Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 12, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two.
Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Community Meeting
Held at Elk Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, Aug. 10. About
forty people met at the Fraely house
for the last Community meeting
Among the guests from el&ewheit;.
were Messrs Ray Dougherty and Wal
ter A Holt. Mr. Dougherty, -who is
president of Clackamas County Farm
Bureau and who has helped to organ
ize the Farm Bureau both -in Clacka
mas County and in several other
Counties of the state, . spoke before
the Elj Prairie Comunity Club. He
told of the Farm Bureau ftork, which
was greatly appreciated hy his audi
Mr. Holt who Is county agricultural
agent also spoke. He soon proved that
he understod many of the problems in
a new neighborhood, which fact was
greatly appreciated
This was Mr. Holts first visit to E k
Prairie and Mr Daughterty had not
been in this vicinity for ten years
Both gentlemen mads irany friends
while here.
Tbe business of the Club, music and
lunch completed the program
A number of neighbors promised to
assist "Vane Henness to raise his new
log- house.
All who attended the meet'ng were
invited to a house warming at tho
home of .Tack Young This young
homesteader arrived in Elk Prairie a
short time ago and seemingly has
proved himself to be quite a popular
A number of neighbors have promts
.1 to attend a barn raising on tne
Richard Joplin property
Mr Ruiz of Portland, who has filed
on a homestead -in the Maple Gro
tiKtript attended the meeting. He
was the guest of Frank Yacubec.
Mrs. Palmer, and sons of Portland,
who were guests of Mr3 Richard Jop
lin also attended the meeting.
Fr.jnk Yacubec spent the week end
at his homestead with his family. Mt
Yacubec works in Portland and had
to leave very early Monday morning to
be in time for tne first train from Mo
lalla to Portland.
Chas. Tidd, who has been working I
at the Hawley" paper mill? in Oregon
City, returned to visit with his family.
Mr. Tidd is preparing to prove up on
his claim soon.
Tho directors of District No. 213,.
met at the home of Frank Hilton Sun
day in regard to school buiness. '
Mrs. Richard Joplin has been enjoy-'
ing it visit from her niece and baby
Mrs. Spence, of Alberta, Canada, vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Elmer Snider ot
this place.
Church has been held at the Co?l
Creek school house, at the other end
of this district, for the past few weeks
A dance was held at tbe home of
"Wilburt Snider, in the Coal Creek
neighborhood. Messrs Jones furnish
ed the music.
A son arrived at the home of D. W.
Badger August eighth. The youn
homesteader received the name of
Services Are Held
At Tualatin Church
TUALATIN, Aug. 8. "He would not
for awhile" was the text of Dr
Youngson's sermon on Sunday morn
ing at Tualatin and it was certainly
a great discourse. In spite of the
fact that so many are away on vaca
tion just now, there was a good con
gregation. A pleasing feature of the
service was the pianaforte solo by
Miss Florence Hill, and the following
"the sermon the pastor sang "God will
answer your prayer." A fine lunch
was served at noon by the Ladies Aid
bf which Mrs. Nettie Cimino is presi
dent and the pastor announced that
the Tualatin church will be painted
next month and this will be a great
asset to the community. Following
this business session we had a meet
ing with Dr. J. T. Abbet from Portland
who offered sugestions by which we
might close up the conference year in
good shape and a-; a result the Tual
atin church decided to adopt the
budget system! now so sucessfully
worked in most churches.
Sunday next the church services
will be held as usual. At tli3 Tualatin
church the men's trio will sing a spec
cial number1 "Tho' your1, sins be as
pcarlet" and Mrs. R. H. Heimbach will
be the pianoforte accompanist.
A. C. Duley and daughter Gertrude,
are visiting Mr. Duley's daughter,
Mrs. Olive Gilroy at WoodlandWash
for a few days.
Mrs. Minnie Bates the wife of the
Tualatin and Wilscnville pastor went
to Tualatin on Saturday afternoou,
visited several friends there and was
present at the Sunday services and
luncheon. She is now visiting her
-parents in Sellwood.for a few days.
Sherman Seely from Wilsonville at
tended the Quarterly Conference and
extra business session at the Tuala
tin church on Sunday afternoon.
