Page 6 ltlUIIHINNUNimUUH) JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent. Qui IIUIIUMUIHMIHtUIHItnai 111 Health Causes Woman to End Life JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1. Mrs. Edna Crumley,- of Buena, Wash., shot herself at the home of her step father, G. F. Pryor, early Friday morn ing, a Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Crumley and Mr. Crumley's parents were enroute to California in two machines and had stopped enroute south at the Pryor home where the tragic death occurred. Brooding over ill health is given as the cause of suicide. Mrs. Crumley -was but 21 years of age, and had been caring for her baby step-sister, but owing to her poor health was advised to give the little child up by other members of her household and it is believed the youug woman brooded over the discus sion and in a fit of melancholia decid ed to etid her life. After an investigation by the coron er, no inquest was held. The funeral services were held at Oregon City and Rev. A. B- Snider of ficiating. The remain 3 were shipped to Oaklani lo be interred by the side of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Crumley, Sr., Mr. W L. Crumley, and Miss Crumley and a sister, Mrs. Keyes and two children journeyed on to Sacramento, Califor nia leaving on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wild of Tacoma came down to attend the Crumley funeral. Mrs. Helen of Herminston, a sister of the deceased, was also in attend ance at the funeral and is taking the Prycr baby to her home. wers: Lester Russell, Frank Kiggins Roy Nelson, Stewart Rush, Tommi Robbins, George Card, Kenneth Wil cox. SUIT FILED FOR LAND JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1.- Thomas Hobkins has filed suit against Shelton Bechtel for the pos session of a narrow strip of land be tween, the Hopkins and Bechtel home on Hull Ave. The plaintiff asks for immediate possession and $300 dam ages. Both are well known residents of this place. LARCH MT. TRIP ENJOYED JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1. A party of twelve chaperoned by Mr and Mrs. Harry Williams, took the train for Larch Mt. on Saturday and hiked to the top just at sunrise on Sunday. A splendid time was had by the young people, those going were Misses Freda and Mary Boetger; Naomi Wilcox, Myrle Deter, Gertrude Kennedy, Bob Morgan, Geo. Kelinski Bill Marshall, Lester and Robert Ruj- sell. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Suit Asks Change In Water District JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1. A friendly suit has been instituted by F. B. Madison against the Oak Grove Jennings Lodge water district, a municipal corporation and the com- JF.NNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1.-- LouH-.e and Arthur Smith have return ed from a weeks visit with their grand parents at Dallas, after they returne-1 fro'n their two weeks outing at Bar View Geo. Gardner returned from tho mountains where he went for huckle berries. He gathered five gallons. The Alex Gill brickyard has just completed the making of 190,000 bricks S. J. Kiggins and Wava Kiggins of Albany visited the former's son, E. O. Kiggins last week. Mrs Burnell and two children re turned to Omaha after a six weeks' visit with her sister Mrs Zimmer ctt this place. Mrs Moritz of Minneapolis depatt- missioners asking for the dissolution ..c! on Monday evening after an ex of the district which was created by ; ceptionally pleasant visit w ith her son, special election in December 1917. iWm. Moritz and family If the district is dissolved the Jen-1 Mrs Astiuitli enjoyed a visit from nings Lodge Community Club has her son, who is now stationed at thi? plans for a water system of their own. A pleasing bit of information has been received from tne department of Public Utilities of Portland, which was received recently by one of our rrs-ir'.or.ts, "that the city of Portland will furnish water for the 400 fam ilies or more in the vicinity of Jenings U. S. Lighthouse at Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole and chil dren returned from Netarts on Friday evening. While at the coast took tea with the Walter Pettys family who were former residents of the Lodge. Mrs. Corrigan of California has been a recent visitor at the Dan Jones H. Babler has returned from a three weeks threshing trip. airs. Tanic covert ana Mrs. A. l.. Jordan went to hear Billy