Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 01, 1921, Page Page 7, Image 7

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(Continued from page 3)
which adds to the neatness
H. McGinnis of Orient who was sell
ine: strawberrips in to.-n last wpodr nn
airs. jon Boaiey was down from the day was quite discouraged about the
U.UUUWUUB a iew days age. "Don" is business, claiming the high price and
-msMdioresiranger. scarcity of crates interfered greatly
Miss Marguerite Klein and Cyrill with profits, especially when the mar-
"'"J were -ortiana visitors and shop- ket is dull.
1,010 """y. W. E. Cresswell of Cottrell has
Paul Dunn and George Beers were bought the Joe Hillyard place (next
over at Pern Prairie, Wash., for two to Furcells) and is painting and fixing
Sunday in succession. Mr. Dunn vis- il UP rr rent. Cresswell traded Van-
ited his nephew, Joe Dunn.
Among those attending the Enna con
cert at Kelso Saturday night were Dr.
and Mrs Strue, Miss Fay Young, Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Perret, Mrs. George
Perret and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Proctor.
Mrs. Jack Barnett spent a coupl'
of days in Portland during the week.
Miss Mary Mitchell of Oregon City
is home spending her vacation with
her mother, Mrs. P. J. Mitchell.
Mrs. Hanna Nelson of Kelso was a
Sandy visitor ast Tuesday.
Mrs. Armstrong and Herbert Arm
strong, mother and brother of Mrs.
John Mitchell were recent visitors at
the Mitchell home and the Strack fam
ily, Ed. Hein and Mrs. E. Coleman al
so had a fine time at the Mitchell home
while the Armstrongs were there.
couver lots for the property.
J. Scales drove up to Government
Camp Thursday with a load of pro
visions for the Pridemores.
The Jonsrud-Gunderson mill had to
shut down a couple of days last week
for repairs.
A valuable horse belonging to Henry
Aschoff fell into a thirty foot well Sun
day and it took ten men three hours
with a block and pulley to get the
horse out of it's unpleasant predica
ment . The horse while running step
ped on the rotten plank which covered
the old well. The horse was not hurt.
Ed iGesch is slashing for Dixon and
Howett who are already "cutting a
wide swath" in making the Loop work
"Haste makes waste" at the camp
Miss Plorfin rmwdpr Mot- f on Koenicke's place when the newly
Mrs. Harry .Nichols and a school friend constructed barn tumbled down be-
were week-end visitors at the Nichols c"186 01 nt beln& properiy oceu
home. The young ladies are both O.
A. C. students.
Mrs Alma Maronay spent a week in
Portand when she went down to at
tend the Senske-Stephan wedding and
was entertained at three dinners, be
side the wedding reception "Alma'
had a perfectly splendid time! Shp
also visited her great uncle. Sain
Bacon, recently. The Maybee family
who drove Mra. Maronay home from
E. Coleman helped Harry Nicols put
a new roof on his house during last
Such a feast of strawberries and"
cream has not been enjoyed in this sec
tion for several years. And the can
ning has been unusually heavy also,
and there are still some berries left.
Haying in thi ssection is about to
start in good earnest, though it will r.ot
be in full blast till after the Fourth.
the city spent a couple of days here 11 is hoPd the weather will be settled
during the week. hy that time.
Rev. Father Brunaee while return- The Gray garden of "green things
ing to oresham fro ma trip to Sandy the most advanced in town. Mrs.
a few days ago had the misfortune to Gray presented the correspondent with
run over the bank near Cottrell, the
car turning entirely over and lighting
on the top, which was demolished, but
the occupant was not injured in any
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnett and fam
ily drove to Parkplace Sunday to en-
a neaa 01 lettuce ana a neaa 01 cao-
bage last week.
George Beers had his front fence
painted white last week.
Fact is, the painting fever is really
here: The three buildings belonging
to the Lutheran congregation have
joy a family reunion at the home of been roofed and now are being paint-t-vc."
