Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 12, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Gamp Meeting at
Lodge Attractive
Many are attending the camp meeting
this year, which continues in session
until Friday of this week. Last week
was gjvenvto'the Women's missionary
society and many were pleased to hear
Mrs. Esther Plummer Schrieber who
has returned from China owing to poor
health. Mrs. Schrieber is the daugh
ter of Mrs. G.W. Plumer of Salem.
G. B. Kimmel, A. B., B. D. and D. D
president of the Evangelical Theologi
cal Seminary of Naperville. Illinois, is
the chief speaker and has drawn large
On Thursday and Friday the sum
mer Bible school was in session and the
following clergy took part in it: Rev.
H. SehueknechC Rev. Noah Shupp,
Rev. C. I. Schuster, Rev. F. B. Culver,
Rev. Peter Concklin, Rev. G. F. Lien
:ng, Sr., Rev. F. Wievesick. Rev. E. G.
Hornshuch, Rev. F. W. Launer, Rev. C.
P. Gates, Rev. A. R. Schmalle.
Sunday the tabernacle was filled to
overflowing and during the early morn
ing the parked with cars most of those
attending; remaining for all the serv
ices during the day. Dr. Kimtnel was
the chief speaker. Excellent music
was furnished by choirs of the Port
land churches. Miss Esther Sehuk
necht being the pianist.
The following are those in charge
of the various parts of the camp: Rev.
H. Schucknecht, Chancellor of the
Bible School; Mrs. Nettie Myers. 'pres
ident of the Missionary Society; Rev.
M. L. Burget, president of the Sunday
School League; Rev. G. F. Liening, Jr..
president of the Young Peoples Al
liance; Jtev. C. L. Schuster, Confer
ence director for ihe Forward Move
ment; Rev. G. M. Plumer, president
of the camp grounds; C. I. Scheuer
man, manager of grounds; Rev. Ezra
Maurer, manager of the boarding haU ;
Rev. Morris HeverliDg, manager of the
Oklahoma People
To Live in West
Mr. and Mrs Frank Inga'ls and Mr
and Mrs. Morgan of Oklahoma, who
motored hare and made such a bn
visit were 80 favorably impressed
with Oregon decided to return at once
and dispose of property interests as
soon as possible and return agair to
wermanentlv locate here
A.T T Tncralla 4a a Mttlomnn and rvwili 1
several hundred acres of land, which
he will lease if he cannot sell, after dis
posing of his stock.
. The few days in the West were
guests of Mr. Ingalls mother, Mrs
Adeline Ingals and the Traut family.
Mrs. Traut is a sister.
Friends here are regretting the sad
news that Rev. Alvin Matske of Seat
tie passed away last week.
Mr. Matske was a promising young
minister of the Evangelical church anrl
was pastor at one time of the Fir
church in Seattle up to two years ag
when after an attack, or the flu was
forcod to resign his pastoral work
He is survived by a wife and little
child. His attendance- at the yearly
camp meetings made many friends
Birthday Party Is
An Honor Occasion
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Madden entertain
ed friends to an all day affair given
In honor of Mrs. Madden birthday
anniversary on Sunday of last week.
Enjoying the sumptuous birthday
spread were Mrs. Bruegel and daugh
ters, Elma and Irma and son Ralph
and Mr. Brown of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Standish Sheperd, Evelyn and
Maynard Sheperd and Mrs. Al Parker
of this place.
Canoeing, boating, swimming was
much enjoyed. The gaests also trip
ped he light fantastic toe, to the
music of the Edison which was one of
the birthday gifts received' by the
hostess from her husband
Lad Is Injured by
Portland Autoist
Alvin Dietz, was recently struck by an
automobile driven bv Mr. James cf i cousin Mrs. Walter Johnson and hus-
Relatives Are Lost
Oh Steamer Alaska
H. H. Emmons and his private seerVv
tary. Miss Kaminsk:, have returned
from a business trip through the Bend
country. They report Bend has grown
very rapidly to a town of over 500-J
inhabitants and the large saw mills
are running with an enormous capa
city. The trip was much enjoyed and
so cnthusiased were they over the
country that they may plan to take a
vacation near Elk Lake at the hea'l
waters in the Deschutes river in the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Redmond have
opened up a camp on the East bank cf
the Willamette river. Mr. Redmonii
is a prominent photographer of Port
land and makes many poses of fainilios
in their homes.