Sunday on Sunday and they much enjoyed the Whitney Boys' Chorus Unique posters for the cooked food sale are out and much enthusiasm is shown over the same. It promises to be a very successful affair and th members of the Grace Guild are hop ing for a .goodly sum to be used for the Calender plan from the proceeds or this sale. Tho home of W. H. Kelly caught on fire from a deflective flue. An early mormng bucket brigade of the neigh bors soon extinguished the flames be- iore 6eriou8 damage was done. Mrs. Asquith departed on Monday evening for a business trip to Van conver, British Columbia. Mrs. Geo. Williams will spend this week in Portland visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Mendenhall and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Maple are plan ning on camping- at Dodge Park for over Labor Day. Mr. Mendenhall has just returned from the Orioi-t, the Vin- lta docking on Tuesday morning. Wiley Train and fami'y left for Salem on Wednesday and will Dick nops at one of the large yards. Mrs. E. C. Kiggins left on Tuesday evening for Bremerton, Wash., to visit a daughter, Mrs. Henderson. George Morse and Mr. Warick ojJ s-cio lert on Thursday for Woodland Wash., to look at farm land. Mrs. Helen Howartson and two sons or Elma, Wash., is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Pearl Briggs. Mrs. Howart son leaves on Thursday for Venice. Calif., where little her son Clarence Chester, who is a midget will go on exhibition at this popular seaside re sort for a handsome sum. Oak Grove News EMPLOYES GUESTS AT PARTY JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1. ' .On Tuesday evening of last week Mr . and Mrs. W. H. Tillman entertained the "members of his office force of the P.R: L. & P. Co. in a very delight ful'manner. A dip in the Willamette preceded the weiner roast at the Till man gardens. There were 25 in attendance, who enjoyed' the delicious refreshments served by the hosts. Wm. Booth, who is employed in an other department of the same com pany ; with his wife and family were additional guests. Lodge, and deliver it to the city limits home. Mrs. Corrigan is mourning the to be furnished through a meter fur-1 death of her only daughter, and is to nished by us."Portland will not lay, j g0 to Bellimgham, Wash., lo be near cperate or mai.itam any mains outside ; friends during her sad bereavement of city. It might be advisable to c. P. Morse, wife and kiddies and make arrangements to attach the j Dr. .1. L. Scripture of Irvington spent mains at Milwaukie which is new sup- Sunday at the Hugh Roberts home. plied with Bull Run water. j a pleasant trip up the Columbia i f-ngnway was mucn eujoyeu u ;vn. and Mrs. Frank Covert, Mrs. Mary I Tillman, Mi s. Carl Starker and Mrs. i Jorihin. of Pine Bluff Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross have returned from their outing at Seaside. Miss Edna Butts of Corvallis took tea with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Maple on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodbeck of Vancouver, Wash., arrived on Satur day to visit with their, parents return ing home on Tuesday. Mr. Jobling of Caliornia has lease! the Asquith property on the river front for a year. And a garage is b--ing built at the top of the hill. George, Morse came from Scic, Ore gon to be with his sisters. Mrs. May Hutchinson of Portland find Mrs. .1. W. Hutchnson of Kansas City, Mis souri, this week Mrs. Richardson, who makes her home with her sister, Mrs. D. Clemens has returned from Sanatiam. Mrs. Murphy, an Oregon pioneer, who resides in Portland visited with Mrs. Dan Jones on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boetger returned from a motor trip to Seaside and re port a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Sylvania, Wash., visited their ccusin, H. L Clark last week. Mrs. Benjamin, who has visited her mother, Mrs. Kessi during the sum mer will soon leave for Umatilla where her husband will teach in the schools. Mr. Benjamin has also visit ed her and at his old home at Forest Grove, but left for Umatilla last week to' have their new house in readiness upon the arrival of Mrs. Rc-njamin and little child. Mr. and Mrs. Deter have returned from their outing and visiting the former went on a fishing expedition while Mrs. Deter was the house guest cf her mother at Ashland. Ore. Mrs. Ella Philips who underwent a minor operation at St. Vincents