. o,i in t k ed which will make a wonderful im-
Harnett. There was a sr-endid din- provement on Main street. Work on
ner served to the 28 relatives present the addition to the parsonage is pro-
and a deightful time was enjoyed, es- greasing.
pecially in the afternoon when there
was music and other entertainment
Jack Barnett's. sister, Mrs R. Crumr,
and her seven children, who are recer.t
arrivals from Texas were present,
Mrs. Crump has come to Oregon to
spend the summer with relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Perret and little
Albert spent Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Eason and their guest who
is a former friend of Mrs. Perret.
Mrs. Harry Nichols wa3 "up town
the other day and said she "couldn't
be without the Enterprise!"
Edward Kupper and son John Kup
per of Aurora and daughter Mrs.
Ackorman and husband of Los
Angeles, stopped in Sandy while on
their way to Welches' Saturday and
called on the Junkers. The senior
Paul Dunn is painting Mrs Wilson's
house, which will look very "nifty'
since she has put the all 'round porch
to it and made other improvements.
Painting of the Methodist church
was started Monday. This building
will require tw-o coats ,and it will be
a great improvement to the looks of
The Mrs. Minnie Maronay place of
40 acres has been sold to E. E. Gradin
of Gresham for $6,000 The Young
Clackamas county Jersey Cattlfo
Club, Oregon, has been awarded the
Accomplishment Cun for the most
meritorious work done by a Jersey
club in the year 1920 The commit
tee, composed of Mr. M. D. Munn and
Mr. R M. Gow, president and secretary
of the A. J. club, to whom the .Terssy
Bulletin submitted the reports of the
various club secretaries, avvarded the
cup to the Clackamas club after a very
careful and thorough examination of
the reports, qualified by the onditions
specified by the editor of the Bulletin.
The cup accordingly will be sent to the
Clackamas County Jersey Cattle Club
Oregon, in care of its secretary, Mrs.
A. Malar, Jr. The report by Mrs
Malar as printed herewith tells of what
the club did. --
Clackamas county did not have
easy competition in the contest for
the first award of the cup. The South.
west Jersey Catte Breeders' Associ
ation's report by Mr. F. W. Atkeson
was a mighty close runner up. And the
exhibits in the reports of others de
serving special mention were from the
following clubs, with the name? of of
ficials who submitted the reports:
Lee County Jersey Cattle Club,
Miss., Dr. E. D. Foster, secretary.
Coos County Jersey Breeders' As
socation, Ore., G. E Hampton, sec
Tolland County Jersey Breeders,
Inc., Conn., A. H. Benton, treasurer,
Bartholomew County Jersey Cat
tle Club, Ind., H. S. Sims, secretary.
Multnomah County Jersey Cattle
Club, Ore., JvTellie MeKinley, secretary.
Medina County Jersey Cattle
Club, Ohio, Grant E. Tillotson, secre
tary. Michigan Jersey Cattle Club,
Mich., Alfred Hendrickson. secretary.
La Crosse County Jersey Breed
ers' Association, Wis., G. M Verge
ont, secretary.
Jersey Breeders' Association of
Noble county, Okla., Robt. W. Wil
son, secretary.
Texas Jersey Cattle Club, Texas,
Mrs. J. Riley Green, secretary.
Whatcom County Jersey Breed
ers' Association. Wash., R. I. Tanner
Grayson County Jersey Cattle
Club. Texas, G. T. McDonough, pres
Illinois Jersey Cattle Club, Carl
ton TrimbI.e secretary.
Because of the volumnous re
ports submitted, the award committee
had a considerable task on hand
of the Jersey cattle exhibited at each
meeting. -
An all day meeting has been held
every two months at the homes of dif
ferent Jersey breeders throughout the
county, and at each meeting the cattle
have been judged by members of the
club and by boys of the calf clubs of
the county Prof. Fittsi of Oregon Agri
cultural College, a noted judge of cat
tle, igave us a demonstration of judg
ing and placing.
The club stands strong for adver
tisements, and ever bears in mind this
FOR SALE Two motorcycles. Bar
gain. Call before noon. 823 Monroe
. We write all kinds of surety and in
demnity bonds in a strong company.
School clerks see us. Oregon City
Abstract Co.
