OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1 92 1 . Page 5 iNUNHiiiHimimniNiiiinNnuMMC LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Doolittle and children, Verne and Gordau, who have been on a motoring trip to the state of "Washington, have returned to Oregon City after one of the most delightful trips they have taken While in Seattle they -were guests of Mr. Doolittle's cousin, Mrs. Pearl Maxwell, and family and Mrs. Rey nolds, and other places they visited were Tacoma, Edmond and Everett One of the places 6f interest visited by Mr. Doolittle was the big plant c the Fisher Milling company located on an island near Seattle, and where Mr. Doolittle had the pleasure o watching the loading of flour on an Oriental freighter, when 3800 sacks of flour were loaded and stored away in the big vessel in one hour's vtime Every department of the milling com pany was visited by Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle, and were - given every con sideration by company employes. The only buildings on the big island are those owned by the company, and lo cated in the harbor of Seattle, where shipping facilities are moft desirable Flour is shipped from this point to sections all over the world. Mr. and Mrs. "W". A. Matheson and son, Billy, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. J. R. Williams, Mr and Mrs. David Williams, and also at the home of Mrs. Mathescn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moore, of Seventh and Taylor street, will leave for their home' in Powell River, B. C Sunday mornine. They will go as far as Vancouver, B. C, in their automobile shipping iti by steamer to thei: home. Thursday and Friday they were guests of relatives in Portland, when they visited at the homes of Arthur, John and Evan Williams, uncles of Mr. Matheson, and also at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Stephen son, as well as visiting at the Gar lock home, relatives of Mrs. Mathe son. Mr. and Mrs. Matheson return ed a few days from a motoring trip to California. They were both form er residents of Oregon City, and Mr. Matheson was in the service during the world war. He is now engaged in the garage business at Powell River. Virgil Yonce and Burr Johnson, who have been on a fishing expedi tion to the McKenzie river, where they enjoyed camp life, and had ex cellent luck, have returned to Oregon City. Some of the fish were 18 inches long and there were over 42 caught during the trip Several friends in Southern Oregon also enjoyed the outing. The Oregon City young men say that a number of dogs have beeu used by hunters in chasing deer, have been shot and near where they were located there were four animals meeting their death. Several hunt ers were arrested by game wardens near the Yonce-Johnson camp, anl these two boys had the pleasure of seing the men "get theirs" and were taken to the nearest city, where they paid the fine. tages erected. During their there many campers came In. stay Mr and Mrs. William Andresenand daughters, -who have been having a most enjoyable outing at Newport, where they have been occupying their attractive beach home, have returned to Oregon City. While at Newport the Andresen family took a number cf interesting motoring trips. Among these was to the famous Punch Bowl, one of the resorts visited each sea son by hundreds of people They also went on a number of fishing trip each time .getting a good share of sea gon City from Burtrum, Minn., last January to risit her aunt, Mrs. Katie Allen, of 100G Jackson street, and who has been stenographer for the Miller & Parker company, has re signed the position, taking effect September 1st. Miss See ha ac cepted a sales position in Southern California, and. left lor that state about September 1st. Before leaving she enjoyed a vacation and visited this county. While here Miss See has made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steiber and two children, of Bismarck. N. D. SOCIETY fish. They were accompanied io the (arrive in Oregon City soon, whore beach by Miss Marv Mclntvre. who they are to make their home in the was their guest during their stay at Newport. Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller, who have been makinsr their home in Canby and recently in Scotts Mills, have moved to Oregon City, coming here Katurdav mornine. Dr. Fuller will practice his profession in thi3 city where he . will onen offices in the Buseh apartment at 1109 Main street and will be associated with Dr. Purdy of Fortland. Dr. Fuller's ' cffice will be equipped for mechano and hydro therapy treatment and the use residence owned by Mrs. Steiber's ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Juhnke. Sr., located on Ninth and Harrison streeets. Mrs. Steiber will be well remembered as Miss Anna Juhnke, of this city, before her marriage to Mr. Steiber. Mr. Steiber will enter busi ness in this city, sodta after arriving. Mrs. C. E. Guinan, of Marshfield. Oregon, has arrived in Oregon city, where she is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shandy. Mrs. Guinan will remain here for several weeks, of and will be accompanied home by her vada pact which has been found suc cessful in treatment of rheumatism. Dr. Fuller has been successful in his profession while' in Clackamas coun ty. daughter, Ethel, who has been spend ing the summer with her grandpar ents Mrs. 1 Peter Christenson, of Bolton, was honored on her birthday on Fri day, August 2th, when a number of her friends and relatives planned and carried out a little surprise by calling at the Peterson home Friday mornii about 11 oclock, bringing many deli cacies to add to the birthday dinner. A long table was arranged on the lawn, and prettily decorated, which was loaded with good things to eat will i iaeis for 26 cuests were laid for ths following; Mr and Mrs. -William Akin and children, oDrothy and Clarence, of St. Helens; Miss Naomi Bunnell, of Yakima, Wash.; Miss Young, of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. William Rakel and children, Margaret and Minnie, Mr. ar.d Mrs. August Rakel ana daugh ters. Dorothy and BVrnice. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cokeris, and children, Mar garet, Harry and Eabe, Mr. and Mjs. August Christensen and baby, Faj, Mrs. Margaret Martin, of Willamette; Mrs. D. McLarty, Mrs. Su.cie Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen. Many handsome and useful gifts were presented to Mrs. Christensei and her guests wlsned her many mofj such happy birthday anniversaries. Mrs. E. K. Hammond, wife of Rev. P K. Hammond, at one time a resi dent of Oregon City, whera Rev. Ham mond was rector of St. Pauls Episco pal church, arrived in Gladstone Tues day evening, where she wil remain fr about ten days visiting her son William Hammond, and family. Mrs. Hammond was accompanied lo Glad stone by her daughter. Miss Marguer ite, who will commence her duties as teacher in the Gladstone schools Tues day of next week. Mrs Hammond and daughter have just returned from visit at Newport, wtiers they were guests of friends. The latter taught in the Oregon City schools last year. Former Local Man Marries in Portland Mrs. Herbert Martin, of Portland. was in Oregon City the latter part of the week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Folger. Mr. and Mrs. Folger left for Portland Saturday af ternoon, where they are to make their ome Mr. Folger will be associated in the drug business with his father- in-law, Herbert Martin, who recently purchased a drug store in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Igo and infant son, will occupy the bungalow vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Folger on Twelfth anil Elm streets. For eight years Mr. Folger was employed in the Jones Drug store, resigning his position to go to Portland. The marriagfe of Miss Cora L. Haley, popular young lady of Port land and Frank F. Sullivan, former Oregon City young man, and now of Portland, was solemnized in Portland August 31st. The wedding, a quiet affair, when only relatives of the contracting parties atended, took place in the Catholic church. Tho bride has been employed in the office of the Crown-Willamette Paper company in Portland for some time. Mr Sullivan is the son of Thomas A. Sulliven, resident engineer of the Portland, Railway Light and Power company, of this city. He is a grad uate of the University of Oregon, and is chief engineer of the crown-Wil lamette Paper company. Mr. Sulli van had charge of the construction of the big paper plant at Ocean Fall, B. C-, and has just completed the new paper and pulp mill for the company at West Linn. He has a host o f friends in Oregon City, where he re sided before taking up his residence in Portland. Mrs. Majrgie Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Crows and children, Miss Ella Cross and William Hamilton, form ing fi party to visit Netarts, where a most enjoyable outing was hal, have returned to Oregon City. While at the resort they occupied a cottage owned by Mrs. Mary Cross, and also enjoyed camp life while making the Irip, visiting a number of other re sorts. With fishing good, and many clams and crabs supplying the table each day they wert at Nttarts, this proved one of tht most enjayable trip3 taken. Before resuming her position with the Woolworth store Miss Cross visited in Seattle where she was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Barlow, residents of Oregon cuv about a year a?o, and where Mr. liar low was local manager of the Wool worth store. Miss Gertrude Nefzger, teacher of Portland, who hasi a D. A. degree from the University of Washington, has been spending most of her vaca- tion at her home in this city with her sister. Miss Dora Nefzger, and her brother