i NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Estacada Couple Are 'tito r22t &fm E- BottemiUer Weds Married at C3iehalis ESTACADA, Sept. 1. Peaple of this section were saddened by the news of the death of Mrs. W. W. Christensen, which occurred at her home at Springwater Tuesday. While in Portland last Friday she suffered a stroke, but was brought home Sat urday. ' She was 51 years old and was born in Chicago. Came to Oregon about sixteen years ago and lived at Springwater for five years. Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a. m. in the Finley Undertaking parlors in Portland and she will be buried in the Riverview cemetery. Mrs Chris tensen was an Eastern Star and" a member of the Daughters of the Nile. The Christian Science service will be conducted at the undertaking par lors. Mrs. R. Morse' went to Portland Thursday to join her brother and fam ily and the party spent the week-end at Hotel Lydel, on the coast. Miss Nova Smith is enjoying a va cation with her uncle and aunt on the coast. Frank Miles has bought of W. F. Cary, Lot 1, Block H, on) Terrace Addition. Mr. and Mrs. M. J Kerkes went to Seattle last week to attend a family reunion. x The school meeting last Friday night to elect a director to take the place of W. R. Woodward resigned, was held on schedule time and Mr. "Weaiherby was the only candidate nominated, therefore receiver! the en tire vote of those present, which was. carried out according to law without a hitch. Mr. and Mrs. James, who a few years ago lived at Faraday, but now of Portland, drove out this way Sun day and called on some of their old friends. Miss Thelma Hay visited Mary Ely a couple of days last week. She form erly lived here but now is in Portland. Mrs. W. W.. Dillon and little daugh ter, returned to Portland last Thurs day, after a visit at the Iilion lioma for a fev-da; R. H. Keating was over from Port land to spend the week end with his family. Mrs. W. J. Syms spent Sunday with his sister in Portland. Mesdames S. P. Peznecker and H. J. Lichthorn visited Portland last Friday. R. M. Standish and son, of Portland, were in Estacada a few days last week, spending a part of Mr. Stan dish's vacation, and left for home Fri day accompanied by Mrs. M. H. Evans, who had been a guest at the A. E. Sparks home. C. A. Jacques had to go to Salem last week on business returning Fri day. Dr. Morse's residence and office is . being re-shingled. Tones and Kitching doing the work. G. C. Snvder, attorney at Gresham, was an Estacada visitor Tuesday morning. The Estacada public library opened again Thursday after being closed loi" a month. The silver tea will be given at the library in a short time Friends of Mrs. W. J- Moore compli mented her last Thursday night, by a party, at which there were fourteen present. The time was spent pleasant ly in playing "hearts" and visiting, concluding with light refreshments, consisting of salads, sandwiches, cof fee and ice cream and cake. Those present were, Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mrs. Tom Morton, Miss Florence Kendall, Mr?. Mae Reed, Miss Oakley, Mrs. R C. Deming, Mrs. W. F. Cary. Mrs. Mrs. Anna Deeth of Portland is vis Ted Ahlburg, Mrs. U. H. Gibbs, Mrs nine at the home of her cousin children went nday to be absent a few days, and with her parents wil1 visit Columbia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus and grand daughter, Florice Douglass, went to the Oaks last Sunday. C. F. Howe and son "Ted" returned Tuesday evening from a. two weeks visit at Cary's Hot Springs. They re port a splendid time and say the fish ing was great. Mr anrl ivrra. Wm. Hanneger, of Multnomah Station, spent the week end with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harkenrider. A new stage route has been estab lished between Estacada and Portland called "The Yellow Stage Line." It makes two trips a day and has be-iJ-uuarters at the Estacada Garage. Master & Fortney are the proprietors. R. H. Akin, of Salem, electrical In spector for the state bureau of labor, was an Estacada visitor Tuesday. Frunk Harkenrider longed for some "good water" so he has dug a well on his lots in town. The well is 27 feet den and has thre feet of sparkling, clear water in it. R; v. nr. Youngson held the last quarterly meeting for the year, at. the M. E. Church Tuesdav night. 