root and clearing and grading is being
rushed rapidly.
Mrs. Augur said sh rememberad
buying meat from Edward Hoffman
the day before he started to war. Both'
of them -.Vmarked how they had ob
served "babies of seventeen years
.. .1 .i-rtin .111
P.gO tne now young men anyx
on the Sanc'y f treets. Of course the
Augurs plan to come back again next
Anna creek we marvelled at the
canyons of solid rock; at Wheeler
creek we found nothing but pinnacle:
for more than a half mile, in fact the
formations all thiough'that country
are beyond description. It tocfc over
an nour to wind back and forth as we"
descended the trails leading down l'
Lthe waters edge of the lake. Row
boats, and launches are plentiful; tw
sea gulls and a duck graced the water
"The worst roads I ever saw were
from Klamath Falls to Ashland. Tim
ber, rock and billa were all I could set'
and we remarked that it was a pity
Uncle Sam ever took this rough lam'
from the Indians. But ther are some
fine sheep and cattle ranches at Fort
Klamath and an abundance of feed
At Jackson Springs we found re
horse-fish and lots of mosouitos.
"An old gentleman near Ashland
ownes a hot medical spring and has a
free bath house so the public cm
have full benefit of this curative wat
er, and many people are curid from
rheumatism through the generosity of
this good Samaritan. We were not
.heumatic but terribly dusty and
found thes baths i delight.
"Returning to Ashland we struck out
for tee Oregon caves, 18 of our party
hiking 5 miles, up hill all the way
arriving at the caves at noon. Rest
ing an hour, R. W. Rowley, the splen
did guide led us while exploring these
marvellous wonders, which were di
covered in 1874 by Eidar Davidson
whose dog ran into the cave opening
while out chasing a bear. There are
24 miles of passage way. The fir
room is called Watson's Grotto; then
there are the petrified gardens, Satan's
Crr.dlo, Satan's backbone, Chief of the
Sioux, Old-Rain-in-the-Face, The bee
hive, the Bottomless Pit, the zele
phone. Climbing n long slick ladder,
the guide leading with a torch on his
head, while we were trving to protect
our candles, we scrambled into "the
White House," visited "Old Mck'c bed
room," say "Niagra Falls," "Septem
ber Morn" etc. Then there was the
grand column 7 feet tall which took
SO.O'iC years to form! In this room was
a "graveyard" with statues of Wash
ington, also his monument, Joaquin
Miller s statue, Mt. Shasta, the garden
of-the-gods, etc. The ghost room was
20 feet long, 50 feet wide and 40 feet
high. The next room portrayed tin
Garden of Eden. Paradise Loc-t,
Dante's Inferno, etc., and there was a
marble slab 25 by 50 feet. Next we
went down the golden stairs and were
out on top of the mountain."
Mr Rowley says women can make
the trip comfortably if dressed ia.
overalls and hiking boots but skirts
are forbidden In the caves as. it is
dangerous tc wear them. Amcng thu
party were Mr. and Mrs. Tiddle and
littlei son of Tillamook, Mrs. Nettie
Hair and James Crosier of Portland,
Mrs. Hodge and daughter Dorothy of
Vancouver, Mrs. Stidgner of Salem,
Mrs. .7. C. Duke of Sandy.
Mere Men Entertain
Women of P.-T. Assn,
Highway Resumed
bands and the contract for the furnish- means of assisting the churcli. Its a
inar and layiner of the pipe will be let newsy little sheet and J. Reese of
thisweek. .The old pipes are now be- Courtney is editor. It is printed on
ing torn out so that the way will be the printing press of the Oak Grove
clear when workmen start upon the school.
new improvement. The Iron and
tL" f i -. 1 r tit ti i ti it V. i ci n fnrin f man hitC
ily engaged in cutting snags and JraVlTlff Oil X aClllC
stumps out of Oswego lake, now that
the water has gone down a id this will
make boaing. bathing and fishing
more desirable on the Osv.ego end of
the splendid body of water. . The Pacific highway from Bolton to
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brttler of the Portland will be opened for traffic
East are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. lata Thursday afternoon, according to
M. Weidman for a tew days
Miss Grace cooper o! I.ogan was ic
Osvego Wednesday visiting friends.
