Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 22, 1921, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Page 7
Judge H. E. Cross Chosen To
Head Newly Formed
Permanent organization of the
Clackamas County Pioneers Associa
tion was effected at a big barbequ':.
dinner at the Gladstone Chautauqua
Wednesday. This meeting, attended by
250 old timers in. the county, was the
largest and most enthusiastic held
this season by any organisation on
the grounds. The barbegued beef was
furnibhed by the courtsey of the
Chautauqua association.
At the election of officers. Judge
Harvey E. Cross of Gladstone was
made president; David Canfield, Ore
gon City, vice-president; E. C Hack
ett, Oregon City, secretary; F. G
Caufield, Oregon City, treasurer, end
Molly Parlow -vilkins, historiau." As a
coincidence, the day also marked .he
birthday of Vice President Caufield,
a picueer of '47. Dr. Owe-ns-Adair was
the oldest pioneer nn the grounds at
the dinner, her badge proclaiming her
coming to the state in 1S43 At the
love feast," just following the. din
ner, Molly Barlow Wilkins presided,
and toasts were responded to by Gil
bert L. Hedges, Hon. M C. George,
Harvey G. Starkweather, and George
c Himes, curator of the Oregon His
torical Society.
- Historic Volume Planned
At il o'clock in the auditorium
President Cross, who is also president
ot tbe Chautauqua Association, pre
sided, and adresses were made i '
Hon. J. D. I-.ee, of Portland: I fen. M.
C. George, of Portland, and Peter H.
D'Arcy, of Salem. The adoption of
permanent by-laws and a constitution
provided for annual meetings of the
new association, and it is also planned
to compile a historical volume deal
ing with the lives of the pioneers of
this section.
tuneral services were held Wednes
day for Mrs. Lucy'Tjcormau, who died
last Monday at Mohill.i. The inter
ment were in the Idlewilde cemetery
of Kood River.
Mra- Boorman was the wife of the
late William Boorman, who died at
the age of 87. Mrs. Boorman was S3
Mrs. Foomon, who"" was born a
Wheeling, west Virginia, had resided
in the state since a smallgirl. The
following children survive: Scott
Boorman of Orchards, Wash.; Mrs. J
H. Ackerman of Monmouth; Alfred
Boorman of Portland; Mrs. Ralph El
lis of Molalla; Mrs.. Frank Caddy of
Gresham, and Mrs Warren Miller and
Mrs. F. C. Sherrib of Hood River.
Twmtyeight rand children, IS
great grand children, and two great
great grand children survive.
Marriage License Issued
A marriage license was issued hervs
Wednesday to Ross H. Swaggert, 21
and Wanda A Dixon, 24. Poth are
from Milwaukee -
A vacation only slightly under the
influence of liquor attracts considerab
ly more attention than before prohibi
, Western Newspaper Union.
N THE peaceful and picturesque
shore of the River Potomac, some
sixften miles south of our national
capital, stands Mount Vernon the
tome of The Father of His Country.
It was so named in honor of Ad
miral Vernon of the British navy and
It is to the efforts of the Mount Ver
non Ladies' association of the Union
that the citizens of America are in
debted for the preservation of this
rational shrine..
Occupying a site of great charm,
commanding a sweeping view of broad
river and pleasing landscape. Is this
grand old mansion to which the young
officer came to live shortly after his
marriage" and to which he retired from
th presidency, to spend his days in
a manner befitting one of his rank,
means and time, and where he died
in 3799.
TEe structure was built in 1743
and contains many of the original
furnishings and relics of the family.
Clustered about It are the barn, coach
bouse, spinning house, meat house, ice
house, wash house, kitchen and other
outbuildings. Nearby is a remarkable,
old-fashioned garden, with quaint,
oddly-designed spaces set off by box
hedges, said to be 150 years old. In
this garden Is a coffee tree said . to
have been planted in 1824 by General
Lafayette and cuttings from a willow
tree which It Is claimed were brought
from the grave of the great Napoleon
at St, Helena.
Enclosed in two marble sarcophagi,
in a small and simple structure within
the grounds, rest the remains of Gen
eral George Washington and his con
sort Martha.