0 J. E. Shibley is moving from the Reed house on Main street to the Jubb residence. R. C. Deming will occupy the house they vacate. The trial of E. (Boo) Krigbaum Tuesday afternoon, arrested for hav ing liquor on his person, resulted in! the jury finding: him guilty, but recom mended sentence being suspended dur ing good behavior. The case was be fore Justk-a Worster and the six jury men were out from four p. m. until nine p. m. !-:Pi.tence was passed by Wocster as recomemnded by the jury and the defendant was given ninety days grace on good behavior. County Attorney Stipp prosecuted and E. W. Bartiett appeared for the defence. Forest Ranger Emery Keller arresi- ! ed Grant S. Hemphill of Portland, fr.r having loft a lighted fire unattended in the reserve. The defendant plead ed guilty and paid a fir-o of seven dollars, the amount being sent by mail from Portland. The trial was conduct ed over the phone. ' The East Clackamas County Fair is to be held next week at this place, be ginving September S, and lasting three days A dance will' be held in Iho Estaca da pavilion on the evening of Sept. I 3. R. C Deming visited the metropo lis Wedhesdav. Maiden, Wash., Girl Hazelia Scholars News Briefs From Molalla Section MOLALLA, Aug. 31. Mrs. Amelia Rarabsy and daughter Alta were Can by vistors Monday. Miss Rambsy ex pects to teach one of the grade rooms at the Canby school this year. Hub Bowman and family and H. Wilson and family intend leaving Wednesday for Silverton to pick hops expecting to be gone a month. Frank B- Lewis and family of Neb raska are spending a few weeks at the home of Dr Hume. Mrs. A. Allen, who has been visit ing the past two months with her father, R. P. Williams, returned tt her home at Fresno, Calif., Saturday. Clay Hungate and family were Ore gon City visitors Monday The Oglesby Hall, which has been closed for some time will reopen Sept. J. E. Shibley, Mrs. N. B. Ecker, Mrs. E. W. Bartlett, Mrs. Burt Moore, and Mrs. A. F Sparks. Mr.sand Mrs. Alt Drill of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Robley one day last week. Mrs. A. Heidlan and Johannah Lich thorn visted Portland Tuesday. R G. Marchbank has been on the sick list this week with an attack of asthma. , Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore visited relatives in Portland Tuesday. School opens Sept. 5. F. E. Burns superintendent, has recovered suffi cently from his accident, to be able to take charge of the school work, ak though he has not entirely regained his strength. The other teachers in the high school will be Miss Gertrude Dillon, Miss Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Sinarson, L. V. Cleworth. The grade school, with Mrs. Edith Cole man as principal, will have the follow ing assistants: Mis. J. B. Yocum, Mrs. C. J. Primm, Mrs. Carrie Sarver, Miss. Leila Howe. Miss Ruth Wise and the ' Misses Ruth and Madelin Brown, of Portland, spent the week end at the Estacada hotel. They are the sister and nieces of Miss Betty Wise. Mr. and Mrs H. W. Morgan of Sell- wood, spent Sunday with their friend?, Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs. Clyde Schock and Miss Lola Davis 'surprised their many friends in this locality, but hieing a -ay to Chehalis Wash., and getting married. The cere mony occurred at the Tom Rayburn home in Chehali3, August 22, 1921. Rev. T. D. Ache son was the officiat ".nrr r-lere-vm an Thf bride, ia fit a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis of Garield. She has lived here for a number of years and is consider ed a most charming young lady. The groom is also an old resident at this place and is connected -with the Es tacada Garaige. He is a worthy youn man and has. many friends who will wish him and his bride a long and happy married life. They are visit ing in Seattle and Vancouver. Mrs. Lloyd Yocum is coaching a new play, which will be put on the boards in- a short time, proceeds for the benefit of the play grounds. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wakner and sen George Frazer. The first dance of the season was held Saturday evening at the band auditorium. It was well attended and a goo.d time reported by all. Anothur will be held September 10. A party was held Saturday evening at the home of John Vaughn in honor of Charles Hall, it being his seventieth birthday. About forty guests were present and all had a very enjoyable time. -Refreshments were served at twelve o'clock. The birthday cake was made by Mr. Hall's daughter, Mrs. Hubb Bowman and Mrs. John Vaughn. Mrs. John Cole and daughters Vida and Neta, and Mrs E. G. Miller mo tored to Canby Tuesday to attend a birthday dinner held at Mr. Cole's mothers, Mrs. J. P. Cole, it being her eighty-second birthday. There- were about 14 relatives present She re ceived many beautiful presents. The hiT-thdnv Mlto .5ik made by- Mrs E. G. Miller and decorated with eighty two lavender candles. The following families enjoyed a picnic dinner on the Molalla river Sunday, John Cole's, Allen putting. Oren cutting, Sever Rambsy and Ralph Baty. All had a fine time and enjoyed the basket dinner. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine wast prescribed by one of the best physician in this country for years. It is composed of some of th-J beist (Ionics' known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. Tha perfect combination of the ingredi-, ents in Hall's catarrh Medicine is , what produces such wonderful results in catarrh conditions. Send for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Adv. CLARKES, Aug. 30. Edwin Eugene BottemiUer was married to Eunice Coolback at Maiden, Wash., on Sun day, August 14. Mr. and Mrs. E IS BottemiUer came to Clarkes on their honeymoon to visit his parents W. H. BottemiUer and family they, arriving at Clarkes on Friday, August 10. The young people of Clarkes gave them a Charivari last Monday evening witu bells, guns and tin cans. The newly weds treated with sandwiehes, candy, peanuts, orangey cocoa and cigars. Those present were Misses Lillian Yager, Bernice Gard, Mary Bottemil ler, Dora ad Pearl Wallace; Messrs. Norma Bullard, Theodore Sager, Ir vin and Raphall Gard, Willie Rogers, Walter Lee, Willie Wallace, Otto Gras-t-er, Benjamin Elmer Wells, and Clif ford Dickey, Claudus and Kenneth BottemiUer, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bot temiUer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. ,W. H. BottemiUer and some others. One of Sam Elmer's horses got cut by a barb wire last Wednesday. Clarence Lee helped W. H. Botte miUer thresh this season. Edwin and Kenneth BottemiUer helped their uncles Eugene and Henry Kleinsmith thresh a?it Wednesday Miss Mary Sarah BottemiUer is ill but is improving again Mrs. Harry Pickett and baby were visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmo Dow apd family of Vancouver, Wash., for a few days recently. Miss Hazel Lambert of Salem help ed her sister Mrs. Estella Jones cook for the threshers last Monday. Mrs. Clarke of Portland is visiting her son, G. P. Clarke and family. Marshall Bros, threshed grain for j Ray Jones last Monday. Claudus Els worth BottemiUer was in Beaver Creek a week ago last Fri day and bought some meat for the threshing crew. Walter E. Lee went with him. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin BottemiUer vis ited Mrs. Harry Pickett and son Lenn Roy Pickett last Friday evening. Mrs. Pickett was formerly Miss Eva Lee of Muiino. Clarence Lee has returned from Madras, OreEon, where he worked dur ing the harvest. Albert David Lee was in Oregon City last week. W, H. BottemiUer and son Claudus helped William H. Wettlaufer thresh last Monday. Mrs. Mary Lee of Vancouver, Wash., is visiting her daughter Mrs. Eva Pickett and baby also her son Walter Bee for a short time. Roger L. Lambert of Salem visited his sister Mrs. Ray Jones and family a few days recntly. Phillip Putz of Colton threshed for W. H. BottemiUer on Saturday, Aug 20, and last Monday. W. H. BottemiUer helped Mr. Ryan thresh last Wednesday. B. Sullivan was in Portland last Fri- Miss Violet M. Wettlaufer of" Port land is helping her mother Mrs. Susan Wettlaufer and she intends to pick evergreen blackberries. Phillip Putz of Colton threshed for Georee r. and Edward Grace last Tuesday. T. Pack's truck is hauling hop poles to Gervais for Harry Pickett and the truck drivers, are O. Nelson and Claudus E. BottemiUer. W. H. BottemUler hauled some wood for Mrs. S M. Lee last week. Mrs. Wm. Moehnke and Mrs. Ralph Caples helped Mrs. William H. Botte miUer cook for the threshers. Mr. and Mrs Michael Mcehnke of Beavr Creek visited her daughter Mrs. Ada C- Moehnke and family over Sunday. Edward C. Buol is plowing to .put in some fall grain. A. F. Buche and son Herman were in the mountains and secured some huckleberries last week. Walter Lee is helping his brother-in-law Harry Pickett haul poles to Gervais. Charles Ralph and Kenneth Botte miUer helped Eugene and Henry Kleiusmith stack grain last Tuesday. Marshal Bros threshed for H. C. Kleiusmith last Wednesday. Charles Ralph is working at the Moehnke Bros. saw mill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ralph and Arthur and Vivian C- Ralph of Kenton, are visiting; Mrs. Ida Ralph'3 parents, W. H. Bottemiler and family for a month. Mr. Livingston of colton is making hop poles for Parry Pickett. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin BottemiUer were in Portland on Sunday, August 21, and visited their cousin William H. Kleinsmith who is Ul in the St. Vincent's hospital. Mr and Mrs. W- H. BottemiUer and son Clad were in Oregon City one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Moehnke and daughters Catherine and Marguerite Ada Moehnke were in Oregon City last Sunday and visited some of their rel ative s. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin E. Hornshuh and son Jesse and little baby visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caples and son Robert Caples last Sunday Edwin Messinger of Shubel is work ing at the William and David Moehnke sawmill. Marshall Bros, threshed for Albert Schiewe. George Hofstetter helped thresh for Charles Marshall on his brother, John Marshall's place which he rented. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin BottemiUer vis ited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Al- j vin S. Kleinsmith and cousin, iorena H. Kleinsmith, of Oregon City and al so their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinsmith of . Portland last Sunday. HAZELIA, Aug. .30. The camping party who went from Hazelia to pick huckleberries came home with an abundance of barries and declared they had a delightful outing. D. E. Christiansen wa3 ill the past week. Transportation has been arranged for the children going to.WeSt Linn nigh school from the surrounding dis tricts, a school auto will solve the important problem. Many children will go who otherwise could not, right from Hazelia, as many from Stafford and some from Oswego. The Hazelia school house Is being put in condition for the opening of school, September 12. Miss Francis Willis of Gladstone will teach. A pleasant surprise was given Mar ian Eastman Friday evening, the occasion being her" btirthday. Ice cream and . cake were served and a pleasant evening enjoyed by the neighborhood girls and boys. The Tualatin bridge at Hazelia is closed for repairs and the West Linn road to Oregon City is now being used as a detour. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rose and chil dren of Oswego spent the week end at Bonnie Brae" farm Farewell Party Is Given bv Friends BEAVER CRFEK, Aug. 30. A fare well party, attended by old neighbors and friends, was given for Mr. and Mrs Thomas Daniels last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels will accompany their daughter, Mrs. J. L. Hart, to her home at Springfield soon, where they plan to spend the winter. The local members of the Farmers Union held their regular meeting last Saturday evening. After a business session a literary program ana ice cream were enjoyed. Mrs. Ah Thomas will resume her music teaching in Oregon City this week. Threshing is over in trfis locality and the straw baling has started. Grandpa Meyers of La Grande visit ed at the home of Geo! Havill several days last week. Though Mr. Mayers is S2 years old he is very active and healthy. . Mr and Mrs. Steve Londergan. daughter Genevieve and s.on Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lindsley, daughter LubeUe. and son Theron, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Havill, Mr. and Mrs. Al; Thomas and daughter Margaret, Miss Irene Mnkinrter and Robert Treymayne formed a party which motored to Bonneville last Sun- j day for a picnic dinner. The event j was in honor of Mrs. Jones' birthday. Geo. Watts, A. Parry. W. Robert and W. Bohlander returned late Fri day evening from a week's huntin lrip. They-brought in one deer and re port a very good time As the boys were inexperienced hunters they have reason to feel pretty well pleased over the results. Robert Vorpahl and family motoret to Canby Sunday and brought home