Paee 6 WIIIMIIWIIIimtM JENNINGS L ODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent IMUHMMMMMlMIMMMMMMMMMMMMMfMMIMIMMHIMI Surprise Birthday Party Is Enjoyed JENNINGS LO)GE, June 30. 3eautiful in all Its details was the sur prise birthday dinner for Mrs. John Jennings' Thursday which was tender ed by Mrs. Spooner and Mrs. Madden. The honored one had been invited spend the day with Mrs Spooner. while Mrs. Madden prepared the din ner Many fowlers had been sent in from friends and Ithese were used about the rooms, sweet peas being artistically arranged on the table. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jennings, Mr. and Mra. Jerry Mad den, Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Spooner, Mrs. Zenger, Mr. Partlow and little Dorothy Spooner. In the evening Port land friends came to extend congratu lations and brought many pretty gifts. Among them were Mr. Zenger and Miss Zenger. Mr. and Mrs Tibbetts of Portland and Miss "Wilkins of Spo kane The evening was spent in sing ing and dancing. Church Officials Hold Business Meet Cars Provided for July Fourth Picnic JENNINGS LODGE,, June 30 Special cars will be chartered to carry the members of the Sunday schools of the Evangelical Association to their beautiful camp grove, where with their friends will picnic with their friends on July 4th. . There will be splendid music with games and contests and the usual good time is anticipated. This grove has been opened for Sun day School picnic's each Independence day for several years and many hun dred people attend and a3 17 schools wil be represented this year, there promises to be a good atendance. JENNINGS LODGE, June 30. The church officials held a business meeting at the school house on Tues- da vevening A. B. Smith was made treasure of the church building fund Those subscribing can make out their check3 payable to him. The old building will be moved back 10 feet, and moved around as far as the narrow lot would permit. Sand, gravel and lumber are on the grounds and E. R. Griffith the head building as pusbing the work as rapidly as pos sible. The building committee Rev. A. B. Snider, W. I. Blinestone and Dan Jones are giving much of their time. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Lodge Motorists on Trip to California j. JENNINGS LODGE, June 30. Combining- business and pleasure, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs and Miss Doro- T?iy will motor to Southern California where they will -spend a month. While in Los Angeles will be the guests of Mr .and Mrs. Geo A. Ostrom also former residents. On their return will T'-.'i at Oakland and spend some time r.t Crater ?,ake. The Jacobs family will leave on Monday June 27th. Other well known folks in our com munity going south are Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Boardma.i and children, former residents, but now located at Canby, who will leave on July 2nd fo ra two months vacation which will be spent at Los Angeles at the home of Mr?,. Boardman's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Robin st-n. They will be accompanied by Mr. Morris and wife .bookkeeper for the Portland Seed Co. The party will return about September l.t. River View Grove Scene of Picnic JENNINGS LODGE, June 30. About 10o attend the-Jennings Lodge Sunday Schoo picnic at the River View Grove on Friday. The day was an ideal one and many of the mothers at tended with the little ones. Ball games, races and contests was tho diversion of the afternoon and a generous treat of ice cream was enjoyed by all. Rev. .Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Blinstone, Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Kennedy great ly assisted Mr. Jones the superintend ent in making it a happy time for the youngsters. JENNINGS LODGE, June 30. Man) parties and families are plan ning on going to the mountains and seashore for over the week end. So many having a half holiday on Satur day, makes quite a vacation time and enabes many to hie to the coast on Saturday afternoon or to enjoy a two days camp beside a mountain stream. The busy house wife is in the midst of canning and many are beginning to make preparations to attend Chautau qua, hence very little has taken place in a social way. Wiley Traut motored to Eugene over the week end on a business trip. Miss Jennie Pratt of Rock Creak, Oregon, will spend part of her vaca tion with her aunt, Mrs. H. Smith. Mr .and Mrs. Jerry Madden, Mr. ana Mrs .Will Booth, Mr .and Mrs Shep perd and family enjoyed the outing given by tbe mail clerks at Crystal Lake Park on Sunday. Miss Delia Rush who has visited with her brother W. Rush departed on Monday for Pendleton, where she will teach in the Normal school. W. Rusi; is attending summer school in Tortland j and will teacb at Freewater the com ing term. Mrs. Zinns of .Astoria visited on Wednesday night and was a dinner guest of Mrs. Warren Swart. C. E. Pease and wife and Miss Pease motored to Newport Saturday return ing Monday. Miss Julia Rimkes of West Linn was The guest of winnifred Humphreys on Monday. Mrs. H. H. Emmons and Mrs. Edith Truscott motored to Gresham Tuesday, to srend the day with Mrs. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and chil dren attended a birthday dinner at t'ie home of Mrs. Sanders in Wood stock on Monday night. Mr and Mrs Wilson Miller and chil dren and Mrs. Lecna Gibbs motored out from Portland and spent Sunday at Stone Gables, the H. K. Emmons home Mrs. Ella Spooner visited her son. Langdon M .Spooner on Sunday. She , is very much improved in health. j Mr and Mrs. c'aire Maple and Mr and Mrs. J. C. Ekins enjoyed a trip up the Columbia River on the Blue bird and partook of a picnic dinner at Multnomah Falls. Mrs. Mary Kitchen departed Friday for her old home in Maine, after spend ing three years with her daughter. ing his vacation with his uncle, W H Tillman. The Tacoma visitor spent Wednesday at Hillsboro. Mrs. Hull is paying a short visit to bre mother in Salem and will go to Monmouth to attend jummer school. A large family gathering is being planned to be held at "Maple Hurst"' the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. c Maple on July 4th. Tables are arranged lor 50 of the relatives on both sides of lire, family. A program of stuntsj swimming ana canoeing and boat rid Ing with fireworks in the evening, After the picnic dinner a short pro gram has been arranged, which will roun dout a full day of pleasure for old and young. C. L. Smith is having an extra sleep ing room added to their attractive home. Frank Covert being the builder. OSWEGO NEWS I Mrs. Cora Bulock "'(((lIMIllUltllllflllltlltlllUllmuilltMIIIIltMllllltllltA Oswego School Selects Teachers OSWEGO, June 27. At the annual meeting of the school direct No 47 the following directors and teacheis were elected: T. R. Clinefelter was reelected to serve a term of three years. John Bickner was elected clerk Miss. Mary Bicker was reelected as principal of the school, Mrs Gorseline the 5th and 6th grade, Miss Irma Vose, 2nd; Mrs. Ewing, lstigrade; Miss Pet tinger, 3rd ianfl, 4th; Mr. Rodgers, manuel training; Miss Faith, domestic science; Miss Cohen, singing teacher, landing places. mother, Mrs. Sarah Prosser, has re turned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates ami daughter Gladys, also George Enrich of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Worthington motored up the highway as far as Eagle Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Worthington and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthington were the guests of Mrs. Alice Worth ington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Lojnz sid children spent Sunday with relatives in Oak Grove. Robert Henderson of Portland was in Oswego on business last week. Edwin Erickson who is employed by the Southeran Pacific and has been away from home is now located at Oswego for a while agaiD. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf of Mulino and children were Osweg'j guests at Mrs. Edna Larsons over Sun day. Plans are being made for the im mediate construction of new dam at the outlet of Oswego Lake. This Oam will furnish power for the Os wego Light Power & Co.' The dam will be a vast improvement over Hie present structure and will be of con crete . The engineer's estimate of ma terial contents over 2000 barrels of cement. This structure to-igether with the new concrete bridge on the state highway which will be opened for traffic in the very near future ma terially change the looks of Osrwego i Lake. Thisi Lake wil then offer addi tional inducements to people who wish to spend the week end in one of Ore gon's scenic places A sea-plane was trying out landing on Oswego Lake Monday. The pilots will make this one of their regular This plane attracted SANDY DEPARTMENT r.- MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Sandy Is Rarin' to Go on July Fourth SANDY, June 29. Let everyone catch the spirit of Freedom and turn out to do honor' to our own community and our own Nation on July 4! Be ready to hear the program by 10:30 A. M., ia the wonderful Meinig grove. There will be firecrackers, the store windows are full of them, but there will be other things also. The great day was not instituted for a "hulla-ba-loc" time alson, but the most sacred thing of life is tied up in one wore, Services Held for Mrs. William Caldo SANDY, June 27. The funeral serv ices ot Mrs. wm. caldo of Cottrell were held at Pleasant Honp todav Rev. Earl Cotton officiating. The inter ment was at Mt Scott cemetery. Two weeks ago Mrs. Caldo took ill with ptomaine poisoning caused from eating strawberries .and, under the doctor'a care improved but a week later was stricken with paralysis from which, she did not rally, remaining un conscious foj- a week before she died, SANDY PLAYS SPRINGDALE Mrs. A. Waldorf has left for a two months' stay in Wisconsin where she expects to visit relatives in different parts of the State. Little Vivian Clinefelter has been ill for the past two weeks she seems to be some better at the present time. The members of the Oswego Hydro- Electric Club met at the city hall Thursday evening. The main topic of the evening was the celebration of July 4th which will be held at the ten nis court and park of the Oswego Port land cement plant, with the officers much attention from the campers on the lake. Misses Leona Campbell and Violet Buckley of Kerry, Oregon, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock have returned home after an extended visit with friends and rela tives in and near Oswego. Work is being rushed on the Elk P.ock tunnel in orde rto complete th-.i same before winter. This will elimin ate ihe dangerous trestle before the bad weather sets in The steamer T. J Potter one of the lamous boats of the old steamboat Liberty! Every one in this section Dr. Williams of Sandy and Dr. Hughes should come an dlisten to the splendid of Gresham held consultation but noth- orators, Judge Campbell, Spanish war ing could be done. veteran, who ia a magnificant speaker, Mrs. Caldo was 59 years of age and and another wonderful treat will b .iad lived at Cottrell for 9 years She the address by Rev. Wm. R. Reece of left beside her husband, J. A Caldo Portland who is a man that under- and Mrs. A. Radford. stands the vital things of life and is a charming speaker. John Revenue who has Deen identi fied with the interests of this place for SANDY, June 27. Sandy baseball forty years wil preside in the morn- boys have arranged to play Springdale ing program. on the afternoon of July 4 and the game will no doubt be an exciting one. pci f Ante I The big baseball game Sunday at I vtfc viv(,uu vilj Wits wcm. uy VlQlt SfinHv Hnllcci aCrus 31 to 6 assist Sandy. There vi&n oanuy j- uxjiere ten drlven from gandy to I see the game but with all the yelling of the Sandy fans the game was lost, SANDY, June 27. Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Bachelder. former residents of Sandy, who have many friends here, were in town Sunday calling on Mayor Junker's family and othed friends. The Bachelders had just returned from a TRAVEL IS LIGHT an demployes as hosts. The guests cf (ayg -s being use(t tQ honse the em World War Veteran Visits In Lodse JENNINGS LODGE, June 30. H. C. Pell, who is' known by many as being one of a family of 18 sons, who saw active service in France during the late war, was a caller at Jennings Lodge on Thursday He reports all of the brothers returned safely but the 13th one of the family, who will be ai invalid for life. The Pell family are residents of Portland and H. C. Pell is working his way through college. MILLER BUYS PROFERTY JENNINGS LODGE. June C. W. Miller, who purchased the Mc Mouigal place a year ago, has purchas ed a tract on Hull Ave. from F. B. Madison on the Bill Jennings home stead. Mr. Miller will erect a modern bun galow, which he will occupy as soon as completed. Mrs. Carl Smith. Mrs. Kitchen will be accompanied by friends from Port land to Chicago and a son will meet her in Boston. Mrs. Arthur Smith attended a stork party at the home of Dr. I'.atchley Friday of last week - Tho affair was giien by Mrs. Sanders for Mrs Batch ley all being residents of the Wood stock district. Mr. and Mrs. Spever and two little daughters of Everett. Wash., enjoyed a night's repose in the Shady Nook camr. grove journeying on to bania Cruz, Cal., on Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Benjamin and little son Herbert, who have visited Mrs. Z. Kessi, have gone to Forest Grove to spend the summer with Mr. Benja min's parents. The Benjamins are residents of Umatilla where