Many friends are pleased to have
Chas and his wife here. Their outing
will last over Labor Day.
Since the news of the ll-fated Alaska
reached here, some of our Lodge folks
mourn the loss of friends. John Jack
away who was lost being a cousir of
Mrs. William Booth and Mrs. Carl
Starker and was returning to his homo
in Oakland with his mother and sister.
Mrs. Hugh Roberts and Mrs. Bess
Bruchert receiving word that their
Portland. The accident happened on
County Road near Jennings Ave, while
ihe lad was riding on a bicycle and
received bruises about the arm. It
was claimed the accident was unavoid
able. Mr. James secured medical at
tention and Paid for the repairs on
the wheel.
Lodge People Take
Outirigs at Beach
The Tillamook beaches seem to be
universally popular with Jennings
Lodge folks. W. H. Tillman and fam
ily will spend their vacation at Rock
away, leaving last Saturday for the
beach. On Tuesday C. R. Holloway,
wife and kiddies left for Rockaway
-having leased a cottage for the mor.th
of August.
Ocean Park has been the place
chosc-n by Mrs. Bertha M. Hart and
Miss Hart for their outing. Leaving
on Monday they were accompanies
by Mr. and Mrs. Chris Finsand of
At the popular resort of Bar View it;
where Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Blinestfte
and little daughters will take their
much needed rest they left on Sunday
morning and were accompanied by Air.
and Mrs. Arthur Smith and children.
The party are planning on being ab
sent 10 days.
band had gone down in the wreck.
Mrs Johnson who was formeriy
Miss Pauline Benbam was the daugh
ter of Mrs. Mae Hutchinson and a
graduate nurse of Good Samaritar.
hospital. Arthur Benham, who is in
China is a brother. The body of Mrs.
! Johnson has been found but to date
that of her husband has not been
Mrs. Johnson's remains will arrive
in Portland on" Friday.
School Board Meets
At Jennings Lodge
At at recent meeting of the school
Iward comprised of A. F. Russell, Edw.
Pearson and Geo. Card they were as
sisted in getting tbe budget made up
by C. R. Holloway, G M. Caldwell and
Hugh Roberts, and will be ready fof
the tax payers to vote on August S'l.
Notices to that effect have been post
ed by Clerk Rogers.
Jefferson People .
Attend Meetings
Rev. E. G. Hornschuh, wife and chil
dren of Jefferson are attending the
camp meeting. This is the 7th year
they have been in charge of the pas
toral work at Jefferson. Mr. Horn
schuh is a Clackamas County boy, and
at one time five of the Hornschuh
brothers were members of this Evan
gelical Conference and greatly assist
ed with their splendid voices in the
singing at the annual camp meetings.
C. R. Holloway Sr., has purchased a
home in Irvington district The house
is new and the finishing touches aro
being put on this week, and will bo in
readiness for Mr. Holloway and his
two daughters by September 1st. The
Holloways arrived a year ago from
Colorado Springs on a visit but decid
ed to locate here.
West Trip Made by
Oklahoma People
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Griffith are enter
taining the latter's mother, Mrs. A. M.
Stanifer and brother, F. L. Stanifer of
Hobort, Oklahoma. The mother will
make an indefinite stay with her
daughters, Mrs Griffith and Miss
Stanifer, but the brother will onljr re
main a few weeks in the west.
Many trips of sight seeing are being
planed for the pleasure of the Okla
homaites. A trip over the Columbia
Highway on Sunday when Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Griffith, Miss Stanifer and
Mr. and Mrs. S. O Urifitth and the
visitors made up the party was a de
Mght to them This week ther will
inabj a trip to the sea, spending part
of the time at Cannon beach and at
Hans Baumgartner, a young man
whom Jennings Lodge cla-ms for his
activities in church and Sunday school
work here, has made good at Corvallia
taking up engingeering ar.d has beer,
sent with other classmates to Fort
Hampton, Virginia. While in the East
has visited Niagara Falls, New York,
and Washington. D C.
