Page Two, NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From AH Over die County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscription Will Receive Prompt Attention. Growers Organize New Packing Co, EST AC AD A, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs D. B. Bass and family returned Mon day evening- from their outing at the beach. They report a fine, time. Mrs. Clark Posson and daughter Leta. who wer visiting in Oregon City, returned home Tuesday. Mis3 Ruth Dillon, cashier in th-3 Estacada State Bank, left AVednesday for a two weeks vacation. She first goes to Portland, after which he will visit at Bull Run and sorat coast points. Miss Marian Dunlop returned liomi Tuesday evening from Monmouth where she has been attending summer school. Miss Helen Wooster is home again after a visit with relatives, in Portland Earl Shibley has rented the Jubn property and will move the first of next month from the Reed residence on Main street. Mrs. Jubb is going to move onto her farm. A new incorporation known as the Estacada Packing Co. was organized ut a meeting of the fruit growers of this section last Friday merit, w. K. Wonrtworth. John Osborn and EarJ Day are the incorporators. Stock sub scription was opened and twenty seven growers present subscribed for 71 shares of the stock, according to therl acreage for each acre or fraction thereof. The capital stock is $5000. The fruit growers were highly enthus iastic in the new incorporation, be cause of the flattering results of the unorganized growers in taking care of their berry crop and the excellent prices. The .cannery is now in charge of R C Deming, who will take care of the evergreen bery crop. Rev. Upton Gibbs of this place filled .he pulpit fcr the Episcopal congrega tion at Milwaukie last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Barllett return ed from their trip to Eastern Oregon Sunday night. Miss Alice Wells of Portland, was here this week visiting with her sis ter, Airs. L. A. Wells. I Albert Licnthorn has gone to East ern Oregon Miss Gladys Stamp and little broth er, are visiting thoir sister at Tacomn J. O Roberts, a brother-in-law of-V. W. Hauser. with liis wife and chil dren, have been Estacada visitors. Thev drove an ' Auburn car from Tampa, Florida, a distance of 4,'3n'i miles. Mr. Roberta is an old hotol man and has decided to locate here. The party accompanied bj Jam? Hauser, father of.V. W. Hauser, ieft Monday in their car for a trip to Loh Angeles, California. Three car loads of lumber, two of which contain Merchantable Jap squares, which are timbers in sine 24x24 and 24 to 40 feet in length, from the Kaake & Jubb mill at Spring water, were shipped from this place ' recently. R. M- Standish drove over from Portland Wednesday to spend his va cation in this vicinity fish id g. "Bob' is a noted fisher, but no doubt will miss his former comrade in piscator ial sport, John Page, who is at pres ent 1j id up with a broken leg R;yv. T. Abbott of Portland, will oc cupy the M. E. pulpit next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and will preaeh at Zion church at 3 p. m. at Garfield at 7. SO in the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan, after a month's visit here with the doctor's parents and other relatives, have re turned to their home at Rosehurs. They spent ten days of their vacation at Lcngbeach, Wash. Mrs. S. A. Roberts, of Coring, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. R. E. Davis, of Garfield. Miss Mary Oakley, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mae Reed, spent a few days with her brother at Newberg. Mr. and Mrsi J. M. Glover, of Up ton, Calif., were in Estacada last vek, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates. Miss Edith Harkenrider visted at Bull Run Saturday.. Mrs. C. F. Howe and Miss Le'.ia Howe, spent the day in Portland Sat urday. , Roy C. Burchett has sold his Re-Nu-Em tailor shop to I. W. Varley, who comes here from Donald, Oregon Mr. Burchett left for Seattle Tuesday evening to join his wife and -baby who proceeded him one day last week Mr. Burchott said on leaving .that he would return in about thirty days and open up a music store. