Page 6 JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.. tMIMIMtlltMiMtItiliilttlllfllliiMiMMIIlllWMMMltllMMiiIiilMIIi"""""I"IMmMMlilttII Guild Entertained With Porch Party JKNNINGS LODGE, July 2 Mr?. C. C. Hole entertained the Guild w ith a porch party on Wednesday. Abort 24 ladies came and mailo lavender stick.? for the annua bazaar. A short tusiness meeting followed. The -.x-evutive committee is to plan some a.Tfair for the second Wednesday eve ning of August The subject for the devotional was Ideals of Success and was condutced by the president. Iced tea and cookies were served. Those enjoying- the afternoon wer-3 Mesdames S. B. Griffith, R. F. De ter . J. Madden, A. B- Smith, Edi'.h Blinstone, Lorene Moritz, A. B. Snider, E. Pearson, Eva Hole, Nell Nevcomb, Warren Swart, Edith Trusoott, Geo. Williams, Meade Ken nedy, Eleanor Jones, J. W. Smith, A. Nelson, A. J. Robbins, C. S. Hole, Lucy Allen, Hugh Roberts, Miss Nel son, Miss D"ter and a sis-ter of Mi?s Hole was present whose name we did not learn C. P. Morse and family motored out on Tuesday to bid farewell to their father, Geo. Morse before Mrs. Morse and kiddies left for the coast, going to Rockaway on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bell of Roseburg, Mr. Holloway Sr., and two da'jgbters joined the C. R Holloway and family and partook of picnic din ner on the Holloway lawn or Tues day. B-'lIy Cook and Harry "Wilson left Saturday for a bicycle trip to Caza devo. Tom Robbins, agent for the Ore gon Journal, enjoyed a week's va cation at Beaverton, a guest of Eu gene Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver motored to Forest Grove, combining business and pleasure, accompanying them was Jean Robbins. Miss Dimmy Mullen of Salem, and Miss Malida Smith and Charles Smith of Kalama spent Friday with Miss Ruth Cook. Miss Mullen will remain a week. On Sunday Mr. Dunusll and Mr- George .Smith of K.i lama motored out to ihe Cook home an.;' spent the day. Jennings Lodge Man Entertains Friends i JENNINGS LODGE Aug. 3. H. L. Clark, of the Shady Nook, en tertained for several days his uncle, C. H Harrison, wife and two children and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hitz and three children of Bellingham, Wash., who motored down for sevrat days. On Thursday Mr. Clark accompanied them up the highway to Cascade Locks, enjoying the picnic dinner at Multnomah Falls. Jacobs Family Back From Southern Trip JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 3. Will Jacobs, wife and Miss Dorothy stoped off here on Saturday on their return from their month's motoring trip to California. They motored south to Venice, Calif., and while ab sent enjoyed the sea breezes in camp with the Geo. A. Ostrom family who now reside in Hollywood. They at tended the Elks' convention in Los Angeles and visited many places of interest. On their return were guests of the A. C. MacFarlane's also formor residents. They also vistted at Crater Lake on their way home. Machine Is Stolen At Jennings Lodeje JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 3 While the Harry Burco family were enjoying a moonlight excursion on a boat, their machine was stolen from where it was parked on Front street. Mr Burco is bookkeeper for the Oregon Box Factory and has been greatly inconvenienced in not being able to drive to his work. The ma chine has been located and with a few repairs will be ready to use again. Canyon City People Visit With Maples JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 3 Tauss Maple and Mrs Maple and two daughters motored down from Canyon City to attend buyers week in Port land. On Sunday they visited J. C. and Marcus Maple and his mother Mrs. Ella Maple. It had been ten years since he had met his youngesth brotr-.. er and the reunion was a happy ont-.. The Maples will also visit in Oregon City. Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dOealors In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Fool of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 l8 Evangelical Assn. Holding Convention Jp;NNlNGS LODGE, Aug. 3. Jenr.ings Lodge is puting on a busy appearance, as the members of the Evangelical Association re return ing again for their annual conventions and camp meetings, which is held at their beautiful River View Camp grove beginning Aug. 1 to 11. This is the 17th year that this con ference has met for worshu, undi-r the tail firs on their grounds con fisting of 5 acres. About 100 tents are up and meals are served at the dining hall at .cost for those who do not wish to camp. Dr. G. B. Kimmel president of thi Thelogical Seminary at Napc-rville Illinois is to be the principal speak er. A large attendance than usual is expected and a good time is being an ticipated by those in cnarge. Th first three days of the gener al assembly was devoted to the 17th annual convention of the Oregon Mis sionary society. They key thought of the convention 5 "L'fe Service." Monday Aug. 1st at 1:30 P. M. was the informal recep tion and banquet in honor of the visit ing missionaries in the dining hall . Tuesday Aug. 2. 6:30 A. M. early morning worship was conducted by Mrs. Margaretha of Milwau- kie. 9:30 A. M Consecration Mrs. Natalie Rener leading. Communion by Rev. F.- B tervlco Culver and Rev. C. L. Schuster. Appointment of committees, work of departments, corresponding secre tary, treasurer, message hearers anil litle heralds, tithing, young women's work, literature; thank offering. A message from China by Mrs. Esther Plummer Schrieber. Coven ant Hymn. At 12 dinner; 1:30 P. M. Miss Edna Erfftneyer leads the devo tion. Special music by the Confer ence Male Quartette. An . -'afternoon with our missionaries at home and newly apopinted. At 7:30 P. M- ad dresses by Mrs. E P. Schriober ami the Mises. Edna Erffmeyer and Nata lie Berner. Mrs. E. Maurer lead the sunrise prayer meeting 9:30 A. M. Business session was conducted by Mrs Meyers at 1:30 P. M. Miss Berner, ! Japanese Kindergarten sroke on "Our Heart of -1aPan " i Oklahoma Motorists ! Make A Short Visit JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingals and Mr and Mrs. Morgan and baby came ly auto from Oklamhoma to spend just a few days with Mrs Adeline Ingplls .and the Wiley Traut families, arriving on Wednesday and departing on Tues day of this week. Mrs. Ingalls and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Traut accompanied them over the highway as they journeyed home. Even with so short a visit their stay was a pleasant .one. and many places of interest in ani around Portland and Oregon City were much enjoyed by them. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE. Aug. 3 Mrs. J. A. Johnson is improving some from her recent illness The famflv physician has ordered quiet and rest as being essential to restarting her to her health again. 9 Mrs. Frank Lambert is doing1 nice ly at the Emanuel hospital since her recent operation on her lin b. Miss Edith Abrahms cf Seattle ha3 been delightfully entertained with a number of pretty affairs since her ar rival at the Harry Burco home. Addi tional guests of the Burccs wore Mr and Mrs William and Lucile o Portland and Mr. Philips, of Seattle. Mr. Philips is a brother of Mrs. Bur co. Mrs. Ella MacHargue accompanied Portland friends to Bonneville on Thursday. This being her first trip over the Columbia Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart and lit tle grandaughter Gail Nowccmb mo tored to thc-ir. cottage at Seaview, Wash., on Sunday . They were join ed by Mrs. A. A. Allbright of Portland who go to this popular beach for their recreation. The cement basement for the Ian? don Spooner home is completed and work is being pushed rapidly. Nick Humphreys is enjoying his va cation painting his house. Other homes which have recently received coat of new paint are Mr. Jones and Glen DeVinish and the lat ters home a well is being drilled. H. "Li. Clark has put in fresh meats at him Shady Nook store The new building contains a built iu refrigera tor. Tom Robbins has returned from a week's vacation at Beaverton when: 21363 John-P. Miller, Mgr. Montgomery and Fifth Portland be Fpent a weak with the Eugene Many family Mr and Mrs. Oliver combined busi ness and pleasure, when they motor ed to Forest Grove during last wek. They were accompanied by Jean Rob bins. On Sunday of this week the Olivers went to Seattle, to remain fortnight. Geo. Morse had a pleasant call from Elmer Mink of Eugene on Friday. Mr. Morse will spend the weekend in Eu gene. Mrs. S. P. Dow and children with Portland friends opened up camp on Cedir Island on Saturday. Mesdames A B. Snider, Arthur Smith, Frank Covert and J. A. Jordan attended Miss Armours lecture in Ore gon city, given under the auspices of the W. C T. IT. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Randall ani l.uclle and Miss Barbara Portz and Earnest Place motored to Bonneville on Saturday evening, after breakfast they visited the fish hatchery, which proved of much interest and . the, journeyed on to Hood River, returning they stopped at Eagle Crek for picnic dinner. Mrs. Bertha M. Hart will enjoy her vacation at Bay Ocean, leaving on Aug. 8th for this popular resort. Miss Dimmy Mullen of Salem ac companied by Miss Malida Smith and Charles Smith of Kalama spent Fri day afternoon at the home of Wm Cook. Miss Mullen will remain ' a week the guest of Miss Ruth Cook. Mr. Dunwefll and Geo. Smith of Kalama motored out and spent Sun day at the Cook home. Mrs. Dell Tucker was a caller at Concord at the Phillips home looking after that home while Mrs. Phillips and Truman, Minnie and Dorothy Phillips are touring Yellowstone Park. On Monday evening Mrs. Tucker was a guest at the R. F. Deter home. Mrs. Wm. Gardner and daughter Blanche and sister Mrs Ireland a vis itor from Canada, made a trip re cently to The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hayles motored down from Airlie on Sunday. Mrs. Hayles will visit this week with her sisters and Mr. Hayles who is a pub lic accountant will attend to business ;n Portland. A. C. Browning of Boring spent, two days recently with his sister Mrs, Julia Ulahrand. F. B. Madison has sold S tracts on and near Hull Ave since the first of the year. Mr. Madison is- much in terested in a local wat,er system and is givirns; much of his time in getting facts and figures to this. But may find time to take a short trip to the coast, at the Tillamook beaches. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holloway enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Bissell of Port land on Tuesday evening. On Tuesday Dr. J. L. Scripture of Portland, James Scripture of aWter- loo, Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Hayles of Airlie, Oregon were din ner guests of Mrs. Bess Bruechert. Halmor Roberts will spend his va cation down on a arm near Corval lis, at the home of an aunt. ! OSWEGO NEWS I Mrs. Cora Bulock i.iiiiiiiiiinmiiiini..nii.iiiiii.iin.iniiiimiiiim.iiin.nii New Lodge Opens On Tyron Creek OSWEGO, Ag.2. The Oswego Lodge at Wilsonia, just across the Tryan creek bridge, is now open. It is a beautiful place just off the new highway and adds another attraction to the town. The large grounds are invitingly arramged with lawn, woods and shady nooks. A new drive has been built from the highway through the grounds to First street. The Lodge house is on top of the hill and a most beautiful view of- Mt. Hood and the Willamette river and surrounding country can be obtained from the ver anda. The lodge rooms are artistically arranged and carried out in Indian grotto style. Savory dinners are serv ed, also chicken dinners being the specialty. Dora E. Wilson is the pro prietor and is known in Portland and through Oswego vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Conway have re turned from a few weeks stay at their cottage at Rockaway beach. Andrew Neal who has been working at the cement plant, has left for his ranch at LaCenter, Wash., to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Hepel Shipley and chil dren are enjoying their vacation at Rockaway beach this summer. Arthur Mable is now the marshall of Oswego as Charles Didzin, resigned on account of his garage work which is keeping him quite busy these days. Arthur McVey, who has been visit ing Lennie Davis at Walla Walla, Wash., is back again. Mrs. Morrison of Dallas has been visiting her daughter Mrs. A. C- Good a few. days. Miss Voilet Davidson who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Etta Davidson has gone to McCoy to visit friends. William Bush is building a new home on Second street. Alfred Johnson visited friends In Portland last week. Don Meyer, the dairyman, has pur chased a new Chevrolet truck. Clinton Samuel who has been liv ing with his mother in Portland since the death of her son was visiting rel ative3 in South Oswego Tuesday. Miss Marie Delk Is visiting at the home of Miss Elizobeth Hyskell. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Hill who have been over to Tillamook on a vacation re turned home. Mrs. Hill says the water is too cold over there. Joseph Arm and family of Logan, who purchased the property-owned by V.' Cooper moved In Tuesday. H3 expects to run the store and hotel and rent out the other store room. Henry Bickner who has been having serious trouble with his eyes, is report ed better at present, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mosier and son were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monk last week. Mrs. Eva Waldorf, who lias been in the East for the past six weks, reports having a very pleasant time. She e- jpects to return home In three or four (weeks. About August loth the work on the . new concrete dam will commence Upon I protest of Lake Grove resident audi" otners who did not wish the Laite spoiled in the middle of the summer is the one reason" the work is delayed. On Saturday evening July 30. An other dance was held on the Cement Com. tennis court with fine music from Portland. All enjoyed a pleasur.t evening of dancing. John Wanda who is employed at Mc Lean's logging camp, near Oswego, a3 a choker setter, bad both legs badly crushed between two logs that were being lowered to ground last Sun day. He was taken to a Portland hos pital, where it was reported that hj may have to have one of his legs amputated. Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Nelson are re joicing over a baby girl which arrived at their home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lorenz and twj children and Howard and Earl Worth ington joined Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Worthington and son Claud at the head of the Lake Thursday evening and en joyed a chicken supper which was very delicious. William Boyd had the misfortune of having a bran new tire istolen off his car while visiting at the home of the Bickners in South Oswego one evening this week. Oswego Preparing For Phone Hearing OSWEGO, Aug. 3. Preparations are being made by G- G. Smith who has been retained as counsel by the Oswego Hydro Electric club to appear in behalf of the people of Oswego lake district bafora the public service commission. The bearing of Oswego's complaint at the telephone rates and toll charge to -Portland will be heard some time the latter part of the week it is expected. There will be sever al witnesses will give their testimonj The Oswego Camp Fire girls chaper oned by Miss Mary Pembrock hiked out to Weidman's near the old patened Springs one day last week. They held their ceremonial meeting. After busi ness and awarding of honor beads; all kinds of refreshments were served. Those who made the trip besides Miss Pembroke were Hazeldean Fulton, Kathryn Wessling, Nija Merrick, Jan nette Duncan, Marion Weidman, Gladys McDonald, Marie Johnson. AH had a jolly good time. Miss Gladys Yate and George En rich and Mr. and Mrs. McRay of Port land motored to White Salmon Sun day where they spent the day having a fine picnic lunch, ' returning home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Worthington of Lake Grove was in Oswego Sunday visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson and family have gone to the beach for a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hawk, Miss Mary Pembroke, Leslie Savage and a party of Portland friends motored to Pacific City and other coast resorts last week. Alonzo Waldorf, who has been at Mulino working the past two months is now home again. Mrs. Mary Mosely of Portland was a guest of Mr.- and Mrs. Henry Yates this week. Mr. and Mrs. Terry are at Mrs. Wal lings at Rockaway for a while. A special meeting of the Oswego Woman's club was called by the pres ident Mrs. Pejttinger, last Friday afternoon at her home. The club adopted resolutions to be sent to the public sorice commission, protesting against a toll charge by the Pacific States Telephone company between Oswego and Portland. A large num ber of telephone users were present. New Plan to Finance Bonus Act is on Foot SALEM, Aug. 3. There Is a possi bility that the state emergency board may be called into session with the soldiers state aid commission some time in the near future to study out a more adequate financing of the old commission than was provided by the legislature of last winter. It was said at a meeting of the commission yesterday that the leg islative bonus and loan act for serv ice men does not takp into considera tion the magnitude of the task that lies ahead of the commission, and that the 530,000 appropriated to set in mo tion the $30,000,000 job probably will not be sufficient. Application forms that