Hans is the son of Mr and Mrs
Bnumgartner of the East County Road
in the Concord district.
Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363
John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Fool of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
Miss Mildred Lewis of Salem, who ia
:i delegate to the camp meeting con
ventions was a recent culler at the
Hugh Roberts home. The Lewis and
Roberts families were neighbors . in
Edw. Pearson 'and Mrs. H. W.
Stevens were among those to testify
at the phone hearing in Portland on
Thursday. AV. I. Blinstone also at
tended from this co-nmunity.
Mr and Mrs. Marcus Maple left
on Sunday for Brooklyn. Arriving ii
Seattle in the evening will take a bo u
for Victoria thence east over the Can
adian Rockies.
Miss Bessie Traut has i-urchased a
new piano of the Feiris make.
Mr Morris returned on Friday
morning with his 'sister Mrs May
Hiltohinson of Portland.
H. C. Tozier. wife and three chil
dren motored out from Portland to
attend camp meteing and called on
Lodge friends. The Toziers formerly
lived in Jennings Lodge 'and Oregon
Mrs. Ella Maple and Mrs. J. C.
Elkins and Little Jean, were luncheou
guests of Mrs. John Kent in Gladstone,
one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Finsand of Spo
kane are spending their vacation with
Mr3. Finsands, mother Mrs Hart.
Cannon Beach and Pacific City waa
ihe spot chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Gardner and children for their annuel
Mr. and Mrs Hugh Fleming and
two pons enjoyed a weeks outing at
Seaside and have returned to th3:r
homo here - j
Mr and Mrs. Hugh Roberts entei-
tained friends on Friday with dinner
given in honor of the 1st wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Maple.
It was also the birthday of Mr. Maple.
Covors werA laid for twelve. Mrs.
Arthur Roberts assisted in entertain
mg the guests.
Mrt. MacDonald and son ncl daugh
ter are taking their vacation at Ocean
Park, Wash. Mrs. Mac Donald has
been re-elected to teach here this fall.
Miss Grace Traut had the misfor
tune to lose her wrist watch on tie
Highway. Being a graduation present
it was very highly prized.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Madden, are en-
joying -a visit from Mr Beddell, who
arrived from their old -home town
Belleville, Illinois, on Sunday.
Mrs. Berger and Miss Berber, anil
Mr. and Mrs. Svenson of Marshfield
nave returned home after an extean-
ed visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. John
ton. Mrs. Berger is a sister of J. A.
Mr and Mrs. George Deter and son
jnctored up from San Jose. Calif., and
surprised their brother R F. Deter.
The California visitors machine was
litte-1 up with all necessary cawp
equipment and the party enjoyed the
trip very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Henderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Gus WamblaH have re
lurned from their motor trip to Crater
Miss Zebe Kessie and daughter have
departed for their mountain home at
Harlrn, Oregon. Miss Elizabeth Kessi
completing the Oregon University ex
;ension course in Portland.
Arthur Roberts and wife and little
Gerald attend the O. W. R N. Co. ex
cursion. Hi L. Clark has entertained his
uncle C. H- Harrison, wife and "Two
chil lien and Mr and Mrs. H J. Hitz
and three children from Bellinfeham,
who motored down for several dayi.
On Thursday Mr. Clark accompanied
tliera over the Highway to Cascade
Locks enjoying picnic dinner at Mult
nomah Falls.
Mrs Rush Mendenhall of Portland
is giving .1 luncheon on Thursday in
nonor of her aunt Mrs. - Geo. ' Maple.
Those attending from here are Mrs.
J C. Maple and Mrs Hugh Roberts.
A. C. Browning of P.oring spent two
days with his sister Mrs. Julia Ulia
brard. Mus Wilma Bruechert has returned
from Rockaway where her vacation of
two weeks passed rapidly. Hikes in
the spruce forests, bathing ihe surf anj
swimming in the nearby lakes, bou
fires on the beach and dancing in the
nail there was something every min
ute with plenty of variation, which
seems to be what people want instead
of rest when they go on their outings.
