Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 29, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Patre 6
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
82nd Birthday Is
Fittingly Observed
birthday party of paramount interest
was celebrated on Monday evenirg.
July 25, at the home of Mr. and Mr..
V. D. Guy when they were hosts to
a delightful affair, which was given
in honor of her father, C. L. Wood
ring, the occasion being the 82nd an
niversary. Mr. Woodring was born in Kentucky
and came to Oregon from Colorado
Springs in 1917.
It was a happy gathering of his
children, and friends who came to ex
tend congratulations to the honored
one, who has seen four score years
and two and is very acthe.
A long -table attractive with pir.k
sweet peas and baby .breath were
epread under the firs and lighted
-with incadescent lamps and laden
with many good things which the
large company of guests enjoyed. In
a nook which Mr. Woodring had pre
pared for his graudchildr-ir. was hid
den a surprise which awaited him
after the dinner approved to be s.
large hammock the gift ?f his daugh
ter, Mrs. Henry Blood presenting it.
A number of pretty and useful gifts'
lrom friends were received.
A daughter, Mrs Harry Rienmon-1
made "the large birthday cake.
Seated at the long table were Mr.
end Mrs. C. L. Woodring and Mips
Woodring; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rich
mond and son, Robert; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Blod and sons. Henry and Da
vid; Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell,
and Norma, Dorothy, Eieanor and
Muriel Campbell; Mr. a:id Mrs.. M
J. Allen and Maxine Allon; Mrs. Ca
therine Blood; Mr. and Mrs. Ciias
Richmond, and Miss La Dessa Rich
mond; Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Hood; Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Richmond; Mark Pra
kes; Clifford Woodem all of Portland
iiid Mrs. Ingrain and daughter of Ab
erdeen, Wash.. ind Mrs. and Mrs. W
D. Guy and children.
est son of Rev. and Mrs Howard N.
Smith who formerly resided here. 111
ia a graduate of the Oregon Cit"
high school, later taking a course, at
the Oregon Agricultural College at
Corallis in agriculture, which he is
putting to use on his ranch at Po
tomac, Montana, where the youns
couple will make their home.
The wedding is to be an out door
affair taking fdace in the grove at
the Jennison home.
Lodge Woman Makes .
Beautiful Spreads
Newton DeForrest has completed her
tenth crocheted bedspread which i:,
of an unusual handsome pattern i l
the star design; made in tie popcorn
stitch with a lovely border to matoh
Mrs. DeForrest commenced the
spread last winter while a visitor at
Washington D. C-, where a number
were sold for $250.00. Mrs. De For
rest finds crocheting a very pleasant
pastime as members of four genera
tions are gathering about Mrs. Ma
ble Pierce is. a daughter. Mrs Mary
a granddaughter and Hugh Fleming a
gread grandson.
Midget Is Wanted
By Picture People
Uon picture producers are seeking to
interest little Clarence Howartson in
a contract, which calls for his appear
ance one the screen. At present the
little lad, .who is 9 years old ami
weighs 19 pounds is visiting with hi-?
mother at the home of Mrs E. C
Briggs who is an aunt.
Clarence was born in Sellwood and
at the time of his birth weighed V
pounds gaining but 10 pounds in 9
years. His feet are so tiny shoes
are made to order. His parents are
residents of Elma, Wash.
Visitors of South
Are Entertained
Thursday evening1, July 14, Mr. and
Mrs. R. I j. Newcomb dined at the
Benson hotel, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer G. Kinkead of Berkeley,
alif., who are spending a few days
enroute to the Sound and British Co
lumbia cities.
Friday evening the Kinkeads spent
at the Swart and Newcomb home and
enjoyed a feast of cherries, the like
of which they say they never saw iit
the Lamberts ard Bings a' this place
are so large and delicious this year.
Saturday afternoon Mr .and Mr?.
Newcomb took the visitors to Coun
cil Crest and other places of inter
est about Portland, ending up at Mrs.
A. A. Albrights' home in Alameda
for dinner
Early Sunday morning the New
comb family and Mr. and Mrs. Kin
kead left for a trip over' the Colum
bia River Highway stopping at ail
the points of interest and enjoying
a picnic lunch at Eagle Creek.