Dodge Community
Cluh Holds Meet
DODGE, Aug. S. The Community
Club held its monthly meeting last
Saturday evening. There was a good
ly number present and a very enjoy
able time' was spent. A prize was
given for thebet essay on "How
can, the community club best serve
ihe district." There were three essya
read, the prtxe going to Fred Horner,
who offered the same to be again
competed for next month and given
to the one writing the best essay on
"The Community Spirit." The reading
of the comunity newspaper was a
source of great enjoyment to all pres
ent nnd kept the audience bubbling
with merriment- There was some
business under consideration which it
was hoped will eventually benefit the
fliatr.M nuito a zocd deal. One feature
of the entertainment deserving of
special mention Was the recital ,t
Edgar Allen Poe's poem "The Raven"
by M, Pederson. It was very ably
done and was a pleasing surprise to
all ptesent and much appreciated. A
small show of flowers grown in the
district was held, which was a source
of much satisfaction to the promoters
because of the beautiful and abundant
supply of flowers presented, after
which a fine supper was partaken of
and enjoyed by all present
Charles colson is building a new
Clarence Jubb has gone to work
with his traction engine on the mar
ket road near Mulino.
Most of the farmers are through
with their hay and are now beginning
their grain harvest.
Housewarming Is
Given at Cams
CARTJS, Aug. 9. A house warm
ing party was given at. the home of
Mrs. Hargrieve Tuesday evening.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Guil
lam, Miss Davis, Mr. and Mrs. George
Ingram and Grace and niece Miss
Florence Tanburow, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bliss and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Weiser and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell and daughter, Myrtle, Miss
Edna May Clark, of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Jones and children, Mrs.
Brenner. The evening wa? spent with
singing and visiting.
Wren Wade of Molalla spent Tues
day With John Bliss.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn
motored to Oregon City last Friday.
Mrs. Clark returned to her home in
Rock Springs after a two weeks' visit
with her friend, Mrs. Lunce Shockley.
She fell very much in love with the
climate in Oregon.
Mr and Mrs. John Evans motored
to Oregon city last Saturday
Miss Minnie Edwards spent Thurs
day with the Shockley children.
Mrs. Lunes Shockley motored to
Portland on Thursday.
A bunch from Cams spent Sunday
on the Molalla river.
Live Wire Ladies
Meet at Redlands
(Too late for last week)
REDLAND, Aug. 4. The Ladies'
Live Wires met at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Bonny, August 4. Some button
holes were worked for the hostess
after which the meeting was called to
order by the president, Mrs. Etta Al-
en. The remainder of the afternoon
was. spent in visiting and fancy work.
Mrs. Bonny assisted by Dorotha Stew
art and Jessie Bonny served lunch to
tho following: Mrs. Etta Allen, Claia
Alltn, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Murray,
Mrs. Neville, Mr3. Statts, Mrs. Spees.
Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Harding, Jessie Bon
ny, Dorotha Stewart, Mrs. Bonney.'
Edna Bonny and Anna Margaret
Stewart and Mrs. Margaret Stewart.
Marion Miller of Silverton visited
at tbe home of B. H. Stewart last
Dale Stewart visited Merle Howoll
of Oregon City over night Frida
Mr. and Mrs. Sinctt have moved on
to their ranch recently purchased of
Mr. Hoesed.
Harvesters Busy In
Macksburg Section
MACKSBURG. Aug. 10 Through
out the length of these August days
from earliest dawn till the sun ha?
withdrawn his rays at night may be
heard the ceaseless whir of ihe thresher j
at work, with intermission only for
ihe three daily meals.
From everywhere comes the story of
abundant yield. '
The weat'uer though too dry for
pleasure on the highways is ideal for
handling grain, not only in the con
tinued immunity from rain but in tho
constant, cooling breeze which makos
(he most strenuous work endurable,
even throughout the heated hours ot"
mid-day. Meantime the refreshing
nights undisturbedby either the heat
or mosquioes pervalent in so many
regions makes everything -new by th-j
approach of dawn.
Small leisure is there .for social,
duties, yet the Frauen Vcrein of th.-
Lutheran church and theMothers' Club
of Macksburg hold their own, both
iryiag to accomplish some good while
onjoving brief surcease from the daily
The Mother's Club is to meet in the
presant week at the home of Mrs.
