Page Two. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1921. Funeral Held for Nathan Bickf ord NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Oak Grove Resident SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Correspondence From All Over the County TeUinig of Improvements mkJ Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Snbscriptn Will Receive Prompt Attention. Benefit Is Planned For Community Hall LAD HILL. July 28 The. Lad Hill Commercial Club decided to have n bazaar and ice cream social August 27th. for the benefit of the new hall ind ask all the ladies of this com jnunity to make some article for tho occasion. A plan to build the new hall has has been decided upon and construc tion will begin as soon as possible. Mrs. Gifford McConnell and little daughter Fay of Portland are here tor a two weeks stay with Mrs. Mc Connel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. Clair. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiser and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Case and baby motor ed to Oregon City Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Penn. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tussey. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tussey motored out from Portland Sunday and spent the day with R. H. Walls and family and .Mr. and Mrs. C A. Allen. Mrs. .Nellie McCully went to Ore gon City Thursday to viPit friends thure reluming Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and baby drove up from Portland Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Stevens sis ters, Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Edward and view the new baby. Miss Ruth Baker and Ilfr.ry Adolph of Fernwood spent Saturday evening with George Smith's. Miss Baker re maining to visit a week with her pis ter, Mrs. Smith. Harvesting is well on the way to the time of the mower and binder Considerable grain is being cut for hay, as it is not worth threshinf Predictions are that the grain yield will not be very heavy in this see tion. C. .C- Loucks packed his mess kit and blankets Sunday and drove over to Wilhoit Spings to rest for a week. The stork visited Mrs Kate Ed wards Thursday July 21 bringing a seven and one half pound boy. Mrs Edwards is a. sister of Mrs. Charley Sutton and is here on a visit from Fiistern Oregon. Dr Rankin of New berg wast the attending physician. Little Earl Farrott was chasing a squirrel last week climbed on a wood pile, fell off and cut hif. face quite badly. The Misses Evlyn and . Margreto Knoell of Tacoma whom have been Visiting with the Smith families the past two weeks will return home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Don ald Ward in company with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Parish Mr. and Mrs. Lee Renne Earl Parrish and John Watson of Fenwood Jtook their lunch Sunday and went on a picnic, stopping to eat in a beautiful grove near Wilsonville. They 'went in two cars. C. M. Kispr took his steam engine to the Newberg foundry Saturday to have some repair work done so he can get a government test and it will ne in shape, for threshing which vyill soon be here. M Nellie McCully went to Ore gon City Thursday to spend a few days with friends there returning Monday., numerous othersv own. smaller trucks for their own convenience. Mazamas Take Trip To Molalla Country Newsy Briefs From Estacada Section Harvest of Grain Starts at Stafford RTAPTOBTl Tnlv Vlcxr Vi; r. the past and grain harvest ha.- cini "lenced. Some wild oatsi i-re seen in field which can only be eradicate;! . by a couple of years of planting the field to some cultivated cren. such as broccoli, potatoes, corn, etc. Henry Gage who underwent a dou- ' ble operation some time ago, having jii ulser of che stomach, ar.d appendici tis began to have severe pains in the lower part of the body and wrr.t last week and had XR'iy picrure taker, by Dr Hugh Mount, to see if an other operation was necessary, anu to the relief of himseif and friends it was found that diet and local ap plications would eventually eifect a cure. Mr. Wm. Schattz who had a slight paralytic stroke is so he walks about and has recovered