The ico cream social which was to
be given on the school house lawn on
Friday evening has been indefinatcly
postponed, according to the announce
ment of the executive committee of
the Guild. It perhaps -will take place
later in the month when the many
vacationsts have returned home.
Mrs. A A. Hspson of Los Angeles j
is spending a few days with Mrs. Lucy
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck spaiu
Sunday with their sen Henry in Van
couver, Wash.
Oak Grove Helpers
Club Holds Picnic
Mrs. Cora Bulock
Work Is Started .
On New Lake Dam
OSWEGO. Aug. 9. Tbe work is now
started on. the Osewgo Lake dam. Tho
contract is let to the Puget Sound
Bridge and Dredging company of Seat
tle at its bid of close to $22,000 was
the lowest of some 10 to 15 bids some
of which ran as high as $34,000.
The contract price is for construc
tion work only, the Oregon Iron &
Steel Co. to furnish practically all of
the material, consisting of cement and
steel, which will enter into the work.
There was some hesitancy by the
company in giving the contract to the
lowest bidder because of the latter not
being a local concern, but this but
this objection was overcome when the
Puget Sound company consented to
an agrement to employ labor from Os
wego and Portland as well as buying
Its materially locally. Thia concern
makes a specialty of building dams,
wnicii made its bid more attractive.
The work is contracted to be fin-
'shed in 90 days. Lowering water in
the Lake was .started Monday.
The dam which is to be of solid
concrete construction, will be 400 feet
long and 30 feet high, with a 21 foot
base, and four feet thick at the top
The improvement is made necessary
in order to keep more water in tfie
Mrs. O. C. Merrick, who was painful
ly injured last Sunday afternoon when
an automobile ran over her, is get
ting along nicely and will be able to
be around in a few days.
The next meeting of the Oswego
camp fire Girls will be held at the
home of Kathryn Wessling on next
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davidson were
among those who spent some time at
Seaside recently.
Miss Bertha Ann Bnllock of Salein
is visiting relatives in Oswego th.rs
Mis. Edna Lirsrn was taken sud
denly ill on Saturday. Dr. Guy Mount
was called, and she is some better at
the present time.
Mrs. R. M. Griebel of Seattle is the
bouse guest of Mrs W. G. Weightman.
G. H. Miller's brother from Penn
sylvania is here on a visit
Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin are the par
ents of a baby boy, born last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fujleui of Seaside was
the guest Df Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Worth
ington during the past week.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Gilmore have
moved into their new home which has
ust been finished. They are on Sixth
street between A and E streets.
Mr and Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. R.
M. Griebel of Seattle, Mrs. W. ().
Weightman and . daughter Maxjorie
motored to Rockaway Friday and spent
the week end
W. E. Simonton and wife who have
been away for a three weeks' vacation,
have returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fultcn we-5
iiosta to a party of Portland friends at
their home in the Grove this week.
The Oswego postmistress has re
turned from her vacation at the coast
and is again on duty.
J. J. Centers s building a fine new
bungalow in Old Town.
Mr and Mrs. David Nolson and Miss
Nellie Nelson spent Sunday at Clover-
dale with Mrs. Nelson's daughter, Mrs.
W. W. Todd and family.
Miss Edith Wanker left Friday eve
ning for Baker, Oregon, for an outing
and so visit friends
Dewey Cox of . panby visited his
brother S. E Cox the past week.
Th- Rethke meat market has put in
a new floor.
Charles Didzun, one of our Oswego
young men, is getting along fine in the
parage business which he started in
the last -year. He now has air an.)
water apparatus stationed in front of
his garage for the convenience of thr
Two new houses are being built by
the Oregon Iron & Steel Company on
Eighth street.
Mr and Mrs. Otto Johnson have re
turned from theSr trip to the coast.
Mrs. F. Schawper Ind daugliter, Mrs.
W. C Bowden left Monday evening for
Yacolt, Wash., to visit friehds.
Mr. and Mrs. Smoke and son, Lewis,
and Miss Lucinda Kiser mc tored to
Seaside and back IQr the weekend.