David Murphv on Thursday aiternoou
Goc Walsh Sr., who was alarmingly
-.11 turough most of the past week, is
reported as being decidedly better to
day. Mrs. Lathrop -who with her family
has lately moved on to the ranch own
ed by Mike Walch is seriously ill.
Little Mabel Keil, who frcra an ac
cident sustained in the school yard at
Macksburg, has been unable to walk
throughout the summer, is getting well,
Mrs. Vosel of Portland is the guest
of har mother, Mrs. Gibson
Meadowbrook Items
MEADOWBROOK, Aug. 10. Mrs.
Amelia Chmdgran and Ruth Chindgren
returned home Saturday evening, after
spending the past month in the East
visiting relatives and friends they were
glad to get back to Oregon as it was so
hot and diT bank there.
Several from here attended the fun
eral services of Elmer Deroours at
Molalla Sunday afternoon- vThe body
arrived from France on Thursday.
Myrtle Dunrud went back to her
work in. Portland Sunday after spend-
ng h three weeks" vacation with her
The Chindgren brothers started their
threshing machine up this week.
Myrtle Larkins returned home Tues
day after spending the last week at
Mrs. Carl Beaver left Saturday for
Onndon to ioin her husband who is
hauling grain to that place
Several from arouond here attended
the poultry Wmonstration at the Kuula
and Salo Poultry farm at Meadowbroojj
Wednesday, afternoon.
Picnic Is Held At
Beaver Creek Hall
BEAVER CREEK, Ag. 10. A num
her of the young people attended
nartgiven m the Grange hall Sat
urday evening July 30. Games ant
music were enjoyed until a late hour,
and a light lunch was served Those
present were, the Misses F!sie Coulter
Irene Makinister, Genevieve Lender
gan, Beth Brown, Gladys Makinister,
Hazel Coulter, Mable Dawson. Gladys
Hamford, Nellie Gleascn, Ellen Sam
tesson. Lubelle Linsley, Bertha Martin
lose Watts, Erma Cassidy, Evelyn
Bohlander. Maude O'Lary, Violet
Watts, Clara Boulander, Alice Hughes
Katy Bohlander; and Messrs Richard
Bohlandr, Thomas Perry, Wilbur
Bohlander, Charles Kilbore, . Arthur
Linsiey, James Watts, Griffith Roberts
Edward Roberts, Reed Jagger, Arvin
Parry. Harry Bebure, Alfred Beatie
David Harris, Ray Fisher, William
Roberts, Elmer Londergan, Price Ha
ris, George Stewart, Sidney Ijish and
Alvin Heft
The Beaver Creek baseball team, to
gether with about forty of their
friends, formed a picnicking! crowd
which spent Sunday, July 31 at Good'3
bridge on the Molalla river. Swimming
and wading were the main attractions
and all had a fine time.
Mrs. Ellen Schram and son Lloyd at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Schram'?
brother, Wm. A. Roberts in Fortlauc
last Tuesday. Mr. Roberts, who was
apparently in good health died very
suddenly on the previous Sunday.
Mips Gladys Makmster Had as a
guest over the week-end Miss Beth
Brown of Oregon City.
Mrs. Dan Jones' mother, . Mrs.
Roberts, and her friend, Mrs. Hah
are leaving this week for Dc troit, Mich.
Mrs. Jones' sister Mrs. French, who
has also been visiting; her, is returning
to Vancouver, B- C-
Mr. Reisner suffered a paralytic
stroke last Saturday afternoou As
he was living alone no on- knew of it
until a passerby heard him calling.
Neighbors stayed with him until morn
ing when his daughter arrived and he
was taken to her home ar Sherwood.
Miss Nellie Gleason of Oregon City
visited with Miss Genevieve Londer
gan over the week end.
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Orr entertained
Mrs. Orr's brother and family for a
couple of days last week.
Mrs. Hannah Hehn, formerly ot
Highland but recently of Seattle, is
visiting at the home cf John Schram
for a few days.
Central Grange held its regular
meeting last' Saturday evening. After
a short business session an imprompiu
program was enjoyed by all. It wan
decided- to install a local grange paper,
to be read as a part of the literary
program. The paper is to be callo-l
the "Central Grange Bulletin." and
Eva Schram was appointed the first
Everett Stanifer and George La Co.'
us were visiting Gladys Makinster last
Gladys Treymayne of Oregon City
visited with Genevieve London-gran
a fe v days last week.
