Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 15, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two.
Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Elks Prairie People
Celebrate on Fourth
(Too Late for Last Week)
ElK PRAIRIE, July 8 Mr. and
Mrs. Helvey and two children spent
a part of last week at their place. Mr,
Helvey brought a load for Messrs.
Todd and "Vincent, who are taking
charge of the Helvey place. This
place is commonly known as the
"Mary " West Place' as Mrs. Helvey
homesteaded it before she was married.
Willis Badger nad the misfortune
to lose two dollars and a half, with
no clue as to its resting place, which
might have been any spot on his
travels for miles. A few days, ago
his little brother, Huron, found the
fifty cent piece near a charpit. This
clue led to some of the most indus
trious mining performed in this sec
tion for some time. This industry
yielded a dollar The operation was
repeated another- day, with the re
suit that the secord silver dollar was
found. ,
Nearly a hundred people gathered
at the Fraely Hall, the Fourth day of
jujy, witn tne expectation tnat an
Oregon City man would be there to
address them. However he failed 10
appear and the reason has not yet
reached this vicinity.
Th neighbors and their guests en
joyed a picnic dinner at noon, undtir
the fir trees. Mr. Yacubec furnished
ice cream for the occasion. The af
ternoon was spent in dancing in the
Fraely Hall. Mrs. Gray and sons
Ted and Frank were assisted by
Frank Hilton in furnishing music.
Chas. Tidd played sever1 pieces up
on his phonograph, v.-hile - the musi
cians rested.
Toward evening another lunch was
partaken, at which 'a. vote of thanks
was given to Mr. and Mrs. Yacubec
for the many courtesys. extended to
the picnieers, during the day. A vote
was taken and it was decidec'. to go
to the home of F. Joplin for the eve
nings merrymaking. Some hurried
home to do the "chores" then fol
lowed. At midnight coffee and sand
wiches were served to the guests.
The most serious accident of the
day was when a dog robbed a baby's
bottle of its nipple. Seemingly an
other canine became jealcus and the
ensuing fight was the chief attrac
tion until the animala could be part
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossman have
had a number of guests at their
home, for the past two weeks. There
were . eleven relatives and friends
who spent the week before the fourth,
at their home. As many more were
expected to arrive just after the
Fourth. A family from Lents spent
the Fourth with them.
Mr. Macubeo was accompanied
home from Portland by week-end
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and child,
also Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz and baby. Mr
Ruiz has filed up on a homestead,
near Swopes' Mill. Tlte party had
some diffculty in bringing their au
tomobiles through the timber on ac
count of the muddy roads. They and
a third automoible driver had to as
sist each other in bringing their
cars through.
Mrs. Leitzel, daughter, Miss Hazel
and guest have returned to their
place, during strawberry -season. The
Leitzels and Grays are sending their
berries to Portland.
neen" visiting in southern Oregon and
California returned home Monday.
Miss Florence Fromong with the
Misses Frances and Jtessie Bowjand
of Oregon City, left Sunday for Yelm,
Wash., where they will visit for two
weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Capen, former residents of wi1'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halley of Port
land visited at the home of the latter
mother, Mrs. Harry Shipley, last week
Miss Beatrice Oliver, a young pian
ist of Willamette gave a recital at her
homo last Wednesday evening. Thos
taking part in the program were Rutli
Junken, Una Hyatt. Frances Carpen
ter, Jean McLean, Mary Strong. Celi
Carrol, Kenneth Montgomery and Er-
.vin Nordwift. 'They were assisted by
Miss Anna Isnogle, violinist, and An
drew Deshamps, violinist.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar and chil
dren Gladys, Clem Jr., and Lawrence,
spent the week end at Wilhoit.
Rev. Abbott of Pes Moines, Wash.,
preached the evening sermon at the.
Methodist church here Sunday even
ing. He was pastor here for four
years and this was his first visit since
he left here about two years ago.
Hazelia Cherries
Chosen at Exhibit
Molalla News Items.