M- and Mrs. George Enrick and
Mr md Mrs. Eugene Worthington
ind s- n Wallace left Saturday . to
xnend few days at Newport and dif
ferent i -vorts at the beach.
W. Ki'-caid is recovering from his
U--rss ot ihe past week.
-Tr. am! Mrs. Gus Kiser and daugh
t?etha -'ave returned from a two
s visit with friends near Ore-
2-oi: City.
y- " .John n!rickson has left for Seat
tle to visit for a few days with friends.
Mi and Mrs Olson of AJtoona has
the announcement made Wednesday
by Resident Highway Engineer, F. T
favmg on the remainder of the
road from Bolton to the end of the
present contract, which is within
3000 feet of the Willamette river
bridge is to begin Friday morning.
The grading on the stretch has been
completed, and it is expected that the
laying of the pavement can be ac
complished within ten days.
Paving operations were discon
tinued a short time a?o due to the
difficulty to get material by barge,
and the contractors waited until the
road from Portland tn Tiolton had set
been the gue?ts of Mr. and Mrs. Otto sufficiently to be used for hauling
With the opening of the highway,
the pavement to Portland will be
complete, with the exception of 600
foot detour through the streets at Os
wego and around the paving opera
tions this side of Bolton.
Sandy Tourists Visit
Scenic Oregon Caves
SANDY, Sept. 7. Mrs. J. C. Duke
describes her recent trip to Crater
Lake and t'ie marvellous Oregon
caves which too few Oregr-nians know
anything about as follows:
'We camped at Roseburg our firt
night out and at Grants Pass the sec
ond night, where we found good fih
5ng ;n the Rogue river. At Ashland we
were ioined by friends from Ti'lamcok
and Washington. Taking tne iowe.
pass between the Siskvous and Coast
range we were still 7200 feet up in the
air' Here the California water ditch
reaches, over into Jackson county, Ore
gon, and is known as Wagner's gal
This place is well named the hunter s
paradise and while taking a hike of
S. miles up this great divide ve saw
several deer
"The next morning our four curs
headed for Crater Lake, following
TJoeup river which runs In a gorge
SANDY, Sept. 7. After the busi
ness session: which was conducted by
the president, Mrs Ault, the Parents
Teacher program at Cottrell last Fri
day night was as follows: America,
by the audience. Piano solo, Zaidee
Ault; selcelsjon by the Sandy quartet
(Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Hsson. Dr. Sture
and R. S. Smith) accompanied by Mrs
George Perret. Recitation, Mrs. Ault;
banjo and guitar, Mr. Radford and
Clarence Browning; song. Rev. Earl
Cotton; recitation Ivan Wood; selec
tion, Sandy iuartett; instrumental
number, Radford and Browning; read
ing, Mrs. Shelley of Sandy; Solo,
Anchored," by Dr. Sture, with Mrs.
F. D- Eason at the piano. All num
bers were encored.
The entire program was the "get
ting lip" of "mere male men, ' and R.
B7 Wilkinson. H. H. Watkins and Joe
Caldo proved very capable ''impres-
sanos. wilKinson read tne program.
Male members al'-o prepared and serv
ed the "refreshments and the lad'es
had a care-free evening. It was an
unusual gathering, for th men were
there en force and took up their share
of the evenings responsibilities l;ke
veterans in the cause. The next meet
ing will be the first Friday in October
when a basket social will be held 4o
vaise a fund toward paying for th
piano recently bought by the organization.