The California visitors formerly
lived in Los Angeles but are so fa
vorably impressed with Portland and
surrounding- country that they are
willing to make another move and
cotae to Pot viand.
and Mr W. W. Woodbeok. who are
prominent in all community affairs
will accompany Rev. and Mrs. H. G.
Edgai of Oregon City will attend the
Wonder play in .Seattle. The party
will motor to the Sound city, de
parting on Wednesday. They expect
to return, on Saturday evening.
liam L. Finley, formerly state biolo
gist is now frolicking with 117 mem
bers of the Boy Scout organizations"
at Wahtum Lake, 15 miles up Eagle
Creek Canyon. He was s-ccompanie 1
by Mrs. Finley and went for the pur
pose of taking moving pictures of
their daily activities.
Social Meet Held
By Community Club
regular social meeting of the Jen- j
mutts ljOuge community club wa.3
held, at Stone Gables, the H. H. Em
mom home on the river. It proved
to be a very enjoyable affair but
owing to Chautauqua the attendance
was not quite as large os on prev
ious occasions. On the veranda five
tables were arranged fcr those who
enjoy cards. Mr3. Swart and Fred
Martin holding high jvores were
awarded pretty prizes. While the
consolation honor fell to. Miss Kam
fnski Music was much eDjoyed
Gladys Deter being the pianist for
the evening. Delicious refreshment
were served to thirty. The social
committee of the club who assisted
Mrs. Emmons in arranging the de
lightful evening were Mesdame.B
Hole, Robbins, HeDdry, and Messrs
G. M. Caldwell and D. Clemens.
Former Lodge Man
To Wed In Montana
wedding of much inter-st to local
people will take place n Montam
on July 31, when Viola Violet Jenni
son becomes the wife of R. Wendel!
Smith a well known young man nf
this county. Wendell is the youngs
Prof and Mrs. C. R. Holloway have
had Mr. and Mrs. L. L Bell of Rose
burg as their guests during the
The Bells motored to Newport be
fore coming here and then journey
ed on t9 Seaside for over the
week end. On returning they will
make a short stay here before their
return to Douglas county.
Little Lucile O'Brien is spending
a few days with her aunt, Mrs. My
ers in Portland.
Franklin T. Costley and bride of
Oregon City were dinner guests of
Mrl and Mrs. Arthur Roberts previous
to their departure for Brewster,
Wash., where they expect to perma
nently locate.
Mr .Walker and family have leased
ane of the Pierce cottaiges. The Hugn
Fleming family, who recenUy motor
ed clown from Spokane are located
in one of Mrs. Pierces collages, while
their home is undergoing repairs.
Marjf Boone of Powers. Ore., i3 the
guest of his aunt, Mrs. Edward Boyd
on Elanton street.
Mrs. Graham of Davenport, Wash.,
is visiting her father, J. A. Faulk,
having come to attend the wedding
of her brother, Marvin C Faulk, when
he was united in marriage to May
belle Oisen In Portland recently.
Mrs. J. L. Crumley who came to
attend the funeral of the late Mrs.
Flora Prior, has returned tc her
home at Buena, Wash., taking th-i
infant daughter of her brother, F. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Maple are
contemplating going to New York,
and" will leave in a few days for
Brooklyn, the home of Mrs. Maple's
A 1-x of Lambert cherries shipped
from the Hugh Roberts home to
Brooklyn New York arrived in fine
condition and were much enjoyed b."
the Easterners.
The two little Pillsters sisters from
Lents, are to spend a week with
their aunt. Mrs. Hans tVyttenburg.
Louise and Flora Alice Morse of
Phone : Sellwood 697, Automatic 2136S
John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an (tDeater In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foox of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
"' i. iui..-.
. Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
Portland enjoyed a few days with
their aunt, Mrs Bess Bruechert. .
harpy time calling' on old school
mates, boating ad swimming on the
Willamette made their three days
stay pass very rapidly. Both these
little misses have attended the vaca
tion Bible school during the summer
in the Ivingtou district.
Mjss Helen fcrtz was a business
caller at Oregon City on Tuesday.
Portland visitors who have cnjoye.1
Sunday dinners recently at the Or
man Kiggins home were Mr. and Mrs.
Reel and baby and Mr. and -Mrs.