The Cost -Of Crookedness
I In addressing the world's Christian Endeavor con-
vention in New York, Roger Babson, a well known
statistician, remarked that the causes of business de-
pression are not industrial but spiritual. He. felt that
the future of the country is not determined by politic-
ians or laws, but by organiatizons like the. Christian
Endeavor society that are working for moral and re-
ligious progress.
Good laws and wise administration can do a great
deal to remove business troubles, yet the underlying
cause of commercial difficulties lies deeper. As long
as people are dishonest and unfair, trying to get the bet-
ter of each other, there is bound to be dissension and in-
dustrial stoppage.
If the whole world had been fair and honest, the
great war, would never have come. If all employers
sought earnestly the welfare of their help, and all em-
I ployes were willing to do a faithful day's work for fair.
pay, there would be no strikes and smooth prosperity
would follow.
Human selfishness is very deep rooted.- But you
can persuade people that it pays to be square. When
business men or workers try to put over anything that is
I not equitable, when they try to win their contentions
1 by force and not by merit and reason, they should re-
1 fleet that the people who try to squeeze and crowd are
soon marked out for hogs. They get public disapproval,
and encounter the fate that hogs usually get.
I The only way to win any kind of success, is by a
1 policy of honest and fair dealing in which the interest
of all parties is given equal consideration. The people
who take an unfair advantage because they think they
1 can get it, may win it temporarily. But they create a
I reputation for themselves that sets everyone against
J them, and in the end they lose out.
Gladstone News I
Mr. and Mrs. George Dallas cf Fort
land, formerly of Carver, snout Sun
day with their son and wife. Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Rankin, who are camping
at Chiiiitauqua Park.
One of the most enjoyable picnics
at Chautauqua Park was held Friday
evening at the camp of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Legler A delicious outdoor
dinner was served to 12 guests after
which, they attended the entertain
ment at the auditorium Those enjoy
ing Mr. and Mrs. Legler's hospitality
were Mrs. Charles Moran of Glen
Echo; Dr. and Mrs. V. L. Roche ;f
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Gillett
of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Francis.
Mis3 Lillian Gillette and F-lwcrd
Hihbs ol Oregon City.
Herman B. Davis, a prominent
farmer of Esstacada. motored to Ore
con City Sunday and spent ths after
noon at Chautauqua
John Page, whose homo is' near Ea
taca.ia, met with a serious accident at
Chautauqua Park Sundav while acting
as guard of the parking grounds. H3
had stepped on the running K.ard of
a machine to tell the driver where to
park when a lurch of the car threw
him to the ground, crushing his foot
snd-,heaking his leg. The driver mad -3
a swift gstaway and the number .it
ihe machine was not obtained.
Mrs. Harris of Ocean F.ills B. C,
is the house gxiest of Mr. and Mrs. F
A. Burdon. Leo Burdon, who b:is been
visiting his parents, has returned to
his home at Ocean Falls, while Mr.
Burdon and little daughter Marabell
will remain here for some time beforo
joining Mr. Burdon
Mrs. L. H. Strickland is slightly im
pinged but is still confined tc h;r
Mr. J. R. Gerber and son Francis
hare returned to their home in Port
land after visiting at the homo of her
sister. Mrs. Charles Legler.
F. P. Nelson has started a modern
home on East First street for Edwant
W. Rauch. This is one of the prettiest
home sites in the city. The house be
ing built by Catto and Rankin on
East Clackamas Boulevard for L. II.
I5axtr is nearlng completion
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cross and phiid-
ren of Sell wood are camping at the
Chautauqua Park. Mf. Cross is mar
shal on the grounds during his vaca
tion. He is identified with the. Port
land Light & Power company
Mr. and Mrs. Otha Taylor were re
newing acquaintances at Criautaurju.i
Siinda.y. They fcrmerlv li-. ed near Es
tacada. where Mrs .Taylor, nee Ro
etta Ehy, was a teacher. They are ;
now residing in Portland. !
Mrs. John Shanno and sons. Fred :
ll.ifrslk VV-.'ft,JM I, J J. ,.UI . HIM.. .iill. in .!! I. j...;iV...J.i!..!J. !!.!,, l),iH.H,.X
m. ----- !.-. . s
fn.-'- f " " .iiii, i 111 'I ) i I i 1 i 'J t . 17
A general view of the staunch vessel which will take Professor Donald
B. MacMillan to the Arctic with his crew. Professor MacMiUan Is the
well known Arctic explorer, and has taken part in many expeditions.
lie Lnd Dave are visiting her sister.