D. C. Latourettb, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
The County Court of Clackamas
County will receive bids for fifty (50"
answer Complaint filed againsi you
in the above entitled suit within six
nords of nnmhppjmo sound old ernwth I weeks from the date Of th fii-jt k
version of an old adage. "Toot your wood to be delivered at the Court ication or to is summons, and if vou
own horn, for if you don't,1 nobody else j House in Oregon City, the delivery of fail to so appear or answer for want
will." And the Clackamas County I said wood as to quality tc be subject thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Jersey Cattle Club has adopted the fol-1 to the acceptance of the County Court Court for the relief demanded in his
lowing ways for "tooting.'' I and to be corded where the Janitor I Complaint, to-wit: A decree forever
(a) Farm Jersey efigns, 24 feet may direct. Delivery to be made on 1 dissolving the marriage contract exist-
square, galvanized iron, painted white. I or before Sept 15, 1921. 1 in between you and plaintiff.
with "Jerseys for Us," "Members ot Al bids must be filed with the Coun- I This Summons is served upon you
Clackamas County Jersey Cattle," let- ty Cierk on or before 5 o'clock, P. M..
tered in black. Followed by the July 20, 1921
owner s name.
(b) Clackamas County . Jersey Cat
tie Club pennants for use during the
"Jersey Jubilee" of 1920, and any other
appropriate time.
As a proof of the Jersey enthusi
asm of this county, let u3 state here
that six autos carrying members of
County Clerk
No. 19837.
In the Circuit Court of the State cl
Oregon, for the County of Cacka-
by the publication thereof, once each
week for six consecutive weeks in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation, printed and pub
lished at Oregon City in Clackamas
County, Oregon, the date of the first
publication thereof, being Friday, June
3, 1921, and the date of the last pub
lication thereof, being Friday, July
15, 1921, all done in accordance with
the club and bearing Clackamas Coun- Joseph J. Didier and Lonise Didier the order of the Honorable James U.
ty Jersey Cattle Club pennants, made I Woodward, formerly Louise Didier Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
the entire Oregon Jersey Jubilee trip I McDonald, Plaintiffs, I Court, which order was made and en-
in May, 1920 the largest representa- VSt I tered in this cause on the 28th day cf
tion from any county to take in the I m o. Feudner and Agnes C. Feudner. I May, 1921
entire trip.
(c) Report all meetings and 1m-1
portant doings of the club to local and
farm papers and especially to the Jer
sey Bulletin.
(d) Original' and appropriate Jer-1
sey songs.
Through the efforts an encourage
ment of the club a county Jersey herd
was exhibited at the "Pacific Interna
his wife, Fred J. Meindl and Lorena
Meindl, hia wife, R. M. Tilton, James
H. Ashley and Sarah Ida Ashley, his
wife, Defendants.
To M. O. Feudner and Agnes C. Feud
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of the Plaintiffs filed against
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
PostofHce address: 413 Masonic
Temple Building, Salem, Oregon.
tional Exposition at Portland in No-1 you in the above entitled suit within
vember 1920, and received the honors six weeks from the date of the first
of the "blue" in a class of six herds, publication of this summons, and if
There were 25 prizes won by cattle you fail to answer Plaintiff's com
exhibited from Clackamas county, by plaint, Plaintiffs will take judgment
the following named breeders, all of I against you and each of you for the re-
whom are club members: W. M. Dall, ijef demanded in their complaint, to-
Oswego; D. Brooks Hogan, Oswego; wit: for a decree foreclosing all your
R. B. Seely, Sherwood; N. H. Smith, right .title and interest in and to that
Oregon City; A. A. Sangler, Oregon certain property described in the mort-
City and A. Malar, Jr., Boring.
Of the 25 prizes,- there were two
firsts, two seconds, one third and
three fourth prizes.
gage given by you to Joseph J. Didier
and Louise Didier McDonald dated
the 2nd day of January, 1914, recorded
in Book 98, page 382 Records of Mort-
family will continue to live on the J Since these reports were submitted
place. George Beers made tbe dea.
ffffffffiml ,(,(,(,(,t9va?Tnayi(J bzgbzb
SANDY, June 27. The new school
board had it's first meetine Friday
Kupper took up the Sc&arnee place as ni&ht. chairman Gray presided.
a nomesteaa ana raised nis iamiiy
there and is naturally glad to look up
old reminicences again. The Acker-
mans came up from Caifornia for a
three month's vacation.