School opened at Sandyridge on
Monday with Miss Letftin Capell
Portland as teacher. The Sandridge
school will be crowded this year.
r.arl and Hazel Dixon will room st
the home ot Mrs. Mitchell when
pchooi opens and will take their meals
The Cottrell school will open next
Monday with Mrs. Van Fleet at the
helm Cottrell is a member of our
union high district.
SANDY, Sept, 7. The latest busi
ness news in town is the sale of
Frank Christiansen's refreshment
parlors and billiard hall to Jesse B.
Strall from over in Washington. Stroll
toolflossesion at once and Christian
sen ill probaly take up telephone
work exclusively. Stroll will move
his family here at once. George Beers
made the deal.
SANDY, Sept. 7. George Dodd, is
back again from his summer's work
on a farm ready to plunge into his
studies at school.
Clara Sitz of Sandyridge school will
l.ar? n the past week.
Eugene Waldorf was home Sunday
to visit with his parents.
Walter Waldorf and wife and chil
dren spent Sunday with relatives.
Mrs. Tom Clinefelter and daughters
Vivi3n and Syble, also Mrs. George
enter a tidy at the Gresham fair which
so deep that in places the water can- Fno:.id take a prize. Clara crocheted 't
not r.e seen witnout guiaes. tierore turning iow uer eivcui."
a wonderful river. The natural bridga
acros-s it is 30 feet wide and is of
solid rock, the river running beneath
the reck. The" air pressure is so great
it will lift a match several inches. At
ihe edge of the bridge where the wat
er sprays through the rock some 15
feet thousands of butterfly s were fit
ting about. Mill creek was the mo-it
rapid stream I ever saw.
"At White Horse we pitched our
tents at an elevation of 5728 feet. Th
wir-'l was cold and we hurriedly start
ed our bonfire, ate supper and then
to bed. Next morning we decided to
seek a. warmer spot near the lake so
drove to Government Camp name-sake
Fritz Junker has some new cartoons
in the store window that are being
admired. Fritz is practicing his an
regu'arly and will no doubt make good.
Tho school pump, the stoves, inii
fenco are being, repaired and the
grounds put in shape. If it does no'
rain very soon the well will have to
be dag deeper as the pump will nit
reach water.
Kenneth and Tommy Scales ha"
returned from their various vacations
to settle down in school which .opens
next Monday.
Mr. Augur of Jefferson high anl
Mrs. Auguar spent the evening at tin
Miller home when returning from th3
of our own "G. C." Following along ! mountains.
SANDY, Sept. 7 Rev. Cotton's
sister from Salem has been visiting
him for several days recently and at
tended church here Sunday night.
Mrs F. H Lake has been appointed
a delegate to the laymen's conference
which is to be held at Forest Grove in
connection with the Methodist annual
confernce next month. Miss Lulu Ed iy
is a reserve delegate.
Mr. and ,Mr.s George Perret had
some more "companies" from Port
land last Sunday for the day.
Dr. Emil Enna of Portland will give
one of his atractive concerts at Orient
Saturday (tomorrow) night under the
auspices of the Methodist Ladies' Aid.
Rev. Earl Cotton took a climb to
the top of Mt Hood as one of the
features of his vacation and is proudly
wearing the Mt. Hood medal which
tells the tale that he "got ttere."
"W- L.Crissey brought a bcuouet of
his beajitiful gladiolas to the P. T.
Meeting at Cottrell which was divid
ed between Mrs. Esson and Mrs. Mil
ler. Dr. Youngson will preside at ihe
quarterly conference next Saturday at
the Pleasant Home Methodist church.
A big all day program is scheduled,
and prominent speakers are expected
to be present. Mrs. St. Clair of Gres
ham will give the history of the old
Powell "Valley circuit from record back
to 1373.
Rev. Sims an Eastern minister ha.s
been giving lectures at the Pleasant
Home Baptist church the past week
on Chinese home life and . customs
anc preaching also.