Redland News
The Ladies' Live Wires met at the
home of Mrs. Neville near Four Cor
ners July 6. The ladies sewed for the
hostess for awhile, after which sub
jects of importance concerning the
community were discussed. A sick
committee composed of Mrs. Neville
Mrs. Sterns and Mrs. Stewart were
chosen, places were laid tor Mrs.
Etta Allen, Edith Sterns, Dorotha
Stefvart, Jessie Bonniet Mrs. Win.
Bonnie, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Harding,
Mrs. Neville, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Stew
art with Mrs. Hultz, mother of Mrs.
Neville, Miss Hultz and two sisters-in-law,
of Portland, Miss Stella Wynn
and Mrs. Phillips of Four Corners as
visitors. A number bf little folks
being present. Gene' and Marion
Sterns, not being able to attend, sent
their dues. The club will not meet
their next regular meeting but four
weeks from the last meeting will meet
with Mrs. Armstrong.
B. H. Stewart, who is in the real
estate business in Portland, spent the
week-end with his famly at this place.
Mrs. Carl Staats near Four Corners
who has been visting her mother in
Oregon Cty ha a baby boy born July
Mr. and Mrs. Hurlgurt who has re
cently ipurchastad the Brock "ranch
have moved in.
(Too late for lasi week)
MOLALLA, July 7 Thomas Echerd
is on the siok list.
Mrs. Earl Murnahan, of Portland,
has been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs Frank Sherman of Wilhoit,
returning to her home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cole made a
business! trip tj Oregon City Tuesday.
Gordon J. Taylor and wife are visit
ing a few days at Elma, Washington.
Mrs Ella Skeen is seriously ill at
ber home near Liberal.
Claude Hall and family cf Portland
spent the week end - with Frank
chatzmans and family.
Mrs. Amelia Rambsy visited her
sister, Mrs. Jim Smith at Macksburg
last Sunday..
Delbert Hutchinson and Miss Cora ;
Munson of Molalla were married Sun
day at Portland. It was also a dou
ble - wedding as Mr. Hutchinson's
cousin, Rena Hutchinson, and Ritch
ard Renolds of Canby were married
at the same time. The wedding was a
private affair.
Miss Naomi Robbins, a popular
young lady of our city, who is teach-
ng at the University of Oregon spent
few days last week with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Robbins.
Cais Austin had a painful accident
happen while he was out hunting
cattle. The horse he was riding step
ped in a bee's nest and ran away
throwing him and breaking his ankle
and bruising him quite badly.
Oscar Davidson made a business
trip to Oregon City and Portland the
last of the week.
S A. Knapp and family spent the
week end at .Netarts.
Mrs. L. W. Robbins spent Saturday
shopping in Portland.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Som
merville a daughtei.
Quite a large crowd attended the
dance at the Oglesby Hall Every
one enjoyed the evening. There 'ire
hills out for one on July 16.
Oren Cutting is etill at the St. Vin
cent hospital but is improvng.
A large crowd attended the celebra
tion of Colton. The program was
.veil rendered several selections by
the well known musicians, the Misse-j
Hill and Anderson. The parade was
fine and in the afternoon were races,
ball game, and dancing. All seemed
to enjoy the day.
HAZELIA, July 12. Most of th:
Hazelia folks spent the Fourth at Os
wego and enjoyed the celebration put
on there by the employees of the Ce
ment company. Everyone pronounced
it a grand success It being the first
Fourth of July celebration there in
over fifteen years.
The few who visited the Rosemount
celebration certainly had to take off
their hats to them. They showed them
selves livewirea when it comes to cel
ebrating and entertaining. We can see
just ho-w successful their Community
House will be by the community
spirit shown in putting on this celebra
Royal "Ann Cherries were recently
selected by the Oregon State Exhibit,
at Fifth and Stark, Portland, from the
Dave Long orchard. The Hazelia ex
hibits at the state fairs have former
ly added many specimens to this ex
hibit which is the wonder and admira
tion of so many Portland visitors.