re teaches" school ,and was re-elected to fill the position this fall. Miss Winnifred Humphreys and Jack .attended a birthday party on Thursday for Miss Margaret Jones of West Linn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burco attended a family gathering at Magoones Park on Sunday. The trip up the river was made in the Swan. A picnic dinner was very much enjoyed. Mrs. A. F. Russell and sor. Lester returned on Tuesday morning from a two weeks' visit with relatives in 30. i Walla Walla and Colfax, Wash Miss Eva Glass is spending1 ber va cation with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Smith. Mrt and Mrs George Maple have given up their apartment in Portland an dare returning to their borne here for rhe summer. Alton Tillman of Tacoma ia enjoy- the company will be confined to rest dents of Oswego, Lake Grove and other points on the shores of Oswego Lake. Plans for a municipal celebra tion on the Fourth coincident with the opening of the concrete highway to Portland were called off as the dis trict did not believe it was iossible to put on an entertainment commensur ate with the crowds that would come. The club adjourned until fall, unless for some reason a special meeting should be required .for jvhich Presi dent D. B. Vincent of Good win, was en powered to call one. There was much excitement created among the Oswego people Wednesday when a hydroplane sailed around our town and dropped into the Osweso fake in front of McClean's camp. Several friends of Mrs Ethel Simel ton were her guests the week end Mrs. Lewis E. Smith was a much surprised woman one evening this week when her mother, Mrs. B. N Bunch of Medford, walked in at din ner time unheralded Justice Henry L Benson of the Ore gon supreme court is the guest of Mr and Mrs. C. M. Hyskell at Rock Lawn Judge Benson has been quite ill, but now is improving steadily, although very slowly. His physicians counts upon the complete restoration of his health, but have compelled him to take a rest for an indefinite period William H. Davis and wife, also Victor Wolff spent Friday at the bome of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis. Mrs. Leonard Halliman. who has been visiting her mother at Rockaway, stopped over with relatives in Oswe go while on ber way to her home in Redland. I Mr. and at rs. V. Nelson were nro- sented with an 8 pound baby daugh ter on Wednesday morning. Mother and daughter are doing nicely and re p'.ovee who are doing the rock ev eavation work Vernon Centers has left fcr Ken tucky as he received news of the ser ious illness of his father. Social Service Club Holds Last Meeting OAK GROVE, June 27. The Social Service Club held the last meeting of the season recently at home of Mrs. E. C. Youngs at Risley. The club it- planning on fencing their property at Rupert Station and during tbe sum mer will have plans and estimates for heir club house. John Oiler and family have gone to Salem to reisde. C W. Jenkins and J. R. Fagerstrom on Third avenue have had their homes refreshed with coat of paint. L H. Graham who sprained his .back two weeks ago is still in very bad con dition. The concert by Professor Emil Enna while only a small audience was pres ent was appreciated and enjoyed. Popular songs and musical selections and readings composed the program. O. W. Barnett has gone to Seaside to erect houses for the summer sea son. Mrs. R. E. Webb and Mrs. H. C. Krum were hostesses at home of Mrs. R. E." Webb at a shower for Banche E. Strong, who will be married this fall. He rplace on the corp of teachers has been taken by Miss E. Ehristensen f Portland. At a mass meeting held in tho school house Wednesday night it was decided to join with Milwaukie and other districts in employing an at torney to represent our case in the toll question as the Portland attorney SANDY, June 28. There was not as much travel up the mountains over motor trm through California where the week end as usual as the mere an hey visited their daughter, Mrs. """"uuent ium. wuric was oeginning Gladvs McDonald and busbar.d, also on "e sv me people the. m- other relatives Mrs. C. C. Haney of pression that there would be detouring Sacramento (Mrs. Haney is also well necessary at once. At present the known here! and her dauEhter. Mrs. bearing and construction work is Hazel Radcliffe and little daughter of along new lines that were surveyed. Portland were also in the Bart v. 1Iie pu""c wui De nouned Derore de Dr. Bachelder, ho was a popular tours are necessary. physician here four years ago is now ant with a picnic at the home of Mrs. Gentry last week. - At the Orient Grange meeting Sat urday, Mrs. Ball, the lecturer, called . on al! present to take part in some way, presuming that each cne had a talent! No doubt all had. but a num ber preferred to pay a fine rather "than take a. chance at it." Rev. A. J Ware of Oregon City gave a fine ad dress on "The Use of Talents," urging the farmer to stand up for himself and use bis own talents. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers spent Sunday evening at the Elliott home. Mrsw Wm. Miller (Olga Gunderson) has been home a few weeks from tho hospital but has not yet found a name nice enough for her new baby daugh ter. Mrs. Emma Thomas of Aschoffs' has gone to Portand where she will remain a couple of weeks. Aschoffs' ocated at Tacoma and is assistant sur geon for the N P. R. R- fo there is small hope of his friends of coaxing him back here! Mrs. Radcliffe will drive her mother, Mrs Haney, bac kto Sacramento this week. SANDY LOCALS are having a verv irnnd run of tourists considering it is the early part of the season. Mrs. Katie Koch has been ill in bed for about a week and is still feeling miserably. Miss Mary Junker has been ministering to her aunt much of the time. Clark Corey, up the Cherryville way. is m poor health though not entirely confined to his bed. Mr. Corey is. the father of Glenn and Lloyd Corey. wenry Koch is out home from the open air sanitarium and is looking fine. jvir. and Mrs John Revenue and son Homer Revenue and baby boy were Sandy callers last Sunday P. m The Revenues had been visiting at Da mascus and drove home via Sandy ridge and' Sandy. C. Meinsinger was in town a few days ago, and said his daughter Edna and baby will soon be out to the ranch. The Bachelders had many nice things to say about Sandy when here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Boitano and lit tle ones went to Portland for a vis it of a few days duration. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koenicke and Miss Marie Koenicke took a drive down to Sandy to attend church Sun day night. Mr and Mrs. C. D Purcel are enter- aimng their father, Mr. W. Toltz for a week. . Rev. F. Dobberful preacted at Twi ! light last Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Becker, who have Deen m rortiana several years are c-eiving their friends at St. Vincent will not take up that phase of the ques- Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 2136S John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland hospital, Portland. Miss Lauretta Sneehan. teacher ot the primary grade cf Oswego grammar school and former guardian of the Campfire Girls, left for Portland and the ocast at the end of the school year. Misses Myrtle Robbins and Helen Bartlett- of Portland spent the week end in Oswego as the house guest of Miss Delia Davis. Guy Raven station agent at Oswego has been ill for several days and is confined to his home. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. .Charles Bickner on Thursday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served. W. G. Weightman and daughter, Mar. jorie. spent several days in Albany dur. ing tbe week. A large party of Oswegoians enjoy ed tbe moonlight excursion on the Bluebird Friday evening given by the Minnesota society. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fulton were din ner hosts Tuesday evening honoring Edward Mathews of New York and tbe Orient and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Levy, formerly of Salt Lake City . The Oswego Woman's Club held tbe last meeting of the season out in the Grove at the foot of the Lake Wednes day. A fine basket lunch was served on long tables under tbe trees. The busienss o fthe day consisted of reelec tion of Mrs. G- Howard Pettinger as president of the club and a discusr sion and partial outline of the pro gram to be carried on next season. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles of Canby and' Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Bullock motored to Monmouth Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bullock who was once resi dents of Oswego and who is now work ing at the State Normal at Monmouth. The laying of the cement on the Pa cific highway is rapidly progressing under the supervision of F. T. Young, resident engineer of the Stj-te highway commission ofthe Scandia Ship build ing company contractor laid 720 feet in one day . This is a record day's work in concrete laying In the Pacific Northwest it Is declared. Mrs. Frank Dave of San Francisco, wbo has been in Oswego visiting her tion at the rehearing. Mrs. E. R. Ostrom transacted busi ness in Portland Saturday. Misses F. Kilgore and E. Cook were Portland visitors Saturday. Mrs. F. A. Smith has a severe case of poison oak. Mrs. J. B. Evans was transacting business in Oregon City Friday. She ha scomposed several ongs which are on sale at the music stores. The latest patriotic song is "Oregon." Mrs. John Waldron and children have gone to S. Dakota to visit rela tives. The Needlecraf Club met last Tues day with Mrs. F. A. Smitb a pleasant afternoon was spent the hostess serv ing ice cream and cake. The club will not meet on July 5 on account of it following so close to the fourth but wil meet July 19. Grandpa Waldron has gone to Salem to visit a daughter. Geo. M. Scott of Graton, Caif., visit ed his sister. Mrs. Lewis Reese of Courtney last week. Mrs. F. L. Goulett of Eagle Creek is a guest of Mrs. A Jamault. P. Swanson is convalescing nicely in the Oregon City hospital since his op eration for appendicitis two weeks ago News Items From Macksburg Section SANDY, June 2C. The Sandy P T. A met at the home of Mr. find Mrs. J Scales last night, wth EJna Essou, the retiring president, in the chair, Pans were discussed for raisin.-; money to ad dto the play-ground equipment fund but no definite action was taken The new president, Mrs Alice Scales and the other officers were installed. Marguerite Dittert vice-prcsilcnt, Mrs Esson, treasurer and Mrs. Vera Smith secretary Among the visitors present were Miss Katherine MacDonald, of the Girl's Polytechnic school, who is an art instructor, and Mary Jane Collier. also of Portland, was present, and ten '"fathers" were there! The rew pres ident appointed committees on enter tainment, refershments, reception, membership, decoration and publicity. Refreshments were served and every one had a very pelasant ew-nmg at this "homey" affair. Several dollars were taken in from a silver offering and membership dues The next meeting will be held in tha city ball the last Friday night in July. SANDY, June 27. Mr. and Mrs. H. i S. Eddy and daughter entertained Rev. Ear Cotton and his sister, Miss Irene ' going to move back to their place on Cotton of Salem at dinner Sunday eve- the Bluff road, near Baumbacks. Mr. ning. Miss Cotton spent a week with j Docker has been steward it Concordia ber brother at Pleasant Home and j College, an instiution of the Lutheran the twain of them were much enter church, since he left his ranch, tained during her stay. I Miss Bertha Hoffman, L. E. Hoff- Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Puree!! had the j man, George Perret and Mrs. Miller pleasure of their relatives, the Shoe-1 made fying trips to Portland during makers, spending the week-end again the week. with them. Mr. and Mrs. Winkler, John Meyer, Mrs. R. Kaiser and Mrs. Imhottz were recent callers at the Pizzola-Boitano home. This party also called cn Mr. and Mrs. Max Woenche. Mrs. Harry Nichols recenty returned . The Lilly family are still away, Mrs. Lilly and Mabel are having a vacation with relativest 1 T. ... . 1 . ,-. 1. 1 .-. -..11 that he is helping farm his father-in-law's place in Arkansas, but is home sick to see old Oregon agin. rom a week s visit at Portland and i Naturally, folks around here can- Newberg. Mrs. -Nichols visited a sis- j not help being proud that Clackamas ter, Mrs. U. S. Brayant at Newberg. County won the Accomplishment Cup Mr. and Mrs. Dave Douglas wera offered by the Jersey Bulletin for "tiie Sbrock Addresses Dairymen League Four Year-old Lad Scalds Leg and Hip Clifford Walstrom, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walstrom. 3 E. Division street, was badly scaldei this morning. The lad "ws playing around a washing machine, and pulled the plug from the container. His hip and leg were scalded by the hot water, taking the flesh. His in juries, however, are not serious. TRAFFIC VIOLATOR ARRESTED R. Bailey of Portland, was arrested Wednesday by Constable Ed. Fortune upon a warrant charging him with failing to give way properly upon the highway. . He was released on $50 bail to appea rin the justice court I Friday. SANDY, June 27. M. S. Shrock ad dressed the local Dairymen's League here recently which was attended by 50 Deonle. meetinsr m Junker s res taurant. Mr. Schrock is strong for or ganization, and referred to the league as being practically the pioneer move ment for substantial co-operative ef fort in Oregon. Mr. Shrock attended the organization of the Oregon Co operative