his speech in a measure. Letters from Mrs. Bettlo Prousa, nee Bettie Nemec, who was married on June 30, and is on her wedding tour to her new home in. Wisocnsni by way of California whre they ar5 visiting friends report a very enjoy able journey, discribing new scene', and new friends. The Ladies Circle of which she was a valued member met last . Thursdii and tney also received a pleasai, i ' C'liiiitiunicatron from the absent one The Chautauqua has boen enjoyed by many from this vicinity, and many Grangers attended the Grange da meeting on Saturday, and many mora would have been there but for the impei ative care of ripetingqrops which help to feed the world, but several hundred came with full bas kets and a very pleasant day was en joyed by all. Among other Grange workers, we were pleased to note the presence of Mrs. Bond of Eugene, the very efficient editor of the Grange Bulletin. Mrs. Elligson and Mrs. Nussbaum attended the camp meeting at Wood bura a number of daysi, and report a pleasant instructive time. Mrs. Eva -"Ray and two babies are visiting relatives and friends in Staf ford. Their home is at Rainier. 'Mrs. O. F. Thornton who has been with her daughter a nnmber o months is with her motiirr, Mrs. M. A. Cage, and enjoyed Chautauqua. Miss I.ydia Moser, who has been teaching m Sherman county,, siue graduating at Monmouth, will return to teach in the same school the com ing v-aar. - Mr. Ratge who was very ill in the spring is Recovered in health so that he drives his machini r- nal!y. The Oldham trucks MOLALLA, July 6 About . 50 Ma zamas passed througn here Saturday on their way to the Molalla river to spend thte week end. They hiked out two miles east to the Dickey bridge where they made camp for the night. Swimming was indulged in and later in the evening they all gathered round a lage camp fire to listen to the folowing program. Viu- lin solo, Emil Leitz (Cavalleria Rus- ticana) 2nd (Franmeria) : vocal duet, Misses Roxama Kendail, W. S. Schmarr (Italia Beloved) : mandolin solo, Thos. Fisher (Midnight patrol) vocal solo. Miss Lulu Carr (My Rose), violin solo. Miss Neilin; trio Molalla Scouts, Kayoo"s: accordian solo, Mr. Newberger; reading, Geo. Meredith (Shooting of DanMcGrew): zither solo, Mr. Helm; vocal solo, Messrs. Warner and Smith (Star board watch) : reading, Mrs. Dorol- ing; vocal solo. Miss Crissie Young; vocal solo, Mrs. Eyler Brown: instru mental duet, Messrs. Fisher and Leitz; vocal solo. Miss Fisher (Love is the Climax of Life) this song was composed by Cecil Pendleton one of he Mazamas; vocal solo, little Miss Jane Everson; Sunday school song led by-Perle Forman; chorus, Amer ica, by the crowd. A whole lot of Nothing from New-here, Emil Leitz. This ended the program which was enjoyed by all. Sunday was spent in swimming and hiking across coun try. They returned to Portland bun day evening. Those attending the program from here were R. H. Bow man and family, Mrs. John Shepherd and daughter, Dorothy, Willis Stan Oinger, Lester Dickey and Jack Fey rer. Several from - hei-e attended the dance at Union "Mills Saturday even ing. All reported a fine time Milton Dicks and family. Jess T7-u; oti fonii v all t-f ShI wn(Kt tv uilc n 1 1 v. 1 . v . . . . - - I f;... visited the Charles Oglesby home iI,c"uo over the week end. . A picnic dinner was held on the .Molalla river near the Dickey bridge by the J. R. Cole family Ttose at tending were Ben Cole and family, Barrel Cole and family. Aliie Cut ting and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. G Miller. The Tolliver family and Peter Faurie and family. They all enjoyed the dinner and th-2 day very much. E. L. Palfrey and family and Miss Mary Echerd attended unautauqua ;it Gladstone Thursday W. F. Arison and wife, ol Maplo Lane and Mrs. Eothwell Avason oi California . visited William Avison and family Sunday. , V. M- Smith and family are vis iting at the John Cole Home tni week . They are on their way to Wvoming by way of. Yellowstone park. They are making tae trip by auto. Walter Taylor, editor of the Mo lalla Pioneer, left Sunday icr a i" week's stay at ' the Bagby Hoi Springs. G- J- Taylor is in charge during his absence. Those accom