Mrs. C. A. Eiwell is being enter
tained over the week end at the Carl
Starker home.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart were
dinner guests at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. A. A. Albrisht in Port
land on Sunday, July 24th.'
Mrs. Harry Blood and little sons
are tenting- and thoroughly enjoy the
outing near her sster, M:s. Guy.
Mrs. Mary Tripp and sov, Junior,
!?avo for the Hot Springs near the
Coast Forks on Wednesday to be
absent a fortnight.
Miss Liirian Sherwin of New York
'Jity, who is spending the summer in
Eugene ,and who was in Portland
last week taking the Electro Thera
peutic course given by Dr. Ireland
spent Tuesday, July 26th witL Mrs.
R. L. Newcomb.
Mrs. VIvyan Dent entertained with
a "porch party" on Friday of last
week. The tables were attractive
the boad veranda overlooking the
Willamette, where covers were laid
for 15 mostly Portland friends.
Wilbur and Gordon Wilcox of Rod
land visited at the Sylvia Wilcox
home recently.
Mrs. Olin Ford and children are en
joying the sea Drcezes at'Illwaco, tho
jjuests of her sister, Mrs. Gladys Wat
son. Mrs. Jones of Spokane is spending
the month of July with h-r daughter.
Mrs. Henry Zilka.
Mrs. Ella Kennedy and Miss Ger
trude have returned from a visit
with friendsi at Summit, Oregon.
J. H. Fnmmeyer of Gladstone calls
on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur
days taking orders for meats, this is
-i happy bit of information for tho
busy housewives of our community.
Mrs. Harlowe and small daughter
of Milwaukie, Miss Laura Black of
Portland and Mrs. Gei&y of Aurora
dined at Stone Gables on Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider motor
ed to Tillamook on Saturday, return
ing on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Pease wera
charming hosts to an "open air" din
ner on Saturday night. Covers were
laid for Portland friends on a table
under the trailing maples at Honey
moon cottage.
George and Lola Boss are enjoying
their vacation with relatives at
Woodland, Wash.
Cecil Rosenbury of Portland were
-.mcng them to take a dip in the
ole swimming hole on Sunday. Ce
cil' was a former resident and old
f;ien3s wore glad to renew acquain
tances again.
Mrs. Theron Finea ard daughter.
Miss Dorothy of Woodburn will spend
the remainder of the week with Mrs.
Hugh Roberts.
Among the callers recently at the
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Swart were Mr. and Mrs. E
F. Hitchcock and Mrs. Mildred Far
rington, Mr. Wilbur Ried and sono
William and Arthur. Mr. and MTS. M.
W. Millhollen and daughters, Lois
and Virginia of Portland.
Miss 'Ruby Archarnbeau and Dr.
Ravena Spurrier were caller at the
R. L Newcomb home cn Sunday,
July 24th.
Mr. Frank Knolls' machine went
over the bank, coming up the river
hill. He was accompanied by P. P.
Wood but, luckily no one was In
jured or no serious damage to tl-e
Arrong the many visitors at the
Russell Butler Poultry ranch during
the week were Mrs. H C. Kleln
schmidt who took her poultry c!a
to visit this commercial poultry plant.
Mrs. Barker chaperoned 15 young
people to a "weiner roast" on Cedar
Island on Saturday evening. A swim
was much enjoyed at this beach
which is becoming more popular wir.b
home folks each year..
Lake. Let's not forget to give our
boys and girls so faithful to us on
the farm, a day off to enjoy ihe rest
and recreation they deserve, they
wilt stay with us longer if we do.
Meadowbrook Items
MEADOWBROOK, July 27 Lillic
Schiewe returned home Monday af
ter spending the week !n Oregon
City with her si3ter Elenora.
P. O. Dunrud has been quite sick
for several days.
Bene Butler of Portland is spend
ing the week with Elenora and Lillie
About twenty-five of the young
people enjoyed a weenie roast on tho
banks of Milk Creejj Tur?day even
ing. They have moved the rock crush
er upon the Molalla river and start
ed hauling crushed rock again Wed
nesday. They expect to have the
road finished soon from -Vnio-a Mill3
up through Meadowbrook.