Miss "rances Forte or Portland vi
spending her v-acation at her friends
the Eastman's. - Miss) Forte served
two years as a missionary to India
during the war. She is a most interest
ing person to meet.
Miss Mary Wilson leaves Tuesday
for a visit with relatives in Los
Angeles ar(d, .Hollywood, Cal. Her
aunt at that place was formerly Miss
Kate McVey of Hazelia.
Miss Jean Wilson will spend hr
vacation at Mt. Rainier,' she will take
the trip by auto with Portland friends
leaving Saturday.
Mrs. Duncan and children have
come to the farm for the summer hav-j
ing been living in Portland during the
school year.
Hazelia farmers are busy in the
hay fields this week.
Mr. and Mrsi, Harold Rose and fam
ily of Oswego spent Sunday-at "Bon
nie Brae" farm.
The Community Singing Club enjoy
ed a social evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Christiansen Thursday,
Business for the coming year was dis
cussed. This club is now a part of
the Community Service Bureau of
Portland and expects to do some very
effective -work this coming year at
Oswego under their direction". Th'.a
Club is also willing to bo of service
to other communities who wish help
in starting Community Singing. Their
leader Mrs. D.' Christiansen, will be
glad to arrange appointments with
any who are interested by addressing
Oswego R. D. 1 only transportation
will be expected
Estacada School
House Is Entered
been in La Grande for a week F-oth , f11"
returned Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Allen visited rel-
ESTACVDA, July 14. Mrs Ed Mrs. I.enu Understood and son Les
'Jouslats was in Estacada Saturday ter, spent the day in Portland last Sat- j
evening for a phort time, the guest of urda .
Mrs N. B. Ecker.
Howard Givens, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Givens, formerly of Estacad i,
5s here, a visitor at the LS. Sarver
home. Tlie Givens family are now liv
ing Portland.
A. E. Sparks gave a free show at
the Family - Theatre last Thursday
night and the house was full: Tht
Miss.es Vivian and Mercedeth Jame3
arrived the latter part of last week
from Heppner, Oregon., to visit Mary
Alice and Florence June Heed They
are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard James, formerly of this place.
Mrs. S J. Sturgeon and Miss Maude
atirgeon. left the latter part of last
week for an outing on the coast
Mr. and Mrs. John Page are among
lrnfraTTi pnnslaferi nf a fwn-rpr! t1av
- - ' " - - I iv .. i 1
entitled 'Ruth of the Rockies". Pathe 4"e """.'r -" --.
News "Lochinvar of the Line," a two
reel comedy. ".Ruth of the Rockies'
is a serial. The ventilation of the
building has been improved and with
the electric fans the building is very
Tim Estacada cannery commenced
operations last Thursday and is re
ceiving a large amount of fruit from
this section.
Bob Morton and Ken Bartlett spent
Sunday in Eslacida
Wendell Mills, the boy preacher, is
still holding meeting in the tent at the
foot of the incline on Main street, and
is retting large audiences to hear him
expound the scriptures. He is assist
ed by his mother.
Next Monday night, July 18, local
talent will present "A Box cf
Monkeys," for the benefit of the play
After a visit of a couple of weeks,
at the home of her brother, Theo. Ah I
berg, Mrs. Herman Wyatt and chil
dren left for her home at Shelton,
Wcsh., last Saturday.
Mrs. Hary Snyder and baby, who aro
visitin in Maryland, was heard from
Sunday night when Mr. Snyder receiv
ed a letter from her congratulating
him on his birthday: She and Harry
Jr. are well and enjoying their visit.
Paving on Broadway in front of tho
depot, was commenced Monday morn
Mr and Mrs. H. R. Harper and fam
ily, who have been here for the past
month visiting his mother, Mrs. Eliza
enjoying the Chautauqua at Gladstone.
They wil remain through the entire ( m
p: ogram.
Mr and Mrs. Andy Richmond, cf
Portland, spent tile we fk-end wib
tfcei- daughter, Mrs. Eftrt Moore.