a few bushels of peaches. ing with relatives and friends. James Stewart and Russel Scott transacted business in Oregon City Sat urday. . . Miss Annie Hindle was a week end guest at the Bonaey home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stone and daugh ter Edith and Miss Stella Wynu spent Saturday in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Shipley and daughter of Portland spent Sunday at the Coop home. Mr. and Mrs. Polehn and daughter Miss Charlotte visited friends and rel atives in Portland Sunday. Mrs. John Hughes and daughter Miss Icelia transacted business in Ore gon City Monday. B. H. Stewart of Porland Sundayed with home folks. Work Against Pests Elk Prairie News. dance ELK PRAIRIE, Sept 1. A given in honor of Jack Young recently, at which a number of young people enjoyed the swiftly passing houra. D. B. Gray and son Ted have gone to the hop yards near Aurora to work. Glen Gault invited several of his neighbors to assist him in burning a slashing, just before the clouds promised a downpour. Supper was served at the Gault home as soon as the men and boys arrived. The burn ing was done at night as Mr. Gault had a number of buildings near by, which would not be so greated endan gered by the cooler burn obtained after night-fall. A second supper was served at midnight before the neigh bors left for their homes. Mr. Gault filed up on his claim last year. Im mediately he built a barn and "a shack." In the latter was held a house warming at that time. Now the "shack is to be replaced with a house, most of the lumber being on the ground at the present time. Mr. Gault has done a good deal of land clearing the past year. . 'It is reported that a neighbor ha.5 MACKSBURG, Aug. 31. With re gret we record the death of Mrs. Kauffman Sr. which took place on Sat urday last afer a protracted illness Mrs. Kauffman was the mother of Mrs. Hartzler and of David Xf.uffman. The sympathy of the entire commun ity is extended to the afflicted family in their loss A little son "was uorn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helgerson last week. . The Mother's Club met with its secretary on Thursday last and is to be held at the home of its president. Mrs. John Hspler on the afternoon of Thursday, September 8th. The pleas ure of the last meeting was enhanced by the presence" of Mrs Lucas form erly Miss Louisa Heinz. August 22 had been the anniversary of Miss Heinz's marriage to Rsv. Ft. Lucas and of the departure of the young couple for Mr. Lucas' parish in Che halis, Wash. A very pleasant surprise was given on Tuesday last to Mrs. G. M. Bahl- w.n, wnen sume irienas came ior a brief outing in the w6ods. Mrs. Bessie Spenser with her little daughter Vir ginia, Miss rweedie, former teacher in the Macksburg school, Miss Joy Sutherland and her brother George composed the. party with the children, as well as with the elder ones senied greatly to enjoy the day. A number of friends gathered at the home of Henry Dreier on Satur day to observe the birthday of Mrs. Dreier'ssister, Emma. A social after noon was spent. Refreshments were served and everyone appeared to have an especially good time. Mrs. Geo. Walch. Mrs Phil Roberts, Mrs. G. M. Baldwin, the Mfsses Malio Roberts, Mabel Eby, Clara, Saiah and Ada Walch with Master George Walch mad3 up the number of guests. The beys of tr.e neighborhood are trapping in earnest, not only for those subterranean foes, eophers. gray-dig-ders and moles but also for the de structive rats, v, ho besides raiding the Paul Schroeder visited at Leonard Schabers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller and two daughters of Sellwood visited Mrs. Millers parents. F, c. Schroeder Sat urday and Sunday. Carl Keller was in Oregon Citv Sat urday. Elva, Jack and Walter Wanker were in. Portland Saturday afternocn. I Mrs. Robert Payne and two sons are visiting in Portland this week. Mr. Thompson was in Portland Saturday Everyone is through threshing in the Meadows. Bazaar for Lad Hill Hall Proves Success bought the relinquishment of Mr. grain bins, are preying upon the young Michley .recently. M'r. Bitts, wifo fowls One family has lost 200 young and three children, also his, brother chicks bv these marauders and an- came from Vancouver, Wash., to view the relinquishment of Tom Hcllings worth. The party made one trip, how ever it was rajning too hard