hos pital, is gaining but will be several weeks before she can be removed to the home of her daugnter, Mrs H. Burco. TEACHER LEAVES JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 1. Will Rush leaves on Sunday for Pend leton where he is enigaged to teach tho coming' year. School commences on Sept 6. Miss Rush, a sister, leaves also on Sunday evening going to Pendleton where she will teach 4 subjects in the 8th: grade as well as accepting the principalship of the sc'iool. EXTRA TEACHER VOTED JENNINGS LCDGE, Sept 1. At a school meeting of the tax payers of the school district held at the school house on Tuesday evening, Au gust 30, the annual budget was voted on and carried. The budget called for an additional teacher and an in crease in the three other taeher-3 salaries. An extra 6 mill tax was also levied. A smaller number were pres ent than usual and the vote stood -17 s lor and 6 against. S. S. CLASS PICN'CS "Jennings lodge, sept. i. W. I. Blinestone took his Sunday School class, for an exceptionally pleasant outing up the Columbia High way leaving- on Wednesday of last week they camped at Eagle Creek. The members of the clas-s attending i Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company . Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Fool of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON OAK GROVE, Aug. 30. R. R. Davenport returned from Rockaway Saturday after a two weeks vacation here. . Mrs. H. Abel and children of As toria were guests of Miss F. Kilgore last week. Mrs. A. J.' Hyde is out again after her recent illness. Mrs. J. Norberg and daughter Edith, have been spending two weeks at Shepard's Springs, Wash Our school will start Tuesday Sept. with a corps of six teachers Miss Daisy Hubbard is spending the week with friends at Allola Ore. The Helpers Club enjoyed the pleas ures of Council Crest Tuesday chaper oned by Mrs. G. S. Davenport. F. A. Smith and wife were guests of Portland friends Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Evans and Margaret Wells were in Portland Monday on business. J. L. Hughes and family returned from two weeks outing at Manzinita. Oresron. Several from Oak Grove attended the Billy Smith meeting in Portland Sunday. Pearl and Jewel Hubbard spent last week with friends in Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. V. G. Benvie was a business visitors in Portland Monday. Misse F. Kilgore and E. Cook were Pqortland callers Saturday. Mrs. R. R. Davenport and daughter and Mrs. Jennie Smith left Tuesday for Falls City to vipit the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moyer. J. B. Evans and wife visited Mrs. Evan's mother at Troutdale Sunday. Mrs. G. DeLong was calling on friends in Portland Monday. C. D. Smith spent a few days at home last week. I. A. Bock of Portland has moved into the house recently vacated by J. Oiler. May Campbell and daughter Eileen have gone to Silverton to visit friends for a week. Forrest Reynolds wenet to Rocka way Sunday to spend vacation vith a brother there Mrs. EL Reynolds is impr;viny- n health and is able to walk about some. Mary I.u Roberts loft Thursday to spend several days at the coast before entering her school duities in Port land. The Open Air development school will convene Tuesday. Sept. 6, with a large enrollment. The remodeling of the Riley house is nearin.g completion. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Robinett return-, ed Saturday from Sodaville where they spent two weeks. Mrs. Kobinett is improved in health. Word from Mrs. E. C- Young who with Mrs. Alice Risley is enjoying a trip in Washington reports they ar-3 having a fine time and have bad some slides in the snow on Mt. Rainier. ! OSWEGO NEWS I I Mrs. Cora Bullock . . I I. I Catholic Church at Oswego Is Improved SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Redland Notes J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Montgomery and Fifth Telephone Main 9 A.1599 Portland I REDLAND, Aug. 26. Harvesting and threshing have been completed in the neighborhood and many have gone to the hop yard and huckleberry patch Mr and Mrs. C. J. Staats and baby George and Margaret were Oregon City visitors last Monday. " Master Arnold Welk of Oregon City visited at the Murray & Nevill ranch the past week. He returned home with his parents Sunday evening. An ice cream social was held at the Evergreen school Saturday night. Mrs. W. N. Hulse