Mtus Lulu Wanker reports having
a nice time on her vacation at Seaside
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock and Alice
Worlhington spent Sunday with rela
tives at Lake Grove Sunday.
Otto Larson has returned to his
work at Altoona, Wash., after spend
ing a few days at his home n South
Two masked men jumped on tht
running board of O S Looneys car
near Osewgo Tuesday night while i.e
was on his way to Portland and held
him up, taking $75 from him. Loonay,
when stopped, dropped his purse and
a diamond ring to the floor of the car,
but the act being discovered one of
the robbers located the purse with
ihe aid of a flashlight, but Aid not find
ihe ring. The robbers then made their
escape. Another holdup on Sunday
night was reported to the police lead
ing them to believe that the same two
men who had een operating in that
district for the last week are still at
OAK GROVE, Aug. 10. Miss "Ruth
Williams has returned to her home in
Montana after several months with
her uncle and family, C. Y. Scott.
E. A. Jenkins ana mily returnad
Monday from their outing at Trout
Lake, Wash., and report a fine time.
One of the largest crowds of the
season enjoyed the pleas-jres of Oak
Grove Beach Sunday. v
Mrs. A. Prester of Portland was a
guest of Mrs. V. G. eBnvie Sunday.
Wilbur Yearsley returned from. Hills
boro after two weeks with friends
Jas Dalton and wife returned from
Eastern Oregon Friday.
H. A. Roberts and family are now
located at Hotel Mailory in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Annan d are caring for
the Roberts home meanwhile.
The concrete works is a busy place
these days.
D. W. "Newman is enjoying a visit
from a sister, Mrs. H. K. Thornton of
Jamestown, N. Y.
A new school room is being fitted
up in the basement of the school and
the Domestic Science and Manual
raining will also have some improve
Mrs. R. A. Blackerby came from
Wheeler last week and accompanied
her daughter Miss Dorothy home after
she had visited here som-jtime.
Work of remodeling is progressing
on the Riley home.
The Helpers' Club enjoyed a picnic
and swim at Peninsular park Thurs
day of last week. They were chap
eroned by Mrs. G. S. Davenport.
The parent-Teachers association
held a picnic at Oak Grove Beach last
Thursday. Several of the members
and their families enjoyed the occasion.
Miss Edith Norberg spent last week
with friends in Falls City.
F. N. Little, wife and son, Edward
left Sunday by anto tor a two weeks'
visit with relatives In California.
J. R. Fagerstrom and D. Lofgren
have gone to Eastern Oregon on a
business trip.
J. J. Allyn went to Prineville Sat
urday for several days to look after
his ranch.
Russell Donner and sister Vivian
enjoyed a week of camping with rela
tives near Mt. Angel.
Miss Bess Gordon left Saturday for
Mabel, Oregon to visit Mrs. Chas. Leaf.
Mrs. F. M. Youngs was some wnat
ndisposed several days las week.
Mr. and Mrs J. F. Robinett have
gone to Sodaville, Ore., where it is
hoped Mrs. Robinett will be benefitoi
in health.
, MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Miss Olive Shaw is Superintendanc
of the Sunday school.
Crystal Lake Park
Has Small Blaze
Car Overturns at
Waestiie Hill Turn The Due- "f scales Esson,
J. lowers ana osnoim ramilies and Mrs.
Loundree and the Maronays all pack-
SANDY, Aug. 9. A serious automo- ed up baskets of good things and went
bile accident occurred Saturday even- down on Cedar creek "for a real time''
ing about five o'clock when large Sunday, and they claim it was not hot
steam car overturned and fell down down there. "The "kiddies" had hean
the bluff at the urst snarp turn on
the Waespie hill. Miss Auda Barton
of Portland, Jack Hunt , of Southern
California and Otto Osburn were in
jured. Miss Barton's leg was broken.