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons, cf Forest Grove, formerly of this place, were here last Sunday to visit their cousin, Mrs. Margaret Shock. C. E. Kilgore motored to Portland and returned with hisi wife and little daughter who had been visiting in tbo ( ity for a few days. The Schock family motored to For est Grove a. few days ago. Mis3 Conners, who signed up to teach the primary grade in the Esta cada schools and who taught last year in the primary grade, has sent in her resignation. Mr. and Mrs Stanley Bartlett, of Coaqiille, Oregon, visited his brother Ed. and wife Tuesday. Jonn Dunseath, who is now working in Seattle, was a visitor with his fam ily here over Sunday. j Mrs. Gerald Wilcox and little son re turned Monday evening from a visit to the coast. Mrs. m. H. Fvans. of Portland, Is In Estacada visiting at the A El Spark3 home. Mrs. Smiley Iyvelace is learn in? the switch board in the telphone office. R- W. Cary and wife, of Portalml came down from the mountains Mon day where they had been spending their vacation at Cary's Hot Springs, and left for home in the evening. . Mrs. M. T. Kerkes visited her daugn ter ir. Portland Monday. Mr and Mrs. Sam Dunlop, who formerly resided in the Garfield dis trict, were in Estacada one day last week. Mr and Mrs. P. S. Wagner and son Otis left the first of the week for a trip ot the coast, to be gone severalTJ Tft T otI fft davs Mrs. H. R. Davis is looking after1 1U11CC1 Aa w Lylo Wagner in their absence. Mrs. Maude Graham, of Portland. was her last Thursday to visit her son's wife and little Guy Jr. C. F. Howe and son "Ted" hav3 been spending their vacation at Wil- hoit Springs. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ander son. Thursday, evening, Aug. 18, daughter. The little Mis is very much appreciated by the happy par ents, as their other two childern are boys. Miss Maude Sturgeon was In Port land last Thursday buying goods for the Estacada pharmacy. Mrs. McDonald has finished her term as pharmacist at ,the drug stora and will soon leave Estacada. Miss Sturgeon will give her entire attention to the business now after Quite lengthy vacation. CheiteTWomc-r.camehoniefrom Port land Saturday evening to visit his par ents and other relatives over the week-end. J. B- Bowman has purchased six acres from the Cary Real Estate Co from the acreage across the river, an already commenced the erection of a dwelling house where he will make his home. Mrs. J. E. Shifoley and children re turned from a visit at Portland Sat urday night. Live Wire Ladies Of RedlandMeet REDLAND. Aug. 22. The Ladies Live Wires met at the home ot Mrs. Clara Allen August IS. The president Mrs. Ella Allen being absent Mrs, U. H. Stewart acted as president. The hostess having no work for the ladies the etfternoonj was spent in fancy work and visiting The hostess as sisted by Mrs. Crietser served a dainty lunch to the following: Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Bonney, Mrs. Hend- rickson, Dorothy Stewart, Mrs. Crietser and baby Arline, Mrs. Stewart, Anna Margaret Stewart, Lula Jensen and Mrs. Clara Allen. The ladies will meet in two weeks with Mrs. William Braatz. Mrs. Ella Allen and Mrs. Harding transacted business in Portland Thurs day. B. H. Stewart spent the week end with home folks. Mrs. Edith Blom and Mrs. Green are visiting at the home of their par ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sternes. Allison Allen is delivering mail on Route 2 during; Mrs. Wanzbaugh's va cation. Mr .and Mrs. Stewart had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Merritt and fam ily of Portland Sunday. August 14th. Threshing will soon be a thing cf the past The farm bureau will give an ice cream social next Saturday night at the Evergreen school house. H. A. Allen met with an accident last week which is causing him consid erable pain. ' Mr. Allen missed a step of a ladder, on which he was climbing, falling to the ground and striking, his fare and side with considerable force Mr. Allen is able to be around but is bruised and sore. Miss Pearl Hir.kle substituted at the switch board yesterday Redland News Items (Too late for last week) REDLAND, Aug. 17. Threshing is nearly done and the grain turned out good as a whole. H. A. Allen and wife spent ths wefk end at the coast, visiting at Pa cific pity and Netarts. Mrs. J. Hendrickson is on the sick tlist. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nevill visited the j Jatter's parents at Portland Sunday. I Mr. Galaher, wife and daughter Nel lie and Miss Mildred Hading have stated back to Oakland in their car after visiting their aunt and uncle, A L. Allen and wife here. They expect to make the return trip in a week as :n some places there are very hard detoars to be made. Miss Grace Hinkle is to teach in the Jolcomb district this year. Mr. Stewart seems to have remark able success selling farms as? he has sold nearly all our neighbors places. George News Items GEORGE, Aug. 22. Mrs-. Willing of Sellwood is visiting her daughter An na Chaney at George this week. Mrs. E. Star and son Meivin of Red mond are visiting the former's sister Gladys Weisenfluh of George for a few days this week. Ed Harder and Peter Ruhl awl wife motored to Gresham last Sunday Chas Rendieman who has been working at Pendleton, returned to his home at George last week. Ted Harder and wife visited Mr and Mrs. Chaney last Sunday. Mrs. Marie Klinker and children visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Rath last Sun day. TUALATIN MEADOWS NEWS (Too iate for last week) TUALATIN MEADOWS. Aug. 17. jur. ana Mrs. C. C. Schroeder were visiting in Portland last Sunday. Mrs. John Wanker and son Elva er in Oregon city Tuesday C. D. Ackerson has'sold his place to Robert Payne. Joe Raicy celebrated his fourth birthday Wednesday August 17. Lulu Schroeder was visiting her sisters in Willamette several days last week. Frank Raicy Sr. was out from Port land to visit his son John and family Tuesdayi Will person near Sandy who found roll cf blankets east of Pleasant Home on Augiust first, please address R- A. G. care of Oregon City Enterprise. Blankets are valued as keepsakes. Re ward offered. Adv. TTirml TJfstlTID" TlaPf 11101 IebllHg JTiaCC MOLALLA, Aug. 24 Frank Ogle3- by and family left Sunday for the jiuckleberrv patch, expecting to be gone a week. . Donald Bauei has been visiting the pas, week at Aurora. The funeral services of Mrs. Mattie Williams of Molalla were held Sunday at two o'clock from the family resi dence. Rev. Love officiating. Inter ment was made in the Adams ceme tery. Mrs. Williams was born In the state of Missouri, her maiden name bet ing Mattie Bryan. In 1894 she with her parents crossed the plains with an cx team and settled in the Salenis valley in California, where Miss Mat- tie was reared. She married Jacob Noble at the age of seventeen years with whom she lived until his death, about twelve years ago She remain ed a widow for eleven years when she then married her present husband. She was a devout member of the Church of Christ and was well known for her sweet and loving disposition. The funeral was attended by a largo number of friends relatives. She has been a resident' of Molalla for the past five years and is survived by her husband, two stepsons, John and Will, and a step daughter, Mrs. M. Allen of Fresno, California, Bessie Hanson of Portland spent a few days visiting at the A. T. Shoe- make home. She returned home Thursday. Harry Hibbard and Mr. Corbia left Thursday for the mountains on a hunt ing trip. Ruby Clarfe of Portland spent the week end with her cousin. Alberta Shoemake. Lewis; Daughtery and - Raleigh Echerd left Monday for a trip through Eastern Oregon. They expect to cover most of Central and Southern Oregon and also intend to take tn the Pendleton Round-Up. Miss Dorothy Terrill of Oregon City visited the past week with Alberta Shoemake. Several from here spent the week end hunting in the mountains. Among them were Dr. Dillard, Solon Echerd, A. Miller and Jesse Mitts. A. T. Shoemake left this week for Oregon City where he intends building residence for Neil Terrill. Fred Burns and wife and Dave Pendleton and wife are among those who left Sunday for Bagby Springs. Mrs, Anna Clifford is having a modern house erected on her lots east of the postoffice. Quite a lot of blackberries are being brought to Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. George Durant of Port- and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Durant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Standinger. Thelma Vernon who has been visit ing with Mrs. Yoran of Eugene return ed home Saturday. Mrs. Annie Dahl died Friday at the home of her son, H. H Dahl She was 88 years of age. The funeral was held Sunday at Canby. Rev. Moore officiating. Mrs. J. Huso