to leave the main road, so they returned a few I ether has had a quantity of canned fruit destroyed. The covers and' rub bers being eaten away by these same depredators. Threshing is nearly finished and days later. If Mr Bitts decides to attention is turning to the hop harvest. Cams News Items CARUS, Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Gwil lam and Mrs. Magggnes motoerd to Oregon City. George Bliss made a trip to Wood- burn one day last week. Mrs,. John Evans and children were Oregon City visitors last Monday. Miss Edna May Clar of Salem is spending part of her vacation with Wilma Bliss. The Carus Sunday School gave picnic at the Carus church yard last Friday. About- 50 were present and all bad a very nice time. Albert Schoenborn and Fred Josi spent a couple of days at the huckle berry patch at Cold Springs, returning home last Wednesday with 50 galions of berries. Emerson Edwards and Minnie mo tored ' to Oregon City one day last week. A large crowd of neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Russell gathered at the Cams church Wednes day evening to give them a farewell party before leaving for their new home in Portland. Charlie Kilgore and Reed Jaggar are spending a few days at the huckle berry patch. Miss Anna and Emma Josi) spent Tuesday afternoon with Minnie Ed wards. Dodge Items DODGE, Aug .31 i. W. Keller and Mrs. Keller spent Sunday visiting at the Horner home. Charles Enquisit and his wife and family of Portland spent several days last week visiting with his brother at Dodge. The Finster family took dinner with ihe Jochinsen family on Sunday. W. T. Kaake and family spent the weejj end near Muiino. Rose Freeman of Eagle Creek is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Myers. Mrs. Marrs' sister is spending a va cation at the Marrs' home. Redland News Items. come here to live, his eldest lov wih enter school. Tom Hollingsworth and two sons-in-law and a son came from California last year, each filed up on , a claim. However Mrs. Hollingsworth had to return to Southern California for Eer health. A. H. Hollingsworth ' proved up on his claim. The five : - claims were adjoining each other. GEORGE, Aug. 30. Mrs . Samuel D. W." Badger has been sawing wood j Miller, son and daughter, Emanuel for . a number of neighbors in Elk an1 Elsie, of Portland, visited the Prairie Mr Badger has finished , former's daughter and husband, Mr. sawing and hauling the wood for th'J j lind Mrs. Mark Doryland of George. Elk Prairie school ! last Sunday. me potato crop is giving promise, of being ready to dig w'thin a few weeks. The ranchers indulging the hope escaping1 the rain which lid such damage to the tubers, a year ago, GEORGE ITEMS Roy Thomas and Mr. Grim of Scotts Mills, were in Elk Prairie recently. Master Joyce Badger, aged three weeks, has had five callers Mesdames Gray Neely, Tidd, Yacubec and Duni one. Elmer Snider- and Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank Rcssman have .genci to the ) hop fields to work, it is "reported. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Battles have i gone to Troy, Missouri, to spend their j five months vacation from their : claims. Mr. Vane Hsnness will care for their property while they a-.j away. Mr. Henness is cutting Mr Battles hay. Mr. Yacubec bought the hay up on the C. H. Thomas place Mr. Tidd as sisted in harvesting- the crop. Messrs. Marsh and Sherman went to the huckleberry patch, recently. Miss Edith Hartenrider of Estacada visited her sisiter, Mrs- I. Paulsen, of George' last Friday and Saturday. C. Klinker, Carl and Albert Lins, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders and Mrs. Veisenfluh attended the show at Es tacada last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. iGllmore ot St- ! Johns', visited their daughter and son- in-law, Carl Decker and wife of George last Sunday. Leo Rath and wife visited Mr. and Mrs. chaney last Sunday evening. TUALATIN MEADOWS Mr. and Mrs. George Bozley. of Sil verton, were in Oregon City Tuesday and Wednesday. While here they registered at the Electric hotel. TUALATIN MEADOWS. Auig. 30. Mr. and Mrs John Raicy and son, Joe, Were in Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John De Neui and daughter Amy were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Borland Sunday. Ray Bushbaum was in Wilsonville Sunday. Cheater