Myrtle Larkins spent the week in
Oregon City attending the Gladstone
Chautauqua visiting with Elenora
Sehiewe and at the Fred Creason's
John Wall of Colton got the con
tract to build the new room on the
school house which they have start
ed aleady and expect to have it fin
ished in time for the fall term.
Elenora Holroan and Virginia Whit
ing entertained several of their
friends at Oak Knoll, where a en
joyable evening was spent in dancing.
Barlow News
BARLOW, July 26 The Smith and
Chinick families spent, last week at
Seaside." They made the trip ny auto
and all report a good time.
Edward Dregme spent last week in
E. T. Tuel visited his parents in
Barlow Sunday.
A rock crusher has been built on
the Putka place. The j;ravel to be
used for the paving of the Canby
Aurora stretch is to be taken from
Interest (6) paid on General
and District Road warrants
Special road warrants paid
County Court Order No. 40,
transfer from General Road
fund to General County fund in
payment of accident insurance
County Court Order N o. 42,
transfer from General roads to
Bridge fund. .
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements.
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand
Jan. 1, 1921-
Amount on hand from last report $ 181.12
Sam Kozer, Sec. State, County Fair ap
portionment to Clackamas County 1,871.79
County Court Order No. 3-4, transfer
from General County fund to County fair 900.00
June 30, 1921
Disbursements :
Total receipts..
-$ 2,952.91
. GEORGE, July 24--Kdl Hardens.
Carl Lins and Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Paulsen motored to Portland last
Mrs. Marie Klinker, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Klinker and Chris Klinker
visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen
last Sunday.
Ted Harders and wife were trans
acting business in Oregon City last
Leo Rath and wife visited Mr. and
Mrs. Chancey last Friday evening.
Mrs. Ralph Richards, of Echo, Ore.,
visited her sister, Mrs, Julius Paul
sen for a few days last week.
of the
County Treasurer of Clackamas County. Oregon, for the six months ending,
June 30th, 1921, of money received, and paid out, from whom received, and
what source, and on what account paid out.
Jan. 1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report $ 10,982.46
Amount received from 1914 and prior tax 183.12
Amount received from 1915-16-17-18-19 tax 5,723.65
Amount received from 1920 tax
Amount received from Bond Interest and
Sinking Fund, Dist's. 34-62-103-105-108-106
115. Credit, special schools
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements :
Special school tax paid clerks$147,686.47
Express paid on school bonds
and coupons from N. Y 2.10
Bonds and Interest paid by
County Treasurer v
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand .
Jan. 1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report $ 311.23
Amount received from 1914 and prior tax 37.30
Amount received from 1915-17-16-18-19 tax 1,155.01
Amount received from 1920 tax 58,319.36
.$ 11,698.76
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements :
.$ 59,822.90
Special city tax paid to cities.$ 54,401.87
On account error in 1920 tax
roll refund to P. R. L & P. Co.
from City of Oregon City 1,777.50
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements .
.$ 56,179.37
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand..
..$ 3,643.53
Farmers Are Busy
In Oswego Section
(Too late for last week)
OSWEGO, July 23 The farmers
are all working over time trying to
get their hay hauled and paled.
They have had ideal weather for it.
Zwiney Bros:, have been doing roost
of the baling with their new machine.
The Zwinoy farms furnish an exam
ple in modern scientific methods of
farming, they have two of the best
equipped farms in the state.
The folks of Hazelia who could
take a day off enjoyed the Gladstone
Chautauqua. They considered it a
great inspiration and wished all our
tarmer folks could have had the op
portunity, which lies at our very
door to get something from the out
side to keep us out of the rut, and
cultivate a taste fur tne best which
ve always find at the Gladstone
D E. Christiansen represented the
Congregational Sunday school of Os
wego Sunday school day at Chautau
qua and gave a report of work thera.
It was considered the best average of
regular attendance of ary Sunday
school' present. The Highland Sun
day school carried eff the banner lor
the largest number represented.
Miss Jean Wilson returned home
Wednesday from her vacation trip.
She reported having a wonderful
time at Mt- Ranier. She will resume
her duties at the Hartman Thompson
bank Monday.
Dr. Laidlaw Is making vast im
provements in his "Logan View"
farm. A new well is being; drilled at
present. His bungalow is completed
and the whole place has taken on an
air of prosperity."