and daughter. Elaine, of Crosby, North Dakota, who has been visiting Mrs. Fred Park for sev- ral days left thisi week for Silvertou to visit relatives. Mr. Knapp and son, Elwin. are at their ranch at Hood River and report the pear crop very good there this year. Mrs. John Bowman is visitingi at he home of her daughter. Mrs. Clay Hungate. Clyde Engles new home on Molalla Avenue is nearing completion. Mrs. Amelia Ranibsy and daughter, Alta, spent Sunday with Mr3. Fred Shaffer. Mrs. Inez Hunt of Mt. Solo, Wash., is viriting at the home of her parent, Mr. and Mrs. O. T Kay. Mrs. J. Dyle spent the week end vtih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doc. Sailer. Mrs. Sailer visited friends in Port land the past week. Will Pairan and family returned from California where they have been spending the rast yer. They came tnrbugh in their car, making the trip in about six days. Mrs. Eliza Hamilton of Rockaway, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs M. Pelkey returned to her home Mon day. Earl Wells left Monday on a hunt ing trip to the mountains. JUmer bawtell and wife returned Saturday from High Camp where they have been for several d:'ys picking nucKieDernes. H curry Hibbard has purchasted Babv Grand Chevrolet t-i 1 . . . - 1 1-u x-arx nas taKen ms iamily up on ihe Molalla river to camp a few weeks. - . ... Dr. Todd and wife and F. M. Head rickson motored up to Bucket camp sunaay. ; W. W. Everhart and Rex Lewis and wife returned Saturday from Relnap vir.. ana Mrs Theodore Ryan of Seattle arrived here Sunday evening to spend a few days with Mrs. Ryan's parents, W. H. Steinigers. They drove through in their auto and were onlv eight hours on the road. They were accompanied by Mr. Ryan's parents LOG RAISING HELD (Too late for last week) E1.K PRAIRIE, Aug. 17. Friday a number of the neighbors fcpent the day at a log raising on the homestead of Mr. and Mrs Vane Henness. The new building Is a house. At noon din ner was served to the workmen nar the building spot. In the evening sup per was served at the present home. Those present were. Mr and Mrs. Steve Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Frank itossman, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Tidd, D. B; Gray, Glen Gault, Lawrence Sloate. Albert Battles, Rolland Rader, Willis tladser, Vernon Tidd. Saturday evening a house warming was given in honor of Tack Young. Chavivari Given to Eagle Creek Couple EAGLE CREEK, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs Douglass motored to Logan last Wednesday and spent the day at the home of Geo. PTeister. Mr. Preister was threshing and Mr. Douglass- went over to help. Did you hear "dem" bells? Last Wednesday Perry Murphey and Miss Lillian! Evans, accompanied by the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murphey, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, motored to Oregon City and were married. That evening some of the neighbors gathered with their sheep-bells, cow-bells, horns and shot guns and dharivarfed ' them. The crowd was invited in and treated to watermelon. We wish them a long and happy life together. Most of the farmers in this neigh borhood are through with the thresh ing. - - . People keep going to and coming from the huckleberry patch up near Wild Cat mountain, making quite a bit cf travel through this burg. Eagle Creek Grange met Saturday with about seventeen present, includ ing the children. After partaking of a fine dinner a short business session was held. We hope there will be a larger attendance at our September meeting for we are to discuss the rais ing of poultry and will have a chicken dinner and also expect the County Agent and Mr. Shearer, of Spring water to be present and talk on poul try raising. , . Cams News Items C ARUS, Aug. 22. Richard McCarthy returned home Monday from a cruise In the navy up through British Colum bia, Astoria and Bremerton and a few other places of interest. He says he enjoyed the trip very much. William Miller of Seattle is spend ing a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, Sr. Chas. Willbanks has purchased team and wagon and is hauling wood for Mr. Baiagawn. Charles Kilgore motored to Oregon City one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Russell has tract ed their farm in Cams for property near Portland. Mrs. Ed