Council at the O- A. C. last week and explained there are fifteen heads in all in this new body which is composed of experienced workers in the leading co-operative societies of the state, and that they will be able to point out the failures of the past and head off their repetition. The unit-cost accounting system has recently been introduced into the League management which is cutting the cost of handling the products de cidely .according to Shrock. A strong appeal was maae to boost the consumption of cheese in evry lo cality fiigures being given to stow its value as a food. Dwyer Railroad May Extend Twelve Miles SANDY. June 27. There is strong talk of .the Dwyer railroad being ex tended twelve miles from it's present ending at the Wilcox p!ace on Deep Creek into the Three Six timber belt. Mr. Dwyer was on Sandy-iidgo a few days ago inquiring about rigbts-of-wiy and it is generaly conceded that farm ers will give them readily. Dvvyer talks of electrifying this extension and put- ting on a one man electric service for passengers. Three routes are under consideration and the shortest and ehear-eet will be chosen. Dwyer s en gineer and foreman looked over a por tion of the route also. If it can pos sibly be managed this road will be built soon which wll open a fine mar ket for wood and other products. down from the Cherryville way on Sat urday and report things "stirring" up there. Mr and Mrs. Eddy entertained the newcomers ,the F. H. Lake family for luncheon while they were getting set tled. Chas. F. Barber was out for several days during the week working at his acreage. He is getting lots of delphin iums started and will soon devote his time exclusively to their culture. The Strong family of Portland are at their summer home for the season. Elijah Coleman and family will move to the Meinsinger place July 1 where Mr. Coleman expects to take charge of the Meinsinger farm f6r a year. The Colemans had already start ed to build a summer house on their acreage here but suddenly changed their plans. Rev. Cotton and his sister, Miss Irene Cotton sang a duet, "Glory and Praise" Sunday night at the church service . Rev. cotton will hereafter preach on the second and fourth Sun day evenings ,last Sunday evening be ing the first service on the changed schedule . Mrs. George Perret was or ganist and Miss Lulu Eddy decorated the church. The Girls reserve of Pleasant Home gave a weinie roast for the Girls' Re the Baptist church ast Sunday. The Pleasant Home "Comrades" gave a weinie roast fo rthe Girls' Re serves at a picnic recently and the boys did well as hosts. The Methodist Ladies' Aid of Pleas- most meritorious work done by any club in 1920," and also that Sandy's new principal of the grade school, Mrs. Anton Malar, Jr., is the county secre tary of the C. C. J. C. c- and will hold the Cup for the county till it igoes tc another winner. Mrs. Malar takes no credit to herself, whatever, but all who know her knows she works hard at anything she undertakes and there is no doubt she makes a good secre tary. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aschoff, Dorothy and Mrs. R. Ditert and Heinie were all Gresham visitors recently. Miss Mary Scharnke went visiting one day during the week io the home of the Hein family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Coleman and little daughter had a trip to Portland a few days ago. Mrs Frank Morrison and daughter who live near Es'tacada wore visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Dockery .parents of Mrs Morrison for a week. The F. H. Lake family have moved into the the Hoffman house recently vacated by the Scott family. Mr. Lake is a painter by trade. (Continued on page 7) MYERS BROS. PLUMBERS Repair Work A Specialty Prices Right Res. Phone 574 Front St. Office Phone 293 Oswego.Ore. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BIG FREE I 73 L : J ICNI July 2-3-4 NEW OAK GROVE BRIDGE UNSAFE SANDY, June 27. Tbe Pizzola bridge on Sandyridge is sai 1 to be un safe and many people lake the Bom stedt road and igo the "way round" rather than chance a thirty-toot plunge. The county builder is too busy to make the repair now, though the tim bers are' oti the ground II not fixed before winter the residents fear less 77 acres free picnic grove and 34 mile of finest bathing beach jf 1 on the river. J Big New Dance Pavillion g I and Nye's Melody Orchestra j 1 LUNCHES FIREWORKS CAMP SUPPLIES Take Oregon City Car illl!llilIiI!iIIl!II!iIlIilII!!IIIII!!!IIlI!IIllII!!III!lIlI!IIII!!Ii!III!I!n I of their mail route.