Macksbure News
(Too Late for Last Week)
MACKSBURG, July 4 The superb
weather filled the roads in our vicin
ity with autos on the morning of July
4th. A line of these vehicles extend
ing veyond the eyes reach conveyed i
tne attenaants upon tne i"aeuic coast
Mission to the Gingerich Grove where
a commodious tent had been put up
with accommodation for one of the
largest assemblies ever held in this
palce. The great number who had
come from a distance .found ample
provision ' for their comfort while
A bountiful and tempting lunch was
set cut at noon to which all strangers
were invited. Interesting addresses
interspersed by pleasing vocal music
and impressive devotional exercises
took up the forenoon. The first after
noon number fas a Children's service
.vhich waj made especially charming
by the children's own rendering of
their parts.
The intervals between services was
devcted to sociability. Many old time
friendships were renewed and alto-
with a bank account is the most independent of "all
men. He is absolutely his own manager and his own
master. There are none "higher up" to give orders,
and he comes and goes as he pleases. His broad fields
are his kingdom. But the farmer who has no bank
account, and by his poor management gets into debt,
is no longer independent, but a slave to his creditors.
Come and open an account with us at once that you
may enjoy the freedom and independence which your
calling gives you.
Four per cent on time deposits.
The Latest Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent
Dodge Has Obtained
Travelling Library
Beaver Creek News
BEAVER CREEK, July 3 2. Mr. and
Mrs. George Havill and A. Thomas
and family left Sunday ou a camping
trip to the Santiam.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosier have
gone to Portland to work during the
The Colton baseball team played
against Beaver Creek last Sunday, aud
for the first few innings they had us
guessing Later, however, Beaver
Creek went ahead 17-5.
Mrs. Bell, who has been visiting
friends near The Dalles, returned last
week to spend a few days here before
beginning work as cook for a family
at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Mosier, the Misses Lanra and
Elsie Meibs, and Messrs. Wm. and
Coxey Thomas attended the barn
dance at Highland, given by ti'e Vohj
gether a notably pleasant and profit-
beth Harper, left Monday morning for I able day was passed.
heir home in Benton County, Wash- I A large neighborhood picnic gath-
ington. I ered on the Molalla shore, where the
Someone pried open a window and f children could in safety enjoy the ri-
got into the hiigh school building a few ver sports this place affords.
nights ago. In some departments - The families of Simon Miller. Al-
DODGE, July 12. The Community
club met on Saturday, July 2, and had
a very pleasant meeting. A travelling
library of 60 books has been obtained
and can now be borrowed from F.
Horner, the Librarian. The use of the
books is free to all residents of the
district. There are some very fine
books and it is hoped the people will
make the fullest use of them.
Mr. Pedensen offered a prize for
the best essay on "The Community
Club And How It Can Best Serve The
. It was decided to have a basket sup
per at the next meeting, August 6
On July 4 a community picnic was
held on the Bridenstein place and was
a very success affair there being 70
persons present. The afternoon was
spent in games of various kinds which
were enjoyed by all. 4
Miss Ten Eyck has gone to spend
the summer with her parents at Mar
Clarence Jubb returned from Call
o. in some oeimruucuu i xuu lauuiies ui sunun miner, ai- i - . . ,
tnmg3 were scattered around by the bert Moshberger, Dave Murphy and' ... vw..ui
prcwiers. but as yet nothing has been Sam Schrock with .a sister, Mrs1,
discovered missing, what the object I Schembeck of North 'Dakota, held a
was for the intrusion, is a mystery-
However, there is a clew.
Dr. Wells and family left on Sunday
by auto for Rosebuiig where Mrs.
Wells and the children will visit at the
family reunion at the home of one of
the sisters on Sunday, July 3.
Eldo Miller has gone to work ?u
Eastern Oregon.
The Mothers club held its last meet-
home of her parents for a month. The J ing with Mrs. John Heinz on Thurs-
Doctor will return in a few days.