Brown made a trip to Ore gon City Thursday. George Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs Theodore Miller, had a rather hard fall one day last week. He fell f'fteen feet from a tree and was unconscious for several hours. Mrs. Augusta Schoenborn spent the past week with her son Albert Schoenborn. Miss Erma Caseday and Miss Maude O'Lery spent Thursday after noon with Miss Minnie Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schoenborn and family of Molalla spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al Schoenborn. Miss Anna and Emma Josi spent Saturday afternoon with the Fisher girls. Mrs. A. p. Jones and children spen; Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Even Lew- s. Mrs. Herman Fisher and daughters Pauline and Ruth made a trip to Port land last Friday. Meadowbrook Items MEADOWBROOK, Aug. 24. School will begin September 26 with Ruth Chindgren as teacher for the upper grades and Alma Lizberg of Oregon City as the primary teacher. Several from here have gone to the mountains and several returned al ready with huckleberries. Allen Larkins left Thursday . for Kings Valley where he is driving a truck. M. D. Chindgren and fanrly, Ruth and Ruben Chindgren spent Sunday at Wilhoit. Edgar Horner of the Horner and MiJ'ard Mill formerly a resident of this place but now of Long- Beach Calfiornia, was one of the survivors of the wrecked siteamer Alaska. He drift ed on a door for five hours then later got on a piece of the ship deck fo about an hour, later getting in a boat that drifted by when they rowed for everal miles and later were picked up by the Anyox. Myrtle and Hazel Larkins, Tetra and Inguald Dunrud attended the play Marquam given by Scotts Mill3 talent. Rufus Holman. and family spent Sunday with the Reverand Renhard and family of Colton. Mrs. Ralph Holman and children of Molalla spent Sunday with the Chas. flolman family. . Petra Dunrud and Myrtle Larkins left for . the hopyard near Monitor Wednesday. Logan News Items LOGAN, Aug. 24. With three threshing crews operating here it will not be long until the grain will be in The granary. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Etheredge enter tained friends Sunday at their home here. : , ; " t . . , Rev. O. W. Taylor and family are sojourning at their ranch hero for a few days. Mrs. F. S. Hutohinjg has returned from a visit to her sons family in Eastern Oregon, comine- as far as her brothers at The Dalles, where she was met by Mr. Hutchins and Mies Mar garet who motored up Sunday to meet her. They report a most enjoyable trip, except the wind blew too hard for "Webfooters" to feel real "comfy." ftiiimmimmiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii Capital Garage WE SPECIALIZE ON 1 REPAIR WORK 1 Personal Attention Given to all E Work. Every Job Guaranteed. Fords Overhauled $20.00 E MORRIS & CRAWFORD iliiiiiiiiiiiimiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifr Allison. Allen is serving as sub-car rier on route- 2 during the vacation of Mrs. Waumbaugh . Mr. Emil Straub and family, arrived here last week from their stock ranch In Wheeler county. He went to Port land to receive a carload of beef cat tle today that arrived at the stock yards. Mrs. Straub and daughter will remain here for the winter as school begins soon. Many people are hurrying their work, to get to the mountains for both pleasure and profit while the huckle berry season is on. Bob Brown, Emit Tschopp and others are spending) a week at the Austin hot springs up on the Clack amas. Mr. and Mrs. Duke and family of St" Joe, Mo., who are visiting relatives here thi3 summer, accompanied the latter's aunt Mrs. A. J. Johnston and family on a trip up the Columbia Highway Tuesday. O. D. Robbins "Forded" the dust to Portland via Gresham yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C- Ktrchem are camping at the coast Lad Hill Items LAD HILL, Aug. 24. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hacker Saturday, Aug. 13, a daughter. She has been named Azalia Rose. Everyone is happy as threshing la over without a rain. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parrott, Miss Martha Struve and Bruno Strove while returning from the dance on the high way had a break down. They hailed a passing car and succeeded in get- ling home without further difficulty. Mrs. George Smith and son Howard spent the week end in Femwood with her mother Mrs. H. N". Baker. Mrs. Nellie McCully returned from Oregon City last Sunday and fe im proving slowly after her sudden ill ness. Ed. Martin and family of Newberg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L Martin. Mr. and MTs. John Sovey came from Portland Saturday to visit friends re turning Sunday. Mrs. L. D. Kayzer of Portland was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Loucks. There will be a bazaar and ice cream social Saturday evening; August 27, at the school house. Everyone wel come.' Proceeds to go tor new hall. Swedeish Journalist Visitor at Dodge KELSO, Aug 24. Miss Magnhild Anderson, a journalist of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was the guest of Mrs. Robert Jonsrud for a few days last week Miss Anderson, whose pen- name is "Viola," publishes a maga zine for Swedish women of America called "Nya Idun," and has the distinc tion of being the only woman in the world who is owner and manager cf such a publication. She is a versatile writer and well known throughout the United States among Swedish-American readers. Her style of writing is wonderfuly fascinating and rich In ex pression. ' Her outstanding character istic is her utter fearlessness ;in pre senting the truth as 'she believes it. She has a profound knowledge of the political history of the world, gosiesses keen powers of perception, and a swift and deep insight into human nature and conditions. She is touring the West and lecturing in various part3. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jonsrud and sons Russel, Roland and Kenneth of Grants Pass were visitors at tha homes of Gilbert and Robert Jonsrud last week. l wini 7 11111111 mi nam u 1:m i i h. Ml 111 .1 , i I Mil I I t i . p U'.! 'Mi M L 'i ; ; iN 1 1 , i A a, 1 . hli-'i MV11M! h ft I ' ; ' t : - . i tii'i iii i i i , i t i In! I'm through experimenting. K o more switching, more trying this and that. It's Camels for. me every time. They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos.. There's rc thing like it. No other cigarette you can buy gives you tho real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too. Work on the Mt. Hood Loop road is now humming in this vicinty. The new part of the road has been cut from the corner of Kelso through Mrs. Sindall's land. A now cut has . also been made in front of Gilbert Jona- rud's place. The Henry Erf family spent the week end camping and picking huckle berries in the vicinity of Government camp. Ned Nelson's fine new residence nearing completion. The house has been wired for electricity and the plastering i x..o An eieveu-pwuuu duu waa uu:u n j Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lundeen inee Mabel Jonsrud) Sunday night at herj parent's home where her mother Mrs. j Gilbert Jonsrudis caring for ber. Jj Mother and child are doing well. , harves . A daugnrer weigning eleven pouijiii , was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hito on Friday. Mrs. Kite is being cared for at Mrs. Tunnermanns Sanitarium at Gresham - Mrs. Max Kligel will entertain the Woman's Club on Thursday this week. School will open September th with Miss Vaefetti and Mrs. Baumback, teachers. Mrs. Isaac Scott entertained Miss Magnhild Anderson and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud at dinner on Thursday. Beaver Creek News Items of Interest BEAVER CREEK, Aug. 2. Four of the local boys, Arvin Parry, Wilbur Bohlander, Wm Roberts and George Watts, are somewhere In the moun tains up the Molalla river hunting for big game." Mr. and Mrs. F5. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cota, and Dan Fellows of Highland came through Beaver Creek last Saturday on their way home from ing huckleberries. They had with them 50- allms of b.