Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 09, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Wil Receive Prompt Attention.
Activities During (
Week at Estacada
EST AC AD A. Sept. 8. Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Hislop and sister, Mrs. Inez
Greanleaf and two daughters, Alta
and Margaret, all of Portland, spent
the week-end with their father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Hislop
at the A. E. Syron and W. J. Symnis
Prank Morrow, nephew of A. E.
Sparks, spent Sunday and Monday
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Guy Graham arrived, last Friday
from Seattle to join Mrs. Graham and
the baby, who have been visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Schock for several
The McKinny family returned Fri
day after spending a coupie of months
in Eastern Oregon.
Dr. Will Dale and wife, of Portland,
were guests at the home of the doctor's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale, for a
few days last week.
Lorin Ellis came home from Port
land to spend his vacation with fcia
father and mother.
Mrs. Lee Bronson and son Beverly,
came over from Portland to spend the
weok end with Estacada relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Marchbank and
family and Mr. Marchbank's mother,
all motored to Hood River last week
to visit a brother and son, returning
Mrs. Lena Underwood and son Les
ter, spent the day in Portland Satur
day. Herbert Kreasch and Frank Sum
mers, formerly of Estacada, where they
operated the machine at the Family
theatre, were in Estacada this week
greeting old friends. Herbert lives
in Portland and Frank is getting ready
to attend college tin that city.
Mildred Knighton, vho has been
staying with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Smith through vacation,
returned to her home at Gresham this
R. H. Currin has returned from
Bull Run where she spent the sum
mer with Mr. Currin and will he at
her home at Currinsville again
through, the school year.
C E. Smith has a position at Che
halis. Wash.
Miss Lydia Mattson was home from
Portland for a few days the first of
the week.
Ed. Allen was here Tuesday from
Marmot, Oregon.
Word was received in Estacada
Wednesday of the serious illness of
Ray ,Drill, formerly of this place, at
the home of his parents in. Portland.
The cannery is now running to its
full capacity, taking care of the ever
green blackberry crop which is very
large in this vicinity this year.
The lodges which have been sus
pended for the summer vacation are
again taking up their work
Miss Ethel Lovel arrived home from
Eastern Oregon this week, after an
absence of a few months. She is a
Warren Barr, who is employed in the
Portland post office was here Labor
Day to visit his father, J. V. Barr.
The. addition to the A. G. Ames rest
dence, is growing and will soon be in
closed. t
J. P. Bowman bought the property
north of the Zobrist residence and is
busy repairing the house and other
wise improving the place.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J Lilbouin were
here last week from Roseburg, assist
ing tbir daughter, Mrs. L. A. Wells to
pack household goods and get ready
to move to Roseburg. They finished
Monday and left for Roseburg th?
same da. -
. . ...
Mrs. M. J. Kerkes, was here this week I
from Portland, visiting her parents.
Miss Bertha Burns left for Portland
Monday to tak? a position as steno
grapher in a drug -store at that place.
Mrs. Viola Douglass and daughter
Miss Bina, left on Monday for Tne
Dallas, where they visit Mrs. Douglass'
son and family until some time next
F. M. Gill and two daughters, Ruth
and Mae, of Dufur, Ore., visited at the
Wm Dale home last Sunday.
Mrs. George Dale and two daugh
ter. .Helen and Lillian, are here from
Wallowa, Oregon, visiting at the Wm.
Dale home.
R9V. Upton H. Gibbs, accompanied
by Mrs. Gibbs, went to Oregon City
last Sunday where Mr. Gibbs occupied
the pulpit at the Episcopal church.
Mrs. W. A. Heylman left Saturday
for Portland and later went on to
Spokane, where she was called by
Miss Ruth Saling is home from Port
, land to enjoy a two weeks vacation.
A. Heidlan arrived home from
southern Oregon last Saturday night
to visit his family.
Chester Womer came home from
Portland to visit relatives until after
Labor day. ' "
Mr and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett and
Harry Snyder left Saturday evening
for a trip to the coast.