Miss Caroline Vaeretti went to Port
land to spend a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle called on the
Esson home Sunday. Mr .Hinkle is
superintendent of the service depart
ment of the P. R. L. & P. Co. The
Essons and Hinkles were friends of old
O. A. C. days.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Malar, Jr., will
entertain the next meeting of the C.
The union high school beard held a
meeting the latter part of the week
also and elected Miss Margaret Miller
of Portland as principal for the coin
ing year The assistant has not been
elected. Miss Miller taught in the
Arlington high the past two years
J. J. Judkin of Cottrell was the new
high school director voted in at the
annual elections in the five union
high districts. The terms are as fol
lows: Junker, five, Baumbaek, four,
J. G. DeSnazer tnree, W. uanger two
and J. J. Judkin one year The clerk
C. J. C. C. which will be held on July will De cuosen at tne next meeuug,
23. It will be an all day picnic affair July 5.
and everyone who is interested in I Miss Caroline Vaeretti nas decided
better stock, especially registered Jer-1 to accept the position as principal of
seys, is invited to attend. Program the Kelso school again next year. Miss
will be announced later. Vaeretti and Mrs. Baumbaek both
The Sandy Rebekah lodge elected gave excellent satisfaction last year
the following officers at their last Harry Mitchell is at Hood River
meeting: Noble Grand, Sadie Bosholm; working on the highway which is in
vice-grand, Alma Maronay: secretary, his line of study as he is studying to
Sylvester Hall; treasurer, Katie be an engineer. Ned is at Bull Run
Wolfe. Joint installation -will take
place with the -Odd Fellows on July
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud, daugh
ters Eunice and Dorothy and son, Phil
lip were in town Sunday afternoon vis
iting friends.
lake working on "'the works."
Alfred Meinig hustles around like
the worker he is doing whatever is
"needed the worst" among the many
activities of the Meinig establishment.
Miss Katherine Jean MacDonad, sis
ter of Mr3. A. L. Mattingly has been
Mrs. R. W. Bolton, of Auburn, Wash , visiting here a week. Miss MacDon
and children, are spending a couple
-. of weeks at the chown home. Mrs.
Bolton is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. R. A. Chown and daughter, Car
oline Chowti and James Bell went to
Maple Lane to attend the Pomona
grange on Wednesday with A. J. Mor
Pizzola and Boitano have three acres
of kale planted and it is starting fine.
Their grain looks well accept for a
"white rust" that is on much of the
grain around here. When the wind
blows a white "cloud" rises from the
Mrs. Carl Wendland spent part of
Sunday loking after "Auntie' Koch
who is ill. Mrs. Wendland and a
couple of neighbors, one with a "fid
dle," dropped into the Gus Dahrers
home for the evening.
Thingsi opened up in the tourist line
considerably last week, campers flock
ed up the mountains those nice days.
Carl Anderson brought -his brother
from Minnesota around this way last
week, while looking about to seek a
L. E. Hoffman was in Portland last
week buying a brand new cold storage
pant for his meat market which he
will install as soon as possible. Hoff
man will not attempt to make hi3 own
ice this season but may do so next
summer as. he has the equipment m
connection with his new plant. George
Perret is also installing! a fresh-air
water system for the market. Hoff
man is also painting all of his build
ings and has added greatly to the
looks of the town.
George Maronay went up -the moun
tains Monday to help Walter crayton
build summer homes at Rhododen
dren, but George expects to return to
help celebrate.
The Scharnkes are building a new
barn on their acreage in the west
part of the town.
L. M. Wilson, refreshment man, has j
a new awning' and seat, on his porch.
ad is an art instructor in the Girl's
Polytechnic, Portland.
Although happy at her Puyallup
home Miss Bess Barton does not for
get Sandy. Miss Barton writes she
has been "visitirlg around" since going
Miss Gertrude Meinig is busy help
ing in the Meinig store during her vacation.