Th-i. Beaver Creek ball team played
against the Standard Oil team on the
Chautauqua diamond last Saturday.
The score was 6-12 in favor of Stand
ard Gil.
An informal dance was given at the
home of Willis Hughes last Saturday
night. AH reported a very good time.
Lad Hill Personal
Items of Interest
LAD HILL. Aug. 10. C. M. K'.sei,
Chester Kiser and George Smith, went
to Ncwberg Tuesday afternoon to
bring Mr. Riser s steam engine honu
r.fter having some work done it at tbe
foundry. Chester was fireman and
Georee Smith drove the water wagon.
They took their blankets and drove
until dark Tuesday evening and camp
ed until daylight arriving home Wed
Mrs. Bertha McCulley went to New
berg Friday to visit a few days with
her mother. Mrs. Raider.
M. and Mrs. Richard. Lee were
transacting business in Newberg Sat
urday. Mi and Mrs E Stnive have been
camping at Wilhoit Springs a week
and Ihey like it so-well they cent word
ior Bruno to bring then, ot't seme eats
and they will stay another week.
Clair Sovey went to Portland Friday
io visit his parents returning Sunday.
Mrp. Fred Schewier and children of
Buttoville visited Mrs. Al McCulley
Mrs. Leo Knoell and daughter, Mrs.
Mervin MoVrison of Tacoma, are visit
ing this week with the former's sister,
Mrs. Tack Smith
Mrs. Nellie McCulley went to Oregon
City last week and was taken suddenly
ill while preparing to come back, to
her brother, Jack Smith's home Altho
she was in a serious condition for a
whil she is improving and hopes to
be able to come back in'about ten days
The surveyors expect to finish their
work on Market Road No 6 Friday. It
has been a long tedious Job and they
begun work there June 13th.
Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. ' George
Smit called on Mrs. Al McCulley Sun
day afternoon. Mrs. McCulley has,
been very poorly again, but, was much
better Sunday.
Thursday Aug 4 was Will Hitchen's
birthday and his mother, Mrs. Esther
Hitchen, and sister nnd husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Sutton came out from
Newberg to help celebrate the day.
Lots of good things to eat such as
with birthday dinners, birthday cake
with candles and ice cream and a Jolly
good time such as home folks know
how to have will be long remembered
fcy those present
Considerable cord wood is being cut
by a crew of Italians on Mrs. Viol
Sellwood's place.
Mr and Mrs. T. It. A Sell wood and
son. Will drove up from MiJwaukie
Wednesday to look over their farms
as they own ocnslderable land in this
The dance given at Wilsonville for
benefit of new club house at Lad Hill
to replace the one recently destroyel
by fire was a decided success, the pro
fit being close to t0.
Clair Sovey started to work with the
Graham-Wilhelm thresher Monday,
Pioneer of Molalla
Dies on 91 Birthday
, MOLALLA. Aug. 10. Mr. Knapp
and son Duane returned Sunday from
Bagby Springs he reports his rheu
matism much better. Walter Taylor al
so returned the same day.
Mrs. William Bagby, 91, one of the
old pioneers of. Clackamas county,
died at the family home in Molalla
at seven o'clock Wednesday morning
Mrs. Bagby died on her birthday
She was born in Bellfast, Ireland
August 10, 1830. coming to this couq
try at the age of 12. Ir. 1852 the
family moved to Molalla where they
have lived ever since.
William Bagby, husband of the de
ceased woman, died in 1903. Mrs.
Bagby leaves a number of children
and relatives. They are John Bagly,
of Rockaway, Robert' Bagby of Molal
la, C. W. Bagby of Oregon City, Mrs.
Margaret Pelky of Molalla, Mrs. Lloyd
Jarrish of Oswego and James BagDy
of Molalla.
J. H. Yeager ana ramily spent the
week end at Grand Mount, Centralia
Miss Nora Nashburn of Portland.
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs
J. H-' Yeager, returner home Saturday.
Mis. John Bowman is visiting at
the home of her son, R. H. Bowman.
Mrs. John Shepherd and son, Her
bert, left Sunday for the mountains to
pick huckleberries.
Mrs. P. L. Schamel of Grass Valley
was in our city Sunday.
Hub Bowman and family visited
Sunday at the Charles Oglesby home.