Mrs. Lena Underwood has been mak
ing some improvements to her pro
perty on Upper B roadway. Among
other improvements she had the house
The play, "The Mishaps of Min
erva" will be presented Friday night
at the high school auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Einarsen. mem
bers of the high school facult3'. have
housekeeping rooms at the Reed res
idence. Mr and Mrs. R. C. Deming are now
settled in the Reed residence on Main
Mrs. Stenzel and family, motored
over from Portland last Sunday and
were guests at the A. E. Sparks home.
Robert Morton of Portland spent
the week end at the home of his
mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore.
There was no particular observance
of Labor Day in Estacada
Miss Anita Hopp has gene to Port-
land and later will go to Eastern Ore
gon vvhere she has enaged to teach
school. ' j,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster motor
ed to Dayton on Labor day.
R. D. Bailey, of Gresham, is now in
charge of the Estacada Garage for
Raker & Son.
Robert A. Smith, father of the Smith
brothers of this place, is here from
Bellingham, Wash.
Mrs .J. H. Myei, who has been a
guest at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. R. G. McCall for the past month,
left Wednesday for her home in
School opened Tuesday with a good
A meeting of the Community club
was held at the Estacada hotel Wed
nes lay night to see what could he
doi.c toward the support of the Eas
Clackamas County Fair.
Airs. Ruth Huett, after an extended
viiit at this place, has returned to
her home in Portland.
Preparations are being made by tht
local lodge of Odd Fellows for the
county convention, which :s to be he'.d
at this place October 15. The ccnven
uon consists or fourteen lodges in
Clackamas county.
The cannery made another ship
ment of loganberries, red raspberries
and blackberries last Tuesday, consis'
ing "L a. car ioaa wnicn was sola in
Chicago. Another car will be shipped
the middle of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ikin. of Blake
neia. calif., old English friends of
Editor Cibbs, called on him last Tues
Manager Sparks, of the Familv
theatre, believes in keeping up with
the times and intends to eivo his
patrons the very best pictures obtain
able, and commencing -Saturday night
tne pictures -will be from Paramount
Artcraft. J. K. Ely and daughters Mary and
Gladys Storer and her husband, all
went to the huckleberry patch am
brought back about 25. gallons of the
fruit Clyde Denny took them to the
North Fork
A. Casewell, of Spokane, is a guest
J of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates.
William E. Willhite, of Honolulu, T.
H., who has been visiting his sister
Mrs. Wm. Bass, left for Oklahoma Sat
urday to visit his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schock have re
turned from their wedding trip au I
are stopping with his mother, Mrs.
Margaret Shock, until they can get to
housekeeping for themselves.
Logan News Items
Of Timely Interest
LOGA.N, Sept. 8. Lai .or day wcs
observed in the usual way here, as
autumn days are busy ones on the
farm. However, we knew it was a
holiday by the unusual number of
automobiles with capacity loads if
pleasure seekers looking for shad 7
nooks to eat their lunch.
Ar.ong those we. recognized, wer
Rev. H. G. Edgar and family who
were 'snapping" scenes along their
X. L. and L. H. Kircheir. also F. W.
Riebhoff and son returned from the
North Fork country with all theiv
pails and pockets full of mountain
. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Sprague, and
o'hers went to the huckleberry hills
near Squaw lake, leaving at an early
bou-- and returning the same day re
vert berries plentiful.
Mr and Mrs. L. Kohl anu family left
Monday afternoon for The Dalles
(he Columbia Highway.
A. Rasmussen also went to Eastern
J. Snrasue is the latest new Ford
owner on the Prairie.
Francis Hutchins who is visiting his
brother near Deschutes, will return in
time- to attend school.
Miss Fl-.rence McGinn will teach
the Lower Logan school this winter
.vhirh begins Monday next.
Carl Lurig is enjoying'' the Eastern
Oregon breezes too, for 'awhile, hav
ing gone there recently.
The ;.-oung people of Springwater
will give a play and cnierta-mnent
Saturday evening at the Lower Logan
school hall. Ice cieam will be served
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Robbins of Port
land visited relatives here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Steiuman of Cur
rin&vile were calling on relatives Sur
day. Floyd O. Kirohem of Glendale madr
a biief visit Sunday and Monday to
the home folks returning Monday
S P. Hofer of Phoenix, Arizona, v's
it- d relatives here last week, th
last time being in 18S6.