panying him were S. A. Xnapp and son, Duane and Stanley Mason. Doctor Hume and family left Sun- lay for Pacific City. They expect to be tgone a week. Misses Bessie and Mary Echert, Mary Palfrey and Ernest Palfrey mo tored to Wilhoit fcprings sunujiy eve ning t: attend, the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Ciay Hungate and on, George and Frank Powman and An r SteininsKfr tcoK tneir iu-j- ESTACADA' July 27 Mrs. A. E. Sparks ' visited friends in Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Eschleman at tended the Chautauqua at Gladstone Friday. Mrs. M. J. Kerkes is at Wilhoit Springs, but will return the last of thia week. Dr. and Mrs. Hsry Morgan, with the little daughter, arrived from Rose- bung last Thursday to spend a month with relatives at this place. They OAK GROVE-, J-iIr.27, Dave Palm Mad was recently surprised at his home in honor of his birthday. Those, present were John Palmblad and wife, Chas. Palmblad and wife, Swan Magnuson, F. Guilofson and son VVendohl and Albert K. Palm blad and wife, all of Gresham, and K. Gastafson and children of Port land. Paul Palmblad and wife of Oak Grove. Sam Bocking and wife Have gone on a weeks outing. R. R. Davenport, wife and little daughter spent the week end with relatives in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. OhI and Miss Eve Campbell have gone on a week's out ing trip and in returning Mr. Ohl cx pects to purchase a home -here. Mre. L. Armstrong was pleasantly surprised recently, the accasion be- insr Jn honor of hei birthday. Those present were Mrs. Hattie Conn ffcm are now guests at the home of the doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. California, Mrs. J. S. Smith of Rothe S. Morgan A new awning has been built over the front of the Reed building', occu pied by Wooster's office and the bar ber shop. Preparations are being made for an addition to the A. G. Ame residenc KitcJvng & Jones ae building , thS foundation A new sidewalk has been built in front of the Lemon residence on Zo- brist stre-t. J. W. Stafford was here from Port land Saturday looking after business interests. Dr and Ms. A. G- McCall returned front their vacation in the Santiam country, last Saturday night. Miss Bina Douglass returned Wed nesday night from a visit in Portland On account of some technical er ror in the election of George Weath- erby as director at the last school meeting, the election will have to be held over again, August 5. The public library will be closed through the month of August, at which, time the librarian, Mrs. Nina Ecker, will spend part of- h.ei vaca tion at the coast. Mrs. R. G. Marcbbank, who is con fined at St- Vincents hospital in Portland, recovering from a very ser ious operation, is reported to be get ting along vry satisfactorily, which will be eood news to her many A long felt want for this place was ice, but the difficulty of sending to Portland for this most essential arti cle has been remedied, as an ice wa gon from Gresham makes . regular trips to Estacada now and seems to have a large number of customers. James Pickard lias bought the F. C. Hunt property, a two story busi ness building, on Main street. A. J. Schoth who wa3 a member of the high school faculty here last vear. was in Estacada Saturday. He has a position at j;anhatt"n, Kansas, where he has been appointed direct or of a boy's club under tl-e manage ment of the state. The Holsem bread wagon was ov erturned on the Boring hill as it was coming to Estacada last Friday. The driver received some minor injuries. Mr. and Mrs. J. D Stout and daugh ters Imogene of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Gihbs last Sun day. Earl Kilgore, Editor Gibbs and 3. E. Wooster were Gresham visitors last Friday .locking after some print ing for the fair at this place in Sep tember. J. C. Duus and wife were among the Chautauqua visitors at Gladstone last Sunday. Miss Gladys Kandle is in Salem vlv fting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus motor ed to Vancouver last Sunday. Dave Hoffmeister of Eagle Creek, was acquitted from the charge of hav ing liquor in his possession by a jury trial in Oregon City last week. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church had a picnic dinner in th-- park lal:t trip over the Columbia Highway last j Wednesday. . There was a table load week. They had dinner at Hood , ed with everything good to eat, such River and returned home late in the i as usually is served at a picnic diu- pvening ai; enjomg ui h'f the beautiful scenery. Pen Cole made a -easiness trip to Portland Monday. John Cole expects to start thresh- ng n tms vicinity me laai, -i "- veek. All liie larmeis arc ui wai ting grain. F. M. Hendrickson and family left this week for Long Beach, on their vacation. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Clyde Engle, Harvey Evcrhart and family, left fTida morning for a two weeks vacation at Belknap Spring3. John Yeager and family visited his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. l.. lea-gi i.f Portland Sunday. Clyde Engle is building a new res idence on Molalla Avenue C. A. Purdon, the Evangelist, - is holding revival meetings here Sun day evening. Professor I. C -oi-cord, special song leader, and daush ters, Ruth and Lorene of Portland took part last Sunday. Professov Oolcord has been song leader of the Dixon meetings of Portland for tbo past four years. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Robbins motor ed to Oregon City Sunday. Their i:ttla daughter Shirley, ang at the Liberty theater in the afternoon and evening. JONSR'JD-SANDY KELSO, July21 Friends of Mis.3 Stella Jonsrud will be interested in hearing of her marriage last week to John Sandy of Portland. She l is a lauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jonsrud, and was stenographer for a Portland firm. Mr. and Mrs. Sand.v have returned from a inp io n" beach and are making their borne m Rose City, Portland. CHURCH SERVICES Rev. A. S. Mulligan of Salem, Ore., vill preach at the Tualatin church. Sunday 11 a. m. and at wnsonvme 8 p. m. Mrs. R. H. Heimbach will havo charge of the music at Tualatin and -i. C. E. Stout will De tne piauu- ,., TTT'l -.r.-llle. ner and a jolly crowd contributed to the success of the joyous occasion. Af ter dinner the ladies enjoyed the af ternoon in the park. Mr. and Mrs. George Hislop spent the week-end in Portland with their son, Stewart and daughter. Mrs. In-?z Greenleaf. Air. Hislop went to the Oaks to hear the Luther College Band from Decora, Iowa,, which was his eld home'. Mrs. C E. Surfus of Engle Creak, spent Sunday with her mother, Mr-.. C. 1. Allen. Dr. L. A. Wells enjoyed a visit from his mother the first of the week She returned home -Wednesday eve ning, the doctor taking her to Port land Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bass are attend ing a camp meeting in Portland this week. The Linn clan are tto have their annual picnic and reunion in the park next Sunday. The local W. c- T. U. are makin;? arrangements for a program and pic nic supper in the park on August 4 T'he program will begin at 2:30. Ev erybody is' invited to come and bring 'out family and a basket The Christian church at this place is undergoing repairs and- there will he no services until the first Sunday in September. Ray. Miller is working in the Es tacada State Bank. , Miss Loretto Smith is absent from the bank taking a week's vacation T. C. Jubb is reported to be very ill at his home in this city. Fears are entertained for his recovery. H. C. Stephens has lumber on the ground for some ot his buildings on his lots on Terrace Addition. The work of paving Broadway has becn delayed considerably on account of not having sand Ted Howe is looking after the grain business of Bartholomew & Lawrence while Bartholomew is away on jury duty. station, Mrs. J. Lindsay of Wallula Ore. Mrs. Frank oKenig of Portland, Mrs. J. H. Graham; Mr M. F. Hob kirk, Mrs. L. Riley. Mrs. Ak Hyde of oak Grove. Refreshments wer. served,, a eood time enjoyed T. Deeds has added a coat of paint to his house. Paint makes a decided change of appearance. Several of our Oak Grove residents has improved their homes in this manner this sea son. Mrs. H. Milne of Washington is visiting Mrs. S. 