Miss Grace Denny, a nurse from St.
Vincent shospital, Portlaud, is here
visiting home folks.
Mrs. Lee Brorson is here from Port
land visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Ruth Dillon was a visitor m
Portland a few days the first of the
Mrs .J. W. Mcxley went to Portland
last Sunday to visit friends, returning
day last and will meet at the home
of Mrs. Fritord. Thursday, the 14th.
GEORGE, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Weisenfluh visited the Iatter's
mother, Mrs. Joyner last Sunday.
A. Weiderhold, formerly of Bissell,
but now of Portland, .visited friends
at Bissell last SunTiay.
Henry Smith and wife visited Mr.
G. E. Lawrenc of Springwater, spent and Mrs. Ted Harders last Sunday eve-
the week-end in Portland.
Mrs. Glimpse was here from Portland
Sunilay, accompanied by her daugh
ter, Mrs. Stewart and her hulip.nd, to
visit her old-time friend, Airs. George
Hislop. They both resided at Decora,
Iowa, for a number of years, where
they were very intimate friends.
Mrs. Doryland and children visited
relatives in Portland for a few days
last week.
Edward Scheel of Portland spent a
few days last week at Bissell.
Gus Buhault of Portland visited her
sister, Mrs. Henry Smith of George
Ray Hall and Mrs. Mary Wolfing- j boya lat Saturday night. .All reported
er of Oregon Qfty came out Saturday i a vesy d tj
Wilsonville News
Mrs. Baker, of Redding, California,
is in w'iHamette visiting at the home
of her son, Frank Baker, she ex
tecte to remain until September 1.
Miss Vera. Farr, of Oregon City,
spent Thursday evening here visiting
Audrey Tuor.
The young people of Willamette en
joyed a dance at Schnc-err'si park
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Setje of Frog Pond vis
ited their daughter, Mrs. Carl Breiner
Mrs. Allie Corley! returned last,
week from Everctte, Wash , where 3he
has been visiting relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Everett Downey and
children and Miss Sylvia Backus who
have been spending the past two
months at Seaside returned home last
. - - - 1 nvo been visit-
mornine- to visit R. H. Bowman and
family, also to attend the celebration
at tne beautiful grove at Colton. They
all attended the dance at the Agels
by Hall in the .evening and returne l
to Oregon City Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Haveman of Woodburn,-
who has been visiting Miss Mary
Echerd and friends around Molalla
has returned to her home.
Mis3 Maud Kcherd spent the past
week with Frank Rundell's family at
Xewberg. She returned home Fri
day. Little Miss Violet Wolfinger or
Oregon City visited the past, ten days
with Mrs. Hubbard Bowman. She ri
turned home Tuesday.
Miss Mary Echerd expects to start
for the Bandon Hot Springs in a few
days. A great many from mound hero
.pent the Fourth at -Wilhoit Springs.
It ic reported there were about five
thousand people there.
A camping party composed of Mort
Cocrell, Leo Shaver, George Cast',
Fred Park, and Everman Robbing all
prominept business men of this city
spent the past week in the mountains
fishing. It is not reported how many
fish they caught. "
Mr. and . Mrs. Clyde Engle of this
city, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Shaver of
Portland motoredi to Woodbutrnj to
celebrate the Fourth all rerorted a
fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Shaver of Port
land spent the past week visiting
Mrs. Shaver's parents. Mr. arid "Mr.
George Adara3 of this city
Mrs. John Bowman is ill at the
home of her daughter, Mrs L. O.
Mr and Mrs? John Wells and fam-
jly of Reams Station spent July 4 at
the frank Oglesby home. All attend
ed the dance in the evening.
Miss Alta Rambsy, Miss Lola Wil
son and car' Rambsy motored to
Woodstock last Sunday to visit Louis
Tancer and family and also to pick
Ed Ball and family of Wcodbum
spent the week end with his daugh
ter. Mrs. Charles Oglesby.