Mrs. R. J. Park and family, who have
been pickling loganberries at Monitor,
returned home Friday.
Mrs. Everman Robbins visited Mon
day with her brother T. B. Hayhurst
of Oregon City.
Mrs. Earnest Mallet of Oregon City
is visiting relatives in Molalla.
Miss Clara Courter, who has been
attending normal school at Monmouth,
returned to her home Friday evening.
Mrs. Tom McFadden s quie ill a J
the Oregon City hospital. She undet
went an operation Monday and is gel-
ting along as well as can be expected.
A birthday dinner was held Sunday
at the J. V. Harless home it being the
eighty-sixth birthday of W. D. Adams
About fifty relatives were present and
basket dinner was served. Mr. Har-
ess was presented with a cake with
eighty-six candles decorating it.
Mrs. J. R. Cole, Mrs. Mackrell and
Mrs. Peter Faurie visited Mrs. Joy at
Milwaukie one day last week. Mrs. Jcy
was a teacher in our school for a num
ber of years.
The funeral of Elmer Damours took
place Sunday at tw o'clock. .A very
large crowd attended to pay homage to
this war hero who was killed about
two years ago" on the battle field of
France. The . American Legion had
charge of the funeral. The volley was
fired by the firing squad of Woodburn.
Interment was made in the Adams
A very pretty wedding occurred Sat
urday evening at nine o'clock at tho
home of W. T. Echerd when their
daughter Maudie Melinda and Hugh D.
Rundell of Portland were united in
marriage. The impressivt ceremony
was read by Reverend R. P. Williams
of Molalla in the presence of 100
Tho bride was becomingly attired
in pale blue satin with silver laco
overdraps and carried a shower bou
quet of orchids and lillies of the val
ley. The bridesmaid, Miss Geraldlno
Rundell of Newberg, sister of tho
groom, wore a pink and white satin
dress with a corsage bouquet of sweet
Solon Echerd. brother of the bride,
acted as best man.
Miss Mary Echert was maid of hon-
or"and wore apricot satin with corsage
bouquet of sweet peas and lillies of the
Miss Bessie F-chert played the wee
ding march.
The decorations were beautiful in
colors of pink and white. Refresh
ments .were served also carried out in
the Fame colors.
Many beautiful and useful presents
were received.
Mr .and Mrs. Rundell left soon after
the ceremony for a week's honeymoon
at Rockaway. After the sixteenth they
will be at home to their many frien.l3
et 725' Powell St, Sellwood, Oregon,
Meldrum Notes
Mrs. J. L. McColloch spent Wednes
day with her daughter in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs Thomas White left
Wednesday for an extended visit witb
Tacoma relatives.
Mrs. Earl Seeley formerly of 4his
place and who recently changed her
residence from Salem to Portland
Capital Garage g
EE Personal Attention Given to all E
Work. Every Job Guaranteed.
Fords Overhauled $20.00
spent Wednesday as a guest of Mrs.
Wm. Gardner.
Miss Margaret and Raymond Seely
are spending the week at the G. M
Caldwell home.
Chas. Butler and wife of Portland
were guests of their cousin Mrs. Eads
and daughter, Sunday.
G. M. Caldwell aud wife, Cleve Cald
well and family motored to Molalla
Saturday wliere they camped and
fished over Sunday, catching an abun
dance of trout from the Molalla.
Geo. Gardner and family, Leonard
Lageson and wife, left Sunday for a
camping trip at the beaches, stopping
first at Tillamook, then Newport, then
motoring to Seaside where they will
remain another week.
Thompson Meldrum and family re
turned Thursday from their two
weeks vacation at Wilhoit Springs.
Mrs. Wm.- Muir and two children
have returned to their home in Cana
da after a two months visit with Mrs.
Muir's brother Andrew Tumbull.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Walker and Bil
ly hare returned from Seaside where
they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. II.
Tabor to epnd a month.
Mr.' and Mrs. W. A. Henderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wamblade have re
turned from their two weeks motor
trip to Southern Oregon, they visited
Crater Lake, National Park, Ashland,
and Medford.
Gladstone News
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Niles returned
Friday evening from California where
they have been enjoying a months
auto trip. They were accompanied
by their daughter and son-in-law and
son Egbert of Portland, making the
entire trip in the Hummock machine.