Three Accidents
Reported Tuesday
A truck belonging to Hogg Brothers
was slightly damaged yesterday morn
ing when it was backed into by a
Falls Transfer truck driven by W
P. Criswell. The accident occurred at
4th and Main.
Chris G. Bluhm reported to the
sheriff yesterday that his 'truck
which he parked on Main street be
tween 7th and Sth Wednesday, was
run :nto while he was in a neighbor
ing store. Both outside fenders were
An accident yesterday morning at
11 o'clock on the Pacific HigTiway
was reported to the sheriff. A car be
longing to D. L. Rich, and driven by
Chester Rich, passed a maenme driv
en by an unidentified woman, crowd
ing it off of the road. Rich, in pass
ing ahead, about two and a half miles
south of here on the highway, just
touched the' rear of the machine with
his fender." The driver of the car
(ahead swerved, 'sending it off the
road as Rich passed. A four-months-old
baby in" the car was slightly hurt
by the jar.
In the probate court Wednesday
Julia RichJey was appointed adminis
tratrix of the e?tate of John Matthew
Aemiselglser, wOio died intestate here ' hugs, join the picnic dinners and enjoy
January 20. the programs and profit by the juding
some 01 iae coniesnng iuuus iuive ua.i
annual business meetings and elected
officers, but for the most part the of
ficers signing these reports were re
The Accomplishment Cup is to be
awarded annually, and the Clackamas
Jersey Cattle Club will retain It until
awarded in 1922 to the 1921 winner,
and so on indefinitely.
We apprehend that competition for
the cup in 1921 will be oven keener
than 1920, and this being the case wc-
will leel well satisfied with the results.
We wish to publicly express our
thanks to Mr. Mann and Mr. Gow for
acting in the capacity of judges of the
reports. It meant considerable labor
on their part.
Mrs. Malar's report of the Clacka
mas County Jersey cattle Club is as
To better enable the reader to un
derstand both the advantages and dis
advantages concurrent to the growth
of a county-wire organization, I wil!
here give a brief description of Clack
amas county as to size and topography.
It is approximately 43 ir.iles square,
with a total area of 1864 square miles
Some size in comparison to the Island
of Jersey! Some problem to carry on
a live, progresssive organization with
ts members scattered over so large" a
territory! And some distance to meet
ings over Oregon roads for the Jersey
men living in outlying districts.
The surface of Clackamas county
is very rolling; throughout the great
er part, and to the east it extends to
the summit of the Cascade mountains,
so naturally much of that section is
not tillable.
Therefore, considering the size
surface and roads of Clackamas county.
we feel that the members of our Jer
sey club have shown great enthusiasm
and accomplished a great deal during
the one year of tbe growth of the
Clackamas County Jersey cattle Club
And step by step we will endeavor to
show the progress made and the bene
fits derived by the work of the Clacka
mas County Jersey Cattle Club.
Through the efforts of Mr. R. G.
Scott, ex-county agricutural agent, a
meeting of Jersey beeders was called
at Oregon City in January, 1920, and
there and then the Clackamas County
Jersey Cattle Cub was born with a
charter membership of 20. Mr. N. H.
Smith, of Oregon city was elected
president of the club, and Mrs. A.
Malar of Boring, Ore., secratary-treas-urer.
The vice-president and directors
were Messrs. J. R. Cole, of Molalla. E.
O. Fisher and W. J. McCord cf Ore
gon City, jrespetively Neither, the
president nor the secretarv missed a
meeting during the year .and at the
annual meeting were reelected to serve
during the year 1921 .together with Mr.
W H. Kanna of Portland as vice pres
ident and Mr. J. Lienhart of Woodburn
and Mr. c- Hansen of Boring as dir
By almost unanimous vote the club
has accepted as members both man aud
wife who own one or more regitered
Jerseys, and parents of children who
belong to the boys' and girls' Jersey
calf club, and professional herdsmen
who care for registered Jerseys in
Clackamas county, or in adjoining
counties which have no Jersey clubs.