and daughter, Mi33 Stella, and Miss Jennie Lee, of Port land visited Wednesday and Thursday at the Murray and Nevill ranch Miss Davis, assistant librarian at Oregon City spent the week end with her friend, Miss June Kirchem. Miss Shaw of Oregon City visited her sister Mrs. Phillips Thursday and Friday. Mrs John Murray spens the wei3k end in Portland. M. O. Rose, jeweler at Oregon City, was greeting old friends Thuif'day Mr Perry of Portland, and Miss Jo Preston, of Canemah, were visitors at the stone home Wednesday evening. OSWEGO, 4ug. 30 The Allar So ciety of the Catholic church, with the aid of Father Hogan, is making ex tensive inprovements to the church. In the evnings Mr. Conway, Mr. Mul lein of Lake Grove. Earl Schaubel and Rev. Hogan, worked on the basment under the church, where will be lo cated a fine furnace. This will add greatly to the comfort of the parish oners during the winter months. Mr Conway has built a new garage on th church property. The Altar Society recently had the church decorated by an interior decorator from Portland It is a real work of art and it beauti fies the interior much to the pride of the society. Rev. Hogan i3 the recent pastor, succeeding Rev. Bernard, now of Milwaukie. Rev. Hogan came oilg- inally from St Mary's Institute at Beaverton and under hlsi supervision the church property Is being improv ea. He nas been ordained 34 years as a priest in the Oregon diocese. He has seAi Oregon grow from a frontier state to the present day. Rev. Hogan used to attend Oswego church by pony 25 years ago. He also was the pastor of Pendleton 25 years ago. Rev, Hogan is an ardent booster for Oswe go, which toe declares is the coming new Portland and which he says will grow toward Oswego. He is optimis tic for Oswego's future career and is doing everything in his power to help The Oswego Graners are preparing for their yearly fair in gathering grain and producer It will be held on the second Saturday in October. The Kesseh Tribe of Redmen has again started their regular meetings after a vacation of a few weeks dur ing the warm weather Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Worthington of Hillsboro were the guests of Mr. Worthington's parents of Oswego ever Sunday. Mrs. Francisl Goin and daughter, Willa, are visiting Mrs. John Bickner for a few weeks. Matt Ditzsun lis giving his house a new coat of paint- Little Genevieve Roley who has been quite sick is improving at the present time. Miss Grace Thomas has returned to her home at Falls City, accompanied by Mrs. Carl Williams. Mrs. Wm. Monk and sister of Rock- away were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monk Sunday.- Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lorenz have re turned from a visit to Mr. Lorenz's uncle, north of Portland Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cox visited rela tives in Canby Sunday. An auto stage line is now operating betwen Portland an, Oswego Lake, making regular trips to and from the city. The bus does not -stop in the city limits of Oswego at present ow ing to the fact that the necessary ar rangements have not been made with the Oswego council. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huffman and son Harold have returned from New potr where they have spent several weeks. Mr. Roley of Washougal visited his little granddaughter, who has been sick for a week in Oswego. Wesley Haines, Dan Fr.ssard and sons are on a fishing trip to Tilla mook. Mr. and Mrs. R Confer and daugh ter have gone to Tillamook beach fov a vacation of a few weeks. R. G. Rosentreter of Altoona, Wash , spent Sunday in Oswego visiting rel atives. Charles Haines is very sick ith diptheria and has been bed fast for about 10 days. Mrs. Ike Austin is very low at the Oregon City hospital. Tho Elk Rock tunnel work is pro gressing rapidly. The bore at each end has reached a point of 250 feet, which is nearly one third cf the total distance. Crews of men are Dusy night and day. Gus Riser who has been very sick is now able to be up again. Mrs. Otto Larson and two children Vern and Wayne have gone to Altoo na to be with Mr. Larson for a few weeks. Miss Lucina Kiser has been sick for a few days is now able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. C. Benton of Seattle, Wash., relatives of Mr. ana airs, u- J-- Hayden, are visiting here at present. Mrs. Eila Johnson ' who has been at Rockaway for a few weeks.has return ed. Mr. Erickson and son Dohner have returned from Altoona, Wash., where they have been f ishinig. R. C. Worthington, Earl Worthing ton and Glen Waldorf are enjoying a huuting and fishing trip in Tilla mook country. Len Davidson has not been very well the last few weeks. Mr. Wilmont of Alta Park is staying at the home of his daughter, Cora Davidson for a while. War Heroes' Bodies To be Sent to Sandy SANDY, Aug. 31.