- -' ' ' - -1 -vi,1t- fyf Jppv1V
Wm. Thomas' small son Iyan ba3
gone to make his home with his aunt,
Mrs. Blount, of Gladstone.
M,-s. MorehouseJ's son, . Robert
Lynch, and Miss Gladys Morehouse
spent the week end with their par
ents here.
Phil Wetmore and" family motored
down from The Dalles last week for
a few days' visit here with his sister,
Mrs. Leda Foglesong, and with his par
ents at Clarkes.
Messrs. Wm. and Coxey ThoriVts
started last Monday on a motoring trio
throue-h Southern and Eastern Ore
gen. They also plan to visit Idaho be
fore their return.
Guy Woodard and family and Mr.
Bell spent Sunday with' Mr. Wood
ard's parents beyond Mount Pleasant.
John Hughes is building a garage
for his new car.
For the past two weeks a large num
ber cf peole both from city and coun
try have availed themselves of the op
portunity to gather wild blackberries
in this vicinity.
Clarkes News Items
Mr. and -Mrs. Bill Moehkne and
"amily are going to take a vacation for
two weeks at Chautauqua.
W. H. Bottemiller s improving his
farm by building a new barn. It will
soon be finished.
Mr. Picket from Vancouver, has
moved to Clarkes frr work on some
cedar posts for a hop yard nar
Clarence Lee sold a horse to the
Doge brothers.
Claude Bottemiller and Carl Buche
went to town on business
The Mclntyre combined storage
houne and garage caught ire Saturday
night, and he lost over $1000-
Walter Leo is going to sack oats
for his Grandma Lee.
W. H. Wettauffer is log-ging for
Larkin's saw mill.
Honry Kleinsmith sawed wood for
Carl Stromgreene. ,
Mr. Weigle and Mr. Buche and Ed.
Buoel and waiter assisted W. H. Bot
lemilfr by building hs barn.'
I i . r- j
Mr. and Mrs. W J.'Syron and son last ouuxy.
Pant, spent the week-end with Port
land relatives
Miss Anna Dillon returned from a
visit at Bull Run and Portland Mon
day. She was accompanred by her
little niece, Eetty Dillon.
Mrs. Tom Morton, Mrs. W. J. Moore
and Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg were passen
gers Tuesday morr.ing for Portland
Considerable excitement "was oc
casioned Monday evening whe nSheriff
Wilson and his deputies, Milt Marshal
as:d Hush, came to town with tha still
tiey found seven miles southeast of
Estacada, in the TTpoor Uarfield sec-
lion. Tater they made aoluer rata at
15odge on the farm of George Neivland.
and returned with a still, mash and tho
Manufacturer of the moonshine Sher
iff Wilson is a regular moonshius
sleuth and is sureto catch the man
ufacturer of the stuff sooner or later
While there were no arrests mad ir
connection with the first illicit outfit
named, yet it is though that the owner
of the still will soon be in the clutches
of the law
Dr. and Mrs. McCall left Wednesday
tor the Santiam country for a two
weeks outing. Warren Smith accoiu
panied them.
Mr. and Airs. Ed. Douglass are visit
ing for a few days at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass. They
nre expecting to move soon near Eagl;
Creek where Mr. Douglass has a new
cintvact for trucking.
l rucks in this vicinity are mostly
ousy hauling wood to Estacada for
shipment. v
Mr. and Mrs. Black and daughter
Helen and Mr. Gullers and daughter
jviauiie, all of Portland, were guests
the first of tje week at the Viola
Oouglass home.
Mrs. A. E. Spirks was hostess to
company of girls Tuesday when she
entertained for dinner Misses Vivian
and Mercedeth James, Mary Alice and
Florence June Reed, ArdelH Dunlop
and Retha Ames. N
Mrs. C. Carson, the efficient lady
clerlr In the Peoples Store, is taking
a vacation during berry picking tin o
Ernest Erickson and briif srivel
home from their wedding trip to Bav
Ocean, Sunday evening1, and proceed
ed to the home of the groom's father,
Peter Erickson, at Springwater. Th-3
bride was Miss Lois Mann cf The Dal
les, whe has beep teaching the Spring
water school for the p:ist two year?
and will again fill that station th?
coming year
On account of the scarcity of water
at the present time the City Council
has issued stringent orders to water
users in .regard to irrigating ana
watering lawns.