Another of Hazelia's progressive
young men, Paul Riglemen, is putting
up a largo green house with modern
equipment and we expect soon to see
Hazelia have all that could be desir
ed in an up to date green bcuse un
der the siplendid management of Mr.
A great many of our young peo
ple are enjoying the lure of Oswego
1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report $
Amount received from 1914 and prior tax
vAmonnt received from 1915-16-17-18-19 tax
Amount received from 1920 tax
Geo. T. Parry, Justice of the Peace No. 3
Ralph Harris, Justice of the Peace No. 2
L. L. Savage, Justice of the Peace No. 2
Lv Stipp, Justice of the Peace No. 4
E. J. Noble, Justice of the Peace No. 4
Wm. Knight, Justice of the Peace No. 6-t-
S .E. Wooster, Justice of the Peace No. 14
Jno. S. Owings, Justice of the Peace No.
15 Fines '.
F. A. Miller, County Clerk, fees
J. G. Noe, County Recorder, fees
W. J. Wilson, Sheriff fees
Alberta L. Dunn, County Treasurer, Inter
est on county deposits 2
Long distance telephone calls, refund
Sam Kozer, Sec. of State, scalp bounty
Refunds :
' Sale of typewriter $20.00
Cobblers outfit, acct. Co. poor 35.00
County Court Order No. 8 Transfer from
General High School Tuition fund to Gen.
County fund account warrants drawn-
Tuition fund
County Court Order No. 7 Transfer from
Estate fund to General County fund on
account, E. F. Fletcher, suicide buried
by the county :
County Court Order No. 41 Transfer
from General Road Fund to General
County fund to cover accident insurance
County Fair warrants paid
Total disbursements
.$ 1,015.50
June 30, 1921
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand
Jan 1, 1921
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand
-$ 1,015.50
Amounts on hand from last report
Jan. 1, 1921-Disbursements
-Amount on hand from last report; .
Institute warrants paid $ 22.02
July 1, 1921 Balance on
Jan. 1, 1921
Amount on hand from last report $ 443.21
County Court Order No. 8, transfer from
General County fund to High School tui
tion fund for payment of'wts. drawn 8,220.08
Amounts received from 1918-19 tax 1,194.16
Amounts received from 1920 tax.... 32,112.63
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements :
$ 41,970.08
General High School Tuition
fund warrants paid $
County Court Order, No. 42,
transfer from General High
School fund to General County
fund :
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements
July 1, '1921 Balance on hand'
..$ 17,140.16
Jan. 1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report $ 1,829.01
Wm. Stone, Atty. for Mary E. Wright, es
tate 3.00
F. A. Miller, County Clerk, for E. A.
Reynolds account of purse found by O.
H. E. Cross, County Judge, for County
Coroner, money found on person of E. F.
Fletcher, suicide . 2.05
F. A. Miller, County Clerk, for Wm. Ham
mond, Atty. acct. satisfaction of judg
ment, acct. Gust Vanartas, alias Gust
Thanos, estate 1,171.03
Chris. Schuebel, Atty, for G. Vopp, estate 1.00
F. A. Miller, County Clerk, account judg
ment in full and costs, Francis Hill vs.
Verd Hill, Wheatherford and Wyatt,
Atty's. 2,600.00
-Total receipts $ 5,643.64
June 30, 1921-Disbursements
Paid Oliver Reynolds, finder
of purse belonging to Mrs. Lena
Bancroft $ 5.55
Paid Mrs. Lena Bancroft,
owner of lost purse County
Court Order $ 32.00
Paid Wheatherford & Waytt,
Atty's. for Hills vs. Hill
judgment 2,600.00
Paid Emma Berkemeier, heir
of Katherine Holzman, dee'd 10.00
Paid Geo. W. Gearh'art, Atty.