David Long secretary of Clackamas
County Fair was. a Logan visitor Sat
nrdiy. -
Saturday was the regular meeting
of the Hardiiig Grange, 31 being pres
ent T!i principal topic was the Coun
t Fi-ir and how u, win r"'st priM.
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional condition
and in order to cure it you must take
an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh
Medicine is taken internally and acts
thru the blood ' on the mucous sur
faces of the system. ' Hall's Catarrh
Medicine wasi prescribed by one of
the best physician in this country for
years. It is composed of some of tho
beet Itonics known, combined with
some of the best blood purifiers. Tha
perfect combination of the ingredi
ents in Hall's catarrh. Medicine is
what produces such wonderful results
in catarrh conditions. Send for testi
monials, free. x
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo,
All Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Breeze News Items
Of Clarkes Section
CIcARKKS, Sept. 8. Philip Putz of
Coiton baled hay and stra-v for
George and Ed Grace last FriUiiy
Mrs. Wm. Mo?hiike and daughters
Catherine and Marguerite Have moved
to town where Catherine intend. to go
to tho Oregon City high school.
Frank Grossmiller is working at tin
Moehnke Bros, sawmill.
A. F. Buche purchased sorao oat
from W. H. Bottemiller last week.
Philip Putz of Coiton r,alert ytmv
fr W, H. Bottemiller last Saturday
Harry Pickett was in Vancouver
Wish., last Saturday to visit his wife
and bay and came home last Sunday,
his two little nephews can:o with him.
Ed. Buol helped W. H: Bottemiller
hale 'straw last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Edwin Bottemiller re-
i.urntd home to Maiden, Wash, last
week on Tuesday.
Geo. Clark helped W. H. Bottemiller
bale straw last week, Saturday.
Charles Ralph and family and
Claudus and Mary Bottemiller wern in
Oregon city and Portland last Fiuto:
afternoon. Walter Lee and Claud Botter.iller
were in Oregon City last Saturd:ij
i vening.
Ed Grace helped W H. Botten il-'r
bale straw last Saturday.
Marshall Bros finished Threshing
last week.
Mr Bottemiller helped bale hay and
s-traw for Ed and Geo. Grace last I'ri-
Eugene and If. C. Kleinsmith he'ped
their brother-in-law bale straw la si
Albert D. Lee is in Oregon City vis
iting his uncle G Kinzy and family frr
few days.
Clyde E. Ringc- :s working on ti e
road with his team.
Mrs Charles Ralph and son Arthur
and daughter Vivian and her sister
Mary and brother Claud Bottemiller
went to Kenton last Friday whew
Charles Ralph is living. They went in
the Bottemiller's machine.
Albert Soiiiewe and Albert Gasser
are. working on the road.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Lee visited
Miss Mary S. Bottemiller last Mondav.
Charley Ralph attended a meeting
at the W. O. W. hall last Friday after
Mrs. G. P. Clark and daughters, Bes
sie, Lillian and Mildred Clark visit"?-;
her parents, P. H. Sagar and family
One of Clarence Lee's horses got
badly hurt in a runaway he had last
T. Sagar is driving a truck for 1).
F. Moehnke.
F. Bauer of Coign was in town last
Miss Dora Wallace visited Miss
Mary Bottemiller for a few minutes
last Sunday.
Wm. Moehnke was in town ovc-r
Sunday to visit his wife A (3a Moehnke
and family.
Mrs. Lil-bie Lee and sons, Melt in.
Alvin and Marvin and daughter Bor
nice Lee visited her parents Pole
Sagar and family recently. .
Mrs. David F. Moehnke and s'jm
7a Verne and Marlin Meehnke visited
recently. Mrs. Ralph Caples and sen
Robert Caples.
W. H. Bottemiller and son Kerneh,
John Bottemilior hauled straw l.i-st
week Monday.
A. S. Kleinsmith and family visited
his sister Mrs. W:lliam Kerr Bctte
millcr and family a short time recent
ly. Carl Buche is working in Eastern
K. Caples is driving the Garlord
truck for Wm. M. Moehnke.
A F. Buche and son John hauled
scni" wood the other week with thf-ir
Harry Pickett and Walter Lee and
Kenneth Bottemiller v.'ert. in Salem
'ast Friday.