In speaking of their trip Mrs. Niles
eays it was a wonderful vacation, and
the roads were good in most places.
more work is being done in Oregon
than in California and many detours
had to be made. On one occassicn
ihey met a Ford party with two milch
goats on the running boards and a
crate of chickens strapped on. The
Niles party returned via the coast
route While away they visited Oak
land, Los Angeles, Vennia, Pasaden-
fa. Holly Wood and Longi Beach,
spending several days in San Francis
co, where they met ola mends aua
school mates of Mrs. Hummocks.
Man? side trips were made by the
party and all ' are planning a return
trip in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C- Hughs have as
their house gu&ts Mr;, and Mrs. Wil
liam. Carrol of Portland. They will
form a motor party early this morn
ing (Sunday) and spend the day at
Columbia beach. The trip will b
made in the Hughs machine and a pic
nic lunch enjoyed.
Mrs. C'ifford Niles and son Newell
have returned to their home on Dar
mouth street after spending the week-
with her husband c. E. Niles, who is
Chief Engineer on the Robert Young,
plying between Portland and Astoria,
Mrs. Niles reports a most enjoyable
vacation on the Columbia river.
The "Loyal Matds" of the Gladstono
Christian church enjoyed a picnic ou
the Willamette River Wednesday eve
ning. The girls were chaperoned by
their teacher Mrs. J. W. Kyler and
Mrs. Laidlaw. Games and swimming
was enjoyed after which a delicious
campfire supper was served. Those
attending were, Nettie Laidlaw.
Blanche Yearger, Jeana Patterson,
Jaunctia Brendle, Claudine Fox, Chry-t-tle
Tombleusen, Alma Mayfield,
Mable Taft, Dorothy, Mildred end
Cathleen Kyler, Olga Turell, m-
Laidlaw and Mrs. Kyler.
Mr and Mrs. John Bolle and son
John Stewart Bolle, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thus Reddaway and son Walter wpeni
Sunday camping near Oswego Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolle have as
their guests today nr. and Mrs. Jas.
Thornton and daughters Bell and
Shelby, and Mrs. wiHi&m Edwards ot
The members of the Baptist church
held a business meeting at the enure
Thursday evening for the purpose of
taking subscriptions to install a furn
ace in the church and a draining sys
tem for the basement which has more
or less water on the floor during the
winter months. When properly drain
ed and equipped with a furnace the
basement may he used for many ac
tivities of the church. The cost of
which will be about $700. A neat sum
has been subscribed. After the busi
ness meeting a pot luck supper was
served by the ladies and a social eve
ning enjoyed.
There will be Sunday school at the
Gladstone Baptist church at 10 ana
11 o'clock. Rev. Hardie Comner will
take as his subject "The Kingdom ct
Heaven" from the parable of . The
Mustard Seed." Mrs. E. P. Edward,
director of music will sing a solo. At
7 j. m. the Baptist Young Peoples
Union will meet in "the basement of
the church. In the evening Rev.
Conner will speak on "The Solving of
Two Great Problems" and there will
be special music by Miss Olie Amen
and Miss Dorris Ellis.
The Christian church will have the
usual Bible school at 10 o'clock. Rev.
B. F. Clay will preach both morning
and evening.
Mrs. c- -A- Frost ot Cornelius re
turned to her home after spending a
few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs.
Harley' Frost and friends here. Mr.
and Mrs. Frost formerly resided in
West Gladstone.
. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gault and
cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olds left,
i early Monday morning for Long
Beach, Washington, where they will
enjoy a two weeks outing. The trip
is being made In automobile.
Vornon Chantler and Alfred Rowan
left Saturday for a two weeks camp
ing trip in the mountains above Cz-
adero. The boys have gone prepared
to br!ng back the 'limit of trout.
One of the most enjoyable motor
parties of the week-end was spent at
Kearns Park on the Sandy river.
Swimming was the main features of
the day. A delicious basket lunch
was served at the Legler camp. Thoso
enjoying the outing were Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Freytag, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Meads, Mi- and Mrs. Charles
Legler, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch,
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Francis: Misses
Mary Meads, Veatrice Rauch, Mildred
Legler and Vivian Rauch.
Mr and Mrs. Carrol Leete of Ya-
colt, Washington, were in Portland
looking after property interests dur
ing the week and spent the week-end
with their parents", Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Leete of East Clackamas boule
Mrs. R. Solomon, who has been
critically ill with inflamatory rheumatism-is
very much improved and is
able to be about the house again.