Ben Nefzger.' She will leave for Portland Monday, where she will resume her duties with the Shaver school. Miss Nefzger .also visited during the summer at Vancouver, Wash., as guest of her -sister, Mrs. J. D. Wiggins, and also made a trip to the beach. Miss Elizabetn Moore, who has been visiting her cousins, the Misses Eliz abeth and Agnes Garlock, in Port land, returned to Oregon, City Friday. Miss Moore had a most delightful visit while in that city. The Garlock family arived from Saskatont Can ada, about a year ago, being so favor ably impressed that they decided to make their future home in Portland. They were here for some time as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. r. Moore, of Seventh and Taylor streets. Since making their home in Portland they have visited many of the beaches and various resorts. 6 Divorces Granted By Circuit Judse Six decrees of divorce were granted by Circuit Judge J. U. Campbell Tues day. Granted the return of her mai den name, Winnifred I.IcNary, Winni fred Ray was given a divorce from Thomas Ray. Geneva Brown was granted a dl vorce from Harry Brown, and the custody of Norvel, a minor child. Elsie Willey was given a divorce from L. A. Willey and the custody of her minor child, Vivian. A decree was given to Ruth from Harry Beck. The custody of Leota, her minor child, and $30 a month for the child's support was granted to Pheobe Babcock, who obtained a decree from Clyde H. Babcock. A divorce was given Zola Edelman, from Charles Edleman. The W. F. Johnson . home - at Mt. Pleasant was the setting of a most beautiful, scene last Sunday afternoon, when their daughter, Mary Ellen, was united in marriage to Claud H. Har ris of Mountain View; and Evelyn Gil bert Miller, cousin of Mr. Harris was united in marriage to Aaron Augusc Walruff, of Eugene, Ore. The double wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Willis 3. Pettibone in the presence of about thirty of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bridal party left at once for Seaside, where they have been spend ing the past week. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Harris will reside at tha Harris home at Mountain View. Mr. and Mrs. walruff -will make 'their home at Eugene. The young people arc well and fav orably kftown in the city. Mrs. Harris graduated from the local high schooj in the class of 1921; and Mrs. Walruff was a Junior, having spent part of the year at the University of Oregon in Eugene. JUDGE MOUNT DIES; DEMISE VERY SUDDEN Gladstone Locals Dr. Frank Mount, of this city, left for Olympia, Wash., Sunday evening, having been summoned to that city by the sudden death of -his father, Judge Wallace Mount, judge of the Washington supreme court. Judge Mount has served oh the bench for over 21 years. Judge Mount was in Oregon City August 25, when visiting his son and brothers, Drs. H. S., Guy and Clyde Mount, and was on his way home from Silverton, where he had attend ed the 80th birthday anniversary of his mother, Mrs. H. D. Mount, which was celebrated on August 15. This was the first time the children had met in a reunion for many years, and all attended. He had visited Oregon City on numerous occassions and had made many friends while visiting here. Judge Mount w-as born at West Linn, opposite Canemah, where the i parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mount, occupied a little home in the early I days, as they were well known Ore- j gon pioneers crossing the plain?, i first settling here. They later moved to Silverton. , The brothers, Dr. H- S. Mount and Dr. Clyde Mount and their wives, an other brother. Dr. Guyv Mount, to gether with Mrs. Frank Mount, of this city, and Mrs. H. D. Mount, the moth er of the late judge, whose home, 's at Silverton, will go to Olympia to attend the funeral services. The ar rangements for the funeral have nof been made. has been visiting her brother Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howellj of Oregon City, and left Tuesday for Medford where -she will be joined by her husband and visit another brother, Arthur Howell, of Medford, and return to their home n Van Hoye, California. Mr. Baily Is Mrs. Carpenter and family are plan ning to leave for Corvallia September 10, where they have purchased a modern home. Miss Helen and Wil liam Carpenter will enter O A C. Sep- superintendent of U. .S: Fisheries In tember loin, itoy, tne very popular I California. Oresonian boy.wdl be greatly missed Postmaster A- F. Parer is quite ill especially on the Gladstone baseball at his home in. West Gladstone. Dr. team where he played. Oral Welch is the attending doctor. Charles Rankin will also gc to Cor- Mrs. C. Frost, a nurse, is also In at- vallis tho first of next week to con-1 'tendance. tinue his work at the college. During Mises Beatrice and Roberta From- the summer he has been at Lexington, I meyer are expected