'Blohm Mr. and Mrs. A. Hyde are spend ing :wo weeks at Manhattan Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C- L. H:nson have gone to Rockaway beach fir Mr. Kin son's vacation of three weeks. Mrs. W. B- Bachsdale's pupils gave a pleasing music recital one evening iast week at the home of E. E. Grif fith's. Mrs. E. R. Lea-gershum has return ed from Mabel, Oregon and is now at the home of J. R. Fagersham where she will visit sometime before re turning to her home in Irrigm. We are wondering what the water commission is doing. It is time something Was done but our commis sioners keep rather quiet and ou" people are v-ery anxious to know what is doing. Rl'V1. DeLong an)i . family of Ar lington who. visited friends here- last week left Friday for Tacoma accom panied by Mrs. H. C- Krura and son, Clifford. The trip was mde by auto. Mr. and Mrs. De Long have many friends here. Mr. DeLong for merly was pastor of the Community church and is now pastor at Arling ton . While here Rev. BeLong did much wort with the young folks es pecially the boy scouts. Mr. B. S. Wilson is- suffering from 'i sprained knee, is able tc De about on crutches. Miss Jeanette Luper of Hillsboro is a guest of Mrs. J. H. Yearsley. Mrs. O. W. Barnett is. on the sick list but not serious. Wilbur Yearsley is - visiting . in Hillsboro. . . ' Mrs. John ' Waldron and family re turned home Monday after a month's visit with relatives in Dakota H. E. Meads and wife and Miss Florence Little motored to Eastern Oregon last week and will spend about ten days in and around Bend and other eastern and central Ore gon point3. BIG MEET HELD BY JERSEY CATTLE CLUB AT FIRWOODEEN FARM River Road to Be Opened on August I MILWAUKIE, July 25 The river road which has been closed for t?-e past two months, on account of San itarium hill just south of Milwaukie being paved is to be opened August 1 Loren Shove and family of Thomp sen Falls, Montana are guests of the Miiwaukie Hotel this week Mr Shove has a position to teach in the Mii waukie schools the coming season. M, E. Kelly who lost a finger in sn accident at the Thomosen Bullis shingle mill about three weeks ago will soon be able to resume work. The city council has ordered placed at the intersection of Main and Mon roe streets a semifour. This has been a bad turn and the city believes in safety first. Mr. and Mrs Pearson of Newberg are Milwaukie visitors this week. The fight which was scheduled for this week has been postponed until August 3rd owing to the failure of Joe Simroonich to keep his engage ment. Frank Gallagher, arrestei Saturday night by oficer Wagenblast was final ?10 and sentenced to 20 day in jail by Judge Kelly in police court. He was charged with being intoxicated. The jail sentence was suspended. Dodge News. Items DODGE, July 26 Miss Ten Eyek paid a short visit to Dodge on Mon day after spending nearly two weeks in camp at Gladstone Chautauqua, where she enjoyed a very pleasant and profitable holiday She speaks very highly of the Chautauqua be cause of the opportunities presented for 30ciabiliay, entertainment and in structlon. She returned to Marmot on Tuesday to spend a further period with her parents. On Sunday Tom Watson. Mrs. Wat son and family of Viola visited with Fred Horner and family. They spoke highly of the new schoolhouse and other improvements which have Been made since their last visit. Their first home after coming to this coun try was at Dodge and considerable improvements have Deen made sinc: that., time. Harry Morton and wife of Welches visited the Keller home on Sunday and took with them their daughter who has been spending a week at Dodge. The Boy Scouts went "back to Pert- land on Saturday after a very beau tiful time spent in the woods In ar.d around Hillockburn. They sure were a jolly buch as rode away In the big truck sent out to get them. Preparations are heing made fcr the next Community club meet which promises to be a rery enjoyable af fair. Don't forget the date August 6. SANDY, July 23 This was anotn er big day in the history of Oregon Jersydom. The C- C. J. C. C. which met at Firwoodeen Farm, the attract ive home of Mr. and Mrs". Anton Ma lar, Jr., was an event of national in terest for several reasons. The sil ver cup which was a gift from the Jersey Bulletin, and