-A telegram was received by L. E. Hofiman announc ing the arrival of tho boilj of Edward -Hoffman at Hoboken, N. J. and Mr Hoffman wired back at once to have his son's, body shipped here. An nouncement of a public funeral will be given later. Edward Hoffman whs killed in action at Chateau Thierry on July 19, 1918. A telegram was also received that the body of Corporal Joe Dixon, a brother of Jim and Art Dixon has ar rived in New York and will be slapped tv Vancouver where a military funer al will be announced later. Jersey Club Plans Important Meeting SANDY. Aug. 31. Mrs. Anton Malar, Sec. Clackamas County Jersey Catt'e club announces .he next meet ing of the club Saturday, Sept. 3, at the home of Mr. and JCrs. R. B. Seely at Wilsonville. There will ba an important business session in the forenoon, and exhibits fcr fall fairs will be discussed and sot'.led. C. L. Hawley, dairy and food commissioner will speak on "The Dairy Cow." There will be a scoring of cattle by members of the club assisted by Professor Fitts or Brandt of tbe O. A. C. All Jersey people are cordially invited to come and bring baskets. MRS. GLOCKNER RE-APPOINTED SANDY, Aug. 31. Mrs. A. Glockner has been appointed janitor of tho Sandy school building for the seventh time and at tho age of 63 carries in the wood, makes all her own kindling. cares for floors, windows, in fact doea all the work required, besides her house work and several washings dur ing the week but always carries a smile and word of cheer for everyone. Mrs. Glockner says she owes her 'good health to her abstinence from meat, tea and coffee. It has been IS years since she ate, her last piece of meat. If we put our heart and soul in any work, whether great or small, we shall succeed,"- said Mrs. Glockner who says she lives "just for today," as tomorrow never comes. Sunday in Portland visiting relative? from Albany at the Acheson home. Dr. and Mrs. Julius Sture were hap py last Sunday in entertaining their father and mother. Rev. N. J. Sture and wife, also the doctor's brother for the day. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eason wers invited to go up the mountains hucklu berrying last Sunday with the Jim Dixon family. , ..Gottfried Stucki and wife have mov ed to Kelso on the farm Stucki has owned there the past four or five years. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Powers went to Portland to celebrate Mr. Bowers' birthday recently. Mis. Elsie Danielson has been out from the city visiting her mother, Mrs. Dodd for a few days. R. Kaiser was in town via autom bile Tuesday, bringing some of tho neighbors along Esson, the Sandy druggist, and Duke, the young banker, grew tired of city routines after only three davs are home from their vacations and went over to Mattinglys to help t thresh Tuesday "just for the fun of it." They could get a lot of jobs like that. i Kenneth Scales came home Sunday and went baefc Monday -with hij father "Jack" to spend a week at "Uncle Sandys' " where he was join, ed by Tommy as they were promised a chance lo wratch the Beavers' play. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mikkeleon are spending a couple- of weeks at th-j mill at Brightwood fcr a vacation. Tommy Scales has been spending a week in the city seeing the sights and visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Watkins took a week off and drove to Seasade on a little camping trip of their own, which proved a very happy outing. They feasted on clams of course, and Mr. Watkins had a very sore thumb from a cut on a shell. Raymond Watkins went to Seaside for a week when the folks returned Alfred Hoaglam drove three fam ilies from Dodge Park up to Govern ment Camp last week to pick huckleberries. Mr and Mrs. Roy Douglass and chil dren were in town shopping one even ing recently, A, W. Shipley drove Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stanley of Gresham up the mountains for an outing a few days ago. Ernest Harris delighted "Beattie" by coming home for a visit last Satur day from the Hood River country. CORBETT WINS GAME a little outing' and -brought Kenneth Scales home who .has visited th-j Reeds for a week. Mr and Mrs. S. J.Allen and Dor.s were out to visit at the Baumback home last Sunday and w'th ihem wer-j Mrs. Sara Sears and Miss .Charlotte Dors wh.o were Yeomanette in the U S. N during the war. The Aliens are getting on nicely. Doris recently dant ed at a big affair at Laurelhurst. Her picture was in the Telegram last week. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell entertained their sister and brother. Mi and Mrs. J. L. Shoemaker over Saturday night, and Mrs. Purcell accompanied them back to the city to spend ihe week shopping. Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bittle Wells. Mrs. Florence West and Dr. and Mrs. J. Hunter West of Portland are visiting at Valley View, the coun try place of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hiram Strong. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Kerr who are summering at Stronigburt f-ntertained friends from the city recently. Mr and Mrs. John Miller of Globe, Arizona who arrived in Portland a few days agoi via New Mexico and California, and made the drive to Ore gon in 15 days spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Scharnke. The Millers formerly lived in Portland and used to visit a number of families ia Sandy. ine briscnow family came out with ihe Millers. A good many people were surprised to hear the stork-bird had been flying around last Saturday, August 27 and left a little eight pound baby daughter at the home of Rev. and airs. F. Dob berfnl. Tho little "newcomer was nam ed Olinda Ion a. Mother anl child are both getting on nicely. The Duke family are expecting rela tives from Iowa out here on a' visit very soon as they have trriveI in Portland. - Joe Lilly's brother wife and two boys arrived at the Lilly home Satur-day-trom F6rest Grove, remaining till Monday. "Others in the party were Mr. anr1 Mrs. ;laud Bristow also of Forest Grove, and Mrs. Harry De Bord of San Francisco, who is a niece of the Lilly brothers. Mr. and Mrs. I'.en son of Portland' were alsc recent din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lilly. ?.'r. and Mrs chas CTpdegrave and baby dined unde the parental roof of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. be Shazer Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Will Updegrave and chil dren "suppered" with tin- home folks tbe same day. to get a piece of "mother's" huckleberry vie. , Mr. and Mrs. J. G- De Sbazer, Mil dred and Grant De Shazer drove to Portland Monday, shopped, went o a snow, and returned home in time for the 'chores " C. A. Bowers, who bought and is working up the Zeller timber (in city limits) has already shipped out 400 Mrs. Miller ha.d a rielie-hiful visit of I a few hours (and a big dinner) at "the I erds wood' of U bein hauled SANDY, Ag. 31. A few Sandyites attended the ball game at Corbett yesterday which was a "live one. Washougal was so sure of winning and had 5 to 1 before Corbett really woke up then there was a race to the fin. sh, till the score stood 11 to 10 in favor of Corbett. Talk about fans. ;orbett went wild! Sandy did, not play Sunday. DUNCAN RECOVERING SANDY, Am. 31. Duncan was taken to Gresham yesterday where his leg, which was broken about a week ago, as set by Dr. Adix. Duncan was brought home again in the afternoon. He is getting along as well as could e expected after such a painful ac cident. SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Aug. 31. Mrs. U. S. Bryant and children of Newberg spent the week end with the Harry Nicholsfam ily. Mrs. Eryant is "Harry's" sister. Jim Larkin was out from Portland on Sunday and visited at the Harry Nichols home. Larkins will probably not Mve out here again. Mrs. John Mitche.1 went with the Baumbalck's to Wild Cat after th famous huckleberry and the "bunch of them" returned with a nice lot of of the heart R. A. Ton Eyck home recently. . The Collier family finished moving to Hood River last Sunday on account of Mr. Collier's work being thero though Mrs. Collier preferred living here. Attillio Cereghino writes he has plenty of work in San Francisco as a decorator, though the' contractor's strike which began three month's ago is still on. ""v Edith Hein, and Miss May Bryant of Newberg, spent the afternoon with Dorothy Mattingly Sunday. Fay