to return to their Ky., where he was commissioned in home ip. time to commence school the army reserve. For the past month after spending two weeks w-ith their Charles has been visiting his brother, aurt, Mrs. E. Davis of Willaroina. Mr. and Mrs. H. S- Rankin of East Miss Goldie Hardie has returned Clackamas boulevard and his mother, from Hadley, Oregon, where she visit- One of the most enjoyable picnic parties was held at Kearnes Park on the Sandy River Sunday in honor of Miss Nell Caufield. During the afternoon games and swimming were enjoyed by all. An appetizing camp fire supper was served by the ladies. Those motoring to the park for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Meyers, Dr. and Mrs. V. L. Rocho, Mr. and Mrs. Carl George, Mr. and Mrs Drowning Hoax is Fault of Bullfrog Louisiana bullfrogs were planted- quite a number of them in the upper end of Oswego lake last spring by the state game commission . to deier mine if these delectable edible ani mals might be grown successfully in Oregon. Since that time complaints of disturbed slumber, disturbed tem perament, etc., have been numerous at the commission's headquarters. The latest, think they, is the richest. Some nights aigo, the commission states, a man and woman were ca noeing1 over the lake, dreaming of love, perhaps, when a raucous cry rent the 11:30 o'clock air. "A man in distress," thought the man "My Lord!" thought the woman And forthwith they rushed to shore for a flashlight. Search and more search, states the commission. failed to reveal the drowning one. The quest was given Charles McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. 1 up as a bad job, when again the cry Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howland and children, Elizabeth and James, left on Friday cf last week for a motor trip to the beaches From Astoria they took the automobile by ferry to Mc Gowan's landing on the north side of the Columbia river, and motorir.g from Fort Columbia to Illwaco, visit ing at Seaview, l.ohg Beach, Ocean Park and the cranberry f'.elds along Shoslwater Bay, made a most de lightful trip. After remaining over night at Long Beach, they returned to Astoria and then started for Sea side, Oregon, visiting Ecpla and Can non Beach. The return trip to Ore gon Citv was made on Tuesday eve nine-, after a trip of 400 miles. The hotels were filled to capacity. Miss Bertha Goldsmith, who has been in San Francisco where f.he has been on business, and where she at tended the millinery display, select ing her fall and winter stock, lias returned to Oregon City. While en route to California Miss Goldsmith visited Shasta Springs resort, wherj she remained for two weeks, and af ter arriving in San Francisco she also v;sited her sister. Mrs. Charles- Luckey and also the latter's summer home in the mountains. Rev. H. G. Edgar, pastor of the Presbvterian church, has returned from his summer vacation of a month and will resume his duties as pastor Sunday morning. While on his vaca tion he took a number of interesting rnotcrins: trins. Anions these were Mt. Rainier, where he was accom panied by his. family; to Seattle by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck; to Wild Cat mountain where he was accompanied by his son, John, visiting the huckleberry patches and picking five gallons; the Zig Zag and Government Camp, where fishing and berry picking cc cupied his time as well as his son. John, and says he is like a Ford, ha3 returned, after covering many miles Lawrence Forsythe accompanied by his brother, Frank, of Clackamas Heights, and Frank Servers, who have been; on a motoring trip to Pacific City and other resorts in Tillamook county, have returned to Oregon City. They camped at various points where fishing was good, and each day the men could keep the table well supplied iwith tfish. They also se cured a big lot of crabs and clams while at Pacific City. They were favorably impressed with the latter resort, and claim it is to be one of the most popular next season. They found many improvements had been made, and a large number of cot- Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Satterly and daughter, Miss Neva, who left here three months ago for a trip to" their old home state, Iowa, have returned to Oregon City, claiming that Oregon is good enoagh for them, and they are glad to be back where the ther mometer isn't playing around the mark of 106 as it was at LaMars, where they visited. While in that state they . visited Sioux City and Council Bluffs, and also in North Dakota. Gilbert Erickf on, employed in thu circulation department of the prn ing Enterprise, will leave this morn ing for Tacoma. Wash., where he will visit his sister Mrs A. E. Pierson, and family, arid also- his brother, James Erickson. Before returning to Ore gon City he will accompany the Pier son family and John Erickson on a trip to Mt. Rainier. He will be gone for about two week?.