was won by the Clackamas County J. C. C. was pre sented to the club, O. M. Plummr, manager of the Pacific International Stock Show, making a splendid pre sentation speech. Mr. Plummer also presented the gold medal won in 1920 at the "biggest Jersey show ever held in the world" to the C- C. J. C. C-, and a medal of the same class was presented to D. Brocks Ho gan for showing the best herdsman-ship. Then the meeting itself was anoth er mark Mr Oregon, a" distinctive feature being a mere definite and en larged conception of Oregon's possi bilities. Oregon now holds more rec ords than any state in the union and yet the work is only begun. The question was asked, Why should lo cal people continue to import from the Isle of Jersey? Cannot we reach the "distributing point" and send out a flood of the worlds best producers? A telegram of congratulations was al so read by Mr. Plummer from the editor of the Jersey Bulletin at In dianapolis which was enough to make old Clackamas vain! J. D Mickel was.jhe main speak er of the .day and he not only paid tribute to Oregon and Clackamas county in general but also to it's live wire secretary, Mrs. Anton Malar, Jr., in particular. - Multnomah county "heard' all of j these "good things" and had the te- i merity to hint that "Clackamas can not, and should not win the cup again:- Evidently there is such an 'nterest awakened in the Jersey world that it will take heroic work this year to win the covered laurel. During the morning the splendid herd of Malar Jerseys was admired by the throng of Jersey lovers before ihe business session began. Walter Krebs had four full blooded hogs of the O. I. C. variety judged also. After the wonderful "foed" which was spread on tables under the "old apple trees" moving pictures were next in order, "'Sandy's man" of Port land "filming" the most interesting proceedures, also the crowd of some 200 people. These films vill be shown in the Columbia theater, Port land lections, words of which were com posed by Mrs. Malar. Three classes of jerseys were judfe by the follow ing members of the Junior Calf Club: Mildred and Verner Anderson of Bor Boring, Rudolph Hansen, Boring, and vhe three Kanne boys of Happy val ley, Prof. Brandt of O. A. C. placed the animals. Prizes were bestowed 'ipon the following: 1st and 2nd prizes, Verner Anderson and Herbert Kanne; 3d prize, Rudolph Hansen, Boring. Among the many prominent Jersey J folk at the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. G- Smith and family of Scappoosa Smith is president of the Columbia county J. C. C- and the Washington county club was represented by Mr. and Mrs. George Biersdorf and fam ily of Cornelius. Several prominent Multnomah Deonle were Dresent. B. C. Altman, president of the Multifi- mah Club and Mrs. Altman and oth ers. Col Hughes and wife from For est Grove. Mr. Hughes is considered the jgreat cattle auctioneer of the west. Dr. Copne, veternarian and Mrs Coone also of Forest Grove; M. S Shrock and wife, and J.. D. Mickel, of Portland ana Mr. Lusher of Fair view, president of the Oregon Dairy men s League, W, A. Hclt, county agent, Mrs. Purcell county club lead er and many other leaders in the county were there. ' The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. See ley of Wilsonville on Saturday, Sept. 3. President N. H Smith ably pre sided during the day. John Aff olter, Jr. Killed in Accident SANDY, July 26 The funeral of Nathan Bickford who passed away at Camp Kearney, near Los Angeles last Friday was held today at Pleasani Home. Mr. Bickford had the influen za in Texas and was not able to gir across the water when his own com pany went but Went with another company later and was at the front for two weeks. He was taken ill at Camp Kearney about " three months ago with tuberculosis. His mother, and sister, Mrs. Mary Johnston, went down to see him a month ago, the mother returning home ten days ago and Mrs. Johnston remaining to the end, returning with the body yesterday. This popular young man was 23 vears of age. Beside his parents, Mr. and Mrs. NT. H. Bickford two brothers and three sisters survive as follows: Mrs. N. Miller, Mrs, Mary Johnston. Miss Hel en