previously had been passed on tentatively were approved at the meeting yesterday and 50,000 of them have been ordered printed. They will be turned out im mediately, so that there may be no mort? delay than is absolutely neces sary in accommodating those vete rans who wish to take advantage of the act. W. C. T. U. Lays Plans For Convention Here The Women's Christian Temper ance Union of Oregon' City held their regular business meeting at the Clubs Public Rest Room, Tuesday August 2, 1921. Plans were discussed for the entertainment of the state convention that will be held here in October, and comittees appointed. Mrs. Nellie Alldredge who has been superintendent of ,the hostesses of tbe Rest Room for the past six: months completed her term and Mrs. E. M Scoutui was elected for the next six months. It was also decided to pay $75.00 from the Unit Treasury for the XV. C. T. U. Building at the Giadstcno Chautauqua grounds. After the conclusion of the busi ness meeting Mrs Margaret Stuari of Redlands served tea to the thirty members present, from an old tea service that has been in her family for the past two hundred years. The committees appointed 'were as follows: , . Meals and' lodging for the delegate. Mrs Nellie Alldredge, Mrs. Gecyge Eberly, Mrs. Willard Yonce; Enter tainment, Mrs. Jennie Webb, Mrs. S Chandler, Mrs. Clarence Brunner, Mrs. Linton and Mrs. Bert Roake; Reception, Mrs A. B. Riutoul, Mrs. Drain Ely, Mrs. Willard Yonce and Mrs. Brunner; Badges, Mrs. E. B. Andrews and Mrs. Nettie Welch; Publicity, Mrs. Ella Shandy. SANDY DEPARTMENT "MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Double Funeral Is , Held on Thursday! SANDY, July SO. On July 27, an other tragic event happened in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. John Affolter of Dovsr when. their second son, Albert look suddenly ill on Tuesday night and passed away the next morning just before a doctor arrived. Albert was at Tillamook at the time of bis brother's accident and came home with hi3 mather early Tuesday morning. He took his brother's death very hard and the grief and shock together were given as the causes-of his sudden pass ing. The funeral for John was then postponed and a double service was held on Thursday P. M., XV. J. Wirtz. of Portland, officiated. Music was furnished by Mrs. Miller, Dr. Sture and R. S. Smith with Mrs. George Perret at the organ The church was overflowing with sympathetic friends, and loral of ferfng were beautiful. John Affolter was born at Neskowin, Tilla mook Co., Oregon, May 21, 1S94, and died July 25, 1921, at the age.of 27 yrs, I months and 4 days; Albert Affolter was born at Taft, Lincoln Co., Oregon, May 5, 1901, and died July 27, 1921, at the age of 20 yrs. 2 months and 22 days. The boys are survived by ou brother, Walter, and their parents. The interment was in a doable grave at the Sandy cemetery. The following friends of John Affol ter were pallbearers at the double funeral service: Ralph DeSbazer, Ir win Updegrave, Charley Updegrave, Web Roberts. Herbert Udsirand Wm. Updegrave. The pallbearers for Albert were all high school friends fron; Estacada whose names have not been secured because of broken phone connections. John Affolter served at the front a few weks then joined the Merchant marines serving three years. He was fireman last year and returned here last April the 27th. He made a num her of trips to Europe and also to Sduth American ptints, and expected to return to his vessel later. Trip to Washington Is Thoroly Enjoyed SANDY, Aug. 1. The following itin erary of the Scales-Esson-Reed party is enough to make "us all" wish we had been along! Left Portland July 21 via the Pacific highway, stopped aad "cooked coffee" for a picnic lunch at Woodland, Wash.,; stopped at Toledo arid railed on Mr. and Mrs John Bick ford and visited an old friend of the Scales family. Drove to Winlock, dined with Mrs. Scales' aunt then on to Cen tralia for "over night" at the home of Jack Scales brother, Will Scales and family. From here the party headed for Olympia, stopping at the auto camp for lunch, then on to Kent where they cached their machine at the home of Jack Scales' sisiter, Mrs. Curtit, then took the electric for Seattle where the merry "bunch" registered at the New Richmond, where they had one con tinual round of pleasure from morn till dewey eve. The Elks' convention was "on" and the Sandy party was shown