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonderahe, ot Beaver Creek, were in this city on Saturday, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Airs. Chester Car others. Mr. and Mrs. Vonderahe have been engaged in the dairying business in connection with their regular farm work, briniging milk daily to Oregon Cit7. They have disposed of their cows and discontinued the dairying industry. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Winkel, their daughter. Miss Charles, who fa employed in the Bank of Oregon City, and IHarold, have gone to Riddle, Oregon, in their au tomobile, where they wiU enjoy a two weeks outing. They are making the trip by automobile, and will enjoy hunting; and fishing while in the southern part of the state. Miss Dove See, who arrived in Ore- Parkplace Items Mr. and Mrs. Ctarenee Brunner and Mr. and Mrs T.estrr lirunntr returned Tuesday evening from an extended motor trip through Yellowstone park, Washington and Idaho. Camp life was. enjoyed enroute and fishing thor oughly enjoyed. Mrs. Mack Rivers who recently re turned to her home from Portland where she underwent a surgical op eration is (getting along nicely. Miss Edna Butts of Corvallis :s visiting her father, Carl Butts, and grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Butts. Mi.sa Butts will return to Corvallis shortly to resume her studies at the college. D. H. Danuchey, who several years ago had a blacksmith shop here, has again opened a shop in Parkplace. Miss Laura Purcel is the guest of her lather, E. Puree!!, until the open ing of the Athena school, where she will teach for the coming year. For the past year Miss Purcell taught in Buffuloo, Wyoming. At the close of her school in June she started on a pleasure trip and arrived in Pueblo at the time of the flood. " Having lived m Galveston, Texas, at the time of the big flood with her parents, it was an experience she did not care to realize a second time. Miss Pur cell also visited Arizona, New Mex ico, Los Angeles and Imperial Val ley. At Fresno, Calif., she visited with her sister, Miss Amy Purcell, formerly of Parkplace, but now a missionary among- the Chinese and Japanese in California. She also visited her brother Guy Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. Bahm, of La Crosse, Wisconsin, are guests Of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Anderson. They are planning another trip west in 1925 for to visit the fair. Leonard Deacker, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Meyersi, Mr. and Mrs. Iaul Legler Mr. and Mrs. Dave Minnsinger, Mrs. Rudclph Koerner, Misses Francis Test and Kathryn Grady, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legler, of Gladstone, MiSs Nell Caufield, of Oregon City Mildred Legler, of Gladstone; Billie Test and Bruce Meyers, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Nelson informal ly entertained last Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nickerson, of Spokane, Washington. Mrs. Nicker son and son, Ted, have been spend ing a portion of the summer at Sea view, wash. The family formerly re sided in Gladstone, where Mr. Nicker son served for several years as councilman. A few of their old time friend3 call ed to spend the evening, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Refieshments -were served by the hostess during the evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Nicker son and son, Ted, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gault, Mr. and Mrs. F. A Burdon, jpr. and Mrs. P .F. Nelson. rimiUAWJ, Or., Sept. L The highway commission has decided that how extensive the October lettings will be is dependent on the state of the finances. The commission Thurs day sold $1,500,000 bonds, bearing 5 per cent interest, to the syndicate making the highest bid Tuesday. The offer was for $2,500,000 but the com mission was not satisfied with the tenders and decided to dispose of only $1,500,000 and will offer the re maining $1,000,000 this month., A special meeting will be held September 20 to consider bids for $1,000,000 of highway securities, but the next regular meeting will not be held until October. By the latter time the commission will have re ceived a report disclosing the 'state of the finances and this report will govern the amount of work to be advertised at the October session. Mrs. W. A. Holmes and daughter, Mrs. Lester Bruner, cf Parkplace, en tert.iiued on Friday evening at tho Holmes residence in honor of tho former's niece. Miss Helen Lucas, a bride of today. The affair was in the form of a miscellaneous shower, aud Miss Lucas was the recipient of many pretty gifts. occurred, this time with more alarm ing qualities. With renewed vigor, the search was resumed. A clump of willows near the shore, held promise, and there the canoe was swung. "A shining nose, a pair of beady, bulgy eyes, on one of our Louisiana fro3 were all that could be seen," states the commission. "And from those husky lungs came a roar like thunder." Mrs, G. C. Dallas, of Portland.