Mrs. Clarence Lee and children v;s-
'"ted her sister Mrs. Geo. P. Clark a::d
family recently "
Philip Putz of Coiton bale-.', straw
for Ed Buol last Tuesday.
Miss Irmalee Moehnke of Beaver
Crek is srayinK with her uncle Wm
Moehnke and her cousin Catherine
Moehnke for a short time
Mrs Wm. Moehnke and two daugh
ters Catherine and Marguerite nt Ore
gon City came out laM. Sunday, return
ing to their home again last Tuesday.
V H. Bottemiller and sons Claud
and Kenneth helped Ed Buol bal-j
straw last Tuesday.
Miss Catherine Moehnke and her
cousin. Miss Irn-ale Moe'nke are in
tending to pick evergreen blackber
ries this week.
Cl.' frence Lee is . w irking in the
woods for Moehnke Bros.
Phiiip Putz of Coiton baled straw
for Eugene and Henry Kleinsmith last
W. H. Wettlaufer is Jogging ,cr
Lark:ns sawmill at HighUnds
W H Bottemiller and sous Claud
an-' Kenr.otb. helped Eugene a,i.l
Henry Kleinsmith bale straw- last
1 Capital Garage 1
Personal Attention Given to all
Work. Every Job Guaranteed. E
Fords Overhauled $20.00
Dodge Community
Club Holds Meet
DODGE .Sept, 8. S. W. Benjamin,
Ari- Rdniamin anA Ttfrs T.afev return
ed froiii their three weeks vacation.
Among the places visited by them
were Silverton and WSihoit Springs.
Saturday evening the monthly me.et
ing of the Community Club was held.
An item of much interest was the
reading of a long letter from Edgar
Horner giviug "a detailed account of
his experiences of the wreck of the
Alaska, among other tilings mentioned
was the kind treatment given in the
hospital at Eureka and the good work
of the Red Cross. A prize was given
for i he best essay on "The Community
Spirit," the award goiang to S. W.
Benjamin who offered it to be compet
ed for again next month. .
Monday being Labor Day a com
munity picnic took place on the
Briderstein place. A fairly large num
ber of people considering the busy
season, were in attendance and had a
good time.
Threshing is all done and plowing
for next years crop is in progress.
Mrj. Kaake aud daughter have gone
to the hop fields.
J. Reichles brother and nephew rla-
ited him and stayed over the week
Mrs. Colson was an Oregon Citv
visitor last week returning home on
Garage Is Sold by-
Beaver Creek Man
BEAVER CREEK, Sept 7. Lloyd
Schram, who has been proprietor of
the Beaver Creek arage lor the past
two years, sold out last week to Gwil
liam Thomas and Ben Fisher
Mr. Wilson and family have moved
into their new bungalow.
Contra! Grange met last Saturday
evening with about thirty members
and one visitor present. A committee
was appoined to purchase a gasoline
lamp for the use of the grange. The
meeting closed with the usual grange.
Frank Mosiers brother and family
motored down from Seattle last week
and spent a few days at Beaver Creek
and in Portland.
Ab Thomas took Mr. and Mrs. T.
Daniels and daughter, Mrs. Hart, to
Springfield in his machrne last Friday.
Wm. Daniels and family have moved
into his father's house.
Mrs. Guy Woodard was vjsiitlnjr and
shopping in Oregon City last Saturday.
Coxey Thomas, who has been in 1
Southern Oregon for the past two
months, returned one day last week.
Mrs. Bell, of Oregon City, spent the
week end visiting friends here and at
Ms Jonesi was out from Portland
to visit relatives and friends for sev
eral days last week.
John Schram and famly took dinner
with relatives in Gresham Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Londergan and
son Elmer and Mr. and Mrs. Dan.
Jones leave today for an outing in
Southern Oregon.
Meldrum News Items
MELDRUM, Sl9.pt. 8. Miss Elsie
Jossy has returned home from her
vacation at Hillsboro.
Miss Alma Bowman who will teach
the school at Swiss Home, was a week
end auest of Mrs.S?o Gardner.
Mr. and Mrs. Headley Roake and
two children of Portland were Thursday
guests of Mrs. Wm. Gardner.
Miss Nettie Geymer cf Portland
was a week end guest of Misses
Gladys and Edith Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Fronze Krouskie have
returned from their trip to Seaside.