all over the big city, entertained 4 at dinners, boat rides on the lakes, and were guests at a dancing party at the home of the Johnsons of the Jotnson Piston and Ring Co. Mrs. Scales and Mrs.Esson learned to swim ("Edna" lean.ed to dive!) Dr. and Mrs. Win ninigftam also were host3 for a delight ful boating party. One day was spent at Angle Lake resort. They visited at the home of Mar guerite Kiein at LaBam, and stopped at McCormack .to bring: Marguerite's sister. Mrs. Sutherland and little son home with them. Also stayed one night at Castle Rock, returning home last Friday eve jubilant, but sorry they did not stay longer. They had only two punctures and a broken wheel charged up to their "trouble" account for the entire trip. Blasting on Road Makes It Dangerous SANDY, Aug. 1. Jim Dixon and Howett, loop contractors, desires to warn the people once not . to ignore the "detour" sign at Sandy, as the road from Sandy to Cherryville via Firwood is dangerous! Stumps are "flying in every direction" while fo much blasting is being dene and it is not yate. Another camp has been established on Tickle creek, just this side of Kelso and work will be rushed on that unit Great truck loads -of cement go thundering through town toward the mountains to be used in building cuu verts and bridges on the highway. House Is Burned At Pleasant Home SANDY, Aug. 1. A house at Pleas ant Home that was occupied by the Linduck family burned last night and very little of the contents saved. The house was owned by the Seabergs cf Portland. Kenneth and Jean Procter who happened to be down that wiy saw the fire first and were on the scene before others arrived The bla.e caught from an overheated kitchen stove SANDY WALLOPS GILLIS SANDY, Aug. 1. The baseball game here Sunday between Sandy and Gil lis was too one sided to be as excit ing as usual. Sandy winning the score 32 to S, Some of the best Gillis players were not in the game which partly ac counted for their decided defeat. Ivan. Haines and Shipley of Oswego played with Sandy and wlfl probably finish the season with the Sandy team. .Whew! Wow! Zowie? " saso rieipi luuraer: - ' Krebs Meets Skunk SANDY, Aug. 30. Cbas. Krebs had another mix-up with a skunk recently, but the "woodsy cat" got some chickens before the "22 special" got the intruder. Krebs is getting the mid night habit of "spotting" skunks! He chased this animal all around in the hen house with the door3 closed, and the poor thing took refuge among the chickens, two sleepy "birds' climbed up on the skunk. It w-as necessary to separate the chicks from the queer "kitty," and a movie man should have been thereto see the fun! What a picture it would have made! Lantern in hand, dodging slyly from one corner to another, shooing "cluck-hens" too sleepy to "shoo" and baby chicks that only "peeped" with the beady bright eyes of the "furry-fellar,'" following every move, but evidently obeying jthe ethics of skunkdom for he never show ed any resentment whatever to his pursuer till the "22" hit him between the eyes; then "O My!" said Krebs and the rest is better left for the imagin ation! Mrs. Krebs "midly" commanded leaving "thy garments beyond the outer gate!" SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Aug. 1. The regular meet, ing of the Sandy Parent Teacher has been postponed until further notico The Cottrell Parent Teacher will have its regular meeting tonight, (Aug 5.) and will have refershments and a social time after the program. Thy new teacher elected at Sandj ridge is Miss Leitia M. Capell of Port land. That school opens the first Men day in September. - It has been decided to extend th-i Sunday School vacation during August at the Sandy Methodist church. R. J. Staehli, the Sandy movie man, will get the pictures taken at the Ma lar Jersey Picnic, as soon as possil.Ie and will show them here. The Sandy Lutheran church will eel ebrate their annual n-.ission festival next Sunday at the adjoiniEg grove Prof. Sylvester will preach in the morning and Prof. Brandt in the after noon These professors are connected with Concordia College of Portland A basket dinner will be a feature of the lay and light refreshments will be sold. The afternoon service will be in English, and .everyone is cordially In vited to attend these services. Mr and Mrs. R. S. Smith, Roberta and Donald and Mrs. Sarah Cross left Wednesday via auto for a week's so- .iouri: in the Fossil country where thev will visit and "vacate" to their heart's content. Mrs. Dave Douglas, who has return ed from a week's stay In Portland .