Miss Mirian Dunlop is attending
the summer schooi at Monmouth.
Editor Gibbs left Thuisdav to jofii
his wife at-LaGrar.de, where hp took
part on the program at the Episcopal
Mr and Mrs. Forthsythe of Giesham
visited relatives at George Saturday
night and Sunday.
Edgar Horner visited iis father on
Sunday leaving again Monday morn
ing. Fred Horner and family with Harold
Horner and family spent Sunday with
the Chindgren family at Meadowtrook.
Harold Johnson of OregoaCity is
visiting with his sisters, Mrs. Closon
and Mrs. Giles.
J. Marrs had a rather serious acci
dent. He fell from' the roof of a new
barn which he is building, hurting his
bacjf and head. We are pleased hov
ever to be-able to say he is now much
better and able to follow his work to
some extent.
Molalla News Items
MOLALLA, July 11. Miss Vivian
Robbins made a trip to Oregon City
last Tuesday.
All the farmers of this section are
very busy getting in ther hay.
Misses Neta and Vida Cole, were
shopping in Oregon City Saturday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jack
son, a little daughter on July 5.
Mrs. Frank Oglesby, Mrs. Hub Bow
man and children enjoyed a picnic
dinner on Milk Creek last Sunday.
They spent part of the day picking
blackberries and returned home with
buckets well filled.
Dr. Dillard and Russel Rume spent
the week-end fishing in the mountains.
Carey Herman, of Denver, Colo., has
been visiting friends and relatives in
and around Molalla. Mr. Herman was
a resident of .Molalla for a number of
years until a few years ago moved to
Denver, where he was engaged in the
automobile business He has sold his
business there and at present is stay
ing in Portland.
John Cole made a business trip to
Salem last Friday to attend a meet
ing of the Board of Health.
Mrs. E. M. Ake, son and daughter,
Bess.ie and Walter, of Newberg, Ore
gon, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. John Cole entertained the
Ladies Aid Friday afternoon. About
thirty-five ladies were present and all
spent a pleasant afternoon. Refresh
ments were served.
Miss Maude Echerd spent Ftiday
and Saturday in Portland visiting her
sister, Bessie, who is in training ai
the Good Samaritan hospital.
, Solon Echerd, F. M- Hendrickson v
and Mr. Corbin were fishing over the
week end.
A dinner party was held at the
Charles Oglesby home Sunday. Those
attending were W.alter Ball and family,
of Needy; 'Harvey Hilton and family,
of Needy; Mrs. Nellie .Creason and
children, of Oregon City; W.' E Bon
ney.Mrs. Lucy Countryman, of Col
ton; Leo Hayes and family, of Moni
tor; Walter Gallano and family, of
Wbodbum, Dinner was served at
Game Scheduled bv
Fire Company Team
West Linn Fire company No. 3 will
play Beaver Creek team at Beaver
Creek Sunday, July 17. This will be
the eleventh game of the season
played by the fire company. In the
ten games West Linn Fire company
has lost two, these were with the
Carver team and the games resulted
in scores of 2 to 3 and 11 to 6.
The game scheduled for Sunday did
not materialize as the Carus team
failed to put in an appearance at the
West Linn grounds.
There will be four more games to-
be played by he fire company team.
e quality c,
Ml IMfex
ECATJSE we put tlie utmost quality into this
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sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of
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- Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this
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Take the Camel package for instance. It's the
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tect tigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper
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there's nothing flas about it. You'll find no
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Such things do not improve the smoke any more
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must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality.
If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest
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It's Camels for you.
I ' ' ' l MBB Mill IM
-?')hpw, wo havo
p-fiv, Mrs Gibbs had