Miss Elizabeth Rush has returned to
Pendleton where she holds a position
in the public schools.
Mrs. Robert Meadowneck and daugh
ter Harriet, Mrs. Thpmas Coleman
and Miss Edith Lirdstrom of Portland
wer guests of Mrs. P. C. -Davidson,
Tuesday. ' "
Mis. Georgie Benjamin and baby
have returned to Umatilla after a visit
with her aunt Mrs. Wm. Rush.
Wm. Rush left Friday for Spring
water where he has beenemployed to
teach school.
Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hcpkins have
returned from their trip to the beach.
Mrs. Georgia Meldrum has return
ed from her trip to Mt. Hood wher'j
she spent several weeks at her sum
mer camp.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis of West
Moreland and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Reiner ofPortland were Sunday gue3ts
of Mr. and Mrs.. A. W. Meyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Hoyt Hi oc
cupying the Hoag house during the
absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hoagj at
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins, Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Meyers and Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Meyers and son for'ned a
party who spent Labor Day at Colum
bia Beach
Mr and Mrs James Tumbull ani
Robert Morgan motored to Silverton
Sunday returning on Labor Day when
they visited Wilhoit Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hibbard and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Johnston motored to
Columbia Beach and spent Lbor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. p. c. Davidson spent
Thursday with Astoria friends.
Anton Byron is erecting a cottage
on his property by the Meldruin
green house. The cottage will be oc
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Valentine who
have 'eased the green house for five
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Miss
Arlene Johnson and Mis Clara
Swenson of Astoria spent Labor Day
W,J-Mr- Mrs' P- C Davidson.
Otis Grant entered the Benson Poly
technrcal school on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Harris former
residents of Meldrum were calling on
Meldrum friends Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Harris recently returned from
Alameda, California, where they went
two years ago and which is yet the'r
home but their trip to Oregon at this
time was for-the purpose of improving
their Portland property by erectinlj a
new modern bungalow and garage. I
Mr. and Mrs, Harris will remain in
Portland until they sell theh property
before returning to. their Southern
Redland News
REDLAND, Sept- 7. Mrs. C. J.
Staats and her mother, Mrs. G. Dam
bach of Oregon City spent Wednesday
with, relatives in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stone and
daughters Edith were Oregon City vis
itors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs! Earl Allen and ehH
dr.en of Estacada are spending a few
daysjyith the H. A. Aliens.
John Murray transacted business in
Portland Friday.
Sir. and Mrs. M. O. Rose of Oregon
City attended the Farm Eureau meet
ing Friday evening.
H. Wynn and niece Miss" Stella were
Oregon City visitors Friday.
James Stewart and Russell Scott
were Oregon City callers Friday.
C. J. Staats transacted business in
Oregon. City Saturday.
T. Hortse and father C. Trotsky have
purchased a new auto truck and are
now busy filling contracts for wood.
The Bonney and Koch families re
turned Saturday from the huckleber
ry patch with 60 gallons of berries.
Mrs. Wm. Frick and children of
Evergreen Sundayed at the Staats
Many took advantage of the double
holiday and fine weather making
trips to various places.
The Farm Bureau picnic at Glad
stone was well attended by the various
clubs of this neighborhood.
Th Ladies Live Wires met at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Braatz, September
1. The house was prettily decorated
with cut flowers and ferns. -The host
ess having no work the ladies spent
the afternoon in visting and fancy
wort . The hostess served a dainty
lunch tc- tha following: Mrs E. R,
Leek, little Miss Ruth Leek, Mrs.
Elmer Leek and Master Morrisi Leek,
Mrs. Edith Sterns, Mrs. B, H. Stewart,
Dorotha Stewart and Anna Margaret
Stewart, Mrs. Braatz, Agnes Braatz
and Mary Braatz.
Mrs. Wambaugh is back on the
route again carrying mail.
Albert Hubert had a narrow escape
from death near the Redland store
Monday night while driving down a
hill the front spring broke on the ca
which caused the car to turn turtle
pinning Mr. Hubert under his car un
til Frrd Sterns hearing bis calf for
help arrived and helped the young
man out of the wreckage. Although
the young man's foot and ar.kle was
cut and badly sprained he managed
to walk from Mr. Stern's car into the
home of B. H. Stewart where he call
ed up home and notified his parents
of his trouble after which Mr. Stera-3
took him to the home of his parents,
B. H. Stewart spent Labor day at
his home near here.