Mrs. F. I,. Shannon this week, and
spent Monday at her farm near
Beaver Creole gathering cherries.
Averill Shannon, the Enterprise car
rier of Gladstone, met with quiet a
serious mishap Saturday. While pjfty
ing ball fce stepped fn a board with a
rusty nail in it. which went through
his shoe into his. foot
Elvin Catto, junior member of the
Freytag Grocery company, cut his
foot quiet severely while Cutting fire
wood at his camp at Chautauqua.
Miss Norma and Hesper Leete,
Thomas Reynolds and W. W. Leete
picnicked at Chautauqua Fary Sun
day, enjoying both morning and even
ing programs. Mr. Leete is a life mem
ber of the Chautauqua Association.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wickmun and
little daughter Jenette Roberta, aro
waking their heme at the Grand Union
apartments in Portland. Mr. Wickman
has a position with a wholesale gi""-
cery house
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Buner. u
Parkpl.ice and Rev. and Mrs Crocker
of Oie.gon Citv stre planning an ex
tensive auto trip through the Yellow
stone National Fiirk, m:king many
side trips throughout the Northwest
Thf-y expect to leave about August 1
Mrs Mack Rivers, who underwent
an operation at Sellwocd hospital
some three weeks ago- is much im
proved and was brought home tc
Parkplace Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whit worth ard
-on Robert of Aurora w?re picnicking
with friends at Chautauqua Frrk oa
Miss Rose Konik-on of Portland
was a week end vititor w'tft Mr. anil
7vJrs. Kyler.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bannon have
left for .hi automobile trip through
Mr .and Mrs Ernest Smith. Jr., of
Forest Grove, and. mother Mrs. E
Smith went to Newport Thursday an 1
spent the week eni. Mrs Sm;th Sr..
retui ned Monday and the others "of
the party will remain for the week at
ihe beach.
Mrs. Ray Cameron, wife cf the pro
prietor of the Falls restaurant, has
returned from Seaside where she has
been spending the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Irus Quinn are movinir
into their new home on West Arling
ton street
Miss Ruth Young is a guest at tin
Swartz home of Maple I ane
Mr. and Mrs. James Thornton an 3
daughters Bell and Shelby and Mrs,
wiiiiam Edward or Portland were
week end guests of Mr and Mrs. ioh
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nilus, Mr. an !
Mrs. J. E. Hammock and s-on, Akron,
left Monday for an extended trir
through California, visiting friends
A Creditable Experiment.
Unofficially, it is state
county this ear will cost more than $1,000,000.
The building of the new bridge across the Willamette, th
state highway work, the market road construction, :tnd the gen
eral read work will easily brir.g the aggregate total o seven
figures. This colossal improvement program, is practically char
acteristic of the rate at which, road work is being done through
out the nation.
Despite murmuring' against high taxes, and the unwillingness
of .the voters to bond themselves for further highway obligations,
the county, state and nation, seem to be getting as many miles
in actual construction as during any time in the country's his
tory. .
But with the business of America In a condition where capital
is anything but a mobile
.i ever,, to tun value for every dollar that is spent upon the roads.
And the answer to full value is permanent highways. More anj
more such roads are being constructed, and gradually the per
centage of macadam, and temporary construction is fallinp. off
In Clackamas county, with the building of the new Pacific
Highway route, the -idea of permanence is being carried to a
logical application. Re-enforced concrete pavement is replacing
the old type of roadbed on this thorofare. Concrete roiids accord
ing to Resident Highway Engineer F. T. Young are being used more
ana more in place or
in S.m Francisco. They expect to re
turn to Oregon about September 1.
Mrs. Clifford Niles and son Newell
spent Wednesday with friends inPort
Itnd. Land Funds Drvided;
County Gets $129.27
In the apportionment of lands re
ceived for the sale of public lands dar
ing the two years ending June 30,
1920, Clackamas county will receive
The apportionment of five percent
of the funds received was made Tues
day by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
Under. th law this apportionment i3 '
based on the area of public landr in
each county, there being a total of )
61,18S,48o acres of these lands ?"n th-i
state - -
The acreage in Clackamas county is
1.192,260. This acreage is the I7th
largest in the state The smallest is
in Multnomah county which received.