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dallas and chil dren Mildred and Billie, of Carver, spent Thursday with friends in Glad stone. They were accompanied by-Mrs. Dallas' brother, Jack Rankin cf Port land, -who has. .been their hcuse guest for a few days. Charles, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustine of Parkplace, is criti cally ill with diphtheria. Drs. Guy Mount and McLean are in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Augustine formerly re sided in East Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler of Parkplace and the former's mother, Mrs. S. Wheeler, 'of Outlook and Miss Violet Brooks of Canada, are spending the week end with the latters husband at Wilhoit where he has been camp ing for the benefit of his health and is much improved. Miss Violet Brooks is .the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Wheeler and with her parents,- Mr and Mrs. William. Brooks of . Canada, has been guests at the Wheeler home. Miss Violet will remain for some time returning to her home this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Brook left the first of the week for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kristian and daughter were guests of Mrs. Kris- tian's aunt Mrs. H. T. Sladen Thurs day. Mrs. Kristian and her little daughter have been visiting her mother in Portland for some 3 month3 and are returning to Honolulu Sunday. ed her father, who is a bridge contrac tor at that place. Mrs. Emma Wilson war called o Aurora during the week by the serious illness of her mother. Mr and Mrs. McAllister who have been making their home with Mrs. Hardy left for Tacoma, Washington, Saturday. Herman Fromeyer and poylan Swag- gert combined business and pleasure in making a trip to Deen Creek Fri day. Wednesday, August 31, the mem bers of the B. Y. P. U. held a banquet in the basement cf the Gladstone. Bap tist church. Rev. Connor (gave' a short talk cn the work of the B. Y. P. U. Those enjoying the chicken supper were Rev. aud Mrs. Hardie Connor, Mr and Mrs. Chester Parker, Mrs. W. I. Rowan, Misses Grave Davis, Glenn a Miranda, Ruth Lund, Edna Rowan, Dorothy Shearer, Erma Roche, Agnes Hayes, Edna Lund, Elva Peoples, Matilda Verding, Ollie Amen, Edith Arnold and Laura Brenner, Messrs. Elvin catto, George Lund, Troy Solomon, Everett Catto, Arthur Whit comb and Maynard Brendle. The members of the Baptist World Wide Guild held a most enjoyable ban quet at- the Gladstone Baptist church Friday evening. The basement was prettily decorated for the occasion in blue and white. Blue and white candles were used and the place cards were the emblem of the W. W. Mrs. Kristian was formerly Miss Port- G. a white rose. Miss Shoemaker, a re turned missionary gave a very inter esting talk also Miss Standard, State Secretary of the W W. G. The present were Rev. and Mrs. Hardie Connor, Mrs. W I. Rowan, Mrs. II. H. Hulburt ned at Kearnes Park at the Legler sum- Mrs. Amen, Ollie Amen, President; Edna Rowan, Secretary; Elva Peo ples, Grace Davis, Edith Arnold. Doris Ellin, Ruth Lund, Edna Lund, Erma Roche, Dorothy Shearer and Agnes HaysL er of Gladstone Mrs. T. W. Weed of Seattle is the guest of her cousin Miss Eva Moulton of Fern Ridge. A week end camping party is plan- Oswego Woman Dies After Brief Illness Mrs. Mary Austin, wife cf Issa Austin, prominent resident of Oswe go, died in Oregon City at 9:25 Thurs day morning, where she was brought for medical attention. Mrs. Austin had been '!1 but tw weeks previous to being brought to Oregon City. She has resided in Os wego for 40 years, and had taken an active interest in the welfare of Clackamas county, and was held in the highest esteem by her many friends in that section of the county She was born in Kentucky, and was about 60 years of age. Deceased is survived by her hus band Isaac Austin, of Oswego, and the following children: Charles and Wiliam Austin, of Oswego; Mrs Grace Provo, of Port Angeles, Wash.; Mrs. Minnie Hislop, of Oswego: Mrs Nola Austinson, of Camas, Wash.; Mrs. Isa Gregory, of Camas, Wash. The remains are at the undertak ing establishment of Holnian & Paoe, There were about. 