Althouigh only the above may become
voting members, it is expressly wished
that each and everyone who is inter
ested in better live stock be cordially j
invited and urged to attend the meet-
The two first prizes were won by gages of Clackamas County, Oregon,
(1) "County Herd," consisting of cat- and for judgment in the sum ot
tie from the herds of the above nam- ($1800 00 with interest at 7 per an-
ed exhibitors, and (2) "Le Conevella," num from January 2nd. 1919 .and for
a senior heifer calf owned by A, Malar, 5600.00 as Attorney fees together with
Jr. She was also in the state herd the costs and disbursements of this
that won first. I suit.
The two second prizes were won by I This summons is served upon you by
(1) "Western King's Delight," a ma-1 publication in accordance with the
ture cow, and (21 "Wonder Boy," a Ordcr of Publication by the Honorable
senior yearling bull, both owned by I J. U. Campbel, judge of the above nam-
Mr. N. H. Smith. ed court, made on the 2Sth day of June,
The third prize was won by 1921, decreeing the publication of sum-
Creampots Fortune," a 2-year-old bull, I mons for six successive weeks in the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Genevera Brown, Plaintiff,
Harry R Brown, Defendant,
To Harry R- Brown, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you nre hereby required to appear and
answer complaint filed against you in
the above entitled suit on or before
the 5th day of August, 1921, said date
being more than six weeks,, from the
date of the first publication of thi
summons, and if you fail to so appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in her
complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis
solving the marriage contract here
tofore and now existing between plain
tiff frndidefendanti; and giving tatad grant
ing plaintiff the' care and custody of
the minor children Norval L. Brown
and Donald K Brown and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem just and proper.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Hon. Harvey E Cross, Judge, made and
entered on the 22nd day of June, 1921,
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
William Hammond
Philip l Hammond
Attorneys-at-Law .
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-171
Phone 405 ' ,
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.
owned by Messrs. Ice & Spangler. "Oregon City Enterprise" newspaper ""T"" 'n.!! Z
onee a week for six successive weeks;
The three fourth prizes were won by I of general circulation in the county
(1) 'Vive Glow Senna Chief," junior of Clackamas State of Oregon, and
owned by Mr. W. M. Ladd, and (3) published in said County,
produce of dam ,two animals owned by First publication thereof to be made
Mr. A. Malar, Jr. on the 1st day of July; date ot last
During the year the membership publicaton thereon to be made on the
grew to number 49 active members, 12th day of August 1921. .
and at the annual meeting an amend- FAR RINGT ON & FARR1NGTON,
ment to the constitution was adopted, EMMONS & EMMONS
which automatically increased the H M. ISAACS,
membership to about 9o members, by . Attorneys for Plaintiffs
admitting: as votinig membeis the wives J Board of Trade Building, Portland,
the first publication thereof being on
the 24th day of June, 1921 and the last
publication thereof being on the 5tn
day of August, 1921.
Attorney for plaintiff,
Oregon City, Ore.
of paid-up members, without the pay
ment of additional memborship dues.
There are around 200 breeders of reg
istered Jerseys in this county, so we
have reasonable assurance that the
club will continue to grow.
The' Clackamas County Jersey Cat
tle Club was the first club in Ore-
By virtue of an execution dated the
11th day of June, 1921, and to me di
rected and issued in a certain action in
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon to formulate a resolution in favor gon for Clackamas County, where in the
of "a Jersey fieldman for Oregon." First State Bank of Milwaukie. a cor-
The said resolution was forwarded to I poration, was "plaintiff, and T. W. Sell
the A. J. C. Club ,and the Jersey wood and Bessie M. Sellwood were de-
breeders of this county have pledged I fendants, upon a judgment in favor
themselves for $1 per head for each I of said plaintiff and against said de
Jersey owned, fund to be used as a fendants for the sum of $200.00 with
starter in financing a "Jersey field-1 interest at 8 per cent per annum from
man for Oregon." I the 1st day of June, 1920, and 52o.0)
Our club has arranged to send an j attorneys' fees and costs and disburse-
official representative to each meet-1 ments taxed at $10.00, and the costs of
ing of the Oregon Jersey Cattle Club, and upon said execution, which exe
and also sent an official committee to cution commanded me to make sale of
meet, with the Jersey breeders of the the real property hereinafter described
Northwest at a meeting held in Port- which had been attached in the said
land on January 22, 1921. action; and by virtue of an execution,
During the year, spelndid talks were decree and order of sale issued out of
tffiven by such well known men as said court, in a suit wherein the said
Prof. Fitts and Prof. Fine of Oregon First State Bank of Milwaukie, a cor-
Agricultural College; Messrs W. M. poration, was plaintiff ,and the said
Ladd, C. D. Minton, M. S. Shrock and j T. W. Sellwood and Bessie M. Sell
O. M Plummer of Portland; D. Brooks wood were defendants, said execution
Hogan, of Oswego; N. H. Smith, Ore
gon City; b C Altman, Gresham, and
many others.