Fire Starts in Brush
but Does no Damage i
A fire in the brush at First and High
streets, on the bluff, started at 10
o'clock Wednesday night
The fire department extinguished
the blaze before it h.vl a chance to
spre;:d and '1 any dam:go
No cause for the fire was aFcertain-
One wearied California editor whose
waste basket is overflowing remarks
truthfully that it would help a lot if
more persons could see the poetry cf
life and fewer would try to write about
Fifty large families wanted to buy
groceries at "George Cash Store" at
Carver. Adv.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersdgned have been appointed by
the County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, as executors of the last
will and testament of H. Hoffmeister,
deceased; all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same, duly veri
fied as by law required, at the resi
dence of Henry Hoffmeister, at Da
ma.scus,Oregon, post-office address
Boring, Oregon, R. F. D. 3, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated July 21, 1921.
Gordon E. Hayos, attorney for es
In the Circuit Court of the State jf
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas -
T. Jr PETTIT, Plaintiff,
To Fannie Pettit, defendant above j
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby summoned and
required to appear and make answer
to the complaint filed against you in
the above entitled court on or be
fore Friday the 2nd day,, of Septem
ber, 1921, which date is subsequent
to the expiration of six (6) weeks
after the 22nd day of July, 1921,
which is tie date of the first publi
cation of this fummons, and if you
fail sio to appear and answer the
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take a decree and judg
ment against, you as prayed for in
hia complaint, to-wit: for a judgment
and decree of this honorable court
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant, and that they be forever
divorced, and for such other and fur
ther relief as to this Court may seem
III-! i&c-f
that the road work fh Clackamas
state, the taxpayers are entitled, now,
bithulitnic.si'he laying ol a re-enfo-ced
pavement is a new experiment in western road
work, but it is an experiment in the right di
rection, and one with every chance of succes-i.
For . much of the road work that is being
done throughout the United States th. future
generations are being "mortgaged. Bonds of a
long term of years place the burden of payment
upon the taxpayers of the future. It is only right
that these citizens should have some benefit
from the money they will be forced to con
tribute towarl highway work. And permanent
highways are the only way this cai-. be assured.
The experiment with re-enforc?d concret-3 '
ravement in Clackamas countv will bo
watched with interest If ever
a period of years it proves
successful, it may add some
thing to what wc already
know about the construction
cf permanent highways.
equitable and meet. This summons
is served upon you, by publication
thereof for six (6) consecutive weeks
In the Oregon City Enterprise , a
newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published at Oregon City
said service being made in compli
ance with an order made by the Hon
orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled court dated the 21st
day of July, 1921.
Dated and first published July
22nd, 19211
DRICKSON, 610 Spalding Building,
Portland, Oreson, Attorneys' for
The County Court of Clackamas
; . K "
wood to be delivered at the Court
House in' Oregon City, the delivery of
said wood as to quality -tc be subject
to the acceptance of the County Court,
and to be corded where the Janitor
may direct. Deilve-ry to be made on
or before Sept 15, 1921,
Al bids must be filed with the Coun
ty Cierk on or before 5 o'clock, P. M.
July 20, 1921.
County Clerk
No. 19837.
In the Circuit Court of the State cl
Oregon, for the County of Cacka-
Joseph J. Didier and Louise Didier
Woodward, formerly Louise Didier
McDonald, Plaintiffs,
M. O. Feudner and Agnes C. Feudner
iiis wife, Fred J. Meindl and Lorena
Meindl, his wife, R. M. Tilton, James
H. Ashley and Sarah Ida Ashley, his
wife, Defendants.
To M. O. Feudner and Agnes C. Feud
ner: .
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of the Plaintiffs filed against
you in the above entitled suit within
s-ix weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail to answer Plaintiff's com
plaint. Plaintiffs will lake judgment
against yon and each of you for the re
lief demanded' in their complaint, to
wit: for a decree foreclosing all your
right .title and interest in and to thai
certain property described in the mort
gage given by you to Joseph' J. Didier
and Louise Didier McDonald dated
the 2nd day of January, 1914, recorded
in Book 98, page 382 Records of Mort
gages of Clackamas County, Oregon,
and for judgment in the sum. ot
$1800 P0 with interest at 7 per an
num from January 2nd. 1919 .and for
S600.00 -as Attorney fees together with
the costs and disbursements of this
This summons is served upon you by
publication in accordance with the
Order of Publication by the HonoraMe
J. U. Campbel, judge of the above nam
ed court, made on the 2Sth day of June,
1921, decreeing the publication of sum
mons for six successive weeks" in the
"Oregon City Enterprise" a newspaper
of general circulation in the Count'
of Clackamas State of Orego'n, and
published in said County.