30 friends of the j "l4U'm""1 - , . , , , . . but arrangements for the funeral young lady of Paikplace enjoying the j " """ocui evening in games, vocal and instru mental music. Refreshments were served. Tho house, decorations were most effectively arranged, . when fall flowers, including dahlias and zinnias were used.. The Work Club of the Abernethy Grange met at the grange hall at Parkrlace on Thursday, the first meeting to be held since the summer yacation, and arrangements were made for the n-jetirgs to be held on Thursday afternoons. Needlework occupied the afternoon. Dinner was prepared and enjoyed by Mrs. Matt Rivers, Mrs. John Kent, Mrs. Louis Himler. Mrs William Rivers, Mrs. Paul Burns. Mrs. Lyle Glass, Mrs. Wyrick. Mrs James Kealy Mrs. Austin was an active member of the Methodist church. The marriage of C. H. Warthen and Mrs. A'ay Jieed, of Mount Pleasant, was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Warnock at Mt. Pleas ant .on August 21st. Rev, C. Morgan, pastor of the Congregational chuicl, officiated in the presence of immedi ate relatives. Following the marriage ceremony a dinner was served by Mrs. Warnock, after which the newlyweds left for a brief honeymoon, and upon their re turn will make, their home at Lawton Heights. COMMISSION FILES SUITS Two suits were filed here Friday by the State Industrial Accident commis sion against logging concerns in Mo- lalla to collect payments alleged due to the accident fund. The Key Lumber company and C. L. Shepard are named as defendants in the suits. The commission seeks to collect $179.76 from, the former ' concern and $38.33 from Shepherd. Parkplace Items Frank Wheeler met with a very serious accident last Friday while at his work at the Crown-Willamette paper mill. A bundle of miscellaneous things fell striking his foot breaking his toe in two places. He was taken to the Oregon City hospital where an X-ray picture of the fracture was taken. At present Mr. Wheeler is :t his home in Parkplace with his foot in a cast. Mrs. Susan Hess is spending a few daj-s with her daughter Mrs. S. Wheeler at Outlook. Mrs. Hess's daughter Mrs. Alice Runsel and daugh ter' Miss Alta Russel of Portland spent a few days with her and have re turned to their home. Mrs. James Keeley of Portland, spent Thursday in Parkplace visiting her mother Mrs. Mack Rivers and at tended the work club at the Aberna thy Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs Frank Wheeler, the I former's mother, Mrs. S. Wheeler and granddaughter Miss Violet Broks of Canada, spent Sunday at Wilhoit Springs with Mr. Wheeler, Sr., who is camping there for his health anl is greatly improved. Charles, the little son of Mr. and been critically ill with dipthejia is much improved. raer camp by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meads and children. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Rauch, of Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Legler, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legler nd Miss Veatrice Rauch, of Gladstone. The party will return Monday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. William Rivers and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eby. are enjoy ing deer hunting on Abler Creek. They will visit with Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Friel proprietors of the Cheryville Hotel wher Mrs. Eby formerly resid ed while teaching at that place be fore her marriage. Mrs. W. E. Niles has received word from her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGetchie, from Billings, Montana saying- they expected to arrive in Glad stone about September 15. They are having a most delightful trip- having left Gladstone in company with Prof, and Mrs. M. E. Turner early in June for an extended auto trip terminating at New York. Prof, and Mrs. " M.; E. Turner arei expected to arrive here Sunday, as Prof. Turner returns to his position in the Portland schools Sep tember 6th. -v - Mr. and Mrs. Oron L'. Weddl'e have as their house guests the week end the former's brother Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Weddle and daughter Misses Lois, Francis, Esther and Hazel Weddle,bf Salem. Willamette Items L. W. Porter of Willamette and family who motored to Idaho in their "Willys-Knight" returned home last Thursday and report a very good time. They were accompanied back by Mrs. Porter's sister, Miss Joyce Mercer, who will attend the Union high school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. 'McLean of this place who have made an extended trip thru British Columbia, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross and daugh ter Helen have returned from Pacific City beach where they spent their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker and family are tack' from their vacation. Mrs. Mamie Critser and Mrs. II. Le.iS7r.an of this place joined the wo men's relief corps of Oregon City. Mrs. Harold White of Willamette, who has been confined to her room for the last few days is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Coonev Zimmerman They wilt visit friends and an(1 daughter have returned from the attend the Labor Day program in Port- mountains. land. i Mrs. John Casev who has licpti 111 Mr. and Mrs. Gould of West Glad- ,-s improving. stone have gone out to their home- Mrs. Genevieve Froning and Miss stead in Washington" county tc fe-Uiargaret