The subject, "Resolved, That it is
better to have a herd of Jerseys of
good type and fair production than a
herd of fair type and good production,"
was debated at the meeting on March
5, 1921. Jersey Bulletin.
Congress Asked to
Aid in Disarmament
WASH1JNUTUJN, June j!9. lit is
"wholly desirable to have the expres
sion of favorable opinion on the part
of congress relating to world disarm
ament, and it would seem to me ample
if it should be expressed in the broad
est oad most general terms," Presi
dent Harding wrote today to Repre
sentative Mondell of Wyoming, the
republican leader in the house.
"I am vast'y more concerned with
the favorable attitude of the congress
on this question than I am as to he
form of expressing tthat attitude," the
president added. 'You may be sure
that the executive will be ready to
give every consideration io such ex
pression as the members of the two
houses of congress find themselves
disposed to make."
In a raid on the residence of Dave
Hofmeister at Eagle Creok, Sheriff
Wilson and his deputies unearther
part ot what is believed to be a still,
and a small quantity of moonshine.
The search was conducted for several
hours with small result. No arrests
were made.
being likewise dated the 11th day of
June, 1921. and to me directed, and be
ing issued upon a judgment in favor
of said plaintiff and against said de
fendants for the sum of $o00.00 witn
interest at 8 per cent per annum from
the 19th day of October, 191S, and
50.00 attorney's fees and costs and
disbursements taxed at $20.00, and the
costs of and upon this writ the decree
in said ordering the sale of the here
inafter described real property covered
by the mortgage foreclosed in said
NOW THEREFORE by virtue of
said executions. Judgments, decree
and orders of sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said executions.
I will on Saturday, the 30th day o
July 1921 ,at lo o'clock a m. at tne
front door of the county court hou&e
in Oregon City, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, subject to redemption as pro
vided by law. Lots numbered fourteen
(14) and fifteen (15) in Slock num
beredone (1), Quir.cy Addition to Mil
waukie in Clackamas County, Oregon
to satisfy said executions, judgments
decree and orders of sale with interest,
costs and accrued costs.
Dated this First day of July, 1921.
Date of first publication July 1st.
Date of last publication July 29th,
Sheriff of Clackamas County.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Cacka
mas In the matter of the estate of Johan
Olsen, deceased.
Notice ds hereby gien that
the undesigned, Jens Olsen,
administrator of the estate of
Johan Olsen, deceased, has filed his
final account in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas, and that Tuesday the
2nd day of August 1921. at the hour
cf 10 A M., of said day, at the Court
House at Oregon City in said County
and State, has been appointed as the
time and place for the hearing of ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement thereof.
Address: Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication, June 24,
1921. s
l?ate of la&t publication July 22,
Farm Loans TJref erred
Beaver Bldg, Oregon City
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County. De
partment No. 2.
Phil L. Fahnlander, Plaintiff,
Helen S. Fahnlander, Defendant,
To Helen S. Fahnlander, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Deschutes.
Charles A. Harsh. Executor of the
Estate of George A. Harsh, deceased
instead of George A. Hash, Paintiff.