Carpenter of Willamette spent several days with his. uncle Charlie Larson. LAD HILL, Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Case are considering very ser iously of buying the John Tautfest place. Will Hall, a brother of Mrs C. Sut ton had the misfortune to step on a nail which laid him up for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Howell and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Uderwood of Mos ier, Oregon, who are touring Oregon in their Daniels ear., spent the week end with Mr. Howell's sister, Mrs. Frank Kiser. Mrs. S. S. Parrott and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Parrott's mother, Mrs. H. N. Baker in Fern wood. Mrs. Annie Lee statrted on her re turn trip home to Seattle Sunday evening. It was a family reunion that gather ed at the home of Gus. Kramien Sun day as all his children were honie His three daughters, Mrs. Carl Carlson and family and the Misses Venus and Agues Kramien were out from Fort- land. The Misses Matilda and Wanda Erman of Butteville, Mrs. Annie Eee of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and daughter Alice also took Sunday dinner at the Kramien home. The bazas? given Saturday evening was a success altho not a very large crowd was present, as come were away at the boaches'and others busy preparing for hop picking. The club cleared $23, which will heln some to ward the new hall. , Mrs. C- H. Ives has been very sick wiih an attack of quinsy but" is able to be up again. ?irs. Wm. Russell -vpd Mrs. A. John son have both been on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allen and son Oliver accompanied George and Ed Walls to Seaside Saturday returning Monday. Everyone was off to the hop yard Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Parrish, Mr. ' and Mrs. John Wohlgemuth and Mrs. Dan Wohlgemuth and two children called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith Sunday afternoon. George St Clair and Verdun John son spent a few days last week at Seaside returning Saturday. C. C. Loucks -will run a store at the hop yard this year. Chester Kiser will assit Mrs. Loucks with chores at home Charlie Sellwood has had consider able remodeling done on tneir house a new porch and some windows put in. DWORCE IS ASKED Edith Williams Wednesday filed a complaint for divorce in the circuit court, against her husband, William Williams. The complaint alleges de sertion. The plaintiff asks the cus tody of ftoselae, a one-year-old child. Rev. Joseph Hepp, of Orange. Cal., was in this city on Wednesday, com ing here to look after property inter ests in this county, which isi located near Milwaukie. REDLAND, Aug. 30. Mrs. Wil! Bonney and father George Armstrong were Oregon City callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rau, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steiner went to Dilley last Sunday, where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fre-l Steiner, who served a dinner in honor of their guests. .UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IHIIIIIUUIIII Capital Garage WE SPECIALIZE ON REPAIR WORK E Personal Attention Given to all E E Work. Every Job Guaranteed. E E Fords Overhauled $20.00 MORRIS & CRAWFORD iiinimmmiiummiiuiiiimimmiiiiiT? Prince Albert is mold in toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and tn th pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top A pipe's a pal packed witli P. A.! Seven days out of every week you'll get real smoke joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself ! Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a - pipe's tne greatest treat, the happiest and most appe tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! You can chum it with a pipe and you will once you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and parch! (ut out by our exclusive patented process!) Why every puff of P. A. makes you want two more; every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the last! You can't resist such delight! And, you'll get the smokesurprise of your life when ycu roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic ing flavor you never did know ! And, P. A. stays put be- causejt's crimp cut and it's a cinch to roll! You try it! Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem. CJL. A . FiffliKK i&LBOCIi ,;.v4 t -- Iff the national joy smoke r