Manning of Willamette have main a short time. sone to Aurora where thnv n-iTi nick Rev. and Mrs. Hardie Connor bare hons for a week or !o. had as their house guests during the" 1 Mr. and Mrs c warren and daush- wee Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Peterson'' of Lebanon, Oregon. The Rev. Hardie Connor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Peterson were all students togetehr at the Seminary at Berkley, California. Mr. and Mrs. Guy La Salle and fam ily are spending the week at Borins camping. Mr and Mrs. w. E. Niles enjoyed a brier visit witn miss Clark or Wis consin Thursday. Miss Clark is vis iting with her cousin Miss Alberta Dunn of Oregon City. Her mother and Mr. Niles were classmates years ago in Wisconsin. Other guests at the Niles home are their grandson.5 Linn Hagerman of Milwaukie and Egbert Hunmock of Portland, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunmock and Mr. and Mrs. Hagerman are spending the week end with the litter's brother, Mr and Afrs Charles TTp.2,erman of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Hollowell are staying temporarily at the home of his father while Mr. and Mrs. John Hollowell and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prater enjoy a weeka outir.g at Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. I Rowman, Miss Edna Rowan, Alfred Rowan and Eivin Catto Jeft Saturday morning for a few ter Violet, motored to Willamette Sunday and visited friends in this place. Mrs. Mootry has gone to Aurora where she will pick hops for a few days. Otto Teodomiere of Wamette fell from a tree and suffered several broken ribs, a bruised collar bone and an injured wrist. The doctor says he is improving ' - A birthday surprise was given in honor of Mrs. Ewald Leisman in his home Thursday evening in the form of a dinner party: These who at tended were:- Ewald Leisman, Mrs. H. Leisman, Mary Liesman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., and little sons, Kenneth and Donald, Mrs. John Casey Jack Mathers, Mrs. Ewold Leisman, Richard and Marshall. Mr and Mrs. Captain Young. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young and daughter Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young and daughter Murriel and Leota Young who have been on a camping trip to the mountains have returned. Mrs. Kathryn Davis and grand children Maxine and Phillip Tuor. went to Seaside by boat Wednesday morning. They were accompanied by Miss Una Hiatt of this place and cays camping at the Tillamook beache3 expect tQ be gone about a week. FOR SALE: 50-acre farm, all river bottom, 1 miles , from town, 2-4 mile to grade and high school; 42 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; running water, 7-room house, pantry and store room; good barn and other build ings. Would take small farm up to $5000 as part payment. E. M. 4 Haines, Lebanon, Or., Route 1. and Pacific City. Mr. and Mrs C. A. Chambers are planning an automobile trip through the Hood River country Monday. Those going are Mr. and Mrs. C. A Chambers, Miss Gladys, Alan and Jack Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Salisbury have returned to their home in Gladstone after a most delightful motor trip to Newport. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rassmussen anl family, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Miller, Misses Vivian' and Irene Miller, of Algon,. Iowa. Many side trips were made by the party includ ing Otter Rock, the Punch Bowl and a fishing- trip on Yaquina Bay which proved much pleasure to the eastern visiters. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Bolle and son John Jr. and Mildred Kyler are spend ing the week end with the former's brother Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolle at the U. S fish hatcheries on the Salmon river. Mrs. R. , Goodf ellow and Mrs. M. Baily were guests of Mrs. L. II. Strickland during the week. Mrs. Bailv Miss Audrey Tuor has left for As toria where she will visit friends be- for going, to Dallas where she will teach this winter. Mrs. O. Levison and dauehter Ma bel and Esther, spent Friday in Port- . land last week. ' '; Miss Rosena Elligson of Wiliam- ' ette and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Elligson of Stafford, motored to Mt. Hood Tuesday, where they will pick huckle berries for a few days. Mr. and -mts. Snidaw and daughters Beulah and Harriett attended a verv enjoyab'e party at Mt, Pleasant in the form of a birthday reunion, it being the birthday of Mrs. Snidow's father, Mr. Roman, who waa 84 years old. Mrs. Herman Peters was hostess at a very enjoyable dinner Sunday when she entertained her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Ellig son. F. K. Morrison and family of this ?lace have moved to Corvallis. A. farewell party, was given them by Mrs. George DeBok and every one had a pleasant time.1 .