Hunt's shoulder was hurt, and Os
burnfc, Who lost control of the car was
cut and bruised. One of the young
ladies jumped as the car left the road,
but the other five went down, two of
them escaping without a scratch. Doc
tors Williams of Sandy and Hughes
of Gresham rushed to the scene and
a Portland ambulance was called to
carry the injured to the hospital." Tho
car carried a California license and
was not badly damaged
August Birthdays
Celebrated by Six
SANDY, Aug. -9. Six "August
birthdays were celebrated,last Sunday
at the home of Mr and Mrs. F. w
Bates near Eagle Creek and the "big
gest" of dinners was served fried
chicken, ice cream, watermelon, T
everything! The following are "on
year older now": Mr. and Mrs. Bateji,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bell, Elsworth
Bell and Lola Bates. Besides these
honored ones the following who did
not have a "birthday" were present
James Smith, Arthur, Walter and Miss
Jennie Smith, Mrs A. C. Thomas, Mr
and Mrs. C. E. Littlepage, and Ray,
James Bell, Margaret and Pauline Bell,
Will Bell, Miss Bina Douglas, Elmer
Anderson, Edwin Bates, E. .N. Bates
Mrs. E. N. Bates, Edna, Ruby and
Lois Bates, Doris Lovell, Albert Bell
Mr. and Mrs. A: C. Thomas passed
through Sandy in the evening:, tired
but happy after the big day, and the
other Sandy guests were also delight
ed because these folks had birthdays
(Too late for last week)
M1LWAUKIE, Aug. 4. Mrs. E. V.
Jones, formerly of Ashland, has join
ed her husband-here, who is engaged
in the garagre business It is the in
tention of Mr. and Mrs. Jones to make
this their permanent home.
The high school is being over
hauled and freshly painted.
Crystal Lake Park had a small fire
early last Saturdayj evening. The
pump house caught fire from the gas
engine. The local fire department
responded to a phone from the park
but the blaze was out when the fire
department arrived.
Loren Shave who has taken a posi
tion as manual training teacher in
'.he high school, has purchased a home
on 29th street and will move- to his
new home as soon as bis furniture. ar
rives. Mr. Shave's former home was
Thompson Falls Montana.
The Menebee Shingle Mill -resume
operations Monday after having been
shut down sine July 4.
(Too late for last week)
HAZELIA, Aug. 3. The committee
representing the Community Club of
Rosemount district have given the
Hazelia folks a cordial invitation to
join them in their plans for a Commun
ity House.
The plans are to build the house at
a point convenient for both districts
and as Hazelia is not ready to present
to have one the idea of uniting is
favorable with many of our Hazolia
people. It will mean better instruc
tion in scientific farming and better
social and community spirit Those that
appreciate our Rosemount neighbors'
attitude and their progress-venees have
caught their spirit of cooperation and
cannot afford to pass up the oppor
tunity to join them in this means of
betterment for the community.
. Miss Ruth Robfnson was the Iguest
of Miss Evangeline Christiansen for
the week end being one of the picnic
party to Brierwood Saturday evening.
Mi?s Mary Wilson who has beon
spending the summer with her broth
er George Wilson is improving very
tlowjy from a nervous breakdown. She
is still under the cars of her nurse.
Some of our Hazelia boys and girls,
members of Prof. Edward's young peo
ples class of the Congregational Sun
day School of Oswego, enjoyed the
delightful picnic party at Brier Wood
Saturday evening .it the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Repass Wednesday. A pic
nic 'for Jhe whole Sunday School was
enjoyed at Sellwood Prak and those
who went from Hazelia declared Sun
day School picnics are lots of fun and
that the Congregational " , SunJay
School of Oswego is alive and doing
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Christiansen cl
ebrated their we-lding anniversary
Monday by eating dinner with Park
Rose relatives. Their old friends, Rev
J. Dickey and famiiy, bade them fare,
well leaving Tuesday for Dickinson,
North Dakota after, tourine California
Sunday night when L. W. Church .nd Oregon for two mouths. Rev.
Swimming and Eats
Enjoyed at Picnic
SANDY, Aug. 9. Eleven Sandy
younc folks found a delightful bathing
spot in the Sandy river Sunday P. M
and had the time of their lives in the
water for two hours and a half, then
a bon-fire, then a picnic supper, then
watermelon, and home did not lure
the happy crowd till 10:30. Those
present were Misses Frances and
Gertrude Meinig, Hazel Beers. Miss
Lucile McCarter of Gresham, Pear!