Minnie C. Low, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly lseuea
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled Court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 23rd day of May 1921, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court
on the 7th day of April, 1921, in favor
of Charles A. Harsh, Executor of the
Estate of George A. Harh deceased
instead of George A. Harsh, Plaintiff
and against Minnie C. Low, Defendant
for the sum of $S00.00, with interest
on $300 at the rate of 10 per cent, per
annum from the 24th day of March
1916, and on the further sum of $500
with interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent per annum from the 1st
day of July 1916, and the further sum
of $125.00 as attorney's fee, and the
further sum1 of $18.00 costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me out of the
personal property of said defendant
and if sufficient could not be found,
then out of the real property belong
ing to said defendant on and after the
date of said judgment to satisfy said
sums and also the costs upon this said
writ. Less $618.75 recovered May
23rd, 1921 on Execution.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's.
I did on the 14th day of June 1921 dub-
levy upon the following described real
property of said defendant, situate an,i
being in the County of Clackamas, and
State of Oregon, to-wit:
A parcel of ground described as be
ginning at a point which is south forty
five (45) degrees west eight hundred
sixty four (864) feet from the north
westerly corner of claim number fifty
(50), being the Donation Land Claim
of Fendal C. Cason in section seven
teen (17) Township two (2) South
Range two (2) east of the Willamette
Meridian; thence south forty five (45)
degrees west along the boundary line
of said claim fifty (50). four hundred
twenty three and 75-100 (423.75) feet
to a stone situate at' the southwest
corner of a tract of land purchased by
the grantors from the Gladstone Real
Estate Association; thence at right
angles in a southerly direction five
hundred, fourteen (514) feet; thence
at right angles in a northeasterly di
rection four hundred twenty-three and
75-100 (423.75) feet; thence at right
angles in a northerly direction five
hundred fourteen (514) feet to the
place of beginning, containing five (5)
acres more or less;
Also a tract described as follows tc
wit; Beginning at a point on. the quart
er section line four hundred, ninety
five (495) feet west of the northeast
corner of the northeast quarter of the
south east quarter (NE4 of SEJ,4) -f
Section thirty (30) Township two (2)
south range seven (7) east of the Wil
lamette Meridian; thence south par
allel with the East line of said sec
tion four hundred forty (440) feet;
thence at right angles west four hun
dred ninety five (495) feet; thence at
right angles north four hundred forty
(440) feet to the quarter seotionline;
thence on said quarter section line
east four hundred ninety five (495)
feet to the place of beginning, con
taining; five (5) acres. )
and I will, on Saturday, the 23rd day I
of July 1921, at the hour ?f 10 o'clock
A M., at the front door of the County
Court House in the City of Oregon
City, in said County and State, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption,
to the highest bidder, for U. S. gqld
coin, cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on
the date of said judgment or since had
in or to the above described real pro
perty or any part therof, to satisfy said
judgment order, decree .interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C- Hackett, "Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, June
24th, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore-
on for Clackamas County as admin
istrator of the estate of Samuel Erick-
son, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby .
required to present them to me at the
office of Abraham Nelson, 341 Court
House, Portland, Oregon, properly ver
ified as required by law, within six
months from the date hereof
Date of first publication July 1, 1921.
Date of last publication, July 29,
Administrator of the estate of Sam
uel Erickson, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, De
partment No.
Frank Glover, Plaintiff,
Ida Glover, Defendant.
To Ida Glover, the above named de"
In the name of the State of Ore
gon,, you are hereby requested to ap
pear and answer the Comnlaint fi'ed
against you in the above ei titled suit
within six weeks from tho. Jate of th
first publication of this Summons, and
if you fail to so appear or answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
in fcis Complaint, to-wit: A decree for
ever dissolving the marriage contract
existing between you an4 plaintiff.
This Summons is server upon vou
by the publication thereof ,once. each
week for six consecutive' weeks in t'je
Oregon city Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation nr-fnfp unci
published at Oregon City, in Clacka
mas County, Oregon; the date of the
iirst publication thereof, being Friday,
June 17th, 1921, and the date of tho
last publication thereof being Friday,
July 29th, all done in accordance
with the order of the Honorable
James IT. Campbell, Judge of tho
above entitled Court, which older was
made and entered in this cause on the
8th day of June 1921.
Attorneys for Pliantiff.
Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic
Tempi Building, Salem, Oregon,