Dale and Dorotha Stewart are vis
iting in Portland this week
Mrs Joe Hinkle is substituting at
the switch board during Mrs. Shultz's
Mrs. Fred Stems visited in West
Linn last week.
Mr and Mr3. Hoff have moved near
Albany. Mr. Hoff having bought a
small ranch near that place.
This week finishes up the threshing.
Willamete Items
Mrs.' F. M. Bennett entertained at
-chicken dinner on Sunday in honor
of her fiftieth birthday. Those en
joying her hospitality were Rev. ani
Mrs. Schaffer and son Joy of Port
land; Mrs. Grace Cantrell and daugh
ter, Vesta, Mr. and Mrs. F. M- Ben
nett and daughter Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chinn, Misses
Alice and Ruth Chinn, visited at the
home of Miss Maud Larson, last Sun
Miss Bessie Eggie and Miss Neta
A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.!
Seven days out of every week you'll get real smoke
joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up
to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself !
Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a
pipe's the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe
tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out!
You can chum it with a pipe and you will once
you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and
parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!)
Why every puff of P. A. makes you want two more;
every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the
-last! You can't resist such delight!
And, you'll get the smokesurprise of your life when
you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic
ing flavor you never did know ! And, P. A. stays put be
cause it's crimp cut and it's a cinch to roll ! You try it !
risk. rHk. w w v 1 f A w
rMlfuiSfi mIL
the national joy smoke
Higgenbothom, visited friends in Ful
ton last Friday.
Mr and Mrs. E. Leisman and sons
and Mrs. P. Leisman and daughter,
Mary, motored to Helvetia last Sun
day. Mrs. Katherine Davis and grand
children, Maxine and Phillip Tuor, al
so Miss ITna Hyatt, have returned
from Seaside where they spent a few
A shower party was (given at the
home of Mrs. J. A. Ream, Sr., last
Wednesday night in honor of Miss
Bessie Ream of Portland, formerly
of Willamette. Many pretty and use
ful presents were presented. Those
present were Winnie DeBok, Thelma
DeBok, Blanche Junken, Beu:ah Sni
dow, Hattie Snidow. Mrs. Edna Vanes,
Marie Barnes, Ida Ream, of Portland:
Emma Ream, of Portland; Veva
Barnes, Mrs. Martha Ream, Mrs. II.
Leisman, Helene Fromong, Clara
Costly of Oregon City, Mrs. Nora
Thomberry, Mrs. Ella Barnes, Mrs.
Pearl Manning, Mary Liesman and
Mrs. J. A. Ream, Sr. Sandwiches and
punch, ice cream and cake wero
served and an enjoyable time was had
by everyone.
Mr. and Mrs Albert Rinuyon and
children who have been spending a
few days at Bar View, have returned
to their home in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Porter, Mr.
and Mrs. Ewald Leisman. Mrs. Ruby
Baker, Miss Blanche Junken and
Joyce Mercer motored to Portland
Monday evening in Porter's machine,
and enjoyed a show.
Jack Mathers and Emery Ream mo
tored to Aurora Sunday where they
visited friends in the hop yards.
Mn and MTS- John Backus, who
have been spending the past few
weeks in Corvallis, returned home
A few of the Willamette folks en
joyed a swimming party at the elbow
in Willamette last Thursday. Every
one went swimming after wh:ch a pic
nic dinner was served. Weeiners
were toasted and coffee was made
and every one had a good time. Tho32
present were Mrs. Frank Shipley and'
children, Frances and Audrey, Mrs.
Fred Baker and sons Marion and
Kenneth, Mrs. Harry Colson and
children, Charlotte and Conrad, Mrs.
John Rauch and children, Lawrence
Clara and Lyman, Mrs. Robert Young
and daughter, Lucille, Mrs. Joe Sheu-
ble and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Joan
Ream and sons, Donald and Kenneth,
and Mrs. Ewald Leisman tnd. sons,
Richard and Marshall.
Mrs. J. L. Gary, who has been ill
jrith tcnsolitis is improving.