Proctor, Carl and Glenn Loundree,
Fred Junker, Ted Gray, Alfred Meinig
and Ed. Schmitz.
SANDY, Augi 9. How many people
around here read the address in last
week's Enterprise of Mary Barlow
Wilkins who spoke at Chautaqua on
"Hostoric Spots of Oregon"? Not only
should it have, been read, but put in
the family scrap book. Mrs. Wilkins.
stated in her fine talk that the Nation
al Society of the-Amerian Revolution
have asked the privilege of placing
appropriate signs along the entire
pion-jer route from ocean tc. ocean.
Would not that include the historic
marks along the backbone? It is a
pity we have no one here to look up
theso places and take enough interest
to have this proposition investigated;
Who will volunteer, before the oid
pioneers of the Sandy country pass
away and the younger generation
know where to find them?
Do not get the idea that because the
Entei prise is a weekly that it is not
worth reading from cover to cover'
Mfteh is missed11 only one or two pages
are glanced over.
597 Holly street, Portland, had park
ed his car along the highway about
two miles north of Oswego he heard
two men aproachlng on foot, but pd
no attention to them until he wa3
blinded by a flashligh thrust Into his
face and the command to hold up hi
hands The bandits took S25 from
him. The only description, that
Church could give was that oce of the
men was tall and the other short. Boih
hand handkerchiefs tied over tUir
Dickey has been offered the position
at Boise, Idaho as district superin
tendent of -Congregational church
work, by Dr. Sulens state superinten
dent. He is now state assistant
superintendent of North Dakota.
A marriage license was issued here
Wednesday to Robert N. Bonn and
Clara Harnock. Both are 22 years of
age and from. Aurora.
SANDY, Aug. S. There was scarce
ly a "nature spot" out this way that
not invaded last Sunday. It is wonder
ful to live where there are real pic
The travel up the mountains was
enormous over the week end The
roads are rough, especially in spots.
but nothing will keep the folks from
getting into "God's country."
The assistant high school teacher
has not yet been hired according to
the latest report.
To-Tiorrow is Granger day and
everybody is supposed to do soiiie
"stunt" for tbe program. ""
' Th burning of plank alon? the Kel
so way was said to cause the smoke
r.nd some heat in the latter days. Dix
on has everything1 moved down the
line io rustle the work there.
At a recent special meeting of the
grade school board Thomas Kubiaza
was employed to repair the fence and
clean up the yard.
, In another month "Sissy and Bub"
and a five pound lard pail will be oft
to- school again and everything will be
wondering where the summer has
The most vital excitement in the
whole town is the sprucing up of ap
plicants for the Sandy post office.
Since this office was elevated to third
class (recently) it is considered
"worth while" and thero will be a 'ot
of fun when the civil service commis
sion meets At present there are aid
to be five applicants in the race.
Gresham baseball team won over
Gilli at Gresham Sunday 13t o 7 ac
cording to report.
The game at Corbett was lost to
Troutdale. The Corbett score was 5
to 1.
Maxine Thomas of Marmot and her
chum from Gresham ..were ' in town
Monday, stopping at Meinlgs-.
The Dover Methodist Sunday School
had a picnic last Sunday after church
in the morning. Rev. Young from the
Estacada country is the Dover minis
ter; After the fine picnic dinner at
tended by over fifty, thera was music
and (games to enterjafn the crowd.
of fun wading.
The Girl's Resterves of Pleasant
Home who were camping at the Henry
Shaw place attended the Dover picnio
Sunday in a body.
Mrs. Adolph Dah.rens, Stanley an
the ''little fellar" are-home again after
a two week's visit at the Burbank
home up the valley.
The Lutheran mission festival picnic
was largely attended and "greatly -
joyed by all present. The sermons by
Professors Brandt and Sylwester be
ing especially enjoyed. The dinnci"
was a pleasant feature also, and thet e
was ?100 raised for missions at this
Sunday service. Professors Brandt and
Sylwester remained over Monday as
the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Dobberful
.and Visited some of the surrounding
woodland scenes.