First publication thereof to bo made
on the 1st day of July; date of last
publicaton thereon to be. made on the
12th day of August 1921.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
Board of Trade Building, Portland,
By virtue of an execution dated the
11th day of June, 1921. and to me di
rected and issued in a certain action in
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, where in the
First State Bank of Milwaukee, a cor
poration, was plaintiff, and T. W. Sell
wood and Bessie M. Sellwood were de
fendants, upon "a judgment in favor
of said plaintiff and against said de
D. C Latourette, President ' F. J.- Meyer." Cash iet
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
Transacts a General Banking Business
fendants for the sum of $200.00 with
interest at 8 per cent per annum from
the 1st day of June, 1920. and ?25.0u
attorneys' fees and costs and disburse
ments taxed at $10.00, and the costs of
and cpon said execution, which ex-;
cution commanded me to make sale of
the real property hereinafter described
which had been attached in the said
action; and by virtue of an execution,
decree and order of sale issued out oi
said court in a suit wherein the said
First State Bank of Milwaukie, a cor
poration, was plaintiff ,aad the said
T. W. Sellwood and Bessie M. Sell
wood were defendants said execution
being likewise dated the 11th day of
June, 1921, and to me directed, and be
Ing issued upoii a judgment in favor
of said plaintiff and against said de
fendants for the sum of $500.00 with
interest at 8 per cent per annum from
the 19th day of October, i91S, and
$50.00 attorney's fees and costs and
disbursements taxed at $20.00, and the
costs of and upon this writ the decree
in said ordering the sale of the here
inafter described real property covered
by the mortgage foreclosed in said
NOW THEREFORE by virtue of
said executions, Judgments, decree
and orders of sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said executions,
I will on Saturday, the 30th day of
July, 1921 ,at 10 o'clock a m. at the
front door of the county court house
in Oregon City, Oregon, sell at public
auction to tne nignest bidder for casiy
in nana, suujecc io reaempxion as pro
vided by law, Lot-s numbered fourteeoi
(14) and fifteen (15) in Block num
bered one (1), Quincy Addition to Mil
waukie in Clackamas County, Oregor.,
to satisfy said executions, judgments,
decree and orders of sale with interest,
costs and accrued costs.
Dated this First clay of July, 1921.
Date of first publication July 1st.
Date of last publication July 29th,
Sheriff- of Clackamas County.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
In tjje Circuit Ccurt of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County. .
Genevera Brown, Plaintiff,
Harry R Brown, Defendant. .
To Harry R. Brown, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregou
you pre hereby required to appear and
answer complaint filed against you in
the above entitled suit on or before
the 5th day of August, 1921, said date
being more than six weeks, from the
date of the first publication of thi
summons, and if you fail to so appear
and tnswer said complaint, for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in her
complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis
solving the marriage contract here
tofore and now existing between plain
tiff nddefendantf. and giving ahd grant
ing plaintiff the care and custody of
j the minor children Norval L. Brown
I and Donald K Brown and for such
other and further relief as to tbe
Court may seem just and proper.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Hon. Harvey E Cross, Judge, made and
entered on the 22nd day of June, 1925,
directing that such publication be
made in the Oergon City Enterprise
once a week for six successive weeks;
the first publication thereof being on
the 24th day of June, 1921 and the last
publication thereof being on the 5tn
day of August, 1921.
Attorney for plaintiff,
Oregon City, Ore.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Cacka
mas In ihe matter o the estate of Johan
Olsen, deceased.
Noticfe da (hereby gien that
the undesigned, Jens Olsen,
administrator of the estate of
Johan Olsen, deceased, has filed Ms
final account in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas, and that Tuesday the
2nd day of August 1921, at the hour
f 10 A M-, of said day, at the Court
House at Oregon City in said county
and State, has been appointed as the
time and place for the hearing of ob
iections to said final account and the
settlement thereof.
Address: Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Date of first publicatior, June 24.