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Killem of Man
itowoc, Wis., arrived at the home of
Mr. and MTS. W. E. Niles Monday eve
ning where they will spend a few
weeks taking in the sight of Oregon.
One of tbe side trips planned is a
trip on the Columbia -highway.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Hayward have
as their house guests the formers
listers, Mrs. Carrie Miller of York,
Nebraska, and Mrs. Mable Jeffery of
Landon, Mo. They will also visit
KB 1 1 51
nothing for.
THAT'S OUR IDEA in making
CAMELS the Quality Cigarette.
Why, just buy Camels and look at the package!
. It's the best packing science has devised to keep
cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste.
Heavy paper outside secure foil wrapping inside
and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack
age and keep it air-tight.
And note this ! There's nothing flashy about the
Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not
improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense
that must come out of the quality of the tobacco.
Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins en
merit alone.
Because, men smoke Camels who want tho
taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly
blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth,
refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga
retty aftertaste.
Camels are made for men who think for themselves.
their father S. P. Hayward of Glad
stone. . This is their first visit to Ore
gon and Mr. Hayward is planning
many delightful side trips for them.
Mr. Hayward's brother Will Vigc
lius of Tulsa, Oklahoma, most pleas
antly surprised her Monday, when he '
and his brid3 arrived in Gladstone lo
visit with his two sisters here, Mrs.
Hayward and Mrs. Ben Beard and
his father John Vigelius, of Oregon
City. Mr. Vigelius is a former Glad
stone boy and has been traveling in
Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, where
he met and married his bride. Hft
says Oregon climate and scenery
suits him best and they will make
their future home in Portland.
Word has been received by Mrs.
Mable Wed die from her mother, Mrs.
Oron Weddle that she is having a
most delightful visit with her sister,
Mrs. Edd Larkins of Monroe, Oregon.
Mrs. Weddle, with her aunt and uncle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holt of Jeffer
son are making the trip in the Holt
machine and stopped over two weeks
with her daughter Mrs. C- M- Clina
of Falls City, Mrs. Weddle writes sht-
will return to Gladstone Thursday.
Mrs. W. E. Rauch and daughter
Miss Veatrice and .Vivian spent Tues
day wih Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch
of Portland.
Harve Wilson who has been in the
Oregon City Hospital for the past
five weeks expects to be able to re
turn to his home in Gladstone Friday,.
Mr. Wilson underwent a surgical op
eration for appendicitis.
Mr. Phillip Carlow, owner and man
ager of the Seattle Motion Picture
producing company stopped over on
his way to San Francisco to visit
with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete.
Dr and Mrs. G. J. Nash have re
turned from a week-end outing at
Mr and Mrs. Fred Smith, Woodson
Smith, Doris Smith and Vivian Rauch
spent Wednesday at Holcomb, gather
ing hazelnuts. -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wickman and
daughter Roberta Jenette of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete aud
daughter Miss Norma of Gladstone
have returned to their home after
camping for several days at Seaside.
The trip was made In the new Wick
man machine.
Harvey Eby of Portland is spending
the week with his cousin Elmo Eby.
Cotto and Rankin are building ah
addition to Patterson Brothers' con
fectionery store on East Clackamas
Judge and ' Mrs. H. E. Cross are
spending a few days at Wilhoit
Springs. They are accompanied by
their daughter Miss Francis.
Rev and. Mrs B. F. Clay spent a.
few- days the first of the week at
Cornelius visiting their son S. F.
Clay and family.
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other
diseases put together, and for years
it. was supposed to be incurable. Doe
tors prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly failing to cure with lo
cal treatment, pronounced it incur
able. Catarrh is a local dhiease, great
ly influenced by constitutional condi
tions and therefore requires consitu
cional treatment. Hall s. Catarrh
Medicine, manufactured by F. J
Cheuey & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a con
stitutional remedy, is taken internal
ly and acts through the Blood on the
Mucous Surfaces of the system. One
Ifundred Dollars reward is offered
for sny case that Hall's Catarrh Med
icine fails to cure. Send for circulars
and' testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists 75c.
Hall's Family , Pills for constipa-
N. , C,