Rev. Earl Cotton preached at the
Methodist chufth on last Sunday
There was a .neighborhood party
picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Wright ( Severin place) last Sun
day. The Severin family of' Portland
was out, and the Kersche's Lyons' and
Dunns' were among the guests pres
ent. An aunt and uncle of Mrs. A. C.
Baumback, Mr. and Mr& M. H. Zem
pel, of San Diego, Gal., scent the week
end at the Baumback home, resuming
their journey for the East via Canada
on Sunday night.
Little Doris and Arnold Allen had
the chicken pox last week. The Aliens
have moved into a permanent plare
now and are nicely settled on Montana
Ave., Portland.
Mr and Mrs. Purcell had another
picnic by the Sandy river last Sunday
They go straight down to their shady
nook, but insist the climb is worth it.
Carl Powers was quite ill last week
with pleurisy, being laid up part of the
Mr. and Mrs. Junker were down to
the city last week for a day's business.
John Koesicker was out here from
Linnton to spend the week end at his
old Firwood home.
Paul Thiess of Portlant went
through town on his way to Govern-
ment Camp a few days ago. Paul i3
the brother of Frank, the "bachelor"
of The Burn.
Miss Marie Spaller of The Burn is
spending a week or two visiting at
Oregon City.
Paul Meinig was a recent visitor at
the big town of Portland.
Mrs. A. C. Browning of Cottrell has
bought a nice little home in Thomp
son's addition, Gresham, and moved
there last week.
Miss BernJIce Dixon and Oren
Ganger were in town last week and at-'
tended the vaudeville performance.
Mrs. Foster of Kelso, Wash., has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary
Caron at Snag camp for a week or
Miss Martha Snedden has gone honi
after a six weeks' visit with her grand
mother, Mrs. Ix-hnfield.
Mrs. Harry Nichols visited her old
neighbors, the coiemans a day and
night recently and reports the Cole
man family as getting on "just fine"
in their new location.
Miss Lucile McCarter cf Gresham
was visiting Miss Hazel Beers for two
or three days, the past week.
Mrs. Henry Perret enjoyed a call
from Mrs. Berhaut, formerly of Sandr
few days ago.
Gherke brothers of Sandy viuge are
riding around in a new Dodge caf.
they purchased of Perret Brothers
last week.
John Bosholm Is the latest "chtld
to join the big Enterprise family
which is growing! larger every day.
He handed in his "sub" in time for
this weeks' issue.
Ed Sitz of the "ridge" says the grain
season is much earlier this year than
usual. Threshing began there this
week The fall grain is fine, but the
pring grain- is short.
The bluff road has been igetting a
good coat of gravel so if rain should
come it will be in better shape thau
last fall.
Alfred Meinig took a big truck load
of goods up to Zig Zag a few day
Paul Dunn and sons Thomas and
John were over in the Camas country
Sunday and Monday on a business
Glenn Loundree is driving Elliott's
ruck while Elliott s hand is out ot
Mrs. Louisa Rippet and children
and Miss Natalie Krebs, cousins of
Herman Krebs came out to spend tho
day last Sunday and attended the big
Lutheran picnic
Mr .and Mrs. Will Updegrave and
little ones spent Sunday at Firwood
with the J. G- De Shazer family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jarl and family
attendedthe big Jersey Picnic at the
Harry West place in Columbia County
The Scappose glee club sang selec
tions while the big crowd were eating
a wonderful "spread." Everybody re
port a fine time.
Joe and J. O. De Shazer had a card
fron- their nephew, Robert DeShazur
of Dilley announcing the birth of a
six-pound baby boy on July 27 and
the little fellow was named Robert
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Erdman of Deep
Creek and daughter Esther, and her
girl friend, Esther Anderson,' went to
visit Mrs. Susan Kelliher last Sunday.
The automobile belonging to Perry
Bartlemay which "jumped" the grade
near Boring recently was not seriously
damager and no one was much hurt.
Mr. Striskrott, the aged gentlemen
who fell out of the cherry-tree at Deep
Crek is improving.
The Carl Hansen's ot Deep Creek
are going to take a trip to Rockford,
111. in a short time
Mr. and Mrs. Hoist of Deep Creek