Date of latt publication July 22,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as executrix cf the estate
of Fred A- Kinzel, deceased, haa filed
hr final account in the Count;' Court
of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Ch'ckamas, and that Saturday
the oth day of August, 1921, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon
of said, day and the court room of
said court has been appointed by said
Court as the time "and place for the
hearing of objections thereto and the
settlement thereof. DaU;u and fi'r.r
published. Jul 8th. 1921
H. A Robertson, p nd 01on, Dewart
v- Bain, Attorneys for Fxcurrix, 530
Cham of Com. Bldg. Portland, Ore
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County as admin
istrator of the estate of Samuel Erick
son, deceased. All persons having
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Attorney -a t-Ls w
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate ou? Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg Oregon City. Oregon.
Money loaned, abstracts fujcalsh
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
William Hammond
Philip L. Himmona
Abstracts. Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-171
Phone 405
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore-
Farm Loans Ureferred
Baaver Bldg, Oregon City
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them to me at the
office of Abraham Nelson. 341 Court
House, Portland, Oregon, 'properly ver
ified as required by law, within six
months from the date hereof.
Date of first publication July 1, 1921.
Date of last publication, July 29,
Administrator of the estate ol Sam
uel Erickson, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit court of tho State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, De
partment No.
Frank Glover, Plaintiff,
Ida Glover, Defendant.
To Ida Glover, the above named de
fendant: .
In the name of the Sta'te of Ore
gon, you are hereby requested to ip
pear and -answer the Complaint fi'.ed
against you in the above ei titled suit
within civ .i-onljQ wim i" .fate rf V. -
first publication of this Summons, and
if you fail to so appear or answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will-appiy
to the Court tfir the relief demanded
in his Complaint, to-wit: A decree for
ever dissolving the marriage contract
existing between you anj plaintiff.
inis bummons ia sel ves upon you
by the publication thereof ,once each
week for six consecutive weeks in tbe
Oregon city Enterprise, a newspaper
of genera! circulation, printed and
published at Oregon City, in Clacka
mas county, Oregon; the ante of tha
iiret publication thereof, being Fridajv
June 17th, 1921, and the date of tho
iast publication thereof being Friday,
July 29th, all done in accordance
with the order of the Honorable
James U. Campbell, Judge of tho
above entitled Court, which older was
made and entered in this cause on ih
8th day of June 1921.
Attorneys for Piiantiff.
Postoffiee Address: 413 Masonic
Temple Building, Salem, Oregon.
The County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, having issued 8250,000
of Clackamas County 5 road bonds
dated May 1, 1921, due serially as fol
$25,000 to run for a period of 4 years
25,000 to run for a period of 5 years
25,000 to run for a period of 6 years
25,000 to run for a period cf 7 years
25,000 to run for a period of S years
25,000 to run for a period of 9 years
25,000 to run for a period of 10 years
25,000 to run for a period of 11 years
25,000 to run for a period of 12 years
25,000 to run for a period of 13 years
Said bonds are in denominations of
$100 and $500 of which fifty bonds of
each maturity are in the denomination
or $100 each ,and 40 bonds of each
maturity are in the denomination oi
$500 each. All of said bonds bear in
terest from May 1, 1921 at the rate of
5 per cent per annum, payable semi
annually on the first days of Julyand
January of each year ,and evidenced
by coupons attached to said bonds, and
are payable both principal and inter
est at the office of the County Treas
urer in Oregon City, Oregon, or at the
Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon
in the City of New York, at the option
of the holder thereof. T.nese bonds
are the direct obligations of the Coun- '
ty of Clackamas, Oregon, and the val- "
idity of the same has been adjudicated
by the Supreme court of said State.
Sealed bids for all of said bonds, or
for any portion thereof, may be de
livered to the Clerk of this Court at
any time prior to the 15th day of Au
gust. 1921, and a certified check, or
money, in an amount equl to 5 of
the bid must be tendered with each
bid. No bid will be accepted or con
sidered unless the amount of the same
is equal to or in excess of the - par
value of the bonds for which the same
is made .together with accrued inter
est thereon. The Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
. Dated at Oregon City and published
by order of the county Court of tho
Staf of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty, this 18h day of July, 1921. '
First publication July 2nd, 1921.
Last publication August 12th, 1921.
County Clerk.