-is ports her sister. Mrs Alice Trullinger, as improved from an attack of hear; trouble that, was somewhat severe. A new Sunday School has been or ganised at Cherryville by Rev. Parano gian and Rev Cotton, the first session of which was held July 24, with an at tendance of 23. Mrs. P. Averill is tho superintendent, Lena Jonsrud secre tary, John Jonsrud treasuurer and Alice Douglas librarian. Miss Lulu Eddy gives a glowing re port of the state Epworth League con vention at Jlefferson as f ollowst: "There were about 225 young people from dif ferent parts of the state present. A few of the sublects discussed were Sunday School methods, Epworth League home and foreign missions, music and Culture. All the subjects were handled by competent speakers and gave us something' I I would not have missed for a great deal as we car ried away food for thought that will last tor a long time to come. The camp grounds were located on the Santiam river the scenery making it an ideal place for recreation. During the play periods games, hiking, kodaking etc . entertained the delegates." About 25 were present from Pleas ant Home, 45resham and other points near Sandy. Thee delegates went through the state capital on their re turn trip Rev. Earl Cetton attended the Ep worth convention and his aunt, Miss Anna Cotton returned with the party to visit a few days at Pleasant Home after which she will return to .Minne apolis to take up ner cnair as a teacnar in a university there. Next Sunday will be the regular eve ning for preaching here by Rev. Coi tou. The next regular grange meetias will be held on August 5 and it will be largely a "play-day" program. U" anyone has the music to the old Vir ginia reel please call up the Sandy rorrer pondent, there will be use for it ihat day if the music can be found. Twenty head of horses went up the line Monday to be worked on the high way. Gus Dahrens says they .ire grading, rcropmg and ballasting on the Dwyer railroad. Gus handles the steam phovei. Ther'? is no logging being done by the fiwyerCo. Raymond DeShazer is at the coast, Rockaway beach, this summer. Mr and Mrs. Henry Perret and ch'I dren were guests of the big city one .lay last weelc. Mr. and Mrs. George Perret, Liman and little Albert were "over to supper" at the Miller household one evening re cently. The Millers enjoyed the so ciability of the evening, and the Pex rets were polite enough to say they enjoyed it too. Mr and Mrs. John Maronay and Richard, Nettie Schmitz, Ephraib and Alois .Gray, Miss Edith "Harper and Herman Krebs (who was the "chaper one" of the crowd 1 had supper at the Bosholm ranch Sunday evening, and a fine supper too Mr and Mrs. George Tacheron. father and mother of Henry Perret wore out Sunday. Miss Violette Per ret, Henry's sister was also a guest. Lea McCabe and a friend were in Sand" one evening this week having a little outing and eating ice-cream. Alton Phelps was in town Monday having his pack mules shod. Phelp3 pack to Bull Run lake . It is reported that the huckleberries are much earlier this year, and some think they will be ripe in a couple -.if weeks or so C. O. Pilgrim of Dover is running a big Studebaker stage from Bright wood to Portland. A rarty of young people had a fine time Saturday night roasting- weenies and toasting marshmallows at a beauty spot on Tickle creek. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Stephan (Mid Senske) were cut from Portland Suuiay and called on the Hoffman famiiy. Mr and Mrs. A L. Deaton. f"nre Sandy residents, were out herd on a busntss trip a few day;? ago. Mr and Mrs. L. E. Hoffman took their brother R. Jaos who is here visit :ng from Minnesota, to Portland tr show him that city, on Sunday. H. Lubke was out from the city Uo first of the week visiting his old neigh bors. Anions' the Pcrland visitors Monday were Dr. A. Williams, R. E Esson, R. S. Smith, Fred Proctor and George Perret. Mr and Mrs George Perret left the first of the week fcr an outing at Can non Beach where they will occupy a cottage for a week or so and listen tu the story the wild waves tell. Mr and Mrs. C D. Purcell took a basket of goodies and had a "family" picnic all by themselves Sunday. They wenr down one of the attractive trails that abounds around this