-mes. . , , Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Mosier were out from Portland to spend Thursday night at their home here, and enjoyed a big supper with a few relatives' and friends. Those taking part in the feast wer Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher, Mr. and Mrs Ab. Thomas, the Misses Laura and Elsie Meibs and Erna Bluhm. Mescrs. Coxey and Gwilliam Thomas, Mr and Mrs. Mosier. Mrs. Oscar orr and baby were visit ing relatives in Portland a few days last week. Mr. Makinster returned Sunday from Eastern Oregon where he has been working for several weeks. Mrs. J. Schram, Eva and Lloyd Schram spent Sunday afternoon with the J. J. Hanhart family at Highland. Miss Annie Roberts was out visiting ber home folks one day last week. Macksburg Items MACKSBURG. Aug. 24 A little child from the Portland Baby Homw has iound a home with Mr. and Mrs. Roberts who have lately bought and moved on the ranch formerly owned by Theodore Schier.. The little one, though only three months old, seems already to have taken contentedly to its new abode . Ifev. Fr. Lucas of Chehalis, Wash., and his wife are visiting at the home of Mrs. Lucas's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Heinz. Mr. Lucas is well remem bered as former pastor of the Macks burg Lutheran church. Eli, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walch, has had the misfortune to break his arm in falling from a plum tree. Mrs. Ed. Burgess, with her little daughter Florence, who. for soin?, has been helping her brother Joe Gib- iiiniMiw ! ! Fitt7&T 'I! I! I. 1 W Mi. Mm- tried'tSbiii son in has store, has gone to her horns Jn the East. Louis Gibson is, for the present, taking his sisters place in the ston. Miss Tweedy who, last year, had charge of the Macksburg school, vis ited menas m Macksburg last week. The Mulino school has secuied Miss Tweedy's services for the coming year. All of the adjacent schools have pro vided themselves with teachers for the .s j coming year and are ready to open for work in the early Fall, I ' DODGE, Aug. 24. M. Pederson made a business trip to Portland last, week T TX7 'tf.inw Viaan V..1.-.1;.. 1 Mrs. Finster returned home on Wed nesday from Sydney where she has has spent nearly two weeks visiting her sister. J. Reichle and Mrs. Reichle spent Sunday visiting at the Jochinsen home. W. E. Myers and his son Ralph ar doing some worfe for W. Cary at his. place in the mountains. A surprise party was given Mrs. Fred Horner on Saturday evening it being her birthday a number of her relatives and friends took this method of celebrating the event. A very en joyable evening was spent. Mrs. Hohnstein and Mrs Heffenidsr and families have gone to the hop fields. Georgie Rowe, who was a resident of Dodge in her earlier years spent most of her school days at Dodge school both Sundays and week days, came aisain on Monday to visit the home of her childhood and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Jockin sen, bringing with her a friend, Misa Wilson, of Roseburg. Monday being Ed. Jock in sen's birthday quite a large number of the neighbors celebrated i he double event by dropping in on tTiAtYl a n tim a whan Hvn4 Iimt o Vif 1 them at a time when decent law abid ing citizens should be preparing to go to bed. Each company carried a large ,"Z ,7. T V 7 . axis vuirua diwiuu ut3 mvittii lue 10 zu , " , , , ij i bundle, said bundles being opened and disposed of later. A very pleasant time was spent by all, who departed in the early hours. Meldrum Notes Asael Tabor and wife returned Sat prday night from a trip to Seaside. Mtss Edith Styles has returned to her home in Portland after a pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs. J L McCuI loch. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Rowland enter tained Wm, Gardner and family and Mrs. Mary Ireland at a dinner Tues day evening. Mrs. Hilda Turner and children left for Puyallup Tuesday after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erickson. Mrs. Roland Richards visited Port land friends Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Walker have re turned from a trip to White Salmon, Washington. Rex Hibbard and family accompan ied by Mrs. Ida . R. Hutchinson and son Colby of Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs. Russ Johnston of Portland a party to visit Columbia Highway as far as Eagle Creek on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White re turned Monday from a visit to Seat tle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner enter tained at cards Friday evening Mr and Mrs. Lester French. David French. Jack Evans, Miss Thelma Olson, 'Bob' Hanson, of . Portland, Mr. Mary Ireland, Miss Blanche Gardner, Emil Larson. Refreshments were terved. R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co. Winston-Sale m. N. C BLEND . gy