Rev. Pitts of Cottrell is to preach at
Sandy some evening in the near fu
ture and let us hope he will be given
the courtesy of a full house. There
were 150 attended the ICottreli church
Sunday night to hear him preach.
but that is not unusual fcr 'Cottreii.
Tomorrow (SatardajO is Grange
day and it is hoped farmers will not
be as busy as last month and that a
good attendance will he present Mrs.
Duke has promised to take charge of
the lecture hour.
H Lubke laid the foundation of his
house last week. He has been board-
ng in Sandy and 1 carrying a lunch
the reporter mistook his lunch bcx
for a suit case.
Mrs Ed. Sitz spent four days and
nights in Portland recently ' visiting
and looking tho city'over Mrs. Sitj
visits the Wentzel and Limburg fam-
lies and also Mrs Burmeister. Mrs.'
Burmeister's' eldest son has been
spending a week at Sitz home.
Mrs. Junker and Mrs Koch recently
spent the afterncoa visiting Mrs.
Thmosa Kubitza.
Mr. Hoi brook, floor walker at Meier
At Frank's spent a few days of his
vacation in Sandy
Rainy weather treats Jack Scales
adversely, bringing the old pains back
and making him .generally uncomfort
The Weisenfluh boys, who are the
grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wee-
wer and who spent the summer at the
Weewer home, have returned to Idaho
and will soon enter school.
Mrs. Henry Weewer and babies
were in town for an afternoon's visit-
g recently
While Mrs Clint Gordy of Gresham
was visiting her sister, Mrs Miller,
last week and was called home because
of friends arriving from Kansas for a
Sandyite attending the Cottrell
Parent Teacher program were Dr.
Sture, Mrs George Ferret, Mrs.
Scales. Mrs. Eason, Mrs. Epson, R.
Smith. Mrs Shelley, Mrs Miller, and
Mrs Gordy of Gresham.
. The Scales front porch is a "study
in blue" with so many, blue flowers
in the pretty porch baskets, and a
new bine perch swing adds another
artistic touch and comfort
Lloyd Corey was down from Bull
Run lake on Saturday. Work "was
laid off in honor of Laor day
G.H). Toedermeier and friend of Pert
land spent Sunday at the Zogg homy.
Toedermeier is a cousin ot the Zoggs.
Mrs Joel Jarl and daughters Mil
dred and Helen .-ft for ( alifornia a
day of two ago Mt. Jarl drove them ;is
far as Medford, th:-n will "Ford" it
IiomF agian. He and Vernie will prob
ably drive down later to spend the
I winter jiith the family in the sunny
Mrs Lamper and children walked
down to Sandy from Firwood Sunday
mornine-. "but didn't mind it!"
Mrs Myra Hoernicke came from
Portsmouth to visit at the R.ed hoin
and 'cuddle" her little gnnduaugbter
Frances On Sunday morn in walkuS
(Jr.mdpa" Hoeruicke. Eoth returned
Sunday evening.
The Misses Josephine, Pernice and
Pearl Dixon, Oren Ganger and James
Ogden stopped in 'town on their way
to Fortland on a picnic trip Sunday
A show was also on the program a?
a part of the pleasant outing.
The first wild geese of the season
went winging their way southward last
Saturday night about 12 o'clock, which
fact bears out predictions ibat are lie
inr made of an early fall
Mrs. Esson has fully recovered from
"her daring feat" at the Cottreii
school house the other nigbt! Really
her "impromptu" tumbel was thi
work of a good comecian, and brought
forth enough laughter to digest th-;
heavy menu of these perfectly fine
beans, etc., served by the "Parent
Men,". George Wolfe of The Dalles lias
been in our midst aga'n. It is evideu.t
that George cannot stay away from.
Sandy very long at a time,
"Bob" Smith, Ephraim Gray and
Albert Ridderbush helped the Powers
folks out at threshing time last week
.Ouc of the heaviest thunderstorms
ever in this section came up all In
flurry Saturday evening about 6
(OonttniMd on page 7)