for Tom Givas, Adm. estate of
Gust Thanos, dee'd 1,171.03
County Court Order, No. 7
transfer from Estate fund to
General County fund 2.05
Paid Inita Sowers Sheahan, '
heir of Martha Dixon, dec'd 5.00
-Total disbursements
-Balance on hand
June 30, 1921
July 1, 1921-
Jan. 1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report
$ 3,825.63
Amount received from 1914 and prior tax
Amount received from 1919 tax :
Amount received from 1920 tax
P. A. Miller, County Clerk, for Henry
Henry Kamp, refund
Donation, Market road No. 3
-$ 60,503.11
' 4.00
June 30, 1921 Total receipts'
Disbursements :
General County Fund warrants
.$ 61,237.84
County Court Orders No. 3-4
transfer from General County
fund to County Fair fund to
cover warrants drawn 900.00
Oregon State Game Commis
sion, acct. fish and game fines 572.15
O. P. .Hoff, State Treasurer
first half State tax due from
Clackamas County 126,735.40
Transfer from General County
fund to Elementary School
fund, 1st half, account Special
Session 1920 Laws 35,596.69
County Court Order No. 8
Transfer from General County
fund to High School tuition
fund per payment of warrants
drawn until 1920 tax is col
lected 8,220.08
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand
Jan. 1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report $ 3,756.99
Amount received from 1914 and prior tax 108.15
Amount received from 1915-16-17-18-19 tax 3,199.77
Amount received from 1920 tax 66,541.78
-$ 83,024.20
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements :
-$ 73,606.69
County School warrants paid $ 60,380.00
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements'
-$ 60,380.00
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand
Jan. 1, 1921 Amount on hand from last report
$ 13,226.69
Amount received from 1914 and prior tax 338.45
Amount received from 1915-16-17-18-19 tax 12,496.47
Amount received from 1920 tax 260,780.33
Amount received from donations 593.00
Amounts received from State on acct. of
office rent for Highway Dept. : . 23.00
Amounts received from Sale of gasoline
and oil .. 69.90
Refunds . . 1,074.77
City of Milwaukie, account paving . 13,256.88
Sale of gravel .crushed rock 1,533.73
County Court transfers, from Market
roads, 1 and 3 to General roads 403.25
Motor Vehicle fund to General roads,
Clackamas County apportionment 19,202.75
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements :
..$ 80,890.19
County Court Order transfer
from Market Roads 1-3 to Gen.
roads $ 403.25
Market Road warrants paid 13,352.01
June 30, 1921
July 1, 1921-
Jan. 1, 1921-
-Total disbursements
-Balance on hand
.$ 13,755.26
-Amounts on hand from last report $
'Amounts received from General County
fund to Elementary school fund, account
Chap. 38. Special Session 1920 Laws.
(1st half) . ? 35,596.69
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements : .
$ 35,596.69
school warrants
..$ 35,596.69
June 30, 1921
July 1, 1921
Jan. 1, 1921-
-Total disbursements
-Balance on hand
..$ 35,5!J6.69
-Amount on hand from last report $
Amount received from 1920 tax
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
Disbursements :
..$ 3,732.91
Countv Court Order No. 21 in
payment of interest due, July
1st, 1921, on 5 Clackamas
County Road Bonds, part payT
meat '. $
June 30, 1921 Total disbursements .
July 1, 1921 Balance on hand
Jan. 1, 1921.
..? 357.98
-Amount on hand from last report $
Amounts receivea irom saie oi oouus,
covering the following:
Boones erry
Mulino to Wrights Bridge
Butte Creek at Monitor ..
June 30, 1921-
July 1, 1921-
Jan. 1, 1921 .
-Total receipts
-Balance on hand
Amount on hand from last report , $
Amounts received by sale of bonds, ac
crued interest 5
Premium paid .
S 73,500.00'
June 30, 1921 Total receipts
County Court Order No. 21, in
payment of interest due, July
1st, 1921, on 5 Clackamas
County Road bonds, part Pay
1921 Total disbursements
1921 Balance on hand
Jan. 1,
June 30,
1921 Amount on hand from last report $
Amount received from Alberta L. Dunn.
County Treasurer, Custodian of school
building fund, Dist's. 62-106, to be expend
ed for building purposes only
1921 Total receipts $
Disbursements :
School Building fund warrants paid Dist,
No. 106 . $
June 30, 1921 Total
Disbursements :
General and District road war
rants paid J $195,257.55
June 30,
July 1,
1921 Total disbursements
1921 Balance on hand
CCerttinued ' on page 7)
-? . 1,937.41
-$ 24,829.92
-$ 1,818.01
$ 67,134.93
$ 3,374.93
.$ 73,500.00
-$ 43,193.60