Youn,g and Dorothy Esson spent Sunday at the Younj home, anl of course carried their camera along. Mrs. George Koesicke.r, and her sister Mrs. Ballou of Eagle Creek, were among the throngs at Douglass Camp last week and brought out 21 gallons of huckleberries out and put them up, Was there ever a season when there were more and bigger huckleberries;, or more people gathering them. It seems there are only a few of "us" who did not go berrying. Mrs. Alfred Winkler is still at St. Vincent's hospital recovering from a sevre operation. When able Mrs. Winkler will be brought out to Sandy ridge to her relatives there. Mrs. R.. Kaiser is improving slowly from a recent attack of rheumatism 'Swindle Trust' Loot Is Believed Found A divorco was granted in the cir- cuit court today to Maybelle K. Gol den, from John Wesley Golden, c.t Portland. The decree, granted by de fault, returns to the plaintiff her mavlon -rsm of ?.TavboIlA K. Lloyd. Chicago, Aug. 30. A cache, be lieved to contain millions of dollars in' securities and loot of the Charles W. French "$30,000,000 Swindle Trust," was located today in the plun dered vaults of the Security Trust company. This was learned during an investigation of the $224,000 hold up there Sunday night. A huge safe deposit box, believed crammed with bonds and socuriLies, is held by "Honest John".C- Worth ington, chief aide to Frraicli, undar the r.ame cf "John WhiW-house." . A court order for search cf , the Worthington cache was issued this afternoon by Federal Judge Kenesnw M. Land's. The order was 'asked by the Central Trust comm::y, recently appointed for one cf Worthington's defunct security companies. the much sought after fruit Carl Kubitza was a helper at the Nichols home- last week while tho Nichols grain was hauled in and stack ed. Ani now Joe Loundree has started to improve things around his placo by tearing shingles off the building, and the presumpt'on is he will put new ones on! A card from Mrs. Billy Dalziel states "they" have been having a delightful time at Seaside by the "sunny sea" listening to the whispering waves. Mr. Sensenbreimer of the Burn has been working at Gresham for Geo. Dietel a portion of the week but was out home to spend Sunday. Mrs. E. Dodd is the happy posses sor of 3 -gallons- of "berryhuckles" which- was her portion of what An drew Oaks gathered while Mrs Dodds helpsd Mrs. Oaks keep the home ket tles cooking. . Mrs. L. E. Hoffman was ailing a few d-iys luring the week and was not able to "tend shop." Mrs. Shelley seems to have opened the sauer kraut season by putting up a goodly quantity already. Miss Stantcn of the Boys- and Girls Aid Society of Portland was a Sandy visiter last Monday. Mrs. R. E. Esson was greatly disap pointed Sunday when sh,? returned from Corbett and found her parents Mrs. Wilson has been quite uncom fortable with an attack of hay fever recently. Mrs. Ernest Bonnett burned, her hand pretty badly the first of the week, but hoped to aticnd the Joe Dixon military funeral Mrs. Bonett 1 to Cottrell and shipped on the electric line. There are 200 cords more ready to market. Bowers says prices are about the same as last year, but the wood market is a little quiet. He has been getting $6.00 on the car at Cot trell and $6.50 F. O. B. at Portland. Cutting will continue all winter and it w ill take about three years to work up the timber. Bowers is a California man, having been in Oregon about a year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ten Eyck ex- pects to move into their splendid new home in about a month, which is strictly modern in every particular. The plumbing is partly in and the plasterer is at work this week. The rock work in front, and the large rock fireplace with. Jiandsime tiling are attractive features. The wide sweep of the mountains from the sightly lo cation gives a wonderful view. Harry Bramhall of Troutdale is the head carpenter. Mrs. Joe Lilly gave a party for her little niece Mildred Quick recently which was a big event in the children's social life. There was a regulation birthday cake bearing ten candles and child-joy was radiant among the fol lowing who were present: Mabel Lil ly, Mildred Quick, Marguerite Frace, Raymond Frace, Stearns Eason, Mary Eason, Jonne Shelley, Ronnie Esson, Esson, Forrest and Lawrence Shaw, and Robert- Scott. Games were play ed and ice cream and cake were serv ed. Mrs. Wilson was invited to share in the refreshments. Miss Agnes Gunderson and her brother George Gunderson took unto themselves their first view of the Pa- ....... ...... - ' - - 1111 3. . . will probably visit, in Portland and Clfic wnea they ?rove .over to Netart:3 Gresham for-awhile. Miss Mary Scharnke is working at Meinig's store full time now. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Proctor have gone to Portland several times to see their uncle, Rev. Alexander Beers who is very ill. The condition of Rev. Beers does not change much, some days he is better, and then wdrsa pgain Mr and Mm R. A. Ten Eyck had a severe attack of illness, while up 'the mouctains on a huckleberrying trip. They returned home Monday after a. two week's stay and are s-till weak Rose and Jennie Ten Eyck were alsc ill. But with all their sickness the Ten Eyck family brought down 170 gallons of bc-rnes they had gathered. Mrs. A. Glockner had a letter re cently from her laughter in South frica who- also sent her a branch of a "whattle tree ' which is known a tne Deauiy tree. Hedges grow the Uyear around and all the American vegetables grow there. Solomon Houser has left Snag Camp and "is sneep and epone over to Tygh and other relatives had driven out ; Valley for a couple of weeks. and found no one at home! ' Mrs. D. F. Eason spent a few days Mayor Junktr, Mrs. Koch, Mrs. in Portland during the week but was Kate Schmitz and Mrs Carl Aschotf glad to get back to Sandy, drove over to the Aschoff hotel Mon- j Miss Ca.rolino Vaertti spent a week day for a visit with Mr. Aschoff, Sen. j at Government Camp combining a va lue Fioya Keea iamiiy Ansa cation and huckleoerrvinsr irin Frank Dhoorhe. of Colton, .was in this city on bn;ir;es WdnVrfy. Blackball were all enthusiastic fans at the Corbett ball game Sunday. Commmissioner W. A. Proctor and family left Monday for Wilhoit Springs to enjoy a vacation of a week in a cottage at this popular resort. - Mr. Fisher, of the Fisher-Thorson Co. Portland, was a recent visitor at the Paul Meinig home. Judge Campbell and family drova out lo the mountains last Saturday to drive court-scenes out of his mind for a day or two. . ' - . Mr. and Mrs. George .Perrct spent Mrs. L. Lehnfield snent Knt.iTvi.iv at the E. Coleman heme. Mrs Lehn field and Mrs. Coleman attending the dance at Brightwood. . . Mr and Mrs. H. Frey and daughter Mrs. S. G. Olson aud Herbert Koessell mad-; an afternoon call at th? Miller homo recently. Tne Freys wil' prob ably no to the city about sci ool tinuv though. Mr. Frey prefers .th? life o.r here. Mrs. Jack Scales, Mrs. E.sscn. Ruth, and Mrs. Miller took &n after- noontrip over to Corbett Sunday for ! bay cn a camping trip recently, re- mainirg for a week. They also visited Seaside and Cannon beaches, dug their clams and had a wonderful va cation. Huckleberrying was very popular the past two weeks and a "bunch" w-ere camped up at Douglass Camp (Wild Cat) as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass, and daughters Mil dred and Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and sons Gifford ami Victor, Mr. and Mrs. Pete "Cluster and two sons, Mr. and Mrs Ed DouglasJS, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burnett and son of Eagle Creek. Roy Douglass drove a.s far as he cculd in his auto then walk ed in and picked 5 gallons and went out the same day. Among the Firwood folks that mingled with the above friends and. relatives around the even ing camp-fires were Mr. and Mrs. J. G. DeShazer and Florence. Mr and Mrs. J. M. C Miller had the pleasure of entertaining Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Eason, Dr. and Mrs. Sturo and baby Stanley and C. D. Purcell at dinner recently. Mrs. J. C. Duke has arrived home from-her wonderful trip to Crater Laka and other interesting points. Mrs. Hennessey, Jim Allison, his two husky grown-ups C. J- and Orvillo, and their chum who drove out from Portland in their new "Velie Sx" all went up to pay a visit to the huckla berry hills at Summit on Sunday and filled up their pails with a gusto born of ambitious desire-r-all except "one" who fathered another desire, viz. to look under the bush instead of on it, and after the hours filters'! away and no -"Orville" answered tr the woodsman call terror crest intc the hearts of the others and a search ing party went over the trails calling to the lost one! After great anxiety he was finally located under a shel-: (Continued on pa go 7) .