The West Linn Union high school
will open next Monday . Ewald Leis
man will operate a bus starting at
Frog Pond and going to Stafford,
Hazelia, Oswego,- and from there to
the EChool, running night and morn
ing. Mr. Bertelson, of Barlow, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas
Johnson last Sunday.
The Parent-Teacher's association
met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Debok,
September 2nd, for the reoafeanization
and the election of officers. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Mrs. Debok; -vice-president, Mrs.
Brown; secretary, Mrs Ridder; treas
urer, Mrs. Dibble. After all business,
had been transacted, a social time
was enjoyed, Mrs. Glen Epler and
Miss Thelma Debok served delicious
refreshments to the following: Mrs.
Wilson, Mrs. paty, Mrs Fromong,
Mrs Bartholomew, ' Mr3. Leighton.
Mrs. Tuor, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Epler,
Mrs .Tunkin, Mrs Adamson, Mrs. De
bok, Mrs. Greaves, Misses Florence
Fro:iong, Mabel Larson, Thelma Du-
bok, Erma Debok, and Dorothy Dp-
John Casey, who is employed by
the S. P. as a bridge carpenter near
Tillamook, visited his family in this
placo over Labor day.
Mrs. Fronong and Mrs. Manning,
motored to Aurora last Saturday to
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visit their daughters, Genevieve Fro
nong and Margaret Manning, who tre
engaged in piercing- hops. .
Willamette grammar . school will
start a week earlier than expected,
which will be September 19th.
Mrs. Albert Buckles of this placo,
entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jennings over Labor day.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young an-l
daughter, Lucille, and Mr. and Mrs.
James Straight and family, spant Sun
day and Labor day at Rock Island,
where they camped for the day.
Miss Ruth and Elizabeth Gouilay,
of Portland, but foifmerly of this
place, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Shipley over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., and
son Donald were among the Salem
visitors Sunday, where they witnessed
the game between the Crown-Willamette
team and the Salem team, re
sulting in a score of 2-to-l, in favor
of Snlem.
The lovely new home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Batdorf is nearing com
pletion and will be one of the "most
beautiful homes in Willamette.
The young people of Willamette are
enjoying many a gocd swim at the
Auto Strikes Horse
Near Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Sept. 7. Mr. and
Mrs. John Parks have returned Joioe
from Kent, where they have been the
past two weeks visiting with some of
Mr. Parks' relatives. Millard Parks,
the son of Mr. Parks, accompanied
them home.
WH1 Bell had a slflght accident tho
other evening as he was driving up
the road. He was driving along when
all at once three horses loomed up in
front of his car and he struck one of
the horses, making a hole in the radi
ator of his car, bending the fenders
and turning the lamps up so the light.
shone up instead of forward. The
hers limped "off into the darkness
and they did not discover whether or
not a leg 'was broken.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodle were Es
tacada visitors on Saturday.
Mildred Douglas has gone to Port
land to attend the Links Business Col
lego. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass called
on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murphy Sun
day afternoon.
Ed. Chapman accompanied Mrs.
Viola Douglass and Miss Bina Doug
lass to The Dalles where they will be
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roll
Douglass for a few days.
Patrons of Eagle Creek Grange
please renjember the September meet
ing and all come who .possibly can
and help to make the meeting lively
and interesting. The subject to be dis
cussed will be poultry and the County
agent is evected to be presnet and
make an address on the subject. A
chicken dinner and ice cream will be
served. So come and, spend a plea-s-ant
day together.
Bucket of Cold Tar
"Falls; Foot is Hurt
Fred Stearnes, an employe of the
Crown Willamette Paper company,
who is also farming on the side at
Redland, where he makes his daily
trips, met with an accident af the
company's plant Tuesday when a buc
ket of ccld tar fell on his foot, crush
ing the foot, and breaking several
bones, besides tearing a nail from
one of his toes. He was removed "to
his home at Redland.
Dan Deenny, an Austrian, of La
Grande, was committed to the state
hospital for the insane Wednesday.
The man, who pul'el a gun on a con
ductor on the S. P. is laboring under
the delusion that someone is trying
to kill him.
Princa Albert is
sold in toppy red
bags, tidy red tins,
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors and in thm
pound crystal glass
humidor with
sponge moistenmr
Copyright 1921
by R- J. Reynold
Tobacco Co.
N. C.