town, slop ping at the Elder log cabin that is so riuaint and artistic for. a little chat. The Elders had guests from Seattn, who like everyone that comes here, "raved" over the natural beauty that "cannot be surpassed." Mr. and Mrs. Perret had as weekend guests their mother, - Mrs. D. F. Ach son, Miss Edna and Miss Gertrude Acheson of Portland and a cousin, Miss Mary Dawson of Pullman, Wash. Other guests from Portland on Sunday weni Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bashau. The' "bunch" took a fine lunch down by thij Sandy and had a delightful picnic in the quiet woods. George Maronay and Justice- Strow hridge went to work on the cement bridges up the mountains Monday. Mrs. Thf;mas Hagan and Mrs. Alma Maronay weat to Portland ou a shop pin, trip recently in the Hagan sedan. Mrs. Maronay is miserable with a severe old fashioned cold at the pres ent time. R. S. Smith has a blacksmith em ployed from Portland now. His nanw is J. A. Kay and is recently, from the east Among those present at a delightful little home dancing party and picnic at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Kelliher of Bull Run Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thoma?, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Jadwin, Mr. and Mrs Ennis Townsend and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, the Hunneberg fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ault and daughter. M. M. Mackey and Mrs. Mackey, former popular Sandy resiuents iro now successful chiropractors in Port land, having studied together till get ting their degrees and now are practic ing together. The Misses Martha and Bertha Hoff man and one of their cousins. Miss Lydin Jabs of Minnesota, and Reubeu Hoffman, drove to Portland one eve ning recently, were met by Mr. and Mrs M. A. Deaton and all went to the Oaks together for an evening of fine sport Jack Scales went to Portland Mon day evening to "sport' around at the big buyers convention for three days. Mr. and Mrs Otto Kleeman are ou again for this season at their summer cottage east of town. Kleeman was about the first Pprtlander to build a summer cottage out here. Mr. Aschoff Sri. has been pretty much under the weather the past week but is feeling better again. George Beers served on the Federal jury at Portland for about a month but is discharged for the present. W. J. Wirty returner to the family home at Milwaukie the same evening after the Affolter funeral obsequies. While in Sandy Mr. Wirtz was a guest of the Millers and Purcells. . Cbas. Krebs and family were guests of Mrs. Marie and Herman Krebs last Sunday arter the Lutheran church services were concluded. Mr. and Mrs. E. Beers took their daughter Mrs. Harris to Troutdale Sunday where sh took a jitney for Hood River She was met there by her husband, Ernest Harris, and "Beat tie" will spend a couple of weeks with him at Parkdale. Mrs. E. Beers went to Linton last Monday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs Tex Schmitz. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Bradley of Port land visited at the Miller home Sun day, little Jean Elizabeth Miller return ing of Portland with her "other--grandparents for a visit there. A. line picture of Henrietta Doltz. pieces of Mrs Bertha A. Purcell ap peared in the Journal last week. Tommy Scales gave a small boy's idea of the ball . game Sunday: "It seems Sar.dy plays better when they don't practice than when they do, but Gillis is -such good sports that I like to see them w'n sometimes " Mrs. E. Dndd and children and Mr. and Mrs. Soraers, (Mrs. Dodd's broth er and wife) and Mr. Duncan drove to .Vewberg Sunday to spsnd the day with Mr. and Mrs McDougall, George Oodd looks fine and is working hard at the McDougall ranch during vaca tion, best way ever to spend it. Mr. and Mrs. "Si" Deaton and Merle were out here on a visit last Sunday and Monday from the real city. Mrs. A. E Collier and children are back from over a month's vacation at Hood River, the beach and other points. Friends of the Duke family, Mrs. N. E. Hair and Mr. Crosier, drove cut from Portland Saturday after Mrs. Duke and the party left Portland Sun day morning for Woodburr. and St Paul where they visited friends re turning to Portland and Sandy Sunday night Mrs. Duke says crops look fine over that way. Miss HatUe Kelley ls up from San Francisco and is spending a month at (CeBttnne4 nt 7)