Bickford, John of Toledo, Wash, and Harry Bickford of Boring Aged Man Is Laid To His Final Rest SANDY, July 25 The funeral of Clark Whipple Corey who passed away Friday evening was lheld at the family home between Sandy and Cherry ville Sunday afternoon, Rev. Earl Cotton conducting the services. Mr. Corey was born in Saratoga county, N". Y. and had lived out here the past fifteen years. His health began to fail between two and three months ago, no special disease at tacking him, but he gradually grew weaker until the end came, presum ably from old age. Mr. Corey was 4 years of age last April. Besides the widow, two sons, Glenn and Lloyd Corey survive. The interment was at the Cherryville cemetery. sandy, July 26 Word was receiv ed here Monday morning of a terri ble accident in which John Affolter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrst John Affd ter of the Dover vicinity was instant ly killed. John and his brother Al bert were at Tillamook on a vaca tion and on Sunday John, in com pany with his cousin Fred Affoltfr and wife spent the day at Pacific City, a little beach resort, and as tb; three were riding back co Tillamook on a motorcycle the affair occured. The night was very foggy and John was at the wheel and evidently go ing too fast for safety. It was at a point about thirty-five miles south qf Tilamook City at 2 A. M. Monday the sccident occurred when the motor cycle approached a sharp curve and fearful of going over the bluff John turned the wheel so suddenly the motor stopped and all three went head first over the motorcycle. John's head striking the cliff. Mrs. Affol ter was terribly injured and may not recover. John Affolter. Sr. received a tebv gram early Monday morning and started for Tillamook at once, return ing Monday night and going to Port- in two weeks, after -vhioh they land Tuesday A. M. to arrange for will be shown all over the state, j bringing the body out to Sandy, the Marshall Davis, our own home pho- Tillamook undertaker having em tographer also "took" the crowd. balmed and sent the remains to Port The Sandy quartet sang three sc- ' land Tuesday morning. Writers of Salem Convene at Sandy SANDY, July 32 Eight members, "f the modern writer's section of rhe Salem Art's League motored to Sandy last Thursdy- to bold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. F. D Eason who is on of the club's prominent members and who. has recently moved to Sandy from Sa lem. This club was organized two vears ago and its members are do ing fine work. The efficient presi dent. Ruth Farwo has earned the dis tinction of "arriving" as a writer of short stories and magazine articles. Several other members of the club also rtport sales frequently. Miss Minnie Harding, also a club member if teacher of expression in Willam ette "U" is the author of "Yanki San- an operetta which has reached its fourth edition. This operetta will probably be put on at Salem this fall under Miss Harding's direction. Mrs. Eaton served a delicious .-Tin ner to her guests at noon after which original poems and stories were read and discussed by the various members and Mr-and Mrs. Eason en tertained in the evening with a splen did picnic supper at Cedar Creek, af ter wiiich more productions ware read and criticized. Guests present (Continued on Page Three) MLII!!ll!!!I!II!lllll!(!ll!Illlllli!ll!!l!!l!ll!!llllllU!I!l!!I!lll!II!II!IIII!li!!l!IIilin YOU ARE BOUND TO BE PLEASED NEW BLIZZARD ENSILAGE CUTTER WITH THE... Fifty large families wanted to huy groceries at "George Cash Store" at Carver. Adv. . You will like its trim, simple design. You will note that it has as few parts ss possible and that they are. very sturdy. its self You will like and power its feed which takes the ma terial as fast as you can get it to the machine. Blizzards fill the tallest silos with evenly cut silage. Mounted or unmounted as desired. Note the simple, business like design Come and see the New Blizzard. FOR ALL POWER NEEDS Pumping, Grinding, Sawing, Threshing, Baling, Etc. Etc. ECONOMICAL DURABLE DEPENDAALE W.J.Wflson&Co. Oregon City Agents for 10TH AND MAIN STS. ffff Farm Machinery, Pumps, Engines I!II!!IIl!iniII!I!!!l!IIIIII!li!iIin